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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 928 KB, 1120x700, 94222315_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77654508 No.77654508 [Reply] [Original]

So it's safe to assume Cover will announce EN4 at the end of the World Tour like they did with Advent, and I am certain this new gen will have European chuubas.
Big european indies and others girls from smaller corpos graduated recently and they most likely got into Holo.

>BasedaPoya (speaks German)
>That V4 Mirai girl, Abi Kadabura (speaks Portuguese), said she got a "golden opportunity" she couldn't refuse.
>Yuniiho (speaks Italian), established artist on Ina's level and also lived in Japan for a while.

These three girls can cover a big part of a potential European audience. Then, they'll add two US girls, and there you have it, your new shiny EN Gen.

>> No.77654541

Fuck autocorrect, I mean

>> No.77654585

Anybody who's "active" right now is automatically out if they're to announce EN4 at the concert.

>> No.77654660

I don't think anyone that recently graduated counts. Must have disappeared months ago.

>> No.77654709

lel get filtered newfaggot

>> No.77655121
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>> No.77655154

I'm having doubts on whether EN4 is coming.
I checked this list
which probably doesn't include everyone that graduated but still I don't see potential

>> No.77655357
File: 74 KB, 477x462, 1650336361293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you think EN4 would be an EU branch announced after a World Tour that skips the EU?

>> No.77655425
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>EU not even registering on their reports
Sure they will, buddy.

>> No.77655444

Really hope Yuni made it in, but who knows really

>> No.77655450

Why do we need en4?

>> No.77655484

Reality: holostars ID

>> No.77655507

We don't need EN4 right now. Everyone's back. Everyone's streaming. Focus on growing the girls we have.
I wouldn't mind mint though

>> No.77655560

I want to believe brother

>> No.77655595


>> No.77655677

Abi went to Comedy
The best chance at getting a killer EU talent went to PixelLink instead (Kanna Yanagi)
You're delusional if you think EN4 is happening anytime soon after Cover told their shareholders they will not add more talent but instead focus on expanding the reach of the existing IPs they have

>> No.77655774

>after they literally announced they're gonna focus on pushing existing talents rather than recruiting new ones now
>when EN was ALREADY gaining new gens at snail's pace
Advent has boosted the EN branch hard, they're gonna wait until stagnation sets in again, then they're gonna wait even more until people start seething about the lack of EN4, then they're gonna wait some more still, THEN they'll announce it. Second half of 2025 at the earliest.

Speaking of EU chuubas, it's criminal that Nina Saotome isn't trying to get into Holo.

>> No.77655882

didnt cover said they will release new gen for jp and overseas this year?

>> No.77655904
File: 1.01 MB, 1408x792, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like these two retards didn't fucking read the statement. They literally say on the same document that they're gonna debut several new units (page 26) and Cover uses the word "units" to refer to gens and not groups of already existing talent.

>> No.77655969

Sorry anon, that will be in 2025 because we all know Hololive have an one year on job training before debut.

>> No.77656004

I'd expect them to more refer to regloss or ID than EN

>> No.77656036

I STILL don't know what the point of DEV_IS is...

>> No.77656048

Anon your Stupid and a Nigger.

The fact they announced Breaking Dimensions now and potentially tease EN4 by the end means the talents for EN4 is already selected and is now undergone training.

Use your head anon, after they release EN4 and the rest of the branches who haven't gotten new talents yet this year means after that that's when they will freeze hiring and debuting anymore talents as to them they have enough balance between Talent numbers and staff to manage them. This means all that's gonna happen is weok them to the bone and milk them to what they are worth.

>> No.77656085

All three of them (and unfortunately the EN homos as well) had open auditions call, with ID still having a fourth gen to debut since February of last year. EN will more than likely get a fourth gen someday, might be at the end of this year or start of 2025, but we're absolutely not gonna have the same near two year gap that happened between Council and Advent.

>> No.77656105


The talents that are coming out this year are already set in stone, what Cover said in the Q&A for Investors is for next year or after the new talents debuted.

>> No.77656152

Wouldn't they freeze or close the auditions if they planned on not hiring anyone new?

>> No.77656197

>world tour
isn't it just a couple shows in 1 location

>> No.77656246


The reason why Hololive did not debut EN and JP talent in 2022 is because they are working on getting Public in the japanese stock exchange.

If the Investors see that the trend for Sub count for EN and JP going down when they present themselves the investors may have not approved them. They still would but Cover is smart enough not to take Risks.

With that our of the way they can Debut as many talents as they like but Cover is again smart enough to gather the staff and resources first

>> No.77656313

>1 location
Two cities in the US and I think three in SEA.

>> No.77656360

Yeah, yeah, and debuting 12 failures in less than a year sure was part of this plan as well.

>> No.77656383

Hey Hololive is the money maker. Holostars is the passion project.

>> No.77656612
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Eyes on Naki Kamizuki. Prism Agent who inexplicably decided to go on an indefinite Hiatus after the company dissolved and gave all their models to the talents. She is still semi-active on Twitter but has been silent everywhere else.

>> No.77656658

Go back

>> No.77656666
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One day you will kneel

>> No.77656841

you're kidding me
No fucking way she'd get in... right?
She's about as big as like half of hololive put together. Does she even stream?

>> No.77656908

Holo store doesn't even officially ship to EU. They don't have the data.

>> No.77657193

never gonna happen
Cover literally hates EU

>> No.77657217

She's joining Nijisanji

>> No.77657293





>> No.77657302

The EU market isn't great for Vtubing because people there don't spend much money on it.

EN4, likely coming in 2025, will likely include more girls streaming during the hours of the tiger economies. Think the same streaming hours as IRyS who is usually streaming alone after certain time.

>> No.77657321

Wtf is a tiger economy

>> No.77657777

>So it's safe to assume Cover will announce EN4 at the end of the World Tour like they did with Advent
That's not safe to assume at all
If they follow the Advent pattern they will announce EN4 in 2025

>> No.77658016

>No fucking way she'd get in... right?
She's losing popularity for the market she's in is getting saturated and most of her fans are 18+ these days. If she ever asked, they'd hire her immediately. There's always a period before debut where they learn everything that's needed so streaming won't be an issue. Numbers aside, she's a hardworking and talented woman and a genuine top-tier EN hag.

>> No.77658296

Early next year maybe

>> No.77658310

Don't hurt Nina like that.

>> No.77658349


>> No.77658761


>> No.77658846

What about Shiki ? She was pretty good in her own way

>> No.77658923

You think that's how market analysis is done? Every company needs to invest into an entire production and distribution system for the market before they can know if there is interest there? No, they have a million ways to test the worth of EU and every test came up short.

>> No.77659142

It would be funny if they hired a EU group, they realized their only collab partner is Kiara, and they all just stream US times

>> No.77659198

Yuniiho, a famous artist who recently retired from the indie scene. She streamed almost nonstop for over 4 years and is a veteran. She started VTubing before it became popular. She has a somewhat strong accent, and I'm not sure if COVER would want such heavy accents.

BasedPoya is a given.

An anime VA, probably some small indie VTuber.

>> No.77659496

Europe is the largest market for Japanese media outside of Japan itself, has the two largest Japan-focused conventions, and euro primetime has the highest stream viewership on Twitch both overall and in English specifically, so there is very obviously a market for English streamers that appeal to weebs anon.
That said, Cover obviously have some uniquely weird problem with the region and I have no idea how they're supposed to overcome that after this long. Most of the prospective audience either stopped caring years ago or actively resents them over how they've been treated.

>> No.77659910

Shiki would be nice. Another Southern girl thrown in the mix and she's got a great voice. Problem is she's still very much active and invested in Prism's Post-death group Pulse or whatever it's called.
Also, she's a male collaber.

>> No.77659950

So an Italian and a German. I wouldn't complain about it, the biggest problems EN faces right now is how crowded PST prime time is and it would be smart from Cover's part to debut more Euro members together with the expansion of their store to the region.

>> No.77659990

Abi is a Brazilian based in the US you catalogshitting retard.

>> No.77660214

Even if what you say is true, the answer is lprobably logistical.

Remember that the reason EN3 and Regloss took so long was actually because of manager shortages. Finding managers who understand the business and are idol-friendly whilst also being multilingual is understandably difficult - it almost requires the same skills that the talents have but with an expectation of no glory or equivelent monetary award, so it's no surprise.

I would be willing to bet that Hololive just have a complete lack of Europe-language speaking staff they can turn to who check all the boxes and at the moment it just isn't investible.

>> No.77660295

>like they did with advent
What the fuck are you even on about?
They only announce gens in random cryptic tweets.

>> No.77660583

They're streamers anon, literally all they have to do is have someone in NA stream 3 hours earlier. Ina used to stream at euro primetime and she was the second most popular member of EN while doing it, this is not some incomprehensible problem they have to solve.

>> No.77660629

They dropped the teaser for Advent at the end of Connect the World.

>> No.77660872

Guess you didn't watch Connect the World?

>> No.77660933 [DELETED] 

An announcement after the concert would line up with my personal projections of a potential new gen.
>Late August concert
>Over a calendar year past Advent's debut ad won't intercede on Promise and Advent's anniversaries
>Debut would occur after the Myth anniversary
>It would continue the tradition of a new gen with no 3D watching Holofes the next year
Can't say anything for certain, but it would be an optimal time.

>> No.77660972

HoloSG and HoloML is way more likely than EN4
Only thirdies like Hololive

>> No.77661003

>Even if
Just look for yourself retard

>> No.77661033

An announcement after the concert would line up perfectly of a potential new gen.
>Late August concert
>Over a calendar year past Advent's debut and won't intercede on Promise and Advent's anniversaries
>Debut would occur after the Myth anniversary
>It would continue the tradition of a new gen with no 3D watching Holofes the next year
Can't say anything for certain, but it would be an optimal time. Later fall or winter would be good too. I just can't see a repeat of Promise to Advent wait happening again.

>> No.77661056

>So it's safe to assume Cover will announce EN4 at the end of the World Tour like they did with Advent
They won't? Why are you all so obsess with EN4 when Advent just arrived for fuck sake we don't need a new gen every fucking year

>> No.77661289

If you read the thread you can probably figure out it's because despite being 3 gens in, they still have 0 primetime streamers in the largest market for streaming, and somehow despite 4 years of being ignored there are still people there who want to watch hololive

>> No.77661533

>in the largest market for streaming
Anon please tell me you are not talking about Europe, please. Even if i'm an european too i'm not that delusional to think that we are not even top 3 biggest market in the world. Vtubers just don't work here at all, and yes some of us are hololive hardcore fans but it is only a drop in the ocean. Look at fucking SEA or things like that, why do you think every fucking HoloEN events happen only in the US or in english speaking asian countries? Because they lack popularity in Europe, it's just that simple. We will have Kiara and nothing more.

>> No.77661711

I'm talking about western streaming in general. EU primetime has the highest viewership on Twitch both overall and specifically in English, you can go and check. The stats are public.
HoloEN not being popular in Europe is because it's been 3 years since they had anyone who regularly streamed at or near primetime. Yagoo even directly acknowledged that in a recent interview, literally saying they don't have a following in Europe because there are no streams for people to watch, and that's required to build a fanbase.

>> No.77661741

There's no En4
But I'll humor you because I'm bored and I have nothing else to do. Your schizo en4 would be Mint Riro Ron yuuko shondo and some obscure 2 view as a dark horse in the branch.

>> No.77661812

Because french streamers carry the whole continent when it comes to Twitch. But you can't associate people watching Twitch with vtubers fans anon, they have nothing in common. Streaming is a big world and vtuber is not part of it in Europe i know it sucks but it's the reality.

>> No.77661864

No, an Advent member must reach 1m subs first before EN4 can happen

>> No.77662165

Why do vtuber fans in general expect a new generation every 2-ish years?
There's already a clear popularity gap between generations especially in EN where you see the slowly shrinking audience for western vtubing
Myth was lightning in a bottle, untapped market + lots of free time due to pandemic will never be replicated ever again
They're lucky that they hit it out of the park with Gura which is the logical endpoint of vtubing design
CounilRyS/Promise continued from the goodwill from Myth but there is a considerable shrinkage due to the economy reopening
Advent is where people should take notice since every talent that debuted were extremely niche that has no room for growth
EN4 whatever their name is will face harder growth pains than Advent since the vtubing corpo market in the eyes of normies has been toxic due to NijiEN and cemented the market as "weird shit weirdos watch" instead of another form of a content creator

>> No.77662191

Anon, read that post carefully, Twitch has higher viewership of specifically English-language streams at EU primetime than any other time of day.
As for vtubers, indies and small corpos do fine, but you need a big group like hololive to anchor interest amongst more normie viewers. When they did have euro hours streams they were very popular (Ina would always get over 10K viewers) but as the content dried up people completely lost interest. Now it's just a self-fulfilling prophecy, it stopped working because they made no effort and people point at that as an excuse for why they should continue to make no effort.

>> No.77662356

Ok only 150K for the Doggos so EN 4 by years end

>> No.77662470

These people made up their minds already and wont read actual statistics even if it would save their mothers from peril

>> No.77662509

Point me to the Council member that had 1m before advent

>> No.77662572

I'm a fatalist. I don't expect anything from Hololive as someone living in EU.

>> No.77662816

Neither do I, I just think it's important to note that it is actually a big market for both weebs and English streaming. Cover clearly have their own retarded reasons, but they cannot be based on market factors.
I would love to know what their deal is but they're obviously never going to openly talk about it, the closest we ever got was one of the EN homos mentioning that he was literally told he couldn't stream in EU primetime unless he also streamed in PST primetime the same day

>> No.77662868

Rehashing posts from a year ago, sister?

>> No.77662934

I don't expect it. I just bash the myth that there's no viewers or market

>> No.77663023

My hunch is on logistics problems like organizing EU events
Kiara alone can't be their sole guide to the EU and their Paris show might be their pilot test to see if there's a huge EU audience

>> No.77663132

If they're literally telling people not to stream in that timezone how would they ever find an audience to begin with? That whole saga appears to have occurred within EN management specifically, too, because recently Yagoo was asked about Europe and said he thinks a lack of live streams is the only reason they're not popular there, which obviously implies he thinks they should have them and that they would be popular if they existed

>> No.77663252

They're streamers anon. None of them are physically capable of waking up before noon.

>> No.77663790

I expect a new EN because holoEN branch is fucking dire, they can't find 8 people to stream at the same time for some thing like a GMOD collab.
Everytime they tried they have had to use ID to supplement their numbers who obviously have timezone and lag issues.
And even then it was held by Ame who also disappeared from streaming. HoloEN now reduced into begging to join holoJP for their events.
HoloEN needs an EN4, and they need a collab organizer like Ame/Doki-selen/Nina/etc.
I don't really care about numbers, I just want the branch to actually have people to play with and hold their own events instead of begging JP or relying on ID.

>> No.77663890

>since the vtubing corpo market in the eyes of normies has been toxic due to NijiEN and cemented the market as "weird shit weirdos watch"
Would people outside of vtuber fans even know about Anycolor?
People I've talked with who watch One Piece don't even know Mori. The Dodgers promo will be more visible to normal people than the entirety of Riku's financial dogeza.

>> No.77663934

how about you read the actual statistic of how many finana globie/v4mirai/idolEN vtuber are pulling
There are plenty nijisanjiEN streamer who specifically stream EU hours as well and they were pulling about 1-2 finana before the black stream.
You keep arguing about how Hololive would be randomly successful there. But if holo comes to EU, they wont be on twitch.
Most successful vtubers on twitch is not hololive but indies like ironmouse, shilily, etc. But how many actual successful indie EU vtubers are there on twitch?

>> No.77664108

Gura was famous within the streaming world, but if you ask someone who never watched a stream their entire life and only watched some One Piece episode of course they wouldn't know.

>> No.77664796

Normies covered the Doki fiasco
They either think vtubing is 40 year old men posing as anime girls or an abusive industry that's not worth spending time on like Kpop

>> No.77665204

>I just want the branch to actually have people to play with and hold their own events instead of begging JP or relying on ID.
ID only has 9 chuubas and they never have any problems organizing their own stuff.

>> No.77665824

I have a hunch it's laws. If cover officially expands into EU countries they'd have to comply with all kinds of retarded laws about child protection or risk getting sued by certain nanny states who think tv broadcasting regulations should apply to streaming.

>> No.77665903

But I want to mock your picture for the idea of making Kiara the center of anything.

>> No.77666053

Kiara is the most all-in on Hololive's idol concept though
Gura wants to be Miku and Mori wants to do anime OPs

>> No.77666133

As a EUfag, I don't think HoloEN will ever get EU chuubas since it seems like Cover isn't interested in Europe. Kiara was just an exception to the rule and if they knew she would go back to Europe they'd have never hired her.

>> No.77666198

Doesn't matter, Kiara lacks any natural charisma to be the center of anything.

>> No.77666295

Kiara got hired because she liked the idol aspect and she's fluent in Japanese which made her the bridge to JP until IRyS and Bae came into the picture

>> No.77666386

Anon, you didn't read the whole damn document, just the title. Cover said that they will no longer look at debuting new gens as a way to increase revenue, not that they will stop debuting talents. Because in the same document, they clearly say that they have a couple new groups in work ready to debut.

>> No.77666429

Funnily enough their last investor presentation directly said they will make a serious effort to expand into Europe in 2025 and beyond, with Yagoo personally noting that lack of euro primetime streams was a major obstacle

>> No.77666481

EN4 is basically confirmed with CTW2. Anyone who doesn't believe it is delusional.

>> No.77666493
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Cover said they aren't adding new members anymore

>> No.77666616

Cover isn't dumb enough to ACCELERATE or they're waiting for non competes to end

>> No.77666647

Anon the literal same document says they have multiple new gens in the process of being recruited and trained, they're just expecting to see more growth from their existing talent earning more than from debuting new ones (which is obvious and the way they have been trending for years already)

>> No.77666939

No, they said they are creating new units, not gens, which is stuff like Holotori, rearrangements of existing talent

>> No.77666995

"Units" in that document refers to new generations anon, they talk about other gen debuts as "units" in the past tense

>> No.77667174

>Wtf is a tiger economy

>> No.77667179
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>they talk about other gen debuts as "units" in the past tense
Units also "debut". Unit has a specific meaning in Hololive, see picrel

>> No.77667243

I am talking about the terminology they use in that specific investor document, which is to refer to what they publicly call "generations" as "units", even though "units" means something else when they're not talking to investors
You would see this if you actually read the thing instead of taking an out of context screenshot of it from a bait thread

>> No.77667275
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>EN4 RIGHT AFTER Advent was announced

15 is enough. we do not need more members you fags

>> No.77667310

You're wrong about some important details. EU doesn't spend as much, which is true, but you're not comparing existing numbers. You're comparing potential growth that includes new sources of revenue. Whether or not NA can sustain an increase in revenue versus a largely untapped market is more debatable than just looking at existing numbers.
The other problem is the EU is also EN by default, and they will serve an EN speaking market, without too much overlap with current talents in the vibe they can offer. Peak times for English media is always around the evening/night in Europe and day/early evening in NA. Many current NA members tend to start their streams at the tail end of peak hours.
You might want to argue that English is not the primary language in most European countries but this is a misunderstanding based on flawed assumptions. The US has two main languages, English and Spanish, Canada also has two languages, English and French. Places in Europe where English is a main language include the UK, Ireland, and the Channel Islands. Besides that, most of Northern and Western Europe have large expat communities of native English speakers. The level of English spoken by many educated non-native speakers in Europe also far exceeds whatever Shiori speaks, which should make the whole line of argument a complete non-issue.
That only leaves timezones, which don't matter when talents move to other countries. However, a talent based in Europe would be able to bridge the gap from Japanese times to NA times, or focus purely on the peak time for English speaking media.

>> No.77667319

I got no idea wtf kinda drugs you're doing but sounds like it's the good shit

>> No.77667348

true, they don't even collab with each other as it is.

>> No.77667420

No, you can see on that same pic that a gen is a unit but not all units are a gen.

>> No.77667429

>world tour
>no Europe
>b-but there's gonna be more Europeans in Hololive (refuses to watch Kiara)

>> No.77667769
File: 13 KB, 1337x164, 1693466831192470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Primetime in Europe is considered to be 7-11PM CET and that's also the most popular time of day on Twitch. Here's what that currently looks like for hololive, including Kiara

>> No.77668028

>the most popular time of day on Twitch
Hololive does not want the kind of people that watch Twitch in their audience.

>> No.77668085

Where do you think most of EN's viewers were before? YouTube Live is a dead platform in the west outside of holoEN and people that Google literally pay to be there

>> No.77668139

>I just want the branch to actually have people to play with and hold their own events instead of begging JP or relying on ID.
That literally won't happen until they stop fighting with management because the EN branch doesn't really want to host events. The last full gen HoloEN collab was in 2021 and that is not an accident or a coincidence. Cover will most likely debut EN4 in the fall/winter but that isn't the root cause and even adding more talents wouldn't fix anything.

>> No.77668671

I can see a new Gen debuting only if older talents graduate (it will never happen, who in their right mind would leave Holo), or get terminated.

>> No.77668697

Most of ENs viewers were JP watchers or at a minimum JP clip watchers

>> No.77668797

speak for yourself

>> No.77669099

In JP maybe, but EN still have countless hours of dead air every week and routinely struggle to put collabs together, they could be double the size before it started to become an issue. Unless they crammed them all around 7PM PDT again, anyway

>> No.77672546

Could you fucking imagine the catalog?
Or hell, she could headline a new branch: Hololive Kids or something

>> No.77673412

ITT: Holobeggars. Pathetic.

>> No.77673557

neither does cover

>> No.77673764
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>Could you fucking imagine the catalog?
I just want her to start streaming so we can finally get Cookie porn.

>> No.77673836

Cover has never hired a EU chuuba and they never will.
And no, Kiara wasn't hired as an EU talent, she lived in Japan when she auditioned.

>> No.77673877

Not a chance in hell she'd join as herself. Could you imagine trying to explain to the investors why a random ass hire you got was able to get like 1/3 of your company's total subs on her own?

>> No.77674277

>That V4 Mirai girl, Abi Kadabura (speaks Portuguese), said she got a "golden opportunity" she couldn't refuse.
Anon, you're so far off if you think Abi is going to Hololive or any other vtuber agency and to be clear, you don't want her in Hololive, she's incredibly out of tune with anything related to Hololive that she'd be considered a massive miss by even the most supportive fans
Her big gig is most likely her getting a writing job for a TV series or something of the like and you'd be able to recognize that she wrote that because you'll suddenly get a character very obsessed with Sponge Bob

>> No.77674838
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>debut beggars
These people are only here for the debuts and nothing else. They want a dopamine rush without actually watching streams.

>> No.77675629

Maybe management should stop being trannies.

>> No.77675632

>A mouse was employed in a stable so its effectively a horse

>> No.77675667
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>> No.77675733

Gura joined because she didn't know how to manage or monetized herself. Does Cookie have a similar problem? If not, no idea what she'd gain from starting a new channel.

>> No.77675784

we aren't getting any more gens until Myth retires, so you better start trying to like Shiori

>> No.77676156

I just want my oshi Soya to come back.

>> No.77676513

Who are making this threads, it almost feels like refugees from kurosanji, always looking to get "new toys" because they are so used to the accelerate style.

>> No.77676876

DEV_IS is hard to understand right now because as it is, they're simply HoloJP 2.0. Look at the bigger picture though:
>DEV_IS debuted ReGLOSS using real actors holding phones and running towards a concert venue with the ReGLOSS girls
>ReGLOSS is distinctly NOT HoloJP (DEV_IS is officially a new branch with ReGLOSS being its first gen)
>Hololive is working on Holoplus and HoloEarth
>Every girl in ReGLOSS is specialized in something (Kanade is a musician, Lyrica owns a company, Raden is an art history buff, Jimmy is flat, and AO-kun is a manga artist)
>Their official "base" is a failing music venue
So tl;dr
>DEV_IS is a new branch in Hololive created specifically for hosting musical talents with every person in the branch contributing to the venue
>DEV_IS is a branch that is crafted specifically for HoloEarth (HoloEarth got delayed multiple times since ReGLOSS debuted)
>DEV_IS is a "global" branch which will get ID and EN girls soon

>> No.77676889
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There will be a new with 2 euros and 2 americans. They will be announced and debuted this month.

>> No.77677098

a) The fact that /vt/ has a "Twitch bad, therefore Twitch watchers bad" mindset doesn't mean Hololive will think the same. Most likely Hololive won't give a fuck in that regard.
b) Even discounting that, the same hours will apply to Youtube watchers. People aren't going to be watching during work but after, and that's what the timeslot other anon presented represents.

>> No.77677761

Even with homo hate aside, objectively speaking 3 were shit, the only one that was remotely entertaining was clownhomo. I would rather cover actually vet through the candidates and select the best.

>> No.77677967

It's been years. The ignoring is intentional.

>> No.77678480 [DELETED] 

From what I hear, she's lonely and started vtubing because she loved holo and specifically requested Lamy's artist.

>> No.77678641

From what I hear, she's lonely and started vtubing because she loved holo and specifically requested Lamy's artist.

>> No.77678982

Right now DEV_IS smells like an idea that was not fully formed and since the response for them was kind of middling they are debating if they should drop it entirely and just make ReGLOSS "JP7".
Also putting ID and EN gens into DEV_IS right now would be a disaster unless you had a gen full of Anya/Bae level jp speakers as they would be completely cut off from both ReGLOSS due to the language barrier and from their "actual" branch due to how Cover handles internal organization (See how Myth, ID1, and even ReGLOSS itself were kind of separated from the others when they started).

>> No.77679131

It would be fucking hilarious if we got a new EN gen before Gura collabed or even interacted with Advent

>> No.77680465

Gura has done a few interactions with Advent but the complete lack of full gen collabs is far more noticeable when it's continued for half a year after EN3 and might even continue until EN4. Have no idea why Cover is letting the situation in HoloEN deterioate this much and there had to be a better way to settle their contract disputes besides a dragged out fight that is getting harder to hide. I doubt Myth wants to still be fighting with management even after the next gen debuts but it seems like that might actually happen.

>> No.77681497

Kiara didnt start streaming at EU friendly times until she had to leave Japan. If she had auditioned while living in EU with the intent to cater to an EU crowd, she wouldnt have passed audtions.

>> No.77681568

READ, NIGGER. READ >>77655904$

>> No.77681864

This conspiracy theory about contract disputes makes no sense. We know what an actual contract dispute looks like from the homos, they didn't stream at all until it was resolved (by them quitting)

>> No.77682455

Pure speculation, you dont know that

>> No.77682745

didn't they say they gonna focus on the people they already have?

>> No.77683437

considering theyve had 16 chances to hire someone who specifically caters to EU but havent is a pretty good sign that they arent interested in that market. hell, they hired 2 Aussies before they threw EU a scrap

>> No.77683990

Not reading all this shit.
If Cover adds an EU member to EN4 it will be 1 Brit to test the waters. That's it

>> No.77684198

You read retard, a gen is a unit but there are units that aren't gens. Cover straight up says they have peaked by adding new members.

>> No.77684807

This would essentially guarantee they failed. If someone is separated from the rest of their branch by 4-8 hours they don't benefit from shared viewership and have an extremely hard time arranging collabs, Kiara already has these problems.

>> No.77685221

I cant believe I learned something from a 4chan thread
I thought I read through most of the interesting highlights from this document but completely missed that part
>Moreover, we plan to debut several new VTuber units.
>In the preparation of those plans, we plan to launch new IP in Japan and overseas.
I've gotta learn to stop speedreading sometime

It's amazing that all the talk about this document focused on the line of slowing down new hires but generally completely glossed over this section

>> No.77685240

EN4 will once again be 2 views you have never heard of. Maybe some 3view someone in some /vt/ thread mentioned once in 2023

>> No.77685345
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Only if you believe in people who didn't read the full document. >>77655904

READ. THE. FUCKING. IMAGE. Cover have always used "units" to refer to "gens" in official documents. Also having new debuts for the near future doesn't conflict with their statement about reducing the amount of debuts, just that it won't be fucking immediate like you nijifags are trying make it sound like.

>> No.77685699

You want to look at vtubers who graduated around Q1, anyone later that isn't super likely to be joining Holo.

>> No.77690133

Shiori and Biboo graduated 2 months before their holo debut.

>> No.77691518
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Basically Cover knows that they WILL reach a limit on amount of vtubers but not that they already reached that limit, so while they have new debuts lined up for this fiscal year they might be the last few ones. I do believe that when they reach around 100 members in total (both the girls and the homos) 2+ year gaps between gens will become common place, something that is technically happening with HoloJP since their last proper gen debuted 2 and a half years ago, with ID who's already on a 2 years and 2 months gap since ID3 and the JP homos whose last debut was also over 2 years ago. Right now they have 86 members in total so if debut an EN4, an ID4 and a DEV_IS2 until March 31st of 2025 that's 13 new members and who knows if they'll risk another gen for either homo branch.

>> No.77691969

>kfp fan art putting Kiara front and center

>> No.77693012

Why would they go for an EU gen? Euros don’t donate or buy merch, there’d be more money in a normal EN gen.

>> No.77694066

How the fuck are you supposed to buy merch in EU when nothing is available here, official store doesn't even ship here, international third-party sites only get scraps, where 95% of items are constantly out of stock, and cost twice as much with shipping and taxes? At least GoodSmile recently launched a EU store, so maybe things are moving very, very slowly, but it's going to be a long while yet.

Most likely it's just too much red tape and logistics to deal with multiple small countries with the same total population as other single markets like SEA and the US.

>> No.77694096

>This conspiracy theory about contract disputes makes no sense. We know what an actual contract dispute looks like
Vesper was getting into fights with management less than 5 months after his debut but Cover agreed to give him a 2.0 model redesign. Tempus was able to quickly reach a deal but what happens if a similar dispute was going on with HoloEN for 2 or 3 years. Management was "accidentally" forgetting to shill merch and projects that were related to Ina in early 2023 and the same thing is happening with Kronii in early 2024.

>> No.77694714

Eurofags don’t donate either, so it simply isn’t profitable for them to pursue you as a target demographic. Maybe if you donated more, they would feel the need be incentivized to pander to like they do the Anglosphere and Indonesia.

>> No.77695071

>Cover uses the word "units" to refer to gens and not groups of already existing talent
Cool except you're just wrong:>>77667179

>> No.77695523

the social media manager being a faggot homoshill doesn't imply jack shit about contract disputes

>> No.77695863

OFFICIAL. DOCUMENTS. YOU DUMB FUCK. Holy shit, you nijifags are complete retards. Here, page 7, they call Advent and ReGloss "NEW UNITS". I already posted that page in particular but you subhumans need to be spoonfed by the looks of it.

>> No.77696330

All you are saying is that Cover refers to gens as units. No one is arguing against that. Again, that does not preclude them referring to other groups of existing talent as units (and they do).

>> No.77696513
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They would never say that they're planning to DEBUT NEW UNITS regarding a group of already existing vtubers on a financial doc, ahochama.

>> No.77696791
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>> No.77696935

This is an argument so retarded it's not really worth addressing but I will point out that you can only send superchats while a stream is live, and holoEN has had literally one (1) euro primetime stream in the last 2 weeks

>> No.77697191

You're either admirably committed to this gag or you're the biggest retard on this board

>> No.77697392

Oh yeah, this sure looks like a FINANCIAL DOC.

Just another day in this house of mentally deranged retards.

>> No.77697421

Why the fuck does Cover want every single EN debut to happen between June and October?

>> No.77697819

I think the best feature of their partnership with geekjack is that inventory items are only restocked when the official shop also runs out, even though geekjack normally gets about 5% of the stock
There have been Friends plushies that sold out on geekjack in a day and then didn't restock until the official shop also ran out 4 months later

>> No.77697883

You're the one making the assertion that they use a word for financial docs differently than the use it in press releases, based on nothing at all.

>> No.77698444

>based on nothing at all
So actual documents published by Cover are "nothing at all" now?

>> No.77701884

Cover referring to a gen as a unit does not mean that is exclusively how they use the word. They use it to refer to groups of members all over the place. There is no reason to think the financial report is any different.

>> No.77701896

shes the only reason I believe in en4
she is too big to go anywhere else and if she would stop vtubing at all she would at least still be active on twitter

>> No.77703010

The EN girls don't have to announce their graduations if they are not part of corpos

>> No.77703855

You're trying really hard to make "Cover won't debut new members anymore" the only possible interpretation of a document that's pretty clear on their intentions, nijifag-chama. Also the paragraph that you and other retards are using as a "proof" of this retarded interpretation >>77691518 doesn't even say "no more members from here on out", but I guess that won't work with your "Advent was so shit Cover won't debut more EN members" shitpost.

>> No.77703916

All of Advent announced their graduations, even Nerissa.

>> No.77704173

It pretty clearly says "we realize we can't increase profit by adding more vtubers, we're going to try something else".
>Advent was so shit Cover won't debut more EN members
what are you even talking about? Advent is great. Promise is great. Most of Myth is great. Doesn't mean the market isn't saturated, which Cover clearly recognizes too.

>> No.77704324

>Abi Kadabura
I hope it's the horse girl instead of this one

>> No.77704757

slowing down your content output is not a graduation

>> No.77704917

You are only thinking about the singer but she was a vtuber too.

>> No.77705963

Thats an hololove problem only.
Buying from many places in japan from eu isn't any harder than in the us

>> No.77706601

It feels like I'm talking to a wall
>It pretty clearly says "we realize we can't increase profit by adding more vtubers, we're going to try something else".
"Graduating" is different from "graduate". Yes, Cover realizes that they soon won't be able to increase their profits in a significant way by pumping more members, HOWEVER it doesn't fucking say "no more debuts, it's over, fuck off", especially when in the same document they explicitly mention new debuts for the current fiscal year no matter how much you want to cope that the "units" in this case refers to groups of pre-existing members.

>> No.77706799
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Still i was shocked they decide to ship in my shithole country in the ass of the world.
They still rape me with shipping fees, but at least i can have official merch directly.

>> No.77707121

It's such a massive cope to read "We're going to stop adding more vtubers" and have the thought "well they didn't say WHEN they're going to stop".

>> No.77707949

>not intentionally misinterpreting an official statement is a cope now
roru. rumao even.

>> No.77708802

Who is your oshi? Grudge-post me and if they announce a gen by the end of the summer I will send her a akasupa.

>> No.77709134

By the end of the year or fiscal year?

>> No.77710295

Well this post was about BD / world tour announcements so that's what I meant but I'll give you til the end of the calendar year as a bonus

>> No.77713637

>European audience

>> No.77713678

Me too

>> No.77713790

Six months is the gen-station period for Hololive Gen training.

>> No.77713967

why do you dumbfucks thinks Cover works like Nijisanji of WOCTER?

>> No.77713966

ITT third worlders and burgers fight about EU. pretty funny.

>> No.77714367

There will never be an EN4

>> No.77714770

Stop pushing this retarded dichotomy. If Cover announces a new EN gen after Breaking Dimensions Advent will be a year and a month old. By comparison the average wait time between nijiEN gens is 3.6 months with the longest gap being 7 months so there's no reason to compare the two.

>> No.77716001

All those saying there won't be an EN4, sorry but you're wrong. I got interviewed for EN4 last year. Sadly I didn't make it past the second round of interviews, but I know two girls who did. All I will say is that you will defintely see at least two Europeans in EN4, and one is British.

>> No.77717104

If this was /baubau/ I would believe in you.

>> No.77718424

I have no reason to lie or the need for anyone to believe me. I suppose you'll see for yourself when EN4 debuts. The interviews were mid last year and I think they all finished up before the end of last year, so I assume EN4 will come in August/September.

>> No.77718563

I must have been out of the loop, I thought Yuniiho was doing well as indie and didn't know she graduated. Oh well, can't think of any reason for it besides having an opportunity come up.

>> No.77722058

She would've still passed since she's the only Myth member who's fluent in Japanese
If she was actually in Austria at the time, Pikamee might've gotten in Myth if they think EU time was a problem

>> No.77723707

>EN4 announced
>This is the first debut

>> No.77724667

who is this and why is her face as big as a dinner plate?

>> No.77725575

my guess is en4 califruity edition, after all they keep supporting a feminazi "talent" that already give enough reasons to fire her, i am guessing they really want a woke gen in the company.

>> No.77725646

Sweet summer child...
She's Myth reject and this is her leaked audition, she used to be Digibro's ex and now ex-wife of Ethan Ralph

>> No.77725709

The amount of mocap streams suggest that they will attempt to get Fillian considering she's the fastest growing indie and has very similar traits to Senzawa minus the singing

>> No.77727476

>after all they keep supporting a feminazi "talent" that already give enough reasons to fire her

>> No.77727832

I think we'll have a clearer picture when they debut a 2nd gen there. I expect DEV_IS to have an english speaking gen in the future.

>> No.77728182

>i am guessing they really want a woke gen
My dude you've been saying this for over 4 fucking years and the closest thing you got to that were the fucking homos. Even the person that I'm pretty sure is the one you're seething about never did any of the stuff you faggots kept saying she was going to do because of her rm. Just give up already, holoEN will never pander to political bullshit like nijiEN or vshojo.

>> No.77728538

ofc its not clear but if we look at the previous holoEN with the recent graduation who still not in the other corpo like poya and yuniho girl, theres a chance that they are in EN4.
for ppl who said holo wont release gen after the report is dumb, they already have ppl who pass the audition, that report about "focus on talent and not debuting more" is future plan, they will still debut EN 4,ID 4, stars, dev_is but not like nijisanji accelerate mode, it will take a long time.

>> No.77730028

>Cover said they aren't adding new members anymore
Read what it's in response to.
>Should the portfolio be enlarged rapidly at revenue per VTuber at about the present level?
>Or, would it more effective in achieving the margin to imagine an image of their charms per VTuber increasing further by creating content and a unit price of revenue per VTuber also rising?
At first, I thought he was suggesting they accelerate, but was asking which of the two options they were going.
Cover responded with the second choice.
>We realize that we are graduating from a phase of making an increase in revenue and profit by increasing the number of VTubers.
They are graduating from, not have stopped already. Plus this does not apply to other untouched regions.

>> No.77730234

I still don't know who the fuck is that. I never see anything about her on YT. Is she really that big?

>> No.77730814
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yeah cookie is making connections recently

>> No.77731882

Looking at how it's gone for Kiara I think euros would have to be at least 3/5 of a gen to be worth it, they would need to be self-sustaining. The timezone gap means there's much less audience overlap, and for whatever reason the NA members refuse to budge on collab times so any collab they can't arrange by themselves would require streaming at 2AM

>> No.77733028


>> No.77734112

>I know two girls who did
i can believe the interview part but this is pure bullshit

>> No.77734113

So they're back at looking at big sub counts again?
Gura and Mumei got in this way and paid dividends to them
They tried another strategy in EN3 where you hire based on portfolio and it seems like FWMC are the only breakout stars
CookieSwirlC might be the unironic Gura killer if they gave her a proper avater and went all in on her family friendly angle which will get an untapped niche which Gura briefly touched because of her design

>> No.77734273

Does your friend play Dota 2?

>> No.77734375

It's over Koronebros...
How will she top Filian when she eventually does a gymnastics routine in a concert?

>> No.77734460

Mint left because she was already in talks with Cover
They're just waiting for her NDA to end and allowed her to build her portfolio until she inevitably retires her indie avatar 3 months before her Holo Debut

>> No.77734647

Keep dreaming, faggot.

>> No.77734925
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Cover could have given Fauna a nice soft spoken british kōhai with a posh accent that could raid into her streams, as a treat for carrying HoloEN during the dark days

>> No.77736636

not likely

>> No.77740005

Same, bro

>> No.77740162

>21.2M subs
you fuckers told me Gura was the largest

>> No.77741526

The original JP numberfags traditionally only counted channels that started as a vtuber from day one, and everyone else just sort of went along with that, including the companies themselves

>> No.77743544

Doing stuff for literal children automatically gets you stupid numbers, it's not even the same league.

How much has she actually added since her debut?
