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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 521 KB, 603x1151, screwthemsocialmediamanagers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77643406 No.77643406 [Reply] [Original]

>Huge announcements for Hololive, a concert and a world tour
>Not even pinned
>Meanwhile Stars announcement from almost 2 weeks ago
Gosh it's so fucking obvious their social media managers are deliberately underpromoting Hololive EN for the sake of the homos

>> No.77643449

imagine wasting a spot on the catalog about this

>> No.77643526
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Well too bad faggots are not invited to an actual important even so they'll cope with sub-par 3D debuts

>> No.77643646

>uses xitter
when did this board turn so normie?

>> No.77644017
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>> No.77644112
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Nothing happened still after Kronii's meeting with the higher ups. Time to blow this up for people to know more about

>> No.77644247

>3D Showcases literally tomorrow
>Why are they pinning this instead of an even in August? Clearly this is favoritism!

>> No.77644494

Since when pinned tweets from cancer tranny website so important

Also imagine wasting another thread for this shit. Go back to Xitter

>> No.77644592
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>let's check holoen's twitter for the concert tweets

>> No.77644606

Pretty sure the meeting hasn't happened yet

>> No.77644716

I’m willing to wait until August to see if they do lr do not pin it.

>> No.77644886
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>the boiz are hololive too...

>> No.77645009

No shit they're not going to pin that tweet. Second class citizens don't have rights.

>> No.77645551

How quickly they've buried the holoen annoucements. Are they expecting some of the holofanbase excited about the Hololive English 2nd concert to care about this? For them to look for the official announcements only to look at the amount of retweets and posts about holostars. This shit is feeling forced by the day

>> No.77645617
File: 22 KB, 235x182, 73450345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b b but theyre hololive too...

>> No.77645719

It is 150% forced. Whoever runs the account needs a new assignment somewhere that isn’t connected to HoloEN.

>> No.77646004

>hololive production (English)
Case closed.

>> No.77646717

>a new assignment somewhere that isn’t connected to HoloEN.
To generous. Not connected to Hololive at all.

>> No.77647570

There is going to be so much grudgeposting on /vt/ if Holostars show up as surprise guests in Breaking Dimensions.

>> No.77647705

Why would they? I'm a stars fan and even I know "surprise guests" like that just piss people off.

>> No.77647758

Real Answer: The concert has it's own website and is still months away. Homo3D is in a few days.

next thread

>> No.77647794

>something that’ll never happen
Interesting hypotheticals, anon.

>> No.77647833

bet you are stroking your tiny little flip dick to the idea but its not going to happen

>> No.77651232

Isnt there a non-official Holofan account?

>> No.77652336

Their 3Ds are getting closer idiot. Why do you think this was shilled? You're not gonna watch them anyway

>> No.77652635

Connect the World was about expanding into the EN market but what is the symbolism of Breaking Dimensions? If they don't announce a Holostars EN concert it would be curious to have Holostars 3D showcases, followed by Advent 3D showcases, and than an EN concert with an image of a breaking glass window.

>> No.77652886

>what is the symbolism of Breaking Dimensions?
Because it's supposed to be live. They're breaking the second dimension.
There will probably be some gimmicks with them jumping out of the main screen somehow.

>> No.77653131

no one cares about your cuck fantasies

>> No.77654498

things will improve

>> No.77654731

Esoterica be damned in the face of reality. It simply won’t happen.

>> No.77655304

Based, men are better entertainers.

>> No.77655374

ITT: Insecure faggots who say they "don't care about homostars" keeping track of said homostars every activity

>> No.77656178

Underpromotig? You fucking faggs, is HoloEN we are talking about. Are you saying that something as big as a concert can happen in Hololive or HoloEN, and the fans won't know unless is pinned on Twitter of all places? Whinny little bitches...

>> No.77657047
File: 93 KB, 1306x414, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This was one of the dumbest decisions that HoloEN management ever did.
Should've kept them separated, like JP. None of this favoritism narratives would've happen.

>> No.77657305

Sry retardgod but hololive concert is for big boy table, cover not gonna jeopardise their investment on shitter homo, just like they stop inviting homo to hololive 2023-2024 NYC. Also dodger collab and dreamhack and holoen 2nd concert, they don't even invite them to vivid cruise concert and taiwan karaoke.

>> No.77658006

AWOOOGA is that flayon tummies?!!

>> No.77660601

Holoen account is run by trannycucks
