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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77624491 No.77624491 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.77624653
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>> No.77624800


>> No.77625012
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>> No.77625193

>live tickets
>crime-riddled dystopian anarcho-tyranny second capitol of the US
waiting in line for my streaming ticket!

>> No.77625281

Do we have any idea about ticket prices? I live right next to atlanta so I might actually go

>> No.77625290

and the Moona doujin is out too, let's goooo

>> No.77625354


>> No.77625369

they were shown during the stream, and they're cheap, like $130 for the most expensive tickets

>> No.77625460

not bad at all.

>> No.77625557

I'll just watch it for free

>> No.77625613

shit, already? I thought he was still making it.

>> No.77625656


>> No.77625788

90$ is the cheapest

>> No.77625825

well it's NYC, you gotta have cheap tickets to balance out the likely medical bills from getting stabbed, trafficked into secret tunnels, or shoved into the path of a subway train.

>> No.77625881

Not for the world tour, they are supposedly part of cons so we'll know more when they announce it

>> No.77625898

Do French and Italian people watch Vtubers?

>> No.77625973

>The home base of certain dragon
I know it would be next to impossible but can you imagine how hype it'd be?

>> No.77626081
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any actual NY fags here planning to go?

>> No.77626101

Every time I hear you guys talk about american cities you guys treat it like I'm visiting somalia

>> No.77626326
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Anon, I can actually say they picked a better place. Be glad they did not choose Bushwick. I personally would've liked Forrest Hills but its an outdoor venue.

>> No.77626348

Of course I will not pass this opportunity

>> No.77626365

huge swaths of America are incredibly safe. The parts where repeat violent offenders don't even have to make bail, and where felonies get routinely reduced to misdemeanors (unless you're running for President) are not among those parts.

>> No.77626370

They've never been to either anon, don't take it too seriously.

>> No.77626460

>streaming ticket for both days is 80 bucks
Hmmm. I never bought a ticket for this kind of thing before. So will both days have different songs and stuff?

>> No.77626501

They're jealous because they live in some podunk town in some shithole state.

>> No.77626566

yep, different content. The streaming tickets should also give you about a month of free replays.

>> No.77626583


>> No.77626604
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Yes, but now I'm terrified I won't get a ticket. Also I was going to go to Anime NYC this year but I guess I'm cancelling that.

>> No.77626654

I'm from NY, but not sure if I really want to go drop $100 to sit in a room with a bunch of sweaty, screaming incels watching a pre-recorded video of some anime girls dancing.

>> No.77626711

yeah, each day will have different girls and songs

>> No.77626744

No. They're too busy having sex and poosex.

>> No.77626839

Just realized how streams will diminish to nothing

>> No.77626880

the concert takes place at night, you can go catch it

>> No.77627016
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A new gen would be good right about now....

>> No.77627036

He would have to rush to that the 7 to the Q lmao. This is literally right on Flatbush avenue. Honestly kudos to the Hololive staff anyways.

>> No.77627110

Fuwawa just said mezzaNINE.
she doesn't watch streams!
she's a clip-watcher!
is this singular they?
don't let me dissuade you from endangering yourself, then.

>> No.77627169

Big city anon here, while it certainly is a dump, so long as you don't make an ass of yourself or antagonize people you should be fine.

>> No.77627194

This might sound weird to Americans and Asians, but in Europe, most people look down on Japanese media, think it's degenerate, low-class, pornographic, etc. As a result, there's not many weebs here.

>> No.77627204

It's simple, really: look up the place beforehand and if the demographics have a high % of people that look like they belong in somalia then you're going to have a bad time if you relax in the slightest. The lower the %, the better the place to visit.

>> No.77627267

Yeah but going back and forth between Manhattan and Brooklyn two days in a row for a convention that's 3 days long seems like it'd be pointless. I'd be missing out the majority of the con anyway, so unless they're specifically still doing a holo event in AnimeNYC like last year why bother?

>> No.77627287

i thought french people love anime

>> No.77627302

>Kings theater

Meanwhile Barclays center is dead as fuck. Yagoo does not believe in HoloEN.

>> No.77627399

I feel bad for anybody putting with the incompetence and annoyance of the tsa at laguardia you know as soon some retard tourist land he's getting hold up for all his money outside the airport by a bunch of thugs wearing all black in ski mask.

>> No.77627412

This is probably what Suisei had last year, something within AnimeNYC, and MUCH harder to get a ticket for if you miss out.

>> No.77627452

>New York
lmao the homeless illegals are going to love it. Or be very, very confused.

>> No.77627466

Make sure you tell our foreign friends coming to see the concert how safe the NYC subways are at night.

>> No.77627499

Nobody cares about what the French think

>> No.77627511 [SPOILER] 
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thank god. fuck that soulless place. No parking, absolutely ZERO ways of getting around without the train, and you're close to crackheads.

>> No.77627610

Why EU if the only person who watches Hololive in Europe is actually Kiara?
It's making a Holo Concert in Latin America/Brazil, just doesn't make sense at all.

>> No.77627629

watching sidetalk NYC gives me the impression that new yorkers are cool and retarded... Those are the people that runs the stock market...

>> No.77627634

Barclay's is lowkey kinda ass for these kinds of concerts though

>> No.77627646

It would've been kino especially if they kept the car for the venue though.

>> No.77627730

>3000 seats
>CTW had a 6000 seat venue
EN is dying...
Good fucking luck getting live tickets lmao

>> No.77627782

Sidetalk NY is a place where fans talk out of their ass and they try extra hard to get on. Its funny at first but its 100% a ruse.

>> No.77627858

Sister, those are two contradictory statements.

>> No.77627895

but they think that in the US and in Asia, too. Who's going to shame you at a con attended by the same kind of people?
it was a enormously safer city under Giuliani, who brought the national crime rate down just by being a hard ass in one city, and it hasn't had a huge Somalian influx since then. You can think of bad government as a catalyst or an accelerant, but it's part of the problem.

>> No.77627948

What if I just want to see AZKi and Watame?

>> No.77627979

What many Holofans don't realize is that Cover looked at the sluggish sales for Niji's concert and took that into consideration when booking a venue.

>> No.77628019
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Last year's Suisei concert was VERY easy to get tickets for. I got a gold ticket without even trying thanks to the official resale through lyte. But I assume this won't have anything like that and its first come first serve so trying to get a ticket for this one seems like its going to be pure luck. Any tips?

>> No.77628056

It really just depends what percentage of the population in the surrounding area is black, to be blunt with you. Just generally don't be aloof and you'll be fine

>> No.77628100


>> No.77628127

You forgot the fact that there's hundreds of thousands of migrants currently housed in NYC hotels, jacking up the prices for anyone visiting the city

>> No.77628153

>I got a gold ticket without even trying thanks to the official resale through lyte.
Most people would not consider paying extra "VERY easy"

>> No.77628161


>> No.77628259

The tickets were cheap to begin with so it really wasn't that much more. I forgot what I paid but it wasn't like double or anything. They severely undervalued the tickets.

>> No.77628359
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>This grudgepost is like wine; It will get better every year.

>> No.77628394

It's all SA talent?

>> No.77628544

Continentals got into anime decades before burgers and other anglos did.
The NA timezone is just more convenient for Japanese companies to manage, that's why they put all their eggs there.

>> No.77628730

That's complete bullshit, manga and anime is huge in France, and pretty big in Germany and the UK

>> No.77628801

King's Theater DOES NOT work with Ticketmaster. This means ticketprices will not be gouged by add-on fees. If Cover chose not to work with Ticketmaster anymore, then it severely limits their ability to find a place to host their event due to TM monopoly.

>> No.77628884
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>> No.77628994

Have sisters ever NOT get btfo'd?

>> No.77629152

Sisters have been in a perpetual state of BTFO since mid-2022

>> No.77629261
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>> No.77629278

I'd argue ever since Holo got popular in 2020 they've been btfo.

>> No.77629524

Not really, Cover's statement immediately after the chinkout was pretty bad.
Not to mention Cover's 2020-2021 tech was still behind Ichikara's.
It's not until 3rd Fes that Hololive finally proven that they're the industry leader.

>> No.77629544

Given how much hate ppl have for TM, that will be pretty interesting....

>> No.77629693

Where will tickets be sold?

>> No.77629770

That's not how it works retard. The venue would have been booked at least half a year ago.

>> No.77629782

The cope is that it’s NOT CONNECT THR WORLD 2. Its “Breaking Dimensions”

>> No.77629950
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>yfw Mori and Nas have a set

>> No.77630028

on the kingstheatre website

>> No.77630305
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>Not to mention Cover's 2020-2021 tech was still behind Ichikara's.
lol no
ichikaras tech stagnated in 2020 and by 2021 cover catched up when they absorbed the upd9 employees and left them

>> No.77630339

>no way to make an account ahead of time

>> No.77630398

The point is that everything they shat on Holo about eventually hurt them back. Cover is surviving without China while their EN branch relies on the Chinese. Their tech is shit while Cover invested in their studio.

>> No.77630623

aight roll call

>you a new yorker?
>hololive oshi

>> No.77630664

Listen here, I loathe to defend niji but just compare Nonstop Story to 2020 nijifes.
And don't forget about all those laggy, shitty 3D birthday/anniversary concerts back in 2021.

>> No.77630765

Yes, IRyS. And I will go

>> No.77630824

2020 nijifes was good for 2020 tech anon since it was up to date
only problem is that anycolor stagnated in that year

>> No.77630862

Getting tickets for both days is gonna be a bloodbath

>> No.77630904

Another note that's funny about their shit is that they tried to lie that Holo talents were being puppeted when it turns out that their own organs were puppeted lmao

>> No.77631073

I never understood that cope since majority the organs themselves are pretty on the nose on how they dont want to do idol reps and are ok with being skinwalked in events

>> No.77631242

They project a bunch. Every nitpick they have against Holo is just their own insecurities from their failure of a company so it always bites them back.

>> No.77631291

Don't forget you need a ticket for the AnimeNYC concert + a badge. Good luck! Oh and by the way both are on the same day.

>> No.77631335

Even today Niji has smoother, more accurate 3D tracking than Cover does. Cover still can't figure out how to have holos grab an object without it floating a foot apart from their hands.
All Cover has over Niji are flashy lighting and bigger floorspace to accommodate more people on the stage at the same time.

>> No.77631355

It's because of the huge disparity between organs in terms of idol activity and the lack of mandated idol training.
Some of the organs like Uiha and Toko are pretty good and then you have people like Deron and Ange.

>> No.77631388


>> No.77631457

The fuck are you talking about sister?
Fucking blue homo 3D has him playing cello live with accurate finger tracking.

>> No.77631530

ah classic nijinig cope even though it got btfo by the bluehomo

>> No.77631554


>> No.77631645

>Even today Niji has smoother, more accurate 3D tracking than Cover does
lol no did you see that garbage in gwelus event last year
shit was unironically sad and outdated

>> No.77631696

To be fair, it was Gwelu.

>> No.77631740

>kek imagine saying this when one of the complaints during nijifes was the shitty tracking

>> No.77631838

gwelu wasnt the problem though it was niji tech
its good if you are in 2020

>> No.77631979

Anon, it's niji.
They're always playing favourite and Gwelu is nowhere near popular enough to warrant first string 3D tech and budget.

>> No.77632306

nah despite his popularity his events whether its his own gameshow or him being the mc always get their best 3d tech and budget due to his circle and guests
its the same reason why he only gets a slap on the wrist despite the shit that he does

>> No.77632370
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>Hey NY has a cool concert, heres a thread
>its still fucking Niji vs Holo tribalism
fuck you fags

>> No.77632385
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>> No.77632448

>Not using this moment to BTFO sisters
You sure you're holofag?

>> No.77632451

As long as you don't do anything retarded you'll be fine traveling in New York. Just be extra vigilant at night.
t. New Yorker

>> No.77632477

They watch Phase,VShojo and twitch indies.
We actually have the /#/, these groups ccv spikes during central europe primetime.
One of phase most popular is also italian

>> No.77632582

You can walk around at night as well, just don't be a bitch and walk in a straight line without eye contact

>> No.77632664

Concerts start at 6 so they'll probably end around 8-9, shouldn't be too bad as long as you head straight back to your destination after it ends.

>> No.77632757


>> No.77632778

sounds dangerous
should i bring my gun?

>> No.77632794

What an exaggeration nothing will happen unless you go out of your way to find trouble

>> No.77632800

NYC banned guns

>> No.77632895

As well as I possibly can I'd like to go. I dunno if I actually will considering schedule stuff but who knows.

>> No.77632900

oh sisters sisters...

>> No.77632982

New york doesn't like guns.
Haven't the subway incidents been increasing as of late? Granted you can just take a cab if you absolutely refuse to use the subway.

>> No.77633009

I don't have the Niji concert image about sold seats but I would post it if had it right now.

>> No.77633024

Are you fucking retarded? Do you have any idea how much european actively influenced anime and manga culture since the fucking '70 and even earlier?

>> No.77633091

lmao what a pussy

>> No.77633167

>Haven't the subway incidents been increasing as of late? Granted you can just take a cab if you absolutely refuse to use the subway.
I think the Q line (train closest to the theatre) is fine. the 2 and 5 are nearby also, and both are bad.

>> No.77633315

The fuck? Watame can play drums?

>> No.77633355

I just reserved my hotel and train tickets to anime nyc just a couple of weeks ago. So this works out so well for me.

>> No.77633403

I'm a resident anon, you're absolutely right about that and I know how overblown the concerns are. That said most people will likely be traveling via subway and doing that later at night than necessary that far into brooklyn is better avoided. But this concert lets out probably right around sunset so its really not an issue.

>> No.77633423

So that just means everyone else won't have one? All the more reason to bring one!

>> No.77633452

Watame can do a lot of things

>> No.77633551

>This might sound weird to
It is weird, and you're wrong.

>> No.77633596

wtf this is legit kinda good

>> No.77633804

>That said most people will likely be traveling via subway and doing that later at night than necessary that far into brooklyn is better avoided. But this concert lets out probably right around sunset so its really not an issue.
yeah and when the concert ends, its probably about 8-8:30. It should be a good travel back also since the loonies show up past 11

>> No.77633806

>The number lines are the bad lines
>Numbers talk on /vt/ is almost always bad

>> No.77633844

Dude, there's like 2 anime adaptations based on "French Manga", and that's bought locally and in the nearing countries, it's impossible for anime and VTubers to not have traction there, it's just that from what I have seen, the consumerism can be considerably lower than say, an American Weeb, not even going to compare them to the Asian weebs in well, Asia (save for Japan because there can't be Japanese weebs because logic and because there's other terms for them), they are in another level.
We are talking, eating a single small bowl of rice all 3 meals for months if needed to support something type of dedicated.

>> No.77633870

>If Cover chose not to work with Ticketmaster anymore, then it severely limits their ability to find a place to host their event due to TM monopoly.
So much of them trying to get the Sphere venue in Las Vegas.

>> No.77633959

Barclay is overrated.

>> No.77633980
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Long Islander here. While I am happy for them, i’m kinda hoping it doesn’t end up on the news. The last things I need are normie boomers reporting on it and trying to be relatable, normies getting into it, and worst of all, explaining it to my boomer parents. Plus, who knows what could happen, trash like tmz, e! Or access hollywood could get involved. Does anyone else think this way?

>> No.77634069

Britkeks in shambles.

>> No.77634080

By your logic Japanese media also being seen as degeneracy everywhere.
I remember a french anon (or redditor?) said that it was crazy how many people in Paris wear something related to the Straw Hats pirate.
Don't try to make a poor excuse like that

>> No.77634104
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yeah...the sphere...
You will get a PIX11 broadcast about this and like it!

if not, its just a ton of overblown shit. Its a concert like the Miku stuff at Prudential a few weeks back. Dont fret and we'll be fine.

>> No.77634131

>Long Islander here
Taht reminds me, does the LIRR run into flatbush? LIRR is pretty comfy.

>> No.77634142

I won't be surprised if she assists tho.
Not like what you are expecting but just as anyone who bought a ticket.

>> No.77634234

Goes into Barclays and you can take the Q or 2-5 since Barclays has both

>> No.77634278

I tend to forget that Mito is the perfect blend between both types.

>> No.77634357
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>> No.77634561

Is it still like the depiction of when Homer went to New York and got mogged by every living thing in the Simpsons?

>> No.77634568

It might be a shocker to you, but almost every Holo has a varied skill set, the more recent Holos are legit everywomen or insane skilled at something although sometimes they do just have faith in someone that might look promising even if they weren't particularly noteworthy but passed every other qualification.

>> No.77634629

>Aug 24-25
Dude fuck me college starts that time...and I have never been outside my house/have anyone to go with

>> No.77634698

I like her big hands.

>> No.77634744

i just graduated from uni in NY (upstate) now i'm stuck in my phd in ann arbor ugh where i have to move in that weekend

>> No.77634755
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I would rather not have to worry about Holostars having a concert here until I lose weight so I won't potentially get photographed and made fun of /here/.

>> No.77634758

Did sisters exist pre luxiem? I thought before them we kinda lived in a "yeah x is cool but I like y more" state of existence. Like you could oshi Elira and Kiara at the same time without a fucking war. And everyone would just stay their ground

>> No.77634763

Wdym by overblown shit

>> No.77634798

Nah, I get that. But drums is an insanely niche skill and not exactly something I'd expect out of a japanese pop idol/streamer.

>> No.77634844

Bed frames are a scam. I'll sleep on the floor or box spring. Idgaf

>> No.77634850

its just a concert like anything else. the news wont pick up on it unless you make a scene.

>> No.77634966

Is she even based out of ATL currently. Doesn't she live full time in 東京

>> No.77635068

NJ bro here
Strongly considering it, but between the price of resell Anime NYC tickets, concert tickets, a hotel room, taxi fare, and food shit sounds like a nightmare to pay for.

>> No.77635164

Only in the ghettos

>> No.77635181

She probably knows the area and has connections, though. Plus it's like, one of the biggest metro areas in the SE. If it's during AWA then that con is also one of the few not wholly corrupted by Crunchyroll and usually pulls good concerts.

>> No.77635382

At least it being World Tour 2024 might mean that you have a chance next year.

>> No.77635581

>3 day badge for animeNYC
>2 nights hotel room
>meeting Chiwa Saito at AnimeNYC for an autograph
>AnimeNYC World Tour concert ticket
>2 tickets for EN Concert 2
>Concert merch pack
>god knows what else will come up
Yeah that weekend is murdering my wallet.

>> No.77635660

oh yeah, Mint's from ATL as well.

>> No.77636086

Yea, I believe she said she was actually at the last AWA.

>> No.77636133

Avoid black people and anyone with dark skin.

>> No.77636592

The reality is that crime in NYC has been decreasing YoY since the 70s, it's pretty safe nowadays.

>> No.77636936


>> No.77637158

>Barclay will hold up to 10-12k people even if it's not the best setup
>Find out the only reason they couldn't book Barclay is because some shitty WNBA game is scheduled for day 1

Fuck the WNBA. I already know I'm not getting a ticket but I guess I don't get fucked in the ass by all the tolls in the 200 mile drive roundtrip.

>> No.77637185

meh, flatbush is kinda shitty neighborhood, i hope i can get tickets, its only 20min drive, parking gunna be a bitch as always tho

>> No.77637247

Flatbush is bad if you make it bad.

>> No.77637348
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>> No.77637468

That part of flatbush isn't that bad and certainly not before dark. If you head a bit further south it'll get more sketchy but no one will be coming or going in that direction.

>> No.77637577

its so funny once you pass north of brooklyn college you get all the african americans, caribbean, jamacians, and south of it, its all hasidic jews

>> No.77637630

What the fuck is wrong with you? Stip fucking watching fox news and posting on /pol/ or r/thedonald or whatever the fuck you are doing. You are literally living in an entire fucking different reality and it si EXTREMELY patheitc. Why do maga conservecucks pretned to be so fucking"manly" or "alpha" and yet they are fucking ABSOLUITELY FUCKING SCARED of LE EVIL BIG CITY!!!!!!!!!!! Fuckinjg stupid low IW brainwashed cuck piece of shit. You are fucking poatheitc. Women and children and the alleged fucking weak liberals go to these places and live in these places every day and they dont have a problem but you are fucking apparenly so afraid of them DID NYOU EVER THINK THAT YOU ARE JUST A FUCKING DELUSIONAL PUSSY ?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.77637659

yeah Brooklyn shifts that quickly. Its easily the best borough to see how wacky a neighborhood can shift. queens too

>> No.77637795
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I agree, but chill out. Don't pop a vein, bud.

>> No.77637868
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>Several Hololive EN are Canadian
>Don't have a concert in Canada
What's Yagoo's problem with America's Hat?

>> No.77637876

Anons love to believe stereotypes they see on tv instead of doing the hard work of googling information for themselves, please understand. Or they're deflecting from their own shithole cities and countries.

>> No.77637904

Well more east/southeast than south but you get the idea
Queens can shift but its pretty tame compared to the rest of the boroughs. Even Jamaica isn't that bad outside of very specific parts of it. Queens' biggest problem isn't even that but all the crazy people from the fuckton of overcrowded mental hospitals we have out here.

>> No.77637947

they forgot to send him maple syrup

>> No.77637992

Canadian dollar SUCKS right now.

>> No.77637999

I do watch hololive, as a frog

>> No.77638078

It's only the second EN concert, they had to hit two really major cities first. Canada might get a concert later on.

>> No.77638110

4chan internet basement dwelling delusional conserecuck maga chud /pol/tard freaks need to be insulted and bullied and called out aggresively any time they rear their pathetic ugly heads for the sancity and for the sake of preservation of board those scum attempt to infiltrate and ruin with their idiocy.

>> No.77638902

>Continentals got into anime decades before burgers
Astro boy aired on us tv stations in 1960. There was just this awkward period in the 80s where the general public fell out of favor due to our lovely corporate american localizers doing what they do best (if you think the modern day is bad, read up on a show called RoboTech), until eventually with the internet and the rise of the CD in the 90s a black market began to develop for directly imported or post-production subtitled japanese works.

>> No.77639073

i'm flying out from toronto to japan on the morning of aug 26th, but i kinda want to try to see if i can snag live tickets for the 24th

>> No.77639295

ya, heading down flatbush ave until bk college isnt the best, and going through church ave isnt good either. but yeah its safe during the day forsure, concert starts at 6PM tho, so it should be night when its done. weeabo strong together, stay together

>> No.77639357

same weekend as anime NYC, pretty troll

>> No.77639446

Don't give up, they released tickets in waves last time

>> No.77640439

It should have been part of the tour.

>> No.77640652

How does that work? And how does it help?

>> No.77640785

It means every minute or 2 they kept releasing tickets so if you cant get it in the first minutes it's not over, just keep trying

>> No.77640916

Thanks, good to know. Trying to prepare as much as I can ahead of time to improve my odds.

>> No.77641082

I have to laugh at the 4chan people who think that the reason the cover was turned down from 6,000 to 3,000 seats is because the cover freaked out.
Even if it were 6,000 seats, it's still sold out.
The reason is that Cover wants to have the concert at the King Theatre, a beautiful venue, and show the harmony of that beautiful venue and the Holomen in the delivery.

>> No.77643754

I do question if the girls are gonna profit off this though.
Between the cost of renting the venue, shipping equipment, having them insured in case they're damaged, *hopefully* paying for their air fare of the talents involved, and other misc things that they can earn that with the roughly 800k profit a sell out would bring.

>> No.77643836

you're retarded

>> No.77644109

LA gets nothing?

>> No.77644986

LA get Yagoo.

>> No.77645240

does LA have a notable anime con?

>> No.77645648

because yuropoor dont watch and support holo, cover see the stats and stats never lie

>> No.77646732

None that are good.

>> No.77648672

There are more to a concert's revenue than just the ticket sales (physical seats & online tickets included). Merchs, as usual, should be a big part of the revenue as well.
Obviously Cover and the girls are going to profit.

>> No.77648972

>concert on the weekend
>MTA fuckery with constuction every weekend
>the Q is probably running via shuttle bus along the R line through lower Manhattan into Brooklyn
yagoo should of picked a different venue in Manhattan

>> No.77649042
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>> No.77649762

>NTR plot (for you as viewer that is)
>but also
I'm conflicted...

>> No.77650075
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>any actual NY fags here planning to go
Yeah. I'm from upstate, so ill be there for AnimeNYC and hopefully the concert. Can't wait to see my wives on the big stage

>> No.77650591

Ina looks so sexy in this, there's something about that pose.

>> No.77650686

based, see you there anon

>> No.77654286

Really? Cause I'm from Utica and I've never heard the term "Steamed Baus"

>> No.77654423

It's about getting the sponsors footing the bill. Which they had last event. But like with all concerts, it's the merch that makes the most profits. Not the ticket sales itself.
It's admirable that Cover doesn't do Anycolor pricing, even if it would still sell out. They understand good PR.

>> No.77654864

Wawa can finally go to a Wawa

>> No.77657216

Is the Sears parking lot still around?

>> No.77658659
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reminder that if you are yuro and still want to toss money at yagoo (even if he hates you) you can buy the breaking dimensions tickets on spwn. they are cheaper too

>> No.77659347

the 2-5 are also there. I forgot that the Q line has that same bullshit

>> No.77660719

How much would taxi fare from JJC to Kings Theater cost?

>> No.77661417

I might call out from work and try getting a ticket. I don't have friends and I don't like heading to flatbush though so might just chill at home with the stream.

>> No.77662382

It's the closest to a watchable time a holoEN event has ever been, but I don't know if I'm willing to spend money on EN at this point when it's literally impossible to ever watch their regular streams. It's basically only one degree separated from buying a concert ticket for some random small corpo I never watch

>> No.77662913

If youre close to the path train you may not need the hotel

>> No.77663899

