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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.03 MB, 2160x1276, runne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77592493 No.77592493 [Reply] [Original]

vtubers ñ

thread rule #1: Speak English motherfuckers, it's part of the board rules.

thread rule #2: Spanish vtubers are allowed, if they stream mainly in Spanish. Panderers are off-topic. Nimu is off-topic.

last thread >>77478837

>> No.77593063
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Ren is so lucky

>> No.77593138

Anal ragefuck Sylvie to correct her shiity brat attitude.
Tender missionary sex with Runne for the purpose of procreation.

>> No.77593201


>> No.77593251

I wrote this

>> No.77593301

They both are shaved down there allegedly

>> No.77593388

>totally_not_working thread
yeah not using a thread made by that shitter, have fun samefagging

>> No.77593397

Only Runne.
Sylvie have a bald cunny naturally.

>> No.77593512
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>> No.77593898

another thread just to shit on sylvie like this renacuajo’s obsessed faggot>>77593063

>> No.77594612


>> No.77594787

IdolES is offtopic, just clarifying.

>> No.77594819

Runne is so fucking cute bros

>> No.77595114

Since you faggots are lazy even to anti this girl I will start making the generals at sunrise every day, hopefully all the psycho virgins will stay away from tainting the thread

>> No.77595156

Please enjoy that bald cunny Ren

>> No.77595304

Im so tired of this faggot bros. Sylvie if you read this don't let Runne find out about /here/ I know you hate us, but I don't want her to think we are all like this mongoloid.

>> No.77595345

Make one with wactor in the op to make him seethe

>> No.77595390

I don't think Sylvie will show Runne the place where she always has schizos who shit on her on a daily basis.

>> No.77595415

this thread is always funny

>> No.77595462

fk off ru

>> No.77595762
File: 218 KB, 1358x1358, TdiyzyDkhZM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this dork to bits!

>> No.77596018

Guys… i’m in love…

>> No.77596349

thats what he want retard, why you think he changed the OP now?

>> No.77596604
File: 145 KB, 967x902, 1680980195901898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he wants you to make a thread with wactor in the op, that's why he made a thread without wactor in the op

>> No.77596847

>I never lie
Yeah, Runne, you are just like those bitches that get mad at you when you point out their lies instead of apologizing for lying.

>> No.77596921

kek, he's desperately trying to stop you so his shitter thread doesn't die

>> No.77597036

Woman brown hands wrote this

>> No.77597038

He want to have Meica on the thread so he can parrot his usual shitposts, the nigger only knows exwactors and the 2 indies that people talk here thats why she need her check previous threads and you will get it, he was assblasted since she enter on a corpo and exiled from here.

>> No.77597098

is she that irrelevant in the idol thread?

>> No.77597132

The people raiding us always wanted to expand the scope of this thread so they could shill their chuubas. At the time it was Sedai shills. Nowadays I suppose a different group rebranded the general so they could shill their 2views. Not that anyone cares anymore.

>> No.77597225

I was thinking on doing the same just to prevent this kid from having his shitter thread, but sadly I don't watch many ES indies to have a variety of OP pics

>> No.77597226


>> No.77597451 [DELETED] 

the fag gets ignored kek

>> No.77597788

But enough about Shura

>> No.77598066

At least make your shitpost believable

>> No.77598199


>> No.77598443

Sorry you are brown Shura

>> No.77598859

meicabros our response??

>> No.77599164


>> No.77600652


>> No.77601595

sylvie bald cunny love

>> No.77601730

I'll lose all respect for her if she is trying to do what I think

>> No.77601828


>> No.77602186

She uses that stuff in her handcams even if they're not supposed to be seen, remember her Halloween and christmas streams.

>> No.77602363

It would be super cute.
Shut up gigantic faggot.

>> No.77602445

Lately a lot of "vtubers" where expossing themselves like that on twitter, even Akami dressed like that once. I just don't want Yamu to end up like this one

>> No.77602705

She saw that it worked for Runne to ask without shame and she wants to copy it kek

>> No.77602977

Kofi's arc begins!!!!

>> No.77602995

I'd love to see her in that desu but it'll never happen.

>> No.77603119

The other day she told a faggot to fuck off and went into a mini rant when he asked for face reveal in chat, you don't have to worry.

>> No.77603244

She could still show her body or maybe she'll do it in her rm. Either way, I'll just leave it here before I'll end up dissapointed

>> No.77603355

I rather have her do that for us than in her rm for other fags.

>> No.77603425

She said she is planning several handcams
So it wouldn't be strange to see her set outfit goals from now on.

>> No.77603492

This, she likes to dress up for her handcams and probably doesn't want to end up using the same outfits every time.

>> No.77603497

If Throne worked in her area people would be sending her gift the same way. Fags even suggested a new phone as a ko-fi goal.

>> No.77603604

> in her area
You mean your shithole country

>> No.77603735

I think a phone would be usefull, last night she almost break her current one like a retard

>> No.77603860

This. And maybe a second monitor...Wait, she's never bought a monitor before or am I tripping? Is she still using her TV as a monitor?

>> No.77604001

She still needs a secondary screen

>> No.77604098

>Runne calls her dog "my man"
You just know

>> No.77604125

she was preparing a goal for things she need for her debut, she must be really busy with all those preparations

>> No.77607181


>> No.77607204 [DELETED] 


And that's how it begins KEK

>> No.77607368


And that's how it begins KEK

>> No.77607689

she always uses cosplays on handcam faggot

>> No.77607762

why are you giving a free bump to the shitter?

>> No.77607909

> gn

>> No.77608249
File: 340 KB, 1082x1010, femcel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you homos take a break from your shitposting and Yamu-fy this. Or Sylvie-fy it whatever.

>> No.77608460

kek that’s how i imagine sylvie

>> No.77608916

Koa is streaming right now tho

>> No.77609764

fuck off koa

>> No.77610410


>> No.77611063

I don't like this story arc Sylvie is doing.

>> No.77611220

puchy won twice

>> No.77612166

kys puchy srsly stop posting /here/ go back with ur morenazi

>> No.77612253

kek why

>> No.77612284

Kek this faggot is actually samefagging and bumping this shit everytime it's nearly page 10
Go get a job, faggot

>> No.77612390

Puchy really did it

>> No.77612569


>> No.77612720

She’s a nurse irl ofc she will be taking breaks

>> No.77612933

I really shouldn't stick my penis in there... However,

>> No.77613009

I don't need Yamu anymore

>> No.77613071


>> No.77613137
File: 741 KB, 672x896, 20240607_195250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My beautiful queen

>> No.77613221

I really like the way she stay in character, even when she did that handcam she came out with a lore friendly reason to have a human body

>> No.77613286

calm down anysado

>> No.77613420


>> No.77613430

>Toy muy agotada qwq
>Moves stream 2 hours later
Is everyone lying for no reason lately? Is it a trend?

>> No.77613479

>This is from when I was ten years old.
It's even funny when she made a mistake. I love her.

>> No.77613493

Radiofuna property

>> No.77613505 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.77613560

stop being jealous Yamu

>> No.77613597

We all know Yamu its brown af idk why she keeps doing that nazi shit when she’s color llanta quemada

>> No.77613743

Yes i know,
it's just that the term is very good kek

>> No.77613752

i think i'll join Yamu's shitpost, if it weren't for that fking jodida villera we wouldn't be in this situation

>> No.77613875

watch my wife Vinzum

>> No.77613877

What is the Yamu obsessed faggot trying to achieve and why is he back? he was dead for months

>> No.77613893


>> No.77613921

She always lies why are you surprised?

>> No.77614060

He can't stop thinking about her, she really mindbroke that boy into becoming our personal clown and toilet without doing anything.

>> No.77614069

saddest thing is, the faggot doesn't even know he's obvious as fuck by the way he writes

>> No.77614150

>When I went to school... DEMON SCHOOL in hell...
She is a good actress AND still a bad liar

>> No.77614174

This is what I said in September of last year if that morenazi had abandoned Wactor along with Shura and Yukine we would have avoided having brotekeks and soldaputos throwing shit /here/ every day

>> No.77614221

i just realized that himea and luna streams were deleted
does any anon made an archive or something?

>> No.77614301

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.77614394

90% charlas
Nothing important was missed

>> No.77614409

He is desperate for a 3 day vacation. Why don't you help him?

>> No.77614534

I'm working and can't be here reporting on cooldown I just checked the thread after hours.

>> No.77614719

You don't have to samefag this bad Yamu

>> No.77614761

kys totally_not_working

>> No.77614833

Yamu LOVE!

>> No.77614839

Yumi and Yue’s content is gone too

>> No.77614865

> Yamu obsessed faggot
She’s the brownie queen obsessed with this place, she’s a fucking shitter also she keeps shitting on Gift. just like her lesbian fat akami friend. also yamucucks. Yamu forgave that yuritroon and kazzete Kek

>> No.77614878
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>> No.77614943

>yamu HATE

>> No.77614999

No one will buy your made up shit niggger

>> No.77615004

misora's content and doxx still there tho

>> No.77615018

>someone its shitting on other girls
nobody cares
>someone its shitting on the morenazi
g-guys we need to report our brownie general need us!

>> No.77615053


>> No.77615061


>> No.77615112

>nobody cares
are you actually schizophrenic?

>> No.77615131

Yamu my wife

>> No.77615135


>> No.77615192

the faggot is desperate to keep this place alive, just stop buying his baits like retards
talk about something else or just leave this place die

>> No.77615208

I wonder why he’s deleting them, I thought Akira’d be deleting the bigger channels but Yumi is smaller than Neon and Sezia

>> No.77615210

Yamu my cute adorable wife

>> No.77615235


>> No.77615257



>> No.77615314

You don't need to help him bump his thread, just let him write bump until he gets bored.

>> No.77615328

stop samefagging negrita villera

>> No.77615398

Oh… Thank god i dropped her for Gift, kek

>> No.77615443

>november 2023
such a weak bait

>> No.77615534

Talking about this is like breathing for her

>> No.77615582

ok i just check and the content deleted was
but neon, sezia, anya, babu, hina, ageha, charo, mahiru and the wfags still there
also i don't remember if pal and himari content were deleted when they graduate but theyre also gone

>> No.77615600

I don't think yamu is capable
to pretend to be an anon and say nice things to yourself /here/ ,right?

>> No.77615665

i find kinda funny that lea content was deleted too hahaha she never get the chance to come back from her sickness u - u

>> No.77615689

That kid is either living in the past, or his tinny brain is lagging.

>> No.77615761

Anon you really are utterly mindbroken by him, not all the posters here are him

>> No.77615773

why is this faggot so obssesed with her? even in /yamu/ was shitting on her

>> No.77615782

Megajorn is so lucky

>> No.77615854

Will we ever know what happened to Lea/Mimi?

>> No.77615903


The Real Queen in Space <3

>> No.77615955

can't see her she blocked me

>> No.77615987

Gifts says she mute every stream when Megajorn talk. I know he is her friend? but still funny and based.

>> No.77615988

sorry anon but this is for indies only, go ask in the idol thread if they care a little about your oshi

>> No.77616073

the indies only op is not the op of this thread

>> No.77616128

Yamu handholding

>> No.77616152

Such a lovey dovey banter between lovers

>> No.77616163

I just don't a fuck about meica, I was trying to be polite

>> No.77616180

i dont touch brown people

>> No.77616279

Yamu caressing

>> No.77616284

stay a little longer, I just need 30 minutes

>> No.77616288

Damn, you can't masturbate then.

>> No.77616313 [DELETED] 
File: 440 KB, 1170x1061, MorenaziInstagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also she doesnt talk with the caca real in ig right?

>> No.77616346

I remember pal asked for her content to be deleted like a year ago

>> No.77616378

Yamu my sweetheart

>> No.77616393

Don't project on us negrito, not everybody is brown

>> No.77616406


>> No.77616428


>> No.77616450

you are so fucked...

>> No.77616451

??? wtf what is this
who is the one who took the ss? why is she talking about private stuff with a random without any filter

>> No.77616504

Rip Anon

>> No.77616529

So that's why you're so assblasted? She saw your grooming attempts and blocked you?

>> No.77616530

I have more :) fucking liar morenazi bitch.

>> No.77616546

this is kazzette isnt it?

>> No.77616557

Yamucucks not like this...

>> No.77616595

Who is she? Yamu? WTF

>> No.77616612

Yes! She talks with all the caca real, even Yuri.

>> No.77616621

share more anon
i want to see how open this girl was with other fags

>> No.77616673

Share more

>> No.77616679

hi puchi

>> No.77616693 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 1170x330, Reflexionesmorenas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77616711

>la rata

>> No.77616715

so the schizo is a failed groomer, should it be a surprise?

>> No.77616733


>> No.77616753

You are a fucking faggot nigger

>> No.77616755

scary stuff

>> No.77616764

Post everything right now, ruin her kofi debut goal make all her gachis drop her

>> No.77616776

Nah. I'm just showing how fake its ur morenazi queen. playing the victim kek

>> No.77616789

That was for bilibili, users can only have one account liked to phone number,she used her real number there.

>> No.77616830

>Reflexiones morenas kek

>> No.77616848

this are kazzette ss
i recognize his writing style
so the anon is an insider from la guardia real

>> No.77616864

Sylvie already knows what you did puchi

>> No.77616878 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 1170x360, desgraciascafes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have so much kek. all from them are from la caca real, yuri, kazzete, etc etc

>> No.77616926


>> No.77616929

Didn't it say in his w contract that he couldn't talk to her followers?

>> No.77616942

>Inspect element

>> No.77616960
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>> No.77617004


>> No.77617022

Do i can do it in a cellphone? also >>77616926
i know this nigger was a yamusagi kekazo, idc abt that failed chuuba tho

>> No.77617052

These kids

>> No.77617081

>tenerla ahi y no poder ir
who is she talking about?

>> No.77617149

maybe miku, yamu should look for her chats and see who's the last fag who mentioned her about miku

>> No.77617151

holy kek you are obsessed

>> No.77617154

Miku I think

>> No.77617171

and she should't be talking about w stuff with others
this is dangerous
she was rekless but stop

>> No.77617250

She could calmly be denounced by akira,
this girl is immature

>> No.77617252
File: 51 KB, 306x414, 1675898196338716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just another day sharing a general with subhumans

>> No.77617263

stop falseflagging faggot, you think you are some kind of mastermind when you can't even write?

>> No.77617291

Keep posting EVERYTHING

>> No.77617293


>> No.77617319

the girls can't talk about w stuff
thats universal knowledge

>> No.77617343

there's no date in the chat so this won't be happening

>> No.77617381
File: 735 KB, 1080x1226, 163647372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77617383

ok yamu fuck off

>> No.77617395

If you are here that also makes you subhuman kek

>> No.77617415

yamukeks haré to explain????

>> No.77617431

>Unironically censoring "Wactor"
You can tell from where these fucking retards come from

>> No.77617458

>self censoring
What a bunch of newfags invaded us, something happened in the Jew thread?

>> No.77617493

Be careful with your anxiety level Yamu

>> No.77617527

its just because is more easy to say w than wactor and everyone will understand, one letter against six, is not that hard anon

>> No.77617552

he's the same faggot from discord, just see his retarded way of writting

>> No.77617601

calm down yamu

>> No.77617607

why should i write the full name when i can say w and everyone will understand that im talking about wactor?

>> No.77617614

Go watch how Ren fucks Trannya stupid soldaputo

>> No.77617692
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>trannya leaking private conversations with Yamu
Sylvie you will never be a woman

>> No.77617703

>being this lazy
Killing yourself is also easier

>> No.77617777

what if yamu exposses the other person of the chats? isn't he or she fucked?

>> No.77617830

calm down Yamu
You have to stream in 1 hour

>> No.77617914

We'll hunt down and kill that fucker

>> No.77618049

Just the name and that faggot is dead

>> No.77618094

is not his fault that she's retarded anon
also is not him the one sharing the screenshots clearly he shared them with his friends and someone leaked them kek

>> No.77618108

To think that she barely reads me in her chat and she talks to others very calmly through DM
I feel like an idiot.

>> No.77618213

you don't need it
its obvious that she's talking with kazzette on those ss

>> No.77618214

>totally not trying to save his own life
are you medically retarded?

>> No.77618336

you can't compare with the powerfull mx dick

>> No.77618346

Do you expected me to drop her after this? It doesn't affect me a single bit.

>> No.77618354

KEK same

>> No.77618356

i cant believe all this time anyaschizo was yamu or a yamusagi or even a nigger from la caca real, i love this arc

>> No.77618452
File: 6 KB, 290x49, dracucklon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how cuck can yamufagis be?

>> No.77618491

ok yamu stop trying to do damage control

>> No.77618492

>notice how the shitter only post outside school hours

>> No.77618537

Meanwhile, Giftschlangen still playing candy crush

>> No.77618782

I won't give you the win, I'll never attack her and I'll never leave her. My love is eternal and the only traitor antis ended up being the discordfags

>> No.77618786

It's good to know it. Now she can be more careful.

>> No.77618823

Kys tranny I'm not a Yamusagi or Yamu stupid retard I just know that this is Trannya and his soldaputos doing that fucking trash likes to shit on other good and nice girls while praise his fucking trash

>> No.77618926

>only traitor
She's the traitor. why is she talking with another man in dms? Stop being a cuck, this is worse than collabing with a male wtf

>> No.77619031

Learn to read

>> No.77619055

Real wife material

>> No.77619113

Tell your sister to give you the lethal dose and STOP SHITTING THE THREAD STUPID TRANNYA KILL YOURSELF BITCH

>> No.77619120

And following ur logic. Why the fuck Anya would give a fuck about what yamu does in her dms? stop trying, you look pathetic af. you're the only one who's doing trash to shit on a good girl.

>> No.77619175

Ok Megajorn

>> No.77619186


>> No.77619236

ogey yamu good luck with your 100ccv full of cucks

>> No.77619276

fuck off totally not a faggot, don't try to use my wife for your personal vendetta against other girl

>> No.77619325

I don't care, I won't give you the win

>> No.77619444

You wanted to see me turn against her, I won't give you the satisfaction.

>> No.77619463

Why this retard wants to start a tribalfaggery everytime?
And you stop trying to save your own ass

>> No.77619472

Keep being a cuck then

>> No.77619478

Yuritroon is not a man tho

>> No.77619550

This is the most insulting shit anyone has ever said to me

>> No.77619563
File: 38 KB, 736x530, anzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being loyal to someone who doesn't look your way is always disheartening

>> No.77619591

Your plan failed, you wasted time and she will go unaffected.

>> No.77619613

He is right tho, why would you spend your time in a shitty general like this if you are not retarded

>> No.77619819

you stopped uploading ss because you got scared?

>> No.77619833

Her content is still dictated by anons, no matter what you do we got the last win.
There won't be a discord server, there won't be twitch and there won't be male collabs.

>> No.77619894

i'm not even him. i'm just saying that this shit it's worse than doing a fucking collab. i remember when these niggers used to shit on sezia and yumi. Yamu was not supposed to lie to us. But talking to a man, or Yuritroon, or any of the caca real, is a betrayal.

>> No.77619909

I know where those SC come from and what's the context but I won't give the satisfaction of knowledge to the schizo

>> No.77620007

BUT there will be exclusive DM's! win-win

>> No.77620043

Are we going to prohibit who she can or cannot talk to via DM?

>> No.77620092

You retard, everyone was "friend" with Yuri until the Esewey incident and that other Guardiafag exposed everyone

>> No.77620205

Is this why she kept uploading stories that are somewhat related to yamu? Were those directed to yamusagis so they can talk with her?

>> No.77620296

This, Yamu is still our property.

>> No.77620388

Is yamuover bross??

>> No.77620389

Because Trannya see her as competition and want to take her down she always does this shit, she is using all the guardiatroons that hates Yamu and now follow her to make her look bad, that's how that disgusting piece of shit operates

>> No.77620440


idk anon

>> No.77620467

If she talks to obvious fans in a rm, this is not different of what Eru did

>> No.77620556

holy kek cuck thought

>> No.77620591

She doesnt even do the same content as her?? tf are you talking about fucking schizo. in that case Nisha sees Yamu as a competition too, fucking retard.

>> No.77620600

No this is that nigger who threatened the other day that he would ruin her career if she didn't stop listening to anons and he backfired

>> No.77620645
File: 315 KB, 1500x1000, schizophrenia-treatments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek help, fag. You're not alone.

>> No.77620705

This is so fucking hypocrite. if this was with another girl, they'd be shitting on her, kek. Well, keep being cucks, ignorance is a bliss.

>> No.77620754

Yeah, keep baiting a rivalry between girls and their fans, as if that haven't backfired on you before lmao

>> No.77620759

>watch last sylvie stream
>lower tier commer bait
>asking for money all stream
>get drunk and snort cocaine
Why you fags like them again?
They are lower tier twitch whores

>> No.77620761

her dog is so lucky

>> No.77620848

>they'd be shitting on her
are you blind? fags and (you) are shitting on her, her fans will always defend her

>> No.77620867
File: 100 KB, 591x422, 8t6snv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77620879

It's official Yamusagis are the mos cucked fandom /here/ good job!

>> No.77620895

Those SC are old, it was around that time she finally left, there are even Anon SC back then

>> No.77621031

Why do you even know this?

>> No.77621059

now they want to attack sylvie to save Yamu's ass, this is low even for these retarded niggers

>> No.77621067

THIS yamusagis are people who shit on everyone but when others shit on them they cry

>> No.77621114

Your attempt failed, give up. Yamu is /ours/

>> No.77621174

>my dad will kill me if a drink a drop of alcohol
>get wasted doing a chupistream with her cousin

>> No.77621287

why you keep bringing sylvie in this, retard? go back to your idol thread were your whore is irrelevant and stop trying a tribalfaggery between yamu and sylvie every fucking time

>> No.77621325

>anon sc
That never happened

>> No.77621328

Because it was posted here and she stopped talking in that account because Guardiafag were sharing her personal information like candies

>> No.77621377



>> No.77621378

>Because it was posted here
This never happened

>> No.77621463

>now she will be even more distrustful with discordfags

>> No.77621499

My mother used to tell me the same thing, but she would let me drink if I drank alone with my family. not with strangers. now kys

>> No.77621501

Miku. Now in which latam country Miku held a concert recently?

>> No.77621527

the only faggot who uses trannya as an insult is that jobless fag, don't be a retard, this happens way to often for you to keep eating baits

>> No.77621930

im a yamu follower, not a y*me one, i don't care if she talks with other mans, she can do whatever she wants on her private life
if as yamu collabs with mans is other story, but meanwhile i dont give a fuck

>> No.77621973

Yamu you'll have to make up for this by pandering extra hard.

>> No.77621982

No idea why they keep responding to that retard. He will always use Anya to divert attention from whatever bullshit is going on.

>> No.77622028

anysado stop

>> No.77622065

Anyway somehow Mai managed to be sexo for once

>> No.77622189


>> No.77622198

The dumbest cope you could come up with

>> No.77622213

>>get drunk and snort cocaine

>> No.77622256

What did Eru supposedly do?

>> No.77622286

>mai noboshi follower
this is starting to make sense

>> No.77622295

That never happened retard

>> No.77622343

Anon would never lie.

>> No.77622372

At the end of the day the only ones who won't betray Yamu are the anons.

>> No.77622404

stop projecting meanwhile tomorrow she's gonna show all the animals from the shelter, what a good girl! https://www.youtube.com/live/W9kqNhdmTBI

>> No.77622494

admitting that you are ok with being a cuck doesn't sound that good as you think anon

>> No.77622542

I don't think they snorted cocaine, but that dumb slut of her cousin has tattoos, and probably smokes "medicinal" weed

>> No.77622560

Because Anons are stupid and manipulable, kek.

>> No.77622666

Eru gave a lot of attention to her fans on IG, Nisha ones starting asking for similar attention and in the end even Eru complained about some fag just seeking all her attention and wanting for her to exclude people

>> No.77622699

>Yamu gets exposed
>Yamucucks starts shitting on Sylvie

>> No.77622705

You lost, you wanted anons to turn their back on her and it didn't work.

>> No.77622756

I always thought that the anon were what manipulated Yamu but it was all the other way around.
she does it with you

>> No.77622811

but Sylvie smokes weed as well

>> No.77622824

Well, groomcord fags are hypocrites that will do exactly the opposite of what they say in a heartbeat, so that's not really an achievement

>> No.77622829

i dont give a fuck abt her and her 3 anons nigga

>> No.77622912

so this was the so called ruining career treat?
discordfags are fucking weaks

>> No.77622957

why do you keep trying nigga? Also her cousin-sister has asthma

>> No.77623034

Disgusting. And she said that she hates hippies.

>> No.77623040

They can't touch her and is so funny to see their "masterplan" flop

>> No.77623085

these discordniggers trying to ruin yamu's and sylvie's career its so funny. fucking subhumans

>> No.77623203

Didn't you know that weed is used as an alternative treatment for asthma?

>> No.77623271

even trying to bring sylvie into this shit somewhat, don't be so obvious faggots

>> No.77623270

why are these niggers talking about sylvie? wtf did she do now?

>> No.77623345

Went to check the idol thread because when something happens they come to shit /here/
>a girl spent a entire stream talking about all her ex-boyfriends

>> No.77623415

what girl?

>> No.77623463


>> No.77623479

It has been like this since the last thread

>> No.77623585 [DELETED] 

>>a girl spent a entire stream talking about all her ex-boyfriends
Not much different from what Runne did.

>> No.77623705 [DELETED] 

>a girl spent a entire stream talking about all her ex-boyfriends

>> No.77623743

This nigga it's trying so hard, go and watch ur choripanera

>> No.77623904

I'll leave you alone kid, this is my last (you)

>> No.77623927

>no he cogido
i can feel you koa
me neither kek

>> No.77624045 [DELETED] 

offtopic trash also, she already ha cogido if you know what i mean holoniichan

>> No.77624241 [DELETED] 

that was years ago
at this time her himen already growed up again

>> No.77624334

holy cope

>> No.77624412

anyone knows who are these faggots raiding?
which discord?

>> No.77624451

If you care about that post you just exposed yourself as a jewfag and gave him the reason

>> No.77624560

Supremacia estelar

>> No.77624597

Either filishna, supremacia fags, or remains of la guardia

>> No.77624613


>> No.77624725

can you say me what girl?

>> No.77624788

> filishna
That's a name I haven't heard in a long time. Remember when he tried to present himself as a white hat hacker?

>> No.77624809

the matrix is dead

>> No.77624865

Yuritroon and kaze are fucking retards that post private shit on their discords with shitters around

>> No.77625032
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>> No.77625030

this. this is why these girls gets hurted, sylvie now yamu

>> No.77625181


>> No.77625294


>> No.77625474


>> No.77625536

Yuri already said that don't care about her and fucked off from that discord stop with your dumb boogieman

>> No.77625614


>> No.77625768

Those screenshots are from events that happened before the troon had her meltdown.

>> No.77625834

holy cope

>> No.77625837

She never fucked off from her own discord

>> No.77625925

The tranny had a meltdown after the pixels and stopped following yamu, those chats are from that time but I don't know about the oone from miku

>> No.77625959

She was bragging sharing those screenshots with her discord "friends"

>> No.77625963

you mean the vtuber one

>> No.77625978 [DELETED] 

and Sylvie did it too if you count all the times she talked about Natashko on stream LMAO

>> No.77625986

stop samefaging yamu

>> No.77626114

go back with ur jews nigger

>> No.77626132

trannya is a well know /here/ shitter and (he)r soldaputos too for some reason Yamu is the target today

>> No.77626328

yuritroon fight with yamu after that convention because yamu told puchy what happened and puchy harassed her in the name of yamu

>> No.77626394

yeah sure whatever you say retarded obsessed faggot

>> No.77626452

That's what filishna was spreading around everything that comes from that fag isn't to trust

>> No.77626603

but filishna has said shit that was true tho. dont get me wrong i hate that faggot

>> No.77626621

Sylvie. . .
Sylvie's secret discord called "macarrones" barracones misspelled

>> No.77626894 [DELETED] 
File: 1.91 MB, 1446x2048, 1343885436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek do remember the he even had a Twitter account and talked with her fans?
That shit was funny as fuck

>> No.77626929

I talked extensively with a filishna adjacent faggot and lots of things that I knew the truth first hand, he told me them all twisted.

>> No.77626927

how do you know about that server?

>> No.77626937

KEK LMAO stop trying at least the other fag post proof

>> No.77627321

Yeah, sure yuritroon, you disgusting stalker piece of shit

>> No.77627561 [DELETED] 

hey maricas si están perdiendo la cabeza con tan poco créanme que ya no podemos esperar para el debut de la sanguijuela no es ni el 5% de lo que les estoy preparando
y no proyecten sus mariconerias en mi o nadie más yo no me junto ni con los transexuales reales ni con la supremacía marica pero se de buena fuente que ellos también preparan sus propias cosas lo cual lo hará aún más divertido

>> No.77627771

You mean Renato and Sylvie alt?

>> No.77627841

No I mean Zeta's alt

>> No.77627906

Nothing you can do will do anything, you failed.

>> No.77627927

No I mean Petanko's alt

>> No.77628104
File: 19 KB, 595x158, totallynotafag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were wondering who's behind this as if it wasn't obvious

>> No.77628342


>> No.77628468

stop selfposting with your falseflag account nigga, we know who you are Yuritron

>> No.77628592

Is mental health help so hard to get in Argentina?

>> No.77628635

it's all meica's fault for creating these schizos

>> No.77628778

sure that it was not the shitters fult for giving them attention and replies

>> No.77629068
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>> No.77629107

I'm out of the loop with discord, share me some invites

>> No.77629127

all Himea's fault for not leaving wactor in time

>> No.77629219

Ironically Argentina is the country with the highest psychologist/population ratio.

>> No.77629336

Of course it's Meica's fault that their mothers will not take folic acid during pregnancy

>> No.77629347

Get over it nigga, that was a year ago and wactor is dead even miguel gato abandoned shit already
>Twitter barely active
>Last stream two weeks ago

>> No.77629395 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.77629594

> echar with H
Spics didn't deserve to be evangelized

>> No.77629613

Don't forget that totally not a faggot is also managed by them

>> No.77629614


>> No.77629713

Good night, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Yamu and can't stop thinking about her...
Nothing will change this.

>> No.77629781

Fucking kys yourself puchy.

>> No.77629794
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>Miguel gato
still believe that shit kek

>> No.77629838

It's her but she already abandoned the channel.

>> No.77629929


>> No.77629986
File: 196 KB, 535x450, yamu117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder that thread is so shit
Yamuniggers are seething

>> No.77629999

keep coping akiracocksucker

>> No.77630022


>> No.77630034

Am I too derranged if this rrat is starting to make sense to me?

>> No.77630135

Completely unaffected, those are her usual numbers.

>> No.77630161
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>> No.77630173


>> No.77630220

No, it's pretty obvious once you spend time with Sylvie and understand her game

>> No.77630253

Wrong thread and get over wactor already, mentally ill faggot.

>> No.77630283 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.77630365

I hate how they keep discarding such nice models as nothing

>> No.77630435 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.77630469

thats pathetic kek

>> No.77630468

Rushia model was mid, like a cheap Lia's outfit

>> No.77630492

Misopa > Meica
keep seething misopita will always be the spic's /wactor/ /ewg/ /spics/ /vtes/ queen

>> No.77630493
File: 98 KB, 400x300, 1716259108558806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77630594

Still better than most ES shit I've seen

>> No.77630624


>> No.77630673 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 228x128, 41746713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77630674

Meica indifference

>> No.77630683

holy falseflagging, if you are actually asking these tards are holodrones/takafags that hate ES chuubas

>> No.77630709

explain further

>> No.77630711

por qué está mierda no se muere????????? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ya estamos en página 10 shine shine shine

>> No.77630785

We're inmortal

>> No.77630821

kys youself as well stiven.
