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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 590 KB, 532x856, paG7s5VBTP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77590578 No.77590578 [Reply] [Original]

Eurobros finally getting something.
I remember seeing a bunch of anons wanting this months ago

>> No.77590999

Don't want her.

>> No.77591454

Post tits

>> No.77591701

That's cool, I will be there on that Sunday, so maybe I will look into the meet and greet.
I was hoping for Kiara, but since she won't be there, at least not as Kiara, I will take it.

>> No.77591702

Nice, waiting for the Lucca one.

>> No.77591939
File: 12 KB, 526x197, PAzH0lyzxJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well throw in that Doki's looking for a BGM composer for some secret project.
Dunno what that's about, but it's probably going to be crazy.

>> No.77592077

you dokifags do know you have a containment general right?

>> No.77592128

Yes, but this makes sisters seethe more.

>> No.77592177

Euros would prefer hololive talents though. You see them always making thread about wanting someone to stream during EU zones. Or wanting an EU branch.

>> No.77592255

Nta but you people aren't making anything better you are shitting the catalog with bullshit as much as the next nijisister before and after you.

>> No.77592271

you already have the entire JP branch willing to stream at decent Euro hours

>> No.77592303

We don't sperg used tampons all over the catalog, only actual news, not random faggot shitposts.

>> No.77592314

I guess that's fair.

>> No.77592336

>Making threads just to stir shit
Dokifags are insufferable.

>> No.77592454

Cover literally cut all ties with Dokomi because of their gross incompetence unfortunately

>> No.77592562
File: 904 KB, 978x930, Screenshot 2024-06-07 200940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof? Cuz seems to me japanese corpo don't have a problem with it.

>> No.77592636

What happened there, anyways? I just know they fucked up the livestream somehow.

>> No.77592746

scheduling issues, people were stuck in line during concerts and meet&greets went for hours over time

>> No.77592922

Wasted trips

>> No.77593039

>Big fish leaves, smaller fish come in for scraps
It's just nature

>> No.77593089

>IRyS had no audience feed, which is on the venue to sort out
>played ads during IRyS performance
>there was supposed to be a KFP food truck but Dokomi fucked it up due to incompetence
>The meet and greet allocation was completely fucked, making Kiara and IRyS scramble hard to communicate the ever-changing details with their fans
>The con staff had no radios and were passing info around with runners
>They didn't leave enough time to process the queue for Kiara and get people seated, then just had her start before everyone was there and shut the remaining people out of the venue
After that the holos pretty much said there won't be a next time at Dokomi

>> No.77593343

Jesus. I hope they've improved since then, at least.

>> No.77593356

Good riddance
Don't want any Holos I like forced to associate with people like Merryweather anyway

>> No.77593462

that amount of incompetent can be seen as malicious alr. holy

>> No.77593535

>>The con staff had no radios and were passing info around with runners
how the fuck do you mess this up? Aren't they supposed to be the biggest according to themselves? Communication is everything.

>> No.77593928

For anyone who has had the displeasure of doing business in Germany, you know this kind of thing isn't a rare occurrence. Their corporate/workplace autism is 10x worse than anything in Japan and leads to retarded incompetence like what happened in Dokomi. I have no idea how Germans got the reputation of being efficient because from what I've experience and what I've seen from others, it's been the complete opposite.

>> No.77594070

I would not call lunch time decent. Granted its not all of them, Chloe usually starts pretty late.

>> No.77594095

but i do

>> No.77594134

That's cool but I'm still wondering how bad they fucked up to get Hololive to just not want to do anything with them ever again.
She at least won't be physically at the convention, right?

>> No.77594635

remote or flesh?
>learn a 5th language to watch streams
how about no?
>dokomi gets dropped
>offkai keeps getting chances
at this point I think it's just pure Europhobia.

>> No.77594922

to be fair, Offkai only got a chance because them dropping their contract with Niji actually opened up doors for them. Outside of them fucking shit up with Phase (and Phase stating they will continue working with them anyways) I don't think offkai's fuck ups were that massive. Talking to some of the staff, they're getting a bigger venue for next year as well as vetting the volunteers more.

>> No.77594928 [DELETED] 

>remote or flesh?
Remote. Doki doesn't seem to plan to announce anywhere she's going to physically for safety reasons.

>> No.77595082

>remote or flesh?
Should be remote. She's mentioned before that she doesn't plan on announcing any physical trips in the near future for safety reasons.

>> No.77595204

Only dramafags post about Doki outside the thread

>> No.77595285

Offkai barely had problems for anyone but phasebrowns which, as it turned out, were entirely caused by phase themselves.

>> No.77595346

thanks anon, understandable.

>> No.77595933

are vtubers even a thing at lucca?

>> No.77596589

>reputation of being efficient
A thing from the past, now we either have people who are way too young in charge of things they dont know shit about or old farts who cant teal with everything thats modern.
t. german

>> No.77597076 [DELETED] 
File: 342 KB, 529x902, wertybvc3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, the tour doesn't stop for today.

>> No.77597135
File: 342 KB, 529x902, cvnbxcvn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, now there's west coast Canada, too. She can't blame the ping this time.

>> No.77597239

Please come to japan expo

>> No.77598380

>German efficience.
>Try to take a train.
>Find out.

>> No.77598681

Another glorious W for the Dragoons.

BTW, how long until Q4 report?

>> No.77600513

Next week.

>> No.77600707

I wouldn't hate it to be honestly. The thing is HUGE.

>> No.77605470


Barring any sudden disappointments, it is going to be a very fun night when it drops.

>> No.77605945

more for me

>> No.77606231

EU doesn't deserve shit

>> No.77607249

Oh awesome I can actually go to this one.

>> No.77613390


>> No.77616068


>> No.77619624

i do

>> No.77621487
File: 160 KB, 452x403, toma1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doki doko?

I feel like doki is cringe enough to say that in her intro

>> No.77621779

True, every tubah is cringe to me cause I insert words into their mouths too

>> No.77622169

Doki says eepy and ungy regularly. She's absolutely cringe enough to do that.
My goal is to say that before every stream until she comments on it because I think it's cute.

>> No.77627518

Lmao imagine being a grown man beefing with an anime rabbit girl
