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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77583264 No.77583264 [Reply] [Original]

Shr is currently the worst En

>> No.77583299

Yeah, the worst at not being my wife.

>> No.77583338

True, I never really liked Shr

>> No.77583343

i can’t tell if she’s jp or en these days

>> No.77583346
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I agree

>> No.77583402

>mori exists
>kronii exists
>baelz exists
not by a long shot

>> No.77583453

Hey look, a post from a year ago

>> No.77583516 [DELETED] 

fwmc are worse

>> No.77583706

she is a good entertainer, but she is the worst at being En that is for sure

>> No.77583823

Wouldn't know. She streams too late for us on the east coast.

>> No.77583917

She's fine. I don't sub or anything, because I guess she's a little too...regular for my tastes, though. Like, just a normal person with very few distinguishing or interesting characteristics. But some people might prefer that.

>> No.77584008

I don't know who the worst in EN is. But I know who's gonna be the last one standing, and it ain't you.

>> No.77586464

Kronii literally just talked about hooking up with a dude at a party two days ago
Bae went on a dinner date with Aruran that they planned together on stream
Only Mori has successfuly improved her image from a year ago

>> No.77586576

As long as Kronii exists this will never be possible

>> No.77586654

>worst EN chuuba
Enna sings better anyway

>> No.77586863

she switched to the good branch

>> No.77587094 [DELETED] 

Yeah but she's fat...

>> No.77587130

Wrong, Mori and Kronii are still in holoEN

>> No.77587912

>Kronii literally just talked about hooking up with a dude at a party two days ago
Why would someone go on the internet and just lie like that?
She got flirty drunk with her friends and regretted looking like an idiot.

>> No.77588381

So you're saying she was all over the dude and in the end the guy just... went away? Didn't follow up on her advances? Is she that ugly or what are you implying? Because if a girl is all over me, touching me, complimenting my body and asking if I'd date her I'm for sure hooking up with her idk about you lmao.

>> No.77588637
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>> No.77589057

In the USA, you're risking a prison sentence by having sex with a drunk girl. Especially one who has more money than you.
Besides, use some logic here. Kronii was telling a story where she regretted acting flirty. If she got drunk and ended up plowed by one of her friends, she wouldn't be telling the story in public, and her regrets would be significantly different. And that's just the most obvious problem with your proposed scenario.

>> No.77590113

What >>77587912 said is what actually happened, you just chose to ignore that.

>> No.77590199

thats not enna

>> No.77591905

Pajeet..it's time for you to move on. Move to America and work at your uncle's cousins sisters grandfather's gas station so you can stop seething at an anime girl.

>> No.77591964
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hello anon

>> No.77592055

oh ennacuck is a pajeet? that makes so much sense now.

>> No.77592109

Shiori? True.

>> No.77592235

>If she got drunk and ended up plowed by one of her friends, she wouldn't be telling the story in public
How fun is it to oshi someone that is always just one drink away from doing it.
But her fans are mostly troons so whatever.

>> No.77592334

>Move to America
Nice tri rabbi

>> No.77592548

Why would a foreskin ripper want pajeets to move to the US?

>> No.77593235

She streams, so by definition she's better than Gura, who only comes around once every 3-4 months to announce merch for her paypigs and cunnylovers to buy, then maybe streams 2-3x more and then fucks off again.

>> No.77593303

Correct she is the worst EN for my dick, i cant fucking watch her streams without getting a fucking boner. Like holy shit so so fucking cute and her voice is sultry as fuck.......HNNNNNNG

>> No.77593306
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When will you sisters learn that holo vs holo shitposting just doesn't work?

>> No.77593368
File: 2.76 MB, 3040x3448, Gura unicorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura and IRyS are our bright Unicorns, stay seething sis

>> No.77593391

She's not the worst because mori and Kiara exist. The only thing I wish irys would do is to stop interpretating everything she says in Japanese every 20 fucking seconds. It filters me the fuck out especially when chat is fully eop.

>> No.77593570
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I guess that's ONE thing I can agree with, as her fan. Otherwise, she's simply perfection. I get horny every time I watch her streams because of her "unintended" innuendos.

>> No.77593671

I usually turn into IRyS once in a blue moon depending on the game she's playing. She's a cute dork.

>> No.77593683

ennaschizo is a pajeet
goddamn it makes so much sense now

>> No.77593735

kek, chat is not fully eop
50% of the time she goes into random nihongoobledygook it's because she read a jap post

>> No.77594217

Ok saar.

>> No.77594313

This is why /HiRyS/ sucks

>> No.77594331

Is Enna also the better Elden Ring noob? She picked it up pretty quickly playing the same class as IRyS.

>> No.77594370

Enna is just the better version of IRyS to be fair.

>> No.77594392

enna’s voice is shit

>> No.77594439

Her singing voice absolutely mogs everyone in EN besides Beryl. That's a fact.

>> No.77594471

but her talking voice is shit

>> No.77594477

get better ears
There's a reason she gets mogged by a piece of paper. Her talents are garbo

>> No.77594532

This is some serious sour grapes. I know you love Hololive, and that's fair, but Enna is objectively the best singer in the entire EN scene along with Beryl. The only ones objecting are tribalfags.

>> No.77594656

>bad faith unityfagging in an irys anti thread
Yeah nah, nijisanji and their miscreant fandom are objectively bad things and the world is better off without them nor lazy bitch enna

>> No.77594814

You can dislike Niji, Enna, all of them and still realize that she's a better singer than 99% of EN chuubas.

>> No.77595011

Sure am glad not to have your garbage taste in music.

Also very interesting you went from "best in entire EN scene" to "better singer than 99%" let's get those numbers lower so it accurately reflects her dropping sub count.

>> No.77595139

What music do you listen to?

>> No.77595439

her model is still ugly

>> No.77595616


>> No.77595900


>> No.77596011

You're ugly

>> No.77596515

Fuck off Ennacuck

>> No.77596639

>I usually turn into IRyS once in a blue moon
Looks a counterpart to the /become/ thread just dropped

>> No.77596681

From what I have gathered, there is this woman from /#/ who has a hate boner for IRyS and calls her fans pajeets and is an Enna fan

>> No.77596747

enna and her fans (viewer reflects streamer!) are objectively terrible human beings

>> No.77596757
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>> No.77597134

ennas smoked too much dick to be the best singer
she sounds like a nasal whore

>> No.77597254
File: 407 KB, 752x737, 1717732828550691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expect more anti IRyS threads by the IRyS schizo after what US did to Pakis

>> No.77597262

"She" sounds like a dude using a fake voice.

>> No.77597350


>> No.77597372

KEK fuck, you're so right, i never even considered it being a man
holy shit, that explains why her singing is so dogshit

>> No.77597474

Nice. Karimloo is up there with Crawford as my two favorite phantoms.

>> No.77597729

yeah specifically went with karimloo and bogess. They were my favorites

>> No.77598122

She's JP

>> No.77598201

>The whole branch is worthless

>> No.77598233
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>> No.77598283

I'll admit that I'm not really a big fan of IRyS but she is nice to blow a load to every now and then.

>> No.77598372

WideRyS my oshi

>> No.77598511

Gura, Kronii, Kiara, and Ina would have to graduate first for that to be true.

>> No.77598550

i'm subbed to every single member of EN, JP, and ID.. except kiara, shiori, nerissa, and mori.

>> No.77598674

wow you're so cool anon
you hate all the vtubers that retards on /vt/ decided to hate
good job

>> No.77598688

>I get horny every time I watch her streams because of her "unintended" innuendos.
i get horny because she's the easiest member in all of hololive to imagine moaning 'daddy' to you

>> No.77598692

>It filters me the fuck out
Good, fuck off and kys

>> No.77598740

This is currently the worst theead

>> No.77598782

It doesn't matter how good you sing if you're in a corpo nobody with a brain or an ounce of decency wants to watch.

>> No.77598794 [DELETED] 
File: 590 KB, 854x480, Afternoon pats and ASMR cause im clingy 2-28-12 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77598902

Literal sheep

>> No.77599586

>I hate these specific holos just because shitters on /vt/ told me to

>> No.77599761

>I have no free will

>> No.77601927

>anyone who doesn't agree with me is a sheep, they screeched in unison

>> No.77605825

Project Hope?

>> No.77606901

>interpretating everything she says in Japanese every 20 fucking seconds.
that's literally the reason why she is low mid tier instead of high tier

>> No.77607024

According to you, an opinion I can easily discard.

>> No.77607572

All this post is missing is a basedjak

>> No.77608314

Yeah, the worst at not being a sex machine.

>> No.77608807

ok well I'm happy for you that you like hearing the same thing repeated in a different language over and over

>> No.77611296

>IRyS hate thread
>full of SEA, last samurai, and other ESL
Many such cases!

>> No.77611387

myth exist

>> No.77612005

Ame exists, or rather doesn't

>> No.77614455

skill issue

>> No.77616398

takanashi kiara ????

>> No.77619673


>> No.77619705

I’d take posts more seriously if they can explain their rationale. And number faggotry doesn’t count unless it’s to argue worst ccv or something 99% of ppl even on this board don’t take seriously outside tribal warfare.

>> No.77621789

Who the fuck is Shr

>> No.77621944

Must have mixed her up with JP
