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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77560640 No.77560640 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Previous thread: >>77535875

>> No.77560711

Good Morning /asp/
I am sober and ready for today.
How are you?

>> No.77560734

Don't worry, I don't like her anymore. Too many obvious parasocial baits.
Only I allowed to act parasocial towards my streamers and be rejected.

>> No.77560828

I don't feel ready to live life

>> No.77560832

I have seen Purrsons butthole AMA

>> No.77560939

How do we save:

>> No.77560941


>> No.77560994

I think I might message her, sis

>> No.77561030

I'm pretty sure I'm not alone but there's a few people I'll dodge a collab here for even if I like the others involved.

>> No.77561042

I don't have time to lurk in people's streams to see if they're the kind of person who will respond to a DM out of nowhere and random vtubers don't usually come up trying to make friends unless they vibe with you

Men are hostile and schizo

>> No.77561115

this is bait

>> No.77561210

Good for you sis. I hope it works out.

No idea who you're talking about, sis. Name them, sis

Just say you're retarded and NGMI, sis

>> No.77561397

Nah but the chuubas will know when I show up to all their streams except the ones with those other chuubas involved.

>> No.77561400
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I want to kiss this wolf.

>> No.77561486

Shut up Ruadh

>> No.77561548

I set my GMI goals very low and I still cant meet them

>> No.77561556 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.77561611

You're not the main character, sis. No one marks your name on their attendance sheet every time you show up.

>> No.77561615


>> No.77561647

Where is this meme coming from?

>> No.77561732


>> No.77561821
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Need help.

So I made a discord server for stream announcements, and a bunch of transpeople joined and have been spamming trans and gender related stuff on every channel. I'm not a /pol/chud, people can believe whatever. However most of my viewers are pretty much done with my server and streams for that reason. They eat up all the conversation.

How can I ban the transpeople without ending up blacklisted as some sort of based redpilled nazi? Or is it pretty much over? Someone did tell them that they are going too far and they had a shitfit saying that not talking about transissues is murder.

I don't wanna end up becoming a "based" vtuber to make them leave, but goddamn why cannot they talk about something else than gender stuff. I feel trapped and I don't wanna delete the community just because of some shitheads.

>> No.77561865

Thoughts on this drama? https://x.com/nyababymao/status/1798592050059006246?s=61&t=NwbsOcDnzKtpxw4OXQtBHw

>> No.77561958

Then you knowing who I avoid collabs with should be insignificant?

>> No.77561961

LMAO just ban keywords and slowly start silently kicking them but this is so unfortunate for you

>> No.77561990
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>> No.77561999

You gotta put your foot down.
If you labeled yourself as a "safe space" you're SoL pal.

This is why I refer to my streams and discord as places of mutual respect.

>> No.77562038

grow some balls

>> No.77562047

Tell them there’s a time and place for advocating their message and your server and stream isn’t it. You can say you support them (to shut them up) but if they keep saying dumb shit give them a warning and ban them after if they do it again.

>> No.77562129

who's gonna blacklist you for that lol

>> No.77562177

Just ban them and say that someone in your community came to you with accusations of harassments against them and that you do not take such accusations lightly. Then just ban anyone who argues against it or asks for proof. Say you have a 0 tolerance policy for such behavior.

>> No.77562189

>Tell them there’s a time and place for advocating their message and your server and stream isn’t it.
Saying that is like calling them the N word lol

>> No.77562209 [DELETED] 

Emily please respond. I love you. I want us to move in together.

>> No.77562214

Are those piss bottles?

>> No.77562296

... i have also had a fair number of trans people joining mine but they dont talk, i have many trans friends and even dated them, but the ones who use flags as pfp might as well be false flaggers trying to make you want to kill them.

>> No.77562331

Who the fuck is Emily

>> No.77562355

Top Tier drama.
Honestly if you sent your model to a tierlist you should expect this but they went overboard with this.

>> No.77562400

If you and your fans don't want to see certain topics discussed then say that and put in your rules. It's that simple. Don't fall into the trap of believing every single person that clicks your stream or joins your server can read your fucking mind. Use your words and encourage your viewers to do so as well. This should go without saying but that doesn't mean let them speak for you, back them up and assert your own will above everyone else's.

People aren't going to hate you for having an opinion. They will hate you if you aren't mature about your feelings and let them bottle up and eventually explode.

>> No.77562462

I will save all of them by making a harem filled with all the cute boys and then filling them with my love

>> No.77562515

>trans people

..People who are this vitriolic about being told to stop talking about gender don't seem like real trans people.

Every transfemme/transmasc I've ever had in my community have been super nice and know when to stfu or when someone doesn't want to hear about gender things. Idk. They can also be annoying, but not specifically about trans stuff.\

This sounds like you have fake trans people in your discord server.

>> No.77562519

list them

>> No.77562576

i love these cuties

>> No.77562664

You don't use twitter enough if you think all trans people with flags are fake or that they're all nice and respectful

>> No.77562671

Its just autistic trans people, of which there are disturbingly many. This i basically the same person that comes into your stream to hijack all conversation to their weird niche interest.

>> No.77562676 [DELETED] 

Emily. When I met you almost one year ago. I fell in love. I felt like I finally found my other half. Chatting with you, swapping stories. We were so alike. I loved your streams and the games you played. I love your view on the world. You've voiced in the past that you desired to move to my country. I could make that happen. We could be so happy. I am blessed enough to have the funding and assets necessary to purchase a comfortable home. We could live out in the nice country. With the fresh air and build beautiful lives. I want to hold your hand. I want to make you your favorite food. I want to look into your eyes every day. The truth is I deeply love you Emily. I want both of us to get away from all this. I strongly believe in that light. You are why my heart beats.
Please Emily, respond to me. Overcome your fear. I adore you. All of you.

>> No.77562767

>the trannies have taken over my server but I'm too NPC to do something that is perceived to go against the globohomo
That's why I prefer to hang out with open /pol/tards. At least they're honest and don't act like two-faced hypocritical cunts

>> No.77562789

>i want to make you your favorite food

so like what anon, you want to make her pies and mash?? kys you have 0 chance

>> No.77562809

My rrat is this is Iriya and Emily is Rura.

>> No.77562921

Why can't anyone say this about me

>> No.77562923

That makes sense. The worst is someone talking about their bottom surgery in our chat, but they stopped when we asked them not to talk about t it on stream chat.

>> No.77562936
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you're basing this on trans people you saw on twitter and taking it as fact?

>> No.77562948

Add "no politics" to your rules then ban everyone who refuses to conform. It's YOUR server.

>> No.77562976

Poly fucking stop

>> No.77563122
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>> No.77563246

I hate myself

>> No.77563481

I've considered joining niji again...

>> No.77563571

I wish someone here would help me with this *points at crotch*

>> No.77563607

only if you're an older man

>> No.77563630

If we're men enough to suffer through a year there, we'll have made it when we return to our normal lives, right?

>> No.77563670

When people attempt to crab me with obviously fake information, it makes me smile.

>> No.77563669

I'm a virgin.

>> No.77563735


>> No.77563971


>> No.77564073

Bro you need to give up on this its not healthy.

>> No.77564116
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>Holo won't be accepting any new applicants until the current set start to retire
>Niji is bleeding out and you'll be trapped as a mid 3view with a shit contract for at least a year
>almost nobody else takes males
Is there any hope anymore? I came into this with corpo being my endgoal but now the only hope I have is to be a successful indie, which is already incredibly difficult for a male.

>> No.77564169

There was no hope for you anyway, Keitaro

>> No.77564440

Ruadh's just in Haru's chat for the last week or something. Seems like an active chatter the little I've seen but gonna guess he's even more so with Haru.
Some seemed to like the ship too.

>> No.77564592

I think I'm having sex?

>> No.77564668

I want to pick Mond up and carry her around...

>> No.77564752

so you just got into vtubing with the intent of hating it?

weird shit

>> No.77564773

You should delete this too

>> No.77564814

sucks to suck, scrote

>> No.77564945

I'm gonna bite some bait before I go to bed.
Curious as to what aspects of my model could be improved in your eyes. I'm thinking of ideas for an outfit later down the line. Maybe something from a previous adventure.
Well this comes outta left field. I'll let you think what you want to. I can't stop you.
If someone is blatantly incorrect, there is no need to be so aggressive on correcting them.

>> No.77565023
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Can't stop me from loving dorky vampire

>> No.77565039

You're a good potato Zeph, don't bite bait just sleep lil buddy.

>> No.77565359

Why won't you watch my streams

>> No.77565404

My viewers are actual children. I end my stream to find several people blowing up my dms throwing paragraphs long tantrums because I didn't read their every chat message in a five minute period where I want to focus because there's a timer in that part of the game. Excuse the fuck out of me. I was still talking even but not playing babysitter and jingling fucking keys in front of their faces for a couple minutes is deserving of bailing on my stream and writing out schizo novels about it in my dms. Fucking hell
Just wanted to vent

>> No.77565419

I don't watch people who don't talk to or watch me

>> No.77565423


>> No.77565475

I may not have a lot of active viewers but I think that's because I do not enable this kind of behavior at all.

>> No.77565498


>> No.77565589

But I talk to you

>> No.77565630

How do you deal with the inevitable "human rights aren't politics"?

>> No.77565709
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there's only one response worth giving to someone that sends you a paragraph of seethe over something as worthless as "you didn't read my message"

>> No.77565742

he has been in haru's chat constantly for a long time, same with his discord, It's hard to not ship them but after the last haru ship I don't want to feel invested

>> No.77565745

>human rights aren't politics
but... they are....discussion about human rights is inherently political.... Now if they said "were only talking about ourselves, this is who we are!" I'd understand a bit more, but I'd still ask them to not make their gender situation their whole identity.

>> No.77565759

you have to be able to control your chat
if they're in your dm's bitching to you about being a bad streamer, TO YOUR FACE, then that's on you. it's your fault for being a pushover

>> No.77565811

Anal in the ass.

>> No.77565855

You don't argue with them.

>> No.77565857

I want Haru to have some luck in his love life, he's a sweet boy and seems sad to be alone, he wants a family.

>> No.77565882

option 1. "even if they aren't, you're sure acting like they are"
option 2. instead of "no politics" (though you should have this too, just in general) have a "the mods reserve the right to ban you for any reason" statement (aka "don't be fucking annoying") and use that instead

you're already burning this bridge anyway, you aren't coming out unscathed if they decide to start a holy war. about the only way you can survive is making it clear you don't hate trans people, you hate these very specific trans people. trust me most sane people (trans-supportive or otherwise) will fully understand.

>> No.77565976

I thought I just had to fart but I ended up letting loose a handful of my intestinal lining jelly in my pants
Fucking bottom problems...

>> No.77566003

I miss when I was the only one who loved you.

>> No.77566034
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>> No.77566035

>identity politics
>gender politics
hit them with that

>> No.77566032

then send him a woman, he wants to have kids

>> No.77566188

What is the point in being affiliate when you only have 2 viewers?

>> No.77566217

I wonder what having a femboy dad that you're taller and stronger than would be like.

>> No.77566239

even as someone who agrees with that sentiment, seeing it used like that is annoying

honestly it's probably way better to just take a stand and say "it's my server, you're being annoying- begone"

>> No.77566247

That's why I haven't activated mine yet

>> No.77566280

Emotes, I want the emotes. I don't care about the money, I just want the emotes.

>> No.77566284

nta but channel points are pretty fun and really add more to a stream.

>> No.77566581

God numberfags are so joyless

>> No.77566807

If you feel insulted by a simple question, this thread isn't for you.

>> No.77566837

At least you admit the purpose was insult.

>> No.77566849

Just use the good old
>not your personal blog

>> No.77566992

Again, if that's how you feel upon reading a question, you don't need to be here. Insecurity over your view count won't help you grow. What will is stepping back and asking yourself why you're doing the things you are doing to grow. Do you actually have a reason or are you just doing it because it's expected of you? These other people seem to have actual reasons while you are getting into a tizzy over the mere mention of numbers.

>> No.77567048

You're pretty defensive about your numberfagging

>> No.77567089

one day I'd like to be used as a non-schizo, on-topic OP for another thread. one day...

>> No.77567190

You're just as bad as the trans people that other anon was whining about. If you say anything other than "WOW GOOD JOB 2 VIEWERS IS THE GREATEST!!!" then you are basically committing an act of murder huh?

>> No.77567236

Really can't stop digging the hole huh?

>> No.77567382

I'll be the villain for you if it helps you feel better about having 0 viewers. Everyone appreciates your hard work white knighting for the poor literal 2views that totally need your help. Maybe if you keep it up, they'll collab with you.

>> No.77567427

>I'll be the villain for you
You're not even a side character. You're not doing anything. You're acting like a faggot to randoms online and then wrapping yourself in "I'm doing it to help them, really." cope.

>> No.77567499

I never said anything like that. I asked a question out of genuine curiosity and you decided to call me names and treat me like I did something terrible.

>> No.77567513

such a martyr lmao

>> No.77567637

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.77567681

You really can't say anything around here without the predebut vtweeters and 0views coming out of the woodwork. If you actually have even a single viewer, you're doing better than these retards so keep it up and don't take whatever support they try to offer you. Objective criticism is your friend.

>> No.77567708


>> No.77567782

stop drinking so much gael

>> No.77567784

>cries at the first sign of pushback
Weren't you just calling other people soft for being scared of your super hot advice?

>> No.77567797

Someone with knowledge about this explain to me if Cabu can dance.
I don't wanna sound rude but it looks stupid to me, but i can't dance and I don't understand how dancing works.

>> No.77567871

Nigga this shit is cringey! Stop talking like this! Insufferable mf

>> No.77567945

So. Who went to Offkai?

>> No.77568009

I'm only aware of three aspies at Offkai and I don't think any of them met.

>> No.77568016


>> No.77568024

I haven't given any advice and even saying my question was criticism is being generous to you tard creatures. I forgot that this place is a Twitter colony so you really need to walk on eggshells and choose your words more carefully than I did. Some people really do get upset at view counts being mentioned even if it's completely neutral, not praising or insulting, just an acknowledgement that numbers exist sets off the vtweeters because they have zero.

>> No.77568068

>I'm not mad you're all mad x100

>> No.77568077

any aspies who made their own live2d model + drew it, do you have any tips..?

>> No.77568095

I did.

>> No.77568102

the tip is to be patient because it takes too much time if you want it to look half decent

>> No.77568127

keep updating and add new things over time so people can see new things when they watch you

>> No.77568151

Woah you can't just post a big old number like 100 without warning people. At least spoiler that shit!

>> No.77568185

If you're not confident about your art/rigging, take as many shortcuts as possible, pride be damned

>> No.77568225

>thread about new and aspiring vtubers
>people who have just started to stream
>are getting advice about streaming
>or wanting to get into the hobby
>people seeking advice on how to grow
>"why do you only have 2 viewers? why go affiliate?"
Are you actually retarded?

>> No.77568240

Accusing everyone you yell at for clowning on you of being zero view vtweeters is really rich when you're hiding on anon with no viewers to show.

>> No.77568249

I just had my first long and relaxing bath in over a year (i usually just shower) and it felt so good.

>> No.77568284

name some chuubas not many please

>> No.77568299

Amazing how butthurt and anal you guys can get. It's literally twitter in here, I thought you guys were 4chan.

>> No.77568301

im currently in the process of putting down base colours for the cuts and im losing my mind.. i think i might take a few shortcuts but i dread the rigging process. im making it an up to waist model just so its easier on me but at the same time AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.77568309

What are other acceptable name taken suffixes?

>> No.77568313

It was never good enough so I just used a premade program so I could actually start streaming. If you want to actually vtube and youve said it for months and haven't started streaming, its time to rethink what you really want to do. Since you're not a corpo, doing a debut is just dumb. Just stream. You can always do an official debut later.

>> No.77568317


>> No.77568355

only vt and ch are ok. Dont use fucking ttv.

>> No.77568374


You're welcome

>> No.77568376

Ricecake uses "VS" for "vstreamer"

>> No.77568377

i did :)

>> No.77568378


>> No.77568401

Da Clonq. Gumpers.
If things weren't such a mess for me right now I would've gone too. I wanted to meet up with an adjacent I collabed with.

>> No.77568402

Not insulted, no. I feel pity. Living in that mindset is so ridiculously pathetic.~

>> No.77568409
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>> No.77568456

I would rather drive a dildo through my eyesocket than put anything related to FaZe in my name

>> No.77568496


>> No.77568505

No, I just wondering why because I personally didn't activate mine until I hit about 30CCV and knew I'd actually be making some money. Never saw affiliate as something that would help you grow but rather as something you pop once you've already seen growth, effectively the same as partner but on a smaller scale. I've always kind of wondered what the rush is for some people like that poster but this specific topic doesn't come up that often so I just asked them.

It's not really as deep as you are trying to make it seem. I'm doing the exact same thing you outlined actually but because I didn't wrap in sunshine and kisses for you, it made you angry. I am glad to have gotten some other perspectives on it though and I do kind of understand. Again, personally I think making emotes and getting them approved is a lot of work to be doing when you don't have much of a community but that's just me.

>> No.77568532


>> No.77568766

/asp/ doesn't have predebut vtweeters though...

>> No.77568812

>other acceptable
none of these are, you'll end up looking like a faggot like >>77568317
please tell me you have a better name than spinach right?

>> No.77568813

When you have 0 viewers it is kind of like you don't exist so I can see why you would believe that.

>> No.77568819

gael posts here though.
he posted just last thread towards ubume.

>> No.77568933

says the guy who would never post their own identity.
Easy to cast judgement from the shadows my dear crustacean poster.

>> No.77568967

and you talk like a faggot, why am i not surprised?

>> No.77569022

tsk tsk, you're never going to make friends like this, you'll be doomed to your bucket forever.

>> No.77569033

Looking for a cute girl to be my gf. must be
>Below 5' (Im 5'5")
>Older than me (Im 25)
>Into gardening and hiking and camping
>Loves animals, even reptiles
Most importantly
>an /asp/ie or planning to be one
I will support and bankroll you!

>> No.77569063
File: 179 KB, 665x713, Tooney Spikey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the funniest shit I've read today lmao
Thanks for the segue btw; I am cooking again today and we're making spinach puffs.
You are welcome to join - if you can type the channel name that is ahahahahahah

>> No.77569080


>> No.77569152

If we openly post here we just take attention away from those just starting out and actually trying to grow. There's nothing to be gained here besides some more schizos unless you are literally just starting out. All the shitheads arguing with me suspiciously went silent after I mentioned my ccv because they're trying to connect the dots and find out who I am so they can hurt me. They know I'm right about them and their deception don't want me feeding the newchamas that information, so they try to silence me.

>> No.77569174

No joke lmao vtubers are assmad bitches no matter where they are

>> No.77569206

now kiss

>> No.77569217

>after I mentioned my ccv
After you made up a number to pretend you even stream

>> No.77569249

idk man your posts kinda ooze bitterness so I don't really give a shit what your ccv is lmao

I just think you should speak more kindly to others, or not say anything if all you can do is be angry about it.

>> No.77569274


>> No.77569324

you do you then amigo, but don't act surprised when people never take you seriously.

>> No.77569371

>he thinks people are taking him seriously

>> No.77569380
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I'm back with a new tier list.
I'm not very good at poker

>> No.77569408

>reading comprehension

>> No.77569451

you'd beat me in poker probably, I'm not very knowledgeable of card games.

It took me like a week just to win a single game of solitaire.

>> No.77569465

Explain everyone in the first category

>> No.77569470

I don't have my L2D yet, but I'm currently trying to practice using the program. But did do my own model and do the PNGtuberPlus rigging (which isn't complex, but is a good starting point if you want a PNGtuber model with more movement than veado offers).

1. If you can't afford Photoshop or hate the app, use Krita. It's free, and overall nice to use.

2. Tutorials are your friend. If you don't understand something the first time, try another tutorial.

3. I personally cut my art at the sketch phase, because it made it easier for me to manage when I could work on individual parts. But a lot of other riggers and model artists will tell you their own ways. Honestly do what works for you.

4. Take frequent breaks, especially when you're working on the art. Last thing you need is carpal tunnel.

5. Name your layers while you're cutting the model, or even while drawing. It saves you so much time.

Those are some things that worked for me, and maybe they'll work for you! Good luck Anon!

>> No.77569475

People do take me seriously because I talk and post like a normal person instead of a character on Bluey or some shit. I don't do this sanitized speech and forced positivity crap.

>> No.77569523

you're obviously new to /asp/, you should lurk more before typing so much to argue with people

>> No.77569530

Anon, I have never played a single game of poker. Unless God himself blessed me with divine intervention, you're winning everything.

>> No.77569600

You sound like you're very proud of telling someone off on a vtuber board of a chinese sweatshop forum

>> No.77569629

ooo scary! what are you going to say next? let me guess, you recognize my typing style and you're dming my friends? oh noez!!!

>> No.77569695
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>> No.77569703

I activated affiliate when I was at 5 CCV and now that I'm at 50 CCV, I don't regret activating it so early

>> No.77569746


>> No.77569776

good night keitaro!(?)

>> No.77569812

I audibly chuckled

>> No.77569818

you think it's forced?

>> No.77569853

People are arguing?
I wanna argue too!!!
I think... bacon goes well with eggs. Take that cheese industry!

>> No.77569973

Yeah I think you saying
>this is the funniest shit I've read today lmao
>I just think you should speak more kindly to others, or not say anything
and a bunch of other canned lines cartoon characters use is a tad bit forced. I hope you don't mind my criticism but I really just don't believe that you actually talk like that. I feel like it's an exaggerated caricature performance and it's a bit obnoxious for you to be doing that in a discussion thread. I'm not telling you to stop if you don't want to, I'm just saying this isn't how normal people talk at all.

>> No.77570024

Fuck off already. We get it, you stream food who cares

>> No.77570037

I'm not spike.

>> No.77570092

Oh I guess I wasn't talking to you then but if the shoe fits...

That's a real expression that I use in my daily life btw and not something I heard in a cartoon lol

>> No.77570112


>> No.77570149

I'm the anon telling you to speak kindly.
and yes, I do speak like this all the time.
Just because the people you surround yourself are self-serving and bitter it doesn't mean that other types of people can't exist in the world.

>> No.77570161


>> No.77570178


>> No.77570182

I never streamed food.

>> No.77570201

I know. Everyone in this world is just so mean and bitter. It's making me tearbend... : '(

Why can't we all just get along and hold hands>

>> No.77570230

it doesn't matter who any of you ever assume I am I have said it time and time again you will never guess who I am.
I could even tell you who I am and you'd forget me in a week, it's that bad.

>> No.77570243

Anyone live right now?

>> No.77570255
File: 110 KB, 1284x1274, GHdlOUPWAAAmY66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I google "Best phone for vtube studio" the only real result points to the IphoneX but sadly its an old reddit post and not much actual conversation happens in that thread.
I live in a market where while expensive, I can get just about any model unlocked and not tied to a phone plan - I would not be using the phone as my actual daily carry, as such is there a sweet spot for cool IR camera versus cost? No other feature needs to be considered aside from the phones ability to run the vtube app for a few hours straight.

Image just to steal your attention

>> No.77570335

I'm not sure what benefits there really are after the X that aren't offset heavily by cost. The X is commonly suggested because it is (relatively) cheap, and has the minimum LIDAR spec to make full use of modern rigging standards.

>> No.77570336

Rather childish, don't you think?

>> No.77570382

God, why is everyone but me so mean and bad? I'm like literally so perfect! Everyone should be like me and we should all live in houses made of cotton candy!

>> No.77570414

Dear all vtubers. STOP GIVING SPECIAL TREATMENT TO YOUR FUCKING MODS FOR FUCKS SAKE. Sick of feeling like a third wheel and getting cucked over and over and over.

>> No.77570438

I wish you could all be even somewhat normal. This is just sad.

>> No.77570475

Fair, thank you for your concise answer

>> No.77570482

Mods should only ever speak if they're donating and that's it

>> No.77570506

If I ever get a mod, I'm going to explain to them that I'm actually going to treat them worse to avoid this

>> No.77570518
File: 117 KB, 936x166, F8BAcpPmX0A8rGM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget this list

>> No.77570523

seems I've struck a nerve.

>> No.77570566

waah waaah

>> No.77570595

Please say something that isn't a one liner from a cartoon, sitcom or anything on daytime television. I'm begging you!

>> No.77570615

This doesn't work, especially with girl vtubers, if the mod is mean to them, the girl takes it as flirting, therefor the viewer is cucked. Treating them worse makes them wet. I've seen it happen again and again. Then i come in all nice to the girl and stuff and end up cucked. dunno how it is for bros and gays though but /wasp/ isn't up so i can't tell this straight to them. I will next time it's up. Just needed to vent.

>> No.77570617

I don't watch television, cartoons, nor movies, so you have a moot point.

>> No.77570621
File: 170 KB, 590x591, 1717213184833921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did we get a new schizo from /wvt/ to post on cooldown or something?

>> No.77570676

It's spinaCh and some other faggot of his or something

>> No.77570723

you have no idea who I am lmao
It's amusing because all I did was offer some genuine advice.

You'll understand when you're older.
At least, I hope you do.

>> No.77570771

How convenient that I'm talking with one of the 10 people on the planet that uses the internet but has never watched any movies or shows. The perfect counter to everything I've said is right here in front of me suddenly making me look like a fool arguing with a strawman. Looks like you've vanquished me!

>> No.77570772

rebel is literally posting on cooldown and killing that thread so the other schizos moved here

>> No.77570806

But my mod makes me horny. What do you do? Besides whine like a little bitch?

>> No.77570826

one thing I've noticed is that you guys are really slow on the uptake. it's been over an hour and you just now decided to use the "pretend to be your opponent" strategy from page 1. I don't think you could make that look more obvious if you tried.

>> No.77570833

you want a blanket insult to throw at me and you've got nothing.
Sorry it's not working out man.
Wouldn't be an issue if you weren't such a shithead though.

>> No.77570853


>> No.77570864

you either fuck your mod, or you be a vtuber. you can't have both. or at the very least don't rub my fucking face in it, keep it in dms and let me have my fantasy, or just don't be a whore.

>> No.77570897

stop being parasocial you little weird fuck

>> No.77570898

chat how many of you have seen a movie?

>> No.77570997

He can dance and is an actual dance instructor

>> No.77571000

stop spreading cuckoldry then.

>> No.77571044

if you are only interested in fantasizing about a relationship with the vtuber you're watching, stop watching vtubers.

You're too weak.

>> No.77571120

Nah I’ll do both. And bring my mod on stream so I can call him Daddy live until it makes you cry

>> No.77571132

Listen guys I am perfect and you are not. You need to stop being such a meanie weenie and don't even bother trying to insult me for being a cliché midwit. I have never watched any media in my entire life so any resemblance to tvquotes entries living or dead is purely coincidental. Viewer discretion is advised.

>> No.77571137

this is literally what vtubers exist for. It's their purpose. Always has been. It's just newfags and trannies that are here to ruin the hobby that think otherwise, and they are not welcome. This is the single best partner simulation that exists on the internet, I don't want fucking AI and robots and shit, I want real people that I can interact with that make me cum that i can fall in love with. Just let us have what we want and stop the cuckoldry.

>> No.77571301

who is this even about?

>> No.77571363

That’s cute, I love watching that little guy dance

>> No.77571398

female vtubers. /wasp/ is down. i'll go and annoy them when it's back up, until they fucking stop flirting with their mods.

>> No.77571504

BFE chuubas this is your fate

>> No.77571545


>> No.77571601

dont piss off any of the women you're grooming or else all of them will turn on you

>> No.77571858
File: 51 KB, 675x678, 1704256353338752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just skimming through this but wow I actually used to mingle around with a lot of people like this under one of my old aliases, was pretty fun until I decided to ghost everyone.

>> No.77572100

ah yes I'm sure when Kizuna Ai started making youtube content she was thinking "ah yeah people are going to jerk off to me and fall in love with me and be really parasocial and stuff"

>> No.77572192

You're an idiot. The japanese are well aware of idol culture. They know what they're in for. If they want to succeed, they will damn well please the unicorns, or they will fail, just like AI did when she let fleshwalkers take over her body and kill her brand.

>> No.77572208

You're not only an idiot, you're a pathetic man as well.

grow up dude.

>> No.77572242


>> No.77572255

we're here man

>> No.77572260

tourist tears taste delicious

>> No.77572263

>Khubie plays mahjong so has the gamblers mindset
>Daiya has money on his mind
>Dorian, yumitomomi would use their vampire mind control on me
>slushy would give me a brain freeze and make me unable to think
>sterling, kopadot, and k10nd1k3 are all robots and thus have greater poker skills.
>rura, kokomelipan, olga, runoxi, bubby, mond, cheen, novaneko, ria, nerukanimiya, suraya, haruMizukich, aledasama, fythol, flandzen, gscha_, fuzakerunah, fwofie, basil are blessed with divine luck
>tiny, charly, johann, sonowono, koikawa, silver have the poker face down
>bunkum has a gamblers jacket
>iriya has a jacket like a boomer shogi player and thus a strategic mind
>ILoidTupo, sukadrii, i cannot get a read on innanimate objects
>3rdPT, kukukaeruvt, merlie, laine, onkite, kenny, ryuuta, autumFuchsia, glazedincubus, pafu, uwu_to_owo, zephHaathun, scege, elliot, yukichi, ace P. caswell have glasses on making them a mega-nerd and thus better at poker
>chriichrii, stripedpantsu has stuff covering their face, cant get a read
>sh'vah scares me
>ace w, keitaro, arisu, pittiepitohui, han bun, kankuroking, beryl, puente, shabby, savvyavenuevt, cranevt, mawg, patchey, fuwacoco, chakimoji looks like they gamble regularly
>finibar would use their detachable head to cheat
>cody, digby how do you get a read on a cat?
>regulusOal, polybivs_nova, emo, Lavandel and geltaran would use dark magics on me
>andy, leolayla, kiji, severyn, sun, albert, ricecakevs, mulkuols, DoctorFrankey, aqua_faye looks too much like a socialite and would see though me easily
>cometcrust, its a pizza, i couldn't lie to a pizza
>kuromaru, i dont know what it is but i feel that a gun would be smuggled to the game
>ruadh, i believe his experience as a medievil peasent gambling every night at the tavern would give him greater poker skills
>manasong, thesmartestwitch would cheat using magic
>gobbcubus is a mix of the two best races for poker, succubus for reading, and goblin for money sense.
>chibiibot i dont know what their deal is but i would be defeated with the power of friendship
>camui master manipluator and if that doesnt work they did WWE style wrestling (DSP?) and could beat me up
>shattered_violet, they have been out drinking too often and have picked up the skills for reading in poker from that
>nikolanorthVT gambles too much already and his wife and family are very worried
>mamaubume would use thier ghost powers to cheat and then their mom powers to scold me
>axedmokuba would win due to his constant poker practice while trapped in that log as he had nothing else to do
>miukyun, elfinpsyop, astroparseks, brightermalphon looks to smug to not know how to win at poker
>kotarucomplex plays strategy games constantly and knows all the winning moves ahead of time
>WIPlash cannot be read (because they're a drawing)
>FrankyAkamatsu worked at some form of gambling den and thus knows all the tricks
>PurrsonVT is as hard to read as a cat and is definitly a master maniplulator
>Denpa, their head is so big, they have to have some poker knowledge in there somewhere
>kotoritsuki, Gclef would hear what cards i have with their big ass ears
>vita_x_3 all people who use variations of :3 are inherently unpredicable and untrustworthy
>Churl_gm probably has some form of pagan magic that makes them win at all games of chance
>Alpin_albench probably learnt poker from his gym buddies
>Papayasadas is a freak clown and is completely unreadable and would clown me under the table before the first round is over.
>Cabuvr never trust a catboy, they will sell you for a piece of kibble
>skab, coyote Knight, ainslieSentry, milomolson, momomo all people in the military (LARP or otherwise) are master gamblers
>Dante, marcus bolby, gurun would accuse me of cheating and get me thrown out
>SpikePls probably has connections to people who run the gambling den
>freeofme has a +20 luck +4 strength +4 stamina leather belt on
>KaiGNikki looks like Haze from anonymous agony and would probably call me a pedo then kill me if i won
>bacillyboy, icefox how can i get a read on a fox
>sin, never trust a mouseboy, they are masters of the underground trades (gambling included)
>Jamie, this freak probably has a tier list of every possible game state of poker in his strange head, how do i even beat that
>chaos foundry, 2v1, very unfair
>gracethegobby, probably invented poker, also they're wearing peak poker hats that give +5 poker skill
>Lcolonq, freak machine thing has the whole game mapped out and probably is using their hacker skill to cheat
>orphioetriel, never trust a sadboi, they are all master manipulators
>BonniPaws, never trust a catgirl, they shed everywhere
>Anythingarax, strange creature from hit video game OFF is very hard to read and probably eats poker chips or something
>(you) i'm not very good at poker

>> No.77572281

gimme chuuba name to draw
i will do two

>> No.77572291


>> No.77572316

High effort.

>> No.77572324

Jesus christ he actually did it

>> No.77572326

I don't get it.

>> No.77572328

what a madman

>> No.77572342

I still can't believe Yukichi scored that low on the rice purity test. Was he a con slut or something?

>> No.77572345


>he thinks vtubers invented parasocial fans

>> No.77572369

My ass would not win poker even if you were blindfolded

>> No.77572375

>Jamie, this freak probably has a tier list of every possible game state of poker in his strange head, how do i even beat that

If you had said Chess, Definitely, I have no idea how to play poker lol

>> No.77572400
File: 1.80 MB, 1600x1000, poker night at the inventory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would win because i had these guys as my mentors

>> No.77572409

>he thinks that was the entire point I was making

>> No.77572456

A post with such high effort deserves my (You)

>> No.77572493
File: 263 KB, 582x173, axedeye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea i'd beat ya

>> No.77572589
File: 177 KB, 1100x1500, ee3bfcbccc3359797029bbb9aa48ac93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like him so much it's embarrassing
i'm so lucky to have found him
i hope he's sleeping well now

>> No.77572594

you watch cartoon puppets you un-self-aware faggot.

>> No.77572607

>his wife
Anon, he IS a wife(male)(mine)(we're getting married today)(he doesn't know yet)(he doesn't have a choice)

>> No.77572611

Insane how good this and the other one was, criminally underrated

>> No.77572620

is this a good game to learn poker?

>> No.77572648

You're going to want to watch a short youtube video first for the basics but yeah, after a few hours of this you should have the gist of it

>> No.77572672

God if poker becomes the new jong meta I'm definitely GMI

>> No.77572707
File: 23 KB, 112x112, Wokege.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RATIRL mentioned in /asp/ !!

>> No.77572710

A collab of drinking, talking shit and telling stories over a poker game would be really fun with the right ojis

>> No.77572730

Insane how chuubas arent downloading read dead 2 right now to play poker with guns versus each other over the weekend

>> No.77572792


>> No.77572856

make them kiss

>> No.77572891

ok thanks

>> No.77572903

Very Impressive, anon.

>> No.77573381

If you unironically use Pepe in your vtuber stuffs, you deserve to be on the firing line

>> No.77573402

uh oh get a load of this tough guy

>> No.77573405
File: 6 KB, 238x162, Screenshot 2024-06-07 023613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels kinda good?

>> No.77573453

Frogposters get the rope

>> No.77573570
File: 41 KB, 636x657, 1562992453635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My porn bot follower bot banned on twitter and my follower count went down, it's over bros.

>> No.77573593

did you have a stroke?

>> No.77573758

Proud of you

>> No.77573904
File: 11 KB, 112x112, EMOTE.LURK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poker chips tasty pepper steak flavoured

>> No.77573930

I have a conundrum. I love hags but I'm also 36 so they're not hags anymore, they're just in my age group. Also every woman I meet who's my age is either taken, almost incompetent, or batshit insane. How do I continue to love hags now that I know the reality of the situation?

>> No.77574157

someone was posting in /wvt/ about gael's antics here so im guessing some of the schizos moved here.

>> No.77574318
File: 157 KB, 500x500, disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making emotes is harder than I thought, even when they are not as original...

>> No.77574342
File: 418 KB, 685x460, Screenshot 2024-06-07 112344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute British boy learning Latin https://www.twitch.tv/sunalbionis

>> No.77574493

my dick is in his butt right now

>> No.77574692
File: 21 KB, 383x296, 1717729765297378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated to everything here but this screenshot is killing me. Kuromaru looks like some weird red terrorist smurf

>> No.77574733


>> No.77574756


>> No.77574780

If low performing could make me upset I already streaming in Bilibili

>> No.77574930
File: 55 KB, 400x375, 1717757583254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77575162
File: 87 KB, 1082x111, 1717368320586958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more girls in glasses

>> No.77575200

sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do

>> No.77575209

>See girl vtubers who get to do cute art of themselves as bunnies or eating potato chips and asking for cuddles
>I'm a scraggly voiced schizo male
It's not fair

>> No.77575210
File: 633 KB, 1092x1693, GDOzoykaIAAdROj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For once and since everyone else is mean to you I'll say it

I like you more girls in glasses anon I'm glad you keep up your posting

>> No.77575234

You can be cute too

>> No.77575297

You'd win against them since the cards can reflect in their glasses >>77575162 especially with chrii's and laine's

>> No.77575302

But being menhera isn't what people want from a male, and faking my voice for 4 hours and pretending to be something I'm not isn't me

>> No.77575370

I want to fake my voice for hours because there's proof it does well in viewers
but I dont because it hurts my voice..
How do the uohgrifters do it? Or anyone who does the overly high pitched uwu voice

>> No.77575393

>How do the uohgrifters do it?
By having natural loli voices

>> No.77575442

only a small number of them actually do sound that way

>> No.77575502

Go ahead and prove it.

>> No.77575522

I just get my bf to punch my tummy really hard before stream to do my loli voice

>> No.77575524

I actively avoid people with "high pitched uwu voices." sometimes they seem decent but it's simply offputting, but more often than not they give me bad grift-y vibes and that's one of the quickest red flags to make it more obvious.

>> No.77575560

never call my schizophrenic shondo a grifter again desu

>> No.77575601
File: 1.36 MB, 920x785, Screenshot_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay next time a uohtuber streams i'll go into her room and shove my fingers in her mouth to provoke her

>> No.77575624

I don't get, so the dude was ERPing with some fans behind the scenes? Who cares?

>> No.77575625

That's right, I am not fan of there also

>> No.77575649


>> No.77575738
File: 18 KB, 112x112, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77575818

But enough about my plans for Kotaru

>> No.77575826

be a quitter?

>> No.77575898

how do u get out of 20 view hell

>> No.77575941

Freshen up stream with new stuff and promote on twitter with hopes that you keep a couple people from the celebration stream. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.77576023

what celebration? 20 view celebration?

new feet model live2d?

>> No.77576042

make clips/shorts
try out a new game genre
try new types of content like singing or handcams
network with slightly bigger streamers
debut a new model

>> No.77576059

Become enlightened and go for 45 and older women

>> No.77576097

You mean 20 view heaven

>> No.77576770

My endgoal is to join Holostars and I won't let any announcement from Cover stop me from chasing that dream.

>> No.77576877

Was there some sort of announcement?

>> No.77576938

With the amount of variety in the human species in several other features it's unfair (and dumb) to assume no one can have a high pitched voice naturally.

>> No.77576993

The climb between 20 views and 80 views is the hardest part of any vtuber and many can grind for years without ever growing.
The only real answer is to use every excuse you can to grow no matter what, be shameless because you never know when you're gonna gain a viewer somewhere that will keep adding up.

>> No.77577161

>Numbers do good when I do high effort stuff and shill
>No one watches when I'm just gaming
Shit blows

>> No.77577179

>more effort
>more viewers
>less effort
>less views

>> No.77577239

>Just put in maximum effort at all times
It really is not fair considering how much of streaming content is people just vibing playing games they enjoy

>> No.77577337

the key is to keep trying everything until you find something you enjoy doing which viewers love which you can keep spamming.

>> No.77577415

Any time I stream that's my free time for the evening, like I started streaming partly to play games without being alone, yes I enjoy the high effort stuff but I'm not a machine like musicians don't just spend every hour banging out tunes even though they like doing it

>> No.77577476

skill issue desu. I get over 100 viewers when doing low effort streams :3

>> No.77577484

post your channel

>> No.77577703

Doesn't really matter if it's fair, that's just the way this job is. And make no mistake, this is a job. If you want to use it to make money then you have to treat it like it's a job.

>> No.77577743

This isn't true for everyone, my low effort streams do better than the high effort ones

>> No.77577798

Right and that's what makes deciding to play video games and treat it like I'm at my job so hard

Like I'm the type of person to play a game, check socials, maybe put on a podcast, spend hours reading wikis or tutorials trying to optimize and I just can't do that when streaming it sucks

>> No.77577932

>20 view hell
I don't have a polite word to say to you.

So many vtubers take what they have for granted. They see 10 viewers and get upset that it isn't 100. They don't consider how much of an accomplishment 10 viewers is on its own.

Think about it like this. I'm Viewer #3, ok? I open twitch, I see four channels I follow live. I see a dozen more in my rec feed that might be something new that'd interest me. I see the hundreds of thousands of other people, vtuber or not, also streaming on the same website as you. I see 20 years worth of youtube videos, nevermind 100+ years of television and movies I could have put on instead. And yet I still chose to watch your dumb ass flail around in minecraft.

The more I hear anyone complain about their numbers the less I want to watch them. Ok, I get it. Menhera can manifest itself over any number of things and it's not really fair to hold that against someone. But it's one of the fastest ways to come across like you don't value your viewers. You're telling me I made a mistake, I wasted my time opening this stream. Maybe this is on me for watching /asp/ies and wanting to be part of something instead of watching only the largest channels where I'm reduced to "guy spamming pogchamp #2759" whenever the streamer does something funny.

>> No.77577974

Can't put on a podcast but you can monetize the rest of it. Open that wiki and give color commentary as you read articles while you're playing the game. Check socials and talk about what you see, whatever makes the chat flow.

>> No.77577988

i think people who are struggling to maintain 3 views are allowed to complain though but yeah if you have 10 viewers consistently then complaining is pretty cringe

>> No.77578027

The socials are 4chan threads and I'm looking at porn

>> No.77578192

Remember to send recommendations for mr Mwag ;3c

>> No.77578239


>> No.77578344

>Think about it like this. I'm Viewer #3, ok? I open twitch, I see four channels I follow live. I see a dozen more in my rec feed that might be something new that'd interest me. I see the hundreds of thousands of other people, vtuber or not, also streaming on the same website as you. I see 20 years worth of youtube videos, nevermind 100+ years of television and movies I could have put on instead. And yet I still chose to watch your dumb ass flail around in minecraft.

This is what some of the people here need to be reminded of I think. Your competition isn't just each other. Your competition is also the 8-Bit guy, lazy game reviews, townsends, tasting history with Max Miller, gamers Nexus, technology connections, mandalore gaming, huggbees. Your competition is StarGate, beast wars, delicious in dungeon, Battlestar Galactica, Primal, Korra, one piece. Your competition is Fallout New Vegas, the outer worlds, BioShock, borderlands, persona 5, Digimon World, death stranding. Your competition is David eddings, Robert Jordan, Ursula K. Le Guin, Frank Herbert, Stephen King.

Your competition is every piece of media that has ever been made because it's all available at my fingertips.

>> No.77578462

nigga that IS cuck behaviour. fighting over one girl with a hundred other guys? KEK KEK KEK

>> No.77578465

Then stream on one of those NSFW sites.

>> No.77578479

This is why I still think creating YouTube videos is a way better idea than streaming. The ephemeral existence of a stream that requires viewers to be available on a specific time or they lose the value of the experience upsets me. I really want to make good prerecorded content, can't wait to have some time to do it.

>> No.77578518


>> No.77578532

Make your content on twich easily adaptable into videos, skill issue.

>> No.77578614

The prerecorded content I want to create is essay-like. I don't enjoy gameplay commentary videos. Clips and highlights are fine but that's not my goal when I talk about creating prerecorded content, that's not the content I enjoy the most.

>> No.77578622

I'm still a male

>> No.77578680

sorry for you never being able to make it

>> No.77578687

Literally doable, but if you keep making mental gymnastics to say no then you do you

>> No.77578755

? I never said it isn't doable. It's just not doable for me right now because I don't have time but it will be in the future.

>> No.77578787

How do you get good at yapping? Just practice?

>> No.77578805

Then I hope you can make that content anon, encore!!!

>> No.77578809

Externalize your internal monologue.

>> No.77578829

okay but how do I work on that?

>> No.77578889

Think out loud. Talk to yourself saying what you are thinking as much as you can even outside of streams.
