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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77503937 No.77503937 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: games chuubas will never ever play

>> No.77505216

So, it's a boring game? Okay. >>>/v/

>> No.77505253
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>> No.77505388

this nigga thinks people talk about video games on /v/

>> No.77505558

This nigga, myself, doesn't care about the video games or care for viral marketing.

>> No.77505628

why the fuck do you watch chuubas

>> No.77505696
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>> No.77505704
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picrel will never be streamed because of reasons

>> No.77505747
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>> No.77505903

Shiori actually talked about streaming that the other day

>> No.77506003

holy zased

>> No.77506752

Kirsche will be playing it. She loved the first one

>> No.77507013

They talk (and like) video games a lot more than /vt/ likes vtubers.

>> No.77507152

My chuuba streamed it

>> No.77508098
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>> No.77508345

I remember Katta and Nyaru playing this one.

>> No.77508357

lmao even

>> No.77508440
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>> No.77508503

I'm waiting for 2025 and see how's the new engine

>> No.77508689

Kiki played Jazz Jackrabbit

Kiki also played Postal 2 and the dlcs + a christmas fangame

>> No.77508779

If Shondo ever returns she might, she was in the middle of playing the first one and loving it before she went on health hiatus.

>> No.77508843

>Kiki played Jazz Jackrabbit
Sweet. I'll watch it later during dinner. Did she finish it?

>> No.77508868

No but she's still actively playing it sometimes

>> No.77509024

Someone must have played Vic3, the second game is too old though

>> No.77509325
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warband native, napoleonic wars, viking conquest, PoP, perisno...

>> No.77509350
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>> No.77509563

Kek, here you go in case you've not already seen them:
>Nina Kosaka

>> No.77509695

Any Super Robot Wars series with Macross on it's roster

>> No.77509718

I think I saw Olivia Monroe play this one

>> No.77509735
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>> No.77510783

For the chuuba, fool.

>> No.77511339
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>> No.77511655

ITT: Anons who only watch big corpo vtubers

>> No.77511705

I remember I had to edit the config files manually to get it to run on my potato back in the day. I was playing it in 800*600 at 24fps or something like that. Good times.

>> No.77511934

>post a game so that another anon can spoonfeed me a chuuba that played it

>> No.77512736

It would be a miracle if most even touch DP1. DP2 was just a lacklustre follow up.

>> No.77513232

Muyu played it

>> No.77513331

These twins played it the 2 on co-op:

I like this game disproportionally to how shit it actually was.

>> No.77513425

those twins are cute and underrated

>> No.77513442

I think DP1 is kind of a pain because the PC version requires an ancient version of physX or else it will crash

>> No.77513674

Jets played it, she played the whole series

>> No.77516148 [DELETED] 

She played my fav level at least, so I'll keep an eye out for the rest. Nice recommend regarlds of JJ though, I saw she played Chrono Trigger too, so I'll probably watch more of her.
Thanks for sharing, I hadn't heard of these two before.

>> No.77516190

She played my fav level at least, so I'll keep an eye out for the rest. Nice recommend regarlds of JJ though, I saw she played Chrono Trigger too, so I'll probably watch more of her.
Thanks for sharing, I hadn't heard of these two before.

>> No.77516272
File: 1.27 MB, 1407x716, Amiya_Aranha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amiya played it, and if you're looking for a Windows 98 or older PC Game she might have played it, pic is SkyRoads

>> No.77516518

Everyone played this shit already.

>> No.77516846

Does this mean you know a female chuuba that played bannerlord? I'll take what I can get

>> No.77517031

>>77516846 (me)
Preferably not associated with a company that drives its talents to suicide.

>> No.77517299

If they were suicidal, they already were before joining Phase, so I'm recommending Lumi here.

>> No.77517319

From my 5 seconds of YT search I found Lumi and this literallywho https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw399JvcDzc

>> No.77517391

Oh wait, she's Russian, nevermind

>> No.77518771

Cheers. But isn't this the one phase girl that cucks her audience or something?

>> No.77518989
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>> No.77519077

So DP1 is the only game Swery had in him huh. I played his lgbt plataformer thing and it was ok, then DP2 look like crap so i didn't bither playing it, theat cat mystery game turned out to bad and the twist was so bad there are multiple videos making fun of it. If anyome cares the secret of the town is that secrets make the town exist so you cannot he told the secrets until one day you become the new secret keeper.

>> No.77522652

FWMC would absolutely play this. Actually, any Advent member would play it.

>> No.77526235

who else?
