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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77495410 No.77495410 [Reply] [Original]

What do your friends and family think about your vtuber obsession?

>> No.77495453

There hasn't really been an opportunity to bring it up. Realistically, even if it wasn't vtubers, how often do your friends and family ask "So what streamers have you been watching?" People in the real world don't give a fuck about that shit.

>> No.77495461

They accepted me watching mlp so if anything this isn’t even that cringe by comparison

>> No.77495708

Why the fuck would I tell anyone that I watch vtubers?

>> No.77495751

since i dont have one, i dont talk about it
therefore, they dont think about it at all

>> No.77495773

My gf doesn't like to watch it with me but I think she's generally fine in the same way that girls think "bleh" about most male hobbies or interests their bfs are into that they aren't.

She does get annoyed when I say she sounds like Ouro Kronii though

>> No.77495810

friends think it's ayt

family just think its anime so its ayt too

GF hates it

>> No.77495823

I wouldn't know. Some of us practice the old ways regarding power levels.

>> No.77495833


>> No.77495842
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my wife disliked it until the nijien drama storm, now she gets hype every time I say "so anyways nijisanji"

>> No.77495851

same brother. I tried easing her into it by recommending others she might be interested in (fujos basically) but no dice

>> No.77495938

why do women love drama so much

>> No.77496836

I might try this

>> No.77496866

Two of my three friends are into it and my parents don't know what Vtubers are or that I watch them.

>> No.77498659

Better than nothing

>> No.77498841

My sister made fun of my shrine when she was visiting my apartment.
I haven't invited her over ever since.

>> No.77498915

my wife says she’s ok with it. if anything I’m the one that’s afraid that deep down it makes her uncomfortable
I mean, if it was her watching other dudes e.g luxiiem I’d be kinda uneasy about it

>> No.77499229

BBC claimed your bitches a long time ago but cute to think it'd go any other way

>> No.77499520

Nobody will ever know.

>> No.77502893

They approve

>> No.77503169

They kicked me out, im currently homeless but i love mori way too much

>> No.77504969


>> No.77505117

My sister is a gigantic Kiara fan, she fucking blasts her songs and streams in her house while my twin niece's have to listen to it.

Poor kids, imagine growing up in the household of a vtuber fan

>> No.77506034


>> No.77506064

post pics of your twin nieces anon

>> No.77506443

I'm in sex offender registry and I'm not permitted to be within 100m of elementary schools, so I guess they think that I'm slowly becoming functioning member of society

>> No.77507515

god that's fucking funny

>> No.77508408

I'm black

>> No.77508609

To all of you who said you have gf/wife(be it imaginary or not), are you parasocial faggots who scream at le male and have a hate boner for niji/other corpo that it is not "mi little holo"

>> No.77508813

lucky kids

>> No.77509150

This seems odd, since "watching streams of girls blah blah blaing about things" is definitely a thing I'd expect girls to like.

>> No.77511188

That sort of question would imply I ever remotely gave them the impression in the first place.

>> No.77511324

well now my i occasionally hear my dad say "next!" or "heh heh.. kill you.." in a korone voice, so the mind virus is working as intended.

>> No.77511420

I haven't even told them

>> No.77511432

I was already a sage before I got into vtubers. It helps that I'm in the media/digital content creation biz

They prolly cant tell the difference between this, my animes, my games, or my general behavior of leaving youtube videos up on autoplay all night and give no fucks

>> No.77511546

I showed my step dad gura and he told me I should become a vtuber for the money. I am already a vtuber

>> No.77511701

I have a couple of friends that also like them. Everyone else doesn't care / doesn't understand what it is.

>> No.77512033
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Friends are somewhat into them, family probably thinks its just anime.

>> No.77512934

They kinda just roll their eyes at this point.

>> No.77513051

same, my little sister only cares about the drama going on kek

>> No.77513392
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I've been a weeb most of my life thanks to Toonami so it's nothing out of the ordinary
My mom bought me my dino Gura plushies and Fauna's birthday merch
My friends are also all weebs, half of which have vtuber oshis while the other half simply don't get it
It can be a point of contention at times

>> No.77513456
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>that's a man with a voice changer
>that's a child, stay away from my kids
>that I'm retarded/mentally ill
I'm not friends with zoomers and the lack of tolerance in most people has ended many friendships. I have nerd friends who watch vtubers themselves, but outside of them it's almost entirely negative.

>> No.77513466

You need to be a girl to make money though

>> No.77513525

Of my 3 real lide friends that watch chuubas, one likes Ironmouse, one likes Mori and one is just a clip fag who's opinion on chuubas doesn't matter. I'm the only one that owns any real merch and they just get shocked at how much Okayu merch I have.

>> No.77513574

I'm not sure how or why my friends and family would know what kind of youtube streamers I watch. Doesn't come up in conversation and I don't volunteer it. My friend group is all centered around stuff like golf and hiking, so that's what we talk about.
I've been going to a lot of Hololive events and stuff lately but I just say I'm going on a trip, that's something I already do all the time so nobody thinks it's weird.
I would like to make real vtuber fan friends, not sure how to do it, but I don't mind having it as a mostly private interest

>> No.77514026

I don't bring up Vtubers to people who don't have an interest in weeb shit so they don't care

>> No.77514025
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"Oh you are watching your little dogs again"
(they think every vtuber is Korone since thats the 1st one i explained).
If my parents try to shit on it i just bring up the type of music they like and the lyrics that they contain since they are catholic. Also shit on my mom cus she is always depressed and i blame it on all the drama she loves so much while im happier than ever.
One of them is a depressed mess since his wife is extremely controlling so he cant say shit and the other one was playing tohou and DDR in early 2000's
dont have any thats why i can enjoy all the brother/sis or sis/sis animes and ships in Holo
I only really consider those i trust my friends so i can think of 2 people. The girl thought Luna was cute (i showed her Roboco 3D live) but Roboco was even cuter and the dude is an anime tard so he knew about holo but has no interest in vtubers.

As long as they dont find out i spend my extra time shitting on all Male vtubers and telling them graduate i think im fine

>> No.77514238

Told my sisters about my folder of Towa pics and showed some of them, they said my obsession is cute.
My mates tease me about liking vtubers

>> No.77514510

My brother’s the only one I really talk to about it. I got him into Holocure and keep him up-to-date on all the juicy community drama even though he has no interest in actually watching streams himself, and he keeps me up-to-date on One Piece in return even though I have no interest in actually reading or watching it myself.

>> No.77517387

the easiest way to ease others into chuubas is honestly just "I really like the music" - I honestly dont understand how people fuck this up

>> No.77519776

My niece is a Tako. I'm a Tako too.

>> No.77520630

Don't have any. Friends, family, obsession - none of those.

>> No.77521851

I don't have weeb friends so my friends mostly don't give a shit.
Once I showed Neuro to my mom when we were having a discussion about AI, to which she said that an AI should do something useful instead.
And my gf is nonexistent

>> No.77523362
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My mom saw me browsing a Watamelon thread once.

>is that a watermelon
>what is it doing
>...I don't know

>> No.77525747

i have no friends, and my family doesn't even know what anime is, or know fucking anything about me. I just visit them, sit in silence, and get ignored. I desperately want them to find out about my lolichuuba obsession, so they can at least give me some attention and acknowledge that i exist.

>> No.77526927

They don't know.

>> No.77528484
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don't really have any. my family are all loners and we stay to ourselves
Brother and sister think it's funny. I gave my mom a Pekora keychain from when i went to 5th fes but i dont know what shes done with it. My dad watched part of the fes just to see what I attended. He likes old school "Japanimation."

>> No.77531179

we fap to the girls together

>> No.77531237
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I just say that I like Hololive and move on.

>> No.77531583

I've never mentioned it to them, because it's super awkward to bring up anything you like to someone unfamiliar with it. Like playing a song or something, and they just have to sit there until it's over, then comes the uncomfortable silence. And at best, you'll get "Yeah, that was pretty cool I guess."
So I just don't bother. I know them well enough to know there's very little chance they'd be interested, and even then, not by much.

>> No.77531889

they think it's cute and they already know me as a weeb so nothing really changed about their perception of me. they think the high pitched voices and lolis are weird as fuck though. gura is an exception to them and I understand why.
tons of normalfags watch and obsess over late night shows and podcasts, it would be like saying "oh I watch conan or jimmy falon"

>> No.77532591

I'm a female Holostars fan and my family thinks the concept of vtubing is amusing, but aren't that interested in it. My parents are/were gamers, but mostly play casual mobile stuff nowdays like Pokemon Go, Pikmin, etc

I'd ideally like a bf who is also interested in Hololive/anime/games, but the only men who approach me are normie-types. My normie ex and I went to Japan last year, but I didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted since he didn't have any interest at all in the culture, my hobbies, or the country in general.

>> No.77535245


>> No.77535493

They got upset I went to offkai instead of going to some literarally who distant cousins birthday party

>> No.77536211

My bf knows that I'm on /here/ too and doesn't care at all. He likes that I'm happy and we look at fanart and sometimes music videos together :3
My parents know and thinks it's anime. My dad is a very very casual anime enjoyer (cucked by lack of legal anime he has access to and no free time anymore) and I feel like if he retired in 2020/21 he'd be super into vtubers :0 haven't really talked to them directly about it but they're forced to listen to them through me blasting my radio and shaking the walls with Hololive songs :D
I lost a lot of real life friends from Gura-posting too much D: zoomers can't handle my lolicon swag (I hate it here)

>> No.77536287

they don't think about me at all

>> No.77536863

i'm not obsessed.

>> No.77537902

You still single?
Who's your oshi?

>> No.77540812

My dad saw all the standees, keychains, buttons, and other stuff i keep in my closet. He just asked " don't you think its a little weird to have all this stuff" i just shrugged and said no. I got the feeling he just thought it was weird that it was "girly" he might just think im gay and not an obsessive degenerate.

>> No.77541093

nice bait

>> No.77541179

jesus, calm down anon

>> No.77542831
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I took my dad to see Dokibird at Anime North. I figured he would enjoy the experience because he is an oldtime weeb and the first time I introduced him to VTubers he responded really well to Selen. At that time he kept asking me if every other Vtuber I was showing him was her. I think him being a big wrestling fan didn't hurt in ingratiating him via Wreslesanji. As for the convetiion, he told me it was a wonderful birthday present, tho I didn't exactly intend it that way.

As for my mom, I kind of deepdived into Dokibird's saga with her. Usually she just nods and smiles at me waxing autistic to her about something, but to my surprise she actually seemed to resonate with her uncrushable entrepreneurial spirit in the face of adversity as a small business owner.

>> No.77546686

My mom liked Gura's unarchived karaoke streams when I showed her. That's a win in my book.

>> No.77550069

I am

>> No.77550206

no friends
hardly ever see them and I know better than to share my interests with them

>> No.77550638

I would rather blow my own face off then tell people I watch vtubers

>> No.77552073

That's not how you're supposed to share a song you like. Either you link it to them so they can listen when you're not around, or you just casually play it in the background while they're around, and don't be afraid to talk over it. You don't just sit there listening in silence like a weirdo.

>> No.77552706

Considering you like Phase you probably deserve the ostracization.

>> No.77552969
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>> No.77554219

This is my favorite interaction of the month, and we aren't even half-way through it.

>> No.77554474

Maybe a survival mechanism.

>> No.77555816

Why are you so pathetically insecure about entertainers? Are you scared every time she watches a movie with Hemsworth, Evans, Metcalfe etc?

All vtubers are is just another form of entertainment. Insecurity over them is just downright pathetic.

>> No.77556809

Remember to tell her about Twisty.
That's the new NijiEN drama making rounds.

I laughed, sorry anon.
I hope Mori recovers soon unironically.


>> No.77557573

They think it's just an evolved form of cartoons like Heidi or Captain Tsubasa, the stuff they used to watch when they were kids. They are not interested in VTubers because there's no "scenes", there's no transitions, it's just like a talk-show for them at best so they just go and watch soap operas or series instead because they think anime is cartoons and thus for kids and thus they don't watch it anymore because "They are not kids anymore".
Overall made things easier because there's no conflict about it.

>> No.77557758

You can literally approach others and engage them, this isn't the 1940's anymore where it's all on the men.

>> No.77557999

This anon is right "Miss. I-assume-is-a-Femanon" here:>>77532591
>"Don't ask and you shall never receive"

>> No.77559366

I’ve also tried easing my gf into it but did an oopsie when I said Okayu’s voice is hot.

Recently slid her some Gura and Irys Karaoke songs which went decently.

>> No.77559629

That’s a great mom, please treasure her anon.

>> No.77559942
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>> No.77560088

I bought a Biboo keychain for my mom. She thought it was adorable. I showed her a bit of a Biboo stream and she thought the real thing was adorable too. My dad and sibling don't get it but don't seem particularly worried about me.
I was afraid to bring it up with any friends for the longest time (despite my entire friend group being mildly weeb), then I told my buddy about it today and he thought it was cool.
It's not really that cringe, everyone understands that people watch other people playing video games on Youtube and everyone understands that maybe some of those people wouldn't want to show their real faces to the world. Just don't drop a hurricane of idol terminology on people the first time you talk about it.

>> No.77560691

Biboo wins another mom. Will her reign of :D ever end?

>> No.77561064

My Mom thinks it's cute. She doesn't really understand it, but she's supportive.
My Dad generally doesn't like anime crap. His oshi is Alex Jones and he wishes I would start being into politics instead.
I got my sister to be a Gura casual. Gura's pace of streaming is perfect for her. She watches maybe one or two streams a month and occasional clips. She also likes Ame, but doesn't really watch her streams. I usually watch some concerts, like Holofes, with her too.
Most of my friends are anime fans but they think vtubers are weird simp shit, but they're fine with it. They got me some hololive stuff for my birthday.
