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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77483740 No.77483740 [Reply] [Original]

How will the quality be? What will the numbers be like? Can they sing?

>> No.77483820

>Can they sing?
That's the only positive thing remaining about them.
I expect the quality to be poor as always, though. Terrible lighting, no actual shadows on the models or terrain, and it'll likely cut out halfway through due to copyright issues forcing the video to go down.

>> No.77483849
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I'm sure it will be great the sisters will totally support them right ... right ...

>> No.77483981

Same quality as their 3D debuts, maybe 35 finanas, only Enna's the current best singer in NijiEN and the other 2 aren't terrible but also not great. Expect scuffed models and low budget, and possible blocked audio or dmca for song copyrights

>> No.77484010

Oh wow they'll get mogged by HoloEN announcing their own concert at the same time kek

>> No.77484049

Sasuga ESLsanji

>> No.77484117

More like luminonce since Enna's there.

>> No.77484416

>can sing
try harder sis

>> No.77484509

I mean, Enna is the best singer in nijiEN but that just speaks to the absolute trash quality of nijiEN in general.

>> No.77484515

Might have to change it to Luminol because a murder is about to happen if this doesn't do well.

>> No.77484522

Not as bad as Obsydia 3D

>> No.77484624

I'm already thinking up the potential WAIT WHAT HAPPENED pastas that will come out of this

>> No.77485134

Obsydia 3D actually performed the best of them... Which is really depressing to think about.

>> No.77485318


>> No.77485417

Can the utaite singer they hired sing? What do you think guys? Real question here, genuine question here, I'm being serious.

>> No.77485465

I can't remember if it was the AR Live or one of the 3D debuts that had Reimu descending very awkwardly from the ceiling, but it can't be worse than that. It looked like she was being dragged slowly by a mouse down a greenscreen

>> No.77485536

What the fuck does
Seriously, do they not have a copywriter in Anycolor? I doubt this is just a simple typo

>> No.77486114

There are a lot of people who post their singing on the internet but not all singing is created equal. Just like how not all birds sound alive.

>> No.77486435

it's a fucking premiere
it'll be lucky to hit 10k

>> No.77487128
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It's over... they'll never be able to beat the sexiest man alive, Machina Sex Flayon.

>> No.77487188

>clique trying to copy idols now
bets on surprise male appearances?

>> No.77487198

Is she?
She talks like a chinese smoker in an over the top cyberpunk style setting

>> No.77487212

Are you being stupid on purpose

>> No.77487406

it will be an attempt LMAO

>> No.77487486
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but it was kino?

>> No.77487494

Yeah, it's kanata/towa/subaru levels of the gap between her speaking voice and singing voice.
Unfortunately, she never really developed it after actually fucking entering Niji, so it's at roughly the same level as she started with.

>> No.77487750

He going to show who the true emperor of runts is!

>> No.77488108

I can attest to Enna's and Millie's singing, at least with recordings, especially since the latter never really did proper karaoke streams; always resorting to scuff comedy instead

Perhaps they're extremely dependent on (non-auto) tuning to sound good? I've seen what it looks like via a vtuber that used to be adjacent to Millie's PL (hint it's one of those she collab'd with on the 'marites' stream)

>> No.77489118

Don't know, don't care wont watc

>> No.77492299

>Your expectations?
I'm expecting a good Gura stream as she streams over them

>> No.77492503
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The concert I care about is the week after.

>> No.77492563

Luminance is a word.

>> No.77492880

Are they gonna overlap red homos 3D debut?

>> No.77492898

Yes kinda

>> No.77492931

I am gonna laugh if this somehow beats them.

>> No.77492980

you must be tone-deaf if you think her voice is actually good sister

>> No.77492994

Do you....not know that's a word? It's a description of the degree of brightness something has.

>> No.77493110

>Offkai concert recycled on the main channel for free.
Literal Pagpag.

>> No.77493210

It’s ESL calling others ESL. Many such cases.

>> No.77493416


>> No.77493577

I think both reimu and enna were uitaite.

>> No.77494421

this is hardcore cope
this is why I can't respect antis

>> No.77494549

Enna literally blew up because of her Kami ppoina karaoke, which was even better than her actual cover of it

>tone deaf


Even drunk she can hit every single note ahnd sing smoothly. Please try harder

>> No.77494662

>hit every single note
So... huh? Are you gonna claim anyone who can hit all the right notes have a nice sounding voice now? Next you'll say getting 90+ on karaoke means you'll be a popular singer.

>> No.77494717

I still don't understand it. How could they have started so far ahead, literally at the top of the industry, and end up lagging so far behind in every aspect from basic tech to general branding in just a few years?

>> No.77494785

How fucking stupid are you? Some random vocal coach thinks she's amazing and she quite objectively has a good singing voice. Saying her voice doesn't sound good is just hardcore cope, just like how you faggots insist Towa is an amazing singer.

>> No.77494831

Meh, she sounds "nice" but nothing to write home about.

>> No.77494958

>How will the quality be?
They should rent the Holo studio.

>> No.77495004

>How fucking stupid are you?
>some random guy I admitted is a random guy said she's good so it's objectively true
>but it's hard cope that you don't agree with me and like a girl I don't like
No, not agreeing with you does not make anyone stupid.
