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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77478837 No.77478837 [Reply] [Original]

vtubers ñ

thread rule #1: Speak English motherfuckers, this site is from the United States.

thread rule #2: all Spanish vtuber is allowed, as long as they stream mainly in Spanish. Panderers are off-topic.

last thread >>77437226

>> No.77479688 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.77479922

whats with these gay ass faggot rules

>> No.77479984

Is Nimu discussion allowed?

>> No.77480031

She said she is on foreign country and can't afford or get that kind of care

>> No.77480122

Is encouraged.

>> No.77480782
File: 654 KB, 809x613, eggboobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The queen of this thread

>> No.77480950

That will be Rune.

>> No.77481700

Btw Rye just revealed bulling inside Idol, be prepared Nishadows, Brotecitos

>> No.77481812


>> No.77481898

The queen of STDs

>> No.77482164

bulling from who? the corp or her coworkers?

>> No.77482379

Sounds like both

>> No.77482471

Damn brat, flashing her sister's body

>> No.77482761

Dunno if laugh or pity those hambrientinos oil barons thinking their gifted memberships help in any way to the girls.

>> No.77483217


>> No.77484100

>the sister is actually her cousin
thats why she kept tripping on her backstory and made less sense the more details she added kek

>> No.77484235


>> No.77484297

>She call her suegrita

>> No.77484474

The plot thickens.

>> No.77484610

Kotone’s friend just described her scent as motherly, creamy and sweet and I got hard

>> No.77484652

>se le pego el acento
>eso es lo que hace el amor
that explains her mexican accent

>> No.77485258

Stop samefagging fucking choripanera go cry with your 100 ccv also >watching the stream just to shit on her

>> No.77485352

She's her stepsister, it's obvious she's going to call her cousin or sister, you fucking retard.

>> No.77485475

Nigga, that never happened

>> No.77485640

>a vtuber follows a character
>JP and EN are fine with it
>Hispanic mongoloids think it's all real
It's because of stuff like this is that we will never have HoloES or some shit like that, when you have proof that she gave some indication or said something like that make your theories schizos puto pushit, anyzado, anyaschizo,etc I look forward to the day when yall finally commit suicide.

>> No.77485901

>point lies
>that butthurt
go back to the stream Sylvie and stop coming here
>a vtuber follows a character
one of her selling points is that she dont follow a character

>> No.77486252

>"Points lies"
>Literally no proof
Go back to ur discord server negroid
Also she always talks about her family in her memberstreams. You don't know shit.
>Also thinking i'm Sylvie while She's streaming
Fucking retarded jealous bitch, kys

>> No.77486292

Don't reply to the anyaschizo. Just ignore and report

>> No.77486359

and I thought that only Pettanko believed the roleplay was real.

>> No.77486362


>> No.77486434

I usted to call my cousin My brother, it's normal ig

>> No.77486505

KEK lmao who cares if it's real or not? Nisha larps as a loli and nobody cares if it's fake

>> No.77486623

You better join the 41% now, troon. No matter how hard you pretend to be a woman that will never be true.

>> No.77486657
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>"N-no shut up schizo"
>"I-it's roleplay"
>"Lyi-lying it's okay nobody cares anyway"
>"Shut the fuck up schizo shut up reeeeee"
Cuernuditos don't even know how to defend this shit lmao

>> No.77486667

>que posición te gusta?
>Me gusta dormir de lado a mi
I can't i love My retarded little sister

>> No.77486707

Its okay Yamucuck You and ur choripanera Will recover with that 100ccv Also her caníbal, gore, nazi roleplay it's all real!

>> No.77486753

Ogey puchy

>> No.77486803

>Another thread just to shit on sylvie
damn these jealous 2view are wild af

>> No.77486852

>The cringe frogposter it's back
Thread ruined. Gn anons

>> No.77486959

She mogged koa and yamu ofc these niggers are mad. Tomorrow it's gonna be inssuferable

>> No.77487063

kkkkk ok this was pretty based tbf

>> No.77487165

nobody /here/ cares about that bitch more than you anon

>> No.77487171

i really can't believe she had more ccv than them when they literally share half of their fandoms lmao not to shit on sylvie but that's really quite an achievement!
not only humilliated yamu leaving her with 100cv but surpassed koa too! good job sylvie good job

>> No.77487240

what i mean with this is that their fans had to choose between the 3 and most of them choosed sylvie, thats great!

>> No.77487296

Sylvie it's growing. Even She's friend with Gift. i hope she keeps doing great

>> No.77487307

That boy doesn't care about anyone, he just got frustrated because the other thread got archived before he could come back from school to shitpost and falseflag.

>> No.77487327

>This much level of cope
Is sad when anons defend low coomer baiting

>> No.77487387
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Soldacucks mental gymnastics to defend this shit it's so hilarious KEK

>> No.77487415

Go to sleep filishna, and do your homework or your mom will ground you again.

>> No.77487451

There (YOU) Now kys nigger it's pathetic af

>> No.77487478

>she admited they are not blood related
>she is from ecuador
your move soldacucks

>> No.77487551

Keep dreaming mongoloid, go to sleep and stop watching her stream fucking obsessed faggot

>> No.77487607

Everytime i see the frogposter it's give me a cringe crisis holy shit

>> No.77487674

Go to sleep Yamu srsly stop being obsessed with this thread stupid retarded morenazi bitch

>> No.77487717

>stop watching
Maybe you should start watching the stream

>> No.77487747

Another discord raid? You keep doing these threads just to shit on these girls, specially Sylvie.

>> No.77487803

i'm watching nigger. She never said ecuador or something like that now kys

>> No.77488115

Almost 7 hours

>> No.77488205

>It's her sister
>It's her step sister
>It's her cousin
>They are not even blood related
>Literally from other country (Ecuador) too
LMAO this lying bitch doesn't even know what to say anymore

>> No.77488262

Stop trying jealous morenazi and go to sleep kek

>> No.77488307

This nigga doesnt Even know what to Say anymore lmao, keep seething

>> No.77488358

>Literally from other country (Ecuador) too
She was answering a coment about people dying on ecuador, you faggot, watch the fucking stream

>> No.77488357

Yamu it's shitting on Sylvie because She's Friends with Gift.

>> No.77488403

Rune its cute, she and sylvie have a really cute dynamic. I hope we can SEE more content like that

>> No.77488434

before the threat dies, you honest opinion about Runne?
>inb4: she is not her sister
din't ask that

>> No.77488629

So she's a random poor Ecuadorian refugee/exchange student who Sylvie offered to share the earnings of her channel to feed herself?

>> No.77488975

hot, top tier kisses, I like how Sylvie got jealous

>> No.77490016

I'll begin to pay more attention to Sylvie and shill her more if that makes these fags burn even more

>> No.77491179

I never lived that

>> No.77492618

fetus anon...

>> No.77492694

You fags made Mizu drop the voice changer and refer himself as he and not she I hate you

>> No.77494591

she's a sex-having whore that doesn't belong in the vtuber sphere BUT as a one-time appearance Runne was entertaining
An ASMR duo with Sylvie is where I see potential

>> No.77496498


>> No.77496504


>> No.77497702


>> No.77498474

Sylvie doesnt need Yamu anymore

>> No.77498567

I can fix him.

>> No.77498730

From the first 3 hours I watched only can tell if her idea of vtubing is "me gusta sexo durro con ardiente hombrre latino de chocolate" I can't see myself even giving her a follow, much less watching. While Sylvie does pander to coomers, her sister is just a plain average twitch thot with a fake accent.

>> No.77500648

Shimaidon with russian sisters.

>> No.77502571

I miss Neon

>> No.77503344

>While Sylvie does pander to coomers
She doesn't do that shit anymore. also
>her sister is just a plain average twitch thot with a fake accent.
Have you ever heard a foreigner trying to speak Spanish? She herself explained in Stream. Her Spanish is normal, her problem is pronunciation.Sadly her content is literally sexual just like certain Twitch chuubas. I hope Sylvie can guide her well.

>> No.77503754

>Nishadows, Brotecitos
They are the bullies, anon...

>> No.77503838

>I hope Sylvie can guide her well.
Sylvie herself said she doesn't want her sister to go through what she went through (harassment and doxxing) so she let her say whatever she wanted. I don't think Sylvie will invite her to other streams more often.

>> No.77503895

KEK miernisha and meicagona deserve bullyng who cares anyways

>> No.77504018

I'm really happy that Sylvie and Gift are friends ngl

>> No.77504025

idc literal faggots i want an asmr with rune and sylvie both licking my ears and calling me daddy

>> No.77504077

KEK Based.

>> No.77504086

>believing Rye, a lying whore and grifter
Koa is avoiding her for a reason.

>> No.77504160

Sylvie if you're reading this, tell your sister to put that coomer sex persona aside. Make her be pure and a tradwife. you will grow more if you do that,

>> No.77504219

>a lying whore and grifter
ok but enough about Koa and her coomer shit ''i dont like sexual things'' ''guys post about how much you love my feet'' fucking lying bitch

>> No.77504272

>She mogged koa
I recognized some shitters, even the frog poster who's a nishadow and choripaschizo too

>> No.77504475


>> No.77504688

These girls need a manager.

>> No.77504820

>guys post about how much you love my feet
tbf that was directed at anglos, not spics

>> No.77504902 [SPOILER] 
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This, Her sister voice give me the air of a kuudere like this

>> No.77504956

Feet fetishists are disgusting. I only tolerate it from Koa because she's pandering to Goki's degeneracy

>> No.77504962

That makes it worse, kek

>> No.77504997

>Economic NTR

>> No.77505141

THIS. SYLVIE PLEASE MAKE IT REAL. someone say it to her in maros holy shit

>> No.77505200

Anons... She's cute... I don't want to fall for her but...

>> No.77505485

>im not tall and brown and she will look disgusted if she saw me
Oh damn

>> No.77505579

>im not tall
It's over for you

>> No.77505663


>> No.77505700

rune reminds me of himea when she started, her true personality will come out with time.

>> No.77505725

No, her sister is good as she is. She can be the russian Hyogayome.

>> No.77505775

can't deny that expression is hot as fuck

>> No.77505845

Rune can capitalize on her sex experience. Let her be the sex beast she wants to be.

>> No.77505893

>me gusta sexo durro con ardiente hombrre latino de chocolate
This will drive spics crazy

>> No.77506037
File: 63 KB, 1080x360, runne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO she knows what she's doing and I like it

>> No.77506065

>It's over :(

>> No.77506117


>> No.77506134


>> No.77506250

She has not daddy issues but mommy issues? kinda hot

>> No.77506446


>> No.77506537
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>> No.77506591


>> No.77506808

>kuudere sexy nurse
My dick would explode without her needing to say anything sexual.

>> No.77506897

>ugly voice
>reaction streams
>can only do mediocre fapbait content
That's what you want for real?

>> No.77506932

Post more Runne, she's hot

>> No.77506978

Not that way, I meant as an icon of ES vtubing.

>> No.77507063

I dont need Yome anymore

>> No.77507581


>> No.77507652

>Sí! Ella me enseñó unas chicas japonesas de Hololive, y me dice que podría ser así, pero me regañó porque dije cosas indebidas… decidí pedir consejos porque ustedes son los expertos!
She can be like Choco sensei, let her be, Sylvie.

>> No.77507685

Brat needs correction

>> No.77507723


>> No.77507792

Or like Marine senchou

>> No.77507867
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>> No.77508427

Looks like Vjin is cooking

>> No.77509215

Bros my country is collapsing

>> No.77509244
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Does a grown-up Silvie in nurse uniform works for you?

>> No.77509724

Mating press

>> No.77509751

after grooming meica mai is now travelling to mx to groom shura
this lesbian shitter has no limits

>> No.77509762

Give her this ahoge >>77507867 and a more seductive face

>> No.77510525
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>> No.77510831

Her face still look too loli-ish. Give her more angular eyes, and maybe a bit of lipstick.

>> No.77511232


>> No.77511409
File: 1.17 MB, 1061x1912, 1717690530968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you give a Ruru like this?

>> No.77511971

>open the thread
>this retarded shitter again
sometimes i wonder why i lost my time bothering to check this shit.

>> No.77512704
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>> No.77512925
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>> No.77514142
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>> No.77514667
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>> No.77514674

Jesus what happened last night

>> No.77514771

The usual raiders and Sylvie has having more ccv than Koa

>> No.77514897

as you can see is clearly made by the resident shitter fucking arround with the OP, what the fuck were you expecting?
discord shitters raid and fags giving attention

>> No.77515054

in other news, meica confessed that she scammed us all this time, she has been living in latam since she was 12 years old.
the fruit clip was a lie

>> No.77515126

>Shit know since forever
Slow Anon

>> No.77515455

Who's at the back?

>> No.77515541

>All those superchats sent so she could buy the expensive fruit and meat in Japan

>> No.77515549


>> No.77515595

Then explain the chibi 3d stream and why you could hear Akira's voice in the background

>> No.77515686

>Replying to himself
no one cares, and stop parroting the same shit over and over

>> No.77515956
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these faggots still think koa is japanese

>> No.77515967

I'm genuinely asking, how did she made that 3d stream if she was in latam all the time? Even now the story doesn't make sense.

>> No.77516069
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Stop asking questions!

>> No.77516210
File: 147 KB, 1980x1080, 1675219295842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a fucking retard
They are all in japan btw

>> No.77516225

Please give me a (You) i don't like the thread being so slow i'm feeling lonely :(
trannya, backpack, yamucuks, ccv, megajorn, radiofuna, anysado, etc

>> No.77516511

>Comparing a VR chat stream to a full body tracking strema like the one Sopa did
Why are you so fucking dishonest?

>> No.77516560

Why are now brotecitos pushing that Sopa was never in Japan?

>> No.77516578

>full body tracking

>> No.77516913


>> No.77517247

>full body tracking

>> No.77517322

lotb3 update (remember to filter if you are not interested or to avoid spoilers): the lotb staff sent me a video of the entrance and how it looks with the song https://gofile.io/d/E5FcZ1, it's just the music and the wrestler animation; Silvie, the titantron video and the stadium are WIP. So >>77459951 probably is not going to be used sorry I was too late to ask them to change it.

>> No.77517333

Being a proud latina with foreign roots is way more profitable nowadays

>> No.77517392
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These "people"

>> No.77517465


>> No.77517532

Go watch the VOD, that's not VR tracking. Don't rewrite what happened.

>> No.77517619

Are you retarded?

>> No.77517683

Stop being dishonest, Sopa was in Japan for that particular 3d stream

>> No.77517736
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>having a meltdown and saying she will never have another stream with her sister ever again
>debuts her sister as a vtuber the next day

>> No.77517755

Woman moment

>> No.77517761

Fucking Keri has better tracking that those chibi models, that's not full body tracking even if you believe Sopa went to Japan

>> No.77517879

>she was in japan when japan was in quarantine.
Come on anon it's time to accept reality

>> No.77517893

She later clarified she was overly sensitive because she was on her period. I honestly, unironically don't understand why we allow women to vote when they're this irrational half of the time.

>> No.77518045

Meicasquizo was right, again.

>> No.77518166

They hated him because he told them the truth

>> No.77519039

He was the hero of a badly told story.

>> No.77519160
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>full body tracking

>> No.77520839
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>> No.77520947

How the fuck did she come up with a moral playing candy crush

>> No.77521025

Holy denial kek

>> No.77521050

Nobody cares nigga, its called keyfabe and roleplay, it's okay when vtubers lies retard all they do

>> No.77521113

Holy cope kek

>> No.77521132

Meicatards are so fucking retarded they deserve to be fooled.

>> No.77521344

The problem is not kayfabe, the problem is all those retards believing it and harassing others when you tell them the truth.

>> No.77521367
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>> No.77521443 [DELETED] 

So that boyfriend she was about to marry was not japanese either? This is something she said when she came back as Meica

>> No.77521626

this general is disgusting, it's always architects dramafagging or expecting shura to become jesus or something. Psycho pedos willing to control Sylvie's every social interaction or activity for that matter.And underage shitters posting Meica when she joined a corpo already

>> No.77521629

How were her parents and tio makoto so bad in Spanish if they were in latam since 7 years ago?

>> No.77521784

Why isn't this thread just for indie Vtubers?

>> No.77521834

>Misopitas donated their hard earned cash so she could experience fruits that were really expensive in Japan and she said she was too poor to afford them
It's called a scam

>> No.77521839

during covid, her family came to live together and was really poor, she never clarified her tio makoto lived with her since forever

>> No.77521889

She just said ON STREAM the other day her ex doesn't speak Spanish that he's JP only.
How does this make sense with everything?

>> No.77521933

Yellow fever fags deserve to be scammed tbf
Now let this topic die since I give a fuck about brotecitos

>> No.77521981

I'm really cursed since my oshi is Yamu and have to share a general with that trash and fucking shitters antiying any girl mentioned, and fags still want to post on this shithole filled with subhumans.

>> No.77522056
File: 50 KB, 960x592, 45268093_1142701202552147_4787810133176483840_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to figure out Sopa's background
This gives me flashbacks and makes me nostalgic of past times

>> No.77522112

I mean, you can roleplay and create your own story if it's fiction and about your fictional character. Is it ok to lie about your personal life just to take advantage of the yeloow fever fags?

>> No.77522138

So Diego does or does not speak Spanish?

>> No.77522170

I feel you man, specially because Yamu has the potential to rule the sphere. Nobody can keep talking like her, I just need her to grow enough for her topics to interest me, silly parlanchina

>> No.77522180

Faka bros...

>> No.77522195

This is a missing piece, did her whole town move to paraguay whit her?

>> No.77522295

>I just need her to grow enough for her topics to interest me

>> No.77522305

Meica said she broke up with her ex because he got too jealous and controlling, was he jealous of her fans/groomers?

>> No.77522529

I can't keep up with 5 hours of her rambling, maybe if she was a hag we could share some interests

>> No.77522585

you motherfuckers are so creepy

>> No.77522689

I love her ramblings I wouldn't like if she stops doing that.
Also fags if you don't like to share place with these shitters stop discussing here /here/ there's no need.

>> No.77522795

>you motherfuckers are so creepy
How so, that bit got clipped a lot and is common knowledge by now.

>> No.77522940

I believe in meicasquizo ramblings now.

>> No.77523007

I think he's shitposting. I think he's implying that he's waiting Yamu to become an actual hag to start watching her.

>> No.77523044

If you make some adjustments, Sopa was just like Sylvie, a young naive girl who got taken advanted of many times.
Difference is we couldn't save Sopa from the discord groomers.

>> No.77523122

She's dumb and selfish, but she was never a victim.

>> No.77523142
File: 2.55 MB, 1448x2048, 173374749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we just talk about our favorite Shura shenanigans now? I loved when she died and revived in 3 days also that chupistream where she turned water into wine

>> No.77523148

pretty much,I think that anon is low IQ
Don't get me wrong she's adorable but I can't stay engaged when she talks for so long

>> No.77523377 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 2.36 MB, 1728x1344, uwl9b4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77523400

You are the only one that cares.

>> No.77523452

>gets angry over a joke
I wonder what she did to make you seethe so hard kek

>> No.77523623

I don't know how could you possibly perceive that as "getting angry".

>> No.77523787


>> No.77524043

I just need to have her being cute after a long day's work. I don't need her to talk
"super interesting" topics to entertain me.
That being said I do consider her topics interesting, or I consider her to be very interesting to my eyes.

>> No.77524267

My Lady and Saviour

>> No.77524317
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>no hay discord de fans

>> No.77524938
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brb praying to shuwa right now

>> No.77525094 [DELETED] 

Go choke on Ren's cock Trannya

>> No.77525273

ROFL even

>> No.77526513
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>> No.77526844

Change that pomegranate on her hand with an actual hand grenade

>> No.77526993

What kind of fruit is that?

>> No.77527340

That's 1.5 right? Play with these LoRAs

>> No.77529457
File: 214 KB, 1920x1079, GPaaN7hXQAAA_S4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77529651

Aurora Atria is live rn


Yuzuye Kurayami

>> No.77529653

I thought this game never came out

>> No.77529715

to old

>> No.77529726

>Runee literally telling Sylvie's chat to have sex

>> No.77529742

>Aurora Atria

>> No.77529809

Yes, with her see >>77514667

>> No.77529893

Proof or didn't happen.

>> No.77530361

I like that he always shows her knowledge. You can tell that she loves what she does.

>> No.77530652

I dont need Sylvie anymore

>> No.77530704

>not rupapa's voice
Who was him then?

>> No.77530763


>> No.77530784

If I have to guess, probably Rune's husband

>> No.77530813

Ruhermano, watch the stream mongoloid.

>> No.77530930


>> No.77531075

I don't think she's stupid enough to stop doing it, yesterday she outperformed yamu and koa.

>> No.77531105

and what you will do? you can't kill every single porteño shitposter.

>> No.77531109

She didn't say who's voice was that at any moment tho

>> No.77531178

Rune is good, she's grown up woman I don't mind if she has a husband

>> No.77531200

Maybe she should stop making up unnecessary lies that only overcompensate stuff for herself then.

>> No.77531277

ok but enough about yamu

>> No.77531337

Anons are loving Runne, what are you talking about?

>> No.77531356

>top making up unnecessary lies
tf is this nigger talking abt? watch streams fucking shitter, kys

>> No.77531440

And why she should always have to explain about her own family?

>> No.77531521

Ok, here's my rrat: Runne is actually Sylvie's cousin (the daughter of her brain surgeon uncle) that came to visit Sylvie after having that accident with her ankle, and now Sylvie is shilling her around so Runne can become a Vtuber too

>> No.77531540

nigger, you're answering to a schizo

>> No.77531564

it seems that you still don't understad who made this trash thread, stop replying to him.

>> No.77531618

If that is true, then Sylvie has a nice heart.
But ur shitty rrat have no sense, kek

>> No.77531624


>> No.77531692

>tell a lie
>gets exposed
>keep lying even more to cover up the lies
That's a horrible behavior, and completely unnecessary. If anything it will make stuff for her more complicated.

>> No.77531710

This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.77531765

ok we get it Yamu now shut up fucking jealous choripanera. you all believed all mizorra's and nisha's lies and i dont see nobody crying about it

>> No.77531767

I like sylvie but she shouldn't try so hard or else she'll end up like Meica

>> No.77531781

That's not the point
>Ruhermano, watch the stream mongoloid.
That's what I replied to, and that's a lie.

>> No.77531830

>i dont see nobody crying about it
Where did you come from faggot? You shit shit about what's talked in this place

>> No.77531833

>brotecitos trying to project their oshi in sylvie
this is so funny holy kek

>> No.77531896

You know, exist a report button

>> No.77531902

She literally says that her dog scaped, you don't watch streams fucking mongoloid

>> No.77532037

Fucking spam the thread to kill it

>> No.77532057


>> No.77532069

That's a burraca tier behavior indeed

>> No.77532110

Totally_not_working is here right now if you wonder

>> No.77532164

>She literally says that her dog scaped
And? She still never specified who was the one talking a that moment.

>> No.77532189

very suspicious right?

>> No.77532208

I think I preffer Runee with a kuudere expression too, her voice fits very well

>> No.77532217

Close, it's actually his friend Filishna

>> No.77532267

same faggot, different accounts

>> No.77532339

Filishna is a soldadito, totally faggot is a brotecito/nishadow

>> No.77532428

In all honesty, this. She makes up shit too much and often ends up contradicting herself.

>> No.77532479

he is the same retard larping as a fan of whatever just to throw shit, stop pretending you are a different faggot shitter.

>> No.77532480

Runne is liking a lot of Fuwamoco related posts, she's taking inspiration from the good place.

>> No.77532506

He is not a soldadito, he just uses Silvie to bait conflict with other girls and their fans, like he's doing right now with Yamu.

>> No.77532667

She literally said that she likes fuwamoco

>> No.77532728

sylvie literally asked for fanarts of her and runne as fuwamoco

>> No.77532885


>> No.77533043 [DELETED] 

Filishna is Yuri or a guardiafag.
Pettanko is fucking retarded and a pedo to boot, and Filishna doxxed him with everything he could find.
The troon's name and face is well known yet, other than namedropping her, Filishna never posted anything.
Yuritroon and her discordgang actually groomed her (and everything inbetween), while Pettanko's crime was jacking off his brown smelly micropenis thinking he was dm'ing a russian loli.

>> No.77533207

They couldn't even possibly replicaye fuwamoco's skit. These russian girls were way too out of sync to pull it off.

>> No.77533478

They dont want to be fuwamoco 2 wtf

>> No.77533578

My nerdy queen

>> No.77533673

I kinda see what dynamic they tried to go for, but it was extremely badly executed.
I thing if Sylvie came up with something like "this is my russian cousin that has been working as a nurse in latam for a while and that's why she's fluent in spanish" would have been better, maybe trowing in some cheesy phrase like "I want to be a Vtuber to heal everyone's heart" or some shit like that too.

>> No.77534153

Filishna has zeta and supremacia links

>> No.77534237

They literally tried to baubau.

>> No.77534548

Queen!!! <3 <3

>> No.77534674

They kinda tried to be some sort of spanish fuwamoco with a greeting similar to them and all.
If they want to do the same as fuwamoco sharing a single channel, then they can still do it as they where doing with their setting about Sylvie being the commander of the army, and Runne being the battlefield nurse.

>> No.77535126

She will moan very loudly doesn't she?

>> No.77535610

Fuwamoco spic, I dont need HoloES anymore

>> No.77535615

do you remember that twitter post where s(he) said it was (he)r birthday and posted a photo in total darkness when it was still 4 in the afternoon? kek

>> No.77535650

Is good we have someone trying to learn that style, they'll grow and become better with time.

>> No.77535765

Wait a minute, didn't her sister said she had an sprained ankle and she even was limping and using a device to keep her ankle in place? How is she able to play ringfit?

>> No.77535764
File: 614 KB, 1001x1080, 1716754702254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77535891

I have never seen an anti with a low iq as this one, holy shit

>> No.77535916

now i understand everything Sylvie has a "backpack" because her huge dick weighs too much

>> No.77535926

That was her other "sister" birthday, no idea why she lied about that

>> No.77535931

shhh I'm fapping

>> No.77535974

The power of the little soldiers healed her

>> No.77535989
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>> No.77536057
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>> No.77536188

Yamu delayed her stream because she knew she had no chance against Rune kek

>> No.77536206
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>> No.77536302

>already tired
kek, and this woman wants hard sex trice a day

>> No.77536337
File: 921 KB, 638x845, 1717343907388543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sylvie Ruru you will never be a real woman

>> No.77536499

stop noticing things

>> No.77536506

You'll the work, you're strong enough to carry and manhandle her right?

>> No.77536588

Maybe she's the dead tuna type.

>> No.77536808


>> No.77536898

I have the stamina and I think I'm physically abled, the problem is that my gun shoots very early

>> No.77536998

Being an onee-san type and not being top should be a crime

>> No.77537350

This sounds like those doijin where the big sis helps her lil sis so it can "fit in"

>> No.77537385

Dunno dominating a hag has its charm.

>> No.77537411 [DELETED] 
File: 723 KB, 1316x1304, xdxd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>add an R to the end of each sentence
of course totally russian hahahahahahahahaha

>> No.77537478

>He's a sissy bottom

>> No.77537506

I can believe the brat is better at ridding than the big sis

>> No.77537525
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>> No.77537657

Going for a manzai dynamic could be fun.
But if Rune instead aims for the lonely sex craving mongoloids she will become a template twitch thot streamer with a forced accent as her only distinctive feature.

>> No.77537666

Shut up Yamu

>> No.77537750
File: 405 KB, 720x866, ars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea totally Koakiller kek

>> No.77537936

Is this the best she can achieve by baiting?? soldaputos care to explain??????

>> No.77537942

She's a little girl. Now kys tranny

>> No.77537997

Why the fuck did you force your sister to play ringfit with an injured leg Sylvie what the fuck?

>> No.77538029

Check yesterdays koa's earnings and sylvie's My koacuck

>> No.77538305

Shhh just enjoy

>> No.77538355

Put this as Sylvie opening song

>> No.77538445

I don't enjoy lies.

>> No.77538474
File: 260 KB, 1078x297, less than 400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koa isn't doing so much better either, didn't she get 600+ ccv as Nisha?

>> No.77538494

You shouldn't watch vtubers anymore then

>> No.77538499

Thats Nishita's and Yamu's song but remove the bonita

>> No.77538590

stfu cringenetic.

>> No.77538594

oh no no no no no no Koakeks our response?

>> No.77538598

Yes, of course
(You) never lied before

>> No.77538772

KEK and Koanikis dare to be smug about this poor performance

>> No.77538840

>a lot of people murder and steal, ergo murdering and stealing is not wrong
Your logic is flawed at a fundamental level, boy.

>> No.77538976

autistic anon...

>> No.77539058


>> No.77539166

>no bait
>just an average karaoke stream

>> No.77539184

>yesterday she said hersister was a normie and barely knew any anime
>now the sister likes all the animays

>> No.77539278

Karaoke's are Koa's main selling point

>> No.77539305

last message

>> No.77539352

last night some anon said the same, so that's average for her now, huh?

>> No.77539441


>> No.77539446

anon... are you blind? is a videogame

>> No.77539445

I just check, is not a karaoke, it's a game call karaoke

>> No.77539456

She just keeps pumping her balloon of lies, and it will explode on her face really soon.

>> No.77539548

If it's a lie it wouldn't een matter desu, I'm just enjoying the content

>> No.77539586

>Lalabel is on a collab with 500ccv
>condesa is with 450ccv
>Shura is with 105ccv...

>> No.77539620

Nigga she was refering to anime like dragón ball and shit like that, stop trying yamu kys fucking morenazi

>> No.77539713

>Lunaria was 2000ccv on that p.zomboid even

>> No.77539737

Nobody cares fucking jealous bitch

>> No.77539897

>overseas married woman with a son panders to brownoid loners
It's Yome all over again!

>> No.77539901
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 60572719482946381964749193747917523949011396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leech on wactor
>almost a year streaming
>avg viewers 80 avg earnings $4
>first time to reach over 500 ccv and over $100
this is how you cope soldaputos? kek

>> No.77539910 [SPOILER] 
File: 601 KB, 1500x1000, imagen_2024-06-06_214000579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77539918

Yamu, go prepare your stream and stop throwing shit at Runne

>> No.77540223

>Lin playing minecraft 400ccv
>Shura 3d model 140ccv

>> No.77540243

oh nooo noooo soldaputos don't look!

>> No.77540251


>> No.77540382

Seems like koanegos got really angry again, idk who's the choripaschizo tho

>> No.77540401

who is this?

>> No.77540497

Don't make fun of filishna, he is our personal clown and toilet, and that boy has legit unironic schizophrenia

>> No.77540522

>gift as a friend
>459 USD plus throne
Keep seething bitch

>> No.77540530

all thread trying to impose his narrative "n0bOdy CarEsss" lol

>> No.77540562

>post count today: 58
wew i'm such a faggot kek

>> No.77540675

if sissys weren't so jealous, this thread could have been just a shilling thread, I was about to shill my own 2view but I'll pass

>> No.77540735

now 300 kek
>gift as a friend
>459 USD plus throne
something that will never happen again
>Keep seething bitch
oh the irony

>> No.77540864
File: 43 KB, 1041x141, shura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wanna a be a numberfag but holy shit, first Yamu barely reaching 100 ccv in her last streams and now Shura struggling to get 200 ccv on 3D with a new model, Sylvie and Gift are fucking stealing all their viewers so fucking hard lmao

>> No.77540938


>> No.77540956

wait do you actually belive that people cares about numbers outside shitpost and the actual shitter falseflagging?

>> No.77540980

No gift stream today? nooooo
And now what do I do all night

>> No.77541023

well deserved for being bitches

>> No.77541037

With Rune taking over the hag niche I don't need Shura anymore.

>> No.77541123

>Now 300ccv
More than Yamu
One of the Best vtubers.
>Something that never happen again
Her top donator has $1k algo she have múltiple paypigd
Now. Keep crying like a bitch.

>> No.77541128

Use a shotgun to paint the ceiling red with your own brain
