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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77475755 No.77475755 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.77475888

just find a new oshi mane there are plenty of fish in the sea

>> No.77475963

Speaking of, where the fuck is kotoka?

>> No.77476062


>> No.77476087

Unicorns never win

>> No.77476178

She's soft graduated. She won't ever leave hololive because she has 0 qualifications for a non shit job.

>> No.77476337

LOL cope and seethe nijinigger

>> No.77476382

Ame literally invented goslings on the en side newfag

>> No.77476603

I thought goslings were slightly different than unicorns, which again were slightly different than gachikois

>> No.77476835

I’m like a circa 2021 newfag, but my understanding is that unicorn = you want no male collabs or ideally even mention of non familial males on stream, gachi just means you’re unironically in love with your oshi, and gosling is more just like having vague romantic feelings/idolizing what it would be like to fuck/date them. But others can correct if wrong. If I had to guess I would say order of intensity is Gosling < Unicorn < Gachi

>> No.77476860

Coined the term, but there were EN vtubers before Myth so IDK why you think there weren't parasocial fans. ProjektMelody had them way before HoloEN even though she's a whore.

>> No.77476895
File: 264 KB, 485x532, 1705363443624656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phase connect deflection thread.

>> No.77476983

Goslings are homosexuals from reddit who spam "ryan gosling, the actor from drive that shitty movie from 2011" and pretend to be him. In reality, most of them are fat ugly retards but the internet creates delusional people who mentally construct a new persona around falsities.

>> No.77476985

I dont even think she's soft graduated...she's just in her own zone...

>> No.77477346


>> No.77477464

Let's be fair. His character K is especially more applicable to vtuber fans.

>> No.77477594

How many Ame schizo threads have we had today? 5? 6? This autist really is busy.

>> No.77477662

>quite literally simps for a single mom and becomes her husband's best friend and literally goes around killing people to get revenge for his death, with seemingly no care for his own existence
Yeah I can see that.

>> No.77477670

>The timeline is fucked after the sky people invade earth.
>Ame had to go to another hiatus to save the world.
>Shes doing everything she can to supress the timeline fuckery so that humanity can live a normal life while she try to find a solution to fix this shit.
>Every single day she thinks about her friend, her family, and her fans.
>She greatly miss them.
>She could just leave and use what remains of her power to save her family and friend.
>But this isnt the way.
>She whispered to herself.
>"This isnt the Ame way"
>She will save the world even if she have to sacrifice herself.
And then you fucks right over here jerking off your shrimp dick over bunch of screenshots and giving a masterclass fellatio to obvious bait. Its fucking over.

>> No.77477969

OP is the only one who remembers she exists.

>> No.77478082

I suggest Momo from idol.

>> No.77479910

>Talking about yourself in third person
cringe, seek help

>> No.77484441

Sorry I got her pragnant

>> No.77486634

epic nigger valley

>> No.77486682
File: 68 KB, 1033x220, top_kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See those VOD views?
Now compare it to "supposedly" TOP NijiEN Woman.

>> No.77486771
File: 311 KB, 1080x1278, Screenshot_20240530_195412_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't handle my oshi

>> No.77487760

>"I'll be on a break"
>goes on break

>> No.77488116

has there ever been an explanation for the altare duet than even made him angry

>> No.77488424

She singlehandedly did more damage to the homos than an army of unicorns, she deserves her rest

>> No.77489186
File: 64 KB, 1015x1024, 1716690135174477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally strawman lmao

>> No.77492905

You don't know what a strawman is. A strawman is when you pretend someone else made an argument that is easy for you to defeat. He is merely making an arguably irrelevant counter argument, which is completely different. Stop using terms you don't understand.

>> No.77493133
File: 155 KB, 1234x694, 1715761852857673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her, right

>> No.77493237

my oshi is actually her brother


>> No.77493262

wait this isn't a forum

