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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77448001 No.77448001[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Soon Japan will mandate each women to have a boyfriend.

How will those JP vtubers who leeches unicorns keep the farce?

>> No.77448087

>install app
>never use it
>go back to sleep
I hope you’ve enjoyed my tutorial, please like and subscribe.

>> No.77448314

>how will a niche filled by lying about your relationship status be doable now that you have to lie about your relationship status?!
gee, i dunno einstein.

>> No.77448431

time to move to japan

>> No.77448512

why doesn't japan just give huge tax cuts and gibs for large house holds rather than forcing people

>> No.77448569


>> No.77448635

Because that might actually fix the issue, so they’d rather not and say they’re trying anyways.

>> No.77449246
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>Ian Miles Cheong
>Elon Musk
Oh boy, can't wait for even more right wing grifters to get involved in vtubing

>> No.77449326

>spend money
because that costs money
You know what makes money? Throwing money at an app developed and run by "third parties"

>> No.77449376

Money are already stupid cheap in japan, issue lays in fucked up real estate market and broken down asiatic large expanded family tradition.

>> No.77449489

Dating apps are part of the reason birthrates are down because it resulting in mating based entirely on looks, and women consider 80% of men ugly. I don't know how to fix the problem but this will either do nothing or make the problem worse.

>> No.77449524

Literally nothing would be different

>> No.77449706
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>Users will be required to submit documentation proving they are legally single and sign a letter stating they are willing to get married.
>Stating one's income is common on Japanese dating apps, but Tokyo will require a tax certificate slip to prove the annual salary.
This is dead on arrival. They should fix their retarded tax system and second world salaries first. Also their work culture.

>> No.77449899
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>An interview will be required to confirm a user's identity as part of the registration process.
They can't be serious with this one, it has to be some way of money laundering.

>> No.77449911

>why don't we fuck up our economy by doing aggressive inflationary measures
Geez, I don't know. Why doesn't your country give out 1 million dollars to everyone every day they don't commit any crimes? This should easily solve all crime issues!

>> No.77449991

You are correct.
When options seem infinite you will keep looking for the 'perfect' one who does not exist

>> No.77450145

Nta but what an absolutely retarded false equivalence. They should just pay less taxes with each kid, and be totally exempt after like three and done, population issue solved.

>> No.77450204

Woman here, can confirm. Most guys I see are either boring as hell or overweight (or were dealt a bad hand with their bone structure). Finding someone who actually looks good AND shares your interests AND is an actual nice person is insanely hard.

>> No.77450254

>Why doesn't your country give out 1 million dollars to everyone every day they don't commit any crimes? This should easily solve all crime issues!
make it more like 100 and yea that probably would work actually

>> No.77450269

This, but dating apps also incentivize you to never settle, especially if you're a woman. There's no point if you can get infinite attention by new people whenever you want. Unironically dating apps just set us back into our natural state, and based on our current behavior "civilized" relationships and normal family don't work because we are simply not fucking monogamous, not for life at least.

>> No.77450294

Now imagine that IN JAPAN were all people looks the same and acts the same boring way?

>> No.77450326

But you're the one that's wearing makeup

>> No.77450377


>> No.77450453

>elon the retard
>ian miles chink
jannies do your fucking job and get this faggot shit off my board

>> No.77450545


>> No.77450555
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It's strange, if you go on /jp/, they'll tell you literally every Holo is a whore with a husband/boyfriend/eceleb hook-up.
Meanwhile, every Japanese publication says sex and reproduction levels are the lowest ever, even female virginity is drastically increased compared to 10-20 years ago.

>> No.77450571

>my board
You're just Gaspar from Chile

>> No.77450624


>> No.77450639

Most female virgins aren't extremely well-connected, rich e-celebrities.

>> No.77450675

One thing doesn't have to preclude another. The bitchless get more bitchless while the the pretty and famous get even more competition by comparison.

>> No.77450684

>let's make a country where most people pay reduced taxes if any taxes at all
Sure, anon. What could go wrong.

I don't think you understand how money works.

>> No.77450702

>Ian miles Chong
>Elon Musk
Yeah I'm thinking honeypot, jannies you know what to do

>> No.77450709

Enjoy your vacation poltard.

>> No.77450734

>>Stating one's income is common on Japanese dating apps, but Tokyo will require a tax certificate slip to prove the annual salary.
This is why Japanese women don't want to date, because they all want guys making 100k salaries when 35k USD is the average salary there.

>> No.77450743

Wow its almost like their cultural norms pushed by aging boomers is most of the younger generations to be overworked and depressed and those two things are 100% a good catalyst for forging bonds.

>> No.77450794

do you even know what honeypot means

>> No.77450823

This problem is so easy to fix, the west figured it out decades ago, just import ten million niggers from africa and ten million muslims from the middle east
oh and don't forget to change your state religion to Islam

>> No.77450837

>every Holo is a whore
Not all. But speaking further about it gets you banned here, since this board is not for vtuber fans, it's FOR vtubers.

>> No.77450894

Opinion discarded

>> No.77450930

>graduate from school
>get job
>get money
>world is literally your oyster
>endless amount of cool shit you can do

>but but anon you should have a kid so you can never do any of that cool shit again it's so worth I love my 3 screeching autist children so much!

Like seriously, why the fuck would I give up all the stuff I do and want to do, just to have some piece of shit lump of meat hanging around that needs constant attention for 14 years?

Kids are a fucking scam, the only people who get suckered into breeding are the normie retards who get pregnant in school and/or are too religious/stupid to get an abortion.

We have the tech, we should just have breeding vats and raise the babies in government facilities with virtual simulated parents who can manipulate the kids into anything (goverment likes this).
