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77440829 No.77440829 [Reply] [Original]

1. The PekoMiko split
2. Vesper menhera arc, Tempus rift, and stealth termination
3. Who the fuck was Omegatroon and did the talents really hate him so much that he got fired?
4. The Minecraft hole
5. What happened between Shion and Marine that night?

>> No.77441093

>he forgot the mel termination
not even in the yab lists she's remembered

>> No.77441237

Hardly a mystery, who gives a fuck who she leaked info to? Could be Kotoka, could be a million other of her fucking e-celeb twichfag friends.

>> No.77441450

4 & 5 have already been solved.

>> No.77441463

1 no clue, just work shit I guess
2 Vesper just kept making mistakes and kept getting in trouble for it, then was graduated for being a brand risk
3 just a manager who was too busy to keep up with their character and eventually left the role
4 perms, perms, perms, thats the only game any of them can rely on.
5 if you have to ask, then you'll never know

>> No.77441595

I still believe the fortune teller rrat

>> No.77441648

>so new he doesn't remember the AquPeko Minecra chest accident

>> No.77441678

No fucking way did Omega "just leave", Kiara made fun of his disappearance like three seperate times. Not to mention they wouldn't just throw all the lore autism they invested into that LARP into the trash for no reason. Something definitely happened.

>> No.77441715

She opened it off-stream and then forgot about it, where's the mystery

>> No.77441735

Who's the Robert Stack of Hololive?

>> No.77441911

>opened it
>broke it and the sign with Aquas friendly words
>never talked about it

>> No.77441989

That's because Omega was a faggot whose claim to fame was drinking and grooming Kiara. That's literally it. He's such a Loser.

>> No.77442181
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>drinking Kiara

>> No.77442261

>Vesper just kept making mistakes and kept getting in trouble for it
Explain Magni and Axel saying Tempus was always fighting behind the scenes

>> No.77442275

aqua's chest

>> No.77442307


>> No.77442499

Well Vesper was also a huge asshole to his genmate in general. His termination is pretty easily explainable, but the specifics of it are pretty shrouded in mystery anyway
Magni's reasons for leaving were probably different from Vesper, yet they still essentially formed a duo, it seemed like a situation where they encouraged each others worst qualities.

>> No.77442599
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This deserves a mention anon

how the fuck was this forgotten man? This could've been absolute april fools kino

>> No.77443000

>huge asshole
No anan, they were and still all are good friends, him not collabing was a cover thing

>> No.77443083

>fighting behind the scenes
Thats was disagreeing with the direction of things, not actually fighting like them being mad at each other

>> No.77443175

>him not collabing was a cover thing
rumao you niggas have his dick so far up your ass that you still don't fault him for the things he did

>> No.77443305

If Vesper was just a huge asshole, why do the other Tempus members still like him and talk about him?

>> No.77443376

Yes because Magni is also a horrible person and a huge narcissist, which is my point they circlejerked each other to be the heroes of the story when they were anything but

>> No.77443507

Because his fans still beg them to talk about them so they throw them a bone to keep them happy

>> No.77443991

The only times either of those two mentioned a fight was
>vague menshi statement that could easily be explained as one of them having a fight with manesan/management in general
>Magni being annoyed by outsiders making assumptions and people starting drama

>> No.77444059

>1. The PekoMiko split
Truly unsolved, something happened that made Peko absolutely sperg out and basically ghost Miko beyond corpo-mandated interactions forever
>2. Vesper menhera arc, Tempus rift, and stealth termination
I mean Vesper was an unprofessional dipshit and made trouble for everyone, most of which he admitted to himself. Only mysteries are what really caused the graduation because it clearly wasn't a planned termination. The "not renewing contract" theory makes the most sense. Also, how much of Vesper's "I have no meds ahhh" menhera arc was real and how much was lies/cope, since he kept using that excuse even after returning from Japan and taking his meds. I guess his whole collab avoiding arc is still an unsolved mystery.
>3. Who the fuck was Omegatroon and did the talents really hate him so much that he got fired?
There is a pretty credible rrat that he was both Ina's former chat mod "AO-chan" as well as the Enma persona (which was never meant to represent an individual manager a la J-chad or Enma). Pic related is him most likely.
>4. The Minecraft hole
Unsolved afaik. Probably the culprit doesn't reveal themselves for the lulz.
>5. What happened between Shion and Marine that night?
Nothing, it's a bit they came up with.

>> No.77444161
File: 613 KB, 968x528, ao-chan being an attentionwhoring faggot trying to push himself into the limelight.... remind you of anyone questionmark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.77444298

Axel has said that Tempus is like a house where Mom and Dad are always fighting. Vesper avoided Altare for a good while too

>> No.77444450

Was 4 huke papa?

>> No.77444537

Was this the first thing that came up in Google or are you actually an old fag that watched this growing up too.

>> No.77446191

>1. The PekoMiko split
I can't find it anymore, but I remember seeing an old clip of Pekora complaining about the shipping shit and that's why they broke up.

>> No.77446819

6. What happened to the Akatsuki to Hana MV?

>> No.77446973
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>>77446191 (me)

Found it. I misremembered and it was Mikochi who spoke about it instead. Basically the shippers took it too far and put enough pressure on them for them to want to stop with it. It's also one of the reasons she keeps insisting MiComet are just business friends.

>> No.77447001

this fucking homobegger faggot is still crying over vesper getting fired

>> No.77447107

This doesn't explain much, it's not about them ending the ship but about Pekora literally ghosting her for years, ignoring her when she greets in games and not even wanting to speak her name sometimes

>> No.77447802

Honestly I think they just had a huge fight where Pekora and Miko were never actually close friends. Marine (Arguably closest to Pekora) has given insight in how Pekora has a hard time understanding other people, then you have Suisei (Arguably closest to Miko) has also given insight in how easy it is to lead Miko astray with a bit of sweetness once she has let her guard down. My theory is Pekora only saw her as a co-worker and absolutely tired at how PekoMiko shippers were trying to ruin her other connections (Moona for example), they fought and there you go.

>> No.77449284

*1. Why did they let Mel go?


>> No.77449448

Omega was also the AO mod in Inas chat, Ina now dislikes him so much that she dislikes the AO character by association

>> No.77449918

>2. Vesper menhera arc, Tempus rift, and stealth termination
- Menhera arc (if we're just including the Japan fiasco) could have any trigger whatsoever and we'll never know. Whatever caused it seemed to have been brewing behind the scenes starting with his suspension. The fact that Axel later on said that he tried to dissuade Vesper from making this trip at all says that it was obvious he wasn't alright prior to that.
- The 'Tempus Rift' feels more like HQ losing what made it special, and it can easily be tagged by a lot of Vesper's fuckery. All 3 got blindsided with his suspension, as that stopped all the group things they were doing in their tracks. The 6th month anniversary was the breaking point, as HQ was never the same again, splitting into Altare/Axel and Magni/Vesper by the end. (The last actual collab with HQ was the L4D2 HQ vs. VG stream in March of 2023.) VG debuting helped immensely (whether anyone wants to believe it or not), but that also led to Magni basically monopolizing Bettel, splitting HQ even further.
- I still stand by the rrat that their graduation was extremely late contract negotiations that failed and since they weren't actually terminated (see Rushia and Mel's terminations), Cover decided to give them the graduation route. There's too much from around their anniversary period being held off/redone to remove the quitters [Vesper's removal from Woven Fates; both from Flex if they ever got that far (as it's easy to tell the song was written for 8 people to have a verse each); the Affection Overdose short being delayed with the later implication that the two/their mascots were removed (you can still see the edges of a Magmite and Vestea on the thumbnail art); the full Stars branch cover being delayed to remove the 2, meaning they had already recorded for it], implying that Cover had not anticipated this happening.
>3. Who the fuck was Omegatroon and did the talents really hate him so much that he got fired?
Probably one of the OG EN managers that got boosted up the chain around when the first management shift came along prior to Council debuting. As for their firing? I don't know if the talents caused it, but I wouldn't doubt that for him to get kicked, a solid majority of the girls AND guys would have had to have fucking hated him. All of Myth and Council/Promise seem to range from indifference to immense dislike of Omega from what I remember. More recently (in January of this year) Altare and Axel also hinted at having a lot of problems with management im the same time period as the girls were. So hypothetically, if Cover gave all the EN talents a survey on if Omega was doing a good job, all 10 girls and (at minimum) 2 of the guys in the first male gen saying he was shit would definitely make Cover want to drop him.
(I have a personal rrat that the only talents that liked Omega were Magni and Vesper. Mostly since, when the big EN management change presumably happened in mid/late winter or extremely early spring, all the girls, Altare, and Axel seemed far happier with the new situation, while Magni and Vesper became even bigger dickholes in general.)

>> No.77451445

Which is funny because i'd argue MiComet has even worse yuri shippers.

>> No.77451527

2 isn’t a mystery, fagni and vesper wanted more than they were worth and got told to fuck off

>> No.77451657

Which it's why my theory goes to Pekora being the one who had the issues with PekoMiko, since MiComet has been going for years now and have major issues talking about their vacation/hiatus together.

>> No.77451714 [DELETED] 

>>77451657 (me)
Have no mayor issues*

>> No.77451821

>>77451657 (me)
Have no major issues*

>> No.77451973

What happened to the rrat of Omega being Altare?

>> No.77452808

He didn't do anything except upset nijisisters for being 'a threat' to vox akuma and the most annoying unicrons ever- people who obsess over corporate vtubers with a million subs. The kronies are especially pathetic.

>> No.77452904

1) Pekora saw Miko as a rival
2) all three can be answered by vesper being a stoner weed fiend who randomly quits stable jobs to smoke more weed
3) a manager with bad ideas who fooled yagoo into thinking he was a genius because of gura's success
4) gay red dit meme
5) gay /jp/ meme

6) irrelephant whore

>> No.77453246

It was one time. Don't make it seem worse than it was.

>> No.77454841

>2. Vesper menhera arc, Tempus rift, and stealth termination
Tempus were getting into fights with management over model redesigns. The same thing was going on with HoloEN. Magni and Vesper got involved because they felt sorry for Kronii. She never wanted to be a lewd vtuber and was noticeably burnt out during the GUN TTRPG collab. There is a reason the EN branch had frequent health issues and hiatus breaks even in 2023.
>3. Who the fuck was Omegatroon and did the talents really hate him so much that he got fired?
Might have been the original EN project manager. After Sana's "graduation" in 2022 the branch was demoralized and other talents were thinking of quitting. Yagoo knew things were going horribly so he replaced the EN project manager and started attending the EN meetings.

>> No.77456171

stop spewing your hopelessly retarded rrats in every thread no one will ever believe you

>> No.77457360

I doubt anything will happen with Kronii until 2025 but there are way too many signs that model redesigns were the main contract issue with HoloEN and Tempus.

>> No.77457879

there are 0 signs, you just picked a vector and cherry picked things that were wrong to begin with and decided it was evidence

>> No.77458032

Mikowhore raped pekora

>> No.77460295

Who dug the hole?

>> No.77460424

What happened to omega?

>> No.77462542

Did he actually have his meds upon getting home?
Like, I was unable to get my adhd meds (which are the least important of them thankfully), via the pharmacy my insurance works with for numerous months, kept being told I was "on the waitlist,"; had to actually switch to a different medication-which funnily enough, I had switched from a few years back bcs of the same type of situation...

>> No.77462772

4. It was huke papa when he was briefly given server access by Kiara

>> No.77465949

this is a weak argument. They could easily ignore it and nothing would happen. If they genuinely disliked him, they would never bring him up for any reason.

>> No.77466113

The Marine/Shion thing was explained literally the week it happened. They got drunk, got touchy feely, Shion regretted it later. Things were really awkward for a while after that between them.

>> No.77466640

Get out of here, pekoschizo.

>> No.77466717

>What happened to the rrat of Omega being Altare?
That was /vt/ being /vt/
Do you want to know what made retarded shit posters to come out with this rrat?
>Ina and Altare are Koreans
That's it, that was literally it, there's not a single crumb of connection between those two in their PLs or HoloPro

Omega was some Asian Troon that worked for Cover before he himself or a top employee gave him the Omega mantle that lead to nothing but eternal spam

>> No.77466822

6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxJykaiCwGo
the closest thing hololive ever got to creepypasta material

>> No.77470170
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Their was a brief period in time it seemed like Ina had a lot of power and influence in the EN branch that was not commiserate with her position among the girls: the Sana nepo hire, (people at one point believed that Kronii was an Ina pick to—Canadian/korean connection), the ff14 perms, some other stuff I can’t remember right now…

It would make a lot of sense if ina’s manager/chat mod flew up the ranks of command really quickly and became omega. Ina is the only one of the girls who has never talked shit about omega, not even jokingly. Would make sense if they are/were on friendly terms and omega was doing all this stuff for Ina behind the scenes.

>> No.77470745

iirc she never shittalked omega but laughed along when other girls do it. they likely became more distant over time.

>> No.77471630

Pekomiko are happily married and killed off their public interactions to avoid letting anything slip

>> No.77472769
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>> No.77473926

I'd like to know what material was leaked.
It must have been something pretty severe, since normally, companies can, shall we say, look the other way for something minor. But I what would Cover consider substantial enough to justify the loss of revenue?

>> No.77474286

If Omega was the first EN project manager I doubt that she knew him since he was likely an older businessman with a strong case of Japanese sexism. Ina was given the skimpiest outfit in Hololive, was taking several long breaks in 2022, and before the radio silent break was openly talking about graduation. That doesn't sound like an employee that has any connections with management.

>> No.77475419

Probably just general stuff. Any of that stuff can get shot down for being confidential information

>> No.77476304

NTA but I heard the theme when I saw this image.
