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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 68 KB, 617x662, the great audition lie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77437399 No.77437399 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, how justified was this criticism? I don't think there's anything wrong with the poaching/nepohire strategy, but was baiting indies with auditions morally wrong?

>> No.77437505

Yes, don't open auditions if you are going to hire your friends in the end.

>> No.77437511
File: 817 KB, 762x759, haruka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She won.

>> No.77437542

Why are you still bringing this up? That was in 2021.

>> No.77437628

When's ID4?

>> No.77437645

Because DN just made a video about VShojo but OP wanted to be vague.

>> No.77437669

It's interesting because the decision to become the nepohire corp was clearly born from circumstance
They wanted to do audiitons because "that's just what corpos do", then those huge chuubas practically fell into their lap and they realized they don't actually have to do anything and can just poach

>> No.77437731
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>mfw Vstd fans tried to cancel him over this

>> No.77437867
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The problem was that it wasn't just a show to make the auditions seem more legit and fair, but that they had an inside leak of personal information related to thousands of indies vtubers and only got exposed by Nux Taku, after a few indies that got doxxed after applying to Vshojo, approached him.

It only got worse after he did a video about that, when IronMouse and Nyanners tried to dogpile her fans against him, calling him a liar and basically trying to cancel him, then we got actual proof of what Nux Taku said was true and screenshots of IronMouse and Nyanners discord server asking their fans to mass dislike him and report him.

It all end up with Nux Taku deleting everything because Vshojo threat to sue him and antagonize him.

>> No.77437888

tell that to Sana, Korone, Okayu and la +

>> No.77437954

Literal who compared to the other members

>> No.77437975

Oh nyo 20-25% of a Gen is nepo that's the same as 100%. Nyoooooooooooo

>> No.77438021

this doesn't even make your point any better as they make up a minority of nepo hires, meanwhile vshojo is 100% nepotism

>> No.77438037

This is like making a thread in 2024 about about Hitomi Chris

>> No.77438098
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>out nepotism is lesser evil than your nepotism because percentages

>> No.77438109

haruka got in through auditions tho

>> No.77438107
File: 25 KB, 605x276, lying rat tries to swing her followers around as a club.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But not my "unity jesus"!
The "Mr. Rodgers of Vtubing" would NEVER act like this!

>> No.77438119

There were no auditions for Korone and Okayu. Fubuki took em in and Yagoo interviewed them. Dont go rewriting history now

>> No.77438260

You forgot Choco, Mio, Flare, Towa, Polka and Lui

>> No.77438274

I find it funny that he used to be a massive VShojo shill who believes VShojo will beat the "evil idol corpo" Hololive, until his VShojo friends backstabbed him hard and he went complete silent about that agency since

Now he is farming clout from Nijisanji corpse and he is basically a loner who can't be friend or befriended by any decent VTubers

>> No.77438299
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>nepotism, japan
it's not the same

>> No.77438320

The audition is just a bait. they already know who they want but they don't want to approach them first

>> No.77438348

What actually happened is some guy emailed some indies with a phishing link for like a week until Vshojo took down the domain and then Nux tried to catch the epic hacker by interrupting a criminal investigation into a swatter to get some sweet ad revenue and ruined it. Nux then pretended he didn't do anything wrong by leaking discord conversations with Vshojo employees asking him not to release the video as if that made him look good.

>> No.77438406

good thing that they got the phishing weirdo at the end.

>> No.77438479

considering at the time Yagoo was likely personally interviewing potential talents anyway, this wasn't a case of "Fubuki said you're good, so you're automatically hired." Fubuki got their feet in the door, but they still had to show that they were a good fit for the role. In VShojo's case, there isn't really a concept of company fit, and skills are already measured since they just look at current stream numbers. The fact that the nepo hires were already streaming with VShojo as a whole also adds a new layer of fuckery that doesn't make the two situations comparable.

>> No.77438487

>no argument
Concession accepted

>> No.77438514
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>they have to go back almost 3 years to formulate any kind of drama

>> No.77438523

don't companies do this in other fields? put up notices for job applications but they're not actually planning on hiring anyone that applies.

>> No.77438549
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>Vshojo is so on their best behavior, bait threads obliged bringing archive century old drama.

>> No.77438560

>considering at the time Yagoo was likely personally interviewing potential talents anyway, this wasn't a case of "Fubuki said you're good, so you're automatically hired." Fubuki got their feet in the door, but they still had to show that they were a good fit for the role
replace yagoo with gunrun and you are literally describing the vshojo hiring process lol

>> No.77438599

>hold auditions, do nepotism
>hold no auditions, do nepotism
Are you retarded or do you choose to act this way? There is a clear difference between whether auditions were held or not. One gives randos a hope that on the small chance they have, they can make it in. However, they wont because of nepotism so it just gives the illusion of fairness, which is dispicable behavior. The other doesnt give people hope, they just appear out of nowhere. No auditions, no hope for randos, no scummy behavior

>> No.77438623

>They wanted to do audiitons because "that's just what corpos do"
Funny they act exactly how corpos do. Put out an ad and then hire their friends or someone that was recommended by a person in the company.

>> No.77438625

Yeah it was wrong considering someone got SWATed because of it.

>> No.77438667

Asking the real questions.

>> No.77438687
File: 164 KB, 382x421, 1715654762232996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holobeg for every big recent graduate under the sun
>cry when Vshojo actually gets them
Unironic Skill Issue Dayo

>> No.77438710

Can you dipshits stop using the word "nepotism" when you don't know what the fuck it means?

>> No.77438722

>our safety
>but fuck the hundred+ people who got doxxed because we knew and said nothing lol
It's funny that only Zen understood Nux's stance and why he did it(but not agreeing that he did it). Even funnier was froot acting like the world was ending.

>> No.77438794

it was cool and based until sakana doubled down on it
now? pls tell down post sir

>> No.77438954
File: 432 KB, 763x638, 1716408174186737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey while we're in the ancient past, remember when an entire holo branch got axed over harassment?
Oh, that doesn't matter anymore? Rent free? Sounds about right.

>> No.77439005

>but that they had an inside leak of personal information related to thousands of indies vtubers
...no? that's literally not what happened you fucking idiot

>> No.77439037

It's not nepotism because they were scouted retard

>> No.77439073

Why are vshojotards this revisionist

>> No.77439150

Remember when Froot attacked one of her own for wanting to play a wizard game? Then proceeded to say that she would donate to a pedo fund?

>> No.77439154

Theres nothing wrong with nepotism in privately owned companies. Who the fuck do you think was gonna inherit the village smiths forge? His son or his unrelated assistant?

His son of course unless in the rare event he really thought the assistant worthy or his son didn't want to inherit the profession.

Nepotism is only bad in government settings and even then it has been a working norm in Kingdoms and Dictatorships. I dont understand the self entitled hate boner people have for friends working with friends

>> No.77439164

>4 talents out of like 80
>vs literally every hire since ever
Anon I...

>> No.77439221

Agreed, it was way worse than just harassment.
And they wonder why Henya ran the fuck away from the company that fucked over one of her best friends.

>> No.77439242

plus the part where he bragged about getting them caught, then they openly mocked him

>> No.77439260

reminder, they picked this dumb bitch over Sayu

>> No.77439383

The amount of people falling for the scam emails probably showed Vshojo just how many STUPID people were around and they decided to skip that whole mess and hire people who had a proven track record of not being fucking idiots*
*the exception being hiring Rushia, no idea what they were thinking there

>> No.77439413

>Remember when Froot attacked one of her own for wanting to play a wizard game?
This isn't true though, is it.
>Then proceeded to say that she would donate to a pedo fund?
Didn't donate when she found this out though.
The catalog has rotted your brain.

>> No.77439478

Sayu was in Niji when Haruka joined VShojo.

>> No.77439489

is froot still grifting or did she actually donated the money?

>> No.77439534

Only two people were sent and/or fell for the phishing scam, as far as I'm aware.
One small vtuber and that idiot nux.
The small vtuber reached out to vshojo on discord then missed their reply (and apologised for thinking otherwise)

>> No.77439581

Remember when Ironrat refused to defend Silver, and when people called her out on her silence she went on a rant about people calling her out, and then """""defended"""" nobody in particular by saying no one deserves to be harassed

What a brave and moral rolemodel our "unity jesus" is...

>> No.77439585

Yes, it was wrong and wasted people's time. Many other corpos also don't let you audition at two places at the same time. So they basically screwed people over and wasted their time like it was nothing.
Poaching failed and terminated ex-corpos isn't wrong or anything per se. The main issue is that they are currently popular because they were in corpos and then graduated or got terminated. You could pick many other 2views and develop them or try to foster original talents that try new things. Instead, you're getting a circle jerk of e-celebrities moving from one gig to the other. They're not just famous for being famous, like the celeb gossip and reality tv carousel in television media. It just keeps going around and around, but never goes anywhere new.
Ultimately they're contributing to the stagnation of the vtuber industry so they can have short-term success.

>> No.77439687

You're tilting at windmills anon.

>> No.77439694

>this isn't true though
Prime revisionism
>didnt donate when she found this out though.
Where did i say she did donated to that fund? I solely said she pledged to donate to a pedo fund. Moreover why didnt she choose to donate it to a different charity if she swore to protect the ones that Silver supposedly harmed by playing the wizard game.

>> No.77439739

Vwhorejo is basically the Hollywood of Vtubers

>> No.77439743

>Prime revisionism
Proof then, now. Go on.

>> No.77439782

ook ook numbermonkeys

>> No.77439805

he's gonna post that "everyone makes mistakes" screenshot from her own chat again kek, thats literally all they ever have

>> No.77439864

>I solely said she pledged to donate to a pedo fund
but that's not correct though, she said she'd donate to a charity, then was told that charity was suspect

>> No.77439923

Physical Law of /vt/ #1: "all VShojo bait threads will inevitability spawn Ants".

>> No.77439941

Now we wait and see whether they crop the broadcaster icon off this time kek.

>> No.77439952
File: 325 KB, 734x704, 1693184944694368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DN uploads a video praising Vshojo's turnaround after their lowest point in March 2023
>/#/ chimps out on the catalog, bringing up drama from as far back as 3 years ago

>> No.77439989

Sayu was still an indie when the "auditions" were being held, and she also applied. Do your reps, I ain't saving random twatter screenshots.

>> No.77440079

There were thousands of applicants. Sayu not being one of them would be less believable. It is also irrelevant.

>> No.77440103

and they were rigbt in doing so

>> No.77440128

it's not irrelevant because Sayu is great, unlike the autistic moose who can't even finish a fucking subathon.

>> No.77440178

It isn't. Hollywood still does movies, right? They're like the local gossip shows about celeb drama, that get on all these has been celebs that only diehard viewers know who they are.
Even as a vtuber starting out you should never aspire to end up in a place like that.

>> No.77440186

cant wait for sayu to start her porn career and bust a fat one to her rotting japanese pussy

>> No.77440195


>> No.77440205

Can't wait until he starts selling Ironmouse info, will be so fucking funny, right?

>> No.77440266
File: 112 KB, 640x801, 1714598410150534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ just can't stand to see a fellow SEA succeed, can they? Crabs in a bucket.

>> No.77440349

>they didnt pick sayu out of the hundreds to thousands of other applicants
>she got another job anyway
>after she already got that job they hired someone else
Literally nothing, also this shit all happened years ago.

>> No.77440397

NTSEA but Kaela is pretty cool and autistic.

>> No.77440401

that is just their normal stuff anon i mean remember froot?

>> No.77440410

you'll be waiting for the rest of your sorry life, sister.
she's still better than Haruka ever will be. your loss, I guess.

>> No.77440481

>they had an inside leak
iirc they didn't, it was other people impresonating Vshojo to get and leak private info of indies.
but now that I think about it, back when Nux dropped that video and all of the Vshojo girls started "calling out" his video, some (i think it was vei or nyan but i don't rember) were also making comments about his content and him as a person, like it was a character assasination or something, which was specially weird since his second video on the matter showed the Vshojo staff gave him the go ahead, and there was also proof of the Vshojo twitter account sharing the video before they deleted it, flipped and all the girls turned on him (unlike >>77438348 claims).
now i don't really know how to put this into words, but i get this weird feeling that Vshojo is profoundly, covertly malignant to indies, like a 'mean girls clique' would be to any outgroup they find to "take away" from the attention they'd get if present.
maybe now that vei, nyan and silver are gone, and some exnijis work under Vshojo it's different but i can't shake the feeling something's off about them, and this current audition thing of theirs only feeds that feeling.

>> No.77440568

Nah they still contain snakes like froot or ironrat, the only difference from, say, NijiEN is that they aren't actually a clique but kind of individual snakes which means they'll backstab each other too (barring a few actual friendships like Vei-Silver)

>> No.77440569
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>> No.77440579

vshojo just doesnt know how to look for talent, thats why their audition failed and then just grab any ex niji who dumb enough to not be indie like doki, when the supply from nijiEN stop, you will see theres nothing left from vshojo,

>> No.77440593

This is your brain on rrat poison.

>> No.77440742

>was baiting indies with auditions morally wrong?
I guess if it could be proven verifiably that they never even looked at auditions then yes, but otherwise no. Even if I was 99% sure of who I was going to be hiring for my next gen I'd still open auditions because you never know who's going to send in an audition. Every massive star was once some nobody that nobody knew and had no industry connections.
What gets overlooked a lot when it comes to corpos is that the longer a corpo exists, the more established the corporate culture becomes. The more established the corporate culture becomes, the more risk is taken every time they bring in an unknown quantity. As NijiEN and IdolEN and the corpses of a thousand small dead corpos can attest to, it doesn't take very many poor hiring decisions to fuck your corporation inside out.
I would need to know if the seething 2views are conflating "they never even gave me a chance" with "they didn't pick me" because that's a very important distinction.

>> No.77440759

I don't know how it works in Jakarta, but in America almost everybody has gotten a job because they knew someone. Everybody with friends, at least.

>> No.77440761

ironic you'd post Seth WEINSTEIN's right hand.

>> No.77440851
File: 527 KB, 580x817, Minto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you see Wisps, Dragoons, and whatever the fuck Sayu fans are called spamming and yelling "lol they're so much better than vtuber_you_like" it's sisters trying to shit up the thread.

>> No.77440925

Lol they could have Sayu right now if they wanted to, they don't hire her because whatever her talents she's super unstable.

>> No.77441022

Like that is a problem? IM's whole health situation is super unstable

>> No.77441023
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I mean, if their choices are talents that they already know and have an established fan base that would follow them everywhere, vs. fucking who? It's an easy choice.

>> No.77441052

those tweets about chilling with matara were a soft launch of sayu as a vshojo member

>> No.77441414

>collabs with outsiders all the time
>therefore many of the people who applied already know vshojo members

>rarely ever collab with non-holos anymore
>the majority of people who apply therefore do not know anyone in hololive does not apply to their first few gens which are loaded with nepohires

the eternal audition seethe summed up

>> No.77441431

>thousands of indies
Nah mate, it was actually millions of indies, and every single one of them got swatted
do your reps

>> No.77441513

ah just like if they want doki now they can recruit her, oh wait... LMAO

>> No.77441533

Who is this

>> No.77441536

>December 4th, 2022
Me when i lie

>> No.77441592


>> No.77441780

It's Vshojo antis. They have to lie.

>> No.77441810

Oh trust me, they want Doki. But Doki doesn't need them, let alone have any interest in joining them. Sayu on the other hand, was very clearly broken up by not being invited up till Noe.

>> No.77441857

If you knew anything about Sayu you'd know she would instantly join if given the opportunity, she wants a "new home" that has contract terms essentially identical to Vshojo's. Her only complaint about Vshojo is that they won't let her join.
Doki on the other hand seems happy enough being an indie, she doesn't need anyone because she's perfectly capable of doing everything she wants on her own.

>> No.77442024

>she doesn't need anyone
these big "ex niji" doesnt need vshojo, too bad knowing them, they still join anyway ironically the "smart" one is none other than mikeneko(the infamous menhera) and doki(who just want so play game and create event for fun) are the ppl who realise they dont need vshojo.

>> No.77442193

>ironically the "smart" one is none other than mikeneko
are you sure about that

>> No.77442196
File: 1.53 MB, 1339x754, 1709450181252322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corpos are cringe watch me instead :3

>> No.77442248

Your English is atrocious. Anyway the people that did join obviously got big benefits, Matara and Michi are bigger than Nina and Mika ever were, Doki is an exception though because of the way she exited Niji and the huge reception she got when she redebuted.

>> No.77442263

Mikeneko didn't quit vshojo because she was "smart", but because she was so retarded not even the retardation of joining vshojo was retarded enough for her.

>> No.77442272

>18 months old.
Clearly a faggot posted this for the 20th time.

>> No.77442309

Statement is still true and holds up to this day, they are the nepotism corpo. Suck up to Ironmouse, have 1-2k average viewers and you are set

>> No.77442398

You might've tried to memoryhole it but the industry will never forget the audition scam

>> No.77442456

Funny, Mika wasn't doing either of those things, I don't think

>> No.77442528

Yoo are a massive retard, this shit as been explained many times by vshojo, "people" like you and OP are retarded sisters who try to bait with the same shit or fucking newfags who don't know shit about the matter.

>> No.77442712
File: 50 KB, 644x398, vshojo lying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh did they now

>> No.77442783

"i have a lot of foreign fans so maybe they would be happy if i joined a foreign agency with other foreign vtubers" isn't really a retarded idea. she was just unaware of the fact that vtuber fans are even more insane than she is.

>> No.77442844

Is that why people are suddenly caring about Vshitshow again?

>> No.77442848

She was both, she was hovering 1k when she was in niji and collabed with Ironmouse and OTV frequently.

>> No.77442950

Holding auditions does not require someone actually being picked. If all applicants do not convince you, you pick none.
Only downside is that it's a waste of money for the company.

I also rejected all applicants to a position, a couple of times, because they all weren't convincing me (didn't have the combination of skills I was looking for, or personality seemed incompatible with the team)

That's just how it is.

>> No.77442990

And what do you think that image proves sister?

>> No.77442992
File: 1.85 MB, 2641x1736, 1707739232809951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mika and Mouse were in exactly 1 collab before she joined, and it was a big group thing that had like 8 people so most wouldn't count that as being close. Mika's closest ties pre-joining were Kuro, Mata, Geega, Froot, and Zen.

That collab did give this fun clip though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJuQaQqI7Gk

>> No.77443017

Vshojo = good guys, not lying
Indies = bad guys, lying and attacking vshojo

>> No.77443034

What the fuck are you talking about, her fans obediently tolerated all her menhera freakouts and random unwarranted cuckolding stunts for over a year until they finally snapped because she just kept getting progressively more retarded

>> No.77443090

>I guess if it could be proven verifiably that they never even looked at auditions then yes
Every applicant received an official answer from gunrun. Some passed the first , second and third rounds of auditions like Camila.

>> No.77443277

>Grifter talks out of her ass
>Comments turned off
Grifters together strong, she is gonna be the next vshojo member for sure, screenshot me

>> No.77443325

you're talking about the ones who didn't go schizo and drop her as soon as she joined

>> No.77443330

refer to >>77442456 on your second point

>> No.77443388

Also I fucked up and meant >>77442992

>> No.77443519

>he thinks vshojo needed the ex-niji's to find new members
retard, there are a lot of big indies that would love to join.

>> No.77443557

That was not a lot of people, just a couple /here/ schizos who hated vslutjo more than they liked mike.
If you look at her declining numbers it was pretty much a smooth fall all the way from March 22 all the way until now, big bump when she became Nazuna and a small bump when she debuted the yasuyuki model, with the overall trajectory unchanged.

>> No.77443752

there are a lot more schizos than you think. kson is still losing subscribers from the tribal sea community.

>> No.77443833

Then why arent joining? How is it that only people ironmouse knows seem to get in

>> No.77444005

I count at least 5 times.

The Jackbox one you're referring to, Crab Game twice (massive groups both times), Golf It, and on her subathon in June last year.

>> No.77444020

vshojo is deliberately running a tight ship if you haven't noticed.

>> No.77444137
File: 467 KB, 507x900, Doki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'd jump to get Doki but she doesn't need them, at least not now.

>> No.77444146

ITT: Vshojofags once again resort to revisionism because their precious whore corp is apparently immune to being criticized.

>> No.77444154

I'm not surprised that a vshojo anti is too brainless to even think of a reason for why he's wrong.

>> No.77444181

Because gunrun doesn't let everybody in. It's very obvious their hiring strategy changed in 2022-2023, they moved away from trying to absorb Twitch indies who were friends with the talents to trying to pick up corporate vtubers who were unhappy with their company environments. They still do a bit of that (Haruka, Geega) but it's secondary, the best way to join now is to build up a good reputation in another company and then jump ship for Vshojo.

>> No.77444284

>they changed their strategy
>except for the times that they didn't but those don't count

>> No.77444318

>could i have been wrong?
>no those blaady vekjou shills are changing history and they deleted all the evidence and they're bribing the jannies and they're paid by amazon to target me specifically noooo mom i don't want to take the normal pills

>> No.77444342
File: 330 KB, 440x680, 1713804565524280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vshojo recruit vtubers like luffy recruits is ship crew anon. Very selective. Character need a sad backstory and a goal aim to reach by joining the crew. They are all nakamas.

>> No.77444397
File: 339 KB, 370x490, Veibae_PFP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The company strategy changed when 1 OG member and 2 others left because of how shit the company has turned

>> No.77444421

Since 2022 they've added 8 people. Of those, 6 were former members of Japanese corporations. Prior to 2022, 0 of their hires were from Japanese corporations. Yes I would say that's a change in strategy, but you're free to keep being retarded if you want.

>> No.77444440

I'd say buy an ad, but you already do buy ads

>> No.77444498

Vei recently said that Vshojo is a good company though? I guess you don't watch streams KEK

>> No.77444509

>Prior to 2022, 0 of their hires were from Japanese corporations
Prior to 1903, 0 people died in aviation accidents

>> No.77444563

didn't that dino homostar admir he got a tip for auditions and basically got nepo hired? he nuked his vod but the clip is still around

>> No.77444594

She didn't need them before she knew how much of a buff she was gonna get. The main draw of VShojo as an agency is to give you easy access to things like merch, and a management structure if you so choose to use it. Doki had all that shit in order before she even redebuted.

>> No.77444597

She lost 30% of her paid members across Fanbox and Twitcast upon joining Vshojo, by her own admission. Joining was a red line for a lot of her fanbase back then. She was also somehow completely blindsided by this fact, because she's an idiot.

>> No.77444642

>its a good company!

>> No.77444744

I don't have access to her private metrics, it's just that this fan exodus doesn't show up in any of the public ones. I would have to be able to look at her fanbox and twitcast memberships to see if there was actually a dramatic loss in July 2022 or if it was mostly in line with the decline she saw prior. And then there's things like people switching from mike twitcast memberships to Nazuna Twitch subs, etc.

>> No.77444743

she doesn't want to be in a company she wants to be a housewife

>> No.77444752

she didn't quit, she just didn't renew her contract. she had a better one. how can you beat an offer of being the gf of the boss of the company you're in

>> No.77444836

I love it when catalogfags try to pretend they like Veibae and nyanners to shit on Vshojo as though they weren't calling them disgusting whores right up until they quit, at which point they become brave martyrs against the evil vshitshow (despite being really professional and never saying anything negative during or after their departure).

>> No.77444843

Mouse knows everybody, anon. So, yeah, every person they bring into the group will automatically be known by Mousey.

>> No.77444867

thats like saying selen didnt get terminated but that she quit

>> No.77444879

Yeah and? She went to Mythic to get a exclusive contract with them which is pretty close to what vshojo offered anyway and so she can say retard and not have to worry about bringing others down with her reputation. Doesn't mean she dislikes Vshojo or it's members.

desu there's no reason to assume that the mythic exclusive contract is superior, especially after some members like Sinder and Vchiban quit, but it's probably somewhat competitive to the vshojo contract.

>> No.77444954

>1 OG member left
Typical numbermonkey getting numbers wrong.

>> No.77445010

So she's still good with mousey?

>> No.77445013

selen doesn't exist anymore, vei is still streaming as vei.

>> No.77445091

As far as anybody knows.

>> No.77445214

It's not like she collabs with her but she seems on good terms with Mouse and the company generally. She refused to comment on Selen's termination because she was afraid people would take it out of context and make what she said about Vshojo, at the very least she doesn't want any beef with them.
It's mainly what >>77444752 said, she basically soft retired to be a housewife for a huge streamer. When she was at her height she was one of if not the biggest vtuber on Twitch, now she's fairly small and just streams infrequently for fun or on her boyfriend's channel.

>> No.77445311

>leaving a company for a better opportunity means you didn’t quit the first company
What kind of retarded cope is this?

>> No.77445384

Not really, but let me move the goalpost, i already found atleast 6 collabs with vshojo, i'm too lazy to dig for Ironmouse subathons for more, surely she was there couple of times too

>> No.77445394


>> No.77445481

the chuba cover ripped off the design for fauna

>> No.77445505

You are correct if you look at the situation purely from the perspective of Vshojo as if the vtubers themselves have no agency and are not a factor in who Vshojo can hire, but that's not how it works. You also have to factor who wants to join Vshojo. Some people want to be in a formal vtuber company and seek them out, others don't and are happier to remain independent. When Vshojo was formed there were very few Western-focused vtuber companies I actually don't know of any other than HoloEN which was brand new, so everyone who joined never had a chance to be an ex-corpo. It's been four years since that time and dozens of corpos have come and gone. The people interested in joining a vtuber company like Vshojo have had plenty of time to try other vtuber companies who hire new talents far more often than they do.

>> No.77445539

They could, but Vshojo also has Kuro and Michi and who knows what her relationship with them is/was like.

>> No.77445542


>> No.77445578

Yes collabing with VShojo is fine and makes sense. She did a lot of those. The statement was that Mouse is the one in charge which isn't true since she had almost no contact with Mika before she joined.

>> No.77445820

Haruka entered Vshojo via audition. Then Vshojo stated that they didn't have the resources to go through the numerous amount of audition tape requests and they didn't have the budget for making a team for that purpose, and from then they made the decision of recruit talents through connections of existing talents.
That was explained by geega not too long ago, this thread pops up constantly when Vshojo already addressed it.

>> No.77445997

So do they get upset if they get called called a headhunter company?

>> No.77446005

??? Where the fuck did you come to the conclusion that she had almost no contact with Mika. I'd say they talked frequently since they are acquainted through other nepohires already in vshojo(Matara, Kuro). It is a fact that they are just nepohiring through their talents recommendations and that is their "branding". A VIP club for vshojo friends to enter, OTK and OTV work the same

>> No.77446100


>> No.77446168


>> No.77446184

I've never seen Vshojo get upset by that sister, and I don't give a fuck actually, just clarifying once more time the same shit that comes up every time nijisanji fucks something up.

>> No.77446186

She had next to no interaction with Mika ON STREAM, and any assumptions about off-stream contact are just assumptions

>> No.77446217

all those don't count

>> No.77446224


>> No.77446236

It was already debunked earlier ITT. Stop being ignorant.

>> No.77446377

you keep crying,fags

>> No.77446415

>cry about something from 3 years ago
>no u are crying

>> No.77446428


>> No.77446542

gunrun literally met up with mata and kuro irl and pitched vshojo to them

>> No.77446576


>> No.77446633

>The moron thinks that vshojo created the Dryads and Mother Nature
you are the most ignorant fanbase that exists

>> No.77446750

Why do dramacucks always hoover to the girls with boyfriends? It's like you know deep down your place in life is just to give resources

>> No.77446814

and? Do you realize that all the examples you gave were not super famous ex-vtubers?Are you so stupid that you don't realize the difference?

>> No.77446862

you keep crying,

>> No.77446868


>> No.77446949

Even Matara and Kuro were not particularly close to Mouse or other existing members. Yes Mysta had collabed with her before but there are at least a dozen indies who were closer to her. I think people are just completely misunderstanding the hiring process here.

>> No.77446985

It's funny how you defend the Chinese to protect your stupid company.

>> No.77447172

Don't call me sister Shirley. Headhunting is a typical and depending on who you ask, frowned upon practice in any industry. Some wear it proudly, others try to cope. It was an actual question.

>> No.77447277

The mysta hire still fucking baffles me to this day. I don't even care that he instantly got in or anything, but I'm just confused by the move in general. Rather, if VShojo as an agency wants to back him, fine, but him being on the branding and such seems a little weird given the appearance of the brand.

>> No.77447303

>donate to a pedo fund
ummmmmmmmm based????????

>> No.77447471

yes, you are stupid.

>> No.77447653

that's what cover did when they suspended coco and haachama

>> No.77447822

and that's what you're doing now.

>> No.77447837

They defended the chinese....... by telling the chinese to fuck off and killing off the chinese branch.......
Vshojo isn't sending their brightest

>> No.77447945

Hololive suspended Coco and Haachama to appease the Chinese.
They also suspended Aloe to appease nijisanji antis.
None of this is relevant anymore and doesn't get brought up because, while bad decisions, they're ancient history. Meanwhile people constantly bring up Vshojo shit from the same timeframe because there's too little drama recently to anti them with.

>> No.77447953

As a vshojofag I agree it's a bit weird for me that they didn't make vshonen but I also realize I'm in the minority who thinks that. At the end of the day it's not that big of a deal either way honestly.

>> No.77447958

they defended the chinese by putting out a statement that they support the one-china policy as they suspended the "offending" members for 3 weeks for doing literally nothing wrong
then they fired some random chinese retards instead of giving coco the moderators she needed

>> No.77448070

you are replying to a pippa shill who thinks the chinese did nothing wrong

>> No.77448095

i gave 2 examples and both were famous ex-vtubers

>> No.77448134

>I'm just confused by the move in general
It's almost, almost, as if VShojo cares first and foremost about their people and not their "brand". But who know, truly baffling.

>> No.77448264

He is funny and has good chemistry with the other vshojo members.

>> No.77448276 [DELETED] 

It'll be funny if they hire Heavenly and the holopags scream NIGGER at him for 3 months straight

>> No.77448323
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>> No.77448413

Vshojo shills are some of the dumbest fucks you will find on the board or the vtubing sphere

>> No.77448454

I more so thought they were gonna do what >>77447953 suggested. There is a fair amount of overlap to be argued for when it comes to the good of the brand ensures the good of the people. If you bring on someone to an entertainment label that is out of place or generally unappealing to your main viewerbase, you could make it harder for them to grow. I don't really know jack shit about mysta/kuro content creation wise, so feel free to just discard this, but it seems like they just furnished a nice little room with a very low ceiling for him.

>> No.77448551

they suspended haachama and coco for 3 weeks for being harassed by chinese holofags, not because they broke any actual rules
you cannot deny this

>> No.77448688

No, he's not right. He told about ten lies in his argument.

>> No.77448755

What are the 10 lies in his argument?

>> No.77448949

They decided that together according to Kuro.
I guess they could still do it later if they actually get another guy and think it's a good idea but I don't see many good male candidates and I think they don't want to create some kind of divide like it exists for Holostars / Hololive.

>> No.77448993

>Of the eight examples only two were "famous" before joining Hololive.
yes, you are stupid

>> No.77449061

oh you're just baiting to try to get me banned. carry on.

>> No.77449099

practically everything he said is a lie.

>> No.77449125

>coco, haachama and aloe suspended themselves and also they are liar whores because cover never does anything wrong and also cover actually suspended them to protect them from themselves and also there were no antis but actually the antis were nijisanji paid agents and definitely not hololive fans because hololive fans are also infallible and never do anything wrong, unless of course they happen to be fans of the vtubers who later turned out to be liar whores
something like that probably

>> No.77449129

Vshitshow is a group not a corpo
If they make that aware then there wouldn't be a problem

>> No.77449165

are there even any notable male +s besides /ournigga/?

>> No.77449167

Interestingly enough, they did not hire either Lando or Randon, despite a ton of speculation to this effect and them otherwise fitting the bill.
I don't think there's really any males that would work well with the group besides HeavenlyFather who is already a hardcore orbiter.

>> No.77449197

>the newfag is afraid that he will be banned

>> No.77449239

you can't fool me, i'm familiar with your game

>> No.77449249

Hope they can get both him and OBKatieKat so they can piss off all possible chuds

>> No.77449266

Let me guess, phasefag?

>> No.77449297

Name one.

>> No.77449306


>> No.77449325

It would be so fucking funny if Aethel joined after Nyanners left. They wouldn't like both working for the same company, so it would be fine by that logic kek

>> No.77449359

everything you said is a lie

>> No.77449393

feel free to prove it

>> No.77449413

It doesn't matter, you lost the argument.

>> No.77449433

need Katie, Froggy, and Sushi /in/

>> No.77449482

no, stop lying newfag.

>> No.77449493

Remember that Vshojo was founded by a co-founder of Twitch, and only took friends of Melody at first
Not a single person in vshojo deserve what they got, it's only with years of embed in the front page of twitch and leeching on bigger fishes (Nux and Lost pause, then Hololive and niji, then connor, then grifting their way into the main Twitch clique) that this corpo found success. Indies are forced to collab with them or the twitch officers shadow ban their channel, if anyone says something about it, they are shadow banned. This is something everyone knows and no one tells because everyone is scared. But if we stop them everyone will be happy instead. The only one who could avoid this is Shylily because the fucked the CEO, this is the only exception. Silvervale hinted at vshojo being a black company and her channel got nuked in the algorithm, this is happening to everyone. Every youtube videos that talks about this gets nuked by agents from twitch that infiltrated youtube. Every issue youtube has with streaming is not solved because the secret agents are sent to corrupt the changes so they don't happen. They developed an AI to stop anything that tries to attack vshojo, so that youtube also bans people like that. Twitter mob attack every person that tries to attack vshojo so no one is talking. Ironmouse cried on stream on purpose to force connor into collabs, and now he can't escape it because he would be cancelled for abandoning a cripled girl. This is the same for everyone tricked into a collab, if they speak about what happens, their channel gets nuked. Galaxy 8 is coming soon, and everyone should be ready, this is how to do it : Speak
Every good agent will be sent as spies, and the truth will be told. Matara is an example but is not a spyu, better. The members of subscription should tell the real, inside lie that fight the root of all of this : the nepohire subsection of the twitch department, in which we can see how it will all turn out. This is a pretty sight. Awareness is the trick : the truth will spread, and the scary will no longer affect the people of the world. But the censorship is quite troubling, it is not easy to bypass an agent of effect, this is why it doens't work yet : people are trying but not succeeding. Bypassing the shadow ban is not easy, but not possible, it is not impossible by not possible by any means. The floor is shaking, but the walls are still, scary. Hide in secure place if the floor shakes, do not let windows open. The shakings are hidden by vshojo agents, this much is obvious, now the truth should not stay hidden for long, the world will feel shaking. Nothing moves but the floor shakes. The motor is ringing, tools pirated to not pick up sound.

>> No.77449537

>took friends of Melody
yea there can't be anything worth reading in the rest of your post

>> No.77449548

Arielle seems to be the most likely /in/, if anything, but I'd be cool with all of those

>> No.77449570

>he can't name even one thing
>still filled with rage

>> No.77449581

Vshitters here crying that this drama was 3 years ago, acting like they resolved it when they instead got btfo by fucking Nux of all things.
But they are understandably desperate since they have become increasingly irrelevant since half of their main talents ditched them to such a degree that they are celebrating poaching niji sloppy seconds as some kind of win

>> No.77449587
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I ain't reading all that
I'm happy for you tho
Or sorry that happened

>> No.77449589

katie /in/ my ass. me /in/ froggy. sushi /on/ my face.

>> No.77449609

retarded numbermonkey, most of them were already 4 views when holoEN debuted and that was before vshojo as well.
Not gonna read all your schizophrenic drivel.

>> No.77449619

That makes me wonder, DID Mel interact with Zen in any way before VShojo? I know both of them interacted with Mouse to some extent.

>> No.77449655

Please unclench your jaw Mohammed, it's bad for your teeth

>> No.77449763
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It would make the /#/monkeys seethe because she's been friends with Haruka since childhood (this is considered leeching) so I'm in

>> No.77449766

more like you are still here, crying about shit that happened 3 years ago.

>> No.77449805

speaking of 3 years ago that was when hololive got btfo by china

>> No.77449810

the haruka nepo clique...

>> No.77449969
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>> No.77450870

There was no lie. Haruka applied like everyone else and was the more qualified candidate. She was a consistent 4view before applying and had tons of experience tardwrangling a big community, as well as tons of experience being involved in bigger collabs. They never claimed how many people they planned to hire through the auditions, so anyone unhappy with the result has nobody but themselves to blame.

>> No.77451364

If you want geega drama.
She sucked Seths cock from MSM so hard and went on a 10 minute rant about how amazing he and MSM were
Only months later it came out he was the scum of the earth, threatening, doxxing, harassing, manipulating and scamming the fuck out of everyone and creating cliques to get his way.
The video was privated a month ago because the little cuck realized it would make geega look terrible and it did.

>> No.77451470

Still grifting.
Like she dropped N bombs to get on /pol/ and /k/s good side she grifted the troons and she has never donated a cent.
Not to the pedo charity, not to a DIFFERENT troon charity, not to an animal rescue charity, nothing. She has kept all of the money and got her mommy to defend her on the internet.
And any criticism she sees, she gets copyright striked, the same thing everything hated alinity for doing to pewdiepie.

>> No.77451694

>She has kept all of the money
What money?

>> No.77451717

>she dropped N bombs
Uhhh based? WTF I love Froot now.

>> No.77451789

The money she promised to donate.
You didn't know?
People drop the screenshots every time there's a froot catalog or froot anti thread.

>> No.77451931

I just want to be clear on this. So you're mad she kept her own money? Is that right?
It's obvious why you people don't like her and it's really pathetic how you guys get so pissy when someone grows up and leaves this shithole.

>> No.77451963

she was only talking about the work they did for her. and aethel also repeated that they weren't scammed by him so whatever. it didn't affect her in the slightest.

>> No.77452410
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>open any thread on this board
>but muh holo
Holo board
Holo hobby
Holo domination

>> No.77452673

Oh she absolutely got scammed, Seth treated his golden cows well making sure they didn’t know how he slandered and used underhanded tactics on others, giving them preferential treatment to keep them onboard. With their clout he was able to lure weaker talent and use and abuse them, paying months late or not at all, using them and throwing them away when he didn’t need them anymore. Just because Aethel and Geega were treated well by him doesn’t mean they wernt deceived.

>> No.77453035

Btw who thinks vshojo is a friends club? Sure some of them are friends but most of them are not and it’s a relationship of convince

>> No.77453136

>Oh she absolutely got scammed
How? She got what they agreed upon.
>Just because Aethel and Geega were treated well by him doesn’t mean they wernt deceived.
It also doesn't mean either one is somehow involved in the drama.

>> No.77453237

you are still lying, bug

>> No.77453243

Well, ever since about a year ago they've been working on strengthening their friendships. Most of them, anyway. VShojo unity has been fairly strong for a while

>> No.77453365

>you have power and influence because you run a country, you hire a general to do what’s best in your interest and he ruins a bunch of smaller people’s lives to make yours better,
So you’re saying in this case they have 0% accountability? Did you never watch Spider-Man? What’s that thing they’re always saying?

>> No.77453438
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>It only got worse after he did a video about that, when IronMouse and Nyanners tried to dogpile her fans against him
In retrospective that saved Vshojo. Look at what happened to Nijisanji when they made themselves easy fodder for dramaniggers.

>> No.77453444

That’s good to know, but knowing what I know about how they operate I don’t believe any claims of actual friendship. Beyond that I don’t care this is just my opinion.

>> No.77453599

>the one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying

>> No.77453625

>So you’re saying in this case they have 0% accountability?
Yeah, I do. You'd need to prove that they were somehow involved in any of that drama.

>> No.77453648

pledging to donate money to charities then scamming them is in fact, illegal

>> No.77453672


>> No.77453796

Their resources were used to harm people. They didn’t personally do anything malicious but they trusted the wrong person and people got hurt in part because of them.

>> No.77453820

That only works when you are in the right or at least your actions show that you are working on fixing a fuckup, and you have a dramafag stirring up shit making it harder to fix. With niji its more a constant digging of their own grave. It would never work for them because they show 0 remorse or attempts on unfucking things.

>> No.77453946

>They didn’t personally do anything malicious
Ok case closed then?

>> No.77454060

Nux revels in drama too much to be considered ever doing the “right thing” he like keemstar , and other streamers / vtubers are sociopaths who don’t care about anyone other than themselves.

>> No.77454237

Sure because nothing needs to be done about it and they’re not bad people based on this one event, it’s just kind of shitty.

>> No.77454450 [DELETED] 

>because they show 0 remorse
And when has an internet apology ever worked? Nux was completely in the right, but that didn't matter.
So do Khyo, Dozxaggi and False.

>> No.77454591

Seriously the term grifter is thrown around a lot to basically just mean "disingenuous" but froot is one of the few people in this community who is a true bona fide grifter

>> No.77455168

she did not accept money
the theoretical donation was entirely her own money
she did not convince the charity to do anything to get her money
there was no scam
>i'm gonna donate my own money to this charity.
>don't, it's bad
>oh you're right nevermind then
this is the scenario you're seething over. what the fuck are you even mad about?

>> No.77455489

you forgot that the tweet also got botted after she decided to not go through with the donation.

>> No.77458679

Vshojo never had standards in the first place, it's a literal whore company. Who actually had expectations of them to begin with?

>> No.77458688


>> No.77458840

Hololive turned Biboo from a two-view to a 4-view. The brand is valuable, and it would be nice for these larger platforms to hire literal whos.

I get why they don't, anyway. Networking is a bitch, but that's life, I guess.

>> No.77458854

>but was baiting indies with auditions morally wrong?
This was an advertisement strategy btw
That's literally all it was

>> No.77462777

Then why the fuck did they even begin an audition process to begin with?

>> No.77463451

So what was that Vshojo Academy they were advertising recently?

>> No.77463919

This desu
Nepotism sucks, no one's denying that, but in life, especially in entertainment, connections are what take you places. You could be the theoretically perfect chuuba and not make it to a corpo on the level of Holo or Vshojo because you don't know the right people in the right places.

>> No.77464158

Curated hires are better for them, you're not gambling on talent when you know they have chemistry with existing members and a proven following

>> No.77464159

They didn't know how much resources it took until they did it once. The auditions they did, the ones /vt/ thinks were fake, took way more work than they expected, and that's why they haven't done them again.
It was the setting of Mouse's anniversary/birthday concert.

>> No.77465306

No it isn't. You aren't responsible for what other people do totally divorced from your involvement.
You might feel guilty for endorsing them, but what they do isn't your fault.

>> No.77466629

>he thinks its the holofans begging for ex niji filth

>> No.77466908

ollie being retarded as usual

>> No.77466939

Still can't believe they didn't at least warn the people who's info got leaked. At least a heads up would have been nice.

>> No.77469969


>> No.77470227

they did

>> No.77474311

Yeah it was a shitshow

>> No.77474788

Que bonita es koa...

>> No.77474872

how tf did korone managed to convince YAGOD

>> No.77477244

nuh uh

>> No.77478263

He saw her nnd account. Probably.

>> No.77478340


>> No.77478353

I'm confident that's why Alex left.

>> No.77478462

Deez Nuts
Are you 12?

>> No.77483158

I think what probably happened was they were considering actually hiring openly but when they got hundreds/thousands of applicants instead of admitting they were in over their heads they just pretended to be hard at work filtering the applicants when they really weren't. Not the worst lie a vtuber company has done.

>> No.77483367

Vshojo turned Froot from a two-view to a 4-view.

Except we know they kept contact with them because of Snuffy's case.

>> No.77483434

I feel bad for nux. Guy was in the right and got backstabbed by Vshojo but he's annoying, >male, and has a community of ironic weebs so /vt/ would sooner take pink cat's side than his

>> No.77483615
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>> No.77483969

Snuffy was friends with all the original VShojo girls. She would say whatever they wanted her to so their company seems more legitimate.

>> No.77484183

You are coping because it doesn't fit into your dumbass narrative.

>> No.77484751

Who the fuck repeatedly creates threads like this? I swear I've seen the same fucking thread a few days ago. What are they trying to get from this?

>> No.77485458

If anything it just seems like they have qualifications/requirements that they don't list in their applications, I don't care who they hire but they definitely have a type

>> No.77486195

Was this an actual audition or was this from the Vshit doxx scandal?

>> No.77486302

trans kids pedo organization

>> No.77487355
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ngl I miss vshojo from 2021-2022. Just when the initial curiosity for KizunaAI wore down for me, we got a new corpo with EN full of cute girls all with great off-color humor. Watched them all grow together from the very start. Loved every episode of Lewdcast, all the goofy collabs with Nux and his rantcafe pals, LostPause too. Bought merch, watched Nyanner's concert with KizunaAI. I was hyped for the Arcadum D&D, looked forward to every episode that dropped... then he got cancelled, Nux drama happened. And it always seemed to boil down to woman moments from specific talents. Im happy enough with my holo oshi now, I just wish I could have my cake and eat it too, y'know? Go back to a simpler time of stupid horny fun with mel, mouse, nyan, vei, silver, zen, hime and froot. Back when I didn't know or care about past lives, roommates, or the drama they inevitably brought.

>> No.77489314

Chose your own poison, whiteman

>> No.77489580

I miss vtubing from 2021-2022.
>Myth 1-year anniversary
>Council's debuts
I still fucking remember sitting in Sana's debut stream pre-chat and losing my mind throughout her stream. I watched all of Council's debuts live that day, and I'm not sure I'll forget that anytime soon.

>> No.77489639

>Muh Nepo hires
They're just doing the same strategy HoloEN did all throughout by getting the biggest indie vtubers and people with established audiences
Ina was the only literal who in Myth
Bae was the only literal who in Promise while Sana got in because of Ina
Biboo was the only literal who in Advent you could say FWMC were literal whos but everyone who they were when they revealed the twins concept

>> No.77489715

Don't get too ahead of yourself, sister. I would also like to throw in Elira's suspicious amount of influence over NijiEN.
Yes, Holo has had its nepo hires, no one's denying that. But don't you dare start throwing stones from your glass house.

>> No.77489745

Nepotism aside - these people must realize that yes, the winner will probably be already established, big, well known streamer and not them and their 14 peak viewers.

>> No.77489810

Careful with that logic. A certain corpo is actively attempting this strategy with, let's say diminishing returns.

>> No.77489887

Getting Coco and Rushia is a no brainer anyway
Especially Coco after Myth became a huge success

>> No.77489912

We also know that Nux Taku got direct permission from VShojo's direction, security management and Melody, thanks to Froot's fat ass releasing "apology" (she deleted it and reposted without mention of Melody later, tho).

As much as I hate Nux Taku and hope that he will die the worst kind of death possible he did absolutely nothing wrong in that situation. He got permission and blessings from VShojo's management and at least one member.

>> No.77490047

Her "own money" was donations by her fans going to a charity you smarmy fuck

>> No.77490216

I'm having trouble following this. Are you saying the money a vtuber earns isn't their own, it still belongs to their fans OR do you think there was some sort of tranny charity stream where fans gave her money to pass to the charity?

>> No.77490244

Yeah, I think there's a difference between 0% chance of successfully getting in and 80%. Something tells me that 0% is worse.

>> No.77490579

>2view and 3view vtubers since the pandemic seething that actually talented streamers that averaged 1k+ CCV got in

>> No.77491006


>> No.77491023

small indies don't realize that you need to either have a tangible talent like most utaites or have a marketable gimmick outside of streaming

>> No.77491253

She didn't receive any donations for that tweet. Only likes, which were later botted.

>> No.77491270

"we can't stop you" isn't permission, anon
it was even explained how the scammers were toying with him
he's just an idiot

>> No.77491328

Don't forget some turbo-sperg even paid for an ad /here/ linking to the tweet

>> No.77492596

>heh you think percentages matter!?

>> No.77492780

They didn't hire no one. They did. They just used the auditions for publicity. The situation is completely different and you are retarded for thinking they are the same.

>> No.77493620

>Yes, don't open auditions if you are going to hire your friends in the end.
"AND ONLY your friend" you should add
if there where at least 1 new person not tied this would have been almost aceptable

>> No.77493873

my bet is that HE search for the company after kowing Matara got in
Vshoujo was just: Sure, renounce first tho
in a buisness stand point it changed nothing, and is a posibility
+ the guy is a drama fag, might as well be a woman on hormones
then Mika came along for some fucking reason
after the whole tar show of her debut
really shity

>> No.77493991

>They decided that together according to Kuro.
and you belive him because...
dude is a drama fag
half his shit is false, the other happen to someone else
met guys like him in highschool, the kind to act friendly enough, then shit on you mid party because "le funny lmao"
all talk, no substance
cant magine how much worst it gets when acting with the other drama fag

>> No.77494003

He joined first and had his new channels set up before he even graduated.

>> No.77494098

I think you should take your meds.

>> No.77494145

i did :9
do you took yours?
