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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77411119 No.77411119 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, was this con a good idea for the EN scene?

>> No.77411204
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Yes. Even if absolutely nothing else happened, my oshi had fun and had a very healing experience so I'm elated.

>> No.77411220

mostly it just reinforced the idea that we’re all ungroomed autistic permavirgins

I’d say net neutral.

>> No.77411342

This con makes me want to play Fallout New Vegas again because I agree California needs to be nuked.

>> No.77411560

yes, everything boils down to a fish being retarded, but surely he learned his lesson, right? RIGHT?, nah, i will be expecting the same shitshow the next year kek.

>> No.77411890

I plapped a 2 view so it was a good con

>> No.77411945

Literally every single vtuber i actually follow which is a good dozen went there phisically
All of them.

>> No.77413429

same, shit was so cash

>> No.77413870

only if you're not a phase fan

>> No.77414272

i feel like any con where vtubers physically show up is a net negative for them, their fans, and vtubing as a whole. Not even because >muh gangbang, but just because they are virtual streamers. If I wanted to watch a hambeast fleshgoblin I'd watch any other e-thot. Vtubers are escapism from the disappointing reality of real, flesh and blood people. Why the fuck they would ruin that by going publicly I will never understand.

>> No.77414654

Yes. Because corpos now see that there's an audience left untapped in EN that can be groomed into willing customers. Just need a better organized operation.
It can be like the e3 of vtubers. With the demo kiosks being meet and greets and merch booths, the mainstage presentation being a regular idol concert, the game trailers being new project announcements, sponsored collabs, merch videos.
Just need someone charismatic and rich enough to bankroll the first one and invite other corpos for the next one.

>> No.77415350

It seems a lot more successful than last year's, so yea. Feel bad for some of the scuff but people seemed to have fun. Hopefully they will clean it up for next year.

>> No.77417591

The only positive thing to come out of Offkai is that Sayu went from "depressed girl who thinks she only hurt everyone and brought nothing good to the lives of the people she was trying to help" back to "excitable retarded puppy" again

>> No.77417631
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The last two streams have been so fucking cute. It's amazing. We're so fucking back.

>> No.77417854

Personally I had a great time

It's great as long as you're not an anti-social autist.

Spent 3 nights jesus drinking in the atrium and bouncing around room parties.

Someone even brought 2 cooked briskets to one of the room party and was just handing out meat for free.

Definitely ran into some weird fucking people but for the most part it was a great time.

>> No.77419335

I had sex

>> No.77419485

Unpopular opinion but it was a lot of fun. I got to go to my oshi's meet and greet and have a good chat with her. I also got to talk to other fans at said meet and greet and made a few friends. The venue was shitty and muggy though. Would attend again if they fix the ventilation.

>> No.77419756

I think any opportunity for vtuber fans to get laid is something we all deserve, because it's definitely not happening any other time.

>> No.77421356

No. Thankfully none of the vtubers I watch went there.
It's one big grooming and paypig hotel sex orgy.

>> No.77422003

No one had a problem with the idea. The problems popped up during the execution. (No pun intended, troons)

>> No.77422244

>3DPD shit
>con drama

>> No.77422469

Phase Connect's reputation is in the gutter after what happened in Offkai. One strike more and they are out.

>> No.77422568

Now that the dust has settled, can we talk about how much fucking dust is in this board? Who isn't cleaning their threads fucking hell this is ridiculous. It seems every day the dust settles only minutes after its settled before

>> No.77423060

>kills stream output from most people who attend by a week, at least
>invites endless cuckposting for any vtuber that attends personally
>if you don't have the money/time/interest to fly to a shithole just for an anime egirl convention, you have to sit and hear stories about it for a week while sitting in the FOMO corner
>con drama
>literally the only positive outcome is a potential short lived morale boost for a vtuber from fan interaction
and this is to say absolutely nothing about offkai specifically and how poorly its run, but that said I hope kirsche loses her feet to diabetes

>> No.77423085

Literally how

>> No.77423363

Great fanfiction.

>> No.77423402
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The only actual drama was the fellow /pol/ grifters Kirsche brought in while pretending to be a victim.

And the Nijisisters lost, again >>77411204

>> No.77423491

The convention gave vtubers a better chance at having sex with people who are not me and that is wrong. So no

>> No.77423608
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>bouncing around room parties.
How do you even get into room parties? Is it a normalfag thing?

>> No.77423688

Not that anon but honestly you can just ask. Don't say "room parties" but if you're getting along with some people you can ask if there's gonna be a meetup or party later that night.

>> No.77424109

My oshi went there and still streamed 5 hours/day literally everyday

>> No.77424189

>but if you're getting along with some people
>Getting along
>Meeting people
Well that's a non starter

>> No.77425150
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There were multiple advertised on twitter.

The 2nd floor of the hotel was reserved for all the room parties. people posted fliers

>> No.77425199
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just show up. line up if the room is full and show them your ID

>> No.77425241

>you just know

>> No.77425258 [DELETED] 
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but yeah its just a matter of looking and floating around

>> No.77425279

Prostitution probably

>> No.77425293

Everyone had fun, the phase tech problems was a bit sad, but it was a great con.

>> No.77425297
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but yeah its just a matter of looking and floating around

>> No.77425342
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>ohhh honey i forgive you, i saw your apology video and everything!
>>Oh wow! So can we collab together sometime?
>Hell no

>> No.77425344

All my oshis got sick after the con, so no.

>> No.77425397

One of the worst cons ever. Unprofessional full of tech issues for years now. Last year was terrible too.
Let me guess, you will use this comment in the future as a "definitive proof" that someones oshi that attended any con is 100% a whore?
Mindbroken inceloid.

>> No.77425455

>"depressed girl who thinks she only hurt everyone and brought nothing good to the lives of the people she was trying to help"
I know I will be called a nijisister for my comment but if you knew her even before nijisanji, you would know that Sayu is not that innocent and naive. But keep coping I guess.

>> No.77425534
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I met with multiple IdolEN talents, a phase girl and a couple of V4Mirais
This one was small as fuck IRL too not just vtuber model

>> No.77425964

lol, lmao even

It was fun seeing the phase girls have such a good time and hanging out tho. Offkai was a W just for that
