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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7736703 [Reply] [Original]

Get in here /vst/ chads, Lumi is playing Frostpunk.

>> No.7736833

I'm new
Sell me your Chuba

>> No.7736906

Based /vst/chad.. A vtuber also played EU4.

>> No.7736926

>frost punk
>en chuuba
Alright I'll bite.

>> No.7736958

Vtubers starting to duplicate names now? Already a Lumi, that wolf girl that streams on twitch.

>> No.7736979

>jp chuuba
I tried watching her Total Warhammer and EU4 but I just can't get into it since most of the entertainment of these kind of games are the banter and topics the streamers/let's players babble about.

>> No.7736995

She's an extremely rare specimen of a chuuba who likes strategy games. They don't make up the entirety of her streams but she plays often enough. Also rotates her schedule to be friendly to both burgers and euros. Also great singing voice. Also allegedly former /asp/.

>> No.7737310

Ok gringo me convenciste I'll see your chuba

>> No.7737357

Fill Lumi with my seed and such her nips!

>> No.7737569

Hi, Michael. Oh, is it David? Daniel? John? Oh, of fucking course, it's Bob.

>> No.7737605

God Lumi is so cute, she's so giggly and bubbly. Definitely a standout star at cyberlive other than Hylo.

>> No.7738091

Will keep an eye on her, thanks for mentioning her.

>> No.7738144

She's so cute! I wonder if I can still pay for a date?

>> No.7738279

I really like all the cyberlive girls. My favourites are Yuri and Pandora.

>> No.7738307

Lumi is pure sex

>> No.7738385

To the anon who mentioned Lumi's factorio stream in the niji thread the other day, thank you. I can't stop watching her now.

>> No.7738616

>Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner
Lumi pls...

>> No.7738643

She needs views, watching youtube on other websites dont add to the algorithms.

>> No.7738756

Then time can wait

>> No.7738894

What the fug Lumi even means in Nihongo?

>> No.7739735
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>> No.7739833

Your chuba pleases me anon.
I will stay and watch her streams.

>> No.7742258

she said today its short for lumiere, which is light in french
