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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77358831 No.77358831 [Reply] [Original]

This past 3 months of seeing Niji drama got me a bit of thinking. What will happen when a streak ends ?

Hololive may be on the rise and they are on the "too big to fail" mentality currently, but what will happen in next year, or next 5 years, or next decade ? Like let's ignore some external factors like the Youtube age or Japan's own problem. Sooner or later Cover corp will have a new CEO and the current growth strategy will not be used forever. More members will join in but what about the old ones ? And that's not mentioning the possible sudden mishaps made by one or more members along the way that can change the future course drastically and Mel's termination proved that this shit can happen to anyone, unintentionally or not

What I'm afraid of is the possibility of losing Hololive's magic. Like there is no proof that they will continue the no-major-yab streak forever, and there is no proof that they will never change their internal workings for whatever reason. I'm scared that there exists a branch of timeline where Cover will get worse and Holo will end up experiencing what Niji has been going through and we may end up in it, if not, already on the path. Nijisisters may celebrate (if they still exist), but as a Holofan, it's still a scary thought right ?

>> No.77358891

You'll finally be able to watch some good vtubers once holo is gone, anon

>> No.77359062

>2 more weeks sister!
It's already been 7 years since Hololive was created, and 3 years since Hololive's peak. The magic already lost for me, but they are still going strong and, I still casually watch them. When vtubing is over we'll just move onto the next big thing.

>> No.77359088


>> No.77359103 [DELETED] 

look at this delusional nijinigger kek.

>> No.77359167

your oshi will never be popular even when holo is gone and no matter how much you beg.

>> No.77359243

Holo may be downgraded but it will never be gone. And when they do go under, VTubing community would be in extinction era

>> No.77359263

No corpo is as retarded as cuckjisanji

>> No.77359295

Nothing will happen you drama addicted pathetic excuse for a male

>> No.77359902

Yes. I've talked about this extensively on my own 1view streams. Vtubing is ripe for a change. It doesn't have to be bad, and it doesn't necessarily mean the dethroning of Holo, but something big absolutely will happen in the next couple years.

>> No.77360040

You'll be able to create your own personalized AI vtuber who only "streams" for you.

>> No.77360087

Why ponder about Hololive when we have first hand seats to Nijisanji EN?

>> No.77360127

Something will happen someday, but trying to connect great change to anything currently happening is a mug's game. No one knows the day, the hour, or the cause

>> No.77360179

>Have you anons ever felt conscious about the concept of "Nothing will last forever" ?
Yes, anon, I have. I'm ojisan, I know that death is coming sooner or later.

>> No.77360243

no, grow up nigga

>> No.77360281

Yes, nothing lasts forever. But it's likely they'll have yabs after yagoo retires

>> No.77360484

Why is this thread not about how eventually, the world will move on from vtubing? That's a genuinely heavy topic. For a lot of people, it's sobering to note that what you find meaningful will eventually be obsolete

>> No.77360558
File: 1.88 MB, 2950x4364, antoine-de-saint-exupery-antoine-de-sain-WL8CP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon. Everyday I live with the fear that my favourite fanartist might disappear. That he might lose interest in his favourite chuuba, and he'll just quit altogether. That happened in many of the past fandoms I've been in. If you can fathom that fear, you can also imagine the very real fear of a vtuber graduating once she no longer feels the business is cut out for her. Sure, so far the Hololive girls has only two "true" graduations (the rest were terminations or a quick graduation after debut in Mano Aloe's case) (and I don't count China), but the reality is that they're idols. And idols don't last forever.

So treasure your idols when you can. Treasure your artists, treasure your creatives, treasure your entertainers. And while you're at it, treasure this tim,e you had being a vtuber fan. Treasure your roses.

>> No.77360560

Unless she has a galactic yab, my oshi will not recline hard enough to retire before a long time

>> No.77360794

You are misunderstanding the point of "nothing will last forever". The point is to enjoy things now and not spend your time thinking about some unknown future.

>> No.77363856

It's both. "This too shall pass," is both comfort and a warning depending on whether you're in good times or bad.

>> No.77364109

Yagoo is fully aware of that. Why he's always pushing forward. His goals may outlast his lifetime. People are hoping he's grooming his next successor that shares the same dreams.

As with all things, you get better or you get worse. Never stays the same.

The future will have a different cast, but if Cover continues to provide the same support, they will nurture great talents as they have.

>> No.77364146

A wise man once told me, there's always money in the banana stand.

Take that how you will. But I think we'll be okay.

>> No.77364253

>anons ever felt conscious
most of the posts on this board appear to be from anons below 10 on the the glasgow coma scale

>> No.77364385

Based Caged wisdom enjoyer

>> No.77364490


>> No.77364619
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Even if Hololive lives on forever as a brand, individual talents will have to retire eventually, some will simply pass on like any of us, management will get replaced, the very CEO will have to retire eventually.
And the next person in charge will only be able to see numbers due to not being there in it's early days, they just won't get the heart, even if A-chan becomes the next CEO and keeps the heart of Hololive alive, that's just delaying the inevitable.

Everyone will be mandated by corpo to become fuwamoco clones.

>> No.77364929

>Everyone will be mandated to become fuwamoco clones.
Truly a horror

>> No.77365318

Yeah well I doubt I will still care that much about vtubing 5 years from now, if entertainment doesn't last forever then it's because people don't give a shit about it forever, so why would I be different?

If anything I'm shocked that Hololive hasn't even plateaued yet, HoloJP is still getting bigger and even fucking EN has risen in CCV post-Advent which I never expected (I'm not talking about their debut buffs inflating the average, I'm talking about all of them doing better numbers individually).

You could even be optimistic and say there's no reason why it the "hobby" would suddenly die out or implode. Anime hasn't, twitch streaming hasn't, really the only fandoms I see "dying out" are like INDIVIDUAL tv show/game circlejerks which is obviously because of no new content and new stuff designed to replace it. The only way that'd be true for hololive is if there's no new gens AND the streamers stop streaming much. Basícally there's no reason to think holo fandom is going to somehow "fizzle out" because of people getting bored any time soon, people only think this because they see vtubing as strange and new, but it's really the same shit as following a streamer or band, which people do for decades.

>> No.77365652

>so why would I be different?
Very few people shift with every vibe shift. Most people's preferences are stickier than that.

>> No.77366632

Cover's different services will further separate what can be provided compared to indies.
As Fillian said, her numbers don't mean anything compared to what a corpo provides. Gura breathes and makes millions.

>> No.77366737

Nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain..

>> No.77366864

One of the earlier interviews, Cover admits there will be another big thing. Saying nothing stays the same. But they are working to be prepared and hope to be part of it.

>> No.77367504 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 1080x934, GMZhyXEWgAAHHCV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yagoo's plan is to be like Disney. Disney has shown the power of IP lasting decades but also shown that it can't be destroyed overnight.

Yagoo not 'aiming' and keeping it "as it is" will help them remain on the right path.

Will be a sad day when Yagoo steps down.

>> No.77367691
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Yagoo's plan is to build a lasting IP. More profitable than streaming.
Disney has shown the power of IP lasting decades. But also shown that it can be destroyed overnight.
Yagoo not 'aiming' and keeping it "as it is" will help them remain on the right path.
Will be a sad day when Yagoo steps down.

>> No.77369590

"People overseas want to watch it as it is."
God, Yagoo is a fucking genius among CEOs for realizing that. Wish he could get together with anime and manga head honchos and pound that message into their brains until they fire their lolcowlizers.

>> No.77374124


>> No.77374141

It's time for a good disruption of the current vtuber meta (emphasis on good).

>> No.77374604

Which aspects of the meta would you like to see disrupted?

>> No.77375104

Everything goes to shit eventually
look at hollywood, or just any normal series, games or entertainment in general.
You can only hope that you already found something else by that point or simply got old enough to not really care anymore.
Nothing wrong with living in the moment tho, stop thinking about what ifs.

>> No.77375713

Personal wish would be the range of content, realistically it will be hard since the main consumer base has already been established with clear preferences due to the scene's influences. And most companies don't have enough wiggle room to just jump into cold water, implying they are acting somewhat financially responsible.

>> No.77377806


>> No.77379266

Seething 2 view

>> No.77382065

What, outside of Holo?

>> No.77386543


>> No.77387615

Death to GFE and whorestubers

>> No.77387776

I like Holo and I like the girls. I hate fags like you who hold the notion of Cover = best and propagate it until it’s obnoxious. The world knows they’re the best, but fans bootlick the corpo harder than Millie sucks off Riku because “Holo does nothing and wins.”

I hope something does happen to Cover. Not because I wish ill will upon its talents but because I want to see obnoxious die-hard fans bite that bullet.

>> No.77389053
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>Have you anons ever felt conscious about the concept of "Nothing will last forever" ?
Time flies anon, time flies.
See you, space cowboy.

>> No.77389100

I think you should oshi the actual creators rather than the corporations they work for

>> No.77389690

I graduated from rl idols just a year after my oshi graduated (and moved on to become an actress). I imagine the same will happen once Holo is gone - I will just graduate from watching VTubers and, if possible, follow my oshi if she decides to pursue further career advancement in the entertainment scene (given the difference between rl idols and VTubers, probably not).
I’m not going lower my standards just because my oshi / Holo is gone

>> No.77391077

Yagoos intent has always, transparently, been AKB48 for anime girls. When your oshi graduates they will simply be replaced with the oshi of a new generation of fan.

>> No.77391083

How much of a newfag are you anon?

>> No.77393189
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I don't care, I'm with miko to the end, no matter how black the company becomes.
You know those hardcore nijifans watching elira?
Yea, i'm that with Miko. If there is 1 Miko fan left, that fan is me. If there are no Miko fans, then I am dead and gone from this world.

>> No.77393644


>> No.77397246


>> No.77401174


>> No.77405299

they cant groom minors anymore, i am sure that makes him quite sad kek.

>> No.77405796
File: 459 KB, 598x416, firefox_haOqB7O837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It all became a little too real back in january.
I definitely went a little menhera over the idea of losing my oshi.
At least now I can support her without supporting Niji.

>> No.77406975

holo is big in vtuber scene only. compare to media. they are the underdog (infact the whole vtuber scene is the underdog). still got a long way to go before thinking about it. luckily holo is on the way to be more mainstream instead of just stay comfortable in vtuber scene (which would be true that they will be on the down trend in the future)

>> No.77407622
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>luckily holo is on the way to be more mainstream instead of just stay comfortable in vtuber scene

This is true.
I know a lot of people are moaning about the fact that "Gura is not streaming", but she's been doing a lot of promotional content. And thats not forgetting HoloEarth. And, more importantly, the Holowitches anime Cover is planning.
Yagoo didn't just make Hololive to be a vtuber company. He also wanted it to be an IDOL company. And not just any idol company, but an anime idol company. Real life idols grow old, as their appearances can't always match their voices. But with the anime filter, through the medium of voice acting, a character can appear as youthful as long as the performer can maintain the voice.
Yagoo is sitting on an IP goldmine. If he can take his characters forward, beyond just being emre streamers and idol concerts, Hololive could end up creating a lot of content. The Holo Indie games prove it. The fan animations prove it. All we need now is some bigger successful projects.

>> No.77410573

i understand that feeling, i wish something happens, but its just because the holofans are a piece of shit, they think they are the very best that can do no wrong everything is justified or is a deflection; muh ccv, muh no males, muh (inster corpo) defection. Shut the fuck up boy nobody cares,
but again i have nothing against the girls, i watch some of them specially Fauna, but the fucking fans man...

>> No.77411005

You're basically expressing a fear of death but you're so fucking autistic and unloved that you only feel it for an entertainment company. Ponder on that instead.

>> No.77415050

>luckily holo is on the way to be more mainstream
>You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain

>> No.77415493

>retards got filtered by holo
good riddance

>> No.77415795

nc try sisters, the only problem here is not holo fans but yourself, only retarded nijisisters like you wish something to become shit.

>> No.77415866

>Shut the fuck up boy nobody care
NO U , holo is a fckng walled garden, they dont care about your numberfagging or whatever garbage shit you watch from indie,twitch or other corpo

>> No.77416208

? my oshi is already popular

>> No.77416489

>When your oshi graduates they will simply be replaced with the oshi of a new generation of fan.
Instead of closing shop? Smart, you are.

>> No.77417618

"My numberfagging" really? you cant be serious, faggots like you are the first to bring numbers to everything (ccv subs), etc. you are so fucking pathetic, i may like hololive but im not a seething unicorn like you, who gets ofended by everything that goes against the your imaginary walled garden.
Tell me do you know them personally? how can you know if they arent friends behind the scenes or message each other with people of other corpos or other gender? you know nothing and sperg about tribalism

>> No.77417786

Fuck it, i'm too sleepy correct my grammar.
Just call me ESL or deflect to whatever i dont care im going to sleep
