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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77350148 No.77350148 [Reply] [Original]

You...you do watch vtubers because they are fun, r-right anon?

>> No.77350186
File: 515 KB, 374x498, catJAM.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for a while, I didn't. But now everything seems so much brighter again.
I'm so freaking excited for the future it's not even funny.

>> No.77350314

No I watch them to see numbers go up and pit them against other chuubas lower than the most popular chuuba.

I also watch them to see if they can fuel the fire for drama so I can get on here to shitpost about who's winning and losing to earn those (You)s.

>> No.77350323

Mostly I watch them because they are cute.

>> No.77350398

I am in love with my 2view oshi and she knows it. She doesn't really like it but I still watch and support her

>> No.77350511

We watch vtubers cause our life isn't fun

>> No.77350550
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There is nothing fun in this world anon

>> No.77350855

Yes! Of course. I am parasocial as fuck for sure but that only means that you atleast find them amusing and in line to your preferences.

>> No.77350889

I agree

why is OP asking this, is something going on? everything’s fine on my end so it’s weird to see your post. I think luna is very very cute!

>> No.77351545

I watch chuubas so I can fall asleep listening to a cute girl.

>> No.77351851

What about male chuubas?

>> No.77351893

are you the nyan poster from the AI threads?

>> No.77351970

I treat them like a podcast

>> No.77352092

unironically, yes

>> No.77352200

I watch them for background noise.

>> No.77353341

they aren't cute. i have no interest in them.

>> No.77353498

I stopped watching vtuber after pomu graduated.
i only come here to see total niji death.

>> No.77353583
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mmm, yes

>> No.77353590

Yes, why ?

Although said "fun" differs if I'm watching a small indie or a company/big indie vtuber

>> No.77353602
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If anons were actually in it purely to watch their oshi they wouldnt be /here/ in the first place tbqhf.
There is almost nothing to gain from going to /vt/ outside of drama, even if you only go to your select general.

>> No.77354110
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I have about two dozen favourites on holodex and watch their streams on the third display when I'm working or playing vidya

>> No.77356671

yes i watch them for fun but i come to /vt/ to shit on nijiniggers.

>> No.77360338
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no, my chuuba gives me crippling anxiety

>> No.77360496

mostly yes, but there are some that i wacth with unnecessary felling

>> No.77360724
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based /#/chad

>> No.77361235

I don't even watch them anymore. I'm just here for the gossip and drama.

>> No.77364085


>> No.77364795
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I never stopped watching

>> No.77365463

Some I watch for fun, but I'm also addicted to unique/offbeat voices, and put on JP streams while working, even if I can only understand 5-10% of what they're talking about. Miko, Pekora, Lui etc.

>> No.77366886


>> No.77368797


>> No.77368893


>> No.77369341

sometimes yes and sometimes to fill the void and to dream about something I'm never gonna have...

>> No.77369390

I don't even watch vtubers anymore for the same reason I don't play video games or watch anime anymore despite posting on /a/ and /v/. I just keep up with the news and drama.

>> No.77369546

Yes. I watch Kanade because she's retarded and I love her for it.

>> No.77369612

I don't think anyone on /vt/ watches vtubers anymore, and if they do its to clip for rage bait.

>> No.77373331
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I do

>> No.77373764
File: 3.57 MB, 700x700, moo[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0mbh33.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do! I try to find new vtubers to watch every week. Currently I have maybe 1 must watch chuuba, 5-6 watch-most-of-their-content chuubas, and like 20 catch-them-if-they're-live chuubas.

>> No.77373903

I watch Gura and Fauna because i think they're pretty funny. Gura is adorable like a daughter and fauna is sexy like a house wife. The rest of EN? Im not even subbed to them. Im happy with the family i’ve made up in my head anon.

>> No.77373953

Yes, but I also want to have baby making sex with them.

>> No.77373964

Just always remember she'll die if you love her too much or not enough, you thread that needle mfer

>> No.77374014

I do, but I don't tell nobody, that's my little secret.

>> No.77374152

Pewhora is shit, not fun to watch.

>> No.77374230

I used to, now I just kind of follow from the sidelines and don't really watch streams anymore. Late 2019 to early 2021 watching hololive in the /jp/ threads was the most fun I've had doing anything in a very long time. I also feel like hololive has become too popular, big, and corporate. The vibe it used to have has dwindled, and I don't feel like trying to sink my time into attaching myself to another agency.

>> No.77374284
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I literally can't

>> No.77374446

I have never found a woman that is entertaining

>> No.77374504

I find a lot of chuuba's that are entertaining but something always happens before the 3-6 month mark that makes me stop watching them/ being interested in them

Kinda sucks though not being able to truly call someone my oshi

>> No.77375548

>watch vtubers
Fuck you mean watch vtubers? This isn't 2021, Aint nobody got time for that.. and if you do, you should probably better yourself.
I'm just here for the tears, the seethe, and the occasional juicy drama.

>> No.77377281

Sorry that you are a faggot

>> No.77377490


>> No.77378071

Always have, always will. Drama and 4chan schizo posts are just a fun addition to kill time when chuubas I watch aren't streaming.

>> No.77380261

This hobby would be so much better if there were more stream watchers and less drama faggots.

>> No.77383882


>> No.77384313

Eww what?

>> No.77387127
File: 3.82 MB, 1152x648, the twitch hag tag[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftguqpm.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fun to cheer girls on

>> No.77390116


>> No.77393256
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>> No.77393525

I watch them to hear them scream. I love women screaming.

>> No.77397002

always have

>> No.77397094

I watch their ccv fluctuate.

>> No.77398216

This place is full of spite

>> No.77398393
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I just watch doki, mint and occasionally ina

>> No.77398604

I hate women so I absolutely only watch them for entertainment.

>> No.77398853

Why else would you watch someone? Don't tell me you'd watch someone you don't find interesting just because of some silly reason.

>> No.77399675

That and I think women are hot

>> No.77403152


>> No.77408074

And post after the stream ends, I consider that peak happiness
