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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 77 KB, 1676x1676, 1717472766004544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77343230 No.77343230 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307 (embed)

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed)
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt (embed)
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Previous thread: >>77330478

>> No.77343258

First for fuck you faggots

>> No.77343276
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>> No.77343403
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>> No.77343536


>> No.77343588
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>> No.77343600

I'm one bad day from going feral.

>> No.77343638

Uhhhh I had a good firat half of the night gubai

>> No.77343820

I love seeing other vtubers getting into trouble for being idiots

>> No.77343870

You can remove that one on the right, many femchuubas are routinely mean to their male fans and thrive as a result of it.

>> No.77343926

>Showing off my live2d tonight
>Just got approved for my first ever skeb
>got some cute fanart today

Oh yeah, this'll hold off the darkness for at least a week

>> No.77343929

I can't confess my feelings for her because I know I'll get rejected

>> No.77343964

I know she'll reciprocate my feelings but it's not good for either of us

>> No.77343981

me when i make posts that are very very obviously X but actually it's Y and i laugh at everyone who thought it was X even though there's no other way to interpret it

>> No.77344015

stop bullying vita

>> No.77344028

just being a little jokester

>> No.77344030


>> No.77344125

They made me feel so helpless and isolated. I'm happy they're out of my life

>> No.77344147

why is cheen such a bitch?

>> No.77344245

How can so many girls fuck this up?

>> No.77344261

Do you have any stream ideas you'd like to see? For anyone.

>> No.77344272

hi lava

>> No.77344519

Did Fairchild graduate?

>> No.77344646

He might've been the anon saying they wanted to disappear

>> No.77344937

he left everything, even my discord.
I miss him, but I respect his decisions.

>> No.77344949
File: 3.98 MB, 1920x1017, 268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filming the next episode.
It'll be a news one.

>> No.77345169

No offence but the thing you do is really jarring to look at, in a good way. Like I cant put my finger on it but it feels weird. Anyone else get what im saying?

>> No.77345192


>> No.77345227

It's got the alternate reality "something isn't quite right" feel which is perfect for the material

>> No.77345704

good night

>> No.77345872


>> No.77346131
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1073, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing like infecting your friends with a good amount of sorting 'tism

>> No.77346251

this is true!

>> No.77346529

alas I must depart. to another chuuba to complete the picture https://jigex.com/JUg27

>> No.77346839
File: 87 KB, 1082x111, 1717368320586958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more girls in glasses

>> No.77346861

What are you working on right now /asp/?

>> No.77347147

Putting out the fire in my kitchen. It big

>> No.77347178

no no no not again

>> No.77347241

does anyone here actually follows her lore?

>> No.77347388

Hush the turbo autist has the best lore and does actual cult activities in the discord. I kneel. AVE PRIMOR

>> No.77347421

Pics or it didnt happened

>> No.77347576

Couldn't it have been a more flattering pic of me TT

>> No.77347645

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.77347699

Sorry next time I will use one of the NSFW scout arts

>> No.77347743

Nice astrosurfing

>> No.77347820

This thread was a mistake

>> No.77347872

So where you so how are you going to fix both of those mistakes

>> No.77347995

I call the butthole piece

>> No.77348057

Would you guys watch Yuki and I if we did like a dramatic reading of My Immortal for a stream?

>> No.77348230

I don't watch you anyways. So no.

>> No.77348283

Im getting my first credit card so I can use skeb and get a model on credit.

Good idea?

>> No.77348321

if you're working, sure its a decent idea. I think most beginner credit cards only let you have $1000 though, so enough for a model or a ton of skeb art

>> No.77348415

a birthday doodle

>> No.77348448

Provided you can afford it, yes.

>> No.77348466

How about I shut your mouth up with my cock, cocksucker?

I second that!

>> No.77348489

depends if the credit card allows you to buy japanese stuff. tons of the companies have been banning japanese purchases

>> No.77348543

I'd like to see an /asp/ie pull off the irl chuuba AR thing. Where their avatar is overlaid on them and it's like a chuuba walking around or doing a daily activity.

>> No.77348557
File: 1.04 MB, 400x225, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhn5psi.mp3].gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever this is. Just trying new stuff in After Effects.

>> No.77348580

i can read tenshi, but what are the last two characters

>> No.77348591

ishi - will, volition

>> No.77348631

This looks familiar, what's the source?

>> No.77348684
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>> No.77348808

gclef does this when he does instrument streams sometimes

>> No.77349196

He didn't even say goodbye....

>> No.77349393
File: 1.13 MB, 1140x915, justatierlist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only issue whether a female vtuber will be successful or not is if they have the mental fortitude to stream consistently and long enough for it.

>> No.77349448

>kuku topping dorian

>> No.77349508
File: 86 KB, 703x655, kukunewmodel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jamie if you're updating the tierlist this is Kuku's new model he's been using for a few months now

>> No.77349539

Kuku, you know you can just self-post like a normal person

>> No.77349612

40 year old trans?

>> No.77349626
File: 3.27 MB, 498x278, genshiken-nidaime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got excited seeing the tierlist ok

>> No.77349653

Albertina wouldn't be an e-thot...

>> No.77349759

>Not on the list
What did he mean by this

>> No.77349909
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looking at this list made me realize that I have a thing for cute retards.

>> No.77349956

What would be the most effective way to convince denpafish to end her miserable and pathetic life?

>> No.77349961

Who would unironically already have made it if they were a girl?

>> No.77349981

my placement is surprising in that only someone who watches me would put me there so im curious who it could be

>> No.77350022

Haru and Beryl are the obvious answers

>> No.77350036

Now do the less obvious answers

>> No.77350175
File: 135 KB, 380x390, 162019165882291639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gm aspies don't kill yourself today

>> No.77350201

Except THAT one. You know who I'm talking about.

>> No.77350249

I want to UOHHHH beryl thighs right now

>> No.77350271

gross. male thighs have ball sweat on them

>> No.77350289


>> No.77350499
File: 275 KB, 1140x184, ifgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically if you're controversial, menhera in a hot way, highly confident, overly shy or uber girly already

>> No.77350723
File: 1017 KB, 910x1154, Blush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the scissor holder is a girl...right?

>> No.77350881

I feel a small surge of inspiration after realizing I literally hate 90% of vtubers on Twitter. I'm going to stream more and get my shit together so I can channel my hatred into content.

>> No.77351210

Mond, Nova, Kuku and now Denpa all have models by Okusuri, who's next?

>> No.77351360

the ralph sektur/vtuber crossover is the most fun i've had since I entered the vtuber sphere. I'm really excited to see the choas that ensues if it keeps up. I'm constantly tempted to stir the pot and get involved now. Probably a personal regression for me but it's too much fun. God help me

>> No.77351517

goes hard, nice work

>> No.77351576

I will unironically made it if I am a girl because I willing to marry a random anon so I can leave where I living

>> No.77351580

Trying out some casual BFE audio, it seems fun to make

>> No.77351618

I want to headpat Haru and call him a good boy and take him for long walks on the beach with a leash to keep him close by.

>> No.77351896

Most aspies will have a model by Mond's mama by next year

>> No.77351906

Chiibiibot I hope

>> No.77352196

I keep losing weight.....I'm going to wither away to nothing at this rate....

>> No.77352264

Alpin should do streams where viewers can anonymously submit their stats and their fitness goals and on stream he can create a plan for them

>> No.77352303

Hey, it's been a bit, but I'm here to ask my usual question: What are (You) getting into today? Streaming? Planning something for a stream? Prepping for an event? Screwing up the nerve to talk to someone new? Waging? Sprawling out on your floor and pondering your life's choices? Cutting yourself some slack and relaxing (you deserve it, by the way)? Whatever it may be, I'm interested in hearing about it!
Me? Might fuck around with trying to actually learn more Davinci so I can step up from Shotcut ahead of whatever bullshit I decide to stream tonight

>> No.77352327

I would be an idol? neat.

>> No.77352395

I've been cutting up a stream into clips with Movie studio, but mostly I'm relaxing today.

>> No.77352515

Preparing money for new outfit

>> No.77352602

I have my vocal lesson tonight so I won't be streaming : (

>> No.77352661

That’s a great idea anon thanks

>> No.77352731

Got a collab today with two people I’ve never spoken to before and one I know (non-aspies). Hoping they’ll be available to chat beforehand so stream isn’t the first time we actually talk.

>> No.77352734

seconding it. even if I was going to ask you directly

>> No.77352765

You're welcome. I know some people would appreciate the advice because fitness can be a difficult world to parse between all the pseudo-science and snake oil that get peddled.

>> No.77352865

Totally, I’d want to spin it in a way that’d be helpful/good content to everyone and not just the few submissions I get, that’s why I’ve been doing the general overview presentations, but I can figure that out no problem. Also gonna push the idea that people can ask specific advice on any of my streams, regardless of what I’m up to (as long as it’s not a collab)

>> No.77353049

i compare qb to scege; both of them stream for long hours and are amazing streamers, but qb takes the crown only because she is a woman and calls her fans "older brothers" despite being an old hag. it's getting boring, scege deserves all the flowers for his committment to streaming, the positive attitude and not giving up. i love scege

>> No.77353121

Just the nature of streaming. No point putting down QB just to promote Scege. Anyone who continues to bitch that girls have it easier needs to swallow ceramic shards.

>> No.77353184

hi chat

>> No.77353250

He needs to advertise himself better, he has a chance to succeed with the ASMR he is posting
I have yet to see how a female Momomo would perform, I think she would have made it
His female equivalent is Lava, and she's doing fine
His female equivalent is Chrii and she's not doing well
Doing well, not sure how his old female persona performed but I bet he's doing better now
I wish girls would do content like he does
Doing good
Stream more...But yes a female version of him would have made it
He's still around?
Doing fine
I think a very shy shota would have been better for him

>> No.77353446

You missed Alpin.

>> No.77353535

Same as Kuro

>> No.77353701

QB's content is different than Scege's. QB also has a good discord server and interacts with her viewers very well, she was doing a movie watchalong last night.

>> No.77353723

I agree scege deserves more

>> No.77353798

something about scege creeps me out

>> No.77353805

How important is doing discord shit with viewers?

>> No.77353846

This is the problem with asp

Why do you need to pit two bad bitches against each other. I don’t think Scege would like you building him up if that means you need to kick another person down.

>> No.77353848

it means they interact with you outside of streams and creates a stronger bond so they are more likely to watch you over other streamers

>> No.77353859

Your comparison falls flat when you consider how different both are because of the efforts one puts compared to the other. I have heard the story about her trio for the fifth time already, meanwhile Scege is capable of talking properly whenever, and he barely becomes silent when it gets to 5+ hours, meanwhile QB starts making fucking baby noises as her brain slowly shuts off

>> No.77353885

What do you think is the best way to utilise discord? I'm very shy in VCs but I assume doing like a 1 hour hangout post-stream is good as well as the occasional movie night?

>> No.77353905

I don't think many actually do voice chat often

>> No.77353917

I get to stream tonight and to do some reading on stream / yapping. .w. am excited to do both parts but honestly just yapping about my trip and it's stupidity has me most excited

>> No.77353935

So just hanging out and messaging each other is good enough?

>> No.77353991

>female Momomo
Sharko is that but without the dummerchen accent

>> No.77354081
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>> No.77354124


>> No.77354125

qb making racial jokes would cancel her right away

>> No.77354208

Andy is daiya but hag menhera

>> No.77354211

hes a honourary woman

>> No.77354232

I think Ria would make it, she works hard and has a consistent schedule, Bonni probably would do pretty well too

>> No.77354248

Did all the prep work I need to now so when I finish work I'll test it all out.
Most do events like watchalongs or games with viewers and generally chat with people in their discords

>> No.77354265

Yeah more or less

It's kind of sad when you put things into this type of perspective

>> No.77354382

Thanks for not purposely misunderstanding me like all the crabs here do

>> No.77354388

This doesn't follow the four-rule thing though. Make it make sense

>> No.77354479

all latinxs would make it because of the amount of groomers they would have flocking around them

>> No.77354506

Why did you leave me off on purpose you fucking crab when you added the silver alien of all people KILL YOURSELF

>> No.77354507

everyone wants the bunda

>> No.77354567

we going to place bets on this one chat??????

>> No.77354616

cause I don't watch you

>> No.77354625

>If they were men

>> No.77354659

>thinking debpa would make it as a male given even half the stuff she did that should have gotten her canceled even as a girl

>> No.77354670


>> No.77354721

Everybody wants the bunda but no one wants to die

>> No.77354734

Makes you feel powerless to fail so many times to get her to quit doesn't it? Pathetic.

>> No.77354744

It is more latinx bunda being cheqper to seduce with americano dollaroos

>> No.77354773

I'm going to feed you to the cartels

>> No.77354785

Been trying to get canceled now, doesn’t work!

>> No.77354821


>> No.77354864

Because you're a woman

>> No.77355293

Fuck, I’ve got to get nastier and more unhinged so the hole between my leg is more of an myth than anything

>> No.77355362


>> No.77355611

gumpan my balls

>> No.77355721

What shold I strm today

>> No.77355987


>> No.77356060

what the fuck

>> No.77356071
File: 846 KB, 786x717, Screenshot 2023-12-21 100458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it possible to make it as a femboy? i feel like the ceiling for how much attention you can get isn't very high

although i sound like one so i'm not sure what else i can do

>> No.77356092


>> No.77356097


>> No.77356117

Are you gay enough for it? Femboys only attract gay or bi men, so be ready to talk about your bussy a lot.

>> No.77356161

You have to be ready to whore yourself out. Haru and Beryl just got lucky with circumstances. Femboys are normally only popular if they're sluts.

>> No.77356169

Define make it.

>> No.77356189

Ainslie will probably made it with Scout model

>> No.77356217

be as popular as female vtubers can be

do people not like wholesomeness anymore

>> No.77356242

who are you

>> No.77356296

>be as popular as female vtubers can be
Fuck no

>> No.77356347

alright i guess i'll just commission a girl model and hope for the best o7

>> No.77356374

Yeah that's even worse

>> No.77356492

what would you do in my situation then? my voice sounds too much like a freaking woman to be a regular male

>> No.77356527


>> No.77356563

Lower you damn expectations dude, no male unless you can completely pass a woman and won't suffer from mental damage RPing as one for the rest of your life, will ever be as successful as the equivalent female vtuber.

>> No.77356669

understood brother

>> No.77356741

I promise you it does not. I have a higher pitched voice and have been told that I sound like a woman before so k
I know how you feel, but I guarantee you that you will be better off just using a male model so you don't have to field a hundred lunatics giving you shit about being a tranny or something.

Accept yourself as you are, you'll find a lot better success that way

>> No.77356863

alright that's fair. would people care about a femboy if i don't sexualize myself that much? i'm more about the kayfabe in vtubers than i am that

>> No.77356956

Just network with other femboys, carefully, and set your expectations low. Find joy in vtubing in itself and don't hope for success, it will cause you much menhera.

>> No.77357011

I think that if you wanted to do a more feminine looking male model that would be fine, but I would avoid the term femboy like the plague

>> No.77357042

Murders on the Yangtze River, Its a very well done who done it game.

>> No.77357154

I do not hate the rrat. I pity them that they will never know the joys of having people show up to stream excited that they made it in time before the starting soon screen has finished.

>> No.77357186

yeah 100%, i only used it here because i knew it would be recognized
i wanna be able to support myself though...

>> No.77357199
File: 78 KB, 450x450, 1714656349503418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it possible to make it as a normal girl?
Im not inflammatory or a cool kind of menhera, i just have monster collector tism and dont talk to people.

>> No.77357286

>i wanna be able to support myself though...
I hate referring to a crab post but >>77343276
is correct

Unless you have all four qualities, you're never going to support yourself off of this

>> No.77357347
File: 1.89 MB, 600x415, 1715263676445152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to make it as a trans girl? I have spent tens of thousands of dollars on surgeries to pass irl both for looks and voice and just want to use a model that better suits me

>> No.77357348

Yes. Just be nice to men while you do your thing and you'll get a steady viewership at a minimum

>> No.77357374

>and dont talk to people.
hmmmmm I doubt you will make it in the short run. But you will achieve success as you keep streaming consistently

>> No.77357392

If you sound like a woman, act like a woman and never give any illusions to being a tranny, yes

>> No.77357409

yeah probably, especially since its june

>> No.77357524

define "make it"
and I don't just mean you, I mean everyone here. That is a phrase that means something different to everyone you ask. You'll never "make it" if you're relying on someone else's definition to begin with.

>> No.77357559

Bunda tierlist?

>> No.77357592

gm aspies can i get a kiss from (You) to start my day?

>> No.77357633

as long as it's possible i might be able to, i'll just put lots of effort into it

>> No.77357671

Honestly, 50 average viewers my ultimate goal but maybe its the hikki in me.

>> No.77357712

getting recruited into Hololive

>> No.77357713


>> No.77357746
File: 10 KB, 340x335, 1710553687824541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to make it?

>> No.77357751
File: 880 KB, 1180x674, Screenshot 2024-05-29 191207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77357767

Getting 100 usd a month in subs

>> No.77357823

what did he mean by this

>> No.77357834

Should I go full Asterion with viewers? What kind of audience would that even attract

>> No.77357850

Enough to make enough to cover my living expenses with clear growth potential but I live in a non-shithole and so that's next to impossible

>> No.77357866

my reaction

>> No.77357873

That's utterly pathetic monthly amount for a girl streamer and impossible to get as a male so depending on which you are there is your answer if you can make it

>> No.77357896

>Just be nice to men
people keep saying this, but I feel like they need to remember that even someone thinking with their dick is gonna eventually realize you're only being nice out of courtesy, obligation, or worse because you're trying to get something out of them. You can't "just be nice to men," you have to actually be nice. I'm not saying you have to be their best friend or anything but like, treat them as a person and not a number.

>> No.77357901

>full Asterion

>> No.77357927

That will attract girls and make you the next vox if you do everything right. You can get the fujos too if you bring on cometcrust as a guest to do some homoerrotic asmr. God's speed to you

>> No.77357976

How much money you spent on appearance surgery has no impact on vtubing.

>> No.77357979


>> No.77357987

Worked for Rushia until she fucked it all up

>> No.77357991

how is that impossible to get as a male? it's only 20 subs max

>> No.77357990

Rotmg stream doko

>> No.77358021

>because it's June

>> No.77358036

The faggy vampire from bg3

>> No.77358047

what the fuck

>> No.77358059

>worked until it didn't work
astute observation there anon.

>> No.77358070

Oh. I should play BG3, it seems to be weirdly popular with women.

>> No.77358072

My last month's payout was 120 and I'm not exactly running subathons anon.

t. male

>> No.77358128

Look at all the 1view males and tell me which gets even close to that

>> No.77358139

Lil bro Pantsu bunda....

>> No.77358153

>it worked until, for completely unrelated reasons, it didn't

Yes anon, astute observation.

>> No.77358184

>look at a select group of people i chose that don't meet the criteria
there are plenty who do my brother

>> No.77358196

You people get paid from subs? No one subs to me so I just give away hundreds every month hoping someone will start watching me :(

>> No.77358256

asp for this feel?

>> No.77358267
File: 416 KB, 1000x1000, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grifting trendwhore?

>> No.77358278

sloppy morning kissaroos

>> No.77358336

Kuku when he cosplays as a girl

>> No.77358383

If I make partner and 100+ subs then I'll consider that I made it.

>> No.77358482
File: 108 KB, 1155x844, ToT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time stream ends I miss him

>> No.77358521

Mine was 500 last month
T. Also a male

>> No.77358532


>> No.77358608

My "make it" term is becoming influential enough to be remembered in the annals of history -w-

>> No.77358620

Me later perhaps, I would have to study his mannerisms a bit since it's been a year from when I played bg3

>> No.77358623

500 pesos maybe

>> No.77358630

$350 a month, male
Get gud

>> No.77358696

I've been at a long time and barely have 40 active subs at any given time

>> No.77358749


DAY 1: Continuation of long running series of some female pandering game like Stardew
DAY 2: Collab with an inferior male (dumber, uglier, less popular, higher pitched voice) in a game that makes you look like a natural leader and can dominate other men
DAY 4: Play game or do activitg that you're good at. Girls like watching guys who are talented.
DAY 5: Just Chatting ASMR where you just flirt with chat
DAY 6: Discord movie watchalong where you watch a shitty chick flick or a shitty horror film

Repeat Ad Nauseum for success

>> No.77358783

thank you for thinking i could be an idol

>> No.77358834

This but unironically? Would it work?

>> No.77358866

Yes, now do it.

>> No.77358876

NOOO!!!!!!! I'LL BE AN IDOL!!!!!!

>> No.77358921

>I wish girls would do content like he does
Can you elaborate on that?

>> No.77358932

I would rather poke my eyes out than watch chick flicks

>> No.77358964

And this is why you won't make it. You don't care about what your viewers want

>> No.77358980

If that helps you cope

>> No.77359122

How do you know it would work?

>> No.77359157

How do you come up with names for fans?

>> No.77359181


>> No.77359240

Google synonyms for the word “friend” then try to find one that would work as a pun with your first or last name.

>> No.77359423

Mama Ubume here. Which of these premades fits my voice better? The second page of each listing has videos showing their physics. The seller has about a dozen premades available so if another one is better, let me know. I’ve seen them all but I’m here for advice, yeah? I would come up with a new username to match the model I end up with.

A: Gothic Medusa

B: Pirate Octopus

A: Pros:
- Older woman
- I think the production value is higher, lots of swishy stuff
- Could increase production value by making her have iridescence scales, altering the jewels, etc.
- Hair is swishier than the tentacles
- Better chest jiggle physics

- Very similar to Vexoria in that she is a lamia and I don’t want people saying I’m ripping off Vex — although she makes the type of content I’d love to make and she’s one of my oshis
- Colors are very dark so she’s blend into a lot of the overlays I’m looking at (celestial themed)
- The branding direction I’m thinking of going with is snake and astrology and mythology themed, and there’s less of that available than there are for the octopus tuber’s branding
- Less popular from an NSFW standpoint

B: Pros:
- Model is mostly coral orange which will stand out really well against blue ocean themed backgrounds
- Theming is obvious: retired pirate captain who is plundering the seven seas for their fish
- Lots of stream assets available for things involving octopi, ocean themed overlays, etc.
- From an NSFW standpoint, much more marketable: she has built in tentacles
- Okay chest physics, great thigh physics, best I’ve seen on any model. But, how often are my thighs going to be shown?

B: Cons:
- People may expect me to do a pirate voice and I don’t know how to do one, I also don’t think I can sustain a pirate voice long term
- Model has lower production value than the Gorgon/Medusa

>> No.77359465

i demand one forehead kiss or im going to SOB

>> No.77359470

Stardew Valley
Dead By Daylight
The Sims
Baldur's Gate 3
Lobotomy Corp

Any other female pandering games?

>> No.77359479

Sometimes I think about the person who confessed to me here and I wonder if they're doing okay these days. I don't like hurting peoples feelings, but I always end up having to

>> No.77359504

*smooch* im too lazy to vocaroo again :3c

>> No.77359530

Yarr, Mama Ubume be lookin for tha booty, hang up ye draws and hand over ye family jewels

>> No.77359598

This feels very disingenuous.
Picking or making a Vtuber model should be something special and that speaks to you. It’s not like buying new clothes every week.
You had your ghost mom and abandoned it, so how do you know you’re not gonna abandon any of these new models?
Just pick what speaks to YOU, not what you think people wanna see, because when you feel happy and comfortable in your Vtuber skin is when you’re at your best. It just feels like “okay which of these outfits will attract more coomers and oilers to give me money?” that I dislike.
Nothing wrong with having a lewd model, but treating it this way feels fake and your heart isn’t really into it.

>> No.77359662

All About Bacteria shenanigans (yippee!)

>> No.77359722

>Lots of stream assets available for things involving octopi, ocean themed overlays, etc.
Make the wise choice and get the octopi

>> No.77359747

You should be a zookeeper or something that has to do with animals. Don't buy a premade, just png/vroid it up and im sure people here and your original fans will support your eventual model. I think the people who enjoy you, like who you are without the kayfabe because you're actually autistic.

>> No.77359821

What are some RP ASMR ideas?

>> No.77359864

>worries about being called a rip off
uhhh you’re buying a premade, and by the looks of the reviews, they’ve been bought and used several times already, so you’re gonna run into people using the exact same model as you.
The same thing happened to Ace before he got his PNG. I ran into many vtubers using the exact same model.

>> No.77359961

still managing to dodge /asp/ discourse after all these years, hell yeah

>> No.77359990

they're both sorta generic desu. I prefer the ghost lady.

>> No.77360046
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>> No.77360147

"This is my last post" God I fucking wish

>> No.77360194


Panty raids on other streamer’s islands?


I don’t want this to come off that way. My apologies for offending you.


I can’t afford a full custom model and my VRoid skills and drawing skills are pretty sub par compared to the quality I can get from a premade. I’m also not autistic surprisingly — I asked the doctors many times — but I do have ADHD.

The zookeeper angle is interesting. I could play lots of animal themed games and talk about the animals. I could study for my veterinary courses on stream and talk about the animals of NZ. I have Let’s Build a Zoo on the Switch.

>> No.77360211

lob corp is awesome .w. ill watch anyone play it

>> No.77360227

I have a bit of time now, so I'll try to sort some of these pieces

>> No.77360264

You can afford a png model.
Also you got bought a 3DIO already, just add a vtuber model and rig on throne.

>> No.77360275

Go put your money where your mouths are, instead of bitching.
Do i have to keep tapping the sign?

>> No.77360291

Are you a grill? Can you recommend me anymore games you like and you think other grills would like?

>> No.77360302


You could play unvoiced otome novels and do voices for the characters. Upload the VODs to YouTube as Let’s Plays. There is a market for that.

>> No.77360310

my feelings for her are entirely platonic and I just want to play games together or something but I know that would even be rejected

>> No.77360323

idk what SOB stands for but it seems i have to do this for the safety of others...

>> No.77360352

Does it matter if I can't voice act for shit?

>> No.77360396

That’s Poppy and she is already committed to Camui, don’t fall for it.
It’s just how renata would tell people to gaybait and would watch them once (maybe draw a shitty doodle if they’re lucky) and go back to Kliffoth.

>> No.77360429

I don't mind if she's already comitted to someone else, I just want more games

>> No.77360442

>"insane lolcow"

>> No.77360458

Who are you?

>> No.77360498

Gonna add it to my stream games

>> No.77360546

I'm not telling you but you'll probably figure it out when I suddenly start playing all these games.

>> No.77360553

Son of bitch

>> No.77360609

that was horrible to listen to

>> No.77360612


Then I wouldn’t pursue that because the fans could be brutal. Check out the cozy games tags and subreddits for ideas on what to play. Some cozy indie games include:
- Book of Hours (eldritch library)
- Potion Craft (alchemy, Gobb plays it)
- Traveller’s Rest (I think you run a tavern?)
- Graveyard Keeper
- Strange Horticulture
- Any of the point and click games by Artifex Mundi
- Glass Masquerade (puzzle game with stained glass aesthetic)

There are enough potions and alchemy games that you could focus on that as a niche.

>> No.77360613

You’re irrelevant and desperate if you’re trying to pivot this way, so I don’t think I even follow you.

>> No.77360683
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>> No.77360718


>> No.77360753

no... not them.

uhh... i just play mmos and strategy stuff im not a good grill to ask sorry

>> No.77360755

L2D is gay, and I like the ghost lady model

>> No.77360757


>> No.77360804
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Sorted. https://jigex.com/JUg27

>> No.77360886

link when u do!!!

book of hours fucking rocks

>> No.77360987

Stardew Valley
Other project moon games?
Baldurs gate 3
First two baldurs gate?
Other crpg?
The sims, maybe ck3 since that's also sims like
Puzzle games like peggle or those match 3 phone games?

What other games should I add to my repository of female pandering games?

>> No.77361013

Is it better to go into a game totally blind or play it for a bit beforehand so I'm not totally fumbling?

>> No.77361089

fumbling can be a charm point if you're not retarded

>> No.77361096

Dota 2

>> No.77361108

Just because she's Camui's side chick/onahole doesn't mean she wouldn't watch other people

>> No.77361126

The Doom audience already watch Zenya

>> No.77361134

I will never stream mobas

>> No.77361150


>> No.77361183

I've seen her in other streams so she 100% does watch other people

>> No.77361202

Ah you see, I am retarded.

>> No.77361323

Based taste in music and anime

>> No.77361460

Do you need a twitter or can you go without?

>> No.77361500

It's very important for networking

>> No.77362210

That's good to hear, the one that doesn't watch other people is Chrii so we all need to be careful with this leech

>> No.77362326

I was promised a Rotmg stream, where IS MY Romtg stream.

>> No.77362338

She watches and interacts with Cheen and his discord, stop being a faggot

>> No.77362554

What's romtg

>> No.77362584


>> No.77362625

I’ll never forgive Chrii using Charley’s magma to promote Camui’s birthday stream.

>> No.77362684

>never heard of this game before
>click link
>it's already in my library

>> No.77362710

I'll add it to my list >>77360987

>> No.77362750

I am not a female bro sorry to disappoint.

you should play it then

>> No.77362908

Okay I remembered I have an old one I never used, so hopefully I can bypass all of musks new bullshit for new accounts

>> No.77363002


>> No.77363175

Another thread more tierlists I'm not in. When will I get my time??

>> No.77363196


>> No.77363269

Is this games that thots should play to attract men or games that thots want to watch?

>> No.77363453

Thots want to watch

>> No.77363762


I get your frustrations, Camui is so lucky to have this girl around
I wish I had a girlfriend like her or even just a fan, shilling me on other people's streams
It should have been me who got Chrii's pussy not him, we had a gift from god and we all lost to Hitler's gay cousin

>> No.77363787
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>> No.77363910

Who raided Gumpai?

>> No.77364130


>> No.77364164

Theres games I like on there...

>> No.77364567

Hand in your man card, you have to be a femboy now

>> No.77364712

NOT the first two baldurs gates. 3 is only popular because you can fuck.

starbound, Pokemon, Animal crossing.

>> No.77364983


>> No.77365204

coomer pandering femboys get a fuckton of subs (assuming you're actually you know, cute. and good at streaming)
there's that one catboy faggot with a huge dick. i think he gets 4view. just an example

>> No.77365336

>3view female chuuba
is this what they all look like?

>> No.77365362

i've inspired others to create.
i've already made it.

>> No.77365411
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Here you go

>> No.77365447

You little brat, prepare to get cumflated
