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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 367 KB, 400x400, 1716260512003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77342309 No.77342309 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.77342441

That's for how long they're gonna suspend her for lol

>> No.77342446

Out of context clip.

>> No.77342451

Context? This sounds like bad rp, not a genuine statement.

>> No.77342488

Big if true

>> No.77342501

Please join phase connect my dear

>> No.77342558

Aster said she looked Gwen and refused to say put her as Zoe on his league tier list so she returned to her stream and joked about him being a bully. Blatant out of context shit dramaniggers are conjuring up

>> No.77342679

Context: She's NOT saying that Nijisanji is a terrible company to work for, she's making fun of Dokibird's feelings of being abused and suicide attempts!

Come on people, get the context before you jump to conclusions like this, or else you will make people sound more sympathetic than they actually are.

>> No.77342740

rrat merchants have determined that she was most likely joking and making fun of dokie
also she's confirmed /here/

>> No.77342774


>> No.77342839

>Privates the stream with the context so people are left with just the clip
Brilliant move

>> No.77342849

Ok what's the context then?
>vod privated
oh no no no no NO NO NO NO NO NO

>> No.77342879

It's in his stream

>> No.77342988


>> No.77343017


>> No.77343087

Doesn't matter shit joke to make anyway

>> No.77343113
File: 233 KB, 1242x1230, D8WzSVxX4AEO33A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think Nijisanji sucks

>> No.77343142


>> No.77343277

>Make a funny sarcastic joke poking fun of nijisanjis terrible reputation
>antis who never watch her try to use it to stir up shit and get her in trouble
You guys did the same shit with scarle and just pushed her deeper into nijisanji because instead of supporting any talent that don’t toe the line you punish them.

>> No.77343341

Aster. She stopped her ASMR stream to go to Aster's stream and make a joke about Doki's abuse and harassment.

>> No.77343352


>> No.77343408

Nice discord raid. Not a coincidence for the past three days , you faggots have been spamming twisty anti threads and not any other member of the new gen

>> No.77343417

>Make a funny sarcastic joke poking fun of nijisanjis terrible reputation
Imagine being this retarded.
"Someone said my company is abusive and then she tried to kill herself. I know, I'll make a joke saying that company she was complaining about is bad and then joke about killing myself."
She wasn't making fun of niji, you retarded sister.

>> No.77343455

Basically she was 'mad' about the segment here

>> No.77343549
File: 620 KB, 1014x816, firefox_FvEmSmyNPA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, why don't you include the part where she interrupted a fucking GFE asmr to talk to the one person who's been a proven pest with leaks?
How's THAT for context? She fucking muted her own stream to talk to someone else on THEIR stream, forcing her own fans to sit and watch absolutely nothing happen with no audio for several minutes while she was off on another channel entertaining HIS fans instead. You don't even have to be a unicorn to know that abandoning your fucking audience mid stream is a bad idea.

>> No.77343628


>> No.77343639

>where she interrupted a fucking GFE asmr
It was a Zatsu
>proven pest
It wasn't
>forcing her own fans to sit and watch absolutely nothing happen
Proof you don't watch any streams
>Has Twisty numbers saved up
Yup, this is the discord server

>> No.77343663

>discord raid
you sure it's not your anti-cunny branch of sisters?
nobody else gives a flying fuck about niji, unless they fuck up in a funny way of course

>> No.77343745
File: 533 KB, 680x597, 1717210397054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching nijisanji

>> No.77343756

Twisty we know you are /here/
just unprivate the VOD w/o editing it, we know you purposely do it to become relevant

>> No.77343769


>> No.77343795

alright this yab turned out to be a nothingburger
but grifty exposed herself as posting /here/ so there's that

>> No.77343800

This joke's in really bad taste.

>> No.77343832

>alright this yab turned out to be a nothingburger
>Imagine being this retarded.
>"Someone said my company is abusive and then she tried to kill herself. I know, I'll make a joke saying that company she was complaining about is bad and then joke about killing myself."

>> No.77343847

You act like everything here doesn't end up on Twitter or Reddit

>> No.77343848

>in denial sisters

>> No.77343891

The title of the stream was "[Arguably ASMR] I don't want to talk about it meow", clearly edited after the stream because she stopped the ASMR midway. The thumbnail had "ASMR Yandere". It was originally meant to be a Yandere ASMR stream.

>> No.77343905

Now that i found time to actually listen to this, she sounded sarcastic as fuck to me.

>> No.77343931

The first thing she said was "this is gonna be a Zatsu, I'm just gonna talk". There was no ASMR RP

>> No.77343933

She is. She's making fun of Doki's suicide attempts and abuse, which makes it much, much worse.

>> No.77343940

That's the problem, sis. She's making a joke about Doki's attempted suicide.

>> No.77343974

Not really the point since it was such a dumb joke to make after everything that's happened

>> No.77343975

it will boost her ccv to 1fin to 1.2fin

>> No.77344008

Why the fuck did she put "ASMR" in the thumbnail if it was a zatsu stream?

>> No.77344037

Because it was an ASMR Zatsu. Which is why it's titled "arguably ASMR"

>> No.77344052

Why was it advertised as an ASMR? Why was it listed as ASMR in the schedule? Why was it listed as an ASMR even after it ended?
None of your answers are making it any better, sis.

>> No.77344078

Nijisociopaths acting like sociopaths IS a nothingburger at this point, its basically a given

>> No.77344104


>> No.77344117

Learn to read, discordfag

>> No.77344128

Here's where your wrong - her fans are cucks who enjoy that sort of thing.

>> No.77344139

>actually spamming this shit on cooldown

Straight up mentally ill OP go kill yourself and stream it

>> No.77344164
File: 12 KB, 299x168, twisty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the first thumbnail, by the way

>> No.77344181

Take meds.
News is meant to be spread.

>> No.77344185

Twisty is not GFE are you stupid? Damn you third worlder niggers are desperate

>> No.77344192

Well, I assumed that maybe it wasn't a joke. But after hearing her tone of voice, it definitely is

>> No.77344210


>> No.77344235

It is, but saying that all in any context is retarded given the current situation with Niji.

>> No.77344236

You sound ESL as fuck let me guess you run a dramatranny channel? Get a real job

>> No.77344238

And then she said in a Zatsu that doing ASMR RP would be a bad idea and that she just wanted to do regular ASMR instead. Which is why she changed it. Run back to your discord

>> No.77344240
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1509, isn't this what you wanted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I'm sorry, isn't this what you wanted?

>> No.77344241

Selen will never recover

>> No.77344267

The only compensation I need is total niji death

>> No.77344285

>Schedules a stream as a Yandere ASMR Roleplay
>Changes it to a Zatsu ASMR at the spot because why the fuck not
>Leaves her stream to talk shit on Aster's stream
>Makes blunt remarks about her corpo and colleagues

This is peak menhera

>> No.77344287

??? When did I post that? You're not making any sense or you're actually retarded

>> No.77344293

based cuckbro

>> No.77344314

You have never had any friends have you

>> No.77344327

The nijinigger wishes to surrender
Unfortunately we do not accept surrender

>> No.77344329

That's even WORSE than the out of context.

>> No.77344363

What the fuck is this LARP shit

>> No.77344366

>trying to attract the UUOOOOOOOOOH cunny crowd with her debut
>pulls this shit
Is she trying to speedrun Yuko's career?

>> No.77344402

You're really making yourself look retarded with every post you make

>> No.77344416

What you wrought upon yourself by declaring war

>> No.77344439

She's pulled a yuko in less than 1 week
>Go all in on uoh and gfe
>Le all males are bad, i only like girls
>Do lewd asmr
>Do another asmr but cut midway to flirt with male coworker
>Proceed to flirt with male coworker even more

>> No.77344440

damage control harder nijikek
It won't unfuck your beloved nijiniggers

>> No.77344450

You must have not been on this board in a while. Being this schizophrenic is the new normal. Dramafaggotry and retardation is rampant. If there is no drama, they will simply craft some out of nothing

>> No.77344454

That's not going to fix your lack of purpose in life what a pathetic and meaningless one you live

>> No.77344462
File: 334 KB, 587x511, ha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A joke, lmao

>> No.77344486

Sometimes I think of how it's kinda sad that someone's whole career as a content creator gets destroyed by joining niji, but then I remember that they are the type of person who thought it would be a good idea to join niji and I stop feeling bad for them.

>> No.77344490

You will either end up hung up like a Christmas tree or die completely alone

>> No.77344499

??? Are you a redditor or some shit? You understand that my "display" name being anonymous doesn't mean I posted that, right? I'm trying to help you out here because your feelings are very hurt

>> No.77344509

Pursuing total niji death is the greatest purpose bestowed upon me

>> No.77344526


>> No.77344530

An attempt lmao

>> No.77344534

You dont even watch her and you are definitely autistic if you can't tell tone and expression. Genuinely stick to watching cartoons you're not ready for people

>> No.77344542
File: 1.19 MB, 1366x768, flat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godtier model wasted on some grifting bitch. Many such cases, sad every time.

>> No.77344549

And that angers you I suppose

>> No.77344563

What the fuck does that even mean

>> No.77344580

Ah I love the smell of nijiseethe in the morning

>> No.77344585

cuckchads enjoy niji gfe
shut up

>> No.77344620

Oooh, the discord fags brought more images

>> No.77344622

removing an evil being called nijisanji is my duty given by god

>> No.77344624

You just admitted your purpose in life is to pursue celebrity drama? Not even having children or building up your country or some shit. Do you have the capacity to understand how worthless that is and by extension how meaningless that makes you? Anon??

>> No.77344642

>everything I don't like is discord
Do nijicucks really

>> No.77344643

>mental gymnastics

>> No.77344656

The absolute state

>> No.77344665

Destroying nijisanji is the moral duty of all red blooded vt fags

>> No.77344668

Are you a sapling?

>> No.77344671


>> No.77344679


>> No.77344693

defending evil corpo is more worthless in my opinion. anon?

>> No.77344696


>> No.77344703

Okbuddy you can just keep that in one post no need to reply multiple times it makes you look very desperate

>> No.77344722

>Um, so... Everybody in this company is evil—and abusive. And, Um, yeah, I'm being harassed—basically, I'm being harassed... I'm being harassed, I don't know what to do. And basically, I'm very upset—I... why do I live. What is there to live for...my god.

>> No.77344724

You don't understand. These dramafags HAVE TO spam the same anti Twisty thread 20 times a day. They HAVE TO spam the same out of context clip. They HAVE TO twist the narrative to make it suit their agenda. This board HAS TO be a place where faggots desperately try to get Internet fame by being responsible for the latest drama

>> No.77344739

well im different person who you replied to anon.
there are a lot messenger of god who hates niji afterall

>> No.77344751

The nijinigger fears the light of God

>> No.77344758
File: 15 KB, 376x293, orcute4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just an innocent bystander watching the shitshow.

>> No.77344760

This entire thread is so fucking hilarious.
I can't stop laughing at holoniggers backpedaling more and more with each consecutive post, accompanied with a generous amount of holocope and holoseethe

>> No.77344776

Hololive out of nowhere

>> No.77344786

You talk and sound like Muslims so let me remind you allah is a false god

>> No.77344791


>> No.77344810

>It got privated
I'm going to laugh my ass off if she suddenly goes on a 2 weeks vacation.

>> No.77344816

Nijiniggers truly fear this yab being known to the wider world

>> No.77344844

>She's just joking about someone else's attempted suicide, she still loves Nijisanji!
Thanks for the context, sis.
I like how "mocking someone's suicide attempt" is supposed to make it better.

>> No.77344846

The seethe of nijiniggers truly is an exquisite thing

>> No.77344857

sorry but i would rather believe in allah than random nijinigs

>> No.77344873

...That doesn't make it any better, it would only mean she is a grifter piece of shit.

>> No.77344875 [DELETED] 

>SEA times
>Holoniggers start climbing down from their palm trees and begin to chimp out
Nothing unusual here

>> No.77344883

Not everything is about your lying grifterbird, Fagoon

>> No.77344886


>> No.77344900

Yeah I just noticed that. I can't fathom why these people apparently do this shit for free but from what I gather from their posts they really don't have anything else in life going for them? I don't even think they watch vtubers because they're very miserable people or their oshis just don't make them happy which is even more sad.

I hope they realize that crying wolf only pisses away their credibility and their drama community will only shrink as a result

>> No.77344933

Well the nijiseethe is always a nice reward

>> No.77344934

>I like how "mocking someone's suicide attempt" is supposed to make it better.
Well, if this "suicide attempt" consists of going on a binge-eating and getting to the hospital with a stomachache, then yes, it deserves being mocked

>> No.77344946

Yeah, not everything is about Doki, but jokes about Nijisanji being abusive and committing suicide are.
Not even a dragoon, btw.

>> No.77344948

You're right, this is about Twisty. The GFE cunny ASMRtist who interrupts GFE ASMR to flirt with known sexpests and make fun of abuse victims. This is TOTALLY much better. There's a fucking reason she's 1finana in her fucking debut week.

>> No.77344951


>> No.77344952

Ah so it really was Muslims, what hypocrite pests you are

>> No.77344958
File: 1.58 MB, 1559x3134, 1694676427889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77344982

Shitting in nijisanji covers a multitude of sins

>> No.77344990

She's not GFE though? Are you even talking about the same person?

>> No.77344999 [DELETED] 

Holokeks being SEA mudslimes? Not surprised

>> No.77345000

Is this the angle that the nijisisters have decided on? That the suicide attempts were fake?

Wow, the cope on them is pretty unbelievable. I guess they're extra upset tonight because they have to go a whole week with no Hex dick-sucking asmr.

>> No.77345015

Yes, and through the power of Allah I have acquired the power of dark subs and dark ccv that I use on nijisanji! Fear me nijikeks

>> No.77345020

After abandoning her stream to play on Aster's? You bet your ass she's not.

>> No.77345026
File: 535 KB, 600x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everybody in this company is evil and abusive
Don't you mean they are Twisted All-manner-of-suckos?

>> No.77345032

At least you realize what you do is laughable and you gain nothing from it

>> No.77345033

>She's not
Holy fucking retard

>> No.77345037

She isn't GFE, she wasn't flirting with anyone, she wasn't making fun of anyone and no one was ever proven to be a sex pest. I know you're from the discord because you're repeating the same shit verbatim and have been numberfagging her

>> No.77345040

>That the suicide attempts were fake
Oh, you've got some nice proof then? Let me guess, it's the hospital receipts and now you gonna share them here with us so that you don't look like a lying faggot?

>> No.77345047

nijinigs are more hypocrite pests lmaoo
dont offtopic anon. we are talking about an evil being called niji here

>> No.77345058

I gain your seethe, for one

>> No.77345060

True. Doki should show those receipts to prove she's not full of shit

>> No.77345062
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>> No.77345082
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>The VOD got privated minutes after the clip was posted /here/

>> No.77345084

>Reminder that this thread is Holocucks deflection and projection after being cucked by holowhores

>> No.77345085

>not denying being sad about missing Hex's dick-sucking ASMR
Well, you haven't provided any proof, so it looks like I hit the nail on the head.

>> No.77345090

She's not GFE no matter how hard you scream. You sound like those /r9k/ trannies who collectively fall in love with a random hospitality worker every month then piss yourselves when you realize she had friends and connections unlike towel yourself

>> No.77345127

That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.

>> No.77345132

muhammed is a goat rapist

>> No.77345135

>N-no y-you
Holy holonigger projection

>> No.77345141

She doesn't have to be to understand that it's a fucking stupid plan to mute your stream for several minutes to fuck around on somebody else's.
It shows you don't respect your audience at all.

>> No.77345151

Nijiniggers really are seething here hard

>> No.77345154
File: 553 KB, 1017x720, 1657302093737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77345177

Holy holoseethe

>> No.77345188


>> No.77345198

You are asking for the private medical records of someone whom I have absolutely no connection too, I am asking you to make an attempt to deny that you don't love sucking cocks.
It's pretty obvious that neither one of us can deliver on those demands, me because I do not have access to private medical records, and you because you love penis.

>> No.77345199

Notice how you're consistently stuck in the "It didn't happen" part because you're a lying faggot that can't even prove that the sky is blue

>> No.77345204

You didn't watch the stream so you're nitpicking this as a gotcha moment without knowing she was talking about the other stream and commenting on it too. Are your feelings really hurt because of that?

>> No.77345206

Why are you guys trying to get this girl in trouble exactly? She’s just some 18 year old autist.

>> No.77345208

>people who don’t watch twisty or dokibird complaining that twisty made a joke about dokibird because of an out of context clip that isn’t even remotely about dokibird.
just wake me up when a real yab happens

>> No.77345214

>watching nijisanji

>> No.77345229

She choose to join nijisanji
That's all the reason I need

>> No.77345230

>You didn't watch the stream so you're nitpicking this as a gotcha moment without knowing she was talking about the other stream and commenting on it too.
She abandoned HER OWN audience and muted her fucking stream to entertain ASTER'S.
This is absolutely abhorrent for an entertainer.

>> No.77345242

They're intimidated by her potential so the discord server has to try dragging her into drama to get her harassed into hiding

>> No.77345245

>Sayu patching things up with Matara and befriending Mint
>Hex getting BTFO
>Twisty is a grifter
Oh boy, and it's only tuesday

>> No.77345249

You don't understand you are extremely retarded to be invested this much into something you don't even know anything about?

>> No.77345266

>someone posts a Twisty VOD with a timestamp where she talks about being bullied in Niji
>VOD instantly gets privated a mere few minutes after the post, to the point that most of the thread didn't even see what the timestamp said
>everyone assumes she is /here/ because of that (not surprising with how much she was shilled)
>catbox clip is posted a bit later showing the content
>people consider the possibility of niji bullying but also that it was a joke or LARP to gain sympathy because twisty has no good-will here
>eventually people discover that it really was a joke, and that she was simping for her beloved sex pest groomer Aster in that stream
>as soon as this is discovered, threads erupt in sisters seething, coping and shitting their diapers
>everyone just goes "ok Grifty, keep coping" since she's clearly /here/ and sister panic is evident

>> No.77345272

>me because I do not have access to private medical records
Ah, so holoniggers were lying all alone? Not surprised
>because you love penis
And you still keep projecting your fantasies, kek

>> No.77345277

Hey nijisisters, how did you feel about Zaion making a sexual joke about a fictional video game character?
Because it's pretty hilarious that you got all worked up over that, but defend someone else joking about the actual suicide attempt of an actual person.

>> No.77345278

>Why is she a grifter?
>Uhh uhh uhh uhh uh
This is how you know you're a no life retard

>> No.77345290
File: 446 KB, 1548x1984, 1709695557361461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi was Selen.
I watched Nijisanji plenty. That's why I fucking hate them now.

>> No.77345299

??? No it's not everyone is on the joke and checked out aster to hear her mald about Aster choosing Gwen as the league character to represent her as
You're trying to get people riled up on shit that you weren't even there for, that you don't know shit about and that you don't even care about

>> No.77345304
File: 2.96 MB, 454x498, 1711131812629162.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters are so funny, holy shit

>> No.77345305

Welcome to nijisanji, where the yab is the content

>> No.77345307

>joking about the actual suicide attempt of an actual person

>> No.77345315

why are you making up scenarios in your head?

>> No.77345334

She huffed too much copium, please understand

>> No.77345340

Not talking to you:
Everyone else, are niji fans honestly this retarded? Like, I am struggling to believe that anyone can be this dumb IRL and live long enough to be able to post on the internet. I feel like they should have choked to death on their own drool by now.

>> No.77345346

Twisty hasn't even spoken to dokibird and you're here at 2am or let me guess evening for you muslim retards spending your day shitting on her?
How does that make sense

>> No.77345382

This post is known as projection

>> No.77345387

She joined nijisanji
That's more than enough

>> No.77345407

>Everyone else, are niji fans honestly this retarded? Like, I am struggling to believe that anyone can be this dumb IRL and live long enough to be able to post on the internet. I feel like they should have choked to death on their own drool by now.
Retarded, room-temperature-iq and brown holonigger kiddie projecting again... looks like they're unable to do anything besides that

>> No.77345422

Your reasoning is indicative of low intelligence because you take the brand for the person. Basically you're retarded?

>> No.77345446

>she just flies the flag of evil, she's not actually evil, honest
Nijinigger logic

>> No.77345450

Next time I go to Bali I'll spit in any prostitutes' face I fuck and make them denounce islam. Just to spite you monkeys

>> No.77345462

>Melt down when asked to provide evidence
Just usual dramafag shit

>> No.77345466
File: 234 KB, 329x363, dokigun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would any decent human being let Niji even have a chance at recovery if it means they're just going to fuck over people again? Get the fuck out of the industry already.

>> No.77345468

1. You don't know what 'projection' even means.
2. Still not one single denial that you love Hex's dick-sucking asmr. Like, even as part of a bit you can't deny it. It's strange that you make up random stories, but refuse to lie about this one thing, like you are afraid that Hex will disown you if you say you don't like it.

>> No.77345473

Wtf I love Islam now

>> No.77345476

You don't understand, Zaion made a bad rape joke and Hex felt bad because he is a SA victim, that's clearly different from Twisty's joke because no one in Niji has been harassed or has attempted suicid-oh...

>> No.77345487

You call yourself righteous while practicing and brandishing evil.
By all means you should be executed, you agree with that correct?

>> No.77345504

>because no one in Niji has been harassed or has attempted suicid
Correct. Where's the issue?

>> No.77345519

They're right, technically.
Nobody currently in Niji, at least.

>> No.77345531

You talk like a fucking liberal but I guarantee you don't give a shit about the child labor employed to build your phone and computer.

>> No.77345538

I don't know, ask Twisty why she had to private the VOD

>> No.77345545

I'm vanquishing evil, that's not the same thing as righteous
But seeing nijiniggers scramble to damage control does bring a smile to my face

>> No.77345552

Holy shit, hololive global became dead "for some reason" right at the moment when Twisty threads popped out.
So funny seeing holoniggers seethe so much and cry about "we are no holo, rent free".
The explanation is simple, by the way. It's afraid.

>> No.77345555
File: 49 KB, 480x480, 1678493453787642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, I don't. I care about streamers. And yours deserve to have their company dissolved.

>> No.77345562

>Next time I go to Bali I'll spit in any prostitutes' face I fuck and make them denounce islam. Just to spite you monkeys

>> No.77345574

>the group that harasses and doxxes its own livers is calling others evil

>> No.77345581

Victimless crimes, tell me how they relate to supporting nijisanji

>> No.77345584

>1. You don't know what 'projection' even means.
Holy keeeeek. Reddit dweller holonig who didn't even know about 4chan before holo just keeps projecting.

>> No.77345588

I only see you scramble trying to justify you wasting your life

>> No.77345598

>I care about streamers
And clearly, no one in your life cares about you which is you spend all day spamming twisty threads

>> No.77345605

Oh, I get it now, this is an AI. That's why nothing it says makes sense.

>> No.77345616

Why does it matter that I'm wasting my life? Do my actions perhaps bother you? Are you perhaps, afraid?

>> No.77345617
File: 90 KB, 597x628, EsKjn2uxt7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would I make twisty threads?
I make Hex threads.

>> No.77345630

Nice quads.
If that's so I hope you're ready to be doing this for therest of your life. Being stuck in your little pond while the world moves past you

>> No.77345636

Anon... AI would be smarter

>> No.77345650

Well, it's quite obvious though. Holoniggers are known to bot everything - from their streams and to their posts.

>> No.77345654

>no u
Looks like you ran out of arguments

>> No.77345661


>> No.77345670

And yet here you are, begging me to stop

>> No.77345685

>It wasn't
Oh because niji sent a cease and desist huh? and the discord leaks were fake too?

>> No.77345687

It's probably just a few generations behind. With how fast new generations are released it's hard to keep up and no one really cares to keep up to date with the newest generations...

>> No.77345696

Just like their unsubbing bots right?

>> No.77345711

>I hold myself to the best of my intentions and others to the worst of their examples
You're giving me justification to try and ruin your oshi's career and harass her, see how your stupid mindset works or do you not have the mental capacity for that?
Should I see all holofaggots as the kind of people in these threads?

>> No.77345716

Yeah so instead of eventually attracting sympathy she basically outs herself as a sociopathic bitch, Sasuga nijiniggers, not only they're incredibly bad people but they're also dumb as fuck to boot

The Stacy clique exists and she's more than happy to join it

>> No.77345729

>It was a joke, she doesn't know anything about the drama
She is a retard
>It was a dark joke, she is poking fun at the drama
She is a piece of shit

Which one is it?

>> No.77345736

>discord leaks
You genuinely have no life. You know those aren't real but pretend they are for the sake of spreading drama. Keep on sucking whatever corpo cock you shill for

>> No.77345740

She joined nijisanji, so the answer clearly is both

>> No.77345743

Don't know about unsubbing, but they absolutely love their subbing bots.

>> No.77345747

Quote my post where I begged you for anything? You're pulling rabbits out of your ass now

>> No.77345779

Lately I have been trying to search for unrelated things and getting an endless stream of drama and drama reacts. I have come to the conclusion that currently it seems like only a single digit percentage of people are genuine vtuber fans. The rest are just dramawhores that obsessively try to create drama from anything.

>> No.77345799

>Should I see all holofaggots as the kind of people in these threads?
The only person you see should be your nurse when she hands you your meds.

>> No.77345814
File: 27 KB, 254x212, 1710232564878839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh holo
>muh bots
>Not even trying to deny that Twisty did a very retarded thing
Sisters just gave up

>> No.77345819

Not only that, but twisty literally wrote pettanko loli with uoooh face as her interests. Hypocrites the lot of them.

>> No.77345822
File: 316 KB, 712x656, definitely_not_holokeks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are not holokeks, rent free

>> No.77345878

>we are no holo, rent free
Holy fuck this is an AI. Haven’t seen those in a while.
The real question is: do you get paid by the company or do you do it for free?

>> No.77345895

I gotta sleep for work so let me end my posting on this thread with this as someone who's been here for 14 years you're LITERALLY never gonna make it if your entire life is based on chasing celebrity drama and worse on manufacturing out of spite and pettiness.
At least you muslim inbred fucks get arranged marriages with your third removed cousin so you're guaranteed to pass down your genes but for anyone else you'll be a slave to your female brained mentality your entire life.
Take care and improve yourselves. I do mean it.

>> No.77345911
File: 165 KB, 564x444, 1716500631294433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77345983

Hard to believe she has no fans

>> No.77346003

She has fans, it's just that all her fans are in here running damage control instead of watching her kek

>> No.77346007


>> No.77346076

If you can't into English, that doesn't mean that anyone else is AI. That only means that you are a retarded seanigger.

>> No.77346079

I can only assume she was mocking Dokibird and/or Sayu because they were the only ones to make comparable statements

>> No.77346147

Yeah thats why sisters are spamming damage control now
they didn't say shit when clueless anons still thought grifty was actually getting bullied, curious

>> No.77346176

NijiEN’s entire sister fanbase demographic hails from SEA if not China (if they’re even around still). Isn’t this the pot calling the kettle black?

>> No.77346177

That's more the time.

>> No.77346248

You discord trannies need to hurry up and become a statistic. Who goes through the effort of actually being this pathetic?

>> No.77346249

You’re telling me that this:
>we are no holo, rent free
…is not an illegible, nonsensical utterance?

>> No.77346258

>hahaha I'm going to joke about the company I just joined harassing me and making me want to kill myself
what THE FUCK was she thinking

>> No.77346343

If she was thinking she wouldn't have joined nijisanji

>> No.77346359

Oh no did I ruin your nijinigger playground?

>> No.77346361

Stop pretending like you actually care, discordfag. Your narrative has shifted 3 different times in the course of this thread

>> No.77346387

>Your narrative has shifted 3 different times
Go on, by all means

>> No.77346413


>> No.77346433

Hello. How much do you get paid or is it all in gift cards? Did you take over someone else’s shift?

>> No.77346446


>> No.77346448

There is no narrative in which that joke is okay but zaion's weren't when doki's case wasn't even half a year ago and the ripples are still rocking NijiEN.

>> No.77346450

the nijisanji experience indeed

>> No.77346456
File: 227 KB, 1080x1641, 1713032084411536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even your literal self-fellating Livers affirm the attempt happened so I don't know what leg you think you are standing on.

>> No.77346469

How many trannies are posting off cool down in your discord? Come on , you can tell us

>> No.77346526

This is fucking funny to watch, sisters really got this butthurt people discovered the "context" of the clip and her aster dicksucking?

>> No.77346559

I asked for a proof and all you managed to mutter in almost an entire hour was a reaction of other people on a lying fatso's words? Well, that's pathetic.

>> No.77346622

Wow it really just hits 4:30pm in Jakarta and it starts like clockwork.

>> No.77346634

so another GFE unicuck panderer that ends up betraying their fanbase in record time? rushia really is a trailblazer and a pioneer lol

>> No.77346690

It's actually pretty interesting how the sisters aren't even trying to defend Twisty

>> No.77346730

What's the context then?

>> No.77346740

nobody even cares about the new debuts besides being used as ammo for bait not even their own fans has watched a single stream outside of debut

>> No.77346742

You have to watch her to defend her in the first place

>> No.77346780

What basis do you have for your claims

>> No.77346782

Because she's just a tool for them
just like all organs desu, but her moreso for pandering to pedoshit
Grifty herself is the most KWABbed one, no support from nijisociopaths AND no support from /vt/

>> No.77346798

not going to watch your 2view no matter how much drama you try to generate

>> No.77346810

Because sisters would have to actually care about the idiots working there first

>> No.77346814

Reminder that Pomu is a grifting whore who would do anything for attention, even posting her nudes on /b/

>> No.77346820

You should start signing your posts with something about how you love Hex's dick-sucking asmr.

>> No.77346829

lying fatso? But why are you talking about vox in this thread?

>> No.77346860

sure, sis? Why don't you post them then so we can report you for CP?

>> No.77347173

The schizo starts with this post, as you can tell by the comma separated by two spaces as seen again here >>77346469

>> No.77347209

What's the point?You faggots know what exactly what you're doing and there is no point in trying to change the mind of a retard who's purposely malicious

>> No.77347214

I thought that Fulgur was the fat one ?

>> No.77347230

Give it a try, I'm listening.

>> No.77347307

Quite a strange point to make to admit that you have no arguments to defend her, even when usually you're ready to jump headfirst into the wildest theories you made yourselves to deflect your company's endless yabs

The only two explanations about Grifty is that she's either a retard or a bitch AND a retard, even with a huge amount of coming goodwill I can't see how you can explain what she said

>Verification not required

>> No.77347318

nijicucks in shambles

>> No.77347319
File: 2.63 MB, 498x317, 1711625671377227.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the point?You faggots know what exactly what you're doing and there is no point in trying to change the mind of a retard who's purposely malicious
Quite ironic coming from a sister

>> No.77347361


>> No.77347372
File: 81 KB, 1024x1024, 1717423368276460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behead all nijiniggers

blast a shotty to a nijiniggers throat

rip apart the nijiniggers tongue

shank a nijiniggers eardrums with a rusty shiv

tie a nijinigger's hands and legs then toss them to a river

whack a nijigger's head with a nailed bat

melt a nijiniggers face with chemical acid

gouge the nijiniggers eyes with bsre hands


>> No.77347387

>She joked about being bullied?she must be mocking Doki
That's how retarded you sound.keep on digging through her streams to find more shit to twist into the next big "drama"

>> No.77347392

Yeah he only behaves like one, innocenct until proven guilty. Good thing management has his back.

>> No.77347425

>She wasn't talking about Doki !
Therefore, she's a retard. All maths. Thanks for playing !

>> No.77347434

Sister, what's your point? Even if she wasn't making fun of Doki, she still made a joke about being harassed by the company and wanting to kill herself.

>> No.77347445

Quads of truth. Might as well end thread here.

>> No.77347450

>You're a retard for not thinking about Doki 24/7
Drama obsessed no lifes like you need the rope

>> No.77347460

>Out of context
you know the context now

>> No.77347471


>> No.77347475

Lol fucking rekt

>> No.77347486

In hopes of deflecting and burying what actually happened they continue with the narrative that there is a “discord server” dedicated to, for some reason, twisty, and that everyone in this thread is from some discord (?) these “saved numbers” being readily accessible via a fucking normal website for vtuber stats btw, and argues the point of the stream being a zatsu, not ASMR - despite it being in the title and then GOING ON TO SAY IT IS AN ASMR ZATSU
When this doesn’t work it switches to the SEAmonkey argument, because it wants to push this thread out of the catalog so it dies quicker and people can forget about the whole thing

>> No.77347527

"It's not about Doki, I swear !"
>Still makes it about Doki

Your brain might not have the reasoning ability to understand, but yeah, it is of complete bad taste (and retarded to boot) to joke that way about being bullied in a company that has such a recent history.

Therefore, she's a retard.

Or are you able to enlighten us with an actual explanation?

>> No.77347529

Leave Vox out of this

>> No.77347561

It's amazing what actually watching streams gives people in terms of what actually happened in the stream. Go ahead and post the VOD I know you have saved, faggot.

>> No.77347569
File: 607 KB, 1000x1288, 1695269765107276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77347599


>> No.77347650

Aloupeeps are busy with cuck fantasies of Enna doggied by Diego while she promotes his music on stream.

>> No.77347678

>Muh moral faggotry makes it so no one can joke about being bullied by someone else while they're in Nijisanji
The actual explanation is that there is no drama and you really want there to be so you clip shit out of context. Then when the context is posted, you shift to moralfagging and morphing the intention of the joke. You have nothing better to do with your time and it's pathetic

>> No.77347762

rent free sisters KEK

>> No.77347794

> Then when the context is posted
What context?

>> No.77347853

The fact she was making a joke about being compared to a league character and that Doki was never mentioned. Only the most obsessed faggot would take that as her bringing up Doki

>> No.77347870

>Why are you guys trying to get this girl in trouble exactly?
>decide to join nijisanji
whos trying to get her into trouble? lmao, she decide to join niji aka the trouble itself KEK

>> No.77347934


>> No.77347933

>Doki was never mentioned
True. And even so she still joked about being harassed and wanting to kill herself, so it's quite a bad look for her. Anything else?

>> No.77347985

>Sociopathic seething rant

If you're unable to understand why it is absolutely retarded to say this that way, it's okay, you sisters have been proven time and time again to be complete retards anyway
Won't change the facts, since without context she appears as a potential victim and might get sympathy, but with context she's an absolute retard simping for a sexpest

And don't worry, it's not about having better to do with my time, it's just that observing the utter seething of you idiots is the best form of entertainment around here

>> No.77347999
File: 3.79 MB, 4000x4000, 1706325174457376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh joke
>muh context
>btw Zaion was a pedophile

>> No.77347998


>> No.77348005

B-but nijicucks told me she is peak GFE!!

>> No.77348067

Again, convinced that the thread is made ENTIRELY of discord fags, our hero contradicts themselves here:
Which begs the point: what IS their point? That there was no “asmr” to be disrupted? But does it even matter what kind of stream it was? (No, because they’re deflecting)
We’ve established the context. With that context it seems like a tasteless joke no matter which way you pull it
Well I guess we just had to be there!

>> No.77348090

So you admit Doki was never mentioned and that it was a joke about being compared to a fictional character but you're still pearl clutching because saying "I want to kill myself" as a joke is bad?you know exactly what you're doing and you're probably one of the faggots who flooded the board

>> No.77348126

/vt/, unironically, unable to appreciate dark humour because of corpo tribalism. This place is slowly turning into shitter 2.0

>> No.77348150

Speaking of context, YOU need to consider everything that was said.
She mentioned the company being evil. She mentioned the company harassing her. Among many other things.

>> No.77348186

I never mentioned Doki, I'm just calling her out for being a retard for joking about an evil company, harassment and suicide right after joining Nijisanji. It's just that simple.
>it was a joke about being compared to a fictional character
This nice, I'm sure you defended Zaion back then, right?

>> No.77348191

All in the context of her being upset that she was compared to a league character.So it's clearly a joke that you pretend to be offended by.You faggots belong on Twitter,not here

>> No.77348195

joking about bullying when your company had its biggest yab over bullying mere months ago is just pure retardation no matter how you spin it trannysis

>> No.77348238

>mere months
You're a collosal faggot. I guess no one in Niji can ever say the word "bully" again

>> No.77348271

the branch is basically doomed forever, yes

>> No.77348285

>Sisters complaining about dark jokes being taken out of context
lmao even

>> No.77348335

It isn't even a dark joke. You faggots take the most inoffensive shit, remove the context and start saying it's something else like you're on fucking Twitter. Get a sense of shame

>> No.77348343

>It isn't even a dark joke
lmao even

>> No.77348367

oh so that's why she joined Niji - because she's just a heartless sociopathic freak like the rest of them
also anyone who thinks this isn't clearly about/mocking Doki is a fucking retard when it's like 1:1 with the Doki situation and it's still not that long after it happened

the real important takeaway people should have from this is that it literally means they all must talk about Doki behind the scenes, cracking jokes about it on discord and shit because otherwise why where else would a new hire get this opinion - and the motivation to casually say this live - from?

>> No.77348431

kek fucking this
I'd say the sheer hypocrisy and doublethink is astounding but the sad part is that it really isn't at this point

>> No.77348522

I just watch chuubas and laugh at cgdct.
HOW you think a chuuba should behave because of their corpo PR is what makes you more of a "shitter trannysis".
see the Zaion situation, and how quickly you fucks change sides because you enjoy punching down.

>> No.77348523

OH NO WHAT HAPPENED D: that's so weird, I think any one who jokes about harassment and suicide have never encountered anything like this before ToT did you received a confirmation/OK sign to manesan before making fun of Doki?

>> No.77348549


>> No.77348942
File: 503 KB, 469x671, TITA MILLIE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77349258

Legitimate question

Where exactly is the cgdct in NijiEN

JP I would understand because of people like Ars, but where exactly is the cgdct in EN

>> No.77349330


>> No.77349481
File: 187 KB, 463x453, 1701352631300469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so its just asmr roleplaying? what the heck? taking down the vod just makes it worse.

>> No.77349658

No, it was just a zatsu using an asmr mic, she was going to do yandere ASMR but backed off last minute (maybe because of hex getting striked for his ASMR)

>> No.77349731


>> No.77349810

it was a joke, i don't really care whether it was a jab at dokie or not though, the bigger thing is hiding the VOD, proving she's here

>> No.77349872
File: 2.06 MB, 1125x1044, 1717128704784835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone in NijiEN, please dump the fucking discord logs. Imagine how funny it would be.

>> No.77349922

I remember some posts larping as insiders, can't remember if they one of them was accurate

>> No.77350171

there was several genuine insider leaks, one being the leaker of one of the newer waves and the other being the nina+mysta graduation leak (possibly by the same person)
everything after that is most likely LARP
