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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 561 KB, 780x566, sayu mint matara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77341582 No.77341582 [Reply] [Original]

Sisters... Our last rrat slain... What else is left there..?

>> No.77341644

People probably thought it was simply coincidence that mint liked that tweet with her doki and sayu.

>> No.77341667
File: 262 KB, 1716x1823, GOYxp-BaIAAbrED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just happy that they're happy.
This is clearly a huge weight off her shoulders and I haven't heard her this relaxed and happy since... probably before Niji, really. Maybe after he showed off her model for the first time.

>> No.77341872

Anycolor is going to sue them for offline libel now, obviously

>> No.77341887

the hate sex offcollab
the hate sex offcollab is real

>> No.77342028

Mint is a huge pervert, but this is just to cope with the fact that, as a good Christian girl, she may not fuck before marriage.
Mata and Sayu are both as straight as arrows.

>> No.77342127

She's at bare minimum bi with all the yuri-baiting she does

>> No.77342166

>happy for my oshi
>still won't watch the roach
>buy an ad you clipnigger

>> No.77342178

she's really bad at it. it's so obvious that it's just an act.

>> No.77342179

Mata is the first IRL Futa in the world.

>> No.77342197

cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.77342223

Red Ranger = Matara
Blue Ranger = Doki
Yellow Ranger = Mint
Pink Ranger = Michi
Black Ranger = Kuro
Green Ranger = Sayu (fucking up the color coding, but she's the 6th ranger after all)

>> No.77342268

She's raised east European who can be pretty crass and girls in general are more comfortable doing ironic flirting with the same sex and things along those lines
Just far as i perceive it, she's still plausibly pretty straight. Just consider.

>> No.77342275

You have no idea how funny it would be if Kyo was the black ranger but I don't even want him in this story.

>> No.77342440

Twisty deflection thread.

>> No.77342485

I've seen Mint's nudes

>> No.77342513

What's he been up to?
I expect nothing. I kiiinda liked him but his first few days indie was just ragging on niji. An ex niji has every right to, but it's not a good look to make that your day 1 when given the freedom to do anything.

>> No.77342541

Isn't there like a bunch of rangers right now? White, purple, etc, etc? Still a lot of spots to fill.

>> No.77342545

Be generous and share with the class. Catbox it.

>> No.77342601

So you're done pretending Mint is still on Niji's side, eh sister?

>> No.77342644

It's important that Sayu be on at least civil terms with the ex-Nijis if we want NijiEN to dissolve.

>> No.77342662

Isn't Quinn the black ranger?

>> No.77342703

It's CP. She was underage when she took them so you don't want it.

>> No.77342796

Oh. Fair dos.
How did you end up seeing?

>> No.77342955

Im out of the loop on that one. Even if Sayu was totally in the right about NijiEN and the clique, hasn't she been shown to have no regard for private info?

>> No.77342963

I didn't, but it was spammed a lot a while back.
The pictures were from decades ago back when she posted on /cgl/ and someone ended up using it as a reference for a pomu picture with the same pose/scenario. Apparently it was just her naked holding a card that said "hey /b/"

>> No.77343037

Quinn is fucking Bulk&Skull

>> No.77343056

It was kind of a desperate situation for her at the time and a peak in her harassment and feelings of isolation. She'll be fine from here on out.
It's the same deal as thinking it's unrealistic to expect Doki to suddenly try to kill herself again now that she's out of Nijisanji. The main stressors have been removed. In Sayu's case, it was the isolation she felt from the community at large combined with the constant harassment. The latter's still being dealt with, but the former is clearly healing.

>> No.77343078 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 720x771, bomu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77343137

This colour code hurts my eyes. At least switch up some of the people

>> No.77343143

doki hates sayu and prefers cy yu

>> No.77343154

Yes, correct. She did something retarded, Matara was mad at her for a long time, and by now she's been forgiven. Quite clear cut. Bearing a grudge towards her for leaking private statements made in confidence is totally fair, but I'm glad they've made up.

>> No.77343192

Did sayu even say anything about the clique? She was on good terms with her genmates and finana before some of them fucked her over. She said doki was nice to him during the termination. Idk if she hasn't mentioned anyone else.

>> No.77343237

Good for them honestly

>> No.77343240

So has everyone else

>> No.77343566

Matara is playing so fucking smart. I really respect the nose she has for business even if she herself is a terribly boring streamer.

>> No.77343569

Can you imagine how long sayu had waited to be called "darling" and "my love" from matara? No wonder her voice got so high when describing the event.

>> No.77343651

No. Her issues were with the company, kyo, and specifically the organs who smeared her, which was just kotoka, hex, and finana

>> No.77343733

Yeah these are not the names that come to mind when you hear the words nijisanji clique. She's never mentioned the real clique, not to my knowledge.

>> No.77343827

If her lore goes that far back (a decade) and people were able to follow it, that's wild. Granted she was a Gaia Online teen and anecdotally I think I met her once, so thats no surprise now that I think of it.

If I ever make it I wonder if prople will find my 2005 forum roleplays too.

>> No.77343939

just look up bomu newfag

>> No.77344158

Not newfag I just confine myself to Mogu+Doog 95% of the time.

>> No.77344244

To all the sincroknights who antiposted about matara being evil, hope you take it back.

>> No.77344288

I do, I kneel to the roach

>> No.77344348

>everyone is convinced there's a clique
>it can't just be everyone having their own interests, friends and varying levels of personal shittiness

>> No.77344360

The main culprit already did apologized, straight to Matara on twitter, and was scolded by his behavior prior to that. Most of sinchronights didn't have any hate on matara, we just wished for two friends to get in back in to good terms.

>> No.77344409
File: 46 KB, 1082x296, bviKpbLg3o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did. Bought a sub because I said in a thread that if this was real and they made up, I would.

>> No.77344611

Don't take too much stock in me saying clique. I opted to stay out of the loop with much Niji drama like I said

>> No.77344694

The sane ones, listened to sayu's words asking not to hate anyone, and how much she loved mata, and how sorry she was for speaking without permission. All involved ask for people not to send hate, not to harass anyone. And yet in all sides there is people who can't behave like their oshi wishes them to. It's so much better for everyone and easy to spread love or right out ignore.
If you can't behave in social media as your oshi wants, just don't, is that simple.

>> No.77344773

>If you can't behave in social media as your oshi wants, just don't, is that simple.
I didn't even do that. I just seethed /here/ sometimes because I was so annoyed and confused at how the fuck she went so long without contact. I'm not crazy or vindictive enough to do it anywhere she might see it or be affected.
Still made me feel guilty though. Hope everything goes well.

>> No.77344915

I'm glad and happy that you can admit your mistake, a very rare thing /here/, as sayu says, we are people who make mistakes. Big love to you, and please remember that live always can get better, but only when you put in good vibes despite other putting in hate.

>> No.77344971

Maybe they really do hate each other. But maybe they hate Niji more.

>> No.77344978

Bulk and skull have their heroic moments though, comparing them to quinn is an insult to bulk and skull.
He's much more akin to one of the slimey cowardly sub villains.

>> No.77345074

His stream yesterday didn't help to see him in a good light by any means. But he is just a kid with a low 3 view audience, is better to ignore him and let him be.

>> No.77345292

QRD? Don't watch the wigger

>> No.77345395

Elira is Rita Repulsa and Vox is Lord Zedd

>> No.77345434

nah millie is more rita and elira is the real bitch behind the scenes shes basically ivan ooze

>> No.77345840
File: 53 KB, 1020x297, Sayu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally never. They will find a way to spin it like Matara was forced to be nice for Mint's sake

>> No.77345890


>> No.77345910

There's basically only 2 sincroknights on the entire /vt/ board. Everyone with a working brain knew all the Matara and/or Sayu haters were just sisters trying to wedge their enemies. They were doing the same shit to literally any pair of 2 non-Niji fanbases, from Doki v Hololive to Matara v Mint.

>> No.77345964

imagine the sex

>> No.77347045

they are snakes!!!

>> No.77347100

Sayu gonna get pegged isn't she? Hot tho

>> No.77347123

PLEASE nuke this board of everything but generals. I'm so fucking sick of seeing 30 drama threads shitting up the catalog every day.

>> No.77347196

Yes, I already did. And I take back 90% of what I said because some things I still do think she could've done better (Quinn). But don't say "Sincroknights". It was basically me alone and I acknowledge my wrongdoings

>> No.77347219

they'd just raid the generals even more than they already do

>> No.77347484

just nuke /#/

>> No.77347921

hell no, I just have one fewer reason to hate the roach now.

>> No.77347975

stop going to catalog dumbfuck its like putting your hand on an open flame and crying you got burnt

>> No.77348004

Sayu basically created the rrat herself by talking about how isolated she was

>> No.77348040

Sayu is not a very smart woman and sucks at expressing herself.

>> No.77348091

Don't you think sisters were always doing a good job of that though. 45+ Sayu threads in 48 hours. Constantly putting her down since she is an ex-Niji. You could have always left her the fuck alone and let her career be.

>> No.77348148

> Sayu
You meant Finana right?

>> No.77348151

damn, I'm really happy for her, she sounds like an excited puppy

>> No.77348226

Nah, I meant Sayu. Finana is outright retarded and malicious.

>> No.77348297
File: 86 KB, 179x187, firefox_lgNpqiEMeQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the kind of tone and energy she radiated before Niji. I'm seriously crying like a little bitch seeing a bit of it again. This whole fucking stream has been so cathartic and all she's doing is farming while yapping.

>> No.77348399
File: 3.06 MB, 298x190, Eliramses, Ennannes & Jamparfait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters' latest schizocope just dropped

>> No.77348427

Numi had to make a 2 year plan and this bitch just comes in and takes her away. Fugggg.

>> No.77348455

Fine I'll watch your chuuba. But not now. I have to drive. Does she upload vods at youtube?

>> No.77348499

she usually simulcasts, but when she doesn't, those vods do make it over to her 2nd channel eventually.

>> No.77348502

She does. She also simulcasts! Her best quality is that she's an amazing reader so she'll always keep up with and even if she can't answer them, she absolutely reads every single chat on both streams, even greys! It really doesn't matter which stream you chat in or whether you're sub'd/member'd or not.

>> No.77348505

it doesn't even make sense

>> No.77348599

When did sister ever made sense? But this is most likely just a troll, it's too far gone even for sisters.

>> No.77348686
File: 67 KB, 719x827, IMG_1982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my new rrat is matara gave mint the clap and they have stinky pussies. oh and doki has hemrroids

>> No.77348751

isn't it just simply more likely that she just never realized the clique existed because she wasn't in there long enough? I mean the fact that she ven thought she was close to Finana enough to feel so betrayed by her afterwards kind of tells you little she really knew about the members that were there
the way I see it, it's kind of like when some kid in school is an outcast/being bullied but they have one person they talk to/are 'friends with' in a one-sided way who they don't realize isn't actually their friend and is just humoring them

>> No.77348811

Well she's not simulcasting right now so will have to wait for the vods.

>> No.77348850

you can also watch the vod on twitch once she approves/publishes it

>> No.77348860

Yeah, today's a guerilla stream. I missed the first hour since I thought she would get home tomorrow...
Also if you're normally awake at this hour, know that Sayu generally streams in Euro timezones... despite being PST... She usually starts at 9 PM PST and ends at like fucking dawn.

>> No.77348884

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIzT80_dg4mp_Mffv66LJLA this is her vods channel. You can expect it to be uploaded within the next day or two at most. She's usually good with that.

>> No.77348898

Read up the quote chain. A poster was talking about sayu being right about niji and the clique. Implying that she made some kind of statement about the said clique, i.e Elira, Enna, Millie...etc. So I was simply asking that person if and when she made such a statement. That's it.

>> No.77348901
File: 231 KB, 1880x698, 1690432153431544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I thought, but she quietly updated the twitch schedule

>> No.77348995

I'd expect another stream tonight either way. This woman fucking loves streaming.

Fucking hell when did it become 4 AM... I swear her streams always fuck with my perception of time

>> No.77349182

go to /ss/, anons

>> No.77349209

Thanks. I will never call you by your actual fan name because its too dang hard but I'll drop the sayufag. Its sayubro from now on. Let's see if she passes the yap test like mata.

>> No.77349422
File: 1.32 MB, 3872x3266, @MrEkonauta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't a fan of it either. I was hoping she'd pick Sincrons or Sinior Citizens. At least we have a fun design.

>> No.77349531

Wow that's some next level cope jesus christ

>> No.77349841

Personally, I love it. It fits us perfectly and the design is flawless

>> No.77349869

Live is mouthful yes, but it's kind of cute, I was a Nesticle apostles and got betrayed by the masses too. I feel you.
