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77245905 No.77245905 [Reply] [Original]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7AvCEboi0E ()

>> No.77246328
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Grim. And also true.

>> No.77246395

I thought the Kirsh thing was just /here/ shitposting?

>> No.77246522

>she can say this and be totally true
kek i kneel notgundou you were too based for kurosanji

>> No.77246800

They literally sounds like /here/ shitposters

>> No.77246930

Hell no, all of the /here/ memes about her are identical to the shit people on 5ch say too

>> No.77246990

Like the other anon said, it's the other way around. The only reason you know half of what you know about Miguel is because of 2ch.

>> No.77247061

Not worth the risk

>> No.77247963

Who the fuck begs for a collab like that?

>> No.77248154

I hate gundou as much as the next straight man but she's right.

>> No.77248705

>Chinami's fantia is fucking good
just wanna say

>> No.77248879

God, chinami's design is so fucking sex.
It's like a mommy azki.

>> No.77249112

Why would a patient with terminal aids approach nuclear waste ?

>> No.77249197

mike braindead fans

>> No.77251853

Being a GFE vtuber attracts the most unhinged people in the world to watch you

>> No.77251999


>> No.77252319
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Mikeneko should not have burned all her bridges and sought some counsling before it got this point she had several changes to change her ways

>> No.77252362
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So true, sister! Milord could never!

>> No.77252731

what? yes exactly like just like vox.

>> No.77253122

is this what pure femcel looks like? kinda fucked

>> No.77253339
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Does this guy not talk to mike anymore?

>> No.77253607

44.5 was kinda wild. pekora is autistic as shit.

>> No.77257947


>> No.77260965

Does anyone talk to Miguel Cato anymore?

>> No.77261266

that's exactly the kind of fan they're talking about but a bunch of women

>> No.77265161

ok that's funny.

>> No.77265219

>GFE but male
You're only proving his point

>> No.77267931

Good taste, Gundoutyan.

>> No.77268710

Are you retarded, or did you have a mental breakdown because anon left out “BFE”? Same shit. Rushia and Vox Hurt vtubing forever.

>> No.77269328

Who are these 2?

>> No.77271204

Vox is fucking irrelevant and has always been, and the same goes for every non-JP vtuber.

>> No.77271367

Oh look the jpcuck woke up

>> No.77271500

Well yeah, they're hoping to one day get accepted to Holo so you can damn well bet they'll be sucking Cover's tiny flaccid cock at literally every opportunity.

>> No.77271708


>> No.77272213

How has Vox affected the vtuber scene? Has any major vtuber started doing masturbation ASMR because of him? If he graduated today, would any notable vtuber be sad?

>> No.77273256

He affected the vtuber scene by giving everyone a perfect example to point to when we talk about crazy fujos lmao

>> No.77275028

Sisters went really silent lmao.

>> No.77275620

The lady is a former niji liver, Gundou who got fired for making a baseball joke. The guy is an indie vtuber

>> No.77275717

IIRC she threw him under the bus when her fans reacted poorly to that collab. So probably not.

>> No.77277409

They were confirmed on talking terms in December 2023
If she actually cut contact, it could have been after she was hospitalised for several weeks in January. My headcanon is he didn't give a shit (obviously)

>> No.77277527

Most of her active core fans are pro-male collabs.
Her second highest donator was telling her to do them specifically because all of the kaigai Unicorn are gone. This board lives rent free in their minds

>> No.77279817

Mike is a lone wolf

>> No.77281516

>Mike is the town bicycle
Fixed that one for you.

>> No.77282215

Mike is the town bicycle lone wolf
Win-win solution

>> No.77282767

You're not a lone wolf if people simply refuse to deal with you

>> No.77282831

her dead cat talks to her

>> No.77283106

Gonna need a leak or example to prove your point

>> No.77283351
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>> No.77283379
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>> No.77283439
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>> No.77283614

is mike truly the most hated of vtubers in jp? how about sio?

>> No.77284087 [DELETED] 

According to sukikira, it's Yan Nari.

>> No.77284296

She ended up being right about Aqua lying to her own fans, though. That's where a bunch of the seethe comes from

>> No.77284333

Sorry, it seems the link I posted is for the suki part. The kira part is here

>> No.77284350

>alot of nijisanji en
hmmm intresting why ike in particular tho

>> No.77284404

QRD? What did Aqua lie to her fans about?

>> No.77284607

Playing Apex with men off-stream among other things. I can't remember the fags' name that there's been a lot of niowase about, I'd check /jp/ to confirm that

>> No.77284799

Nothing, it's just made up shit form her chinese antis.

>> No.77284807

>Kuro at 9
What the fuck, why? I can't say I watch a huge amount of him but I can't see why he deserved to be 9th most disliked. Also they've found the absolute worst picture of Kson I've ever seen, jesus.

>> No.77284813

Hide that she's single?

>> No.77284930

Gay post

>> No.77285137

u-san is also more hated than mikeneko, and you can be sure Matara would be up there except they don't have a page for her, and even though the Nina page is one of the most disliked in NijiEN there are still enough likes to act as a buffer and keep her out of the absolute bottom of the ranking

>> No.77285758

the most likely scenario in my opinion. he never tried to contact her in the hospital and she didn't notice because she was in the midst of a schizo attack

>> No.77285760

wtf, why is u-san so hated?

>> No.77286039

Nta but you can vote on whether you like or dislike each chuuba once per day. I think it's being brigaded because there are many NijiEN organs in the top most 20 liked despite it being a Japanese site.

All the ex-nijis are ranked high on the dislike layout.

>> No.77286143

she's also just an annoying cunt

>> No.77286216

If I were JP, I would be afraid to collab with Mikeneko. Since she obviously are gunhoe with lawsuits.

>> No.77286217

Ah so Jap mob mentality. Got it.

>> No.77286379

Pretty sure it's not Japs who are getting the EN organs that high.

>> No.77286693

Isn't Kuro the one who said something about the Merch Cut?? Maybe thats why

>> No.77287097

You mean hide the opposite

>> No.77287874

nah, it's natural, HoloEN (especially Advent) is also up there. The ranking is based on the ratio of likes to dislikes and not the number of ratings so ENs tend to do well because they get updoots from people who like the company overall, as long as they don't have a yab that gets traction on the JP side.
Meanwhile JPs get nitpicked for every interaction so it's harder for them to have a high ranking even if they're popular

>> No.77288261

Yeah, that's what I meant. That was one massive brain fart.
She still fucking Amatsuki (or whatever his name was)?

>> No.77288666

Haven't heard anything to suggest otherwise

>> No.77288672

That place is a niji den and he is their 1M escapee. He also said more than just merch cut so this is inevitable

>> No.77289052

sk is a niji bastion. They hate all the ex nijis with a passion. U-san was also pretty hated as Yugo becuase of /pol/shit and him not being a good fit for the kurosanji culture

>> No.77289152

>>77289052 (me)
outside of sukikira, u-san is still well liked in jp/east asian circles.
they just recently landed 5th place on a myuukomi music top, for instance

>> No.77289681

Glad that U-san is doing well. They deserve it

>> No.77290006
File: 706 KB, 752x1062, The rope is the only solution for you cucks... .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikecucks are spraying their lies once again in deflection of their divorced whore.

>> No.77290143

5ch has been shitposting about that info far longer than Mikeneko was hinting at it.
My rule of thumb is always to avoid FPS women: they're born liars

>> No.77290976

Cope. Aqua's "situation" has been known long before Rushia was even scouted.

>> No.77291072

You think Mikeneko cant access 5ch and using their rrat to spread it? No concrete proof of that.

>> No.77291461

so mike actively spreading rrats about miko and aqua on 5ch? KWAB

>> No.77291636

And pretty much everyone else.

>> No.77291752

Either she spread first or just taking rrat from other. Not like you have receipts to prove otherwise

>> No.77291882

I've never heard her even vaguepost about Miko post-termination
It's basically 5ch's most popular rrat about Aqua. Pretty much everyone is aware of it and there's a lot of supporting evidence of it. It's up to you whether you believe it or not, but I'm of the opinion that where there's smoke, there's fire. And there's a lot of niowase

>> No.77291999
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I miss the good times with her so goddamn much

>> No.77292397

mike slandered mfmf on 5ch. it is possible she slandered aqua too.

>> No.77294586


>> No.77294957


>> No.77295399

once a bitch always a bitch

>> No.77295750

The level of autistic details the niowase goes is too much for her, unless she was stalking Aqua's streams

>> No.77295832

It's possible, but it's equally as possible that the leaked discord chats are real.

>> No.77295893

Most ex-nijis are ranked pretty high. Haven't visited the site, but it was a bastion for Nijisanji fans for quite some time. If I remember right some Holos were also ranked pretty low when they were the hate target of Nijisanji fans.

>> No.77295962

>>77295893 (me)
With holos being ranked low I mean low in likes, high in dislikes

>> No.77296053

Like what >>77291752 said, she could just take the rrat from 5chan and spoke it to the public

>> No.77296731

Her leaked texts with whoever confirmed that she was aware of stuff behind the scenes. She knew details that weren't public knowledge about the same guy that the 5ch rrats talk about

>> No.77296846

You just made that up.

>> No.77297151

>Leaked texts

>> No.77297233

Kore2 posted them during the Mafu stream.

>> No.77297467

Yes, literally everybody saw that stream, but this:
>She knew details that weren't public knowledge about the same guy that the 5ch rrats talk about
is bullshit you made up.

>> No.77297553

She was wondering why Aqua was staying with a guy who was supposedly abusive to her and comparing Aqua's boyfriend to Mafu

>> No.77297904
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>> No.77297948

You really just talk shit. No mention of aqua or proof on the stream and suddenly mike dragged her into her rrat which was already spreading in 5ch.
Again, trusting mike word.

>> No.77298052

Amatsuki is indeed name dropped in those texts

>> No.77298218

The incident where Amatsuki and Aqua both dropped internet at the same time and it restored at the exact same time happened a good while after those texts.

>> No.77298381

thinking that shit is absolute proof shows how your retarded person can trust mikecuck

>> No.77298598

The rumor that they live together is the biggest bullshit ever.
Aqua has one hell of a mic that picks up everything and the guy has like four cats and is a streaming monster, and yet not a single instance of noise leaking from either hers or his streams.

>> No.77298602

I don't trust Mike a single fucking iota, but I know how petty bitches work, and she's 100% a petty bitch
The idea that she isn't seething about other people getting away with the same shit she got away with is pretty much unthinkable. Didn't she also leak which Holo's actually had boyfriends in the same thread where she accused Mafu of killing her cat?
>thinking that shit
Two people suspected of dating have technically issues that are solved in the exact same minute. It definitely stinks, espeically when it's the same guy that there's been rumours about for years. Doesn't she also have a secret Apex account for playing with him/other guys?

>> No.77298695

People said the same shit about Mike's mic and how it proved she wasn't dating Mafu

>> No.77298757

mikefags still coping that their oshit isnt the biggest whore in the history of vtubers

>> No.77298769

Well, Mike and Mfmf lived together for what, two months, if even that?

>> No.77298801

Mike literally bitched about suisei when her yab happened and suggested that people should watch her instead, because she never did anything like suisei did. Imagine not knowing about suisei's bf in this day and age... Imagine believing mikeneko...

>> No.77298994

I don't watch the whore. But I also don't watch any FPS women because they're all the same
Apparently they never lived together. Apparently
Nah, she was saying how people should watch her because she (at that time) had no men in the background. And then proceeded to talk about the male collab she had done less than two months prior. It was comedy. Speaking of Suisei
Here Mike is leeching from her again

>> No.77299399

Go back twinktomo, your bullshit won't fly here either. Mike will always be a whore

>> No.77301194

Translate this post into English

>> No.77302345

NTA but "twinktomo" is a /jp/ schizo who shits up every thread over there. His main shtick is that all holos are whores with twink boyfriends, but you should only forgive rushia because she sacrificed herself for her fans. Also Aqua, Shion and someone else I forget are the secret bullies of hololive and mike will expose them in 2 more weeks.

>> No.77302350


>> No.77302424

That person sounds utterly retarded. Mikeneko was literally only thinking about her marriage with the fag

>> No.77303128
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Its a scientifically proven fact that Gundou is the only alpha stacy in all of vtubeing.

>> No.77303775

So the guy who is in jail for drugs was supposedly the only one who listened to Mike because he was so high

>> No.77306497

>someone else I forget
IT'S MIGOO >>77283439

>> No.77306565

who is the slut next to gundou?

>> No.77306933

Hoshikawa, I'd imagine

>> No.77306990

Is there actual rrats about Miko or is it just a case of the fag pretending to be butthurt about her?

>> No.77307681

I wouldn't call it a rrat but Rushia did actually get offended when Miko told her FAQ, her listeners then explained to her that Miko meant no offense

>> No.77307933

She wasn't offended. She was terrified of having made her senpai hate her.
I don't know how you can read those leaked membership posts and think she was annoyed at Miko

>> No.77310501

how long until notgundou does something to retake her place?

>> No.77311650

Mikeneko not only managed to piss off Holofans, but she pissed off Mafu's insane bitches. She's a lolcow who is mentally ill and will inevitably lash out at antis again, meaning they'll never leave. On top of that, she pissed of a lot of her former fans through her shitty actions over several years, and specifically attacked her overseas fans on multiple occasions.
Gundou would have to do a lot of shit to come close to that level of hatred

>> No.77311794

gundou haters are mostly baseball fans
