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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7724231 [Reply] [Original]

These girls truly have fun with each other and try their best and enjoy streaming. Stop making up rrats and just enjoy the community everyone.


>> No.7727659

they are all whores

>> No.7727846

they're great if you have a cuck fetish

>> No.7727875
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>> No.7727893

>enjoy the community
The community is the worst thing about it

>> No.7727898

all women are whores

>> No.7728275

>The community
That's how rrat started. The fucking community fills with schizo SEAniggers who wants to be notices by their oshi as well as doxxing her

>> No.7731449


>> No.7738235

Lying bitch

>> No.7738873

Festivals going to learn that the consequences will never be the same.

>> No.7738982

>just enjoy the community everyone.
That's literally the worst part, I'm glad they use youtube instead of twitch, since the community has a lot less power over there.

>> No.7739622

why is that? im kind of out of the loop with matsuri

>> No.7740147

someone entered her room behind her during a roommate stream, she later claimed that it was a stalker and that she called the police.
nobody believes she called the police, and neither should you.

>> No.7740206

based, ignore the community and enjoy the streamer.
>hide chat
>stop taking /vt/ rrats seriously
your life will be better for it.

>> No.7740268

>someone enters her room
and why is that a problem?

>> No.7740269

She never said it was a stalker

>> No.7740271

You're saying this in a board full of single middle aged women who can't do anything but gossip and bitch about the most petty stuff that happens, literal schizos who make up narratives from the most innocent things that happen on a fraction of a second during a stream.
Stick to the generals or the writing/drawing generals, the concentration of schizos is much lower there but there's always a baiter trying to get (you)s

>> No.7740291

We're supposed to make rrat, not them

>> No.7740315

did anyone clip it?

>> No.7740318

Her narrative was that she lives alone

She literally said it on twitter and said she changed the lock

>> No.7740378

>literally said on twitter
She did say she changed the lock, but she never said that it was a stalker.

>> No.7740382

She panic-claimed she was alone and asked if she should call the police.

>> No.7740401

do you have a clip anonchama?

>> No.7740450

She has been living alone in Tokyo for the last 3-4 years now.

>> No.7740456

You are the only reasonable poster on this board.

>> No.7740517

That's what you think

>> No.7740525

WAS alone, never said living alone. The guy obviously has a second key.

>> No.7740561

imagine defending women online, go outside anon, and get laid

>> No.7740575

Yeah I do, but I can't post roommate clips here the meidos would have my head.
just search "matsuri hand" on youtube and it should come up.

>> No.7740590

Whatever keeps your narratives going I guess.

>> No.7740851

Wait, you actually no joke believe the home invader is the more level-headed explanation?

>> No.7740870

Oh shit its true!
>males black hand

Matsuri got blacked!

>> No.7740972

And you believe the theory made up by people known to made things up just for the sake of drama?

>> No.7741093

I believe what's already obvious within this context, and having fun watching the portion of nip twitter still going full-on denial.

>> No.7741205

And I believe the facts that is available at the moment instead of making assumptions and claiming that it's obvious even though the only evidence available is a few seconds of unrecognizable hand.

>> No.7741217

You didn't answer the question. If it bothers you this is being talked at all you can always hide the thread.

>> No.7741229

A home invader wouldn't politely start to close the door again. It's either her boyfriend or someone who is living with her. The "calling the police" thing points to a level of guilt shes trying to cover up.

>> No.7741235
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>There are people in this thread that really believe it

>> No.7741298

Whatever helps you feel morally superior then, have fun trying to backseat moderate an anonymous board.

>> No.7741398


>> No.7741467
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In all seriousness, is there any objective reason I'm suppose to believe schizo rrats on /vt/ instead of Matsuri?
Like legitimately, is there any evidence that contradicts her story?

Schizzos on /vt/ will literally believe anything that is remotely considered a scandal. They always want these things to be true because it excites their boring lives.

Matsuri could very well be lying, but I find no definite reason to say her story is wrong so I don't see any reason to doubt it unless you fall into the category of people I just described.

>> No.7741531

Indeed. Home robbery's where the criminal is retarded enough to open the door to a room where they can hear talking is as common as having one's partner over.

>> No.7741654

Matsuri fans are autists and retards
I will give her the benefic of the doubt but still...

>> No.7741704

People make mistakes, Matsuri just panicked and said whatever. Everyone should forgive her and things should go back to normal.

>> No.7741711

I never stated or brought up the concept of probability and likelyhood, retard.

No shit it's more likely it was just a lover. Honestly I hope it was because it'd mean she's in no danger.
However she gave her story, and I don't see anything that contradicts it. Not believing what people say because you want to believe in the juicer headcanon is something drama chasing apes do.

Those ape's theories could be right, but their reasons for conceiving believing them are pathetic.

>> No.7741756


>> No.7741795

They're all just meant to be cumbuckets at the end of the day

>> No.7741812

>is there any evidence that contradicts her story?
Basic common sense and any amount of real world interaction with women or people in general. Staring directly into the camera and saying “huh” before stumbling for an excuse isn’t the first reaction of someone who’s just had their door opened. Also home invaders don’t tend to linger at doorways just off camera as if they somehow have knowledge that the person inside is streaming.

>> No.7741830

BASED socratic skeptic

>> No.7741890

Believe ≠ be sure of, young retardchama.

>> No.7741903

what is juicer headcanon. juicer to me from /fit/ just means someone who is roided.

>> No.7741907

Simply the fact that it was resolved in less than a day while Lulu literally had to take a few months break followed by graduation to protect herself is enough for me to believe what happened to Matsuri isn't a big deal and she is making up things.
Also if you actually watched the VOD, what she said after the incident and how she acted was so obviously fake.

Take a breath and think for a few seconds anon. Like the recent Haachama incident, she handled it very badly and was in panic mode.

>> No.7741956

>Like legitimately, is there any evidence that contradicts her story
No, it's just that it's much more likely that the hand is either family or boyfriend. Matsuri has an idol career to maintain (yes, Hololive is a complete idol agency) so it's very likely that she'll try to cover up any evidence of having a boyfriend in order to not lose her job.
BUT, in the end it's a rrat, even though a very solid one this time unlike the unhinged sea of bullshit this board pushes. It's up to you to beleeb or not.

>> No.7741960

Yeah we went over this yesterday. She had about ten minutes to contact police and then tweet their recommendation. That's not long enough for a patrolman to make contact and do some mild look over. She also didnt get a hotel for the night(really doubt 7/11 sells locks), and streamed like normal the very next day. I'm sorry, if you were a victim of a home invasion, you dont act that way.

>> No.7742240


>> No.7743097

>making up

>> No.7743145

Plus she lives with other people, meaning they would have to had ignore it as well. It just simply doesn’t add up.

>> No.7743200

She literally said she was alone in that same stream, and previously said multiple times that she lives alone.

>> No.7743592

I read the thread on r/virtualyoutubers and without even watching the video I could immediately tell she panicked and pulled a Towa. redditors actually think it was a home invasion.

>> No.7744518

whats with pekora? she isnt this good at acting, this reaction all feels natural

>> No.7745320

>(yes, Hololive is a complete idol agency) so it's very likely that she'll try to cover up any evidence of having a boyfriend in order to not lose her job.
Anon...how new are you? They are allowed to be in relationships. Matsuri herself said this. She specifically said that they have "no rules" about that kind of stuff, except when it comes to Hololive employees. Relationships between employees (so management, normal workers etc) and the talents is not allowed. That's it. If they're in a relationship with someone who doesn't work for Hololive, it's all good. It's not something they could lose their jobs over.

So while they are an "idol" company, the girls themselves don't have the kind of restrictions you'd expect real life idols to have.

With that said, that doesn't mean it's a good idea for them to go out and announce they have boyfriends. Have you seen how rabid and insane jap gachikoi are? It's bad for business for the talent.

>> No.7745480

Do you really believe she'll not get her career destroyed by announcing a boyfriend? Not like there are rules against it like you said, but it'd be a suicidal move considering the fanbase.

>> No.7746266

I agree, people need to stop making up rrats.
Instead, they should focus on facts, like the fact that Satou Nozomi, AKA the person who acts as Natsuiro Matsuri, has a boyfriend she didn't tell anyone about!

>> No.7748049

>having sex

She is unironically an autistic schizo, if hololive didn't exist she'd just be a shut in. Thank heaven that the internet finally found a job that all the weirdos who can't even do remote customer service can do.

>> No.7749451

I don't know if you're the anon I replied to, but the anon I replied to made it sound like she'd get fired if she announced having a boyfriend so I was just clarifying that there's no rule against them having a boyfriend, so she won't lose her job over it.

Announcing that they have a boyfriend is obviously a bad idea though, which is why I said it's not a good idea to do that and it's why Matsuri is doubling down so hard on covering things up. She'd lose fans over it yeah, but she doesn't exactly have a good reputation to begin with. Most of her sane fans left her ages ago. I think her most mentally ill fans (or those who are new enough to not know about these things) will stick with her regardless.

>> No.7750009

The amount of roastie in this board is pretty tame. Go to other board and you will see they post anime hate thread every hour, like Anime is is the cause of every Western's problems. This site is slowly becoming Tumblr

>> No.7750233

That sort of thing will reflect on the whole company. They'll probably graduate her before she comes out with such info.

>> No.7750323
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>> No.7750354

Why do you believe you are entitled to gachikoi money while still thinking that you are able to do what they don't want you to do?
Nobody forced you to pursue that audience.
You don't get a pass on hurting people just because you think it's based

>> No.7750360

I'll copy since post is deleted.
>someone entered her room behind her during a roommate stream, she later claimed that it was a stalker and that she called the police.
nobody believes she called the police, and neither should you.

>> No.7750385

>Relationships between the talents is not allowed
gonna need a sauce on that

>> No.7750450

>sacrifices views to use voice chat in apex
>sacrifices views to collab with apex males
>sacrifices views to reveal information from inside hololive
>sacrifices views to create drama with Haachama
Matsuri just keep killing that kind of audience, they should take a hint already

>> No.7750497

>take the hint
stop being a fucking woman and say it clearly

>> No.7750512
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>> No.7750547

nijisanji or vshojo is better at this

>> No.7750552

>Matsuri doesn't deserve Hololive


>> No.7750608

Matsuri doesn't want gachikoi anymore, move to Rushia and pay for her birth control pills instead?

>> No.7750646

Matsuri would fit better into vshojo and actually Gunrun already follows one of her roommate accounts who knows they might be in talks for Vshojo JP!

>> No.7750725
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I'm not a gachi, fuck I don't even watch Matsuri outside of clips but I can feel your pain bros
the curse of 3D is eternal
but please

>> No.7750797

why is this manga still don't have anime? i don't get it.

>> No.7750845

Look at that Matuli got into a drama of her own and all of a sudden she's interacting with Haato again, how cute:


"perhaps they stop calling me a fake bitch now"

>> No.7750908

The first fuckin reply kek

>> No.7750916

because it's a shit non-story that would flop maybe?

>> No.7751273

because God still exists in this world, and he wants to gatekeep firepunch
Praise Christ, proclaim His glory

>> No.7751632

This. It's not worth killing yourself over a whore.

>> No.7751792

>hurting people
holy shit you unicorns are absolutely delusional, I'm gonna enjoy seeing all you hold dear crash and burn as you cry on 4chan in impotent rage.

>> No.7752341

>he can't read between the lines
ask me how I know you're an incel

>> No.7752592

Go to r*ddit if you want a controlled community.
