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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77217667 No.77217667 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.77217701

I don't like her but that's pretty based.

>> No.77217737

didn't take long


>> No.77217875

ohh sisters, but we were defending kirsche all day to create drama, how do we spin this now?

>> No.77218070

Vtubing and anime are inherently pro LGBT. Fuck off chuds

>> No.77218141

That's so true. You're still valid, even after your bottom surgeries, anon.

>> No.77218321

Wait she's gay now?

>> No.77218322

cuz u are a faggot.

>> No.77218409

I don't remember the B in LGBT standing for bitch.

>> No.77218463


>> No.77218548

Fuck off. Name one straight vtuber who doesn’t support LGBT. You can’t. You lost.

>> No.77218634


>> No.77218706

Usada Pekora

>> No.77218729
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>> No.77218744

Why are they always so political?

>> No.77218770
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>> No.77218889
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>"It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!"

>> No.77218986

She's not straight, she's bi (brat, incurable)

>> No.77219110
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Bobi... Forgotten...

>> No.77219213

indos aren't allowed to gay it's against the law there

>> No.77219231

First day outside of your echo chamber?

>> No.77219276

Smoking toad

>> No.77219360
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>my "genuine self"

>> No.77219378

>He says, ignoring Iofi, Ollie, Risu...

>> No.77219973
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>> No.77220031

Wamy so based

>> No.77220033

>t.unironic faggot

>> No.77220111

these dogs are the best

>> No.77220199

so... she's a tranny?

>> No.77220286

Not going to lie, I am all for LGB, ever since the Ts joined the alphabet everything went to shit

>> No.77220483
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>> No.77220577

You can't choose who you want to fuck, but T and the other BBQs should be its own movement unrelated and it ends up dragging down and removing the progress of the LGB stuff.

>> No.77220586

T's have been in there forever.
You mean since you officially lost the war against the first three you are now switching over to hating the last, previously ignored part.

>> No.77220724

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

>> No.77220751

lmao. Betraying your own prejudice by taking it as an insult. Nice hypocrisy, progressive.

>> No.77220834

that's some nice ESL you samefagged.

>> No.77220929

Wait, aren't indos muslims?

>> No.77220942

Enna said it several times in her stream too.

>> No.77220959

It's not against the law in most provinces but you'll get shunned and might get jumped in an alley.

>> No.77221014

The truest sign of brainrot in society is people still blindly following some millennia old books written by backwards idiots.

>> No.77221085
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>> No.77221090

>as opposed to us who worship degeneracy and illegal immigration

>> No.77221119

You assume too much, Anon. My sister is bisexual, we can thirst over girls together, and yes she knows I hate the Ts. I couldn't care less about who anyone wants to fuck.

>> No.77221126

>24 hours into June and they begin their proselytizing

>> No.77221231

Holoniggers should sit the fuck down. You have absolutely no place to condemn this while your own vtubers act like lesbian whores. You are all equally sinners against God.

>> No.77221268

Not any different than blindly following modern books written by backwards idiots

>> No.77221290

Reminder that Kiara is friends with this

>> No.77221546
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>You are all equally sinners against God.
God is dead, and Pekora killed him.

>> No.77221574
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in the end everyone dies there no afterlife or fariy kings in the sky live your life as you want to

>> No.77221576

It's real hard to find people who blindly follow modern books, and if they do they are rightly treated as idiots.

>> No.77221640

Business yuri doesn't count. Indogs don't have cripples intimacy issues and flee from the room if they get a side hug from a bro on a bad day

>> No.77221749

She's a good girl but she's retarded and has terrible taste. She even says it herself that her standards for fiction are very low and clearly same applies to friends. She's friendly to anyone who gives her positive attention, not caring who they are outside of that.

>> No.77221753
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>whore of babylon

>> No.77221822

why are holofags mad at this when you have lesbians
and mint is a lesbo, a cute one at that

>> No.77221865


>> No.77221899

Ollie at the very least goes far, far beyond business yuri anon.

>> No.77221905
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Hey, thanks sis! Gonna make sure to rail this ghost every day for the next month.

>> No.77221918

>he says as modern "science" blindly follows books written by mentally ill idiots and are regarded as geniuses instead

>> No.77221973

>he thinks it’s business yuri
loool go look at their other accounts, chud

>> No.77221993

>I'm not seething at reality being opposed to my ideology!
>it's reality that's wrong!

>> No.77222019

Nobody hates the lesbian part of the LGBT, anon. It's all the rest, especially the T. And sometimes all the illnesses that come with the +.

>> No.77222067

>Nobody hates the lesbian part of the LGBT
I do

>> No.77222129
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>> No.77222310

Skill issue.

>> No.77222448

I hate it all, but you gotta admit; basically every normal person would be happy with a compromise that we accept LGB, and we get to discriminate against the rest and ship them all to Australia or something as quarantine.
The overton window has shifted so much that even that would be a huge win.

>> No.77222509

Is Elira """bisexual"""?

>> No.77222512



>> No.77222676

>woman who was forced into arranged marriage and woman who would have been forced into an arranged marriage if she hadnt escaped by becoming a successful vtuber
not really the best argument

>> No.77222799

Mint is bi. She have said so a couple of times.

>> No.77222839

I'll take the LG, they're already gay it's over and they deserve each other anyway. The BT can die in an oven though. Fucking predators. Wasn't even two decades for the pipeline to shift from teen smoking & sex to tranny grooming and hrt/surgery

>> No.77222954

>Old thing bad!
>People who built entirety of modern society from dust were backwards and dumb!
>Me though, I'm super smart. Crazy smart.

>> No.77223078

Don't expect modern retards to think that much

>> No.77223109

>You can't choose who you want to fuck
Really nigga?

>> No.77223155

Bitch, hating the Bs is like hating someone who likes both waffles and pancakes, what's the issue? Now Ts are like people saying a Waffle is the same as a pancake.

>> No.77223164

First time I hear about Elira being gay
Huh? She is literally riding Riku's dick all day every day

>> No.77223251

ofc nijitroons support that garbage lmao

>> No.77223269

I don't like Niji but I hate /pol/ shitter more.

>> No.77223285

Trashy whore cancer but whatever.

>> No.77223507

>thinks men can be women
Very real

>> No.77223601

Makes a lot of sense after all this is the same delusional whore who made the black stream KEK

>> No.77223874

They want to identify their flop of a concert as a success, I guess

>> No.77223951

>t corporate bootlicker
we get it you follow what TV tells you, now worship the Floyd statue while your house is robbed I mean enriched!

>> No.77223973
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Nice try fagoon, you aren't buddies with Gura

>> No.77223992
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Its why anytime a tv show or game or movie wants to pander to the lgbt crowd its always via lesbians. They're the easiest bunch to shove down our gullets.
But I guess I'd be lying if I said it bothered me all that much...

>> No.77224039

she's so valid
you go girl/boy/being/person!

>> No.77224042

If you wanna fuck anime girls, then dudes can fuck dudes.

>> No.77224302
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>> No.77224335

>couldn't be bothered to erase the nijichink censors
Kek sisters are so fucking incompetent

>> No.77224356

>Nijifag can't make her own memes
The left can't meme is real.

>> No.77224495

Gives us gigabased stuff like https://x.com/NoCaudal/status/1477015961580761090 so it's nice

>> No.77224624

What exactly does she identify as?

>> No.77224647


>> No.77224780

>not even the original
Thanks for proving our point, Nijifag lmao

>> No.77224884


>> No.77224910

>nijitranny self-owns just like his dying KWABbed company did

>> No.77225095

>calling Cover a dying company
Once a nijinigger, always a nijinigger. Fagoons can't help themselves, explains why you're stuck shitposting on the cargo 18 hrs a day, while actual dragoons are in /haha/

>> No.77225228

>if i deny that i self-owned like a fucking retard, nobody will notice!
Sure thing sister, any of your losers hit 4-digit viewers yet today?
Oh right, their average is below phaseshit now...

>> No.77225233
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she identify as a snake ...

>> No.77225255

>Nijitranny cant read
Reminder that you lost, enjoy sucking Riku's cock

>> No.77225345
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>> No.77225418

>Cover out of nowhere
Kys Nijinig

>> No.77225427

Holy fucking retard kek

>> No.77225508

>not recognizing the worlds easiest troll
all three of you are fucking retarded

>> No.77225555
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>try to leech off of Gura
>get called out
>w-why arent you watching kurosanji
I'm sorry cuckiem cucked you fagoon,s or are you a rosebuds or pomudachi? I'm sorry your niji girls got spit roasted by the nijimales so much that you can do nothing but seethe eternally on the catalog, but try not to drag Gura and Hololive into your faggotry.

>> No.77225573
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Rosemi, Maria, Scarle, Aia and Petra are losing subs too.
I assume at this point it's just people who didn't bothered to unsub being recommended stuff.
Either that or the people giving various Nijis a second chance are running out of patience.

>> No.77225651
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>mint is a lesbo
explain this, then.

>> No.77225815

>if you wanna
Go to sleep seanigger

>> No.77225890

Post tits

>> No.77225950

Lmao, Nijinig cant help himself
You lost and everyone dislike you, you wont get paid not even 2%

>> No.77225958
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>I shit on SEA
>SEA does this
I kneel

>> No.77226004
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mint only like solid snake any fan would know this

>> No.77226075
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How are your organs doing, cuck?
You outed yourself already, no need to double down like a retard... although you are already used to it, Nijikek

>> No.77226309

Doesn't matter how much you mutilate your body, you will always be a man buddy. I know it hurts but that is the truth.

>> No.77226383
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>Watches Indiana Jones often just to see shirtless Harrison Ford

>> No.77226392

>People who built entirety of modern society from dust
But only the ones at the start did it, the rest of society being built afterwards doesn't count.

>> No.77226438

Is she a tranny?

>> No.77226507
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>> No.77226528

Mint shlicks to Jetstream Sam and Solid Snake on the regular

>> No.77226613

I remember that, every year Mitn was in niji, she would never tweet anything about pride month shit but when July rolled in she would always tweet HAPPY JULY. Now that was based.

>> No.77226648

It is of VITAL importance to corporations that people accept LGBT.
Don't know why exactly, something about gay frogs and chemtrails.
But I know it's VITAL, and we, as conservatives who hate corporations and love workers, must stop it.
It's a good thing your ideology is fed to you by conservative media because if you had to form your own opinion based on what your so called values are you would be so fucking confused.

>> No.77226668

You ain't seen nothing yet.

>> No.77226878
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well if i was a vtuber i'd most likely not tweet about that unless the company made me do it after all the male viewers would overract like the oversenstive snowflakes that they are

>> No.77226894

she's a literal fujo and yume. as a real wisp, you surely knew that.

>> No.77226895

Ricegnat's cooking too hard.
I don't like seeing dicks in the wild.
That said, this is still cool as fuck.

>> No.77227638
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>We are now at the point where heterosexuality is somehow gayer than homosexuality

Like seriously this is a board the Kyo - Enna ship is seen as pushing an agenda harder than FauMei

>> No.77231120

Holy heckin based! Mint probably shares my political opinions and hates the LGBT. I will now follow your chuuba!

>> No.77232825

anons are so easily triggered

>> No.77232885

>he doesn't know

>> No.77232973

Why sisters didnt cancel her?
sisters boycotting pro jews product but not this? really?

>> No.77233241

She's bi but probably just doesn't like the whole "movement" and politicalization of it all

>> No.77233353


>> No.77233417

Mint likes female and Solid Snake. Easy, every Minto...hell, everyone but retarded knows.

>> No.77237645

Do you have more?

>> No.77237947

What is LGBTBBQ about Enna anyway, isn't she your run of the mill straight woman?

>> No.77240355

Poor guy...

>> No.77241846

>T's have been in there forever.
No they haven't. The acronym for the longest time was LGB and only since about the late 2000s did the T start getting added in, and now the acronym is enormous and nobody in your movement can agree on what the correct acronym is and then you have furries and pedophiles also trying to get in which some people actually support. Your entire agenda is eating itself alive.

>> No.77242044

Yeah. T are enemies of LGB.

>> No.77242162

No she's most likely a bisexual woman who only has sex with men and doesn't consider a woman a viable marriage partner but she looked at a girl and thought she was hot once.

>> No.77242737

not all. and no one in ID3 is.

>> No.77243349

>Kobo literally streaming with hijab assets
lol lmao

>> No.77246054

Yeah, so?

>> No.77246126


>> No.77246548

No thanks, I'll stay here and be my genuine self. Thought you faggots celebrated that.
