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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 552 KB, 1280x720, dono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.7720223 [Reply] [Original]

This is the second-largest donation ever made to a vtuber.


What are your thoughts on this? Personally I think we're due for a market expansion. The more money to be made vtubing, the more creaters we'll have.

>> No.7720364

Money wasted on Bungo Taiga of all people
But a lack of creators isn't exactly an issue imo, it's the fact that viewers are more scarce

>> No.7720405

It was charged back LOL

>> No.7720412

>Bungo Taiga
you know him?

>> No.7720428

What was the largest?

>> No.7720429

second largest? whats the biggest?

>> No.7720464

When I first saw Bungo I was like "awesome, a furry femboy", then I saw how a lot of his videos are about farting fetish so I told youtube to stop recommending me his stuff

>> No.7720479

That feeling when you realize there are some super rich...

...furries out there.

>> No.7720501
File: 30 KB, 1549x177, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure? It(?) seems to know this Adrian.

>> No.7720502

$100k to AeriytheNeko

About a month ago

>> No.7720531

I think the donation leans more towards the furry persona than if they were a vtuber or actually entertaining personality. Wasted money but they can do with it what they want.

>> No.7720545

It's dumb as fuck to waste your money on pedo trash.

>> No.7720624

I thought that is a femboy

>> No.7720660
File: 1.35 MB, 1180x819, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just some horny furry

>> No.7720665

Of course it's a fucking furry. How do they have so much fucking money?

>> No.7720675

The "people" that post like that don't pay attention to what they are talking about. You can treat it like a spam bot.

>> No.7720691

I'm skeptical that these are real donos. They could have used their own money to donate to themselves. Big donos clips then get clicks on sites like dexerto and r/livestreamfails, and new people discover the streamer. It could be elaborate self promotion.

>> No.7720701

That's just money laundering

>> No.7720707

I've heard about him while I was indie hunting a while ago, not a big fan of his content and he was involved in some scandals involving him trying to get child pornography (the real kind, not lolishota) off some kids on discord

>> No.7720790


I first heard of taiga from that gigguk video about indie vtubers. Was kinda weird how the next i hear about him again and see he uses a furry avatar now. Life can take many turns ed-boy.

>> No.7720793

Probably just some publicity stunt to drum up attention.

>> No.7720868

I would've given everyone subs instead and use the remainder as the donation, it's not like the streamer doesn't get the money still and the best part is you encourage people to pay it forward.

one giant donation just seem like you're trying to fuck I don't care how much "they changed my life or whatever" that's bullshit doctors, mayor, governors, teachers, parents change lives and people don't donate fucking $55,555 dollars to them fuck off with that lol.

>> No.7720946

its fake as shit

>> No.7720963

Twitch takes a 50% cut on every sub. Giving a sub to everyone is good if you want to help fund Jeff's next space mission.

>> No.7720997
File: 1.39 MB, 360x364, monkey_chill.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this will be on r/livestream fails in a week when people find out its fake
just save up a bunch of money and gift it to yourself, the perfect tax evasion plan

>> No.7721414

If this isn't some sort of stunt, someone tell the donator he donated to the pedo fund.

>> No.7721770

I've seen this many times on twitch.
donation pending then chargeback.

>> No.7721878

Supposedly a lot of them are drug dealers

>> No.7722348

>friend donates his savings to your twitch
>charges it back
>the two of you have a laff over everyone who believes you deserved that money

>> No.7722459


jesus fucking shit lol

>> No.7722535

>not superchat or bits
yeah enjoy the chargeback dumbass

>> No.7722574

definitely charging back

>> No.7722674

Of all the people...it goes to this massive piece of shit. This world is beyond FUCKED.

>> No.7722750

Even better, no VTuber ever makes it to LSF. It's real though, the dono's already locked in.

>> No.7722787

Taiga's biologically a male. There's old roommate content of him in some minecraf

>> No.7722815

It's a guy, are you retarded? There's vids from when he was like 15 doing shitty Minecraft videos people leaked when he got outed for the shota/semi-pedo shit. Audibly male voice from a male, he's just doing a faggy femboy voice because he knows it drums up cash.

>> No.7722936

oh and you pay taxes on stream donos, anyone that doesn't is in for a bad time once the IRS catches on to those big deposits.

>> No.7723063

Yeah. That was back in 2017 though.
These days it's a lot easier for streamers to contest troll donos and keep the money.

>> No.7723096

Yeah, Paypal has been siding with the received of the money a lot more these last few years

>> No.7723131

holy fucking mental illness

>> No.7723313

this is the world you live in.

>> No.7723405

a good chunk of them are successful college grads who get into high paying jobs.

>> No.7723414

I heard most of these super big donos are from sons of oil barons in the middle east.
So something like a $50k donation is like $50 to them.

>> No.7723516

They're mostly oilers and more recently cryptogods

>> No.7723538
File: 47 KB, 399x400, 1654978210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna generate so many gay furry Vtubers

>> No.7723594

There's already plenty

>> No.7723605

Furries, as per usual, are extremely wealthy for some reason

>> No.7723827

Gifts get taxed at 25% federally retardchama...

>> No.7723980

It's not a gift retardchama, it's counted as income.

>> No.7724876

Man it would be crazy if all the pedophilia allegations got dug up once again and people went after the donator as a pedo supporter and forced him to retract his donation.

>> No.7724926

Money wasted on a shit person.

>> No.7725011

The pedophilia allegations were shaky at best, the whole "Eh whatever" thing seemed like a joke. The rest is just anti-shota/ageplay shit

>> No.7725085

But this is the internet. All you have to do is lie and people eat it up. Except for all the holos being married to me. That's the truth.

>> No.7725117

Yeah, and the lies made no difference because he lost zero viewers and zero income, just some "friends" who he didn't really care about in the first place.

>> No.7725212
File: 75 KB, 333x512, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pedo shit is cut and dry. He wanted underage pics.

>> No.7725370

Really sounds that he really wanted underage pics but 17 is too old for him lmao

>> No.7725383

Fake af... i believe 1k would be rel or Mr.Beast.

>> No.7725450

If i got a ton of money over night, lotto whatever way I'd drop 100k on each of my favorite chubas easy.

>> No.7725600

He was hotter before becoming a vtuber

Calling cp selfies of lewd teenagers is really pushing it

>> No.7725646

So it's bad because it's illegal, not because it's immoral?

>> No.7725715

>he was hotter before
um, pics?

>> No.7725744


>> No.7725769

I've seen a few body pics before he purged. No face stuff but fuck I'd love to go to town on him.

>> No.7725935

Why Taiga?
I feel like this has to be fake, Taiga is super fucking view hunger, and why you would a random person give this amount to someone, the rest of internet hates.

>> No.7726129

>the rest of the internet

The guy is the biggest male indie vtuber. He's got 500-600 viewers at any given time. The only people who hate him are other vtubers, and why should their opinions matter when it's by your own hand that you gain and keep your viewers?

The viewers simply like him. They either think he's funny or want to fuck him but they like him for his persona, nothing else.

>> No.7726219

>The guy is the biggest male indie vtuber

this is hilarious

>> No.7726249
File: 136 KB, 472x426, wtff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you were lying. What is wrong with the West??

>> No.7726276

Yeah, it's great that the biggest male is not only the most hated amongst other vtubers, but also proof that femininity still wins even as a male vtuber.

>> No.7726295

Femboys are in. I don't like him so I don't watch him, but when I did I genuinely thought he was pretty funny at first and good with quips, he just appeals to coomers, shotacons, trap/femboy lovers, and got a lot of boosts early on in 2020 from other already established vtubers.

>> No.7726405

I just hate that Western trap/femboy vtubers are the Twitter meme spouting coomer baiting type of streamer, it physically hurts to listen to. Just be cute and stream without mentioning the dildo that's in all your viewers asses. How hard is it to do that.

>> No.7726413

somebody find these please

>> No.7726431

He's not biggest male indie vtuber.
But yeah maybe you right about his viewers. I was just going off his twitter, which seems to being doing worse after may, and wishful thinkning.

>> No.7726487

(I'm speaking in terms of EN) Who else beats him? The minor e-celeb with a decade's worth of content creation and networking experience who transferred his team's main account into a VTuber one?

>> No.7726868

The western twitch indie scene is pure garbage, I gave up on it after all the twitch vtubers knew about Himepen's shit and ignored it until someone leaked it.

>> No.7726886

That's exactly what he meant, but anons lack reading comprehension.

>> No.7726936

She manipulated people into thinking it was fake until more got out about it

>> No.7726970


>> No.7727010

There's a lot (manipulation and generally assholery mostly), but the main takeaway is that there's a picture of her lifting up her shirt while her 8(?) year old brother sits in her lap, and supposedly instagram vids of him groping her.

>> No.7727066

Ever hear of the boy who cried wolf? Thats the western vtuber scene. So many schizos trying to cancel each other over nothingburgers that when something legitimate happens people ignore it. Even the Taiga shit, the schizo led off with shota shit and buried the asking for actual nudes.

>> No.7727141

Is it possible to chargeback or otherwise defraud the Twitch donation system? IF this is real, that wouldn't surprise me at all.

Also literally who is this furfag?

>> No.7727185

Cash donos on Twitch are typically done through streamlabs, and they accept paypal and other forms of payment but I can tell you right now that this paymen has cleared and isn't a chargeback, the dude is a fucking whale.

Bungo Taiga is a popular EN indie with some drama surrounding him but it's mostly a nothingburger. The only thing he's guilty of is being an irredeemable asshole.

>> No.7727314

Man, $55k goes a long way to doing a bunch of cooler better shit than measuring some e-peen on a furry channel like this. The mentality here for whomever donated that just seems so alien.

>> No.7727377

to people like that money is meaningless. i know a lot of donators albeit way smaller who just get enjoyment out of other people's enjoyment and also happen to like streamers as well. they get literally nothing from it but a "WOW, thanks for the 20 gift subs anon!" and what's most likely a genuine vocalization of excitement. that's enough for some people.

>> No.7727471

Yeah Bahroo beats him out. Nuxtaku too. At lest that's all I know of. I wouldn't be surprised if there's more, as I don't watch twitch.

>> No.7727645

Where do furries get all this money?

>> No.7727738

Are we really just counting any big established streamer that swaps to a vtuber model? It's like saying "Oh Sodapoppin is the biggest vtuber because he's a millionaire and one of the faces of Twitch as a website!" while he used the model for like 3 days. Of course large people with established fanbases will be big when they move over to vtubing.

>> No.7727797

I mean, thats what Nyanners did and she gets a pass.

>> No.7727803

Even if they use their own money there's the youtube cut to consider
More economical to spend elsewhere

>> No.7727889

Nyanners, Leaflit, and Lilypichu were doing the whole vtuber shtick before it even had a name.

>> No.7728019


Nyan and Bahroo have used their models every stream since debuting. I think that's the difference. I actually wouldn't count Lilypichu because she doesn't.

>> No.7728089

i dunno, I think "largest male/female vtuber without a pre-established fanbase" is a bit more impressive since most of the larger indies either started a couple years ago at best or streamed to way fewer people until they 2020 boom like Iron Mouse did

>> No.7728300

>youtube cut

anonchama it's twitch also I believe you can retract the donation afterwards, people were fucking like that with lolcows such as DSP since forever.

>> No.7728329

there's no Twitch cut for cash donos either.

>> No.7728353

money laundering

>> No.7728469


>> No.7728719

I hate this unfunny piece of shit i am tired of youtube recommending me clips of this faggot

>> No.7728808

he's hot and funny and charismatic. his design is cute and he's nice to his fans. what is the issue

>> No.7729027

Holy fuck that's gay

>> No.7729080

I don't think he's funny nor charismatic. His design is gross to look at, personally, but I feel that way about all furries. He's also an actual pedophile.

>> No.7729107

Hope it was real and not just some alt account giving money to themselves to generate a temporary buzz for themselves.

>> No.7729120

The 2 things that I hate the most combined, furry and faggotry, it's fucking amazing what you can find in the internet

>> No.7729355

A lot of them are kids of industry/business tycoons, being rich and having a lot of time on your hands affords you the luxury of exploring all sorts of degenerate pastimes and fetishes.

>> No.7729744

Alright I looked into it more and Seanvr beats him too, kinda hard to say Sean was never not a vtuber.
But I guess if you talking about a vtuber who started as a english vtuber, is a male, is indie, didn't make non vtuber content before debulting, didn't start as a vrchat streamer, and not couting followers, just highest peak viewers ever. Then yeah Taiga is the biggest in that specific category.
I'm not downplaying his achievement, he's definitely one of biggest males, but THE biggest, no.

>> No.7729757

isnt taiga a child rapist?

>> No.7729930

>not the heckin' 17 year olds

>> No.7729947

He's just a cunt.
There's this >>7725212 asking to see nudes of a 17 year old and He's also into shota and has a diaper fetish.

>> No.7730033


>> No.7730348

>haha dick haha fuck me
Yeah, real funny. His design is super shitty too, looks like a retarded 14yo made it.

>> No.7730374

when did this site become lolcow? embarrassing behavior

>> No.7730385

He actually likes them younger, he passed on the 17 yo because "too old". Also, it's still illegal.

>> No.7730407

He's not going to fuck you dude, you are probably too old.

>> No.7730478

he shouldn't be doing that (and isn't he barely like 20 himself?) but whether it's illegal or not, it doesn't make him a child rapist. you know as well as i do the image those words conjure when you go around saying that

>> No.7730543

I didn't call him a child rapist, you might have mistaken me with another anon. I don't belive in most cancellations but this one is totally deserved, i do belive that if he had the opportunity he would groom one of his fans and that's really dangerous.

>> No.7730619

It is none of these >>7721878 >>7723405 , actually its because they are grown men who have saved up a good amount of money that also have no wife, no kids, no friends and no hobbies so they coom spiral into faggotry as the ultimate copium for a life wasted then dump their life savings into whichever coomdom they picked (faggotry, trannies, furries, lolis, vtubers ect.). 55k to a single streamer is the tip of the iceburg of these lost souls.

>> No.7730635

most cancellations are for this exact thing, and you're going after the one guy who instead of shrinking away actually provided all his discord logs for context, pinned his response for months at a time, and is under the kind of constant public scrutiny that would find out in a second if he did anything? come on

>> No.7730743

>it's still illegal.
only in the """united""" absolute state of amerimutts

>> No.7730749

What context dude, he asked for cheese pizza. He's a disgusting piece of shit. There is a difference between what he did and some edgelord saying nigger 12 years ago.

>> No.7730770

Child porn is illegal everywhere

>> No.7730902

17 is not child porn in any non dick mutilated country lmao
production porn is illegal under 18
but amateur porn is not illegal to create, own and fap to as long as the person in the vid isnt being raped ie above age of concent (14,15)

>> No.7731414
File: 2.28 MB, 448x252, 1305505679951.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing easily edited shit by some fag that got mad after getting kicked out of the circlejerk
>said fag who was apparently cool and all with illegal shit until being kicked
>didn't take it to any real authorities but instead took it to the twitter police

>> No.7731592

Taiga admitted to saying it.

>> No.7731608

you got source on that?

>> No.7733297
File: 354 KB, 777x712, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, this is the guy who sent the donation.
>Systems Administrator for the Department of Defence
Top kek

>> No.7733538

Not even surprised that It's a furry vtuber, every illustrators know that if you want to make a lot of money you just have to take commissions from these degenerates. There is a lot of stories about furrys going into debt because they can't manage money and put everything into this ""hobby"""

>> No.7733626

How can I make my oshi switch to streamlabs so that I can donate her all my $ before I kill myself?

>> No.7733674

What is this gay furry shit? Was western vtubing a mistake?

>> No.7733684

Wait that's a dude? F*males getting mogged.

>> No.7733852

Maybe richfags introduce other richfags to their furshit fetish?

>> No.7734008
File: 138 KB, 463x453, 1621565276219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF is wrong with people??!?! Why not invest that money in yourself or something worth while better than a vtuber. Talk about just throw away money for some...

>> No.7734308

I'm not this bad, but I still donate a fair amount. J already max out my retirement accounts but am an incel and covid fucked up everything sk I don't have anything to spend my $ on. I'm fine with spending $ to have Japanese girls struggle to say my screen name

>> No.7735910


>> No.7736089

For some people 55 grand is fuck you money, maybe he is one of those people?

>> No.7738140

he literally calls himself a femboy

>> No.7738203
File: 2.35 MB, 1628x813, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, thats Chester

>> No.7738285
File: 1.60 MB, 500x458, image0-56-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7738292

Ok Taiga.

>> No.7738827
File: 31 KB, 320x241, 60F8008F-BF89-4FEA-9801-E4AE654CCEDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time on this site?

>> No.7740290

A deleted twitlonger and series of Twitter posts, he's killed most evidence of him admitting anything but there's probably saved screenshots out there. He admitted basically everything was true but the racist stuff

>> No.7741823

what the dog doin'?

>> No.7742106

>some spergs try to twitter cancel you
>make some statements and then ignore it
>go back to streaming normally
>everyone forgets what happened after a few months then you get a 55k donation and your life is changed forever
Taiga can't stop winning.

>> No.7742753

No one forgot. He can't collab with anyone now and is a social pariah. Before he was getting invited to conventions and more for real $$$, now that's all flushed away for fake dono buck stunts.

>> No.7743196

I don't get why someone would be retarded enough to say this on a main account. Were they retarded enough to think it wouldn't be leaked? Do zoomers have no definition of privacy?

>> No.7743229


>> No.7743269

Pretty sure they're referring to the cancellation attempt back in mid May, where Bungotaiga was claimed to be a racist and a pedophile. Not sure how much of that ended up being true though.
