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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77195983 No.77195983 [Reply] [Original]

>biggest vtuber in the world
>is getting mogged by fucking Subaru
Gura fell off

>> No.77196026

>holo v holo
>jp v en

>> No.77196030 [DELETED] 

phasecuck bro, please stop deflecting

>> No.77196035

holo vs holo

>> No.77196043

What did niji do this time?

>> No.77196067

>sister makes holo v holo thread
>goes all in on the phasecuck gayops

>> No.77196069

The biggest vtuber in the world is kizuna ai and she's gone anon.

>> No.77196113
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>biggest vtuber in the world

>> No.77196134

Biggest vtuber in the world is CookieSwirlC
Subaru is first army so it'd make sense that she'd be comparable

>> No.77196156

- Only recently became a Vtuber thus her massive sub count does not count.

Is what OP will tell you, anon.

>> No.77196189
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bots are bots
phonewatchers are bots
your JP oshi will never have authentic numbers

>> No.77196198

Why do you even compare holomems with each other? And also Suisei is actually the most famous vtuber(being kind of a celeb now)and Pekora is the most famous if you count only ccv

>> No.77196200

>holo vs holo
I can smell the pagpag from here.

>> No.77196224

>doesn't stream vs streams

>> No.77196225

Pic... unrel? What on earth is the point of this?

>> No.77196245

don't let them discourage you numberking

>> No.77196246


>> No.77196247

Getting mindbroken this hard after the offkai fail.

>> No.77196283

It's holo vs holo when EN does worse but when EN is the "most profitable branch" it's not holo vs holo anymore.

>> No.77196342
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Subaru is popular, more news tomorrow

>> No.77196344

I am braindamaged enough to kind of understand that idiot's point, I think they are saying only nerds/gamers would watch vtubers and since japanese gamers primarily play on consoles they don't own PCs and thus don't watch streams so hololive JP numbers are fake because the japanese don't own or use PCs for gaming as much (That's my interpretation of their argument and believe me i felt double retarded just typing it out)

>> No.77196388

She's boring.

>> No.77196407

Japan doesn't have huge space for things like personal computers, what do you think they're watching streams through?

>> No.77196460

anon what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.77196503

chumSHARTs kneel to shubaGODS

>> No.77196661

He's living in 1950 Soviet Russia where computers take up entire rooms and require a team to operate. Nigger never heard of a laptop.

>> No.77196796

It's still wild that Gura can pull these numbers despite ghosting her fans for two years

>> No.77196800

I was reading this and was gonna say "Nah that was just a wrong pic surely that schizo wasn't that retarded" then i saw his reply >>77196407
And to PC schizo i simply must ask... did you blank out the MOBILE GAMING part of the fucking picture you linked?.. do you... not know that people can watch streams on the phones they are gaming with?

>> No.77196871

Skill issue

>> No.77197063

By your retarded logic, PewDiePie is the biggest vtuber because he made videos with a vtuber avatar, and has more subs than her.

>> No.77197124
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Nigger, she regularly uses her avatar
Not all vtubers are streamers
I just don't understand why so many just stream and don't make actual content

>> No.77197154

Phase this time. It's usually phase. Nijinigs are more obvious.

>> No.77197254

>hololive is uber thriving
Thanks for the report, OP.

>> No.77197256

By this logic the second biggest vtuber is fucking jaiden animations

>> No.77197334

What's that giant gap between views and subs, biggest Vtuber? wtf is this bullshit?

>> No.77197362


>> No.77197394

subaru works hard unlike ****.

>> No.77197406

Youtube hates Youtube kids unironically

>> No.77197443

Retard, only recently using a vtuber persona, and technically having most subs while being a vtuber doesn't make you the biggest vtuber, especially when most of those subs came before she was a vtuber. She is a nobody in vtuber world. I know that you already know that, you just took that dumb stance to be a "le hecking troll".

>> No.77197510

>wanting to be relevant in le vtuber world
What a retarded goalpost

>> No.77197518

>holo v holo
Kys faggot.

>> No.77197520

It's really simple. Subaru streams for the Japanese. Gura streams for the whole world in all timezones.

>> No.77197615

And? There's more americans than japs and she has more subs

>> No.77197710

OP, Subaru is one of the core First Army Holos, she has a large and very dedicated fanbase that will throw whatever they're doing just to go watch her, same with the other heavyweights like peko, suityan, marine, aqua, korone, and gura ofc. So don't expect little sharkie to mog a fellow First Holo so easily.

>> No.77197778


>> No.77197807

actually she used to easily pull even bigger numbers. This shows that present-day Gura has indeed 'weakened' after long periods of absence and neglect. Nonetheless, she is still a First Army candidate.

>> No.77197887

@Fauna debuff

>> No.77197932

unironically this

>> No.77198011

>high contrast thumbnails
this looks like a content farming channel, i genuinely never heard of her even

>> No.77198194

>EN normalfags like to flaunt bloated subs and never actually watch streams like the ADHD abominations they are
>JP GODS only hit the subscribe button when they truly fucking mean it, and simply enjoy chuubas
more news at 11

>> No.77198206
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>youtubers doing youtuber things

>> No.77198212

She has been exclusively a vtuber ever since she started using the model over 2 years ago and she has gained over 4 million subs since.

>> No.77198264

We don't defend homo collabing JP whores here

>> No.77198310

Don't use Subaru to trash others, you subhuman

>> No.77198351

>We don't defend JP

>> No.77198356

How home cumchads have free pass to shit on anyone over merch sales?

>> No.77198365

go educate yourself then.

>> No.77198384

Guras branding is bigger than her stream analytics

>> No.77198560

no dodgers promo
subaru is shit
back to minors league
stay mad babee

>> No.77198655


>> No.77198717

gura subs are worth as much as lbj mickey mouse ring, totally meaningless

>> No.77198832

and she still mogs entirety of en without even trying

>> No.77200268

Gura wouldn't have more viewers than any first army member.
Also, conversations like this should be confined to #s

>> No.77201101

gura's merch sells mog all of hololive too

>> No.77201156
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What did Niji do this time?

>> No.77201561

Fauna debuff

>> No.77201678

>danganronpa is fun
>dark souls is boring
it's not that complicated

>> No.77201738

Oh nononono chumpedos what now?

>> No.77202016
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Why do these kinds of theads only get deleted when they're about Mori falling off?

>> No.77202187

I see that subs still live rent free in OP and chumbuds heads.

>> No.77202214


>> No.77202566

>fanbase contained to 1 timezone
>fanbase spread out over a vast number of different timezones
hmm i wonder which would lead to a bigger CCV (hint, it's when all of your fans are in the same timezone and you're streaming at that timezone's peak hours). gura's vod views will be higher

>> No.77202738

>danGODronpa vs SLOPsouls

>> No.77203095
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>> No.77203152

Biggest vtuber in the world is Pewdiepie.

>> No.77203240

this just sad

>> No.77203395


>> No.77203404

She's gained more subs than Gura after switching to being a vtuber, so yeah she really is.

>> No.77203701

Damn... 21 million subs and under 100k per video? Jeez... She is doing far worse than her pre 'vtuber' era...

>I just don't understand why so many just stream and don't make actual content

Streaming is content you clown. Cookie is doing 15 minutes let's play's videos. Don't act like this is something revolutionary. Is a 15 years old content format. Vtubers already have that shit - either as highlights of streams from their streams or as content made by clippers. Additionally, vtubers have their own content, such as music, shorts or special video's - like Marine going to Spa, or Gen 4 going to Scotland, etc. The question here is why Cookie is not streaming - answer: her audience is on average 8yo, so they don't follow streams, nor donate, but they can watch short video and generate add revenue.

>> No.77203797

Phasefags don't Anti Hololive though, especially dince most of the Phase girls worship HoloJP and are actually friends with some of EN and ID.

>> No.77203918
File: 2.63 MB, 1280x720, JJJ-san[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frvmjpk.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Phasefags don't Anti Hololive though

>> No.77203975

The difference here is that Koyori get's those numbers while streaming for as much as 12 hours a day. Meanwhile Cookie posts 15 minutes video's 2-3 times a week.

>> No.77204138

>Phasefags don't Anti Hololive though

>> No.77204297
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>> No.77204543

>I don't defend homo collabing JP whores here. I suck a lot of dicks on the daily and I can't handle any more.
FTFY. So true anon.

>> No.77204590

Phaseniggers are bigger numberfags than chumbuds and the weirdos that follow ironmouse.

>> No.77204770

I love how she never fails to make cumbuds seethe.
Based delicious chocolate Lamy.

>> No.77204855

Wow, is been already 2 years? Just shows further how irrelevant she is for the vtuber scene as a whole... She has been gaining 300k subs or so a month for 8-9 years anon - in fact her growth is anything halfved after she got her model. So no, her gaining 4 million subs since the volume isn't particularly extraordinary, because she was an already kid content creator, with like 20 billion views and loved by the algorithm. Funny enough, she is not promoted to the vtuber community or fans by the algorithm, which is why, outside of the few like you who promote her hardcore on 4chan, you are desperate for a Gura killer after all failed, nobody in the vtubing scene is even aware of her existence. Not even virtual-youtuber.user local noticed her after 2 years, and that site is so local, that they have the channel of electronics shop as the 145th most subed vtuber, because it has some anime like boy masscot as the channels avatar, not even a model or anything, among other channels on their list that have little to nothing with vtubing.
Having a vtuber model, doesn't make you a vutber. Nobody Nousagi or Parrot as vtubers for having a model, even peoples like FalseeyeD are hardly included despise working at it for years... or even NuxTaku is hardly seen as one, despise having a png model for years before his vtuber model. Other than the model Cookie does nothing vtuber worthy. She isn't streaming, she isn't acting as a vtuber, doesn't collabs, doesn't make music, has zero connection with the otaku community or vtuber community. She uses a model to just play Roblox for her children audience, like she did for years before having a model.

>> No.77205091

Her whole presence in those threads is to make chumbuds seethe. Literally, nobody gives a crap about her. She is pushed here, just because she has 21 million subs, and a bunch of sisters, phase fucks and haters, are desperate to present her as the one who dethroned Gura, nothing more. But is pointless. She is a 'who'... she is as ignorant and isolated from the vtubing community, as the vtubing community ia8tams of her.

>> No.77205398

Gura still has like triple the amount of views on her Vods than Subaru though. Gura has like 500k per stream and Subaru only like 120k. More of less the same as any other from the En branch.

>> No.77205704

Maybe Gura should try streaming more than six streams a year

>> No.77206001

What did phase do this time?

>> No.77206627

Gura's vod currently has 356,552 views
Subaru's vod currently has 221,996 views

>> No.77206666

Check VOD views. Checkmate.

>> No.77206683

Anon, if Miko, Pekora, or Subaru spoke english they would be untouchable

>> No.77206706

Sorry Gura I do not watch @notyourfriend nor any of her collabs.

>> No.77206729

very based

>> No.77206832

Timezone reps, cumbuds are just waking up know.

>> No.77207831

>VOD cope
Sisters aren't sending their best.

>> No.77208981

woah, how'd this clipper channel get so many subs?

>> No.77211232


>> No.77211311

As it should be, shuba.

>> No.77211318

>Phasefags don't Anti Hololive though
My guy look around you

>> No.77211330

whatcha trying to deflect this time, sis?

>> No.77211558

You mean the nijiniggers trying to shit up the board

>> No.77211783

I can hear Subaru talking from here I don't even need to open the stream.

>> No.77211860


>> No.77211938

Gummi Bear belt Lamy, I kneel

>> No.77211989

There are definitely actual Cookie fans /here/. She’s actually pretty entertaining and chill. Similar vibe to that crunchyroll orange vtuber.

>> No.77212272

Unironically something went wrong with the algorithm in the last month. Just go back to her videos 2 months ago and she has 3 1.5m+ views videos and a bunch of hundreds of k views ones.

>> No.77212425

Gura is and always has been the normie bait vtuber, her subs mean nothing

>> No.77212467

she's a who

>> No.77212685
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Any EN comparable to JP is doing damn good. Both are doing better than last year. Both will be in the top 10 again.
Gura continually gains viewers after her stream since having fans in different time zones. Compare the VOD views to see the true power of Gura.

>> No.77212919

phasecucks are literally the biggest holo antis

>> No.77213078

Gura's antis that spend their off time shitting her comment section lead to phasecucks. Those stupid enough to not use burner accounts.

>> No.77213137
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the queen of /vt/ i KNEEL

>> No.77213793

Literally fucking who?

>> No.77214060

only in her honeymoon phase, 33k is above her average post mid 2021 numbers

>> No.77214239

youtube is a VOD site that happens to have a shitty streaming service on the side
twitch is a streaming site that happens to have a shitty VOD service on the side
no cope there moron

>> No.77216140

I'm just basing this off my Japanese oshi's viewerbase (<400) and while I can see that majority of them watch on mobile this statement
>the japanese don't own or use PCs for gaming as much
just isn't true anymore
ironically it's vtubers who helped the PC market grow over there
a lot of esports shit and streamer bait single player games aren't available on consoles, not even on the switch

>> No.77220068

Jaiden doesn't regularly stream though. Cookie uploads daily

>> No.77221352

I like how you said 'fucking Subaru' as if it were something out of the ordinary for Subaru to have big numbers.
