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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77185889 No.77185889 [Reply] [Original]

LOL, fucking KEK

>> No.77185965
File: 62 KB, 480x552, 1715848702868012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive is at Offkai though?

>> No.77185993

Speaking of khyo his kuzuha vid is still up, I thought sisters said the JP sisters were gonna go after him?

>> No.77186021 [DELETED] 

Phase Connect management is an embarrassment to the vtubing community. They had to hire Fillian cause they don't know how to do an awards show.

>> No.77186076

Oh yeah they did, didn't they?
Weren't they supposed to be legally fucking him or something? How'd that turn out?
They probably were too busy in a coma after drinking the Nijisanji Cocktail.

>> No.77186100

To be fair, Hololive records months in advance and does heavy editing. That and the meet n greets are so thoroughly checked it might as well be their event + others

>> No.77186169 [DELETED] 

I thought phase con is not a black company? What happened?

>> No.77186237

>Dramaniggers are Holofags
Who'd have guessed it?

>> No.77186293

There will be dramaniggers in every company retard

>> No.77186340

I have never seen a single dramanigger not be a Holofag

>> No.77186381

Then you live under a rock to not know what happened in niji

>> No.77186417

Why do we still care about Khyo? I thought False took all the attention

>> No.77186429

roru,rumao even, whos gonna tell this retarded sister here that khyo is nijifag

>> No.77186465

QRD? I really haven't paid attention to whats happening with offkai

>> No.77186480

well, was.
Just like False.
Then they tried to fucking kill his channel and he became another huge raging anti.

>> No.77186589

this fag and false were both all aboard niji train + le idol culture bad, newchama.

>> No.77186597
File: 351 KB, 1080x1586, Screenshot_2024-05-15-09-34-57-71_0ce57feeccaa51fb7deed04b4dbda235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are hololive listeners brainwashed?

>> No.77186635

which is why its fuckng retarded to called this dramatuber holofags when they didnt even watch holo to begin with, they are coming with they niji wave back then and got fucked by niji themself now farming drama from niji, everything about niji is SHIT LMAO

>> No.77186716

nc try sisters

>> No.77186721

Niji seems to have an innate talent of making enemies

>> No.77186730

If you shill Hololive, you are a Holofag. Easy as pie

>> No.77186731

>Offkai staff are incompetent as always
>That one Vtuber who was banned went anyway undercover
>Offkai cut a bunch of Phase's segments short and played ads over Pippa's performances
>Pippa had a meltdown
>Turns out Offkai staff legit hated Pippa and would have barred her from entry if not for Sakana paying upfront
>Constant tech issues
That's what I currently know

>> No.77186763


>> No.77186789

>Turns out Offkai staff legit hated Pippa and would have barred her from entry
Uh,, based?

>> No.77186795

That sounds based as fuck

>> No.77186901

What happened? My oshi's panel and M&G happened without issues.

>> No.77186923

KEK, I bet this guy is KFP

>> No.77186936

>played ads over Pippa's performances
Twitch adds? because that's where they streamed the panels

>> No.77186999

Based. What's the problem?

>> No.77187195

>>That one Vtuber who was banned went anyway undercover

>> No.77187294

I'm guessing Kirsche

>> No.77187299

All dramatubers supported niji in the past anon since they liked the "regular streamers but with an anime avatar approach". Turns out in times of oversaturation being a regular streamer just doesn't cut it anymore.

>> No.77187306

>Pippa had a meltdown
Show me.

>> No.77187378

yeah she did a meet and greet outside of the con lol
She was never banned from the con, she just could not do that panel

>> No.77187518

why is this shit always so scuffed

>> No.77187550

Based and anti-grift pilled

>> No.77187564


>> No.77187582

>That one Vtuber who was banned went anyway undercover
Eh, flesh and chuuba are different unless she has made a face reveal. You have another good reason to ban her for any future event if she brags about it though.
>Turns out Offkai staff legit hated Pippa and would have barred her from entry if not for Sakana paying upfront
NTA, but for fuck's sake, you are organizing a con, not being a fan. You gotta drop whatever opinion you hold on any of your guests, be professional and treat everyone equally.
Not a good idea to bite the hand of your investors. Even fucking Anycolor, of all goddamn companies, knows that.
Sack the retards, keep the professionals. It's not even the first mid/high relevance chuuba they piss off.

>> No.77187632

The quick lowdown is she's a /pol/tard vtuber who regurgitates what she hears from /pol/ while even sucking up to people like Sargon of Akard. OffKai, didn't let her host a panel, for obvious reasons, and she then leaked her chat logs with OffKai to make herself look like the vicitm.
Also she tried to drag Pippa and Phase Connect into the drama because she conveniently forgot to redact Pippa's name, but did redact the name of the person who she would have hosted the panel with.
And it ends up OffKai did let her old a meet in greet.
In the parking lot of the convention.

>> No.77187652


>> No.77187711

>Pippa had a meltdown
I take back every single bad thing I've ever had about Offkai if this is even remotely true.

>> No.77187797

Offkai is shit and will remain shit every year it happens. This con always has a major fuck up and the phase fumble is the biggest fuck up yet. No one with a brain will go to this dumpster fire in the future before they become a victim too. It's practically guaranteed a Vtuber will get harassed, groped , raped or all of the above one of these years

>> No.77187827

That’s what HoloJP (especially Korone) call their viewers, anons

>> No.77187954
File: 527 KB, 1536x2048, 1713725338145636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK, but it was 100% on brand that Kirsche had her meet and greet in a garbage can and her 'fans' look like this.

>> No.77187996

>Wearing Pippa merch
Oh no, phasebros

>> No.77188047

Did anyone mention that the group before Phase also had massive tech issues? Or is that not part of the conspiracy?

>> No.77188059

It won't die, but it'll start losing investors slowly.
Coffee corpo is most likely not sponsoring nexrt year, so that's one investor down.
As long as you don't lose holo or vshojo, they should survive a few more years before imploding because some of their staff threw a hissy fit about the most retarded shit or any of them just scams everyone else and runs away with the cash. Like almost every other con that has failed.

>> No.77188089


>> No.77188111

Read the thread nigger

>> No.77188129

pretty much every fan that shows up at these events looks like that or worse

>> No.77188139
File: 219 KB, 400x400, 1716904373550192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77188156

Hololive didn't give a shit their managers were sexually harassing mel and later erased every trace of her and banned the members from talking about her. Hololive is just as shit as everyone else is, you retards just keep drinking their koolaid. Bet you'll defend them if one of the girls tries to kill herself because of covers shit too, just like nijifaggots.

>> No.77188163

nice try bvtm, kys

>> No.77188185


>> No.77188242

If Offkai doesn't fix their shit than Hololive would drop them just because of their bad rep.

>> No.77188297

Primarily volunteer staff

>> No.77188351

Tech issues have been a constant in Offkai so it's not worth noting

>> No.77188352

>Offkai cut a bunch of Phase's segments short and played ads over Pippa's performances
wtf that's extremely unprofessional
>Turns out Offkai staff legit hated Pippa and would have barred her from entry if not for Sakana paying upfront
what a bunch of sensitive clowns
I'm not even a phasefag myself but that's just plain bullshit, if you're gonna organize an expo you should be impartial or at least just blacklist certain guests upfront instead of doing something petty and retarded like that
retards, there's nothing based about vindictive pettiness and censorship from what are probably some twitterfag adjacent types seething about Pippa's le chud 'beliefs' (I think she is a grifter who doesn't really believe anything but I bet that's 100% the reason why)

>> No.77188359

Are you crossposting since no one gave You a (You)?
>>77187296 #

>> No.77188368

Mel deserved everything that happened to her. Women make me furious and I don’t think they deserve money or happiness unless it comes from a man and goes back into their joint bank account.

>> No.77188409

He looks fine desu, the fact hes a kirsche fan is worse than his looks

>> No.77188445

So where's the proof?
Looking like it was a success.

>> No.77188447

If it was just twitch ads then that's actually a smart move. You want there to be some benefit to attending in person, so don't show your main attraction for free online, hide it behind some kind of monetization.

>> No.77188471

>Sargon of Akard
that guy isn't even remotely /pol/ though, or he's like the most milktoast you can get as far as /pol/ is concerned, i don't watch Kirsche but you people act like she's screaming white power and gas the jews like your average ACTUAL /pol/fag

>> No.77188499

Wouldn't surprise me, why play risky when anything they organize is a sure profit right now?
About vshojo, they already pissed off Zentreya once and somehow managed to convince her to come back this year. But I'm pretty sure they are one fuck-up away from losing them.

>> No.77188528

>there's nothing based about vindictive pettiness and censorship
consider this: they're doing it to the person I dislike, this makes it okay
checkmate atheist

>> No.77188547

Literal who thread

>> No.77188560

>Hololive didn't give a shit their managers were sexually harassing mel and later erased every trace of her
this is deliberately misleading, you're making it sound like the second part about her being terminated is related to the first part when it isn't (as far as anyone knows), also that manager was fired
>banned the members from talking about her
this is just not even true at all

>> No.77188571

>i don't watch Kirsche but
How you know someone shills for the person they say they claim they have nothing to do with.

>> No.77188580

so long as they book stars, Cover will not abandon them.

>> No.77188605

all drama leeches should be publicly executed, no exceptions

>> No.77188626

looks like an average fucking guy dressed up as a vtuber which is about as much as you expect, what the fuck do you expect fans of vtubers to look like, fucking chad face guy meme?

>> No.77188630

nice larp retard

>> No.77188655
File: 288 KB, 1484x1347, 13212312231213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah thats nijisanji
killing and robbing old people in order to pay for superchats for your nijisanji oshi is a pretty brainwashed move

>> No.77188659

LMAO nice self report

>> No.77188676

Hmm now I now for sure you're just a dramafag all the stuff you mentioned seems to just be from a rima video exaggerated while not mentioning other details someone /here/ who followed the entire event would know about.

>> No.77188680

Uhh try again ESL-chama, this time with an intelligible fucking sentence

>> No.77188699

Yeah, that group was the Jews (Idol Corp). Considering Gaza...

>> No.77188698

Don't tell me about what Rushia, Vesper or Magni said. They're crazy menheras that don't know what they're talking about

>> No.77188719


>> No.77188740
File: 34 KB, 413x121, image (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa was depressed posting earlier as well

>> No.77188762

>going out in public dressed like that without a care in the world
based, that's the look of a man that has nothing to lose

>> No.77188807

You ain't fooling anybody with this projecting lardass

>> No.77188862

what the fuck nijifags are genuinely insane

>> No.77188867

It's just some /pol/ nigger that's triggered he has to look at a brown person, that's all.

>> No.77188906

sanest nijifag.

>> No.77188921

>Thinking that's improper grammar
Should I counter you by saying you reek of the Sea?

>> No.77188939

bro, /pol/ is like 75% brown people

>> No.77188956

Phasecucks get what they deserve.

>> No.77188981

Dumb blonde whore got what she deserved for her own mistakes. Her stupidity does not exonerate her, nor does your desire to fuck the dumb whore.

>> No.77189038

that's fake news
I can confirm as a Japanese myself

>> No.77189053

If you ever needed proof this board is schizophrenic, it's right here

>> No.77189056

EOP twittersanji expected reinfordements from the east but those cucks were already mobing one of their own for winning a tourney
naruse I think is his name?

>> No.77189083

That’s a normal dude wearing half a pippa cosplay. Could you not even find a fat guy?

>> No.77189092


>> No.77189124

Clearly you've never seen what a /pol/ meetup looks like kek

>> No.77189160

It's just Kirsche's damage control, I wouldn't worry to much about it.

>> No.77189183

Maybe only if you have autism

>> No.77189274

Neither not!magni nor not!vesper has said anything explicitly bad about Hololive

>> No.77189323

Don't look up what Magni's PL had to say about Vtubing or watch Lando's streams

>> No.77189336

notmagni was complaining about restrictions a few months back

>> No.77189412

>>That one Vtuber who was banned went anyway undercover

>> No.77189455

>Don't look up what Magni's PL had to say about Vtubing
Why the fuck would anyone believe that retard
>Complain about how being in a vtuber corp is very restrictive especially when it comes to combining rm and vtuber activities
>Few months later says that he wants to redebut as an indie vtuber and tells his fans that they shouldnt discuss anything his rm does in his upcoming vtuber persona

>> No.77189463

>He doesn't have autism.
Laugh at the normalfag!

>> No.77189464

Drama tourists don't watch either corpo bro.

>> No.77189489

self-hating brown people, yeah

>> No.77189501

Rushia wants to get back into Hololive if she could and would murder someone to do it, not-Vesper admitted himself that he's not cutout for the corpo life and that his autism makes him say stuff that can be taken the wrong way, and not-Magni seems to be perpetually angry but can't seem to blame Cover itself for whatever reason.

>> No.77189511

That isn’t something explicitly bad. It’s part of being in a corpo
Seeing that none of what they said has made it /here/, once again, clearly nothing explicitly bad.

>> No.77189513

It's like clockwork

>> No.77189534

He definitely deserved better, how hateful it was for omega to be kicked out at the worst time and he wasn't able to do collabs with the girls anymore.
> Imagine Gura, Mumei, Kronii, Fauna and Magni
It would have been KINO and help boost his numbers

>> No.77189549

they got done dirty by Cover. Absolutely zero support. Constant sabotage. And the perpetrators are unpunished because they're women

>> No.77189575


>> No.77189585

Threadreaders exposing themselves

>> No.77189607

good ol fan turned into an anti. hilarious that it happened to niji instead of holo though, KEK

>> No.77189609

Honestly, while the restrictions suck for some things like perms, they're fine and not a bad thing. I can't see any restrictions that hololive productions gives that are unreasonable.

>> No.77189623

>Absolutely zero support
They got way more supports than their performance deserved

>> No.77189637


>> No.77189680

Rushia has the most open case against Hololive, Vesper has said he hated working at his old company and that he was genuinely pissed there then said he'd never join a corporation again, Magni is also perpetually pissed but is under NDAs to never talk about it
>Seeing that none of what they said has made it /here/, once again, clearly nothing explicitly bad
Jannies are ban happy and you know it

>> No.77189679

> Imagine Gura, Mumei, Kronii, Fauna and Magni
>It would have been KINO and help boost his numbers
Funny thing is that he unironically wanted someone higher up in the foodchain which was Marine or Pekora since he was open about wanting to interact with them way back when he was doing cons but probably got mad that he got ignored by them as well

>> No.77189728

Honestly it all looks reasonable, except probably about the costume and color changes but the reasoning for that is probably better recognizability.

>> No.77189784

> Jannies are ban happy
Sure if it's about phase. Try again

>> No.77189796
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>e, Vesper has said he hated working at his old company and that he was genuinely pissed there then said he'd never join a corporation again
I mean considering he had a history of sexual harassment issues in the companies he worked with prior to Hololive I feel like being in a company is not the best workplace environment for him to be in

>> No.77189809

>Booo, we need to enforce more collabs with girls who aren't willing
How's that going for Nijisanji? That's the prime example

>> No.77189824

I don't even know what to say. But that dirty trash bin with Kirsche on top of it just says it all me.

>> No.77189861

you sound like you need to touch grass

>> No.77189875

this retard is definitely retarded. and not the good kind of retarded like moomers.

>> No.77189897

>You cant use or force someone in the same company thats more popular than you in order to boost your popularity
Thats a pretty retarded rule, why join a corpo then if you cant have that

>> No.77189909

Pretty based, the underdog volunteers fighting against chud and got away with it.

>> No.77189918

Yeah, marketing and branding are huge and even tho I think they should be able to use whatever, I can still understand their reasoning, making them reasonable.

>> No.77189945

If anything, Rushia has the *least* open case against Hololive given that not even her dramafag friend believed her accusation, to the extend that he openly said so in a public stream

>> No.77189995

>Sexual harassment is a fictional story about him farting on chairs and running out the room
Like I said, Holocucks continue to run interference every time to call every ex Holo member insane if they go against their corpo. This drone has some fart story saved up just in case someone mentioned him talking shit about Holo

>> No.77189996

Keep seething, sister

>> No.77190004

Rushia has no case as she would have made a move by now considering how trigger happy she is with lawsuits and her behavior has basically been her trying to replicate and cling onto her old Hololive image. Vesper doesn't work well with corporations and upper management in general yeah hence why he got suspended in the first place and left. He also talked about a story where he sexually harassed a coworker by accident due to being way too autistic via making a joke that landed extremely poorly. Magni meanwhile has shown to be impulsive, have a short temper, and act like a complete brat whenever he can't be allowed to do something.

>> No.77190007

>She was never banned from the con
So why she being a dramafaggot?

>> No.77190035

That's the whole point of hololive? Talent decide the brand and company support and respect that.
Look how successful it is going with organic collaborations. Some girls also collab with boys but IT'S their choice.

>> No.77190058

Change your tampons you nasty fuck. go take a shower

>> No.77190076

I would have fucking lost it, this is how me and the boys at work fuck around with each other. The woman are some of the worse offenders with this kind of humor. You just gotta know how to do it when big wig CEOs aren't around. If you're seriously going to say, "Vesper making a fart joke in a professional setting at the expense of a female coworker is = to him having a history of sexual harassment therefor he raped all of the EN girls" You should fucking kill yourself because that's the biggest fucking leap ever.

>> No.77190118

>its fictional because it depicts vesper in a bad light despite him recalling and saying the story as true multiple times even before being in holostars
oh boy im just glad the picnic story isnt more widespread

>> No.77190144

>Rushia has no case as she would have made a move by now considering how trigger happy she is with lawsuits
You're a retard
>Vesper doesn't work well with corporations and upper management in general yeah hence why he got suspended in the first place and left. He also talked about a story where he sexually harassed
Yup. The good old "he just wasn't fit for Holo. Oh and he's a rapist". You're a retard
>Magni is big baby for getting mad at Holo management
There it is. Keep on licking Yagoo's boots

>> No.77190143

>Defending sex pests
Nijinigger, don't make it so obvious

>> No.77190170

>Vesper making a fart joke in a professional setting at the expense of a female coworker
anon that is unironically a grounds for a sexual harassment complaint

>> No.77190242

>ex Holo
ExHomo, ftfy.

>> No.77190257

holochuds never knew the touch of a woman preas undestand. And Vespa got closer to their "oshi" than they'll ever be. It's jealousy simple as

>> No.77190273

Guy got suspended for saying something particularly bad towards a staff member so yeah he's not a rapist but he's definitely too much of an autist to not understand workplace etiquette and how certain jokes can come off really fucking weird or creepy.

>> No.77190283

Some woman sharted herself and he called it chair seasoning to lighten the mood. That doesn't paint him in a bad light at all, retard

>> No.77190311

>men being men = sexpest
virginchama don't make it so obvious

>> No.77190325

Because they couldn’t define for her why she couldn’t do the panel besides some of their staff disliking her.

>> No.77190334

deserved for collabing with Holostars filth

>> No.77190339

>Not a defense/answer
>Not a defense/answer
>Not a defense/answer
Just say you concede at this point as you clearly don't have a rebuttal.

>> No.77190362

>not understanding workplace equtiquette = being normal men
are you some kind of sister misogynist by any chance?

>> No.77190393

>getting suspension for the first time in homoen history.
I wouldn't be suprise if he try to rape some Japanese girl while in japan when he didn't bring his schizo medication.

>> No.77190437

>the picnic story
Well, take the podium and spread it, anon. I'm curious.

>> No.77190476

Cover can literally get into any convention they want, even stars if they are willing to put in some hololive as well. They straight up avoided offkai other years even when offkai was basically begging them to attend
They only show up in offkai because Kiara pushed for it this year as her friend Aura/Pandora is close to the organizers. Kiara/Hololive attendance ended up pushing a couple of big names who were on the line whether to attend or not this year.
However, as offkai fucked up ONCE again. Now it's up in the air how they will do next year.

>> No.77190517

You work for a shit company if this doesn't get you sent directly to fucking HR.

>> No.77190521
File: 313 KB, 590x575, support.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder if her reposting moonshine was a workaround/compromise for her to be able to show kirsche support, or if that just so happened to be the best post for when she found time to show it?

>> No.77190555

>Men being men
I feel bad for you if that’s how men you know are. I’ve never and will never make that kind of joke against a lady.
Another guy? It’s fair game. A girl? Only a retard who can’t read the room would do that

>> No.77190567

Probably works for Actiblizz

>> No.77190623

>Sakana sponsors the whole fucking artists aisle
>they pay him like this
LM might be a grifter, but he's fucking right here

>> No.77190626

>She didn't sue the company so she's lying
Or it just wasn't worth it because of the cost and time. She had enough on her plate with the Mafu shit
>Vesper just wasn't fit for Holo
He was their top Holostar along with Magni. He was suspended for questioning his superiors which JP corpo heads don't like. Assuming the corporation justly suspended him while Magni and Vesper say it was bullshit after they quit is top tier cock riding. All the way down to the base
>Magni is a baby
Do I need a defense? He's entirely justified in being upset he can't tell people about what happened. Happy now?

>> No.77190689

>He's entirely justified in being upset he can't tell people about what happened.
No one forced the faggot to sign an NDA.

>> No.77190737

Holy fuck where do you think you are? Fucking kill yourself redditor scum.

>> No.77190740

>Legal Grifter
He's not even a lawyer, he LARPs as one.

>> No.77190788

>NDA defense
Why are they using "I cant tell what happened because of NDA" as a defense when NDA are unenforceable in America?

>> No.77190787

He speaks like an unironic retard, I'm not surprised that following rules in a company has been too difficult for him.

>> No.77190832

>LM might be a grifter
you people dont understand what that word means

>> No.77190857

He can say whatever he likes. Fuck thus shitty as vtuber companies. They won't do shit if he breaks nda.

>> No.77190892

What are you talking about? An NDA is a legal contract, breaking it is definitely enforceable

>> No.77190921

Are they really? Then why hasn't he said anything yet? Is it perhaps because it would make HIM look bad, and he can just keep on cashing in on the drama like this?

>> No.77190945

Because anyone who unironically believes that they're exempt from contracts they signed because they live in a different country than their employer are fucking retards who should be drowned in the next great flood.

>> No.77190962

iirc it was a story he shared when he was a 2view in twitch a few years back about how he was tasked to do the opening speech for a company outing and being the sperg that he is decided that it was the best time to discuss bara genre since in his mind picnic=bears=bara porn and was surprised why everyone didnt get his joke and thought it was inappropriate

>> No.77190966

>because muh Kiara
KFP please
Leader was the one to break nijien barrier and allowed your Romeo&Juliet RP to go through but of course
as always. Like oshi, like fan

>> No.77191051

Hololive does if any of their members want to quit

>> No.77191070

The retard tolerance meter is very generous for woman because dumb woman cute. You have to be Finana's level to actually break that through that tolerance

>> No.77191095

> Or it just wasn't worth it because of the cost and time
Don’t argue about “cost and time” when she got 8 lawyers to sue some random nip anons for some one-lined shitposts on 5ch.
She got at least one lawyer, was in talk with Cover for months and in the end, she could only say that she loved Hololive still and what Cover said about her *did* happen, but not that bad - to which Cover once again doubled down that they meant what they said and there wasn’t any change to their statement. It was clear who got the upper-hand there, don’t you think? If she could sue them, she likely would’ve or at least asked them to change their statement and settled out of court

>> No.77191175

Not even a KFP. I am just making an observation based on what I see how Offkai developed this year. How did anything I say even paint Kiara in a positive light?? It's just a neutral take.

>> No.77191174

he can't tell people shit because there's nothing to tell. he thought he/they were hot shit because they had the most numbers and tried to push buttons. JP corpos don't fuck around and they were let go. although props to cover for giving them the alum status. negos probably went this way;
>i want more
>no, this is our offer, you have 1 month to decide
>how about this, just a little
>tiny bit more?
>retard was too prideful to back down
>month passes
>cover lets them go
>months passes
>income stops coming
>oh no i fucked up
>this is not my fault they were being greedy
>fucking japanese company
>cries on sub 300 viewers at twitch

>> No.77191191

Rushia has filed several lawsuits not just to Mafu but also people who she suspected to have had a hand in spreading the rumors around about her and even considered taking fucking Delutaya to court. The guy she leaked info to even told her he doesn't want to touch anything related to Cover because if anything Cover had a case on HER for releasing internal documents.

Vesper didn't say it was BS. In fact he said it was literally his fault and the first time he was suspended he said he said something he shouldn't have to a staff member.

Everything I've heard and seen from not-Magni just comes off as hum getting pissed because he had to follow rules.

>> No.77191193

NDA are only stricly enforced when it comes to actual trade secrets, complaining and directly voicing about your workplace is fair game since 2019

>> No.77191198

>She didn't want to get in a legal fight with a giant corporation and instead chose to with a single person so she's lying
I guess if I decide to fight a single person instead of 5,000, I'm weak

>> No.77191295
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>> No.77191307

considering she lost her libel case to that said person because the courts in japan told her that what the guy said did not constitute libel because it was true and that majority of the damage to her character was made by her actions seems to point it that way

>> No.77191319

It's entirely dependent on what is in the contract. If the contract says you can't complain about your employment for 'x' years after leaving then you can't, because signed it. That will hold up in any American court.

>> No.77191369

>complaining and directly voicing about your workplace is fair game since 2019
>Says nothing about being able to complain about your job
The only thing that you're allowed to talk about is workplace discrimination, not your bosses being assholes.

>> No.77191381

Ignore the misinfo
>Kirsche had been confirmed as a member of an 18+ panel in offkai for like a month
>a fuckton of her viewers had bought tickets
>two weeks ago, one day after the ticket refund window closes, they ban her from attending panels
>she gets in contact with offkai staff to sort shit out
>they ghost her
>she tells them she'll have to go public if they don't respond
>offkai boss replies, has a DM thread with her
>in this DM thread, he confirms the volunteers hate her and planned to boycott if he didn't kick her out
>Kirsche mistakes offkai with a different con from last year that wanted to ban Pippa, but they couldn't because Sakana refused to have Phase assist if Pippa isn't with them
>so addresses this in the DMs, and the retarded offkai boss actually confirms this shit also happened last year in offkai, behind closed doors
>in the end, offkai boss says Kirsche will not be unbanned, and tells her "she can cancel them if she wants" by going public, when they're the ones fucking cancelling her
>but she can pay for a ticket and attend if she wants. Banned from panels though
>she goes public
>threatens to ban anyone from her chat that brings this up with any Phase Connect talent. This is about her and about her only
>this of course, a few weeks after Sakana pays for the whole artist aisle
>in the end, she doesn't buy a ticket. She instead has a meet and greet in the parking lot
Fuck offkai.
If you wanna lose like 20 minutes of your life, here's a clip of her going public
And the stream. Clip cuts off like half an hour of tangents though.
afaik he is really a lawyer. He just hasn't taken the stand, and when he was working for law firms, he only did paper pushing. But he did pass the bar and shit. He also currently works as a legal counselor for people who want to move to Asia, or something like that? Lawyer shit irl.

>> No.77191395

>If the contract says you can't complain about your employment for 'x' years after leaving then you can't, because signed it. That will hold up in any American court.
Not really since there are new statutes like the one i posted that make clauses like that null and void

>> No.77191429

They didn't say it was true, they said it was an opinion and wasn't a statement of fact so they dismissed the case. Holofags continue lying to save Cover face

>> No.77191435

>Giant corporation
Cover is mid sized at best and would’ve fallen into “small business” category if not for their revenue

>> No.77191457

what the fuck are you even talking about? What case do you think Rushia even has against Hololive? Do you even know what she was fired for? She was leaking confidential information to people outside the company, clearly breaking an NDA that she had signed
I don't understand what case you think she even has
she wasn't fired for having a relationship or something if that's what you think

>> No.77191476

sure thing, KFPiss

>> No.77191497

>They didn't say it was true, they said it was an opinion and wasn't a statement of fact
they unironically did they said that it was a valid observation of her and nothing of it was false

>> No.77191512

Maybe in retardifornia but try that in a sane state and you'll get your ass handed to you

>> No.77191528

you don't even know why they graduated and will probably never really know, stop larping

>> No.77191563

>What case do you think Rushia even has against Hololive?
Watch Korekore's video on her
>She was leaking confidential information to people outside the company
She showed a picture of her room. And told someone that she was being harassed in Cover. Then she got axed and called a crazy liar.

>> No.77191586

She claimed that a Hololive member was bullying her and kept overlapping her streams. Cover did nothing to help. I thought Holofags said bullying at work is bad?

>> No.77191627

>Turns out Offkai staff legit hated Pippa and would have barred her from entry if not for Sakana paying upfront
Source? I'd love to read more about that.

>> No.77191657

>Maybe in retardifornia but try that in a sane state and you'll get your ass handed to you
guess where he and his studio is located anon

>> No.77191683

she was fired for having a boyfriend
because idol culture
>Holofags continue lying to save Cover face

>> No.77191716

it's fascinating just how much influential Kiara has and it's kind of inexplicable too, it's like management is just at her beck and call and let's her do whatever she wants
>Leader was the one to break nijien barrier
this is not remotely true, Holo was collabing with Niji before your 'Leader' even existed and the Niji collabs happened with EN because Mori already made the VShojo collabs happen before that

>> No.77191732

>She claimed that a Hololive member was bullying her and kept overlapping her streams
She also claimed that she wasnt connected to alien boy whatsoever and that she wasnt harassing him but we all know thats bs now

>> No.77191749
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Wait you mean this?

>> No.77191808

Actually she said she didn't live with mafu which was true. And she never harassed Mafu, which is also true. Keep on nibbling on the tip of Mafu's cock if it means continuing to save Hololive

>> No.77191847

>offkai thread
hololive deflection post
Is offkai staff /here/ ?

>> No.77191857

>And she never harassed Mafu
court says otherwise

>> No.77191861

Pippa is a homobeggar so I'll happily take this as a win, thanks libcuck offkai staff!

>> No.77191869

It being Aqua and it involving overlapping is Holofag propaganda with no proof behind it. All that was known is that it was a superior in Holo and that management sided with them

>> No.77191875

>Things gotta change around here
>things do change as a result
Your shitty Tenchou was already 2years in with nothing to show
settle down, child

>> No.77191908

wtf I love offkai now

>> No.77191918

Court case hasn't even happened yet

>> No.77191920

court is a holofag

>> No.77191928

>she was fired for having a boyfriend
no she fucking wasn't you retard, you're just lying
she was fired for leaking information to random dramafags over the years
No, the claim was that the bullying literally just was her stream being overlapped; she also claimed other random shit too about Aqua and Shion that seemingly had no basis in anything, she just says shit that probably isn't even true
no it isn't there are screenshots showing her messaging someone and making the claims
>All that was known is that it was a superior in Holo and that management sided with them
you're literally making shit up

>> No.77191941

Do you mean Sempai?

>> No.77191964

Offkai is as garbage as always. Can someone get their cock fondled or ass groped so people can start avoiding this cancer like the plague?

>> No.77191981

Kirsche trying to escape this interaction faster than lil bro's hairline is trying to escape his brownoid head lmao

>> No.77191988

already happened anon
the current court case with mafu is round 2 regarding the magazine exposee
she lost the original court case where it was found out that she was shitposting in the house and using the internet alien boy paid for

>> No.77191992

I like how you just disregarded the points about Holo already collabing with Nijis in the past and Mori making the Vshojo collabs happen lol
sisters are such brainlets, it's funny

>> No.77192078

>the claim was that the bullying literally just was her stream being overlapped
Literally never mentioned in Korekore's video. God knows who came up with this bullshit
>there are screenshots showing her messaging someone and making the claims
Source being? If the JP dramafags don't know who was accused, how do you?

>> No.77192101

Nah, I'm just someone who observed offkai and was skeptical about it. I knew that offkai pissed off a shit load of people/corpo last year due to the incompetence. There was a possibility that they could have trouble getting good guests this year Think anon, is it weird that offkai announced the biggest guests LAST this year, barely over a month before the con day, instead of them first to build hype and let people make travel plan??
For months, Offkai guests list was full of literally who after they kicked out Niji (possibly due to politics with the volunteer as well). The usually big names guests who were there year before like vshojo and mid size name like idol/phase were completely quiet at first . Their premier guests were Vdere (who are also very close friends of Aura). Aura probably reached out to Kiara to convince Holo to give offkai a chance and Holo attendance would bring in the big guests who were on the fence about attending. After words of Kiara bringing her Hololive backin come out, other guests probably decide to go since Holo would bring that big potential audience and exposure that they want.

>> No.77192106


>> No.77192165

>Source being?
im guessing he is talking about the 5ch screenshots of the messages that were apparently true despite jp dramafags not knowing who it is

>> No.77192200

>im guessing he is talking about the 5ch screenshots of the messages
Ok, so it's fucking worthless

>> No.77192202

That's what I was wondering. It's nice that Niji got kicked, but despite adding in all the extra people, it seemed poorly managed and clearly caused issues...

>> No.77192207

He's putting a small thing that happened a few days ago over something else with what happened yesterday, what really happened was:
Offkai fucked up because they fucked up their schedule, then started a stream of the pippa concert, then their janny on twitch started arguing with people and running ads on the concert and cutting the thing short

Then Kirsche and her fans that have wanted to drag phase into her own drama screenshotted bait from their thread and said it was offkai staff declaring war on pippa and every retard on twitter is reposting it

>> No.77192236

You're outing yourself as a rima watcher.
(You) don't actually support mel or rushia, Your talking points against cover comes primarily from dramatubers with exaggeration to evoke negative response. You have never once mentioned the type of content /streams/songs you enjoyed from Mel. Most of what you talked about is a call for attack against cover while avoiding to talk about specific targets and just leaving it as the entirety of cover being at fault and that all of the people working within it deserves to be burned.
Unironically wishing for an arson attack against cover and all their employees

>> No.77192333

Kiara is railing 2views and 3views left and right there

>> No.77192537

It's always fucking insane to me hearing these alleged "fans" of rushia/mel/magni/vesper that attack cover and yet none of them seem to actively talk about the content they missed or whatever, but instead keep bringing up years old rrats and repeat them over and over until they realize nobody's biting and run off.
Then you ask an average dragoon/wisp that hates Niji what they liked about their oshi and they'll talk your ear off for an hour

>> No.77192688

>He only did paper pushing.
So he was a secretary for an actual lawyer. Any actual lawyer would state where they got their education from, along with their bar. All I can find about him is his webshow.
Massive red flag.

>> No.77192854

I would tell you to watch Randon's streams but we all know no one here actually watches any

>> No.77193040

holofags will never see reason.
we will never see eye-to-eye.
really unfortunate
it didn't have to be this way

>> No.77193132
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Of course not. Holo didn't fucking try to kill my oshi and her career after working her to the bone with no compensation or support for 3 years.

>> No.77193151

>He wanted to interact with marine or pekora
How absolutely fucking retarded AND high on your horse do you have to be to believe there's a chance in hell of this EVER happening, at all. Holy shit fucking what, this is beyond not knowing your place

>> No.77193170

Yes, my brain does in fact feel very clean after watching Hololive. Really wash away the smegma left everytime i looked at Nijisanji

>> No.77193235

No but they did nearly kill Rushia and her career for the exact same reason. Keep on pretending like you're not a morally bankrupt autist

>> No.77193291

>Turns out Offkai staff legit hated Pippa and would have barred her from entry if not for Sakana paying upfront
definitely a KFPs who can't get over that Pippa watched that cursed wrestling video

>> No.77193369
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Dude is a grifter, they all are

>> No.77193381

>Clearly talking about cons.
>But what about Hololive's other problems!
Do you know of any con related problems they had? The only one, even though it's not a con but one of their recent Fes, is where they ran out of food but they resolved that issue rather quickly. Unless there is an actual con related issue I missed, I can't really think of one that Hololive was involved in.

>> No.77193402

Didnt Magni also start implying shit about cover AFTER doki got the public to side with her instead of niji?

>> No.77193428

OK sis. Name your 5 favorite rushia streams and why you liked them. Also show sub badge for Mikeneko.

>> No.77193440

Hes a meme but any lawyer that presents their university as a pedigree is even more of a meme.

>> No.77193443 [DELETED] 

Are phasecucks the new niji fans?

>> No.77193458

he quit because he believed himself to be the 2nd coming of kson and thought that his post holo clout would fund his career
Magni was already hinting at quitting as early as march in his rm since he was planning to attend every major con as lando in the 2nd half of 2023

>> No.77193510

What's the proof on phase segments being cut short? Is there a roundup?

>> No.77193516
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>talk about how incompetent Offkai is
>thread devolves into shitting on Hololive

>> No.77193531

actual quote from debut month
>I don't care if we lose perms
>what are they gonna do, fire me?
>I am glad to be part of hololive
you might not know all the forced holoproen integration during the GRIM era. HomoEN was pushed as part of hololive first and foremost. Here's another example:
>Flaygon went on an interview shortly after his debut
>being a part of hololive was m brought up several times
>HOLOSTARS was mentioned once

>> No.77193547

Can I get a qrd?

>> No.77193586

so it comes back to
>it's hololive's fault
Kiara didn't have to come
why she even need to be there

>> No.77193624

>Thats a pretty retarded rule, why join a corpo then if you cant have that
Right, sis?
Why should it be voluntary? Works with Nijisanji. Ask Scarle.

>> No.77193681
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Phasecucks in shambles. This event is brought to you by Idol Corp. Antisemites like Pippa aren't welcome here.

>> No.77193727

Poko, Roca, Kai, and Juna? any good?

>> No.77193736

jesas, he's replicating Gooteck's current look after al the crack

>> No.77193737

Where's the evidence that they force boys and girls to collab? Being able to isn't evidence that they do

>> No.77193770
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They're all good, but Juna deserves a new model tbqh.

>> No.77194009

Based offkai giving the middle finger to grifters.

>> No.77195094

You're replying to holocucks.

>> No.77196065

I can't tell the difference between Niji and Holo fans at this point.

>> No.77196223
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>people attack you
>you suddenly hate the people attacking you
woahh what a surprise
its almost like this is the exact reason for anti-semitism

>> No.77196939

They have quite a few loli models. It's like all children and two adults.

>> No.77197012

Jews are the scum of the Earth.

>> No.77199127
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But he's right.

This is what Hololive Meet and Greets have become:
You get what you pay for:
Experienced Professionals vs Woke Volunteers.

>> No.77199239

Phase seethe

>> No.77201183 [DELETED] 

This shit is so embarrassing.

>> No.77201370

it's easy
they start seething when you mention dokibird or sayu

>> No.77201491

Should have wiped them out when you had the chance, Hitler-kun.

>> No.77201612
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Doki causes even some Holokeks to bristle nowadays since she tends to mog the underperforming half of HoloEN, which makes them lash out in "reminding her of her place."

>> No.77201680

I really wish they'd go watch her last concert with rosemi, zeta, and mooms.

>> No.77201684
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The lie is that it was only Hitler that tried and its not a consistency within recorded human history.
dramaniggers, all of them
they are like leeches, petty paparazzi

>> No.77201790

Thank fuck if anonymity is ever breached on 4ch it will proof i was always against this dokistreamer. All she did was bring a bunch of dramaniggers into MY hobby, corrupting it, tainting it, deforming it. Anyone who fails a sudoku twice is retarded.
your only comeback is sister, because you can not fathom someone hating (you) and your streamer

>> No.77201860

It was not enough that Riku would die, he had to ensure that everyone else would die with him.

>> No.77201935

>Kikes send the groomcords after hogwarts in such numbers it breaks containment
>Somehow almost a year later this is Doki's fault

>> No.77201992

i watch kirsche a lot and have never heard her mention sargon. sargon isn't even relevant anymore. what the fuck are you talking about? go dilate your infested axe wound

>> No.77202042

the offkai idiots are a bunch of assholes.
bet the idiots don't know that pippa was literally in the same camp a few years ago.

>> No.77202079

Phaseconnect being incompetent as always
>promised to stream the Phase panels to those who can't attend
>Only streamed a quarter of them
>full of Twitch ads
>there was a screenshot where an Offkai employee who claimed it was "Phase's decision"
>Pippa has one song called Pippa the Ripper that her fans really love
>it's been a common rrat that she grew to hate it with a passion
>And yet, it was discovered that she sang it LIVE, IN 3D at Offkai
>not streamed

>> No.77202199

That's absolutely based remember pippa laughing at Kiara being sexually assaulted? Serve them right based troons.

>> No.77202292

How fitting that her meet and greet happened at trash can exactly where she belongs.

>> No.77202394

So hololive sabotaged Phase is what happened

>> No.77202400

I was going to say that maybe Sakana foolishly through it Offkai wouldn't be shit, again. But if they were saving panels anyway to reupload as a cope for the internet issues they already would have. At least some like Shiina's Karaoke are trickling in.

Whore wrasslin' is what it is. You don't sign up for Chippendales then complain that you get objectified either.

>> No.77202437

It was Vesper's counterattack.

>> No.77202514

Really annoys me rev defends this fag.
>slow news day
>let's pull out some /vt/ shitposts

>> No.77202524

I cant believe vesper fucked fishman after slipping roofies on pippa's drink

>> No.77202562

>remember pippa laughing at Kiara being sexually assaulted
Based. Pippa's primary overlap is KFP btw.

>> No.77202565

Humanity has reached joever levels not even conceived.

>> No.77204264

It's still libel if it's true, in Japan.

>> No.77205490

Phasekeks ruined it and kiara just saved the day

>> No.77206303

Cover paid Offkai to sabotage Phase's performance.

>> No.77206941

Vesper pretending to be cover paid offkai to sabotage Phase and personally rigged kirsche's setup in the parking lot

>> No.77207497

Kill yourself.

Being told you can't do anything at a con except paying entry is pretty fucked up when you already had a panel linedup. And the reason shegot blacklisted is because they went through her tweet history looking for anything mentioning pronouns (and only found most lukewarm posts).

>> No.77207553
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>> No.77207625

Why fleshtalk out of nowhere?

>> No.77208222

What happened?

>> No.77208363

No one learned from last year and Phase got commie'd by offkai.

>> No.77208574

That's her entire personality, what do you mean

>> No.77208698

Multiple different vtubers from different corpos including some big indies were at offkai. Offkai apparently had some serious technical difficulties with the Phase panel/part that made it hard/impossible to watch while other panels afterwards had no issues. This made people angry over offkai management and there was people here and on twitter saying that offkai management hates Phase and sabotaged their panel. I guess there's also phasefags doing what they do best and spamming catalog threads attacking literally any corp they see including niji despite the fact that I don't think they were there, kek while also attempting to drag hololive into the drama despite it having nothing to do with it. Also, after checking through a lot of these spam bait threads, I wonder if people even know that Kiara wasn't the only holo member who was did something at offkai I think Bijou and Kaela shared a panel on stream? or if it's just the same group of people in each of them arguing about the drama before moving onto a new bait thread to do the exact same thing like 20 minutes later.

>> No.77208835

aaaaand another thread of sisters falseflagging as phasecucks to disrupt offkai, this day as no end. GET THE SISTERES OUT OF /HERE/ !!!

>> No.77209387

No one ever really liked or talked about Mel anyways, so it wasn't really much or a loss.

>> No.77209714

Sounds like a mess but seeing boyfriendconnect fans get cucked for the 20th time is always worth a laugh kek

>> No.77209720

it is common sense companies have restrictions, many of the holo girls have talked about it so what did he fucking expect

>> No.77209771

>Actually believes he was complaining about restrictions
Don't be so gullible, just watch the clip on your own

>> No.77210605
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and these are the same people that demanded equality and now demand equity

>> No.77210705
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I mean Hololive had that whole lunch thing in day one but damn shots fired.

>> No.77211043

Hololive had like almost 100k attendees in a day to manage. Not comparable at all.

>> No.77211166


>> No.77211278

Love it, Niji created a monster to fuck up the pecking order.

>> No.77212153

>if one of the girls tries to kill herself because of covers shit too

>> No.77212204

>not-Vesper admitted himself that he's not cutout for the corpo life and that his autism makes him say stuff that can be taken the wrong way
how did he get into homostars while I couldn't

>> No.77213068
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Nonsense, now eat your hotdog

>> No.77213151

I have no idea how she does it, she has a harem of cosplayers going from Tao-tan to Haneame.

>> No.77213259

Gorimane is the best manager in EN and probably the only one who actually gives a fuck about vtubing as a whole.

>> No.77213373

what an asshole, he literally made your oshi cry

>> No.77213450

>Turns out Offkai staff legit hated Pippa and would have barred her from entry if not for Sakana paying upfront
I wont believe this until i see people comfirmed to be staff bragging on their socials about it, which is something this kind people cant avoid to do.

>> No.77213462

Articling doesn't require anything beyond being a student at law school or a certificate from a community college. You don't even need to pass the bar to do the grunt work for an actual lawyer.

>> No.77213929

Primarily xwitter volenteer staff

>> No.77213948

Anon, maybe you're just some kid, but Vesper is obviously biased toward himself. So the three incidents he spoke of, he obviously told the one that was the least damning, he twisted it in his favor, and it STILL seems questionable. So he harassed women three times, management gave him a slap on the wrist for it, and he melted down.
And this is all before he did the crazy stalker shit in Japan.

>> No.77215144

If you look at this and the first thing that comes to your mind is sexual harassment then you're a normie bootlicker, i would have genuinely snickered or lol'ed if i was in that conference.
People have no sense of humor anymore.

>> No.77215296
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Eh, in general I'd rather not cause friction with people intentionally unless they're actively causing trouble. I'm down for praising the fuck out of Dokibird because I love her dearly, but at the same time I don't see the need to attack others, especially Holo, with her if it's not relevant or in retaliation to someone being a shithead.
She's unlikely to ever truly catch up to the blue dorito outside of a few stragglers without some corporate backing, anyways.

>> No.77215467

Was it actiblizz or rito that stole fridge breast milk and drank it

>> No.77215510

Holofans LOVE dokibird, niji were the numberfags and she killed them, in our hearts doki will always be a hololive ally.

>> No.77215527

Still funny and sad

>> No.77215547

This >>77215510

>> No.77215604

>It's a meme to show your qualification

>> No.77215819

Only numberniggers. She's friends with moom, ame and the holostars boys. She's no enemy or even rival to holopro in my eyes. They're as close to being friends as you can be in this industry

>> No.77215979

>taken the wrong way
the fucking sperg of an autist called the fart his female coworker let rip on an office chair as "seasoning". it's not taken the wrong way, what he says if flat out wrong/fucked for the environment he knows he's in. He can't be bothered to commit to adapting to his environment

>> No.77216126
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>> No.77216258

Only took 10 years for retards like >>77215979 to spread btw. That's how well it's workiing.

>> No.77216289

Still not proof, good try sister. Your rrat not working

>> No.77216435
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>Watch a grifter
>Lie for her

>> No.77216640

>or if it's just the same group of people in each of them arguing about the drama before moving onto a new bait thread to do the exact same thing like 20 minutes later
THis is the one probably

>> No.77216940

>some mention a year ago
You sure showed him. Next you'll dig up somebody's tweet from 12 years ago with word "nigger"? It would sure suit your textbook.

>> No.77216954

>some women
Having played tera with this tart, i can confirm she is part of the "some women" category

>> No.77217016

I could easily see several of my office coworkers say the same thing. One was even popular with girls while saying stronger stuff because he was working out.

>> No.77217048
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>> No.77217088

It's not goalpost moving you stupid retard. Stop using terms you don't udnerstand.

>> No.77217166

Are you aware that someone watching a vtuber doesn't mean they have to read their every single tweet from previous years? Vast majority of people watching vtubers don't even watch most of the streams which is apparent if you compare subscriber counts and VOD views.
You're being incredibly retarded.

>> No.77217310

>She never mentioned this person!
>It was last year so it doesn't count!
Projection and gaslighting? We're filling up the bingo card.

>> No.77217343

So you admit you're not a fan, gotcha.

>> No.77217742

>Turns out Offkai staff legit hated Pippa and would have barred her from entry if not for Sakana paying upfront
Based. I will go next year

>> No.77217769

And someone from /fit/ heavily implied to be the guy before the whole fiasco came to light, saying that he researched the gains from human breast milk and that he was stealing it from the company fridge or somethin

>> No.77217876

I feel bad for vesper and the sexpest slander he gets in /vt/ but man he is an autist who does not understand corporate etiquette. I bet he is not even aware of half the thing he says until he actually says it out loud
It really was a shame, he really did have a lot of talent

>> No.77217931
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That guy deserves a medal

>> No.77218135

That wasn't the claim you dishonest nijinigger.
>i watch kirsche a lot and have never heard her mention sargon
Learn how to read English paki-chan.

>> No.77218206

You're retarded.

>> No.77218207

Moreso cause the corpo filter was saving him too. RIP crazy grandpa. May you jihad against lazy jp corpo faggots in heaven

>> No.77218255

>Projection and accusing others of being a Nijinigs and ESL
I'm one away from bingo now.

>> No.77218288

Why so angry at the truth?

>> No.77219954

>he made a fart joke which is basically rape
actual woman detected

>> No.77220313

He shoulda went with the queef angle, might have made the women laugh at least
