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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77161689 No.77161689 [Reply] [Original]

ES indies general
Previous >>77055875

>> No.77162220
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>> No.77162752

KEK. She’s in her special days

>> No.77162910

Based. Fuck those closeted faggots who do nothing but imagine penises in girls they like.

>> No.77162957

I hope this thread 41% soon.

There's not enough amount of correction in our current universe to fix this brat.

>> No.77163000

The fuck is Yome doing?

>> No.77163084

She giving birth to chat

>> No.77163377

Did you ever wonder what is like to be inside Hyogayome?

>> No.77163544
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pic related

>> No.77163589

I unfollowed that nasty woman the day she streamed with (supposedly) a vibrator buttplug.

>> No.77163787

Shura’s got that chub

>> No.77163940
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>> No.77164913


>> No.77165047

Who’s this girl?

>> No.77165852

It is not worth it

>> No.77166100


>> No.77166339

a non-binary bear loli

>> No.77167030

Groomer and one of Shura’s top harrassers

>> No.77167393

Why are you shilling this shitter schizo?

>> No.77167562

This shit just keeps getting worse and worse.

>> No.77168008

An unironic tranny k-pop stan, a stalker, and the leader of a grooming discord group that harasses chuubas.

>> No.77168314

She's FtM so biologically a girl and you should tell her that she'll never be a man.

>> No.77168869

Fun fact; Her design is just a kuupid (babu's fan mascot), and a draculon (Himea's fan mascot) sewn together. Yeah, she's that dumb and unoriginal.

>> No.77168903

Post cute Yamus

>> No.77169041

Not in this thread

>> No.77169057

Not in this shitty thread.

>> No.77169415
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I am still salty

>> No.77169466

all that shit is literally made here by shitters schizos
nothing is true

>> No.77169579

she's not fan of himea/yamu anymore so now she's only a bear half yellow half grey

>> No.77169795

The fuck are you talking about newfag?

>> No.77169932
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>> No.77169947

Hey faggot, if you are so new you don't know what kind of persona Yuritroon really is, then don't make yhis shit thread to begin with

>> No.77170415

she never harrassed shura retard
that was esewey

>> No.77170486
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>> No.77170581

Ren is so lucky

>> No.77170727

That was on her server and she never stopped it, only because that other fag exposed everything

>> No.77170780

She was also there, the message in shura's curious cat confirmed it.

>> No.77170980


>> No.77170984

I wanna commit 3(three) crimes.

>> No.77171096

>una chica
someone tell her that "trans women" are not real women

>> No.77171266

>he doesn't know

>> No.77171418


>> No.77171448

speaking of Renato he is basically Mbappé

>> No.77171510

Don’t cry anyaschizo. its okay. stop projecting ur problems onto her, schizotranny

>> No.77171668

Unlocked, get in

>> No.77171678


>> No.77171684

>Sylvie's tweet as the first post
>Shitting on sylvie just to keep the thread alive
>Defending Yuricum
Why these discordfags don't have anything better to do in a saturday night?

>> No.77171708

>Anyaschizo having a meltdown because of this >>77162220

>> No.77171814

Today the anyaschizo exposed himself on twitter then deleted his tweets

>> No.77171830

Now he’s going to samefag all night, its so funny

>> No.77171851

ok but you will never be a real woman

>> No.77171942

>he really believes that im sylvie
Holy shit. what mental illness is this?

>> No.77171970

I didn't expect anyaschizo to be a Yuritroonfag

>> No.77172053

he has humiliated himself anyway, he doesn't know how to defend himself anymore

>> No.77172055

anysado stop
is just sad at this point

>> No.77172161

at what point did I say you were silvie? do the world a favor and get the rope trannie

>> No.77172172

>Anyaschizo its a guardiafag

>> No.77172222

Their last stunt backfired and they're desperate now.

>> No.77172295

ok schizotranny go be a part of the 41%

>> No.77172322

are we being raided by Silvie's discord?

>> No.77172392

There’s no discord server, stop trying schizotranny

>> No.77172447

>Anyaschizo its a guardiafag
You didn't notice when they were inviting her to their server?
She said she doesn't want any discord drama and someone posted a SC of them seething

>> No.77172488

it seems, in that case I'm leaving, until tomorrow

>> No.77172536

We're being raided by ang leo's discord

>> No.77172646

Stop samefagging schizotranny

>> No.77172678

from the calabozo, why do you think yuritroon has the same fags sylvie has? they are shilling yuri but shitting on sylvie so she stays away fron here, they are just taking advantage sylvie's sensitive

>> No.77172766

Sylvie and Shura are menstruating at the same time...

>> No.77172872

Yhere's othe explination of why making a thread at this hours just to shit on sylvie but weirdly shill Yuricum

>> No.77172901

>samefags that sylvie have
I don’t see her usual paypigs in Yuritroons streams

>> No.77172970

get over it anon
the guardia died one year ago

>> No.77173003

Don’t girls synchronize when they hang out a lot?

>> No.77173033

Don't you have twitter?

>> No.77173058

I can't believe Sylvie still loves this place, they keep attacking her and yet she still has love for the anons. she's a stupid girl.

>> No.77173159

I know exactly why they made this thread, and why they will shit on Sylvie all night.
She's been thinking about opening marshmallows again but she's afraid of anonimous messages hurting her.
So it's the perfect opportunity to make her distrust anons even more by shitting on her /here/ and then claim that we'll be the ones shitting on her in maros.

>> No.77173220

She know who are the fags attacking her, that's why she's not in any discord server no matter how much you try to get her in

>> No.77173235

>Yuritroon in OP
>These fags keeps shitting on Sylvie
?????? Sometimes I think that Yuritroon and company are the ones attacking Sylvie to lower her self-esteem.

>> No.77173335

This, is clear as water now

>> No.77173342

there are fags defending THAT yuritroon, no shit sherlock

>> No.77173399

Sylvie… i’m so sorry…

>> No.77173414

of course anon of course

>> No.77173571

They're so obvious

>> No.77173582

So they are trying to create an scapegot by shitting on her /here/ all night and thenshe doesn't suspect on her shitty schizos

>> No.77173589

THIS. I remember a fucking retard sent her a maro making fun of animal abuse.

>> No.77173739

No matter how hard you try, faggot. She already saw trough your dumb and shitty discordshill "strategy".

>> No.77173805

>Sometimes I think that Yuritroon and company are the ones attacking Sylvie to lower her self-esteem.
No shit, Sherlock

>> No.77173895

I don't want her to join a discord server, I'm just surprised that she still loves Anons.

>> No.77173898

and be careful this is anya's special month and her dogs are especially sensitive

>> No.77173979

why are you so delusional? sylvie gets shitted here EVERY DAY there is nothing difference about this day stop coping that hard lmao

>> No.77174010

kys schizotranny go rope urself yuritroon also remember when kazze was jealous of sylvie kek

>> No.77174072

She doesn't care about anons, the only ones who think that are her discordfag fans and they still come here to shit on here trying to make her stop "loving" anons when she clearly doesn't give a fuck about this place.
The only thing they do is ruin the place for us.

>> No.77174136

You should stop shitting on her, Anysado. She knows what kind of faggot you and your group are, you shoukd just syop trying to manipulate her

>> No.77174192

She gets shit here everyday by you, discordfaggots. Anons don't give a damn about her.

>> No.77174200

At least she doesn't read this shit thread anymore. She does nothing and follows the rules of anons and yet she gets shitted every day.

>> No.77174204

ur mindbroke

>> No.77174295

She doesn't even follow those rules because of anons, she does it because she wants to be like Shondo.

>> No.77174305

Ogey kazze whatever u say

>> No.77174311

im not that groomer faggot
im just an anon who wants to talk about his oshi and you fag with your delusional stories make that impossible

>> No.77174399

>Anons don't give a damn about her.
I care nigga.

>> No.77174418

She's not a retard like you generalizing and putting everyone that comes to post here in the same bag.

>> No.77174470

You really want to talk about your oshi in this shitthread were fags are defending fucking yuricom? If you're not a groomer, you are a retard

>> No.77174490

she follow those rules because she's afraid of pettanko and others like him, she already said it many times
she doesn't care a shit about anons, she doesn't hate neither love anons

>> No.77174564

Sylvie if you love anons post a soldier emoji

>> No.77174576

Her anons does, every girl has som anons who care about them

>> No.77174675

or post a funny image If you do this, I will always defend you.

>> No.77174679

changing the topic
you can take koa to your home if you pay enough money
also she doesn't tweet anything in spanish since two days ago kek she's going full EN now

>> No.77174771

Don't do this, Sylvie. You'll enrage the dircordfags.

>> No.77174793


>> No.77174904

Aw come on. She loves anons. she just have to prove it, like Yamu

>> No.77174935


>> No.77175008

>change the topic to offtopic
Back to to your general, jew

>> No.77175023

>she's going full EN now
There was an anon who predicted this but more than a prediction, it was obvious since the moment she changed her design

>> No.77175111

she is with anyzado on three discord servers and probably has her personal number

>> No.77175136

pettanko isn't an anon and never was, he never cared of those rules

>> No.77175187

Yamu doesn't have organized faggots in discord [spoiker]anymero[/spoiker]who come to shit on her just to keep her away from /here/

>> No.77175244

learn to read retard

>> No.77175243

>when kazze was jealous of sylvie kek
lmao I remember his tweets calling her untalented and being buttblasted because his channel had literally no growth for two years

>> No.77175246


>> No.77175359

Keep dreaming, Anysado. She won't accept your invitation no matter how much you keep shitting on her /here/

>> No.77175384

LMAO Anysado 0 Anons 3

>> No.77175398

she doesn't

>> No.77175445

She did what? I see nothing. Stop your delusions

>> No.77175476

back to your jewish thread with your grifter whore

>> No.77175507


>> No.77175524

why? What does the design change have to do with that? explain anon

>> No.77175588
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>> No.77175650

not gonna lie
i hate that thread
its just not the same
im in /wactor/ since idk 3 years already
i don't want to interact with new anons
and this thread is basically /wactor/

>> No.77175656

Tranquilo Nigga, kek i love this girl, and she loves anons

>> No.77175655

hi anysado

>> No.77175750

It's not related to here, wake up.

>> No.77175778

How does it feel that Nisha has become a whore?

>> No.77175780

so its confirmed now
sylvie was always the one shitting on the other girls
you shouldnt expose yourself like that sylvio

>> No.77175807

She went from "no ecchi" to full on "pedo bait" so to speak

>> No.77175882

ok yuritroon stop and kys become part of the 41% srsly

>> No.77175887

Sylvie doesn't care about this place, come on.

>> No.77175941

I knew you would be enraged, discorfags. Why don't you all just kys with Yuricum?

>> No.77175963

That's specially directed toward that discordnigger shitter.

>> No.77176001

>sylvie makes a random post about her studies

>> No.77176050

Doesn't matter, I still care for her like always

>> No.77176051

kinda awful tbf
she's my oshi and i will always support her
even if i don't like her new design and her demon yandere roleplay gives me cringe
but i can cope with that
the only thing that really bothers me is how she's crawling so hard for EN fans, you are idol ES girl, at least tweet on spanish

>> No.77176125

This "anyaschizo" of yours is just a clown from the shithole that want to use this place as his personal discord just like chispa was, ignore report and talk about your oshis, is always the same shit, antiying the same 4 girls, then falseflag and samefag and if get ignored start offtopic trash, i'm so bored.

>> No.77176131

And she loves you anon, always

>> No.77176227

No, she doesn't give a fuck and he should leave this place.

>> No.77176257

I miss Anya like you no idea

>> No.77176304

This reminds me I saw facetards shitting on shura for the nyana concert claiming she was trying to go full EN, they don’t know the real pain

>> No.77176353

I won't talk about my oshi in a place where fags are defending Yuritroon. I'll just keep making discordfags seeth until this shitthread is dead

>> No.77176373

Welp, this whole thread is to throw shit at Sylvie and it's tiring, she follows all the rules, she doesn't do anything wrong, they just create rumors about her and that’s hurt her. there are a lot of chuubas that do worse things and nobody talks about them.

>> No.77176426

this thread is about vtes
yuricom is a vt and speak es
so go to other thread if you don't like it

>> No.77176436

Shura is so dumb I bet I could fool her into becoming my sex slave

>> No.77176438

Anons don't shit on her, when will you understand that?

>> No.77176536

I know, I just hope she knows how to notice the difference between anons who care about her and shitters

>> No.77176564

im hearing that since sopa shitters from 2022
of course anon
anons never shits on girls
yeah yeah of course

>> No.77176566

We have standards, don't post drama filled chubas

>> No.77176580

>this whole thread is to throw shit at Sylvie
maybe that was your intention when you made this thread but not all fags that usually come here to post are you faggot.

>> No.77176618

Have you seen the other threads? Have you seen how it affects her? The Anyaschizo is even ruining Sylvie's reputation in the jew thread.

>> No.77176621

Oh, hi T-kun. Go back to your new thread.

>> No.77176632

Koaniki here. I can never get used to the blatant pedophilia and coomerposting in that general. Their culture is so much different from this general. If there's one thing I like is that they have such dedicated schizos that the resident /wactor/ shitter gets drowned and ignored over there. The comment streams more than we do, specially now that we're perma-raided by discord and twitter trannies.

>> No.77176664

Hi i'm the OP and im not the one throwing shit to sylvie

>> No.77176699

I feel the same honestly

>> No.77176736

How can you watch that disgusting boring troon stalker with the a voice that sounds like a lower pitch July3p?

>> No.77176753

Those are not anons, those are raiding discordfags.

>> No.77176781

She's a shitter, who are you going to defend next? Nara? Zona?

>> No.77176791

>Yuritron pic
>i'm not a shitter trust me
sure anon

>> No.77176812

Friendly reminder that Sylvie loves her Soldanons. Sylvie if you are reading this, I really believe in you. I know you can be like Shondo, and have that community you long for, but please don't read these threads anymore.

>> No.77176868

With Sylvie there's countless screenshots of anti servers organizing to shit on her. It's not a rrat, it's the truth.

>> No.77176885
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know your place

>> No.77176937

>lower pitch July3p

>> No.77176955

ok show at least five then
the only pic is that one about yuricom talking about sylvie

>> No.77177015

>offkai event
kys nigger

>> No.77177029

Not a sylviefag but it’s been proven with shura people with personal vendettas do come here to shit on girls, at most both have one “true” anon schizo but rest is not

>> No.77177047

>those are not anons
he's literally an anon retard

>> No.77177075

Meicaschizos are literally fags from her translator discord that got butthurt because she didn't let herself hey groomed

>> No.77177091

You can't even difference the anyaschizo from the sylvieschizo, anyaschizo is not here now, only discordfags as yourself who can't even larp as anons

>> No.77177132

Look at the archives lazy nigga

>> No.77177156

Anysado is always shitting on anons, he's not an anon and no true anon uses discord.
You lose your anon status once you have a discord.

>> No.77177161

>deja de querer tapar el sol con un dedo

>> No.77177178

thats exactly a reason why she should be translating the event for spics lmao

>> No.77177188

>offkai event
I don't even like Phase but the shit they did to them is fucked up

>> No.77177311

just go back to your discord subhumans.

>> No.77177340

explain further

>> No.77177343

I'll matting press that submissive sow into oblivion

>> No.77177364
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What happened to all buff fags we had back in Wactor days?

>> No.77177464

absolute units

>> No.77177572

At least they all have hair

>> No.77177632

look closer

>> No.77177667

They cut all Pippa parts with advertising and "got technical" issues just with their segment

>> No.77177691

Si me dieran una moneda por cada vez que eh leido eso tendria 3 o 2 si la conoces desde W

>> No.77177745

my problem with koa going full en is not her, is the koaniki community
spics fags forces themselves to speak english just to "include" en speakers when she maybe has five or six en fans and all the others are spics speaking on english
the other day she complained about wanting to do an Q&A ES stream but she doesn't got enough questions on spanish to do it but instead she had a lot of questions on english, and you are saying to me that a girl with an ES community, gets more questions on english than on spanish? of course were spics betas who sent that EN questions lmao

>> No.77177759

Well okay that one guy in blue. Everyone else has full hair.

>> No.77177779

>tourist visa

>> No.77177786

Anysado is a hardcore discordshill that hates anons. That pathetic cunt is so desperate to be a mod he'll do anything.

>> No.77177807

my oshi wants to change latam but I don’t know if she should stay in this shithole...

>> No.77177833 [DELETED] 


>> No.77177926

(Me) in summary
what bothers me most
is how submissive spics fags are
you have an ES Generation
an ES Vtuber
and you forces yourself to speak EN for 3 fags who met your oshi yesterday when you are following her since luna's days
stop being that cuck lmao

>> No.77177950

Panthcakes are too submissive

>> No.77178125

>post in spanish get ignored
>post in english immediately get a response
She did that even during Luna's days, she even had to tell fags to stop it, I even posted to her in english, it's not even funny

>> No.77178191

Her model caused quite a buzz and attracted many EN pedos. There are also a lot of spic newfags so retarded they doubt she's spaniard.

>> No.77178300


>> No.77178302

You got your answer, now fuck off.

>> No.77178308

Good, I hope Koa leaves completly the ES comunity as she planned, she just need to stop being boring as fuck

>> No.77178335

Man this nigger is just pathetic, the funny thing is that think that is fooling anyone with his shitposts, get a life kid.
last post for me, remember to keep bumping it autist

>> No.77178373

I like to watch

>> No.77178474
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There's a non zero chance that Sylvie will fight Koa in Lord of the Board

>> No.77178516

The first days there were curious pedos lurking
but soon they realized they doesnt understand a shit of what koa says they leave
there is no new faces rn
just a few en speakers, not as many to justify giving your back to your majority es community
and to be clear, im not shitting or blaming koa for this
but the koanikis are so retards, even merol is now only posting on english because of her EVEN on ES Streams, you are mexican retard speak on your own lenguage

>> No.77178735

I preffer Koa to fail at atracting anglos and just stays with her poorshadows desu

>> No.77178994

They're filtering retards.

>> No.77179051

Ironically this is happening.check spanish vs english posts

>> No.77179089

Their battle will be legendary.

>> No.77179164

Last time I checked her EN streams had more or less 350 concurrent viewers

>> No.77179239

all the regular es speakers writing on english of course
just look the chat haha
its kinda pathetic

>> No.77179247

This is more a management issue but those memberships prizes are horrendous even for En speaker, I know your highest earners just immolated themselves for whatever reason but have some insight on the market

>> No.77179426

speaking about koa
today she had another episode of
>trying to be sylvie so bad

>> No.77179454

fuck off with the off-topic faggotry already,Crayon is streaming btw

>> No.77179519


>> No.77179536

regular spanish streams have a minimum 500 ccv
>last tweet in Spanish has 60 comments
koa only learns by force

>> No.77179570

>como saben el numero de mi manager?
huh? megashit is working with her

>> No.77179621


>> No.77179648

are you retarded?

>> No.77179770

She offered herself to collab with Sylvie btw

>> No.77179782

well i don't usually watch her streams so yeah that's why i'm asking

>> No.77180031

>don't support the talents tbe same way as the English community or Japanese

>> No.77180127

soldcucksito Koa's tweet came first

>> No.77180166

Spics don't understand that a vtuber is supposed to be a character. They think it's just a regular twitch streamer but using an anime avatar.

>> No.77180233

So Meica and Ruby are the only chuubas giving money to the jews? The good thing for Koa and Lala is that they'll get a monthly salary even if they don 't deserve it

>> No.77180281

See this shit OP on the catalog, start reading, yeah the usual shitter having a monologue.
not wasting my time here, can't you tard and the idiots replying to your shit just fuck off to discord or twitter or whatever and keep your your childish retardation for yourselfves?

>> No.77180329

I see it the other way, the vtuber "mask" allows for the true personality to rise up. Ironically taking off the mask you use to interact with irl people day by day that even fleshtreamers have to use.
That's why I like vtubing and why I think the connections the fans make with their oshis are deeper than any conection you could get irl.

>> No.77180338

Yet you keep coming here.

>> No.77180544

I love how this implies Koa wants to be a child seducing adults

>> No.77180616

The most successful vtubers are just characters, though. Like Pekora being a prankster brat or Miko being super retarded.

>> No.77180708

And I don't watch those vtubers, neither fleshtreamers. I look for vtubers that give me the feeling I described in that post.

>> No.77180836

Because i use these thread usually to get in touch with other yamusagis, yet today is specially trash, you need to move on already and stop reciclying your lame shitposts over and over and let Sylvie be obsessed faggot.

>> No.77180861

Pekora dropped the character and just went back to being 110chan a long time ago, she herself said she dropped the character.

>> No.77180958

NTA but I preffer this place to be full of offtopic that shitters defending yuricum

>> No.77181088

Her original character that was suppossed to be an iitation of Luna was dripped, she stillplays the character of a bratty girl, she just rolplays differently now

>> No.77181177

I can't even write
Gn and let this shitthread die

>> No.77181227

Gibara breaking character was the funniest shit I ever watched, Shura was right about "becoming the character", seeing that in fact Suzuhara was that autistic was pretty interesting

>> No.77181230

>defending Yuricom
is just the usual nigger, don't reply to him and he will stop with his stupid shit, you need to learn to ignore and report really

>> No.77181237

>Imitation of luna
Excuse me?
Anyway go listen to 110chan clips, the only thing different is the peko at the end of sentences, the personality is the same. She isn't playing a character now.

>> No.77181348

Huh, Shura makes ES events just fine

>> No.77181492

She said she wanted to be a cutesy idol princess but couldn't keep the character, that's why Pekora is a princess from Pekoland

>> No.77181617
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Speaking of chuubas who stay in character Gifts even dresses like the character when she show her hands and she has cute little hands.

>> No.77182157

A lot of people don't realize that lots of vtubers aren't playing a character, they're just that deranged or autistic.

>> No.77182249

I fucking hate when Vtuber don't make any effort to keep the viewers immersion, like, what's the point of having an anime avatar if you'll go around casually showing your face/skin?

>> No.77182384

>viewer immersion
I bet you cried a lot when your parents told you Santa isn't real.

>> No.77182470

>he doesn't know Santa
You should have behaved better

>> No.77182592


>> No.77182823

She went into a whole explanation about why she possessed a human body to this stream and everytime she puts a lot of effort into details like that

>> No.77182826

megajorn is so lucky

>> No.77182838


>> No.77182903

I'll tell you a funny story kek, when I was a lil lil kid I made my first santa letter, my parents saw it and bought the thing I asked there but then as soon as I received it my dad told me he was the one that bought it and that santa wasn't real.

>> No.77182984

Sylvie is that you?

>> No.77183178

>was a lil lil kid
Sylvie is still a lil kid

>> No.77183201

Post more of her, she's funny and I want to bite her bear ears

>> No.77183308

drop names and i'll add them

>> No.77183660

>imagínate nacer en junio, que gay
Just today

>> No.77183900

>pastebin wankery to give tourists, discord groomers, and shitposters more fuel
fuck off

>> No.77184002

That's Mutsuki's dress

>> No.77184100

>june is the LBGT month
>Anya debuted in june

>> No.77184275

This SC came in clutch

>> No.77184407

>this nigga trying so hard
This is pathetic holy shit

>> No.77184469

>Having a place to people to check other vtubers is just fuel for shitters now
Just say you want this thread to never improve the quality, or plain die, whats the point of keeping this place just to have 2 niggers to shitting at the same chuubas over and over?

>> No.77184597

I'll now actively work to make that list longer.

>> No.77184649

to improve quality you must first gatekeep so hard the lurker end up leaving to a place they can get what they eant without effort
making a pastebin is giving them exactly what they need

>> No.77184672

yes, we should move to /yamu/ and friends and stop making this thread
or just start a new general focused to small indies so we can share a thread with gringos and finally move from al this cancer

>> No.77184766

Reminder that this is /Natamo/ and we own this place.

>> No.77184857


>> No.77184966

I kneel

>> No.77184970

The OG queen is back

>> No.77185087

I don't need wactorettes anymore.

>> No.77185179

Sure bro, totally the "lurker" is not a oldfag that have his own 2view indie oshi but enjoy throwing shit at other chuubas larping as xschizo, tribalfag, samefag or whatever depending of the situation

>> No.77187634

Hoy cope lmao

>> No.77187789


>> No.77187808

The soldaditos server it is real.
You be un donatodor and enter. After membershiping you superchat money and you get a misterios md with invitation to server.
Anysado list is imconplete and get people never in server or people left.
Anysado wanted win mod race and leak the list semifake.

>> No.77187958

Go choke on Ren's cock Trannya disgusting eyesore

>> No.77188466

Join the 41 already Trannya

>> No.77191001
File: 235 KB, 970x2048, Fu-bZNIXsAMCbPc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuricum GORDA PUTA . Kek

>> No.77191240 [SPOILER] 


>> No.77192790

calm down PuchySugoi

>> No.77193874


>> No.77197192

that's not good

>> No.77199479


>> No.77199800

This is so fucking pathetic lmao, schizotranny kys.also
>>77162220 are you mad nigga? KEK

>> No.77200027


>> No.77200108

Why PuchySugoi? They from the same guardia

>> No.77200158

she should just open an of at this point

>> No.77200689

She already has one retard kun

>> No.77200779

>she is white
You told me argie were blacks.

They come from the same place but were trying to groom Sylvie for their own personal gain, while throwing shit at each other in the process.

>> No.77200860

Eru should too, she's been holding back her true power

>> No.77200937

Silvye....you want make friends yet you behave like that...

>> No.77200994

She’s based kek

>> No.77201152

What's wrong, I don't see any problem with that tweet

>> No.77201212

Tell me more...

>> No.77201227

I wanna be her friend.

>> No.77201277

>/vtes/ is up with 280+ post
surely something relevant happened and it's not the usual negros baiting, right?

>> No.77201294

it's better to be honest to get good friends

>> No.77201368
File: 297 KB, 720x853, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently we are all on Sylvie's secret server except you kek

>> No.77201408

you sound like a tourist, vtubing is escapism. They should stay away from the cult flag

>> No.77201518

are you saying vtubers can't become actual friends with each other?

>> No.77201574

I don't know what this is but is anysado finally joining the 41%

>> No.77201605

yeah you are a tourist, no wonder this thread is garbage full of silly drama on the twitch fatty and the youtube loli menhera

>> No.77201724

Says the tourist

>> No.77201801


>> No.77201867

Is better to filter them now before they get close than to have those treacherous snakes as friends

>> No.77201876

el bumpo

>> No.77201902

latam tier response, good job

>> No.77201909


>> No.77201943

oh I see, you creeps are talking about "fan friends". You disgust me

>> No.77201998

latam tier tourist

>> No.77202023

I'm including progre friendly vtubers to the mix

>> No.77202088

>fan friends
>cult friends
you live in the shithole you created

>> No.77202114

NTA but I was talking about vtuber friends, she does need to filter them imo

>> No.77202139

So tired of them.

>> No.77202140

>Calls people here creeps
Yeah a tourist indeed, go back.

>> No.77202207

Are you saying that vtubers have to lie to get friends?

>> No.77202289

not all of them but if they are honest, they could get to know similar girls

>> No.77202368

Eru for Vallure gen 2

>> No.77202830

Sylvie would become good friends with Nei

>> No.77203024

>he’s still trying

>> No.77203082


>> No.77203211

yuricum is just a sad existence

>> No.77203301

Her "vtuber friends" already used her as stepping stone to get more viewers and have been since then doing regular donothons to squeeze them.

>> No.77203335

Wtf is wrong with this nigger?

>> No.77203378

He's the anyaschizo, just ignore him

>> No.77203432

This retard really believes that Sylvie have a discord server and she attacks other girls? kek. he really believes all the baits from /here/

>> No.77203518

What do you expect from a mexichango? he’s obsessed with her.

>> No.77203533

He's the nishadow who keeps bringing Koa and Meica as a topic because he's too insecure to talk with anglos, he actually think /we/ are his friends. That's cute and pathetic

>> No.77203567

that retard makes all the baits /here/
also (You)

>> No.77203655

> organiza ataque "anónimos" contra las chicas exwactors especialmente contra Luna y Misopa de la última la cual asumo es tu amiga también te tiran mierda a ti por diversión
This retarded nigger has a very serious mental problem

>> No.77203660

Don't try to use the fag as a scape goat, it's too late

>> No.77203723

>crayon and sylvie follow each other
Totally_not_working lost

>> No.77203739

ok t0tally_not_a_shitter

>> No.77203755

So there is the anyaschizo, the sylvieschizo, puchy, anysado, petanko with the hunchback posts, and yuritroon; all of them throwing shit at a menhera loli to groom her?

>> No.77203763

Ironically, I have proof sopa did that with Mai kek I won't spoonfeed tho, not if they just keep away

>> No.77203873

Yes, and this discordfag>>77203567 tries to use the most retard of them all as a scapegoat

>> No.77203917

Anyaschizo and Sylvieschizo its totally_not_working. he’s a mexichango and hate argies.

>> No.77203936

We all know 3 ex wactorettes slandered the girls still in wactor for an unespecified time during last year. Another ex wactorette refused to join that clique and got frowned upon since then

>> No.77203983

I’m so happy for her! imagine… they cute voices together!! ahh i can’t wait for a collab

>> No.77204013

He has a long history of making baits and each time the general changes name he goes to post a link on twitter

>> No.77204038

If you ask me he writes like someone trying to pass as mexinarco.

>> No.77204083

>sylvie doesn't collab with me-

>> No.77204133
File: 122 KB, 720x1216, report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mass report the nigger I'm tired of him

>> No.77204381

hahahahaha suck for you totally no fagot

>> No.77204418


>> No.77204572

anon won
groomers lost

>> No.77204628

Never defend Yuricum again and you won't exposse yourself so early, faggots

>> No.77204694

it was funny watch them trying to pass as anons while defending groomers

>> No.77204885

I hope Sylvie will explain all of this shit to Crayon, I'm sure Shura will too. I'm quite happy that Sylvie can finally make friends.
