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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.21 MB, 820x959, sartjs4r6t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77153793 No.77153793 [Reply] [Original]

from a scale of 1 to FUCKING BASED how FUCKING BASED is this?!?!?

>> No.77154005

oh so thats why she ended her stream early

>> No.77154392

she's sure gonna show them they were wrong to cancel her panel by claiming she's bringing a terrorist group to a public gathering. dumb bitch.

>> No.77154487

holy shit thats a good point lmfao would be funny if they shut down the con

>> No.77154560

Whats wrong with her model?

>> No.77154805



>> No.77154976

she is like 43 years old and doesnt know what anime is

>> No.77155100

oldfag here, who is this

>> No.77155183

Pretty based of her fans.

>> No.77155264


>> No.77155492

Kirsche is technically less controversial than Niji EN since she was able to attend OffKai. Let that sink in.

>> No.77155706

Kind of stupid, like having the pink sauce lady barge into a food court to sell stuff
also, won't she get in trouble for intentionally misrepresenting herself as a offkai guest with the edited picture
cat lady vibes I'm getting from this

>> No.77155724

Troons and niggers btfo’d

>> No.77155951

thats why this owns she is going to get industry blacklisted entirely

>> No.77156254

Tranny bros, don't look!

>> No.77156495

>"No no no no no no, banning people at literally the last minute is perfectly ok because they express wrong think"
I'm surprise no one's been kicked out of Offkai for actively protesting this shit in the first place, all of the volunteers and the owner need to get gassed

>> No.77156497

so she's basically shitting in her own pants and playing it off as owning the libs, got it
God, I'm glad I just stick to the safer stuff and don't touch the nutcases, cute girls is good enough

>> No.77157192

Zased, absolutely fvkyng ZASED

>> No.77157231

When she speaks her tits, hair and everything jiggles like a muppet. It's funny.

>> No.77157279
File: 33 KB, 623x397, let this happen it would be so fucking funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be funny af if they are actually this petty and or schizo. Hope it happens

>> No.77157620

"Part-Time Super Terrorists" is the name of their collab group of her + nano + bagstard + moonshine. Moonshine is the one who smuggled her in and is doing all the tech stuff

>> No.77157681

>Laura Loomer but a VTuber

>> No.77157724

it would be very funny

>> No.77157860

what are they gonna do? double blacklist her lol

>> No.77158005

>Moonshine is the one who smuggled her in
Beyond based. I really enjoy his animations
>and is doing all the tech stuff
Would be funny if it worked better than the shit show Offkai have set up

>> No.77158090

Doesnt this technically qualify as false advertising, and can get her in legal trouble?

>> No.77158097

>Not invited
>says she is banned
>she is not banned, just not invited
>Makes a M&G with a few fat sweaty gross dudes in the parking lot.

>> No.77158230

GG foxxo
still need more futa art of her

>> No.77158346

pretty much, she's basically doing the vtubing equivalent of squatters and acting like a roach like those leeches
not exactly a big own

>> No.77158609

she is just another dramatuber that grifts to the "based" anons, she doesn't get invited more to evade her fanbase than to evade her.

>> No.77158624

>Would be funny if it worked better than the shit show Offkai have set up
Considering how it's going that's not a high bar to clear.
Maybe more streamers would benefit from being blacklisted by Offkai.

>> No.77158833

I only know that this woman is a political streamer and got her panel in offkai canceled. Doing this is a surefire way to make sure you never get invited again, but I guess the bridge was already burned.

>> No.77158854

phase never forgets there friends no wonder the pink yabbit was so quit kinda cuute in its own way even though i had no dog in this race

>> No.77158877
File: 35 KB, 540x97, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's false advertising here? Offkai officially said she could be there

>> No.77158942

Technically yes since it's not officially endorsed?
But then again they also never specified that she was fully banned from the con, just that specific panel she was joining so who knows.

>> No.77159009 [DELETED] 


eat my L


she fantasizes about Mitch McConnel and Ted Cruz. Peobably Alex Jones penis is on her mind too.

>> No.77159068

fox ladys new model is hideous bruh
those boobs look like bolt ons lmao

>> No.77159164

>>77153793wtf even is that ugly ass model? Makes even niji ones look good in comparison.

>> No.77159234

I mean, if she just popped up, that would make sense
but since she put up an edited guest picture with the official OffKai logo, any nuance of innocence is pretty much dead in the water

>> No.77159373

it's becoming really clear now that's all she's got.
she can be entertaining but the whole political shit is a snoozefest

>> No.77159536
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>> No.77159663


What the fuck? that is a bargain basement model if I ever saw one. who the fuck is that?

>> No.77159861

Rent free? Nijisanji models look fucking fine

>> No.77159865

Right wing people are as entertaining a monkey flinging poop around, they are too full of hate and spite to actually be funny

>> No.77160015

and yet the hate in this thread is from the left, strange

>> No.77160023
File: 10 KB, 100x85, 1696790909285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who in their right mind still uses those ugly ass VR chat default models?

At least with Fillian she got hera remade from the ground up after she got big.

>> No.77160025

Desperate. Pathetic. Hopefully everyone involved (the SEAnigger lugging that camera around, Nanobites) gets banned from every subsequent OffKai conference.

>> No.77160033

lol didn't Petra at one point looked like a PEZ dispenser with her neck at their 3d concert
not exactly "fine"

>> No.77160204

>she basically [complete schizo headcanon]

>> No.77160274
File: 59 KB, 299x320, KorscheDog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who in their right mind still uses those ugly ass VR chat default models?
people who have been ghosted half a dozen times by their 2D artists/modelers for the past 3 years. WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YEARS FOR NEW 2D MODEL BUT ARTISTS KEEP FUCKING HER

total artist death

>> No.77160282
File: 74 KB, 640x640, e7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back and take this heccin hilarious wholesome unproblematic left wing meme with you kind stranger

>> No.77160336

Tell it to the judge

>> No.77160390

They said she was free to attend. An impromtu meet and greet that isn't official isn't against any rule or law. Cope and seethe.

>> No.77160401

Funny how you were very quite when the same exact thing also happened to the trannytuber and nijisanji. Almost as if you're a hypocrite.

>> No.77160531

The conservative mindset is antithetical to rational thought and self reflection. Forget about just being funny.

>> No.77160635

never said "banned" but blacklisted to an official capacity.
You antis make it too easy

>> No.77160681

lmao imagine believing this, she just doesn't want to waste money when she can keep grifting you retards without a good model.

>> No.77160738

all I needed to know

>> No.77160833

Why did she make a big deal about Offkai if she hates being around "progressive" types anyways?

>> No.77160884

Does that mean she can make a graphic that makes her seem officially a part of the con? They juet said she was ok as a guest.
Still seems like false advertisement

>> No.77160987

Land whale activists in this thread crying about left and right when really at the end of the day she's just a piece of shit anyways
Her horde of drama nigger supporters are often pointed as the worst possible people in all of the vtubing fan base for good reason

>> No.77161018

this type of people live off of confrontation

>> No.77161052

>total artist death
The Western VTuber Fanbase, everyone

>> No.77161131
File: 47 KB, 400x302, Where do you think we are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What made you leftoids think you're welcome on this website?
You can't police wrongthink here, nigger.

>> No.77161175

Because she is a grifter. Like Pippa pipkin. All vtumors are garbage e-girls and dramafaggots.

>> No.77161240

Why is she so desperate to get into a con that blacklisted her?

>> No.77161300

Weird, I thought Offkai was a vtuber event and not an antifa struggle session.

>> No.77161335

Because money. All vtubers want money. Being whores women

>> No.77161336

jesus christ that model

>> No.77161398
File: 1.07 MB, 220x160, cope-cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make her seem
completely subjective. Official appearances are always explicitly and clearly stated. Do you think she's the only vtuber that did this?
Nice try

>> No.77161433

She's a moron who doesn't know how to hide her powerlevel. Of course she'd be blacklisted from attending corporate-sponsored events, and clearly she revels in the attention she's getting for being a conservative martyr.

>> No.77161458

>Being whores women


>> No.77161562
File: 29 KB, 615x376, troon profile pic vs real life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry you couldn't get Pippa blacklisted too. You tried, xister.

>> No.77161588

The entire thing was brushed under the rug because it’s Kirsche and she’s political which no one likes. Understandable but the idea of letting volunteers pick and choose who to keep and who to kick is a retarded precedent to set. Especially because from the leaks we know another vtuber would have been banned from Offkai for being “controversial” and in my opinion it seems like it was likely Bao they were talking about. A vtuber undergoing the risk of being banned from a convention over fat jokes is fucking retarded. Even if it wasn’t Bao and was someone else, the reason for that vtuber being a “risk” was likely just as much of a nothingburger.

>> No.77161621

Still whores. All women vtubers are whores.

>> No.77161650

That is true, but she is insanely political on Twitter. To the point that you wonder why she wants to attend and be around said people in the first place.

>> No.77161684

source? Where's the desperation? Is it just your headcanon? Could it be projection?

>> No.77161688

Tranny volunteers cancelled her for daring to talk about DEI and having neutral explanation about differences in pronouns between US and Canada.

>> No.77161728

Ok still whores. You retarded simps.

>> No.77161781

Jesus Christ. This being in California shocks me. This seems more like a gathering of drunken southerners.

>> No.77161791

Rope yourself SJW.

>> No.77161835

>but the idea of letting volunteers pick and choose who to keep and who to kick is a retarded precedent to set.
good point. Now watch Kirsche antis and leftoids brush it off because "hurr durr Kirsche bad"

>> No.77161842

>encourages boycott
>goes anyway

>> No.77161865

The OP.

>> No.77161873

"said people" being vtuber fans right? We're still operating on the pretext Offkai is supposed to be a vtuber convention?

>> No.77161940

Because she is other Brittany venty grifter type.

>> No.77162059

kek. Spot on! Them lefties can't help but to trip over their own contracting statements.

>> No.77162071

No a tranny by the way. Anyway Pippa has trannies fans now.

>> No.77162136

>thing that didn't happen
She literally told people to still go, understanding that having the rug pulled on her 3 weeks before would likely mean those going had already committed to travel and hotels.

>> No.77162171

Unfortunately it was offkai that acted obnoxiously here. Kirsche is merely undoing the actions of the pink sauce lady.

>> No.77162178

you lost xister.

>> No.77162193

I don't get Americans and their stupid political division of left and right. Is the same garbage.

>> No.77162228

Yeah but they can eat shit. Good luck trying to seek trouble with her now.

>> No.77162274

so where's the desperation? Do you think this took any effort at all?
>muh desperation
you reek of projection

>> No.77162282

Are you from Reddit because you sure are retarded.>>77162178

>> No.77162300

don't give a fuck if it's a troon or not, get the political grifters out of vtubing
I just want cute girls doing cute things, not this tard that draws in tards like you who wants to shit things up

>> No.77162313

In the southern hemisphere it's reversed and it gets super confusing at the equator or the poles.

>> No.77162413
File: 86 KB, 577x577, MedsNow[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1pavct.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schizo headcanon
>n-no it's t-totally not me! It's the stoopid americans I swear!

>> No.77162415

"volunteers" Just say you have never been to a con and have 0 clue about con culture.

>> No.77162496

I'm just happy she got to do a meet and greet with her fans.
Anyone who doesn't like a chuuba attending a con just because of her political preferences is a retarded tourist.

>> No.77162541

>double quote
>calls others retarded

>> No.77162542

Only troon would defend what Offkai did to her. Rope yourself.
I don't even like Kirsche but I will never support cancel culture, unlike your sorry SJW ass.

>> No.77162573

You're right, it should read "incestuous clique".

>> No.77162584

Buy an ad, faggot.

>> No.77162625

Yes. Is stupid. They are the same. And even don't get geopolitical problems and geopolitics

>> No.77162684

Besides the event taking place in somewhere as liberal as California, its also the fact that at least half of the vtubers there are either lefties or they dont make politics part of their brand at all. Which would make networking there very awkward considering Kirsche's brand and the shit she posts on Twitter.

>> No.77162749 [DELETED] 

>I don't even like kirsche
Lmao shut the fuck up retard you are way too obvious.
>I will never support cancel culture
Oh so you would never complain about a convicted pedophile tranny working as a childcare worker?

>> No.77162794

Anon the people that had issues with Kirsche were the con volunteers, the Offkai representative that Kirsche spoke to and leaked the DMs with literally admitted himself that it was volunteers that were the problem. He basically admitted that Offkai only runs because of volunteers. So, no. You need to learn about how Offkai is run.

>> No.77162820

No one is welcome on this board retard, but you political people are even less welcome, both right wing mongoloids and leftist cucks. This board is for cute anime girls and schizos, stay in you fucking lane.

>> No.77162873

Retarded dishonest argument. The example you provided has nothing to do with cancel culture. At least your mask slipped, now we know you're a pedophile tranny. Rope yourself.

>> No.77162888

But political is not welcome with vtubers. Do you see Hololive and Nijisanji being political.

>> No.77162952

>Offkai only runs because of volunteers
If that's true then trying to dismiss them as just "volunteers" is retarded as fuck.

>> No.77162962

>20 /pol/tards sucking each other off in the parking lot

>> No.77163001

Is this an American thing to think that gays and transsexuals are pedophiles?

>> No.77163006

Extremely based

>> No.77163004

Nijisanji? Yes.
Hololive? They have that Goldbullet faggot, unfortunately.

>> No.77163124 [DELETED] 

>n-no you cant just point out my flawed logic and make me look like a r-retard please please
I'd tell you to kill yourself but you cant even stand by your own words so theres a 0% chance you would be able to.

>> No.77163140

Painted nails on emaciated male hands typed this

>> No.77163165

Where is Nijisanji political. Being capitalist is not political. The same with Hololive return to China. Is prime capitalism working.

>> No.77163173

only sisters and fans of this fucking ugly chuba are political and they should all be banned in to oblivion

>> No.77163198

She tried to cancel Offkai after she wasnt selected and threw a fit, go back to eating lead chips if you're just throwing out random political buzzwords

>> No.77163281

>Hololive return to china
oh you are a retarded seething chinkoid bugman, makes sense.

>> No.77163316

You didn't point out shit retard. You only exposed yourself as a pedophile tranny.

>> No.77163364

shouldn’t you be setting yourself on fire to support terrorists or exposing children to the joys of anal sex with other men or something? like usual?

>> No.77163408

Go neck yourself and take politics out of this board, and out of vtubing.

>> No.77163425

Check Uki's or Enna's streams.

>> No.77163452
File: 734 KB, 1011x929, bait or retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit you're so confidently ignorant and retarded is amazing!
Offkai is 100% volunteer staffed, this is publicly known fact

>> No.77163461

>the idea of letting volunteers pick and choose who to keep and who to kick
How many times do we have to go through this?

EVERYONE on OffKai staff is a volunteer.

>> No.77163502

>I will never support cancel culture
>Therefore I would not complain about drag-queen story time
Okay tranny boy have fun

>> No.77163527

Volunteers is literally what they are, as stated by Offkai retard-chama

>> No.77163601

>But political is not welcome with vtubers.
>just ignore all the virtue signal that doesn't count!

>> No.77163618

You’re replying to a bot

>> No.77163622

>redditnigger meme
If the only reason the con can be held is through "volunteers" then they aren't just volunteers

>> No.77163656

Americans being completely illiterate in politics never stops amazing me

>> No.77163706

why do leftoids love to pass off their schemes as >"muh capitalism" so much?

>> No.77163712

Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha >>77163425
Thank you for the rddit gold and up boots kind stranger.

>> No.77163715

For a quick recap of what the drama was about
>Kirsche wants to /pol/ify vtubing and was seething /here/ because OffKai wouldn't allow her to hold a panel and shit things up for everyone.
>Kirsche and her fans then tried to drag Pippa and Phase Connect into her self inflicted drama, and for all intent and purposes she got herself blacklisted.

>> No.77163741

Wrong. Stop spreading lies. She never tried to cancel OffKai.
It was OffKai who blacklisted her, after she was already selected for OffKai - just because some SJW volunteers ctrl+f'd her post history. After that injustice, she exposed them and tried to hurt them, it was a right thing to do. Kill yourself leftoid.

>> No.77163762

>Do you think she's the only vtuber that did this?
Can you find any other examples?

>> No.77163783

It’s a realist thing.

>> No.77163802

Didn't /lard/ die out in less than four days?

>> No.77163810

Are you retard too faggot.

>> No.77163862

My bad, didn't realize at first but now it's clear. I hate it.

>> No.77163867

You know this isn't Twitchcon with streamers stalking eachother to exchange business cards, right? It's not about "networking", it's for the fans. And the panel she was scheduled to remote into was completely non-political.
Anyone afraid of some evil Bostonian fox-muppet boogeyman wouldn't have even known she was there if they weren't going out of their way to attend the panel itself.

>> No.77163906

Wait a minute I just realized that Rev guy who cancelled his panel in solidarity with Kirsche did it for literally nothing because she was going to do it anyways

>> No.77163919
File: 565 KB, 1855x997, what in the awawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most retarded shit I've read in a while

>> No.77163926
File: 5 KB, 192x192, 1576710891884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My God /vt/ really is just full of Reddit faggots.

>> No.77163951

Stop samefagggint retarded redditors.

>> No.77164013

you're glowing

>> No.77164019

Americans teach children about the joys of anal sex and how’s it’s ok to stick your dick in a shitty asshole, and they also set themselves on fire in support of murdering terrorists. It’s just the way it is, which you know full well unless you have typical europoor total political illiteracy. It’s why your little countries don’t matter and are our vassal states.

>> No.77164030

Not for nothing, it was to send a message.

>> No.77164060

What do you think majority of Hololive fans come from????

>> No.77164130

the message is that they're outing themselves as shitflinging tards? Good for them, I guess

>> No.77164167

Because a vtuber con is a good opportunity for exposure to...vtuber fans? Lots of people will go to random panels, etc. just to kill time between events they actually want to see.

>> No.77164196

She was kicked from a panel, idiot. Arranging a guerilla meet&greet for those already obligated to attend didn't magic back her seat on the panel.

>> No.77164198

you're probably just farming you's but what in the fuck do mean by that?

>> No.77164320
File: 244 KB, 1280x1109, SJW normal person.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you political people
right, those pesky political rightoids! AMIRIGHT fellow 4channers?

>> No.77164339

>had no dog in this race
Pippa was on the same blacklist as Kirsche but because Phase is a big sponsor of the event they were pretty much forced to backtrack. But based on the vtubers they were blacklisting it's obvious it was some Sjw fucktards pushing this hit.

>> No.77164356

Fair, but my God I never knew it was this bad.

>> No.77164460

you first. Most Kirsche antis are just seething leftoids who unironically use chud /here/

>> No.77164495

It fizzled because even the usual grifters and dramafags realized Kirsche was in the wrong and it wasn't worth trying to virtue signal for her.

>> No.77164556

>Being whores women

>> No.77165253

I'd call you retarded but I know you're just lying shamelessly
literally any small vtuber who didn't have the pull or resources to host a booth or a panel. Use your brain nigger.

>> No.77165398

>nonsense that came to you in a dream
You can invert nearly everything in those statements and get a better account of events.
Or it fizzled because the shit stirrers realized they were being ignored and got bored.

>> No.77165450

>the anti thread died
imagine my surprise

>> No.77165715

Then why is OP acting like Kirsche won some major victory when she's scraping by with a participation trophy meet n greet
>First you tell me that Offkai blacklisted Kirsche
>Then you say Offkai kicked Kirsche off a panel but she is still allowed to attend and meet her fans
>So she attends and meets her fans which is what offkai wanted her to do anyways
This celebration is disingenuous. Kirsche's situation is still bad. If you want to be taken as a serious protest against Offkai, you have the treat the situation accurately. Don't sugar coat things to make yourself look better. The situation for Kirsche and her fans is bad and remains bad and you should be truthful about it.

>> No.77165994

Most her antis are people who don't want politics and dramafaggots in vtubig, as simple as that.

>> No.77166113

>Use your brain nigger.
How about you post actual examples?

>> No.77166220

She should go debate with Destiny and Hasan and leave vtubing alone, this is not a place for politics.

>> No.77166376

Nah it fizzled because Kirsche was in the wrong and she realized how badly she fucked up by trying to get Pippa involved.

>> No.77166512

she's too irrelevant for them, a year ago she was tweeting to fucking Sargon of Akkad wanting a sort of collab, hilarious

>> No.77166558

it's no use talking to the tard's tard fans, apparently, I'm an leftoid and a SJW because I don't want troons or politics in cute girls doing cute things
they're more tard than us, and that's saying something

>> No.77166794

Pathetic. Promoting an event she's banned from and getting her fans to go and spend money there. What a fucking retard.

>> No.77166840

I blame all the /here/ youtubers making content based off retarded post from here

>> No.77166853

>Don't sugar coat things
How dare you be lardphobic

>> No.77166956

Imagine defending Offkai after what they just did to Pippa and Tenma. Kirsche is totally the problem here.

>> No.77166995
File: 124 KB, 463x453, pippa peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blacklisted Kirsche from her panel
>She still remains blacklisted from her panel
He won

>> No.77167119

>vtubing can only ever be one thing and one thing only
never been the case and certainly not your call KEK!

>> No.77167291

Repeating your headcannon doesn't make it true sweetie

>> No.77167440

> this is not a place for politics.
every time some wannabe ally vtuber virtue signals, that's politics. But you don't count those, now do you?
Politics is much more than Alex Jones tier screeching. It is small (and not so small) things which break immersion and bring it back to reality.
Ship has sailed long ago.

>> No.77167449

>/vt/ really is just full of Reddit faggots.
bro it's 2024. How much of a newfag are you? Because it's been like this since basically the beginning you know.
>What do you think majority of Hololive fans come from?
From /jp/ you stupid larper fuck.

>> No.77167475

You should stop projecting Kirsche.

>> No.77167547

>complete headcanon

>> No.77167568

This has the energy of a pedantic teenager thumbing their nose at their parents like "erm, well you said no PC, so I'm using the laptop instead" and thinking they're smart.

Unfortunately for Kirsche, the law doesn't tend to look kindly on this kind of subversion of intent, since while in abstract, "attending" doesn't preclude "meeting & greeting", the existence of alternative roles "exhibitor"/"guest" at the con clearly contextually communicate that the rights/roles of a "attendee" is actually distinct to a "guest" holding a meet & greet. If she's unlucky enough that Offkai were to sue for false advertising or reputational damage since she's misselling herself as a Con event, while also communicating that she's being aided by "terrorists", she'd get rung out over this point.

Like, it might seem like an epic win but she's actually putting herself at exceptional legal risk here and for what?

(also on a non-legal dimension, it just smacks of sour grapes)

>> No.77167749

imagine how actual oldfags feel when looking at this newfag board then

>> No.77167859

>This has the energy of a pedantic teenager
But enough about vtubing!

>> No.77167880

Schizo behavior of accusing me of being someone I'm not.
Niji wasn't "banned". They were "protected"
While true, your politics should not influence who gets involved in an entertainment expo.
Dean Cain works conventions all the time despite being a Republican

>> No.77167955
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>Thinking you can samefag just because IPs were removed
Low quality image, for a low quality attempt.

>> No.77167965

eh, offkai is incompetent with tech stuff, they'll be incompetent in legal too I bet. Chances are that even if they have a good case against her, realistically, they'll look the other way when they have other stuff on their plate
She still ends up looking like a kid that throws a tantrum at the end of the day, but poltards love that kind of stuff I guess

>> No.77168172

They can suck her clit. Her meet&greet had less technical difficulties than OffKai's official one lmao.

>> No.77168230

>every time some wannabe ally vtuber virtue signals
NTA, but no those can fuck right off alongside the based grifters.

>> No.77168378
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Sit down honey, you're hysterical.

>> No.77168483

Kirche just gave legal mindset a month worth content

>> No.77168658
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>Has 4chanx
>Just clicked off the 'you' for the first post.
I'm just laughing at you and your parking lot 'meet up'

>> No.77168788

There's literally millons of people in California. Also just because someone votes democrat doesn't mran they are woke.

To be fair bringing in politics is gonna ruin vtubing and her content is really political. You dont see Kiara doing news comment streams.

>> No.77168848

its just redditor's larping, kirsche hit mainstream attention so a bunch of tourists all of sudden have an opinion on her and subsequently it will devolve into team sports shit.

>> No.77169031

The people running the con get to decide who they bring on as guests
You can disagree with their decisions but it's their con

If things had gone correctly they would've removed her from the panel quietly months ago, as the DMs showed this case just fell through the cracks. You wouldn't have even known about it

>> No.77169108

I'm growing concerned. Are these (you)s in the room with us now?

>> No.77169407

>While true, your politics should not influence who gets involved in an entertainment expo.
Dean Cain works conventions all the time despite being a Republican

nah. no space for chuds.

>> No.77169508
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>Literally just following a flowchart for their reply after being exposed.
It's just you.

>> No.77169866

Volunteers don't "run" their convention just like how jannies don't "run" their streamers.

At least that's how it should work... though in practice there are some unfortunate exceptions. :(

>> No.77170131

It's not Offkai's fault Pippa and Tenma were raped

>> No.77170176

They accepted her to the con. Then sometime later they blacklisted her based on screenshots of tweets where "pronoun" was highlighted. THAT is the issue. If they instantly rejected her, nobody would care and most would agree with that decision because she is indeed a political dramafag. People care because of the way she was blacklisted. The way she was blacklisted is absolutely wrong and deplorable and deserves to be scorned.

>> No.77170256

They never accepted her at the con though?

>> No.77170290

>Volunteers don't "run" their convention
They do when they comprise 100% of event staff like at OffKai

She was never accepted, they failed the vet the panel earlier.

>> No.77170385

your children are going to stick you in the shittiest assisted care facility they can find, tell everyone that you died and have amazing anal sex with their friends every night

>> No.77170479

considering the quality of the audio, networking, and event streams, perhaps they shouldn't?

>> No.77170507

They put her on a panel and later removed her, that's definitely accepting her and then blacklisting her later like vacillating cowards.

>> No.77170660

>perhaps they shouldn't?
Then the event doesn't exist at all.
When I say everyone I mean top to bottom, literally everyone.

>> No.77170669

Dollar store rig

>> No.77170829

>They put her on a panel
No they didn't she was trying to join in on someone elses

>> No.77170903

It's a misnomer actually. Most convention staff works for free, even those who run the convention itself, so they can be labeled as 'volunteers'. But when you use the world volunteer, you think of just random people who show up to help and not people who run the con itself.
This perception was used to make it sound like some low level people got Kirsche's panel rejected when it much more likely came from the top.

>> No.77171286

because they're retards that have been indoctrinated into thinking LE CAPITALISM IS HECKIN EVIL BROS

>> No.77171491

Seems like poor management then if they can't find suitable volunteers to tackle the multiple technical issues after three years. Sort of a core problem and if they're unable or unwilling to address it maybe sponsor money would be better spent on different organizers?

>> No.77171702

Yeah? Maybe? But you're kind of going on a tangent here

>> No.77171765

You retards don't even know what actually happened, and here you are trying to tell us history. Kirsche fucked up and leaked DMs even though she got what she asked for at first. That being said, OffKai didn't tell her she couldn't do this. This isn't exactly provocative. It's actually just sad, but I guess hambeasts like Kirsche are used to having sad lives.

>> No.77171797

holy fuck /pol/ fags are pathetic
go back to TVA you cucks and watch Proctor brag about how much he flirts with her in dms
the vtubing space will be better when Kirsche finally dies from a clogged artery

>> No.77171841

>political leftist volunteers are technically incompetent
No surprise there.

>> No.77171917

Well you see anon if the panel isn't political most sane individuals can restrain themselves and not talk about politics and instead talk about the panel's actual topic

>> No.77171992

But it is OffKai who got political with her? She wasn't planning to do anything political there.

>> No.77172070

Nah, good on them for correcting that mistake. pobody's nerfect

>> No.77172141

>But it is OffKai who got political with her
the delusion of you polniggers is staggering
her content is /pol/ and drama shitting and just being a bad person at all times
cry about it, nobody wants that kind of annoying whore in the vtuber community besides people who nobody wants in the community, thats why you all flock to her

>> No.77172184

ground at off kai is going to fucking cave in with the amount of fat asses walking around

>> No.77172212

>it didn't happen

>but if it did it was good

They're pulling out the classics today, I love it.

>> No.77172489

You realize we aren't the same person, correct? He's also incorrect about the facts. Kirsche was never approved, nor did they or her announce her appearance. When the vetting came, she was told no, and told she could attend the event in any other capacity. This is after she threatened to leak DMs if she didn't get an answer, then proceeded to leak DMs anyway. Sorry, but your princes piggy is actually a brand risk, and will probably never be welcome back. Thanks for playing, dipshit. Hope she can have more greet and meets in parking lots, kek.

>> No.77172516

She's proof that if you can't generate an audience through actual talent and personality, just lay into the right wing grift shit. You don't have to be interesting, funny or insightful. Just complain about SJWs, cancel culture, DEI, etc., and you'll carve out enough of an audience to survive.
It's like that terrible new Adam Carolla animated show. If you fail at being an actual comedian, just call yourself conservative comedian, and you'll get a certain type to lap up any shit you feed them, regardless of how lazy and unfunny it is.
What I'm saying is that she and Rev are the Adam Carolla of Vtubers.

>> No.77172609
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Weird how there are hundreds of alt-left Vtubers in places like NijiEN and StarsEN, but the second ONE right-wing Vtuber comes in, THEN they start bitching about “not liking politics” and how they’re “totally not taking sides and both sides are le bad I swear I’m unbiased, sisters”.

>> No.77172665

kek you dumbfuck chud, i fully acknowledged that it happened and was good from the beginning.

>> No.77172732

>You realize we aren't the same person, correct?
Unfortunately I have recently had to accept the existence of more than one retard.

>> No.77172865

I notice that you're simply denying reality now, so yeah, I guess you would have a problem with that kind of thinking, wouldn't you, retard?

>> No.77172963

they dont make their content about being political even if they are cringe faggots you grandstanding faggot

>> No.77172965

No,"both" "sides" are not bad. Chuds are bad and deserve no space anywhere.

>> No.77172966

I'm not even a Kirsche fan but spare me the outrage over politics when Froot exists.

>> No.77173046

you do realize you're posting this on 4chan, the place on the internet who shits on those leftie vtubers the most.

>> No.77173169

cool samefag
next time dont type literally exactly the same
hes being obtuse on purpose to defend his favorite 330,000 pound sea creature

>> No.77173309

I at least respect you for not being a hypocrite

Don’t see you saying that towards “trans rites” Goldbullet or “gotta support the cause (cancelling Pikamee)” Altare. You don’t hate politics, these are just politics that you personally don’t like. Please be more honest like the guy I replied to above.

>> No.77173451

again, saying political things is not the same as doing political content
i know you are an annoying retarded faggot but you arent THAT stupid, stop pretending otherwise as an excuse to cry like a 9 year old on 4chan

>> No.77173485

> the place on the internet who shits on those leftie vtubers the most.
Really? Because this entire thread says the opposite of that.

>> No.77173558

Tongue my farting asshole faggot

>> No.77173559

>Alt left

>> No.77173602

What delusion? It's a fact. They blacklisted her because she made political tweets in the past. What they did was definition of cancel culture SJWs are known for.

>> No.77173603

You don't understand, anon. People who are vaguely liberal are exactly the same as someone who rants about how any legislation to combat bigotry is evil because reasons. Let's be fair here, do you really expect trailer park trash like Kirsche to have any other kind of opinion?

>> No.77173653

I don’t like kiwifarms grifters and I don’t like troons canceling people for playing video games, I can only hope you all fuck off from the vtubing scene entirely

>> No.77173656

Being naturally based is not making “political content”. Unless you think Pippa also makes political content

>> No.77173655

you fucking retard, it's possible to shit on multiple groups of people at the same time, even if they hate each other. This thread is shitting on kirsche because she's a terminally political cunt grifter, and I'd shit on her bizarro world SJW version.

>> No.77173697

>because she made political tweets in the past
no.... thats not what happened, she literally does political commentary streams and drama shitter streams and hangs on out Kiwifarms openly

>> No.77173782

Just because we won't support your landwhale doesn't mean we support leftists. I know it's hard to believe, but people generally hate people that won't shut the fuck up about their current culture war. Kirsche is cancer and she deserves to be a nobody just like she's always been.

>> No.77173783

Her content isn't just politics, retard.

>> No.77173879
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>> No.77174015


>> No.77174025

>Her content isn't just politics
No, it's just mostly politics. She will never achieve Pippa's success. She will never be fondly thought of like Pippa, and she will never ever be at a healthy weight. Time to wear the rope, faggot.

>> No.77174043

The biggest thing is Kirsche leaked personal logs that she had with OffKai to generate drama and tried to drag Pippa into it by intentionally not redacting her name, while redacting the name of the person who wanted to do the panel.
If she got blacklisted, that was what caused it.

>> No.77174053

Fucking moron. It is literally what happened. They contacted her with screenshots of her old tweets and told her that that is the reason why she is getting veto'd. The screenshots even had "pronoun" highlighted which means they went through her tweet history looking for something to get offended by.

>> No.77174130

>This thread is shitting on kirsche because she's a terminally political cunt grifter, and I'd shit on her bizarro world SJW version.
Considering these same people will defend Homostars with “Niji deflection post” posts, it doesn’t seem that way.

>> No.77174188

>If she got blacklisted, that was what caused it.
"If she got blacklisted, something that happened after she was blacklisted was the cause."
Man, I hate talking to these sub-80s.

>> No.77174282
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>she will never be at a healthy weight

>> No.77174299

>to like my gross land whale you have to like Holostars
this is such a pathetic cope lmao jesus dude
just accept that most people hate this cunt

>> No.77174313

>Not allowed to hold a panel because she's politicize it
>Being banned from the premise entirely
One is not like the other, but you're going to intentionally omit that.

>> No.77174322

don't voice your schizoid opinions about subjects you have no idea about

>> No.77174334

>everyone who doesn't like my universally hated obnoxious vtuber must be a homobeggar
impressive levels of delusion, I guess that helps you keep going.

>> No.77174348

Not happening, chud. It's our space now.

>> No.77174436

You don't even understand the term you're trying to imply.

Nah, she can easily stream without mentioning politics.

>> No.77174500

ITT: people who REALLY need to go back to kiwifarms

>> No.77174515

>Homostar says jerking off to fictional characters is literal rape because they can’t consent

>one indie girl says kids shouldn’t be transitioned against their will
>How DARE you! Don’t you see both sides are stupid?
You’re not selling me on this, sister

>> No.77174547

You need to join 41%.

>> No.77174642

>if you dont like my retarded drama /pol/ grifter being a shitter in the vtubing community you are trans

>> No.77174656

>Nah, she can easily stream without mentioning politics.
And yet she doesn't. I've tried to watch her on three separate times, and each time it's some of this shit. That's all she talks about, and you know it. Let's stop pretending. She's an insufferable cunt and nobody is going to tolerate her just because she's le based. Kill yourself.

>> No.77174666

I mean she can stream herself without mentioning politics, just no one would watch because she is bland, uninteresting, fat and hideous. The only reason anyone pays her even the slightest iota of attention is because conservacucks and grifters are like bugs and bugzappers.

>> No.77174692

You need to drink bleach

>> No.77174761


>> No.77174765

Nice strawman, nijisister. It's sad you aren't capable of replying to what people say and can only attack what you made up in your retarded head.

>> No.77174836

>homoshitter crickets blah blah
Homos get shit on for anything and everything (deservedly) and dozens off threads were made shitting on him for it.

>> No.77174863

you clearly dont know what a strawman is or how to read at all

>> No.77174986

>but what about...!
Yeah, he's fucking stupid. What do you expect people to do, defend people that masturbate to little girl characters? No, instead we should all kowtow to the mentally-ill loser that can't shut the fuck up about trannies and niggers.

>> No.77175016

holy fuck you are retarded

>> No.77175044
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*sniff sniff*

Sure smells like Nijisister in this thread

>> No.77175052

if this thread is any indication of the audience she'd bring in, I can see why they chose to keep her out kek

>> No.77175077

Anime and by extension vtubing is a right wing dominated hobby. Sorry, sisters.

>> No.77175078

the reading comprehension of lardfags, everyone.

>> No.77175126

her audience is kiwifarms fags, they do this shit all the time in /pcg/ as well

>> No.77175204
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Today I learned that /vt/ is populated by anti-human leftynigger scum, too propagandized to think outside of their little mental boxes even being Anonymous.
These are the people that ruin every hobby. Never stop shaming them and mocking them, no matter how many times you get banned for wrongthink.

>> No.77175215

> What do you expect people to do, defend people that masturbate to little girl characters?
That statement wasn’t specifically aimed at lolis. He said that ALL fictional characters, of all ages, can’t consent and shouldn’t be jerked off to.

>> No.77175221

Her claim that she was banned didn't hold up then did it. They just chose not to do her panel and she shit her panties about it and tried to bring pippa in for what in the end was a nothingburger

>> No.77175393


>> No.77175436
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imagine simping for a fat chick who flirts with kiwifarms mods in her DMs

>> No.77175505

Damn, that's a really fucking stupid thing to say. Are you happy now? Or what was your point? That people can't criticize other more stupid statements on a different level?

>> No.77175526

I’d rather side with her than a Nijisister or a fujostar

>> No.77175573

Nope! If it was, y'all wouldn't cry like little bitches when streamers were correctly getting slaps on the wrist for playing the chud wizard game.

>> No.77175584

>they're not immediately agreeing with MY views
>they must be (((wrong people))) :((((

>> No.77175700

>Nijisisters would be defending Offkai
You are a brain rotted retard, nijitroons hate offkai for kicking niji out

>> No.77175765

My point is that you’re weirdly tolerant of left-wing stupidity, while being exponentially less tolerant of right-wing stupidity. People seem far angrier and spiteful towards right-wing chuubas here compared to left-wing ones. Which, assuming you preach equal rights and being impartial and apolitical, is pretty damn hypocritical.

>> No.77175900

how many right wing female vtubers do you think there are
>/pol/ poisoned brain
>it's you not me who ruins the hobby

>> No.77175943

Nah this thread in it's entirety proves exactly who you people are, and you're rotten to the core.
Just so you know, you won't be one of the elites. You'll be against the wall too, right after us if you get what you think you want.

>> No.77175984

Every Kirsche anti is a DEI shill, a kike, or a tranny.

>> No.77176038

>chud wizard game
that has too many browns, gays and a troon in 1800s Scottland

>> No.77176040

>My point is that you’re weirdly tolerant of left-wing stupidity,
Yeah, mostly because that one guy didn't build his whole career out of talking about that one thing, unlike your GED genius.
>People seem far angrier and spiteful towards right-wing chuubas here compared to left-wing ones. Which, assuming you preach equal rights and being impartial and apolitical, is pretty damn hypocritical.
Mostly because the shit you bring up is just dumb, and normal people perceive it as dumb, while the shit you are into seems hateful to most people. You know this, though and are trying to pretend one dumb statement is equivalent to Tim Pool with an anime avatar.

>> No.77176045

This but unironically

>> No.77176055

what the fuck are you talking about? the reason right wing chuubas get argued about more /here/ is because they have fans /here/, nobody cares about what random shitter SJW chuuba is doing because almost everyone hates them, there is nothing to argue about.

>> No.77176069

Left wing shitters stay on twitter. Poltards shit up this place. Have you considered that's the reason why you see that kind of reaction?

>> No.77176087

this is impressive levels of retard
sasuga lard fan

>> No.77176111 [DELETED] 

Neck yourself newfag. Go lurk 2000 years before posting.>>77175984
You are brown

>> No.77176127

Alternatively, quit being a little bitch who blames your failing system on everyone who isn't a cishet WASP, accept that your wish to be inducted into the bourgeosie is bad and never going to come true, and read some theory to better yourself.

>> No.77176187

another whore to rooffie into the motel

>> No.77176219

You sure smell like a kiwifarms retard.

>> No.77176226

I cant wait for BrownVTmemes to show up on his 90th banned twitter account for targeted harassment to defend her
truly the hero we need to own these LEFTY chuddorinios

>> No.77176328

I blame containment breaking niggers for bringing all that shit here

>> No.77176703
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>Left wing shitters stay on twitter.
very funny

>> No.77176730

he's the lesser of the chudcoded vtweeters honestly, there's a ton more annoying fags out there

>> No.77176821

yes, Pippa and Kirsche brought all these people into the community and pandered to them, they are the reason this board is so shit all the time and that is an objective fact
honestly true

>> No.77176856

So right, sister.
That's why all of holo JP and ID avoided playing it.
Oh, wait...

>> No.77176960
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where the fuck do you people even come from, go back to shartie or whatever the fuck its called. is every kirsche thread like this?

>> No.77176961

Honestly, this site itself isa meta-example of what happens with Vtuber politics. There are thousands of left-wing hugbox websites where free thought and dissent is banned. But then we get ONE site, out of those thousands, that allows right-wing beliefs, and people here are crying for them to get banned and suppressed. That doesn’t sound like “I hate both political sides” to me.

Again, if you’re unironically an SJW, then I respect that. It’s the fencesitter LARPers that I truly hate. I’ll take an hbomberguy over a MoistCritikal any day.

>> No.77176991

The difference has always been that Pippa understood it's all memes and for the lulz, while Kirsche really believes her politics are serious business, and totally not retarded.

>> No.77177046

go fucking back

>> No.77177051

>Left wing shitters stay on twitter
you are literally here posting, you delusional tranny dogfucker.

>> No.77177100

>any legislation to combat bigotry
>combat bigotry
>he actually believes this

>> No.77177103

sir this a website for talking about vtubers, go be a faggot on TVA

>> No.77177108

/pol/ was a mistake

>> No.77177112

You just KNOW she has a bunch of Doki anti memes saved on her decade-old iMac that she reposts weekly

>> No.77177165

Please don't bring facts into this

>> No.77177223

>t. Goldbullet thread “Niji deflection post” posters

>> No.77177257

It's not that I believe it. It's that I understand that people believe it. Do you have autism, anon? That might explain why you don't see what is obvious.

>> No.77177280

Cry more. I want one place to stay free of your retarded culture wars. It's not that hard to comprehend.

>> No.77177281

its really really sad that you probably unironically believe this

>> No.77177318

>go back to shartie or whatever the fuck its called
nigga I've been on this site for most of my life except I didn't got brained broken by /pol/

>> No.77177401

Guess what, you can't. That's the nature of a culture war, its everywhere and you *will* have to choose a side.
So get to choosing, faggot.

>> No.77177504

my side is the 3rd party that thinks both sides should kill each other and than themselves but not on my front lawn

>> No.77177531

No. I not even American. So I don't have to choose been a retard.

>> No.77177569

>Guess what, you can't.
We could just fine until you came here. You're not welcome, anon. There's a reason your metric ton muse isn't well-liked here and you have to raid for her to get any kind of support. You are bringing the culture wall bullshit here.

>> No.77177696

I hate both sides but i would unironically stand with most troons over Kirsche simply because they dont fucking raid 4chan threads constantly with their faggot discord

>> No.77177720

Nope. You can't blame it on one person or even one website, it's everywhere and it will creep into whatever you want to keep away from it.
The solution is not hiding, the solution is taking a stand. But most people are too spineless to do so, even anonymously.

>> No.77177747

/pol/ mind raped every newfag like you, it's the default boogieman makes you cry and shit your pants effortlessly and the funniest thing is that you have never posted in /pol/.

>> No.77177774

Unfortunately to you, I don't have to. Your politics don't reach my country.

>> No.77177844

Extreme cope. American politics are world politics because Americans produce all the media

>> No.77177851

>Nope. You can't blame it on one person or even one website
I'm blaming it on you and everyone that thinks like you. You are the problem. Kill yourself.
>The solution is not hiding, the solution is taking a stand.
I'm taking a stand against you. Please leave. You are not welcome here.

>> No.77177854

>Pippa and Kirsche brought all these people into the community
yeah no it was retards from here, plebbit and youtubers not knowing how to hide their power level

>> No.77177904

>/pol/ fags rampantly crying and pissing and moaning on /vt/ constantly
>umm actually you are the ones who are mind raped

>> No.77177914

Can't believe that Kirsche having a meet & greet generated a 300+ replies thread of pure seething.

>> No.77177947

No you're not, you're hiding like a little bitch and refusing to engage in real debate. This thread proves it.

>> No.77177978
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>vtuber makes a fairly large amount of her content and persona political
>in a hobby that should be as far from politics as humanly possible
>gets le boot from said hobbys event for same reason as above
>this is suppose to be a bad thing
I mean she really should have expected it, no idea why she's having a meltdown about it.
I've seen radical lefty trannies get banned for very similar reasons from anime and streamer cons. Politics dont belong in escapism, and especially not in fucking vtubing of all things.

>> No.77178017

all non-otaku need to be perma banned off this board

>> No.77178030

Honestly I think the whole argument of whether Kirsche or Offkai were in the right hinges on whether or not Kirsche would have brought up politics on the panel. If she’s known to do this in collabs with apolitical vtubers then I would say Offkai had reason for concern. If she’s known to hold herself back when in apolitical spaces then the Offkai staff were schizos making up issues in their own head. Proving that she either does or does not immediately jump to politics when the situation is not meant for it is all that’s really needed here

>> No.77178100

shes known both be a giga pol fag at all times and also be a shitter who constantly bad mouths other vtubers

>> No.77178117

>No you're not, you're hiding like a little bitch and refusing to engage in real debate.
There is no debate. You are the problem, and it's evident because you're the only one trying to start a culture war here.

>> No.77178120

its insane how much twitter and plebbit overlap with board now

>> No.77178180

>the funniest thing is that you have never posted in /pol/
??? I have, retard, and why would it be a boogeyman for someone like me who is posting /here/? it's just a breeding ground from retards like you

>> No.77178289

Producing entertainment in any capacity inevitably leads to culture war politics you dumb cunt. It's either step up or be stepped on because you can't avoid it.

You'll bitch and whine about this fact because you're a coward who is too soft even anonymously to defend your beliefs so instead you seethe pitifully and smash the report button.

>> No.77178338

/pol/niggers really out there thinking they need to use /pol/ to be called /pol/niggers

>> No.77178353

And yet racists like Uki are given their own concerts and aren’t banned from any cons. Again, you’re not as apolitical as you pretend to be.

>> No.77178379

>in a hobby that should be as far from politics as humanly possible
I disagree, it can be political, just keep it to yourself and don't associate yourself with the wider community, like Futakuchi Mana who is immensely political but she almost never involves herself in wider vtuber stuff, much less offkai shit, which is what Kirsche should do since she is a clear political vtuber

>> No.77178434


>> No.77178449

true, they are just brain broken by the same virus

>> No.77178490

>This is inevitable!
>Stop blaming me for shitting shit up. Someone was going to do it, so it might as well be me!
Kill yourself. You are the cancer.

>> No.77178567


>> No.77178565

Mana is not associating with anybody because she was kicked out of everywhere.

>> No.77178586

Like I said. You are a coward. If you haven't chopped off your nutsack already get a knife now because you don't need any testosterone

>> No.77178651

well she learned then, unlike Kirsche

>> No.77178762

Well he fucking should be banned from all events after making blatant anti white tweets, along with all of nijisanji. No idea why you assumed I'd support someone like that based off my post.
Anon she is just as political as the fatass. She has entire streams deticated to doing carp marx lectures and tweets for the death of the US military kek, dont act like she's not a radical just like Kirsche.

>> No.77178869


>> No.77178870

Apparently you're too stupid to figure out what step up or be stepped on means. If you don't take the political stands early, the opposing side will. And if you are indifferent their politics will dominate your medium. This is the neverending power struggle that some call a culture war.
Cry about it if you must (you will) but that won't save you

>> No.77178946

>Hurr if you don't defend this hambeast and her retarded behavior, that mean's you're a tranny
Kek. You must be really insecure about that, anon.

>> No.77178955

she wouldn't be talking about politics on the panel, at best you'd get a spicy joke which others make as well and that's about it

>> No.77178982

>Anon she is just as political as the fatass
she is, but unlike Kirsche she knows her place is far away from the vtuber community as a whole! simply keep to their business and that's it, not do this retarded drama about a con only to have your friends help you get in

>> No.77179039

Lol, anime and anime girls will outlast your eternal power struggle.

>> No.77179046

I didn't say that, but any man as cowardly as you is emasculated to the point where you might as well be a tranny. You're certainly not going to reproduce anyway so why not.

>> No.77179073


>> No.77179094

>parking lot meeting
they won(?)

>> No.77179134

The leftist mind, everyone

>> No.77179171


>> No.77179304

I was making fun of you. Should I have put it in quotes to make it easier to understand?

>> No.77179305

its even funnier because OffKai told her she was allowed to do that

>> No.77179443

You have no argument, feel free to do whatever you want little nigger. You lost.

>> No.77179729

>In the end, Kirsche kneeled to OffKai

>> No.77179824

Having seen the other events I fucking hope she's able to use her own tech team. The production for the QnA panels so far have been fucking amateur, like they let a retard that never touched any electronics or even a pencil, do. And the organizers are charging a fucking arm and a dick for it, holy shit.

>> No.77179896

I dont agree with banning someone over their political or religious beliefs. As long as its not a far extreme Antifa tier individual about to shoot up the place then its whatever, she's ''normal'' in actual collabs so it just seems like overreaction nothingburger

>> No.77179931

If losing means having to watch cute girls doing cute things instead of streaming m&g in the parking lot, I guess I'll leave the win to you.

>> No.77179969

That's usually the issue ain't it.

>> No.77180063

>I dont agree with banning someone over their political or religious beliefs.
>As long as its not a far extreme Antifa tier individual
do I even need to point it out or nah

>> No.77180116

the panel she was invited to take part wasn't hers and it wasn't politics so she wasn't going to politicize shit, go dilate some more and while you dilate your puss ridden wound dilate your ears too so you hear well this time, her panel wasn't hers she was invited and it wasn't politics

>> No.77180168

I'm literally twice married and have a kid from the previous marriage. Holy shit, you're a fucking virgin, anon. I can see why you simp for the fat whore, kek.

>> No.77180263

you cant seriously be comparing her to active shooters, that's a whole new level of seethe

>> No.77180390

>far extreme Antifa tier
it's obvious where you stand and how you think by the way you are phrasing it

>> No.77180436

>I dont agree with banning someone over their political or religious beliefs
Fuck, I do. If your religion says you sacrifice people to the sun god, you aren't welcome. If your political beliefs are that we should rape babby, then you are also not welcome. What is acceptable is decided by the community at large, and the community at OffKai decided that Kirsche wasn't welcome. Why insist on going somewhere you aren't wanted? Funily enough, Kirsche being a libertarian, she would be completely find with a business denying you entry based on arbitrary features, but I guess it's fine until it actually affects her, kek.

>> No.77180577

so you're upset I didn't also say right wing extremist incel groups as well, ok then

>> No.77180652

>Implying it wouldbn't immediately switch to political ranting after her leader was made a convicted felon.
Your meltdown proves OffKai was right, and you should be grateful OffKai let her stay in the parking lot.

>> No.77180738

Did you not read the ''As long as its not a far extreme...''' part of the post involving violence

>> No.77180814

>As long as its not a far extreme
Kirsche is considered extreme by OffKai staff.

>> No.77180913

you are retarded, she's not a politica vtuber, she's a news and games vtuber, she talks more about clownworld shit that just happens to cross paths with politics because lgbtfags make everything political, and she honestly talks much more about guys inserting things on their dicks than trannies, she just happens to have a stance against gender affirming procedures on minors and other bullshit that is pushed by grooming tranies, she stays her ground and you all just happen seethe about it. Every single one of you don't even watch her streams just like the volunteers seething at her and Pippa.
keep dilating please

>> No.77180918

man Kirsche antis are deranged, worst part is them trying to larp as normal in between having a tantrum

>> No.77180939

wow /pol/fags are really mad that people just want to enjoy cute girls without all the political bullshit being dragged into the hobby arent they?

>> No.77180964

>so you're upset
I'm not, I'm just saying I exactly know how you behave and how you think

>> No.77180994

As do I

>> No.77181060

muh /pol/

>> No.77181084

No, anon, see if you don't take a side in this culture war bullshit we're pushing on you, you're a coward, and probably a tranny as well. See why you should totally welcome us into your hobby?

>> No.77181103

Stay seething as you kneel to OffKai in the parking lot.

>> No.77181149

muh coomvention in commienrieneia that me land whale was banned from =*(

>> No.77181246

>she's a /new/s and fuck fuck games vtuber

>> No.77181269

Who's crying about a stream in a parking lot, again?

>> No.77181284
File: 328 KB, 598x810, ogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are retarded, she's not a politica vtuber, she's a news

>> No.77181382

>she's not a politica vtuber
>proceeds to say how many and which types of political content she touches upon

>> No.77181388

The problem with Kirsche isn't even making mainly political content (it may not necessarily help) but the real problem is that she undermines or attempts to delegitimise people in the process. In essense, she's attacking people's identities and then people act defensively in response. This is a natural push-pull response in community dynamics, but intentionally provoking it means you're intentionally setting yourself up to endure an emotive backlash.

She'd actually be better off just making logical and philosphical arguments against pronouns instead of constantly drumming "pronoun people bad", and when you're constantly trying to implicitly or explicitly denigrate people, regardless of the validity of your political point, it communicates a mean spiritedness that turns allies and enemies away, since it's inherently unsociable.

That's part of why other vtubers (left or right) get way more leeway.

>> No.77181406

No one, its people having fun while you cry and seethe about /pol/ for nothing

>> No.77181576

why are you so obsessed with her weight, are you female?

>> No.77181584

I'm not the one crying there's not enough politics in vtubing.

>> No.77181636

i just know it makes her and the whale watch mad because they constantly talk about how mad it makes them

>> No.77181660

Are you?

>> No.77181683

No one else is either

>> No.77181712

woah a sensible reply as to why Kirsche gets so much push back, surely reason will convince them

>> No.77181786

New thread

>> No.77181793

I guess those post telling me to choose the correct side or my hobby will be destroyed are my imagination, then.

>> No.77181807

there have been a million of these, ill just stick to calling her a dumb fat cunt because its funnier and easier and nothing else i say will get them to read

>> No.77181861

fuck this never fails to make me laugh

>> No.77181878

>/lard/ is back
Hell yeah.

>> No.77181894

Yeah anon the schizos in this thread make up the majority, surely you have more examples than just a reply chain

>> No.77182016
File: 35 KB, 528x136, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you're just that unlikeable by that many people fag

>> No.77182027

What happened to "no one"?

>> No.77182043

I don't care that's she fat but bringing it up constantly as a insult is woman behavior

>> No.77182089

that's like half of all vtubers one way or another anon...

>> No.77182113


>> No.77182145

yes you do, or you wouldnt be crying constantly in the thread like a little bitch
that is woman behavior

>> No.77182230

but he was banned from offkai

>> No.77182254

>That's woman behavior!!!
Know what else is woman behavior? Defending your lard bestie. Looks like we have ourselves a Mexican standoff.

>> No.77182349

I don't mind fat bitches so nice try, I just notice you typing it multiple times in the thread anonymous

>> No.77182538

>I notice that you're typing it multiple times
>Please ignore the fact that everyone calls her a lardass and her thread is called /lard/
There's more than one person disgusted by princess piggy.

>> No.77182545

ive only typed it twice actually, everyone is just aware of how she is

>> No.77182644

Did I stutter?

>> No.77182742

He was banned because his company nearly bullied a talent to suicide, not because he’s racist

>> No.77182746

Not many, just one butthurt fatty.

>> No.77182757

Ok then, thought I was dealing with a unique poster schizo
