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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 936 KB, 1000x1288, Vox_Akuma_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77126555 No.77126555 [Reply] [Original]

>Find out someone you'd consider a friend was secretly recording you (for who knows how long) for their personal gain
>express how much that upsets you
>somehow you're the bad guy

>> No.77126615

Have fun with your (You)s, sister.

>> No.77126635

After examining the evidences i have come to the conclusion it was not a form of recording

>> No.77126734

This board is full of lesbians and mtfs, you should know by now that anything a man does is wrong and bad and the women are innocent no matter what. That's feminism 101.

>> No.77126767

>it’s okay when mint does it

>> No.77126804

OP can you please not put Vox on my computer screen. Thank You.

I don't enjoy looking at pieces of shit.

>> No.77126812

Then why do people bitch about unicorns infesting this board?

>> No.77126844
File: 145 KB, 491x291, Vox Bullying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try harder voxsister

>> No.77126864

No, you don't understand. It's perfectly acceptable to do that because the law said it wasn't illegal. Everyone knows that if it's legal, it's not immoral.

>> No.77126918
File: 556 KB, 1080x1080, 1716793712357337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't want to be recorded, you could just ask.

>> No.77126924

i'd rather side with a woman than queers and trannies sister.

>> No.77126953

Selen can't do any wrong since she's too fat to hang herself.

>> No.77127019

>someone you'd consider a friend
Friends don't bully friends to suicide.

>> No.77127056

Not worth a you, unless it's to buy you a rope. Imagine thinking you have still an argument after 4 months, no favoritism retard.

>> No.77127066

go back to /pol/ faggot

>> No.77127189

>casually mention some voice recordings
>literally no one knows what they’re about
>say that it’s literally nothing
>monkey man very afraid of said recordings for some reason
I find this very suspicious
Did he perhaps confess to some kind of crime?

>> No.77127220

The recording thing WAS (relatively speaking) the most effective argument the blackstream lobbed at Dokibird, and the only one that Dokibird felt the need to explicitly defend herself against in her subsequent statement.

Everything else either came off as generic mudslinging, missed the mark, or backfired.
>Indirectly outs the people Selen likely accused of bullying her, at a point when the intended audience likely trusts Selen more.
>"Having thoroughly reviewed the documents" was probably not the best word choice.
>Intentional or not, overlapping Dokibird's neopets stream creates the optics of petty sniping.
>"Selen betrayed our trust" = most generic accusation anyone could make.

Taking all of these things together, it is no wonder why the one half-decent punch Vox threw got drowned out by a torrent of L's in the chat.

>> No.77127278

Isn't Le Retards whole schtick that he's a big bad guy? Why is it suddenly a bad thing that he is seen that way?

>> No.77127448

Friends also don't attempt to kill themselves due to mental illness then blame their friends and family for causing it online. I wonder what Doki did to her parents

>> No.77127463

Not really, I don't know about his lore but he's always portrayed himself as "le sensitive guy"
Luca's the one who wears the heel title proudly.

>> No.77127523

trying too hard, m8

>> No.77127582

my master voxxy will always be innochent in my eyes *_* kyaaaa voxxy i wuv you so much omg, you were sooo cute today with the santa asset we kindreds made for youu <3 it was so lovely of you to use it, you really do loves us back voxxy :3 meoww im going to loop your recent vods now :3 a good wittle kitten do as her master's orders :3 <3 voxxy wuv wuv.

>> No.77127663

Honestly more so than the specifics I just find it so funny how they thought mudslinging and character assassinating would be the way to get out of this situation. I can imagine how they huddled together in discord and discussed how they'd "totally prove" that Selen's the real villain. And all of them fully believed it'd work, kek.

One of the most cancerous things to come out of this was that cope narrative about how they were "forced" to do this because ex-nijiniggers couldn't admit everyone in the corp they once loved is a sociopath and the whole "only management is le bad" shit isn't true at all.

>> No.77127801

to add to that the whole recording thing had absolutely nothing to do with the situation, they literally were just trying to throw any ammunition that they had at the whole. The goal was 100% to vilify Selen, not to "explain their actions" or justify the termination.

>> No.77127842

You forgot the
(Gawk gawk gawk)

>> No.77127898

it worked with Sayu. They had no reason to believe it won't work with Selen. If she was told by management that she was unmarketable and a brand risk as some anons claim then in their heads she was indeed perfectly negligable. And then reality hit them like a truck.

>> No.77127959

Doki also defended herself against Elira saying she put her location in the document by saying she didn't put in her specific address. Despite Elira not saying she ever included her address, just that she alluded to her location. So she refuted an accusation no one made. That shit was for the camera

>> No.77128037

>mudslinging and character assassinating
That is literally what Doki did, you brainwashed faggot. Who the fuck accused someone of harassment and causing suicides and for that to not be a character assassination? You've never spoken to a woman in your life and it shows

>> No.77128054

>Document that was suppose only to be seen by Nijisanji who knows that get sent.
>"I'm being doxxed by my own words."
>Retard hutdweller thinks it's a defense.
It's mental house evasion time it seems, to where did you steal a PC to prove you are this retarded?

>> No.77128121

This is where I give Sayu a lot of credit. Sure Nijisanji had taken a lot of unrelated L's down the line, but even so, Sayu's docudump was the first big thing that caused a lot of people to stop taking Nijisanji's statements at face value.

>> No.77128122

>She did it first by quoting the document Niji wrote.
You are really so incredibly retared to think doing this argument again after being shit upon 4 months in a row makes you right? Keep screaming, keep losing, keep defending 3shitters just because you are a loser. Rope youtself and help the world get better.

>> No.77128232

She didn't even publicly share WHO, if anyone at all, she was accusing of those things, aside from a faceless corporate entity. All that info came from Anycolor itself.

>> No.77128319
File: 601 KB, 1080x1240, Superior Doki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Say, Vox, I hear you like 'em young
You better not ever go to cell block one
To any tranny bitch that talk to him and they in love
Just make sure you hide your lil' sister from him
They tell me Luca the only one that get your hand-me-downs
And Party at the party playin' with his nose now
And Enna got a weird case, why is she around?
Certified Doxxer Boy? Certified pedophiles
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, Doki, fuck 'em up
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, I'ma do my stuff
Why you trollin' like a bitch? Ain't you tired?
Tryna strike a chord and it's probably A minor

>> No.77128408

imagine Elira crying and shaking when she's served an HR complaint that insinuates she lives in Canada (like practically everyone else in EN)

>> No.77128489

Elira's accusation itself was pretty slimy. I bet all the document actually said was that they lived in Canada.

>> No.77128524
File: 104 KB, 906x906, GLPVB1sbMAAU5uj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NDF calling someone else brainwashed

>> No.77129013

Because they're not logical, they're emotional. Their desired end state is to hate Nijisanji, so they'll throw whatever flimsy justification they can to make the cognitive dissonance go away.

We're not dealing with high IQ individuals here, /vt/ and 4chan in general is the asshole of the internet.

>> No.77129229

Dont cry sisters

>> No.77129240

Question? Why did the livestream chat on that particular stream go from supportive messages and heart emojis, to paid members spamming L?

Were they also emotionally invested in hating Nijisanji?

>> No.77129243

>Nijisis thinking copying someone saying and changing the subject is smart.
You are /here/ too, so congrats for looking in a mirror.

>> No.77129323

>release the tapes
>turns out he is 120% egotistical full of shit
o noes

>> No.77129432

Any proof of pedophilia past you really wanting them to be?

>> No.77129507

>Luxiem can't be 5views anymore
>Objective meters says the branch is 3view shitters
>New wave 3view shitty collab
>Can't even shit the cash anymore, Luxiem collab did 0 money.
>Concert is not selling, Chronoir redo is the most sold thing.
This is the sort of beating that forces a sis to mental tunnel into "if I act retarded and repeat something I got BTFO 10 times, maybe I can get support".
It's like circus clown, repeat the performance and keep everyone laughing at you, and yet nothing changes and you are pathetic.

>> No.77129714

She said the company meaning Niji and the people in it. She wrote a document accusing them of harassment and said that it caused her suicide attempt. Then she proceeded to cry suicide again after they made a video on her despite her never mentioning this before

Character assassination, plain as day

>> No.77129800

Le retard de Vox

>> No.77129834
File: 1.22 MB, 3879x4096, 1717265382181888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello sisters.do you miss me?

>> No.77129984

In my personal opinion, that recording shouldn't upset you. You can leave the recording anytime.

>> No.77130164

You don't get it. Mentally ill women with a track record of making extremely damaging accusations with no evidence online are to be trusted always if they have an anime girl profile picture

>> No.77130306

>The harrasser are the victims
That's why pagpag have to close themselves in hutdwelling and suck tampons. If they met a man, they would be enslaved immediately with their submissive mentality.

>> No.77130370

She never publicly said who it was. Le Retard did that himself by coming forward with "What I did was NOT harassment" and made sure everyone knew. All of this would have stayed behind closed doors if Anycolor just kept their mouths shut, but they seem to always get a stiffy by attacking ex-livers.

>> No.77130416

>Has escaped to /pol/ when laughed out of here.
>Thinks she can use what read there as an argument.
>Receipts are evil, belib me screaming at the screen.
This circus has more views than a liver, so I guess you are doing something right Nijisis.

>> No.77130427

Proof of harassment? Because overlapping someone isn't harassment to anyone with a pulse. That'd be a funny argument for a lawyer to pull in court though. I hope Selen chooses to settle shit outside of court for her own sake

>> No.77130535

>Proof of harassment?
someone post the Millie tweet

>> No.77130572
File: 462 KB, 1110x888, 1717118780858428.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its so fucking funny when sister try hard defending L2D avatar without known the uglybastard behind that.

>> No.77130613

selen was bullying voxxy in old cowwabs video, she was mocking his pp size :( but hes soooo biggg omg, why is selene always lying ?

>> No.77130799

>showing concern for your friend is now harassment

>> No.77130846

>She never publicly said who it was
The company , she said so herself
>Le Retard did that himself by coming forward with "What I did was NOT harassment" and made sure everyone knew
That he was accused and innocent?Funny, usually guilty people wouldn't expose themselves. It's almost like Selen is full of shit because she won't actually post evidence unless Vox.
>All of this would have stayed behind closed doors if Anycolor just kept their mouths shut
You forgot the "and did whatever Selen said because of her blackmail material". Because she said she'd go public if she didn't get her way. Keep on buying all her soapboxing

>> No.77130912

>Making a tweet trying to figure out what happened is now harassment
Fagoons are as mentally ill as their oshi

>> No.77131860
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>> No.77131947
File: 302 KB, 1051x1096, 1709174517060789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post hole

>> No.77132043

So what happened to dokis lawsuit? She sent a lawyer to them.

>> No.77132387

she dropped her lawsuit because vox payed her cash behind the scenes. dokibird only wants money, she doesnt want justice lol.

>> No.77132444

She had nothing to sue them for and no evidence. She's lucky Anycolor isn't suing her for false accusations and blackmailing them.

>> No.77132497

>does bad thing
>is caught doing bad thing

>> No.77132595

Post tits

>> No.77132742

>still can't say what the harassment was or when it happened
But sure, keep believing BPD grifters

>> No.77132744

She had no actual evidence so her lawyers had to advise her to not actually go to court because she'd lose, go broke and embarrass herself in public

>> No.77132747

Retards both sides realized that international lawsuits are a huge pain in the ass for everyone involved, even big corpos. They probably quietly gave Dokibird some token settlement out of court, or nothing at all.

>> No.77132884

Post tits

>> No.77133169

OP is proof of why Vox is a manipulative asshole.

>> No.77133188

This is absolute cope. If she had evidence, she would have sued them. Dont pretend otherwise

>> No.77133272

Is riku dick that good?

>> No.77133323

>They probably quietly gave Dokibird some token settlement out of court
KEK. Why would they give a lying bitch anything? It's more like Doki got a fat cease or desist or they're handing her the lawsuit papers right now

>> No.77133334

Your BPD whore will never have sex with you

>> No.77133657

Eww. I don't want sex with her. I don't even want sex with her virtual model. I wanna see her play apex and mog Elira.

>> No.77133726

Go jump from the bridge rn sisters

>> No.77133762
File: 150 KB, 1500x1500, GO7zBbCXgAAh82H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she sues them, it happens in Japan where their laws are heavily skewed towards corpo and she won't even get enough money back to cover the time and legal fees wasted on it.
If they sue her, they have to do it in Canada and will get fucking laughed out of court. However, if they had a REAL case, winning it would do wonders to help fix their reputation, assuming she was justly fired and not actually abused.
The best use of Doki's time and energy right now is to keep working hard and growing her channel through advertisements, sponsorships, and generally continuing to do everything she did before for Nijisanji, but now for herself.

>> No.77133828

It costs way too much for a single person to sue a major company over harassment.

>> No.77133953


>> No.77133966

>If they sue her, they have to do it in Canada and will get fucking laughed out of court.
She literally admitted to blackmailing them, so they actually have a case

>> No.77134050

>She literally admitted to blackmailing them
>source: my dreams

>> No.77134146
File: 150 KB, 484x347, 1714406797079369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lairu can you type it without riku's dick in your mouth

>> No.77134818

Your fanfiction doesn't count sis, you get laughed here, what makes you think you have any value in life or court?

>> No.77134890

But enough about Enna, Cuck.

>> No.77135285

I love how you retarded lawyer larpers make believe Canada doesn't have an actually legal system. The bitch admitted to blackmailing then, they said so in their termination notice. She can't even prove she was harassed. She'd have the book thrown at her

>> No.77135404

>The bitch admitted to blackmailing then, they said so in their termination notice
Okay, now read that comment out loud and maybe you'll understand the problem here.
>They said she admitted it.

>> No.77135431

>>She literally admitted to blackmailing them, so they actually have a case
>>The bitch admitted to blackmailing then, they said so in their termination notice

>> No.77135557

Are u OP this thread or just nijishitster defender?
Tbh,your smell like rrats

>> No.77135827

>The plantiff said so, so it's proof
You are literally underage for not even reading yourself. Also welcome to June, you can stop pretending to have a brain and keep doing these BTFO arguments disproved on Febraury.
Rope is also a good suggestion.

>> No.77136073

And if they're lying, how come Doki never said they were lying about that? It's almost like it's true, faggot. If they lied, why isn't she suing for defamation?

>> No.77136289

dumb turd worlder you don't understand how fucking expensive and lenghty a court case against a company can last in the first world.
True or false either way is a waste of time and Doki ended up being better off just leaving it be, instead of the dying company that is Niji

>> No.77136353
File: 1.39 MB, 1488x1461, 1705413257535603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill defamate you with my cum millie

>> No.77136391

I'm surprised you are still alive with how brain-dead you are

>> No.77136414

Vox is a pussy like Drake confirmed

>> No.77136473

Wouldn't such an open and shut case of a giant company blatantly lying be an easy payday for someone? It happens with bigger companies all the time. Can't Doki who's supposed to be loaded sue and get a shit ton of money? I wonder why she didn't even deny that she blackmailed Niji

>> No.77136558

No, you fucking retard, court cases last years before you see any money, Doki is even more loaded now that if she pursued a case, meanwhile Niji livers are poor and cant even get 4views now.
>she blackmailed Niji

>> No.77136634

It's literally not worth it. Why spend 3 years stressing over a legal case that might MAYBE make you back a month of superchats assuming you don't go broke from lawyer fees when instead you could focus on growing your career again and healing your mental health from an abusive workplace?

>> No.77136661

I could ask the same about why Niji hasn't sued her?
Could it be that the cost and effort would be just too damn high for both sides? International litigation is worse than trench warfare. I watched Dragoons and Nyfco sisters alike hype themselves up for lawsuits that never came.
Also, given how bad PR it is for a company to sue an ex employee that already has public sympathy.

>> No.77136823

>court cases last years before you see any money
And if the big company loses, they lose a shit ton of money and have to give it to the winner. Why isn't she suing if they're lying? Why didn't she say anything about them lying? She responded twice to Niji but never actually said anything they said was lies?

>> No.77136829

>Cases are open and shut with companies.
Prove to me you are an underage faggot who is just corpofagging instead of having an actual argument without saying it.

>> No.77136902

>She didn't spend all her money and time suing them, so they are right.
Spoke like a true slave, now go back to your hut and leave civilization alone, with a rope if possible.

>> No.77136976

>I could ask the same about why Niji hasn't sued her
Except Niji did actually say she's full of shit and are handing out cease and desists. Meanwhile Selen just started crying about how she doesn't want to involve lawyers anymore. Like a pussy

>> No.77136988

>And if the big company loses, they lose a shit ton of money and have to give it to the winner.
Anon... That kind of money is capped for the type of case doki would be suing for. She'd maybe get 50k at absolute most. She's earned more than double that from superchats alone in a few months.

>> No.77137106

>She'd maybe get 50k at absolute most.
You think her proving there was extreme workplace harassment against her that led her to attempt suicide would only get her 50k? Are you from India or something?

>> No.77137140

>She's full of shit,
>Hanging out cease and desist.
This bitch so mental she is confusing blondes now, and congrats for approving a Streisand effect, you must be part of the delulu council who wrote that shitfest.

>> No.77137237

Literally stop trying to not sound underage. You clearly have no idea how cases actually work, especially in Japan. The best you can get after 6-7 months of nonsense corpo slopping is a fine payment that is not even close to that, because corpo are super defended in Japan.

>> No.77137626

>close case
Vox win,doki lose yeah

>> No.77137691
File: 220 KB, 529x507, Dom Doki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sisters time-looping yet again

>> No.77137789

Sisters really basing their legal knowledge on 10 year old reruns of law and order on whatever 3rd world channels they get.

>> No.77137982

Stop wasting your time arguing with brainwashed and brainded underage.
Go to see good catalog.for the sister go touch grass or kill yourself

>> No.77137987

>Thinking Nijisis actually know law and are not just splurging what the tampon licking says.
You act like they have a brain.

>> No.77138173
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>> No.77138248
File: 670 KB, 909x1031, Psychosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw Doki never actually intended to file a lawsuit and fully intended to just move on and go back to streaming like she currently has. The Lawyer was just there for legal advice/consultancy (including helping her to get out of there), meaning Niji ultimately made a fool of themselves with BOTH the Termination Notice and the Blackstream. Sorry to disappoint any Sisters and Dramafags.

>> No.77138434

Yeah, I don't know where the lawsuit portion of things came from. The arguments were always if she could rather than if she would.

>> No.77138464

>Bases entire legal argument on a YouTube failure of an immigration lawyer who never set foot in an actual court


>> No.77138523


>> No.77138548

>Thinks her word from pagpag is more valuable than a certified lawyer.
I accept your concession you are retarded and underage. Now stop posting.

>> No.77138572

>Doki never actually intended to file a lawsuit and fully intended to just move on and go back to streaming
Oh, and you admit that she was only bluffing and never was actually going to sue people because she's full of shit and just wanted to ruin their reputation? Thanks for the confirmation

>> No.77138742

>Thinks a lawyer that knows nothing of Japan or contract law is a more valuable source of information than reading actual laws yourself

Least braindead dramafag

>> No.77138845

>I read the law so I'm better than a lawyer
Please tell that in any court, they deserve a good fucking laugh.

>> No.77139019

>I watched a YouTube video and the lawyer said I'd win
Please tell that in any court, they deserve a good fucking laugh.

>> No.77139105

>She indeed lawyered up while you admitted you didn't.
I can't believe I'm having an argument with a 10 year old that is just proving himself more and more by only be able to parroting and saying stupid points.

>> No.77139193
File: 241 KB, 720x568, Doxx Akuma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, Doxx Akuma is a fucking pussy numberfag like Drake, also both fandoms dick ride them equally lol

Shape the stories how you want, hey, Vox, they're not slow
vTuber rabbit hole is still deep, I can go further, I promise
Ain't that somethin'? B-tard stands for bitch and you nijisanji most wanted
Ain't no law, boy, you ball boy, fetch Gatorade or somethin'
Since 2021, I had this bitch jumpin'
You nijiniggas'll get a wedgie, be flipped over your boxers
What OVID stands for? The "Other Vaginal Infenction Disease"? Pussy
Nijiniigga better straighten they posture, got famous all up in Canada

>> No.77139338

>Thinks the YouTube video will begin to defend Doki in court
You're an actual retard. You're literally parroting a YouTube lawyer that has never been in a court. One who knows nothing about Japanese or contract law. Who starts off his stream by "I'm qualified to talk about this because I read up online about the laws". Fucking hysterical

>> No.77139420

Holokiddies are showing their age

>> No.77139468

>Learns to use "parroting" from my message
>Who starts off his stream by "I'm qualified to talk about this because I read up online about the laws"
>Faggot said >>77138742
Can't make this shit up, you are your worse enemy, I'm just here for the laughs.

>> No.77139576

Because this board is more than just 5 people

>> No.77139612

yeah, Doki is an evil mastermind that sank Niji to the lowest depths and she is based for that

>> No.77139723

Sink the yacht?
Wanna cry?

>> No.77139844

no im good thanks for asking, im happy watching Doki be successful while Elira and friends fail :)

>> No.77139978
File: 550 KB, 773x793, CRY HARDER TRANNY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is rich coming from retard trannies like you saying "dookie" to try to insult her, anyway you should go back to your doxx site turned hug box oh wait you can't kek

>> No.77140360

Yes, I am as qualified as YouTube lawyer because I am able to look at laws. It's really that easy

>> No.77140491

Please understand, kiddies have just exited from school when they told them again they are worthless, they need to defend people worthless as them to feel good, and so clowns are born.

>> No.77141038

Well, his dick needs to be big enough for him to be able to self-fellate, i'll give you that lmao

>> No.77141151

>More childish word vomit
>Doesn't deny being a holokiddie

Grim. Those Doki images aren't throwing anyone off

>> No.77141249

>Doki images
Nijisis selective retardness ignoring the point strikes again. 39IQ victim.

>> No.77141360

What point?
>Durrr u say dookie
You must actually be a child if you think that's worth an actual response

>> No.77141482

so back to using that again, sister?

>> No.77141533

>You must actually be a child
says the sis using "dookie" as an insult, sad

>> No.77141752

>Proves he has not gained any new material since Febraury.
You must be Millie because you are collecting so many L as usual.

>> No.77142415

U mean milllie with three L

>> No.77142510

Sorry but I'm not your imaginary friend, Holokiddie

>> No.77142617

Yeah, no.
Contrary to what Sayufags want you to believe, the first, and major, seed of doubt is the nijisanji resistance, and then came Roa-Meiro debacle and Lulu's stalker issue wombo combo.

>> No.77142682

kek 4 months later, doki still living rent free

>> No.77142811

She didn't need to do any of that, they already did that to themselves KEK
Thanks for confirming you didn't read the full thing btw as I already pointed that out.

>> No.77142900

Bet she's literally taboo for inside convos

>> No.77142931

I believe she deserves more so I use the old version waiting for another Niji confirmation, but you are right, the official Milllie is Niji confirming, sorry.

>> No.77143002

Nah, Enna is a cunt. Oh and Mori bad too, while I'm at it.

>> No.77143244

lol rent free, forever and ever

>> No.77143301

Something I just noticed while reading through this thread is that sisters tend to be more defensive (and braindead) when on a thread with Vox as the op rather than Elira

>> No.77143329

1. The audio was left over from a test session.
2. Both Selen and Vox live in single party consent countries. she has a right to record.
3. you're a faggot, kill yourself.

>> No.77143368

>Finds only now they only care about the males and getting fucked by the company.
Yeah, welcome to Nijisis. Don't expect them to improve, they are objectively retarded and underage, they will parrot insults becuase their best material is retardness.

>> No.77143405

Dont say sorry anon.
They deserved much taking L's

>> No.77143503

Most EN fans don't even know who Roa-Meiro are. Even the people who revolted in the blackstream comments section only learned who they were from google translating the comments of pro-Elira JP fans.

>> No.77143752

Sure, but EN fans is not the majority either, so calling Sayu scandal
>the first big thing that caused a lot of people to stop taking Nijisanji's statements at face value.
made you sounds like a newfag, or worse, EOP.

>> No.77143986

If we are looking at it from that angle, a lot of JP fans were neutral or even protective of the management and Vox when the termination happened. It was only when it became clear just how badly Anycolor was managing the fallout when they began to change sides.
Seriously, the niji-Antis even posted on reddit asking for Japanese translators who could "overcome" the "lies" Anycolor was said to be feeding the JP audience.

>> No.77144119

in my opinion it wasn't a recording

>> No.77144159

Sayu termination? roru no.
It only made wave in this board and maybe a portion of twitter and reddit when her manifesto dropped.
Selen is a special case because suicide attempt IS a big thing.

>> No.77145065
File: 130 KB, 720x192, yummycoachvoxxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true dokifan, niji jp realli hates voxxy naw T.T, no wonder oliver asked master to coach him playeeng smash bros just 2 days ago. hmm, i wondur wai ? :3 meowww voxxy luv, i want voxxy to coach me some bed exercises togethur :3, kyaaaa *.* <3

>> No.77145421

Kek, HoloENfags tried invading the JP stock market site and 2chan then were consistently BTFO'd. The Japanese are smarter than the Filipinos

>> No.77145470

Bro, you gotta spoiler that shit. Not everyone here wants to see that thing...

>> No.77145610
File: 19 KB, 869x669, Eye Cancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so that everyone know the level of retardation, users in /vt/ have to deal with, this before tranny nijinigers favorite website got BTFO, you will lose some brain cells trying to comprehend the stupidity in these words so bear with a bit, and you will have a good laugh by the end...

>> No.77145689

Technically, it was Anycolor staff who outed the organs before he said that with the termination statement. If they hadn’t put that in, Doki probably would’ve been content letting people think it’s solely staff at fault.

>> No.77145972

To be fair, Anycolor’s legal team is incompetent enough to lose cases that should have been slam dunks for them, so any case against them is probably open and shut. The rest of that schizo’s argument is total horseshit though.

>> No.77146321

What’s it like in Bizarro World?
