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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7710550 [Reply] [Original]

More Slightly-spicy-burgers edition.

>> No.7710582

No one gives a shit anymore. Whatever Terumi had going for her has devolved to petty schoolyard-tier gossip.

>> No.7710615


>> No.7710663

Drop the unsourced rrats ples.

>> No.7710681
File: 3.95 MB, 2200x1155, War of Discord Aggression[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ferxayq.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lot need to fuck off away from the dads, and stop fucking trying to drag us to defend your Jungle Nigger oshi while she's having a Menhera attack.

>> No.7710723

Any TeruNEETs sticking with her after this? I turned it over, but how fake she is really turned me off. She loves to quote DYRBI so I guess I was a sucker for actually believing in her.

>> No.7710748

I still want to beleb. I will try.

>> No.7710811

I'm still sticking with her, yah know, 1 year n' stuff, but this definitely deflated me and left a sour taste in my mouth.
Hoping the next streams change my opinion.

>> No.7710928

Of course.
Why wouldn't I?

>> No.7710984

Just fuck off instead of announcing that you're fucking off for the 10th time. Don't care, I'm going to watch Terumi anyway.

>> No.7711423


>> No.7711470


>> No.7711521

nunki seething

>> No.7711538

can I get a tl;dr
just curious if this is some actual drama I should pretend to care about or another nothingburger like it usually ends up being

>> No.7711607

So far is a slightly spicy-burger of Teru having some questionable but not super bad behavior towards her gemmates and towards Cyberlive

>> No.7711659
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Open wide faggot! Here comes the spoonfeeding

Do your reps, dummy

>> No.7711736

Literal 17 year old shit. Do with that what you will.

>> No.7711800

It's just highschool drama. People are just very bored.

>> No.7711944

Open wide anons

>> No.7712269


Adding on

Terumi dug her own grave. NGMI now but she will still have some die hard fags /here/

>> No.7712298

So, it's literally nothing.
Why did this warrant two days of nonstop discussion?

>> No.7712330

The genmate stuff is shitty, but it's mostly because she's so >here and nothing is going on. Also she invites it with her behavior.

>> No.7712423
File: 1.14 MB, 376x424, autism[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbp55pq.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happened was again Hylo (One of the CyberLive talents) is a /here/ like Pippa and fucks around. She seems close friends with Nunki and Shura.

>Someone pre-zatsudan said the Cyberlive talents are being abused. Hylo replied saying no stfu and gave proof that single message was her. Then a bunch of fags started pretending being Hylo and saying threats to Terumi as "Hylo." Hylo herself messaged Terumi saying it wasn't her and Terumi didn't buy it at all. She genuinely thought they were threatening her and bought the bait. She made a whole server to shit on them with no evidence and even Kaneko telling her positive things about what she got offered before even the 4chan stuff went down. (Which Terumi leaked to a server even though she was told it was remain private)

>In this server as well she leaked how amberglow felt about the zatsudan and some behind the scenes falling out stuff (like her blocking mal)

>So tldr; Terumi bought bait and single handedly ruined a bunch of her connections and trust because she thought anyone would be retarded enough to threaten to sue her on /vt/ of all places without proof it was even her.

>Destroyed her career by believing in rrats.
Top fucking kek.

>> No.7712462

I mean, it's very her and if you are familiar with her history, this sort of thing was expected. And it's also a very /here/ way of thinking and acting.
People who'd unironically drop her over this clearly didn't know about her previous identites.

The target audience of a vtuber is viewers, not other vtubers and she has a unique niche and she is skilled enough to keep people engaged.

>> No.7712497

You still need to be on the good sides of others or you just make the climb 10x harder. All of the top indies clearly know and adapt this.

>> No.7712501 [SPOILER] 
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I guess this whole situation is pretty Teru-ble, isn't it?

>> No.7712539

How you feelin' right now, feel like you wasted your time (and maybe your money) on the brain addled crazy woman?
How does it feel to have that really persistent doxxer anti from one to three months back be vindicated?

>> No.7712576

larping schizo dad in thread
sorry amberglow thread

>> No.7712643

So Hylo was a retard and Terumi is a terminally online schizo from 4chan is that it?

>> No.7712659

so nothing new basically.

>> No.7712723

I still love her. Even if she fucked up. The most inexcusable part is the AG relationships she burned by being so insecure. Like Shura just collabed with a Cyberlive girl today! Hold off on your shit!

>> No.7712745

This makes me feel more sad for terumi than any of her over exaggerated stories desu. Imagine being so alone you think a random anonymous post on the internet threatening to sue you has any validity at all, causing you to go into BPD overdrive and burn bridges like no fucking tomorrow. How does she even walk outside without the fear of being gangstalked

>> No.7712923
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>> No.7712939

so the tl;dr I'm getting is that some hag wanted to be young again so badly they started treating their vtubing discord like it was a high school bathroom with the sheer amount of gossip and drama they chased and spread?

>> No.7712974


>> No.7712979

Yes, exactly right even down to the overreacting over rumors and outright false information part.
Christ Terumi is a mess

>> No.7713042

>Christ Terumi is a mess
Everyone already knew that.

>> No.7713062

I didn't expect her to have onset schizophrenia, anonchama...

>> No.7713155

>Everyone already knew that.
Well yeah, but i thought it was the tolerable kinda mess, not the supertoxic kinda mess. Man I'm feeling sad.

>> No.7713349

Unironically needs meds and a better support structure. This is probably why all her real-life friends left her.

>> No.7713382
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>called into a busy weekend at work to cover shifts from people quitting
>don't want to, but it's extra cash
>check thread looking for ol nerd, cute elf and soft fox

>> No.7713386

Would getting RL friends fix that?

>> No.7713426

Taking a break from the internet to focus on your mental health would fix that, if that includes getting irl friends then that's what she needs to do

>> No.7713427

Yeah I'm honestly sad for people who weren't watching anything this last 3-4 days and come back looking at this mess.
How you feeling StinkyShuwaNEET?

>> No.7713437

fret not, anon, smol elf is life richt now

>> No.7713464

She explicitly avoids taking many breaks because she says (And i believe it) that she feels like shit when she doesn't stream/interacts with her audience

>> No.7713477

no idea what the fuck is going on but i just saw shura's sad tweet and i feel really bad for everyone involved.
thank you anon, bless

>> No.7713508

If you need a QRD just ask how far back.

>> No.7713514

Then at least she needs medicine, like ASAP because she straight up imagined that people were out to get here according to the leaker, that really doesn't bode well for the future

>> No.7713546

I just wonder if she can fix her friendships with AG members now.

>> No.7713548

Isn't she already on meds though? At least i remember hearing she got some therapy from a Zatsu months ago.

>> No.7713552

I mean, her fears were vindicated.
Someone was out to get her and they did take a swing at her.

>> No.7713598

Shura, Xiu, Misaki and Chelsea? Possible.
Ash sure why not. Never was too attached.
Nunki and Mal? HA! Yeah sure.

>> No.7713611

If a person with paranoia is vindicated once does that clear all other instances of paranoia before and after?

>> No.7713621

It definitely clears the general sense that someone's out to get you.

>> No.7713626

I wonder when /vt/ will learn their lesson about /here/chuubas. The only one who hasn't had a drama meltdown is the ghost but she's legitimately underaged (why mods haven't banned her, I don't know) and has no idea what she's doing so that's a meltdown waiting to happen.

>> No.7713650

That leads itself to a very sad life which is my point, I hope this doesn't give Terumi the idea that everyones out to get her now

>> No.7713651

Only in retaliation to her acting like a paranoic tarde, so a self fulfilling prophecy i suppose.
"Often one meets it's destiny when running away from it" or some shit.

>> No.7713671

And that one schizo was posting pictures of her house last thread, c'mon.

>> No.7713709

That's... yeah, wait.

Which is better - to be paranoid that maybe someone out there is trying to get you and freaking out over that, or to know that someone definitely is out to get you and be all like 'yeah that's a thing I guess'

>> No.7713711

I just hope she's doing ok...
I guess with time you get used to this sort of treatment.

>> No.7713717

The one with the shitty gate? Sheeshz, I'm a 3rdworlder poorfag and not even mine looks that crappy.

>> No.7713782

Definitely the second.
Do you know the chances you have of dying while... Well doing anything really, like just taking a bath? Once you get used to death kinda always looming behind you it becomes pretty chill.

>> No.7713801

WAS that her house? I thought it was some shitty flip gate no fucking way that's her house.
Taking your medicine to stifle the thoughts of the former so you're yknow, functional?

>> No.7713863

If you're any kind of internet personality the second happens 100%, so better to just chill and take precautions.

>> No.7713893

Of course it was her house, that anon just got outside and took it.

>> No.7713933

>WAS that her house?
it can be if you want it to be, but it was probably just some random house.

>> No.7714735
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Pretty funny seeing exdads leave bea for terumi and this is how it turned out for them. Eat shit and get fucked fags

>> No.7714795

Why did dads even leave bea? Bea's a way better brand of schizo, a JP schizo which means she isnt Filipino

>> No.7714808

>Hollow and discordfags still shitposting
Jesus christ, do they ever get tired?

>> No.7715053

yeah what kind of absolute retard would trade down from an actual jp to a fucking flip

>> No.7715113

>"Anyone that disagree with my opinion must be the discordfags!!"
Do terufags really?

>> No.7715179

I mean, they kinda have to be. This is a giant nothingburger, and pretty disappointing.

>> No.7715256

A bunch of reasons made them leave, most recently the discord "yab" (she made one for her mc server but it ended up being used as a normal server with off topic things. Anons were not happy of course), her not communicating enough and reducing the stream time because she is busy IRL. Also the fact that she unfollowed everyone was too much for some attention whores (she now only follows 10 people) and less twitter interaction. Some were also filtered by her streaming minecraft. Also, she wrote in a twitter reply that all the meltdowns on /yah/ were starting to get to her. There is probably something else i'm forgetting...
Well, I never cared about any of those so I'm enjoying my menhera daughter, and the community as we are currently in the Renaissance arc with a new project

>> No.7715268

All it did was make teru out to be a schizo so i imagine theyre in denial

>> No.7715306

>being paid to shitpost
>can't even respond to the right post

>> No.7715323

I dont know how any of those things are reasons to leave someone over thats just kinda standard stuff, also Beatani has the better model and chat interaction compared to terumi so cunnychads win over hagfags yet again

>> No.7715326

>All it did was make teru out to be a schizo
Didn't everyone knew this from day one?

>> No.7715354

? I was responding to the right person
People thought she was just a broken menhera who could be fixed

>> No.7715365

I dunno, i would be very happy if I was paid to larp as a shill/anti on a Mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.7715389

An ESL, then. Let me guess... Nunkek?

>> No.7715392

She may be a schizo but I m still gonna support her, her friendship with shura and xiu can be recovered if she really wants, with time.
Fuck nunki though

>> No.7715406

>People thought she was just a broken menhera who could be fixed
What kinda mentally ill godling do you have to be to think that? I watched because she was cute and spergy, but not even years of therapy are gonna fix that woman.

>> No.7715442

>her friendship with shura and xiu can be recovered
Don't see it happening with any AG Membah desu

>> No.7715443

>What kinda mentally ill godling do you have to be to think that?
Did you not see the quality and types of posts during her Omori streams? Clearly a large portion of her audience thought that

>> No.7715478

Well to be fair wanting to have a spergwife to console is different from actually fixing her

>> No.7715521

I dont see it with any chuuba who knows of vt

>> No.7715526

It's gonna be hard but if both parties really meant what they felt for eachother It can be done. Someone just need to get over their pride, I beelib.
If the friendship was really only one-sided then it's done

>> No.7715532

Hylo just wanted to protect her friend’s honour and dignity and then posted here and that BITCH TerWHOmi shits on her just because she didn’t know what to do and panicked.

>> No.7715534

>paying discord mods
Now THAT is one retarded shitpost. Have a (you).

>> No.7715564

Back to your discord you fuck. Hylo is fucking retarded for outing herself on 4chan, fucking whore

>> No.7715585

anon, you’re lucky bitcoin assassins are basically just scammers now and not real like on the old internet.

>> No.7715616

Why? What if they were still real

>> No.7715630

I’m curious, what do you think of Phase Connect? Kevin literally advertised it here, so what would that make you think of them considering they have members and staff here?

>> No.7715664

I don't care if staff does it. that's what I think

>> No.7715687

Bitcoin assassin's were ever real? I always thought they were just FBI agents LARPing.

>> No.7715724

>threatening niggas over anime girls
Aaaah! Classic /vt/! This is why I'm here!

>> No.7715733

Talents too.

>> No.7715748

DESU this really only happened because Nunki and Mal poisoned the well. Nunki is real manipulative type, she's dropped a lot of hints towards that in many of her streams. As long as Nunki is going to badmouth Teru, she's going to bully the other AG members into not associating with her. Keep in mind that hours after the initial leaks dropped, Teru wished Xiu a happy birthday and Xiu responded back cheerfully. So I doubt that bridge even got burned. Shura probably just got bullied and manipulated by Nunki, she's too innocent I think. And Ash/Misaki probably don't care either way.

If Nunki ditches AG, then I'm going to guess Teru and Xiu/Shura/Misaki/Ash will instantly be back in each others good graces. Mal is a literal who, AG doesn't even care enough about him to put him on their website.

>> No.7715799

Honestly I don't see it happening.
Even if Racoon boss didn't order a cut of communications with Teru i don't see the girls approaching Teru after what must have felt like a treason of sorts, and Teru would have too much self-loathing and maybe a bit prideful too to try and make things right.
Please girls, for the love of God prove me wrong.

>> No.7715846

>olympic gold medal in mental gymnastics
anybody with a functioning brain would know to run far far away from anybody that behaves like teru. Stay pleasant, but distant. Don't make an enemy of her, but dont make your time or energy accessible to her either.

>> No.7715889

What treason, lmao. That she blocked Mal after he was repeatedly an asshole to her?

I'll leak you to all your friends, no cap.

>> No.7716028
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just a reminder

>> No.7716051

>Nunki is the next hitler
Hey, let's ignore the fact that there were leaks about Terumi looking like a manipulative cunt. Let's also forget the fact that there's leaks of DMs with Mal with her treating him like garbage for no fucking reason.

But yes, Nunki manipulated Xiu into not talking to Terumi. Gold sticker for that fucking investigation retard

>> No.7716063

this is why you don't join literally who corpos
big names at least provide you with actual backing/fanbases despite still being black
all these nobodies do is fuck you over while pretending to give you something and when drama happens with one person everyone eventually gets dragged into it to at least some degree

>> No.7716064

The private complaints about her friends would be hard to stomach if I was them. Like you could have talked to them about it.

Also where is this "Nunki is a master bully" shit coming from?

>> No.7716160

Shura is cute

>> No.7716181

>Also where is this "Nunki is a master bully" shit coming from?
out of anons ass

>> No.7716208

Nunki has had at least one rabid anti in these threads basically since the beginning

>> No.7716220

>watching vtuber and complain them being fake
are you the same faggot who constantly bitch about two face and shit?

cause you really sound like you never have a dayjob or any social interaction at all

any motherfucker out there have quadruple faces only you think it's some kind of extreme anime betrayal

>> No.7716253

>looking like a manipulative cunt
Let’s be real here. If she thinks being nice to someone so they’re nice back to you is a secret manipulation technique, she’s too socially retarded to be manipulative.

>> No.7716286

hay faggot if you gonna start a new thread next time at least get a fucking header instead of your 12 hundred mspaint edited jpg

Previous thread: >>7695632

Terumi Koizumi:
YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/TerumiKoizumiChAmberGlow
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerumiKoizumi

YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/NunkiAmberGlow
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nunki_dayo
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nunkiamberglow (embed)

Xiulan Long:
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa2e3c0SDA5aeFTROIPz9eA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/XiulanLong

YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/shurachamberglow
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Shura_Shuwa
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/shura_shuwa (embed)

Misaki Nobunaga:
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCylzUc8Vd2uRI6-3fbGwiZQ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MisakiNobunaga
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/misakinobunaga (embed)

Malcom Bell:
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYy1U90-9OOyftF09uDC8wA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/malcolm_of_bell

Ash Ekrixi:
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTCnpTfginbPir07gKg17Pw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AshEkrixi

>> No.7716301

doesn't matter if she's good at it or not. The intention was to manipulate her genmates. Even if she's completely autistic at doing it, she still tried it.

>> No.7716330


>> No.7716403

Hi Nunki.
>Teru looking manipulative
Lmao, sure.
>Mal with her treating him like garbage for no fucking reason
Mal was being a manipulative asshole preying on Teru's insecurities to get her to side with his retarded logic. Teru just shitposted and blocked him.

They weren't even complaints about them, lmao. It was complaints about how the company was shitty.

>> No.7716443

So this entire Nunki Bully narrative is built on the idea that Nunki is shitposting about Terumi here? Is there something to back it up outside of that? Not very experienced in Nunki myself.

>> No.7716466

>all this mental gymnastic for some crazed hag
Terufags have it tough, huh...

>> No.7716479

Not going to repeat it all because (no offense to you or anything lol, this has just dragged out) it's been posted a million times and I really don't want to give the Nunkeks more reasons to shitpost. If you're really curious, just go back to the old threads on the archive. There's been plenty of write-ups.

>> No.7716492

>There's been plenty of write-ups.
And absolutely no actual evidence

>> No.7716497

>Hylo: don't talk shit about my company we are clean

>> No.7716507

>Not very experienced in Nunki myself.
I have experience with being inside Nunki and I can tell you she is a very soft fox

>> No.7716508


>> No.7716534

I don't remember making this post.

>> No.7716556

Sure, sure.

>> No.7716593

I mean, exagerations aside...
Terumi did just call them out for preemptively trying to clear out rumors because it was sussy, right? She got like, no real evidence of any CL missdeeds at all?

>> No.7716620

There's absolutely no evidence at all. This thread has been using different scape goats cuz they get tired of their toys easily. First it was ConnyKo, then it was Ash, afterward it was Xeno and co, and now its Nunki and HollowQueer. Just move to another thread and come back in a week, for your own good anon

>> No.7716643

We never shitposted about Conny (aside from mild jabbing at his cringe posts) and Ash (laughing at his tweets a couple times). Do your research shill.

>> No.7716677

You’re talking about it like she’s some mastermind who profited off her genmates when, from the leaks, all she did was vent about AG’s bad practices and shared messages of Mal going off on her. Like she said, being incompetent and being malicious are two different things.

>> No.7716683

We also cringed hard at Ash's debut, but yes he was pretty inconsequential.

>> No.7716693

I did my research, retard. One of you schizo called Conny, and I quote "the ultimate threat to amber glow"

>> No.7716702

NTA, but no? He said that Teru wanted to manipulate others, and even if she was bad at it she still tried.

>> No.7716719
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Imma take a wild guess and say that was a jokepost, anon.

>> No.7716739

When did I ever said she was a mastermind? Can you read Anon?

>> No.7716753

Who did she try to manipulate, and what's the proof? Unless you're going to be like Nunki and seriously try to argue that asking your boss to change around schedules to be better is manipulation.

>> No.7716786
File: 461 KB, 2000x2000, 1623365992813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello astrosurfing vtubers and corporate managers observing this shit show! Stream Outward. It's the vidya gaem of all time.

>> No.7716806


>> No.7716812

Reminder that Terufags won't care about any arguments or evidence. Even if you'd manage to prove that Terumi came from hell itself, they would still deny it, or even worse, accept that she's the worst chubba that came from /here/ and say "it's part of her charm anon!!"

Just stop, let's separate the Terumi and AG thread and let's go back to normal shitposting instead of this schoolyard faggotry.

>> No.7716846


>> No.7716860

>b-bros... they aren't buying the nothingburgers
>just say they wont accept any evidence, anon. It's the ultimate no u.
Big brain nunkeks at work.

>> No.7716910

My, thank you for being a perfect example of such autistic behavior! Just proving my point.

>> No.7716948

A woman wrote this. When are you streaming Outward or Outer Wilds, Nuki?

>> No.7716981

You forgot your Anya pic

>> No.7716983

I was only ever in this general because of Ash's debut and I had a conversation with 2-3 other anons, some shitposted but I was giving my 2 cents and he talked about it immediately on Twitter kek
I still hold some hope for him and check on his channel from time to time but it was a mistake for him to debut in a company like this judging by the threads (don't care to read into all of it, looks like Discord drama) He should have gone indie and went to leech off of other males to get his name out there. The music and danmei interest could have snagged some female fans yet the only people (like 1) in his chat are males

>> No.7716988

>women visiting this shitshow
Anon, you forgot to take your meds!!

>> No.7716996

Give me all the Anya photos you have

>> No.7717011

>He doesn't know
Sisters do we tell him...

>> No.7717016

I'm just saying my man, if Nunki dropped an actual yab bomb I wouldn't deny it. She pussied out, though, and there hasn't been anything that goes beyond "Teru vents about her frustrations and feelings to her friends." Which is a nothingburger.

Like, you gotta realize Nunki, there's a reason that nobody outside of this shithole does or will ever give a shit about this petty drama.

>> No.7717055
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>> No.7717070

>this is the part of the thread where delusional fucks legit thinks they're talking to Nunki.

This board never fails to entertain me. Keep it up faggots!

>> No.7717120

Your typing style is very obvious, you know.

>> No.7717155
File: 813 KB, 608x660, 1623350331497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>German girl who causes schizo meltdowns by doing literally fucking anything
Behold, Amber Glow's Kiara

>> No.7717191

...s-silver woman bad?

>> No.7717193

Kiara is austrian
big difference

>> No.7717207

For all we know it could be someone extreme larping to makes us think Nunki went Munki just to make her look bad and what do you know its working.

>> No.7717222

The fuck you on about? I just entered this thread.

>> No.7717223

>where delusional fucks legit thinks they're talking to Nunki
I mean we did get to talk to TErumi at several points, knowingly or not.

>> No.7717242

If anything, Teru is the real Kiara the rrats promised. Jealous, of other's success, numberfag, conceited, a liar who hates her fans.

>> No.7717287

And Ash found the thread during his debut while Fippe said that he posted screens on the Discord, so its pretty clear some part of AG knows about it.

>> No.7717301

I don't think the last two are true.

>> No.7717329

...g-green woman bad?
Can you faggots make up your mind? This is getting confusing.

>> No.7717397
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Green woman bad

>> No.7717433

All shitposting asside, i just feel bad for Teru.
Not only one, but two (Maybe even three) people she trusted have betrayed her trust, showed to a (Small but still) part of her fanbase her failings when dealing with her friends and with other vtubers, and now she is isolated from those friends she used to have, all easilly avoidable if she wasn't so paranoic, cocky and socially stunted.
Can't imagine how she must feel right now.

>> No.7717460


>> No.7717475


>> No.7717483

>No Koopa
C'mon anon.

>> No.7717495

This is missing Koopa.

>> No.7717508
File: 2.56 MB, 167x190, GIF Animation (8489845).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you guys still talking about this. Its like a pack of High school girls in here.
Did you know Shura had a stream today? It was pretty good.

>> No.7717512

Terumi for sure bad, but some are into that here
Shura has rrats she posted the screenshots all along but it is just a rrat with no standing. It just kinda fun

>> No.7717521

top left. Fan art of her toku outfit.

>> No.7717524

this board was literally created for this, for a freaking high school drama talk

>> No.7717525

Literally the first image

>> No.7717547

Id feel the same if she was in her teenage years.
But she's a grown ass woman, if you still haven't fixed your mental disorders, it's your fault. It's not anyones responsibility to own up to her fuck ups other than herself.

>> No.7717555

Gomen anon, stopped watching koopers after she jumped to twitch

>> No.7717573

I-it was good anon! Im not a huge fan of big collabs but she was cute!

>> No.7717609

I mean yeah, i know she should've been past this, but then again we know her situation as a teenager and young adult wasn't ideal either, so even while condeming her attitude i can still see how she got there and how she might be hurt.
I mean none of what happen was individually super terrible, more like a domino of constant bad decisions-

>> No.7717640

It's just Nunki/AG Discord falseflagging (alongside other based chaoschads just shitposting for fun).

>> No.7717708

What if i'm shitposting for sadness tho.
Seriously thinking about TEru's mental state is giving me the big pien

>> No.7717719
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>check black companies vod
>15 dislikes
Waaaaaaaoooo her vtubing career is over after this! She will never recover!!

>> No.7717725

Well, let's hope that she can learn from her fuck ups then. That's the way you grow as an adult. It's sad that she's all alone again but I simply cant condone what she did to the other members.

>> No.7717754

>like/dislike ratio meaning anything.
Rope, stool, your neck. Do the math.

>> No.7717761

All of them are from Nunki

>> No.7717778

Yes kon kon, all from me~

>> No.7717806


t. hollow

>> No.7717807

Nunki you whore!!!!

>> No.7717825

>plebbit reception positive
>vtuber community reception positive
>Teru community reception positive
Nunki is a tard and didn't even vaguepost about it, so she gets literally nothing out of this. Imagine.

>> No.7717905

Man, ame's L2D is fucking great. Designed so well, simple but does the job

>> No.7717929

Well if you like her so much why don't marry her?

>> No.7717962
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Because i'm a kfp

>> No.7718011

No wonder why theres so much falseflagging

>> No.7718022

Soo, AG has so many members and no one is streaming? Nobody is talking about streams

>> No.7718059

Assuming you're actually being serious, don't worry lol. Keep in mind all these leaks are just Teru shitposting to her friends (or, well, people she thought were her friends). Don't get too worried about them, Teru is fine. This drama is pretty cringe but it'll blow over as soon as the anti's get bored or they get bonked by their mistresses for being too overt (imagine what Xiu is feeling rn, having one of her mods caught schizo ranting about one of her Vtuber friends being mentally ill).

>> No.7718071

Monday is most of their break days. Usually isn't a thread up on Monday's, only here now because of shilling.

>> No.7718073

It is scheduled
Is prechat gonna be awful?
Bets on how many breakdowns will happen?

>> No.7718096

Gonna be nothing. If the few bad apples from here aren't already banned, they're going to be if they start shit in chat. Don't worry about it.

>> No.7718101

I imagine everywhere considering the themes of the game, of all purse owners it had to be the most heavy one.

>> No.7718112

Well AG collabs are out of the window, and that sucsk big ass not only for us but for the girls too, even if you think part of that fianl goodbye was sincere there was still some feelings in there, and Teru is specially sensitive to losing friends, so losing all of AG plus who knows how many others? It's obviously gonna be a toll on her for a while.

>> No.7718150

Keep in mind there's no way she still isn't secretly friends with some of AG. Xiu definitely, perhaps Shura/Misaki/Ash/Chelsea as well. No collabs sucks, of course, but Teru and the AG girls have plenty of people to collab with aside from eachother.

>> No.7718171

I hope she's OK. She said she was having mood swings and is replying to a lot more people on Twitter, so I think she's real lonely.

>> No.7718173

After that Shura tweet i highly doubt it.

>> No.7718205

Talking as if you are 100% sure is a bit cringe

>> No.7718223

That hollow guy or xeno guy? Can you spoonfeed me, im too fucked to check the previous thread

>> No.7718229

its not general public views
its about networking

teru proved to be controversial and isn't worth collabing with. even nina unfollowed her. in the long run, this will hurt teru more than it helps

>> No.7718234

Keep in mind we're only assuming it's referring to Teru. Even if it is (which tbf is pretty likely), Shura was pretty sus in the final collab, there's no way she wasn't one of the AG people that supported Teru talking about AG.

If she really stopped being friends only because of Nunki going psychomode and all this leak drama, then I doubt that they're going to stay apart for long.

>> No.7718252

>there's no way she wasn't one of the AG people that supported Teru talking about AG
According to leaks she encouraged with Xiu.

>> No.7718256

shura wasnt comfortable with the discord according to the leakeranon in the last thread

>> No.7718266

Uugh, who cares if nina unfollowed her

>> No.7718270
File: 79 KB, 527x614, 1628532915404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hollow confirmed (see screencap), Xeno highly likely but not explicitly confirmed (although leaker did defend him by name so pretty sussy).

Oh no, some /who/choobas unfollowed her. It's not like she has a million left that she's still friends with. Come on, anon.

>> No.7718307

Correct me if im wrong, but didnt Shura and Xiu supported her up t'ill the discord leaks happened? It did show Teru in a really bad light, she looked pretty jealous of her genmates.

>> No.7718338

Wait, this is the schizo rant? I expected...more? Theres barely a paragraph in there, plus he's blocked.

>> No.7718343

Correct, but aparently they were uncomfortable with the private "Shitting on CL" discord.

>> No.7718350

Imagine if they saw the screenshots
I would be angry too
Judging from Shura’s tweet she seemed really affected by it
She say she lost a friend I don’t think she was lying maybe she was really hurt about it

>> No.7718351

They did. Although none of the leaks so far are really that dramatic. Being a little jelly of your genmates isn't a crime, the other AG members were openly jelly of Teru (and Shura later) on stream.

There's really only two conclusions we can come to:
1) there was some yab we haven't seen, but Shura has that made her mad
2) someone (Nunki) poisoned the well and made these leaks come across way worse than what they actually are

>> No.7718377

every vtuber agency has someone on 4ch watching, so teru's lost her in with them

for indies, the only people teru started reaching out to were koopa, nina, and alker. not sure about koopa but nina and alker unfollowed. all you have to do is click on her youtube to see her attitude and know that she's a brand risk

>> No.7718381

There's more, it just wasn't capped. Plus this Hollow guy is (if you don't already know) a self admitted shitposter who stirs up drama here all the time. Alongside being a cringy AG Discord mod.

>> No.7718397

Teru you sussy baka, ya done goofed!

>> No.7718415

lmao, glad to see we got the chooba expert here.

>> No.7718422

both shura and xiu are close with the CL girls, shura has collabed with lumi, hylo and pandora, and lumi and pandora showed up to xiu's birthday

why would they throw their lot in with terumi when cyberlive has just started but already has double the average viewership?

>> No.7718425

There are thousands of en chuubas, she can always go outside the nina and company sphere and grow somewhere else

>> No.7718442

How is that confirming anything?

They found out that Terumi’s a manipulative bitch and ditched her.

>> No.7718463

>who stirs up drama here all the time
Gonna need to see proof of that

>> No.7718466

You should get some rest buddy, this SDF work must be tiring you out.

>> No.7718556

Please take your meds i beg you

>> No.7718672

My prediction is that I will watch it and chat and have fun, I hope she has fun too.

>> No.7718788

>people she trusted
She just gathered a bunch of vtubers to vent about how much she hated Mal for being concerned and to collect rrats to talk shit about Cyberlive or any other agency to fuel her new career as a drama queen.

>> No.7719040

t. Mal

>> No.7719475

>for being concerned
being concerned about himself and nunki

>> No.7719553

>"Dude went on a schizo rant pog!!"
>only told fippe that his oshi was full of shit and to get the fuck out.
He's the discord groomer for the AG server, what did you expect? Terumi is not in AG and shits on their talents, only makes sense to tell them to leave.

>> No.7719555

I like how any post that’s negative towards Terumi gets multiple quotes almost like she’s sending them here.

>> No.7719817

well of course, and?

>> No.7719936

aggregate poster anon here

it was an open inv discord link, everyone in server was able to invite too

>> No.7719970

>it was an open inv discord link, everyone in server was able to invite too
Anons how high does this put Teru on the retard ranking?

>> No.7720022

I mean the black company video is one of her highest viewed videos live so maybe she should become a drama vtuber, she's got a knack for it.
Pretty fucking high

>> No.7720050

Waow, shes as retarded like me...

>> No.7720325
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>calling anyone /who/choobas when Terumi barely hits 30 viewers on an average stream

>> No.7720334

>this dumb menhera should get involved in more drama to get bigger numbers
I'm out

>> No.7720426

30views versus 8views lmao.

>> No.7720456

Can someone tell me who to like and who to hate please?

>> No.7720503

everyone except munki

>> No.7720505

>open inv
I take back everything about her being a manipulative bitch.
She is simply downright retarded

>> No.7720549

everyone except Teru

>> No.7720563

>Burn social bridges like an absolute retard instead of just moving on
>Get lonely

God mental illness is something else isn't it?

>> No.7720595

Koopa, Alker, Nina, Krimbo, Leaflit, Moriko, Odette, Megbert, Africats, Beatani, Kongou, Meat.
A small sample size of all the indies I can think of that get double the viewership she gets on an average stream that she gets on a GOOD DAY. Terumi is a literal who which is what makes all this drama so weird, who cares about her? I knew nothing about her before this drama because no one talked about her at all.

>> No.7720605

It really is. I wish Nunki the best in getting therapy for her problems.

>> No.7720607

try it retard

>> No.7720689

True, but keep in mind a fair number of them either stream occasionally or regularly on Twitch, though. Now that Teru isn't forced to have the YT debuff her audience might grow.

>> No.7720752

Let's hope you're right, this dumb bitch needs to work on getting viewers to watch her and the first step is dropping the fuck out of youtube, there is no reason to keep her on that site since its terrible for vtubers

>> No.7720855

BAHAHAHAH this shite is great, please keep arguing. this is a great way to pass the time, especially with people I know apparently in the thick of it

>> No.7720912
File: 169 KB, 258x400, 160042bfdad9f5c2a585c00c6cd02eda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you like, shut up?

>> No.7720923

Nobody would continue this petty drama if the threads were separated. Its like forcing two autistic children into interacting with each other because they're both retarded.

But hey, guess shit flinging is more fun then having an actual thread.

>> No.7720950
File: 153 KB, 493x502, Capture_(32).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to the retards who keep DMing me on twitter to unfollow Terumi, this artist sums up my feelings. fuck off, i don't care about your drama.

>> No.7720968

This is the only time i remember outside of Terumis debut where these threads have had over 25 unique posters, this is really depressing

>> No.7720971

You underestimate the pettiness of Nunki and the AG simps.

>> No.7720985

And who are you again?

>> No.7720996

Nice mysterypost who are you? No mysteryposting allowed anonchama

>> No.7721020

AG simp here, we just want to talk about AG at this point. Take your chubba and go away.

>> No.7721060

>Bottom right
We were also bad all this time....

>> No.7721090
File: 34 KB, 227x222, peko damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Koopa just finished her stream
>This happens
Mom, is that you?

>> No.7721225

hey, hey, hey what's wrong with egging my source of entertainment on? now go pick a fight with someone and I'll watch

>> No.7721236
File: 107 KB, 312x231, 1604258465421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek this thread is a riot!

>> No.7721265

Do it yourself faggot. Be the entertainment you wish for

>> No.7721298


>> No.7721335

Yes anon, Nunki is in fact a girl, not a fox as some might think.

>> No.7721363 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.7721394

She moved to Twitch?
Didn't she keep going on and on about disliking Twitch and preferring the chat meta/culture that YT provided?
Kind of casts doubt on everything that has ever come out of her mouth imo

>> No.7721477

She hasn't moved, she still prefers YT but the AG management was very anti-Twitch. Now that she's free she can do whatever, so we might see some Twitch streams (and even a few would massively boost her reach).

>> No.7721919

But she also knows that her fanbase in general doesn't like twitch, even teasing us with an amogus joke in her graduation stream, and even before talking about how she prefers to be on youtube, so it would be a bit of a slap in the face to be boldly against it and then jumping ship instead of just saying that she would consider jumping ship.

>> No.7722267

Well anons, this whole ordeal was overall dumber than we expected.
And yet some jumped ship.
What would Teru need to do for you to jump ship?

>> No.7722326

lovense membership redeem live on stream with someone other than me first

>> No.7722512

>some jumped ship
Like maybe a couple people, lmao. You don't honestly buy all the "wow i was such a huge terufan" posts, do you?

>> No.7722569

okay, tourist

>> No.7722584
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>> No.7722733

>Just murdered her career
>Lol nothing will happen shes gonna be ok
Are terukeks really this fucking dumb?

>> No.7722756

I mean, many people did get disappointed, just not "I'm getting out to never go back" disappointed.
I will follow Teru but with the hope that she is less of an idiot in the future.

>> No.7722785

This, it's just a shameful situation to willingly put yourself in, not the end of the world though

>> No.7722798

>he does it for free

>> No.7722960

Here hoping that she learns a bit about how to socialize with whatever new group of friends she makes

>> No.7722962

True, i wish she handled the situation with Mal better so this whole ordeal wouldn't happen but, she fucked up.

>> No.7723009

Her content is very much not something Twitch viewers would find interesting, she's one of the few people I think might actually be better off on Youtube because of the type of viewers that prefer it.

>> No.7723052

It's the better platform, you're handicapping yourself sticking to Youtube and why would someone willingly do that?

>> No.7723192
File: 1.94 MB, 2315x2265, 1623460541682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easy to figure out which poster is which

That's Teru and her cronies
>Yeah she fucked up but it's not world-ending
TeruNeet or a bystander
Offended party
Everyone else

>> No.7723297

Thank you anon you figured it out, I'm in the second boat, I'm not a teruneet because I don't like her content but I don't think she did everything wrong. She's not blameless at all and I think her discord friends need to be mature enough to let her know she fucked up but to also let her know it wasn't career ending and she can bounce back from this. Stop lying to this poor woman who already clearly has trust issues

>> No.7723411

Again, that's what she promised, knowing that she was about to bail from AG and knowing that it is better for growth.
Why did she promise it i do not know, but i believed in her.
Guess I was the idiot here for believing, and i just have to be men>>7722962
mentally prepared to drop her like a hot potato if she bails off to twitch

>> No.7723436

Yeah, this is totally an actual TeruNEET.

>> No.7723445

Miss kicked this >>7722962 post, whoops

>> No.7723485

>Why did she promise it i do not know
She DID join or attempt to join two black companies, she can't be that smart. A lot of holofags and wanna be managers, especially the older /asp/ies shilled Youtube so hard and on paper it might seem like the better platform, but her promising was a mistake.

It's one she needs to break because it'll stunt her growth to stay on Youtube and she doesn't have good enough clipable or easily consumable content to make it on that platform. Her content is very niche and niche is hard to advertise.

>> No.7723541

>wasn't career ending
Not necessarily but it’s enough to keep her at indie status indefinitely. No vtubing company will want to hire someone that does this sort of thing

>> No.7723545

Sorry bro, i have said in the past that my poor ass can't pay for the amount of data that twitch consumes, so i won't be happy to do it, but it is that or finding a way to make more money (I'm too poor to keep s membership already for fucks sake)
And also breaking promises n shit.
We are all grown adults, no need to hide that you have to do what you have to do for your career. So making a promise she know she wouldn't keep would sting hard.
Sorry for the autistic rant.

>> No.7723589

Keep in mind the person you're talking to is a troll.

>> No.7723603

No need for corpos, she has Tangentpro so the only problem is having a way smaller pool of vtubers to pick for collabs

>> No.7723622

She never made a promise, lmao. Do your research better before you falseflag.

>> No.7723628

Well duh, there's no way she'd be taken by any corp after this. Unless the corp was another black company

>> No.7723653

No troll or false flagger here, just autistic. It's different. Sorry

>> No.7723660

>way smaller
Cyberwhores are the only ones out of the picture, and perhaps AG temporarily.

>> No.7723707

And any company that doesn't want to be associated with drama (or more drama at least).
So no Niji collabs, or Tsunderia collabs.

>> No.7723743

They aren't going to care about random 4chan drama, anon. You can find plenty of proof of that with other Vtubers. This place is irrelevant.

>> No.7723760

Veibae? Kiara?

>> No.7723773
File: 22 KB, 400x399, pepegigasmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In every iteration of this thread I wonder who gains from the repeated deflection of X leaked the discord discussions where terumi shits on her genmates etc and the only people I can come up with is terumi and her retarded artist simps who paid 3K to get her out of her contract. Like who really gives a fuck who leaked it, whistleblowers should be praised and fake vtubers should be exposed

>> No.7723786

How long until the vtuber cringe twitter gets a hold of this story?

>> No.7723796

>having a way smaller pool
You mean a bigger one? She's not locked down by orgs, she can collab with anyone she wants the problem is being on youtube is a death sentence as far as networking goes

>> No.7723797

That was driven mostly by holobronies. I wouldn't say it was centered on 4chan at all.

>> No.7723828

Anon she was willing to shit talk in private about another company with no proof. Even if it was small 4chan shit it's still kinda damming to anyone that works in a corpo.
Also you know, antis that may spam Teru would-be collab partners with this whole shenanigan.

>> No.7723836

Go to sleep Nunki.

>> No.7723837

If they were going to use it they would've done it by now

>> No.7723839

Based, fuck the fakes

>> No.7723882

This. People need to realize that chuubas talk. They all talk in private in their own groups. All it takes is the /here/ chuubas telling their friends and it turning into just a game of telephone. It happens all the time, except this is being sent out to multiple orgs and friend-groups all at once.

>> No.7723886

Narukami covering the drama when?

>> No.7723912

It is like three-five people max that care about this. It really is irrelevant, trust me.

>> No.7724006

We will see

>> No.7724064

Just think about it this way: this story makes pretty much everyone involved look bad. Of course there's Teru, but we have the postergirl of Cyberlive confirming she's shitposting in 4chan, Cyberlive girls running sussy umpromted damage control, another AG talent leaking logs, probably several indies that would be incriminated. Nobody wins.

>> No.7724079
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1608420377261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should've seen it in the trashcan when one spic tried to stir up drama by writing walls of text exposing a vtuber but literally, none of us know any of them. It was hilarious. People overblown things that don't actually matter.

>> No.7724108

Anon we went from 30 people tops to like 70, and we got a manager, 3 leakers, and a chuuba that didn't want to get Dam's talking. That's not small considering how many more could be just lurking, and considering how many are aware of the issue because they were on that infamous discord.
I'm NOT saying Teru's career is over, but this really was an important moment that may affect her future collabs.

>> No.7724137

This, a lot of eyes are on this, don't let the ip count fool you
