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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77089498 No.77089498 [Reply] [Original]

Poll from offkai

Kiara - 56
Fauna - 54
Kronii - 50
Ina - 46
Gura - 42
Mori - 41
Biboo - 39
Mumei - 38
Nerissa - 38
Bae - 35
IRyS - 33
Mococo - 33
Ame - 31
Fuwawa - 27
Shiori -19

>> No.77089857

Mori really reclined hard.

>> No.77089983

If you're a unicorn and your oshi got less than any member of Holostars you should kill yourself

>> No.77090010

Damn JP really fell off
They can't even beat tempiss lol

>> No.77090050

> Stars got 1 vote debuff
> Bettel still got more votes than Fuwawa / Mococo

>> No.77090180

I didn't even notice that lmao
Imagine losing to Holostars with double the votes.

>> No.77090189
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>Popularity Survey
>Kiara No,1

>> No.77090358

>A graduated JP homo has more votes than the rest besides Roberu and Astel

>> No.77090399
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>5 points on Rushia

>> No.77090408

Well she and Biboo are the only HoloEN members who join this con so obviously KFPs are more present

>> No.77090517


>> No.77090551

Can you blame them for not being able to let go the menhera pussy ?

>> No.77090616
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Reminder this is at an EN con so the votes will be skewed towards EN talents so don't take the survey too seriously.

>> No.77090634

>People stuck in 2022 who didn't notice that Kiara, Fauna, Mumei, Irys and Gura are the only ones whose views stayed stable while everyone else in myth and promise fell off hard. Especially Mori.
Kiara and Fauna are even gaining viewers, slowly but surely.

>> No.77090640

note that people can also just toss their stars vote to staff

>> No.77090723

But there are more than twice as many hololive members, so one would expect holostar members to have higher average votes

>> No.77090760

EN are more popular than JP in general

>> No.77090767

Shows you how little anyone cares about JP outside of Japan

>> No.77090785


>> No.77090805

Wait, why are Rushia and Mel even there if they're terminated members?

>> No.77090964

KFP run any con Kiara attends

>> No.77091020
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>Get confronted with Kiara doing well
>Why is Kiara doing well in 2024?!
>Because she is

>> No.77091047

Amerisharts have awful taste

>> No.77091088

>powered by @HoloTakeover
It's not official. It's some faggoty discord channel.

>> No.77091120

Oh she is? Please DM me when this huge sample size poll translates into her not being among the least viewed members anymore

>> No.77091143

shiori is the interesting one too

>> No.77091173

At first I saw Coco and Sana and thought "Oh that's cool they still let people vote for them."
Then I saw Aloe and thought "Huh, I guess Cover really is cool appealing to people deep in the vtuber space who know about her at all?"
Then I saw Rushia and knew no one at Cover reviewed this lol.

>> No.77091365

She isn't the least viewed member in terms of ccv anymore, that's Shiori and Mori (if you ignore her collab spam).
She's also one of the top SC earners consistently.

>> No.77091391

>Try to include everyone
>Still miss two homos

>> No.77091442

>60 total
Dogs won

>> No.77091458

I'm not sure that's true. But I do figure there's probably more uh, drift toward EN from JP than there is in the opposite direction. I mean, I like the JP and ID streamers pretty well, but I couldn't rank them as my favorite (although Kaela is my #3).

>> No.77091465

>The most avid con-goer in the company gets a fanbase that loves going to cons.
Somehow this puzzles anon.

>> No.77091667

Retard you're the one insisting she's the most popular Holo in the entire company LMAO

>> No.77091806

It's only true for homos, and I'd wager that's partly because HoloEN fans are willing to tune into them too while HoloJP fans won't watch JP homos.

>> No.77091877

Nobody suggested that. People just pointed out that other EN members fell off and are now have worse numbers than Kiara because Kiara's fanbase is super loyal and therefore stable.
That doesn't mean people are saying she'll surpass Gura.

>> No.77092061

That wasn't me, you fucking schizo. That's the first comment I made in this thread.

>> No.77092210

There's also the fact that's a very small sample size. The question poll that did for Connect the World had more people vote in that.

>> No.77092220

>all those homo votes going to management instead

>> No.77092263


>> No.77092271

Yeah, so loyal all 50 of them voted for her

>> No.77092392

this anon is really fucking mad he can't shitpost with this one lol

>> No.77092552

>Being this butthurt about Kiara not having the worst numbers in EN in every metric
If you keep insisting I'm sure it'll become true anon. Keep denying reality.

>> No.77092746
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>> No.77092804
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>> No.77092827

these folks that keep doing this kind of stuff irl are worse than numbermonkeys here... and its hard to do that

>> No.77092899

California really is retarded

>> No.77093043

It's funny because besides being painfully white Fauna has nothing in common with those bitches

>> No.77093072

If there's more drift towards EN from JP that means EN is more popular than JP.

>> No.77093391

>Adding the votes together
Holy cope

>> No.77093471

not if JP is just way more popular in general
if JP has 100,000 fans and EN has 10,000 fans then you would expect the drift from JP to EN to be 10x as much just statistically

>> No.77093588
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>Mori - 41
>Ame - 31
The runts of Myth.

>> No.77093623

Are there 100,000 japanese fans for every 10k at Offkai?
No? This poll happened outside of japan?
It's not fucking relevant, then.

>> No.77094223

>Kiara - 56
>Gura - 42
No one is actually taking this poll seriously, right?

>> No.77094805

>voting for gura, kronii, coco, rushia or la+
These people don't like vtubers

>> No.77095011

only coping kfp, lol

>> No.77095340

Mori's ccv keeps nosediving with no end in sight and she does more collabs than solo streams because she knows.

>> No.77095647

>The schizo obsessed with Mori's numbers is a chickenfag
Why am I not surprised

>> No.77095665

May as well put Hitomi Chris on there if you're going to include Aloe.

>> No.77095674

It's amazing what a regular streaming schedule does to your popularity, right?

>> No.77095836

>Everyone noticing Mori falling off is one guy
Pretty soon everyone watching Mori's livestreams will be one guy with how things are going for her.

>> No.77095946

Nakirigumi were really orderly in order to not cover up the #1 cuteness that is Ayame.

>> No.77096238
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Now I'm 100% sure it's you. Worry about your own oshi, kfpchama

>> No.77096426

Aren't there two homos they forgot? The one with pink hair and the one with short white hair (not Aruran)

>> No.77096442

OP apparently does

>> No.77096522

They quit before they grew

>> No.77096599

What, don't like it? It's almost like they never did and people just use them to shitpost. Only difference is today they're mad about who is on top

>> No.77096603

JP's don't even count as Hololive anymore, too many male collabs.

>> No.77096726

Sounds like a (You) problem, retardicus.

>> No.77096821

Ayame (2nd row) has the best fans confirmed.

>> No.77096841

All I see is you seething

>> No.77096859

Crazy that the con which has kiara as one of the lead guests has kiara fans attending

>> No.77097031

Covering ojou would be a crime/
So it's better to keep in a line.

>> No.77097043

That's more than the number of times (You)'re going to reply to yourself before getting banned, retarded shitstain egg

>> No.77097069

> Kronii
> Painfully white

>> No.77097083
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>Birthday streams vastly increasing her median peak
>This low

>> No.77097449

Yeah, but that is a false statement. Kiara is still the lowest EN by average CCV, she is fighting with Bae for that position.

>> No.77097531

>Gura got less votes than Bettel
It’s over…. It has been a good 36 years…

>> No.77097530

Nice post history. Totally not one guy

>> No.77097654

No she isn't. Mori, Bae and Shiori are if you ignore collabs.

>> No.77097674

Kiara also greatly benefits from having no EN competition in her timeslot.
Advent added another 4 channels to overlap with 9 of the 10 other ENs and split viewers between them, Kiara still gets a complete monopoly on her EU primetime slot.
If Advent had actually added 2 new EU members who streamed during EU primetime Kiara would be lucky to get 2k.

>> No.77097791

>Kiara - 56
EN Queen of Cons
Why do so many con-goers love Kiara?

>> No.77097892

Cope. People said this when Vesper and Shiori started streaming in Kiara's timeslot and they were the ones that lost viewers to Kiara.
Those people saying vesper would kill Kiara's ccv were beyond fucking retarded.

>> No.77097910 [DELETED] 

A lot of black people go to cons

>> No.77097969

Nope, both Shiori average above Kiara. Mori is quite some distance above. Kiara is still the lowest viewed in HoloEN by average CCV. Mori still does great even in solo streams. The only times she gets Kiara numbers or lower, is when she plays stuff like the 8th episode of Red Dead Redemption or the 7th episode of Persona. Those sort of streams are a debuff for anyone, unless they are played day after day until finished. But if Mori does Karaoke, just chatting or some new game, that's an easy 8k-10k viewers. Kiara was always a top earner in SC's, just like Mori. So no, Kiara is not exceeding Mori in any way or shape.

>> No.77097973

how do they lose viewers when they debuted after her

>> No.77098010

Kronii is a gook

>> No.77098114

lol the cope is KFP
Shiori streamed EU hours sporadically and hasn't done so for ages
Using a holostar as a measurement of success is about as cope as you could possible fall.
Real 'eu is my regular slot' HoloEN competition would half kiara's ccv at best and she absolutely know it

>> No.77098190
File: 3.11 MB, 1482x4435, a006fd7ffec1fad95e5d158fd794dd21a1c83575 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Source: my ass

>> No.77098218

Kiara likes cons and interacting with her fans, it's pretty simple

>> No.77098245

>if you ignore collabs
Isn't this just a cope?

>> No.77098256

mori doesn't reach 10k even with "buff" content lmao

>> No.77098290

Fauna and Kronii are voice related. They really like the sound of their voices

>> No.77098294

KFP are white/asian

>> No.77098400
File: 132 KB, 612x130, 0fa22f64cb183e80498d15e2d58e70059d8cb02c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori's comeback stream couldn't even beat Fauna Minecraft tree building stream number 9001 before Fauna raided her and her last 3 streams were botted rumao.

>> No.77098423

The source is from last month, retard

>> No.77098523
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>Mori this low despite her birthday
No wonder Mori is being botted.

>> No.77098584

how do you even figure out her real viewership from this shit

>> No.77098589

>KFP run any con Kiara attends

>> No.77098755

You can't. Botbeats have to resort to this after she fell off since even doing mire collabs than solo streams can't save her: >>77098190

>> No.77098892

she gets botted by the same person who keeps botting the other girls
why is it that anyone else getting botted is the fauna schizo but mori being botted is deadbeat cope?

>> No.77098963

>Real 'eu is my regular slot' HoloEN competition would half kiara's ccv at best
Only if they're not Br*t*sh. We need an Italian vtuber.

>> No.77099008

sure thing deadbeat

>> No.77099009

The others don't struggle to get 2k because of "debuff games".

>> No.77099050
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Where exactly are you going with this? Not even your oshi is spared from being botted

>> No.77099084

KFP inflate her numbers by sticking all 3 of their stickers on Kiara.

>> No.77099318

The hell are you talking about? The worst CCV in EN is objectively Kiara and Shiori. You always push this bullshit in the catalog, why are you afraid to post in /#/?

>> No.77099410

>Source my ass: >>77098190
Go buy some more bots, botbeat.

>> No.77099411

>can clearly see only one color sticker on her
What did anon mean by this

>> No.77099433

This just proves that numberfags in the flesh are just as retarded as the ones /here/. Since some of the talents are at offkai of course they would get more votes that those that aren't there. (This is always the case) I DO wonder a bit how number monkeys look irl, I wonder if they look better than the average vtuber fan, since they aren't really part of the fandom and only jerk off to spreadsheets.

>> No.77099462

She was a guest at the con.

>> No.77099515

She literally got 11k today retardGOD

>> No.77099597


>> No.77099616

Why are KFPiss hiding behind Fauna now? This discussion was never about whether Mori has better CCV than Fauna, it’s about her having better CCV than Kiara, which she objectively does.

>> No.77099736

To be fair this isn't in Asia, you can't be openly chumbud in the west or your life is over.

>> No.77099743

>Has to cherrypick her birthday month to barely beat Kiara
She's been getting botted since her comeback flopped. Even called out the bots.

>> No.77099813

guy put a sticker on Shion's womb

>> No.77099853
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Today’s stream wasn’t botted retardJESUS

>> No.77099930

>her mom gets more viewers than her

>> No.77099969

Answer me seriously, why are KFP so afraid of posting in /#/? I am sick and tired of these niggas shitting up the catalog and global with their inferiority complex.

>> No.77099978

That's literally the most recent chart available at the moment. Meanwhile you're using a chart from November of last year

>> No.77100002

>Mom stream
>Leeching off other holos
>Barely 11k
Grim, how do we save her?

>> No.77100035

Goalpost successfully moved

>> No.77100114

>suisei has the most votes for hololive.
OP just counted EN talents for whatever reason

>> No.77100123

She wasn't, she will only be there in like 16 hours.

>> No.77100291

retard, there is no KFP posting about numbers, it's only you retards false flagging to post them when you want to bait other fanbases. The only fanbase that is actually active in # are saplings everyone else are liggers and schizos waiting to crosspost your spreadsheets to the catalog. KFP is busy being happy with their streams and an oshi that actually cares.

>> No.77100359

lol, sisters

>> No.77100394

>for whatever reason
look at this thread, the reason is that this was a stealth orange woman bad post.

>> No.77100664

Well you are here, so clearly there are KFP here. Way to out yourself dumbass lol

>> No.77100774

I'm amazed at sisters always self reporting at the end no matter what they try to argue

>> No.77100863

>Kronii #3
Blue woman power

>> No.77101005

Who the fuck wants to post in there, eww

>> No.77101813

It's some fan made thing, no official affiliation

>> No.77101924

EVERYONE on vt is a falseflagger, including me.
>This post was made by a Deadbeat pretending to be a brat pretending to be KFP to trigger the KFP defense force
>The defense force is actually saplingsarping as KFP to trigger schizos to shit on KFP/Kiara
>The schizos are actually KFP trying to pittybait for Kiara by acting like sisters
>This triggers the general Holo defense, which are actually niji sisters trying to bait "Hololive bad" posts
>In come the niji sisters, who are actually phasekeks trying to defame nijisanji by posting the worst possible arguments
and so on...

>> No.77101997
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Retards. Kiara and Biboo are attending the con. Of course Kiara has the most votes.

>> No.77101998

>he says while posting in the biggest shit dump of them all (the catalog)

>> No.77102036

>saplings caring about anything aside from Fauna
lol, also KFP outed themselves as sisters ever since Kiara hung out with Enna, deadbeats hate KFP so they're ok in my book

>> No.77102053

Kfp always show out well at cons

>> No.77102088

Yeah, because kiara encourages them on her rm and then berates people for giving her attention lol

>> No.77102537
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Post a 1000 word cope essay explaining how this collab didn't count so I can have a good laugh.

>> No.77102752

This coping retard has literally been spamming this same chart for months now because it’s like the only month ever that Kiara wasn’t dead last in EN lmao

>> No.77102955
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>Separating Fuwawa and Mococo
That's brutal, fuwamoco operates as one unit like 99% of the time so really should be put together.

>> No.77103111

By that logic, Biboo should also be in the top 2 at the very least.

>> No.77103150
File: 261 KB, 1475x498, 1709021705810794_025307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine lying out of your ass and thinking nobody will prove you wrong. Please claim that there's just 2, 3, 4, etc so I can keep posting these and proving you wrong. I like seeing you cope and seethe.

>> No.77103209

Biboo is new and she's not as popular with con goers

>> No.77104278

>Posting in /#/

>> No.77104418

>Pomu and Selen outpacing cliqueshitters before they disappeared

>> No.77104973

those fuckers have horrible taste

>> No.77105077

I wonder if the ones with one sticker got it out of pity. Also props to the nakirigumi for being loyal and orderly

>> No.77105154

>votes for Aloe
And this is why all these things should be discarded and the people who put a sticker on them publicly executed.

>> No.77107487

Kiara the Queen

>> No.77107736

She still got 39, almost as much as Gura and Mori, and more than Mumei who is usually fairly popular.

>> No.77108348

That single robosa?
That's me

>> No.77109032

Shoutout to A-chan getting lots of love. She rocks.

>> No.77109245
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In a sense, but...

>> No.77109344
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now tell me why KFP dont watch stream but botted instead

>> No.77109379

the answer

>> No.77109393
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>> No.77109505

Read the thread

>> No.77112725

chicken salad sweep
