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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 68 KB, 496x326, ClippersMyBeloved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.7703724 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Clippers who actually put in effort
Pic related

>> No.7703777


>> No.7703847

Otakmori willl always have a special place in my heart.
I'm new btw.

>> No.7703893

>hyping up clippers

The absolute state. Sodafuck or whatever his name is really turned you guys in bitches.

>> No.7703914

Nothing brings the community together such as highlighting Miko's personal steam page.

>> No.7703934
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>> No.7703948

sashimi is the only good one

>> No.7703949

Clippers are all leechers, kys

>> No.7703983

The one that makes 20 minutes Nijisanji compilations.

>> No.7703993

Sodafuck is the reason I made this thread; dude puts in 0 effort then scams paypigs for easy cash. It's just not fair.

>> No.7704017

But I love migo!

>> No.7704039

Alright I’ll allow it.

>> No.7704090

There's at least 4 of those, you gonna have to specify.

>> No.7704108

His clips may be simple, but I respect that skitchama mostly does clips from smaller companies and indies

>> No.7704175

I'm a big fan of clippers that add their own editing touches to their clips, like Neko Mikuri and Soju

>> No.7704191


>> No.7704224

Ajasapa usually does long Nijisanji compilation, and not just a lazy hodgepogde of clips either.

>> No.7704238

I've been thinking of subbing whole or large portions of streams. Is there any in particular that people are interested in?

>> No.7704249
File: 1012 KB, 1298x952, PremiumClipper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is the most laborious work of video editing yet put into hololive stream archives. Although I would love to be proven wrong.
This guy must've went through at least 50 of hours of raw footage. Not only that but he also subtitled all of it, made custom animations and transitions, and actually edited it to the standard of real sporting event broadcasts.
It really deserves the title of "Movie"
Props to my man Mechanico.
You're a legend.

>> No.7704268

Doesn't Soju just overuse the shit out of each meme he comes across immediately?

>> No.7704374

-Sticknut has bunch of old Rushia clips, he stopped uploading
-Hilmi K. is a good Lamy clipper
-MofuMofu Subs does weekly Nijisanji compilations.
-Etherald also does Nijisanji compilations.

>> No.7704426


>> No.7704448

The guy who did all POVs version of last year's summer festival.

>> No.7704537


>> No.7704623

The guy who made the Lulu's eldritch popular, he capable of make a boring girl becomes popular meme, i would give him credit for that

>> No.7704657
File: 2.95 MB, 854x480, Rushia Spots Watame [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4i8qk4.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like kowkarot a lot, in particular how he uses different perspectives for context

>> No.7704708

Raiko for his tryhard TL notes.

>> No.7704755

This guy:


>> No.7704769

Clippers thread? What's next, numberfagging clippers?

>> No.7704825

Ajasapa doesn't translate
MofuMofu does

>> No.7704833

There's a guy called -Ganneko- who has been releasing 20-30 minute episodes of the Nijisanji Koushien streams every single day for the last two weeks.

No memes or huge amounts of editing, but the consistency is extraordinary.

>> No.7704885

Shabby desu
Long clips about semi-actual content and not just low hanging 20 second clickbait

>> No.7704900
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This dude, Mechanico, compiled an anime movie.


>> No.7704920

It's just normalfag chuubas

>> No.7704977

>5 hour video
these can not be the same.

>> No.7705021

Anon once you realize that money is more important than personal ethics (because no one will ever be punished for trampling ethics for money) you'll understand this world

>> No.7705042

>numberfagging clippers
if that happens I will boycott this board for good.

>> No.7705082

I'm 70% sure Neko Mikuri is from here

>> No.7705141

It's still fundamentally the same thing. Compiling and translating highlights from streams.
What he did is just that at a bigger scale.

>> No.7705181


>> No.7705190

>clipping EN

>> No.7705274

Is the guy who was subtitling old Miko GTA V fucking dead?

Also, Saki Subs.

>> No.7705307

Whole streams are pretty boring if they are not live, do highlights, you should get 10-20 minute videos from 1-3 hour streams

>> No.7705353
File: 307 KB, 681x396, Screenshot (291).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kazuya, is that you?

>> No.7705371

that's small-time compared to the MK tourney vid he did

>> No.7705383

but it's not a highlight reel, it is the entire tournament start to finish.

>> No.7705392

effort? it's fucking english

>> No.7705572

there's only 2 types of clippers that are worth something, the ones who clip a individual chuuba and the ones who highlight a full playthrough.
Faggots who highlight random moments and important events just to get views deserve to get shot.

>> No.7705607

Holy shit I forgot about him

Him and PekoSubs have my respect.

>> No.7705611
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>> No.7705814

This guy obsessively translates Ina clips to Japanese which is pretty cool

>> No.7705860

Clipfags are essential for the success of vtubers. Don't tell me you actually waste your time being present for every stream or watching vods?

>> No.7705887

Fuck off shill

>> No.7705952
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>> No.7705968
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vaan put effort on his clip, makes edits and such, besides he was a translator so he can translated japanese when the Holos used it or translate a HoloJp clip
he used to translated Miko...

>> No.7706066

don't forget about Mechanico




>> No.7706170

desu I never pay attention to who posts a clip I watch
generally clips <2 minutes are shit
I like the ones with some actual editing

>> No.7706488

How about no? Post some actual good clippers.

>> No.7706635

ask me how i know you don't watch good clippers

>> No.7706656

I recently started clipping but I am not a big fan of special effects so I always try to keep my subs simple and clean, not longer than 8-10 minutes. Is there anything else I can work on so people might get interested in my clips?

>> No.7706706

thumbnail and title is where 90% of your effort should go.

>> No.7706787

You watch HoloEn.

>> No.7707271

thumbnails and titles are all that really matters.

>> No.7707441


>> No.7707469

Mechanico is the gold standard of clippers. Miko and Luna are his favorites too so he obviously has based elite taste.

>> No.7707551

>makes a statement
anonchama, your following-instructions reps

>> No.7707869

>who actually put in effort
None of them because they don't even fucking know English.

>> No.7708268

and you don't know japanese

>> No.7708369

stop replying to obvious bait/yourself (whichever applies) retard

>> No.7708412

Speak for yourself.

>> No.7710770


>> No.7710872

I like Maple Leaf just for his Nene stories that he puts in the description of every clip. An example of his work:

I still remember my freshman year at Asacoco Daigaku.

I was repping the orange and gold, my Nikes were fresh out of the sweatshop, my backpack full of school supplies. I'm talking protractor, retractor, abacus, discus, forceps, jaws of life, a stylus, a quill pen, and a fresh pair of underwear.

I was studying engineering, and that, of course, gave me justification to look down my nose at any filthy arts major I laid eyes upon. And there were a lot of them. They walked around in droves like plagues of locusts, wearing thick-framed glasses and bandying about fancy words like ‘irony’, ‘poetry’, and ‘Starbucks'.

Imagine my disgust when I had to take a first-year literature class to complete my degree.

I had my head tilted so far back as a show of superiority that I was practically staring at the ceiling. I could barely see where I was going and the last thing I wanted was to accidentally bump into one of these vermin so I started saying, “S.T.E.M major coming through! Swerve, arts peasants!”

Luckily, I found an empty seat, and for some reason, no one sat next to or near me. Here’s an unrelated little factoid: did you know that if you look up ‘antiperspirant’ in a thesaurus you’ll see it means the same thing as ‘just a suggestion’? It’s true.

Anyway, I pulled out my abacus and started flicking the rings around as loud as I could while muttering sums loud enough so that everyone in the class could hear me.

“Hmm, so if I make 400k a year, any job I want… Hmm, yes, and imagine if I were an arts major… McDonald's pays 11 dollars an hour so… Hmm, yes, 69 years it’ll take to pay for my useless degree… Hmm, yep, it all adds up.”

That’s when the prof walked into the room.

She was stunning. Pinkish blonde hair trailed behind her like silken streamers. Floating sakura petals materialized in her peach-scented wake. She bounced on her toes with peppy gusto and slammed a few books down on the lectern. They read: “The Old Mio and the Sea”, “Blades of Kusa”, “Fubuki’s Wake”, and “Don Korone”.

“Minna!!!!!” she said. “Welcome to English for Bakas 101!!! I am Professor Momosuzu, 5th generation tenure track, English department representative!!!”

“English for what?” I asked aloud.

“Ah, I see you’re in the right class,” she said, looking at me and smiling smugly. “Tell me, baka-san, to which literary tradition does Robert Browning’s poem, “My Last Duchess” belong?”

“Uh, the poetry tradition?” I answered.

Prof Momosuzu laughed and shook her head in a pitying manner. “My, my you are dumb. The answer is obviously ‘ekphrasis’. Can you at least read?”

‘Of course I can read! I’m an engineering major!”

“Okay, then would you please read this poem,” she said, slipping me a photocopied hand-out.

I cleared my throat and started to read aloud.

“The Pepeloni, a Shakespearean sonnet by V.T. Anonymous

The Pepeloni, ah, the Pepelone
Dost thou perceive the thing of which I speak?
The Pepeloni where there is not one
That I obtain from Dominos boutique

Of Pepeloni I am rather fond,
I evermore request the pan of cheese
Can words express the heart of a gourmand?
Perhaps a drawing will do more than these

Behold: The pan of cheese contains an ear,
And in that ear is cheese in greater share,
And pepeloni on the surface, here,
Which Dominos hath placed with such great care.

I pluck it with impunity. Away!
Because I shall consume it not this day.”

A single tear rolled down my nose and splattered on the handout. Prof Momosuzu came over and patted me on the head.

“I’m sure now you understand.”

I changed my major the very next day to English.

>> No.7710875

High quality clips here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6tUTIJNuow

>> No.7710988


>> No.7711011

Shabby is a pretty good subber. Mostly puts out 10 minute plus Marine clips and if you know Marine you know how hard that is.

>> No.7711208

The ones I really like/respect:
I like:
Raiko Subs
Neko Mikuri
Ene chan
Hensei Productions
JShay Translations
Des P. / デスパン
Taiyou Budikara /太陽ブディカラ
-Double Negative-
Major Arcana #310 Big God Mion

>> No.7711434


Just a reminder that none of you would be /here/ right now without translated clip channels.

>> No.7711928

This was translated before by Hololive Moments, and it has been lost now. More people need to watch this kino stream.

>> No.7711973

I like the one that tries to highlight the literal whos along the big hitters, then at the end recaps all the events that happened within the last 2 weeks like concerts, birthdays, 3Ds, etc.
That guy just clips screams and throws in the random untranslated clip.

>> No.7712439

Not me. I used to browse the vtuber threads on /jp/ from time to time in the Kizuna Ai era.

>> No.7712558

>follow Hagure Yuuki for years because of the porn
>one day she draws Pekora

Not everyone is a newfag to the otaku industry

>> No.7712736
File: 223 KB, 579x436, shabby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ShabbySubz does great work.

>> No.7713079

Any clipper that subtitles from JP is putting quite an effort even if the clips are short by themselves translating and editing those is not really easy

>> No.7713244

He's fine, but needs to do his English reps. That Ame clip made no sense to me until I went into the comments and they had the correct line.

>> No.7714607

>nearly brought EN and JP fan into war
At least he was able to prove the power of Rushia's tears

>> No.7715249
File: 1.40 MB, 1505x906, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy who likes fully translating pekora RPG streams and releasing the videos as he goes.

>> No.7715430

Holy shit, that really is dedication. My respects to this autist.

>> No.7715772

sushi is the only good clipper

>> No.7717446
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shit clippers general?

>> No.7717485

I wish clippers wouldn't actually put in effort and just sub shit. I hate all the special effects and memes they shove in. Hell, why you're at it why not just translate the whole streams? You can translate every other 5 minutes so why not just sit down and archive the whole thing?

>> No.7717780


>> No.7719965

I like the way Kiriku translations clips. The editing in the holomem, among us collab showing all of the perspectives is comedy gold

>> No.7721407


My implication is that all of this, the growth of the medium, this very board, would not be here without folks who made the content accessible.

>inb4 'good'

>> No.7726341

By effort you mean any extra shit besides the translation?
Because the translation is the only thing that matters for me

>> No.7726888

sodafunk obviously, she's also cute as a plus

>> No.7727071

love shabbers

love maple
love nene

>> No.7732671

