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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 94 KB, 1150x1145, 20240531_163606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77036925 No.77036925 [Reply] [Original]

So this wasn't a friendly banter...

>> No.77037135

Mother of God... the signs were there this whole time.

>> No.77037182
File: 134 KB, 1024x576, cuckdora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love NTR when it's deserved

>> No.77037205

>Cucklira was true all along.
Nijisis, no matter the oshi they are the cucks of this world.

>> No.77037215

Poor elira always getting cucked lmao

>> No.77037251
File: 253 KB, 1235x612, Live Riku Reaction Night 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget who was in the main event

>> No.77037271

Well its not unusual that clique happened in workplace

>> No.77037288

The clique already left nijisanji, it was this whores all along and that is why they were forced out.

>> No.77037340

remember the lore is fucking real

>> No.77037460

what's with the edit

>> No.77037475

holy shit lmao even

>> No.77037486

And now they're a company of 3views. Really worked out for them...

>> No.77037525

Does anyone else get a pure dramaboner at the mental image of Elira in her dragonform either fighting Selen's dragonform or a large pheonix with a tomato riding it?

>> No.77037656

Putting aside the stupidity of people digging up their old tweets, I do find it funny how Elira has no leg to stand on because she never interacted with Selen positively throughout her entire career.

>> No.77037733

Elira in despair as Selen in her dragon form jams her bad dragon futacock inside Pomu's 9 inch body, and Pomu's enjoying it.

>> No.77038047

How many more of these early "Niji Family" LARP will age like milk?

>> No.77038331


Matara is laughing in the background as her bug legs pin down a KO'D Millie and Enna.

>> No.77038494
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Post the full interaction newfag!

>> No.77038516

Every single one of them.

>> No.77038554

I'm imagining that shit constantly
>Elira stabs Selen
>the purple flame fizzles out
>suddenly a huge yellow flame bursts out from its embers
>Selen transforms into Doki a-la Doctor Who regeneration
>huge phoenix wings behind her back
>the whole area writhes in flames
>Doki with the smuggest shit-eating grin beckons at Elira "COME AT ME BRO"
>Elira: "Millie, what does the scouter say about her power level?"
>Millie: "it's over NINE THOUSAAAAAAND!"
Man, i'm approaching my thirties and i'm still chuuni as fuck

>> No.77038629
File: 44 KB, 603x459, Elira X Selen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least Elira seemed to warm up to Selen at one point, but something went really wrong somewhere

<<< check this out

>> No.77038706

"profoundly autistic", you mean

>> No.77038737

this doesn't make it any better you retard this just show how elira is a massive cunt

>> No.77038819
File: 414 KB, 648x1359, Screenshot_20240531-112254_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's hindsight, but so much of Nova's relationships with Mint feels so fake. Doki and Mint's relationship, on the other hand, feels authentic.

>> No.77038830

I've never had issues socializing

>> No.77038886
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>> No.77038951

>generic happy birthday message that references a bit of lore neither of them ever actually played into to my knowledge
??? Anon have you never watched Mean Girls? This superficial niceness shit doesn't mean anything at all. She could very easily have immediately dmed someone to tell them how much she hates that compulsive truma response laugh and how she's planning to personally wrap a rope around her neck the next time they meet.

>> No.77039103

>"Excuse me while I compile more evidence to get your fired, Selen, on my secret Discord."

>> No.77039123

The reason why is because Elira and Pomu have only had one type of relationship: soft gay onscreen girlfriends. They have never shown the world much depth to their relationship outside of "kya I love her so much she's beautiful". That's it.

Mint and Doki, throughout their entire careers, have demonstrated being partners in crime in multiple ways. They express admiration for each other's strong points, laugh like maniacs when they're together, and the termination lent a certain human depth to their relationship that cannot be attributed to kayfabe or business.

>> No.77039167

Genuinely wonder if Elira just hated that her lore was tied to someone else and didn't enjoy having to be connected to someone "unprofessional", so she insisted on the sibling rivalry bit to never have to acknowledge her and just claim superiority over here from the get go.

>> No.77039259
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>> No.77039345

Honestly yeah

Watching Doki and Mint on screen together during Wrestletuber? You don't fake that level of chemistry.

Add to that they talked for hours after both days and the comments from both after the event?

It's very very clear both Doki and Mint are good friends.

>> No.77039368

I think a strong factor also is that with Selen's popularity having been clearly greater than her's. It invited the "which dragon is better?" argument. It was an unspoken thing but it does seem annoying, how your career will inevitably be compared to another's for an arbitrary reason out of your control.

>> No.77039395

>It's very very clear both Doki and Mint are good friends
For some reason this sentence made me laugh. It's a pretty normal sentence. But sounds so retarded for some reason.

>> No.77039432

They're obviously fucking

>> No.77039482

I'm pretty sure those screenshots are photoshopped, Nova deleted her twitter before getting into niji. But speaking of Nova's twitter, here's Doki replying to her directly https://twitter.com/dokibird/status/1335280558432083968

>> No.77039492


>> No.77039517
File: 326 KB, 605x401, hardly boys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pure dramaboner

>> No.77039560

Someone's just using archive.org to look at old twitter posts

>> No.77039586

>Dragonform Elira hesitates, only attacks when she remembers what Riku will do to her if she retreats
>Is joined by Vox and Ike
>Elira breathes fire but completely misses
>Vox "thoroughly reviews" the situation before striking, accidentally cuts off Elira's claw
>Ike does nothing because he's just a fucking writer
>Doki BTFOs all of them
>Elira's half-dead body falls out of the sky and squashes Enna and Millie below

>> No.77039594

>Man, i'm approaching my thirties and i'm still chuuni as fuck
That's okay. I remember talking to a redditor back in 2016 who was 27 and still thought 4chan was "the hacker website" like a fucking child.

>> No.77039655

Every since she returned, Mint always seems like she's taken a swig of whisky or something before she started streaming. Like she's more unhinged and unfocused than before.

>> No.77039708

>nijitroons are now trying to pass a rrat about Mint being an alcoholic
lol you lot are so pathetic

>> No.77039805

>cottagecore Mint with a bar full of expensive whiskeys and a collection of cigars
phew, oh boy... BASED

>> No.77039818

Behind the scenes they were friends and i doubt thats changed. Doki said to not abuse the streamers in her redebut but people seem to memory hole that too often.
Doki knows Elira had a gun to her head in japan when the black screen stream was dumped

>> No.77039846

>Doki knows Elira had a gun to her head in japan when the black screen stream was dumped

>> No.77039848

underage, mudslime or both?

>> No.77039868
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Will do

>> No.77039921

Who, nijiniggers? Both.

>> No.77039938
File: 164 KB, 1200x1200, 1705604150075213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everything is nijisanji.

>> No.77040002

I think Elira initially did it to try and assert dominance over Selen by reminding her who was the "original" dragon, and that if Selen stepped out of line, Elira would fuck her over.

Didn't work.

>> No.77040003

The most basic strategy of trying to discredit a person is trying to force a narrative they have problems with consuming certain substances and/or are mentally ill.

>> No.77040107

>Doki, reborn with overwhelming power looks over at flabbergasted Elira
>"Pfft. You're not worth my time."
>walks away
>Elira flies in a fit of rage
>"How fucking dare you! I AM A DRAGON!"
>in eternal seething rage pulls all the resources of the Niji kingdom to attack her again
>the dissatisfied people revolt and exodus en masse
>Elira and her merry clique band stand amidst the ruins giggling in delusional frenzy
>they lost everything

>> No.77040123

>literally just copying overused dragon ball shtick
Yawn, real chuunis make their own material

>> No.77040165

It's a fucking analogy, idiot

>> No.77040198

Look up what an analogy is moron. What you wrote was a parody, an extremely over used one at that.

>> No.77040239


>> No.77040280

That's kinda hot. A hag traumatized by her old job so much, that to do her current job, she needs alcohol to loosen the nerves, even though she likes it.

>> No.77040284

How fucking good is Pomu in the sack for it to drive people to murder and suicide?

>> No.77040287

No but elira should do her hardest to convince her of that. She has no future in niji

>> No.77040291

What i wrote doesn't 100% match what i imagined in my head. That's why it's an analogy, you dickhead

>> No.77040356


>> No.77040360

Look up Helen of Troy and Da Ji, she's that good.

>> No.77040361

>its an analogy in my head
>why dont you see its an analogy dickhead

>> No.77040416

Is there any good porn of Elira getting cucked yet?

>> No.77040444

That's not even remotely what i said, reading comprehension doko?

>> No.77040497

>>What i wrote doesn't 100% match what i imagined in my head. That's why it's an analogy,
>That's not even remotely what i said

>> No.77040568

This is basically a yuri soap opera at this point.

>> No.77040624

Yes, I used an analogy because i don't remember precisely how it went in my head, that enough for you, you sperg?

>> No.77040632

>Behind the scenes they were friends
Coworkers at best, and not even that close.

I'm pretty sure that Elira and Doki won't communicate ever again, same with the other two stooges from that stream. Other former coworkers? Maybe, she basically extended an olive branch in her post wrestletuber stream. But those tree are 99% out of the question.

>> No.77040681
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>> No.77040762

Pretty sure when they were in japan in november, selen was streaming on elira's computer or vice versa and they talked about it then. They were both there when rosemi was streaming on one of their computers too during that period.

>> No.77040796

Hags have a lot of experience. She blew the young'uns minds.

>> No.77040847

So when's Matara rescuing Wosemi from Anycolor?

>> No.77040852

elirafags are so cringe

>> No.77040890
File: 309 KB, 900x742, 1679444779435650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still watch doki
Still watch mint
Still watch Elira
Still watch many others across many corpos and indies
You cant stop me

>> No.77040916


There was a post here saying "Nova, Mint will find out you're a lying bitch" that was part of the expanded gurrat that I still think about a lot.

>> No.77040984

>Loyalist Nijisister army gathers to face Dragoons and reclaim territory lost to the revolt.
>Taunt other side: "NotPomu hates your leader!" Sisters engage dragoons.
>Ground shakes
>NDF turns around, sees thousands of wisp cavalry charging their rear
>Wisps slam into NDF's rear while Matara's forces attack from the flanks. Sister army destroyed.
>BattleofWrestletuber = decisive retiree victory

>> No.77040985
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Depressed OL Mint is so hot

>> No.77041133
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>April 4 2021
Nigga was holding a grudge for 3 years, he's probably laughing his ass off now

>> No.77041370

Who knows but there's a good amount of Elira dicking and getting dicked.

>> No.77042031
File: 1011 KB, 1298x1815, 28b13e2bf4525d1bb001a595c8ae942d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira came across as if she treated Pomu like a treasure or trophy.
Selen treated her like one of her own.
It's scary how much this dynamic mirrors the old fairy tale trope of the sheltered princess longing to break out of her rigid royal life and go on adventures with a handsome rogue or knight.

>> No.77042150

I still think nova ran off and elope'd with mint to nijien and the clique followed her.
The nepo hires didnt come in until Enna and millie were in. They also both said shortly after their debut that they got in and surprised elira that they were in.
It seems more like the clique is enna's and millie's and they just swarm elira like a band of sharks

>> No.77042342

Maybe /vtai/ can help out. Drop a request over there.

>> No.77042597

>nova joined Niji to escape from shannon and lyrica
>they are too retarded to take the hint and they follow her
>Elira ends up mildly disliking Selen, but not to any extreme degree
>Enna and Millie take that as a tacit approval to make Selen's life a living hell
>when in reality Elira was very uncomfortable with what they were doing to her
Man, I should stop subscribing to rrats and fanfics that give Elira the benefit of the doubt, I didn't even watch her, I only watched Pomu and Selen

>> No.77043179

I think everyone can see a part of themselves in that dynamic. There's plenty of collabs out there between chubas who interact in a polite but ultimately reserved way. This is acquaintance level interaction. You both respect each other, but don't feel comfortable enough to open up and show your true self, all your weaknesses included.

Then you have these two. They aren't afraid to tease and bully the fuck out of one another. They both give as much as they take, and they can both laugh as much at the other's dumb shit as they can about their own idiocy. You can only ever be this open with someone you trust to know nothing you say or do in jest will be taken seriously. That's the phrase bros before hoes. I can only think of one or two other pairs like that in EN vtubing who have this kind of relationship, and one of those Doki already invited to the wrestling event.

>> No.77043223

It's because she never gave any indication that she's like that unlike enna and millie.

>> No.77045049
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>> No.77046236

>They also both said shortly after their debut that they got in and surprised elira that they were in

>> No.77047313

>one or two other pairs like that in EN
Kai and Juna? I've seen only a few collabs of theirs but they're pretty funny together

>> No.77049218
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>> No.77049225
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>> No.77050980

I can hear the HAHAHA

>> No.77051787
File: 117 KB, 224x350, F4et-4AXAAAtPKi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's painful to realize how many of you don't know any women and don't understand when a woman's niceness is just a veneer for how much she hates another woman. Once you get to know a few women you'll be able to tell.

This is why some people went 'wait why the fuck is Millie being such a bitch' during the whole Twitter response drama where Millie was asking Selen why her cover got privated-- those people are used to being around women and knew Millie wasn't actually being nice, she was twisting the knife

>> No.77051845

holy kek

>> No.77052216

>Man, i'm approaching my thirties and i'm still chuuni as fuck
Anon you are autistic legitimately 100% and everyone can tell just by your words. If you haven't, talk to a therapist that deals with autism, your life will get good. Or better if you already have a good life

>> No.77052363

Girls really do cook up the meanest shit. If slugged a few cunts in my day and taken a few but women say some crippling shit

>> No.77052406
File: 6 KB, 345x326, clueless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I barely know shit about women and even *I* could tell that Millle was being a cunt there. She wasn't exactly subtle with the whole "well management would never private a cover unless YOU did something wrong!" crap.

>> No.77052560

It almost felt like a caricature
>oooohhhhhh noooooooooooo
>they took down your cover :,(
>did you bend over though?

>> No.77052788

flips gon flip. With Millie going out of her way to singlehandedly destroy Anycolor it really makes you wonder just how deep it really was.

>> No.77052846

I'm reminded of something Mint said after her Stanley Parable stream regarding Doki "I think I get dumber when I'm with her" and like, yup thats friendship right there.

Real friends are the ones you feel comfortable being an idiot around.

>> No.77056049
File: 459 KB, 598x416, WhereIsSelen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all comes full circle

>> No.77057683

Amalee and CyYu are another pair that have that dynamic.

Just woke streams of them ripping into one another.

>> No.77057843

Based autistics

>> No.77058112

When they offcollabed Elira acted like a big sister to her.

>> No.77058337


>> No.77058914

Way back in the day there was an off-collab with the two of them at a hotel, Pomu did something hilariously stupid at the start of the stream, can’t recall what it was that she did but it was on the dumbass level of trying to interact with the computer by dragging your mouse on the monitor. When that happened you could -just- catch Selen in the background audio going ‘you fucking retard’ and cackling like a nutcase.

That’s how you know two bitches are ride or die, man. Being nice is meaningless, but when two chicks talk to each other like this that’s how you know they love each other.

>> No.77059259

This. Women are passive agressive bitches that stab you with a smile and men are gossipwhores who talk behind your back all day.

>> No.77059419


>> No.77059765

remember when they claimed this was chemistry

>> No.77059854
File: 1.14 MB, 1051x1443, 1688384835592308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira's dragon form is so weird though

>> No.77060111

Hey, this is actually very good! Where is it from?

>> No.77060121
File: 2.43 MB, 720x404, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4rb9bn.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they have the same bloodsister type bff thing going. Kai and Juna are the only ones who can keep up with each other's banter, everyone else in the corpo is too cute and timid to.

>> No.77060395

I MUST find this off-collab

>> No.77060595

Does Selen have an anthro dragon form?

>> No.77060698 [SPOILER] 
File: 271 KB, 1427x2000, barney-purple-dinosaur-2000-aea2a9a6087248c38a840192a59008d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77061072


>> No.77061309

This has got to be the most retarded take and cope I have seen on this website, specially since Pomu was sucking Elira's balls 24/7 and probably still is behind the scenes

>> No.77061663

Lazucope and Nijiseethe

>> No.77061865

Tell that to fucking Pomu, she talked about Elira so much people actually took her joke of being obssessed seriously

>> No.77062090

OL mentality I assume.
>Gotta laugh at your boss' joke or you risk getting fired.

>> No.77062264

this, but kissing

>> No.77062383

And now you know how the "all out war" line came to be. Pomu wasn't part of the clique, she's just one of the people in a group that go along with whatever the dominant narrative is, aka. succumbing to peer pressure. She hates confrontation, as she's said multiple times.
Strange how her, Rosemi, who is exactly the same, and Selen ended up in as the woo girls.

>> No.77062505
File: 235 KB, 1582x2236, Fws_r1uWAAELPc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't expecting to find the right one.

>> No.77062644
File: 144 KB, 455x451, 1712275293144453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a sperg, no matter how much time I spend around them I still find them incomprehensible.

>> No.77062684


>> No.77063068

Oh fucking ey, that looks nice. Saved.

>> No.77063138

>that early post about Selen actually being black

>> No.77063333

Serious question: have you seen the screenshot the "all out war" quote came from? How would you rate your reading comprehension and social skills?

>> No.77066269


>> No.77067584

Your rrat would work if Elira didn't get so much merch.
