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76996157 No.76996157 [Reply] [Original]

>Throwing shade on nijisanji again

>> No.76996553

I actually can't believe it was that long ago. It feels like much less time than that...

>> No.76996837 [DELETED] 

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>> No.76997263

Tourist here, It feels like everytime the ex talents say they're happy, the sisters and the people that hate Nijisanji always interpret it as an attack/jab. I think it's great that they don't stop saying it though, they can be happy and express it

>> No.76998026

If sisters are so angry that ex livers are happy outside the company, why do they never post examples of current livers saying they are happy? All I see is them going on depression breaks or breaking down on stream.

>> No.76998359
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Speaking of which, vivi is now stealth suspended

>> No.76998556
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>> No.76998564

Nijisis are corpo slave lover, their oshi si the company. They consider an attack because in their hutdweller mentality peope should die once quitting as they have exausted their use.
Tourists don’t get we don’t hate them just because Niji, Nijisis are actually a mental case that should not be allowed next to a computer.

>> No.76998875

don't worry ESL GOD i understand what you mean, based.

>> No.77000067

Allah's strongest warrior right here

>> No.77001242

This is just proof that she's no longer friends with the NijiEN members. Why would you post this, knowingly how much shitposters and dramafags are going to use it against your supposed "friends"? She and Mint don't give a fuck about anyone in NijiEN anymore.

>> No.77001796

wasn't she crying about not being able to afford food recently? where would she be going on an 'adventure' for exactly a week?

>> No.77002081

By adventure what she actually means is sucking anycolor upper management cock for a bonus

>> No.77002127

Allah's weakest soldier

>> No.77002313

The adventure is looking trough her contract for a way out.

>> No.77002503

Just farming those Doki intimacy points before approaching her, nothing personal.
She's so damn calculating, Speech 100, Poaching 100, Management 100, I fucking love her. If she eventually decides to stop vtubing activity I'm sure she'll become one of the best managers ever.

>> No.77003057

normal people don't make this big of a deal when leaving a shitty workplace
Like Doki I can understand, but this w*man is acting like she's fucking Nelson Mandela when all she did was stream bing bing wahoos and get ignored by some jap fuck for new wahoo ideas
And don't get me started on Sayu that one is a Miguel Gato level nutcase

>> No.77005012


>> No.77005260

Another classic stealth suspension for crying about the nba thing

>> No.77005367

just because mata didn't publicly talk about her attempting something doesn't mean it wasn't horrifically bad enough in there to give her ptsd. mint was ultra popular and liked by her audience as pomu but her first few streams as mint made it clear her confidence in herself was utterly destroyed from her time there. kuro doesn't talk about it much but he was excited that vshojo's big on mental health help and was open about that excitement. michi seems to have avoided a lot of the EN talent interpersonal conflicts but it took weeks for her managers to contact her any time she needed approval, neglect
all of the people who have left niji tell the same stories with slightly different flavours depending on what they experienced the most. to me it sounds bad enough for all of them that they experienced at least some life-endy thoughts (except maybe michi) even if no one was planning to follow through like doki was, mata is just the only one willing to hint about how actually bad it was but the others you can see it in their behaviour

>> No.77005792

Sorry for doubting you for a moment, Roach Mother. You were and are an integral part of the anti-Niji war effort. May your various limbs continue to draw in new defectors from the yacht.

>> No.77006611

Matara's problems came from not being able to sing while being in the wave with some of Niji's best singers. She also got shit on by fans of some of the guys for the offcollabs she did with them, and lost a lot of viewers over that and her being stuck in Australia with covid for 3 weeks. She almost had no choice but to start over, since that didn't get better even after a year. And honestly, all that stuff besides people in management shitting on her singing is her own fault. So I'm sure there was some bitterness there, but realize that she's talking as much about herself as Nijisanji here.

>> No.77006891

Yes, she was.
Also got harrassed by the sisters for complaining about not knowing about a collab.
What a great company and community, no wonder she keeps liking holo stuff and doki mint merch.

>> No.77007008

It's always funny how every time an ex-niji says they're happy the sisters get angry and take it as an attack.

Doki also posted a "I'm happy" and some responses were so hateful lmao

>> No.77007094

When was the last time a liver said something positive like loving to be here or I love my Niji family?

>> No.77007503

during new years party she was drunk crying to mouse thanking her for saving her life. She never talks directly about how things were there but that night it was really hard.

>> No.77007800
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>> No.77007998

>mata is just the only one willing to hint about how actually bad it was
Well, one other person did and look what happened to her. She got unperson'd by the other person who does.

>> No.77008127

she was only there a short time
it's obvious it sucked for her and she experienced a lot of niji bullshit but she wasn't there long enough to completely crush her spirit like the others were

>> No.77008367

Her exit was so bad she's still dealing with the smears they left her with. They fucking torched her career for the short time she was there. In just the other thread some retard was spouting nonsense about how she was telling people to pirate sponsored games.

So yes, I do believe that between the several months of predebut and the full year of smearing, she is qualified to talk about how fucking awful that company is and how it crushed her.

>> No.77008566

>wasn't she crying about not being able to afford food recently?
please tell this is a joke

>> No.77008608
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Unfathomably based ESL chad.

>> No.77008959

christ not everything is about sayu, get over it. I'm talking specifically about the work and talent culture within niji changing how the talents see themselves as worth nothing without the brand, it's a different issue to niji slandering someone and fucking them up that way. internal vs external, stockholm vs scorn
(I AM NOT SAYING SHE SHOULD HAVE) but if sayu walked away from vtubing after being terminated she would have been rightfully angry and damaged from having to swap careers and so many people hating her for untrue things but she wouldn't have been questioning her own worth as a human being which is what happened to doki, mint, and mata. she simply wasn't there long enough to be beaten down that hard inside, it would have happened to her eventually but it takes time to fuck someone up that badly

>> No.77009118
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Yeah, sorry. I'm just still a little annoyed from all the bait threads lately. Hell, she even got a few assholes fucking with her stream today.

God, I still hate that fucking company.

>> No.77009380

No, it's not. She spilled her food on a stream and then proceeded to cry because she couldn't waste food due to barely being able to afford one. It was privated though, so you have to dive through the archive.

>> No.77010594


>> No.77012901

She's not throwing shade on nijisanji

>> No.77013338

And it was a members only stream to begin with, so that makes it that tiny bit more difficult to find.
But her mental break wasn't because she's too poor to buy food, it was because spilling her food did 1 HP of mental damage, but she was already down to her last mental health hit point because of everything that's been happening this year. Kinda like the whole "ate without chair" thing from Rimworld, except IRL.

>> No.77013933
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How dare she says she's happy outside of Nijisanji?!

>> No.77014805

I despise niji, and I don't trust that disgusting grifter roach either. Keep in mind she's still friends with Millie.

>> No.77014872

Reminds me of the nijifans malding every time Doki laughed.
Yeah, how dare they be happier and better outside of that shit company known as nijisanji. I wonder how that happened.

Anyways, I'm happy most of them actually happier and actually making money.
Love listeing to Michi talk.

>> No.77014883


>> No.77014957

But anon, something something Sayu

>> No.77015157

>She literally said her only friend in niji is Rosemi.
>Everyone else was a connection because of job and don't really have any connection anymore.
>Even quinn is considered just a friend that was mostly a work friend.

At least she's confortable not trying to act like a family and is clear when she has a connection with someone, which make the collabs more intersting.

>> No.77015232

I hope wosemi can escape the nijinigger hell hole soon

>> No.77015324

Chinese herd brainwashing mentality at play. Everyone must be happy and grateful to the all-powerful Nijisanji at all times because it does and controls everything perfectly and the only mistakes that occur are always because of outsiders attacking it somehow and never anything the leaders did wrong.

>> No.77015846

This is not an anti nijisanji thread. This is an anti matara thread. And any matara anti is my enemy.

>> No.77015968

She was very clear about quinn from the beginning. But certain people tried to exaggerate their relationship. She's closer to bricky and heavenly than that wigger. His circle is more towards kuro .

>> No.77016005

Playing with Doki's feet as she plays vidya

>> No.77016085

Yeah, kind of sad but she made her bed so she had to lie on it. If the leak about 2 year minimum contract is true then it's super grim.

>> No.77016565

All threads on this board are anti niji threads

>> No.77016914

Yeah, how convenient that she's "happy" now that niji is being targeted by dramafags again.
rev and falseid posting videos AGAIN to start drama and cause financial distress.
She, dookie and sayu are always starting shit and cant acept that they will become irrelevant once the honeymoon phase is over.
They'll be forgoten and niji will still be there, stronger than ever without them.
It's honestly sad to see how they all act the same way.
I cant believe I once liked to see them collab with my oshis...
I still feel betrayed.
But in the end i'll be the one laughing once people start seeing what kind of scum they trully are.
Once a whore, always a whore.
Anyone that "likes" them just do it to hate on niji, not because they like them.

>> No.77017014
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>> No.77017590

Look, we get it. The black company wronged them, but can these people not go a week without using it to pity boost themselves? That goes for Sayu too, I get she's a broken mess who enjoys going "I told you so" but I feel it's better to just move on at this point. (Yes, I know the sisters are never going to leave Sayu alone until she actually kills herself, that is a separate matter)

>> No.77017822

When will people realize that CAPS LOCK makes them look absolutely ridiculous and impossible to take seriously? It ain't cruise control for cool anymore.

>> No.77017934

kys and go back to watch your dookie poop

>> No.77018116

cry more

>> No.77018265

>They'll be forgoten and niji will still be there, stronger than ever without them.
At the current rate you'll be lucky if NijiEN still exists in a year, sister.

>> No.77018381

When anons LARPing as sisters use AI to write their seethe to emulate the brainlessness of internet faggotry on the board, you know its kino

>> No.77018396

Someone doesn't watch her streams

>> No.77018612

See this ->

>> No.77018713

You lying cunt

>> No.77018968

>dookie always starting shit
When has Doki EVER started shit? She made two tweets replying to Niji slander and then never brought the company up again. Or is the fact that she's successful while the nijien girls are peaking at 2 finanas your idea of starting shit?

>> No.77019001

I'll laugh in the end.

They're still very, very strong in japan and honestly i'd happy if they merge. You'll see how they all become 5views in a couple of weeks after the merge.There wont be any dramafags trying to start drama for views.
The EN market is dead and barely pays anyways.

Im just tired of seeing so many nijihate threats here
All the "happy" posts any time one of the traitor say anything.
They're all full of shit and just used Nijisanji for clout.
Even the new wave got hate before they even started but all the ex livers are seeing as fucking heroes when they are just whores.

Like I said, once the honeymoon phase is over I'll be laughing at how they become 2views because the normies would get bored of hating on Nijisanji and pitywatching them.

Niji is still the second biggest in the EN market lmao

>> No.77019121

Every time she's implying she's better and happy.
That's basically saying she wasn't before.
How's that not slander at this point?
It's incredible how she can switch from being happy in her family to act like she wasn't.
I dont know how can people believe her lies.

>> No.77019244


>> No.77019250

Did you not see what happened to NijiID after they merged?

>> No.77019294

Aren't Vivi and Kunai vague posting on PL accounts about a return already.

>> No.77019400

Bait or Retarded?

>> No.77019481

You absolutely never watched Selen if you thought she was happy in the year leading up to her termination. The fact that she's not banned from hosting tournaments anymore is on its own a clear example of her being happier, she lives for hosting big events.
>wow guys I'm happy that I can host events again and don't have to go through permissions hell
>literally tried to an hero
How are you capable of typing when you're this retarded?

>> No.77019715

>says she is happy and better now
>people interpret it as slanderous

Christ, these people need help

>> No.77019772

holy shit you are retarded

>> No.77019806

Assuming I'm not wrong about what Kunai's PL is, joining Niji has been a net negative for her. She better be getting that PL thawed out for a rainy day.

>> No.77019907

Yeah, Kunai and Vivi specifically quoted each other saying how they met and vagueposting about it

>> No.77020008

I'm not pro-Niji, just saying their ex-organs should probably move on with their lives like Doki has. She hasn't mentioned those fuckers at all except for when they went out of their way to slander her, and even then, she didn't even mention them by name.

And look where it's gotten her. She's more successful than ever and Niji threw themselves into their own grave by not shutting up.

>> No.77020046

Funny that sounds just like what a seething nijinigger would say

>> No.77020055

>dookie poop
Are you 8 years old?

>> No.77020122

can they just close down already before the nijisister commit unalive

>> No.77020218

How am I seething nijinigger for saying that? You know what? It's fine. The sisters falseflag so much that you guys just assume when there are signs that they're around like this retard
I understand. I have been guilty of that too.

>> No.77020307

>*offcollabs with Enna, Millie and Elira almost weekly*
Anyone else getting kind of tired of this?

>> No.77020366

Yes. April 25th I believe. They tweeted about meeting eachother too albeit indirectly. Claude got ignored, but he could've just fucking asked to be included.

>> No.77020372

You're mentally ill

>> No.77020386


>> No.77020425

I don't see these almost weekly offcollabs. Hell I don't even see one on her channel in the past month. What I do see is her collabing with 3views which smells to me like her giving her friends a boost before she ditches the nijinig name entirely. She's a smart one.

>> No.77020426

Claude bootlicks the clique, his genmates probably turned against him a long time ago kek

>> No.77020530
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Actually skimming through the past month of her schedule the only NijiEN collab I see was a Mario Party one with Reimu Sonny and Yucky Willy. There's ones with Kunai as well but she's definitively one of the good ones and also obviously leaving so I don't really count her as NijiEN.
This is the only one that confuses me. What the fuck is Illang?

>> No.77020536

Matara had a tweet saved for her debut date saying she likes her new job, posts it now, sisters are seething

>> No.77020581

They have. What are they not allowed to say that they are happy now? Get a clue.

>> No.77020585

kys holofag

She never showed any proof so lies in the end. Pure fucking slander and people still think she's the good guy. Its fucking disgusting how that whore damaged the image of Nijisanji.
She's a fucking smear to their reputation and I hope everyone inside Nijisanji prays for her downfall.
Just wait and you all will see how she'll wish she had stayed in the bigger stage.

>The fact that she's not banned from hosting tournaments
She broke the rules and paid the price. Simple as that. Every company has rules.

You need help if you cant see how people interpret it.
Every. single. time. happens the same. With her and the other traitors whores. Funny how that works uh? Always making their ex company and ex coworkers look like the bad guys.

kys holofag

Just stating facts. Im not giving her free clout.

>> No.77020601

Holyshit kek. Sisters are wild

>> No.77020638

>Niji is still the second biggest in the EN market lmao
Lost to Phase Connect LMAO

>> No.77020642

Googling Illang shows me a live-action adaptation of Jin-Roh, so it might be a watchalong.
>A Way Out w/Kunai
She's not even being subtle about it KEK

>> No.77020678

Whore that needs men to be relevant is starting hate now that the dramafags are once again attacking Nijisanji.
Yeah, sure, what a perfect timing to show that tweet uh.
Once a leecher always a leecher

>> No.77020803

>Lost to Phase Connect LMAO
Only pippa gets decent numbers because she's edgy.
Literally thrid rate agency lmao

>> No.77020817

She'd never get that tweet out if she actually waited for Nijisanji to not create some kind of drama.

>> No.77020875

Never said that. My point is that they don't need to keep farming the "Niji bad" clout for months. Some of them have either been out of Niji for over a year or are approaching that point and still do it.

Whatever, not wasting anymore time on this since trying to be honest about what ex-Nijis are doing just gets you accused of being a sister, falseflagger, whatever on this shithole board.
>Verification not required

>> No.77020882

Frabicated drama by dramafags and antis.
Keep believing them.

>> No.77020932

Sister... None of them have said anything about your shit company. Take your meds please.

>> No.77020938


>> No.77021087

>I'm not pro niji, but here's how nijisanji can actually win

>> No.77021434

being to obvious

>> No.77021795

Cry more nijifaggot

>> No.77021803

the only name that piece of poop deserves

>> No.77021848

holofags know they'll lose Japan lmao
their stocks are still way lower btw

>> No.77022137

So anyone who was ever in Nijsanji has to be depressed for the rest of their life after leaving, or they are a slanderous betraying whore?

Do you ever listen to yourself?

>> No.77022352

>A gigantic post of pure seethe

>> No.77022455

Sisters being psychos and hounding her and her fanbase for "daring" to interact with the guys isn't her fault. And trouble with management wasn't about singing, but about getting projects shot down, similar as with other ex-niji.

>> No.77022476
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>She never showed any proof so lies in the end. Pure fucking slander and people still think she's the good guy.
She never posted her receipts. I believe if people knew what everything was about it wouldn't help her, because atm people believe the worst thing imaginable had happened, while it probably was some woman moment thing.

>> No.77022525


>> No.77022956

This is one seething nijisis from a shut down doxsite lmao

>> No.77023016

Nijinigger cope is so funny roru rumao

>> No.77023116

Wasn't that one doxx site literally build to harass Nina or something?

>> No.77023168

It's because to company dick riders your life should.be over once you leave their shadow.

>> No.77023230

I'm not sure if it was built for it, but sisters did in fact use the page about her there as their main talking "forum"
More recently Vivi's PL tweeted something that looks like a tease for a return. And Kunai's PL was spotted in a video put out by some other content creator some 4-5 days ago.

>> No.77024097

And Niji will take the number one again

She still needs niji to be relevant LMAO
What a fucking joke of a woman.
No one liked her in Nijisanji, not even her own group. Makes you wonder what happened, no?

fuck off dokifag

says the holofag lmao
keep getting cucked by the twins

Only if it implies that they were sad inside Nijisanji.
They know people will take it that way and they KEEP DOING IT.

I have to defend them from all the fucking lies people say on this site. I know this site has become super anti Nijisanji and its so disappointing. Imagine liking vwhorejo over Nijisanji for example.

Again, no proof is basically admiting everything was a lie to damage Nijisanji and get pity boost for her debut.
It's so easy to see how calculated everything was.
Pretty impresive ngl. Still, disgusting to see her becoming a traitor.

holofag must die

Maybe 4chan will be next faggot

We have proof and none of them show ANYTHING. Guess who is lying idiot?

>> No.77024137
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>> No.77024389

>"I have to defend them from all the fucking lies people say on this site."
>Makes herself as unlikable as humanly possible with walls after walls of seethe.

>> No.77024402

Jesus Christ, Niji is unironically worse than slave labor

>> No.77024488
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>Maybe 4chan will be next faggot
they're not even denying it anymore.
What's the matter, sister? Miss your updoots? Is it really THAT bad to be expected to back up your bullshit claims?

Niji was a fucking shithole and it deserves far more than it's getting right now. It deserves to be fucking dissolved and for the worst offenders to be fucking blacklisted out of the industry forever, if not jailed for abuse.

>> No.77024605

Might be the most seethe I've seen from one person in a while in this thread

>> No.77024773

This is one of the worst things about joining Niji, you are completely barred from doing any form of content creator work. If your career as an organ hit rock bottom, then tough luck, better ready that CV up to apply to Starbucks or flipping burgers.

>> No.77025091

Man... even the newest HoloHomo wave is beating them(lowest 63.9k, highest 101k). Grim.

>> No.77025141

reminder that you went from competing with hololive to competing with phase connect of all things, nijinig.

>> No.77025212

That's fucking impressive since I somehow think about armis so little I thought they were starsJP except for Jurard.
And I'm a retard that watches vanguard sometimes.

>> No.77025512

>She still needs niji to be relevant LMAO
She doesn't and Rosemi is the only real connection she still has to that black corpo.
And I assume the rose will graduate too at some point at the end of the year or the start of the next year.

>> No.77025606
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>And Niji will take the number one again
With what viewers?

>> No.77025931
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You have to remember that to a Cult the worst thing you can do is thrive and find happiness outside of it.

>> No.77026086

Mate they're all zoomers finding out for the first time that working is shit. They're all fragile little darlings working some of the easiest "jobs" known to man and unfortunately have a platform where they can bitch into the void and everyone has to hear it. If they worked at Starbucks they'd know what true suffering and management hell is.

>> No.77027238

you can't even do it... They bar you from have any other work. Is she even bigger than when she was indie?

>> No.77027285

Friend, mata is not shy about how many shit jobs she had before being vtuber. The woman would clean club's toilets in the middle of the night. Please stop projecting your own NEET here.

>> No.77027298

Agree. OP is still a drama baiter though.
