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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76981482 No.76981482 [Reply] [Original]

Who's ready to go plow this tiny little whore?

>> No.76981519

Good luck. She carries pepper spray now and will be accompanied by staff.

>> No.76981649

marimari of 2024

>> No.76981650

How many chuubas at Offkai are getting plapped by fans?

>> No.76981691

damn I didn't know was kinky like that? DO you think she's also into punching/ryona?

>> No.76981822

Any that will have a meet up with their discord friend group/mods

>> No.76981844

Do vtubers actually flesh meet their fans at these cons?
I would drop my oshi if she was ugly irl desu.

>> No.76981854

No way to know. She hasn't done the kink tier list yet.

>> No.76981892

don't need luck, just cash

>> No.76981987

she obviously has a humiliation fetish if she's willing to announce to people she's willing to do porn publicly, at least we got an ounce into that side.

>> No.76982011

Yeah we’re meeting at the Hyatt after to plap

>> No.76982032

Some do. Bao did one last year I think along with the other one she hangs around with.

>> No.76982113

It's more that she was depressed and emphasizing how little self worth she has, but glad to know you're an emotionless bastard.

>> No.76982147
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It's his time

>> No.76982193 [DELETED] 


I guess sayuschizo got lonely after all the mouse threads.

>> No.76982695

Well, Bao has been fleshstreaming for a while so it's not much of a shock to her viewers

>> No.76982778

>Mentioning they will have security
Smart girl

>> No.76982834

Mostly 2views with gachikois or mods they can't afford to pay with money.

>> No.76982848
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You sound like a chink.

>> No.76983001

Some do. A vtuber I like recently did. One of his fans went and princess carried him.

>> No.76983022

I would LOVE to have sex with Sayu but that's not likely and I won't be going to offkai.
She's absolutely beautiful and lovely.

>> No.76983089

sure sayu

>> No.76983100

M*les don't have fans lol

>> No.76983164


>> No.76983219

Sorry I'm not Sayu. I am however. Tall and white, and I think she likes that? She said before she loves men from my country and that boosted my confidence a lot.
Was very hear to it. I also go to the gym regularly, but apart from that, not much else going for me.

>> No.76983306

if the fan wasn't a cute but strong girl, then he's a fag

>> No.76983345

Quinn? Is that you? Please save her with your white savior cock

>> No.76983472

Did you just call me a niji?
You fucking take that back right now.

>> No.76983529

her fanbase will chop your weiner of >>76981482

>> No.76983570


>> No.76983614

I was going to say this was very unsafe to do now that she is heavily under sisters' eyes, but it seems she is at least aware of it herself.

>> No.76983675

I'm more worried about a sister following her home, honestly.

>> No.76983726

the security is actually there to prevent her from entering the vshojo cafe next door and threatening suicide if they don't let her join

>> No.76983829

matara is standing in the entrance with a taser and a knife

>> No.76983841

Doth thou protest too much, Kyo

>> No.76983865

This, but a sincroknight instead.

>> No.76983915

Quinn you fucking retard, you should have hooked up with her while you both were in Niji, what the fuck were you thinking hooking up with Enna instead?

>> No.76983991

Last time he spoke to her publicly he malded so hard he ended stream. Do you REALLY think he'd even have a chance?

>> No.76984051

If he didn't make Sayu hate him, they couldn't engage in particularly rough hate sex. Don't doubt the plan

>> No.76984054

nta but he is a twink and Sayu likes to be on top. He had a chance.

>> No.76984077


>> No.76984089

I don't mind being insulted but saying I'm from Niji ad a male chuuba is too disgusting even for me.

>> No.76984130

Nah Sayus type is unironically just tall dark handsome

>> No.76984433

Nah Sayu's type is wealthy.

>> No.76984461

Nah Sayus type is me.

>> No.76984469

C'mon, anon. Of all the things to say, you know THAT isn't true considering her prior relationships. She's basically a sugar mamma.

>> No.76984552

Quinn's family is stacked. They're meant for each other. Quinn x Sayu is my OTP

>> No.76984604

This is such a weird shitpost to make. Are you feeling ok?

>> No.76984624

Wait, seriously?
Suddenly him knowing so many big indies makes fucking sense. Is he just paying them off?
Did Quinn fucking pay Matara and Kuro to shill him?

>> No.76984871

Enemies to lovers

>> No.76985448

I'm gonna go full schizo for a bit
It could be even worse. He could have paid Matara to drop Sayu like a bag of bricks. Matara constantly blabs about "Hollywood", but the moment Sayu drops some additional context, suddenly there's this irreconcilable fall out, that makes Matara look like a MASSIVE hypocrite?
Jesus, how insecure can one twink be?

>> No.76985595
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>> No.76985663

...Wouldn't that explain quite a bit? Grim for both parties if true.

>> No.76985786

Sayuschizo you gotta move on, spamming these threads will not save Niji from the Q4 report

>> No.76986713

Her security guard is Mint

>> No.76987165

Matara, Mint, Kuro and now Michi, don't stop talkig about Niji, but sisters single out sayu c'os she is the weaker one without big support. They now have to resort to that pity shit while their chubas go to the low 3 view mostly thanks to the behavior of the sister all over the internet. It's gone from funny to sad very quick.

>> No.76987321

She’s giving Depressed Rabbit another fun night.

>> No.76987590

She has and she’s ugly. She posted her face on main

>> No.76987674

Okay though however if I'm fucking that bitch ass up face down then it's fine.

>> No.76987735

She's cute. And she has great thighs. Plus she's into a lot of the same shit most of us are. I think anyone on here would be lucky to have her as their wife.

>> No.76987792

>pepper spray
Anon it's all a consensual transaction, no violence is involved.

>> No.76987866

>all the chuubas whose faces i have seen have unironically been at least 6/10
Granted i haven't seen that many, but are my standards unironically too low?

>> No.76988200

it's jealous women anon. whenever they see men being attracted to a woman they have to call her ugly and fat to make themselves feel better.

>> No.76988334

>I'm gonna go full schizo for a bit
You did go full schizo, indeed. I was kind of hoping Sayufags would fucking chill out a bit with their endless rrats about Matara but I guess I was too optimistic.

>> No.76988411

Are these sayufags in the room with us right now? Considering the schizoposts in this thread, they don't seem to be.

>> No.76988556

Almost always it's
>"Too ugly!"
Just a jealous w*m*n that can't even look as good as that or an incel permavirgin
>"The most beautiful, 10/10, etc"
SEAnig, pajeet, or otherwise with no standards at all.

Like you say, most of the time they're decent.

>> No.76988662
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This is great news! Sayu, her fans and supporters need this right now. Wish I could go too. Hope everyone has fun.

>> No.76988878
File: 1.91 MB, 1960x1814, 1716734785282419 17651471903076e0a9efba58ccd6a94e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the rrats came true on February 13, buddy. I don't make the rules lmao

>> No.76989009

Your yellow fever is just that high. She’s not even remotely cute in Asia

>> No.76989478

If you're talking about Sayu, no, I haven't actually seen her face.
>inb4 how in the fuck
I dunno, I just don't care enough to look it up.
And i don't fucking have yellow fever, I live in a Eastern European shithole that is currently invaded by (mainlander) chink students, and they are fucking subhuman.

>> No.76989667

The ones with a cosplay or streaming background often do, or are at least open to being recognized in their civvies. The ones that have always been vtubers or started chuubing from va, utaite, or similar communities usually do not.

>> No.76989805

Asia has retarded and shallow beauty standards. Pale skin, high cheekbones, double eyelids. That's the extent of their appreciation of feminine beauty.

>> No.76991034

The only thing he paid for is premium use of Sayu's ass

>> No.76991241

womp womp
