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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 484 KB, 709x447, sisters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76969627 No.76969627 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.76969645

More than that anon, they BREED.

>> No.76969713

More talented than nerissa and mommy energy

>> No.76969773

Yeah, me

>> No.76969925

Still fucking waiting on the karaoke with the sister on the right side, they match each other well.

>> No.76970159

Doesn't one of them have 5 kids or something?

>> No.76970210
File: 197 KB, 812x1200, 1715895281526409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nerissa is the only one of the family that isn't married
certified girlfailure.

>> No.76970386
File: 125 KB, 850x1202, malpha-ravencroft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that dick that keeps pumping babies into Malpha? Me.

>> No.76970754

the right one should have been a holo instead of nerissa
she is actually entertaining and funny and proves my point that hololive should hire women that have grinded in the real entertainment "industry" and not NEETs/hikkis sitting infront of their computer all day
With that said, Mr Jap please hire either someone that is grinding to be a writer or a guitar playing and singing girl

>> No.76970781

Nerissa being routinely mogged by her sisters will never not be funny to me.

>> No.76970812

Oh and the writer should be a functional alcoholic for extra points, the best writers are nerds that use alcohol to become more normal and empathetic

>> No.76971662

I thought nerissa played bass guitar

>> No.76971819

she is incredibly bad at it per her own words

>> No.76971952

Didn't they do a Halloween singing stream AND a Christmas singing stream together already? The fuck are you waiting for?


>> No.76972073

Being bad at bass means you don't understand how notes actually work. Singers are the worst, they don't know anything.

>> No.76972113

I know, i just need more. I downloaded every karaoke archive with mega.

>> No.76972178


>> No.76972265

Yes you mentioned good chuubas that proves my point, thank you

>> No.76972417

The connected horn ring is still a dumb design

>> No.76972839

>Nerissa doesn't belong in holo
>Once again cannot explain why
Every time

>> No.76972903

only teal has activeded her baby factory

>> No.76972911

She's boring and bad at video games. Nobody cares about someone who can only sing. And before you bring up Suisei she's probably the best gamer in the company.

>> No.76973037

because she belongs in my bed

>> No.76973078

She is a boring fuck that acts like she has a gun to her head forcing her to stream, you get to know more about what she does behind the scenes by watching other people's streams because she never talks about meeting holos etc, she is bad at video games, her only real skill is singing almost competently (cant belt which is a major minus) but she only does the occasional karaoke and does next to zero original music. She has done 4 solo karaokes and we are soon through half of the year

>> No.76973105

being the young one is always so much pressure. Although Nerissa will end up making more money than her whole family combined anyway. At the same time though that will make it really hard for her to find a bf because women NEVER date down. So her options are limited to basically rich guys now, which often tend to be players and have a bunch of female orbiters.

>> No.76973235

>women NEVER date down
Uh oh we got an incel here boys.

>> No.76973453

>because women NEVER date down
My best friend is a stay at home dad married to a lawyer.

>> No.76973666

The left one has number 4 in the oven, last I paid attention.

>> No.76973671

yeah, their husbands

>> No.76973774

>women NEVER date down
Literally every supermodel twitch thot is dating some random jobless loser who groomed them lmao

>> No.76973961

nah, she would be a ticking time bomb

>> No.76974043

"girl who plays bass badly" is a surer SHE FUCKS sign than pregnancy is

>> No.76974126

Yeah for people not in the know, bass girls are essentially forced into the band and instrument by their bf (often guitar player) because no one wants to play bass willingly

>> No.76974180

I hate this faggot reddit speak, but it is fitting here, she's the embodiment of "mid".

Isn't the best singer, is obviously not the best at playing games and is generally so boring to watch because she isn't interesting or fun

>> No.76974211

satan-chama… i don’t think she has quadruplets in her right now…

>> No.76974227

*Number 5, and I’m sure she probably gave birth by now

>> No.76974626

>>76974211 (me)
oh wait fuck i misread that my bad

>> No.76974831

You're not into vtubers with preggies stretch marks, r-right?

>> No.76974861

Yeah, I watch Aki.

>> No.76974879

I was hoping for more eechi art from milfs and hags to be quite honest.

>> No.76974968


>> No.76976094
File: 528 KB, 2500x3500, aradia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ fags too obsessed with drama
but, the night is young

>> No.76976227
File: 182 KB, 850x1195, malpha-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, I can only get so hard

>> No.76976419

has a family that loves her
does not care about videogames
is not addicted to doujins/porn

>> No.76976558

with the current state of men the only option for women is to date down
>inb4 femcel
deep down you know it's true

>> No.76977441

>Best gamer
>Hasnt won a single marika event other than the first

>> No.76977478

Dang she just like Reine

>> No.76977987

girls who are good bass players are often femcels, almost always nerds, a good catch if you're into that
girls who are bad at bass are guitarists' and drummers' "alpha widows"
normal dudes beware

>> No.76978090

No, they just don't date anyone. I don't remember the exact statistics but something like half of all 30-40 year old American women are projected to be single within a decade or so. Things might be even worse in places like Japan and South Korea.

>> No.76978775

You got like 3 facts mixed up and completely wrong in a single sentence lmao

>> No.76981348

>best gamer with botan not even trying
>aqua who can play more than 2 games to a high level
>can’t even marathon a game
>can’t entertain with other games, even Minecraft so many better viewpoints
Idk, best at Tetris sure but gamer, nah.

>> No.76981531

>women NEVER date down
Just be hot bro

>> No.76982089

malpha has said she enjoys being pregnant
the random jobless losers are a novelty compared to the guys who are usually around supermodels so the grooming isn't a necessary part

>> No.76982305

Sorry you favorite 2view didn't get into Hololive, maybe next time (lmao)

>> No.76982523 [DELETED] 

Bro most vtubers aren't a le to talk about their relationships even if they are married. Femcels don't exist, rest assured your oshi is likely getting fucked right now and isn't some hag you need to save.

>> No.76982629

>Malpha is fertile enough to have several kids
>Aradia is a kinky bitch who would drain you
I want to fuck the both of them while Nerissa watches awkwardly

>> No.76982646

Sounds like cope from someone who picked the wrong oshi

>> No.76982709
File: 299 KB, 525x539, mini bae sweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non virgins


>> No.76982804

Yeah, me

>> No.76982872

I wish my oshi was getting fucked . Maybe she wouldn’t be so menhera

>> No.76983026

And she lost to Marina while she was playing tetris

>> No.76983111


>> No.76983140

>His oshi lived in a western nation and attended a western university
Bad news for you bro.

>> No.76983192

There isn't a single virgin member of EN, ID, or JP that is a virgin and you can't convince me otherwise.

>> No.76983287

Where they're from they're probably married to some dudes they copied the Chad meme templates from.

>> No.76984706

Suisei is not the best gamer in hololive but let's not go to the other extreme and pretend like she's good at almost nothing either.

>> No.76985094
File: 1.38 MB, 1564x2203, 45ed08ddb058b87fadd00eb29062f9f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aradia owes me forked tongue blowjobs

>> No.76985649

>women NEVER date down
true. but it do not matter.

>> No.76986122

Dunno, Ela is a possibility.

>> No.76986948

where they're from they all probably have higher BMIs than IQs

>> No.76987402

as a dude from where they're from you're wrong about the BMIs but right about the IQs

>> No.76987471

>There isn't a single virgin member of EN, ID, or JP that is a virgin
Virginception chama....

>> No.76987549

I will marry her. I’m a weeb doctor. Hit me up nerissa!

>> No.76990703

yeah me

>> No.76991677

I'll breed them

>> No.76993039

Aradia is hot as fuck..

>> No.76993282

Heh, you think she would be staring awkwardly? No, she was raised with Aradia, you can tell that the two are wild. Hell, listen to the Mario Party stream, its a coven of sultry WITCHES in Midwestern clothing. The cackling gives it all away.

>> No.76994810

she is waiting for me

>> No.76994954

her little brother is unmarried

>> No.76998618


>> No.76999282

The funny thing is that there's a chance this anon isn't just meming

>> No.76999684

There isn't a single virgin on the planet except me. Any man or woman that says they're a virgin is definitely lying.

>> No.77003679


>> No.77006230


>> No.77010057


>> No.77012899

that last one is false, and if she loves her family, she'll quit Vtubing and get married before it's too late.

>> No.77014720 [DELETED] 

She’s confirmed to have dated an Asian guy (same with Mori and Fauna) so she’s based in my book!

>> No.77015036

careful there, buddy, they shoot you for for saying something like that.
Because that's what people are like when their fragile illusions are shattered.

>> No.77015145 [DELETED] 

Mori never actually dated them. Fauna broke up cause tiny dick. Not sure about nerissa situation

>> No.77015219

I SHOULD KNOW. Catln Myrs and her pack of cockroaches tried to silence me for calling that woman what she was.

>> No.77015284

Because she's a degenerate homosexual who forgot that two women cannot have a child.

>> No.77015305

The moment their income no longer depends on 2/10 nerds thinking they have a chance over her 1/10 'boyfriend', that dude is gone from her life.

>> No.77015543

What are you talking about?

>> No.77015757

“Chat calls me mommy sometimes.” - the words of an absolutely mind broken mogging

>> No.77016065

I told her and her cronies that she's a degenerate who hides behind a mask and a fake name so she can act like a faggot in front of her own mother for profit, and for that they silenced me.

Vtubers are a plague on the entertainment industry, they let people hide too much.
and it's not helping their birthrate any when the women spend their most fertile years in that hellhole.

That woman is going to be sterile by the time Hololive crashes and burns. Might serve as a good lesson for her.

>> No.77017037

But why target Nerissa? This applies to a lot of vtubers, heck a lot of celebrities, actresses, athletes, and politicians.

>> No.77017108

Don't engage with the salty sister. Just report and move on.

>> No.77017251

>hire a married woman into Holo
no, that's something they should absolutely not do, in fact it's one of the worst things they could do
even nijien is not that depraved

>> No.77017924

>niji reject
>vshojo orbiter
>vesper sister
>belongs in hololive
she only "belongs" in hololive because she somehow got in, end of story.
and when she was asked what was her favorite thing about hololive and her answer was her vacation (paid for by holo paypigs), KEK

>> No.77017938

I don't get it either. In fact, that's simply how humanity works. People are rarely truly honest and unmasked.

>> No.77018177

because she's an American White woman with a practicing Catholic family, who is in a place she absolutely should not be.

>> No.77018494

Made me think this is nijifags thread

>> No.77018745

The West has fallen

>> No.77019972

midwestern women love to fuck

>> No.77020965

obviosly not her, for some reason, the sick dyke.

>> No.77020982

I havent see much of the left but the right one is so much hotter and entertaining than Nerissa its unreal. I want to NTR her husband.

>> No.77021007

They're not Hololive members. They're allowed to fuck.

>> No.77021030

Didn't she until recently live with her family? Probably hard to get some privacy.
If she lives on her own now, I bet it's going to become a revolving door of tinder hook-ups.

>> No.77021453

>hololive should hire women that have grinded in the real entertainment "industry"
Do you know how extra rare those are that also have streaming experience? and more often than not, they rather be indy.

>> No.77021507

She did say both her big sisters were married so you all are stuck with her

>> No.77023284

I saw the ass of the one on the right on her twitter or Instagram can't remember where now

>> No.77023442

Gura is most likely virgin

>> No.77023511

Gura is an alcoholic slut
She sucks dick at gas stations in the middle of the night kinda slut
But hey look on the bright side! She is the chuuba most likely to suck your soul out of your pphole

>> No.77024230


>> No.77024262

Aren't they all (other than Rissa) fat fucks?

>> No.77024546

>even nijien is not that depraved
Bro niji hired a divorced woman.

>> No.77024701

SEAs and other thirdies have a sour grapes complex towards white women.

>> No.77024793

>women NEVER date down
The amount of single moms who got pregnant from druggies, alcoholics and other worthless losers makes this hard to believe.

>> No.77025085

No, it means that druggies and alcoholics are actually not losers in the eyes of a woman

>> No.77026757

I have a chance?

>> No.77026837

Phasecuck...your projection...

>> No.77026973

Which one is the hot trophy wife?

>> No.77027037

He's looking for the proper woman to begin the restoration of the GLORY OF ROME! with

>> No.77028952

the right one

>> No.77029926

they sure do

>> No.77032116

