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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 847 KB, 597x887, 1754953506345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76962161 No.76962161 [Reply] [Original]

Is vtubing being invaded by western normies ?

>> No.76962218

For about 3+ years now, if not more, yes

>> No.76962225

That happened in 2020 with the introduction of Hololive EN. Now we're at the point where the tourists that ruined vtubing four years ago are whining about invaders after having thoroughly shit up the place themselves.

>> No.76962229

VTubing: >:(
VTubing: Japan :O

>> No.76962239
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>> No.76962277

It's been invaded since 2020.

>> No.76962303

I hope so.

>> No.76962323

you can even see it on this very board looking at the seethe towards JP vtubers, even the Hololive ones.

>> No.76962338

This, but unironically.

>> No.76962367

This board exists, so yes.

>> No.76962374

No one is seething at JP VTubers nor Hololive. Take your meds.

>> No.76962390

>I'll reply to everyone at once, that'll make me look like a total badass!

>> No.76962392


>> No.76962420

This is about as real as a single mother being told by her 2 year old son how feminism is awesome

>> No.76962429

obviously retard, normies are everywhere from holo to niji to vsj to whoever you wish

>> No.76962437

>thing that is obviously happening isn’t happening chud
fuck off
you can search “>>>/jp/“, “kensama” or “dogfucker” on warosu right now

>> No.76962450
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You tell us anon

>> No.76962470

Then what's this? >>76962229
Is your cope going to be "I'm only seething at the fans and not the vtubers :)))"?

>> No.76962485

Is that Paul Dune?

>> No.76962506
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>> No.76962534


>> No.76962537

You do realize it makes fun of weebs with double standards like (You) and not any VTuber nor corporation itself?

>> No.76962549

It's being saved. The Japanese side of vtubing is ungodly boring.

>> No.76962582
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Are you OK anon?

>> No.76962593

i frequently see them at /#/, the most normie-ridden general in this board.

>> No.76962611

lol you really did just say
>I'm only seething at the fans and not the vtubers :)))
Where are these "double standards" you're talking about?

>> No.76962631
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This is the correct take

>> No.76962649

I draw the line more at
Vtubing, Twitch >:(
Vtubing, Youtube :O

Twitch culture is a poison

>> No.76962666

Yeah, but you're clearly not. What made you cry this time?

>> No.76962671
File: 173 KB, 884x796, 1706441765575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who pretend one side is worse than the other and pretend the other side isn't "just as bad."
Like (You), faggot

>> No.76962682

Well yeah, you don't understand Japanese. Not knowing 99% of whats coming out of a vtubers mouth probably would be boring.

>> No.76962705
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Skill issue SEAchud

>> No.76962709

One side IS worse and that side is yours. You have yet to actually demonstrate these "double standards".

>> No.76962715

why is she like this.

>> No.76962730

Henyatards are hella annoying.

>> No.76962741
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I will never learn the language of Apex and Valorant whores

>> No.76962840
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>> No.76962866

NTA but you have yet to prove that JP actually is superior, I think you both need to start pulling up the receipts

>> No.76962880
File: 1001 KB, 867x571, 1716542616050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this side bad because whore
>other side good but do same thing too its ok when we do it
That better for you bud?

>> No.76962908

And how many of those are (You)s to turboweebs waxing prosaic about the inherent superiority of JP chuubas folding their Live2D 2000 times in order to ensure the purest quality?

>> No.76962910

the jap haters are actually coming here like a nyfco sister on a Luca bait thread lmao.

>> No.76962923

>higher bitrate
>lower latency
>more and animated emotes
It's objectively better by every metric

>> No.76962965

>when he sees your dick

>> No.76962971

JP is superior. Just look at all the top content coming out of there. It's leagues better than anything any western vtuber has ever done.

You claimed you weren't talking about the vtubers but now you are talking about them. Why can't you stay consistent, AIDS riddled faggot?
Your side is worse and does the worst things that don't happen on my side.

>> No.76962980
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>jap haters
Whoa there, did anyone say they hate Jap VTubers in here bud?

>> No.76963013

It's easier to win a debate with a strawman than your actual opponent.

>> No.76963012

You did right here >>76962450
>inb4 "that's not me"
don't care

>> No.76963017
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>JP is superior
That's just your opinion, man

>> No.76963050

You do understand their ultimate goal is tobecome mainstream right? Broader appeal means more cash.

>> No.76963056

Oh and let's not forget this one >>76962549

>> No.76963074
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My Kamioshi is Japanese. How am I "hating" Jap VTubers, bud? I hate weebs with double standards. That's all, bud!

>> No.76963118
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That's his opinion, and he's entitled to it.
Just like you're entitled to yours with your own double standards bud!

>> No.76963116

Why are you STILL acting like "japanese vtuber" or "english vtuber" is about their ethnicity?

>> No.76963152

>my side good, your side bad
The absolute state of YWNBJs.

>> No.76963164
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It doesn't have to be but you fat weebs INSIST it has to be.

>> No.76963163

>WHOA WHOA WHOA no one is shitting on japanese vtuber stop strawmanning us!!
>w-w-w-well he's alowed to have that opinion!
What are my "double standards"? Why won't you show them to me?

>> No.76963212

>my side good
>your side bad
This mentality is what's ruining VTubing, actually

>> No.76963213

You're literally the only one who claims it's about ethnicity and you do it just so you can call your ENshit a "JP vtuber".

>> No.76963232
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>JP is superior
They should learn English if they want me to care about them.

>> No.76963265
File: 1.64 MB, 1024x1024, 1705128931492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Henya isn't Japanese, she speaks English!

>> No.76963273

I kneel to the one true princess - Veibaeya

>> No.76963302


>> No.76963305

You literally just claimed that I'm insisting that "japanese vtuber" is term based on ethnicity but you're the doing that right now.

>> No.76963347

westoids were a mistake

>> No.76963354

You definitely shouldn't care about them. Keep your cancerous presence out of my hobby.

>> No.76963416
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When did I say that one, bud? Are you making shit up off your meds again, bud?

>> No.76963426

What's ruining vtubing is you going "ALL SIDES ARE THE SAME FUCKIN HYPOCRITE DUBEL STANDART" while making excuses for the nth hasan collab.
The difference between you and me is that I can call shit content shit while you can't.

>> No.76963471

Lurk moar nigger

>> No.76963488

>Why are you STILL acting like "japanese vtuber" or "english vtuber" is about their ethnicity?
Your retarded mutt ass:
>It doesn't have to be but you fat weebs INSIST it has to be.
Do you have the memory of a fucking rock?

>> No.76963491
File: 68 KB, 1024x1024, 1716901508559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then admit VCR is just as bad, anon
There, both sides are bad just as they can be good, there, I said it.

>> No.76963501

I mean, it's free marketing for your place.
Kinda like how a bar owner in Mexico could put DBZ on every TV he has inside and he'd have the place packed in 10 minutes or less.

>> No.76963544
File: 288 KB, 751x662, 1713056174024555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't care that I don't care, then why do you care that most people on this board don't care about JP vtubers who don't speak English?

>> No.76963570
File: 448 KB, 626x709, 1713752450875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you're claiming Henya is not Japanese because she does not speak Japanese mainly on stream. Now will you hold that L, bud?

>> No.76963612
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But enough about Whorelive, cuck

>> No.76963614

Literally when has anyone said VCR isn't bad you fucking moron?
Now will you admit that all the twitch streamer collabs are also bad? No, you won't do that and just like that both sides are not the same.

>> No.76963637
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>> No.76963667
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Unlike you I'm not a triggered faggot who gets upset over VTubers doing what they want.
Maybe you just have a skill issue, dayo

>> No.76963718

go ahead and stream first mumei

>> No.76963735
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Another Holobrony melty what else is new KWAB

>> No.76963738

You're said that "fat weebs" insist that "japanese vtuber" means an ethnically japanese vtuber but you're the one insisting that now. You are a fat weeb and you hate yourself.

>> No.76963783


>> No.76963785
File: 851 KB, 1184x518, 1689497910543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine seething at this cinnamon roll, lol can't be me Holotribalists KWAB

>> No.76963787

>both sides are the same but ackshually both sides are not the same and i'm better dayoo XXDD
Ebin. I accept your concession.

>> No.76963812
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It's more JP worshippers vs. anons who want to watch vtubers in a language they understand.

>> No.76963817


>> No.76963828

Admit it Henya betrayed both her fanbase and company, and joined your whorehouse. She is a grifter who hops on whatever trendy. And honestly? Glad she GTFO the JP scene.

>> No.76963830

isnt she best friends with one

>> No.76963840

When did I or anyone else ever care about you not caring? This thread is simply calling you and your influence cancer. No one ever said "you should watch japanese vtubers". You shouldn't watch anything because you should die.

>> No.76963873
File: 782 KB, 884x796, 1684295030434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not say that anon, learn to read.
I said that YOU had to insist that only Japanese VTubers matter, and it's just your pathetic double standards that say that those who speak English are bad.
Meanwhile I have an oshi that can do both, and that's perfectly OK! Maybe you should open your mind but as you are a tribalist, that's lost on you, bud!

>> No.76963884

is this just a repeat of the mouse bait thread yesterday morning? you morons are both even using the same images

>> No.76963885

Fleshmixers OUT

>> No.76963887

vshojo is the best vtuber company around. Anyone with half a brain will join it if they have the chance to do so.

>> No.76963917
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I accept your concession bud, really appreciate it!

>> No.76963921

are you actually a twitter tranny?

>> No.76963924
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You will never be Japanese. You have no ancestry, you have no citizenship, you have no skills that would make Japan ever want you. You are a shut-in self-hating white man twisted by delusions of mythical Japanese superiority and exposure to Japanese media into a disgusting mockery of nature’s perfection. All 'validation' you get from other people in this position couldn't be worse in making you believe that spending years of your life learning a globally useless language to a first-grader's level was a worthwhile use of your time, but one can't expect that an individual as pathetic as you will ever know the value of the youth you threw away in doing that. Actual Japanese are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of linguistic evolution have allowed natives to identify frauds from mannerisms and vocabulary alone. Even if your written text of self-hatred and attention begging akin to a stray dog's somehow passes as normal (it won't), any Japanese person will immediately cut all ties when they hear the voice and accent of someone who is not only a basic Japanese speaker at best, but worth no more than garbage in skills, accomplishments, and likeability. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile and laugh to yourself believing that watching a content creator that you understand 20% of at best is somehow superior than watching your own kind, as you project your disgusting traits onto your entire kind. However, deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight, and you know that. You know that all you do now is have an entirely new linguistic medium in which to be ignored, and not even the exotic trait of being foreign makes up for just how uninteresting of a person you are. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a Western man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably Caucasian. This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back. Hate yourself and apologize for being white to some Japanese entity that exists only in your mind while actual Japanese people put in effort to learn English for the valid reason of it being the global language.

>> No.76963935

>jizzle physics

>> No.76963966
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Have to keep reminding Holobrony tribalists of their hypocrisy that makes them hated boardwide
And it doesn't help that OP is getting correctly and properly clowned on for having these double standards that not even the core of his own fanbase accepts.

>> No.76963967
File: 809 KB, 618x364, IMG_2535.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he will never be japanese but he will always be SEA

>> No.76963975

I'm saying it because I do. I've been studying for close to two years now and most streams are hardly an issue for me anymore, but it's fucking sad tuning into a Miko stream because she's playing Captain Tsubasa and actually being bored out of my mind. Japanese entertainment is a lost cause.

>> No.76963989
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>Admit it Henya betrayed both her fanbase and company, and joined your whorehouse. She is a grifter who hops on whatever trendy. And honestly? Glad she GTFO the JP scene.

>> No.76964026
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>> No.76964076

Don't mind the brony tribalists, they'll never understand. There's no point learning that dying language either.

>> No.76964085

It's not being invaded, it's becoming popular enough to seep into the mainstream.

>> No.76964092

Yes you did. I said "japanese vtuber" isn't a description of ethnicity but you keep pretending thatit is and you said "fat weebs" keep insisting that it is. You're the only one who has said someone is a "japanese vtuber" because of their ethnicity.
>I said that YOU had to insist that only Japanese VTubers matter
You never said that. Quote the post where you said this.
>it's just your pathetic double standards that say that those who speak English are bad.
What are these double standards? You keep saying this but can't show what these double standards are. It seems like you believe that I think all japanese vtubers are good.
>you are a tribalist
But you're the tribalist, "blud". You're here saying "all japanese vtubers are just as bad" because laplus sucked streamer dick.
You're now going to say "i-i-i was talking about the fans and not the vtubers!!!".

>> No.76964096

I can't watch Marine like that without getting weird looks so no. Let the normies have their twitchtubers or whatever.

>> No.76964149

What the point of this post? When has anyone ever wanted to be Japanese? My country is better than Japan.

>> No.76964152
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>JP VTubing is not for norm-ACK

>> No.76964160

just to be fair if I could speak japanese I would watch marine all day

>> No.76964214

Marine is fucking garbage so it's totally normal that you would get weird looks.

>> No.76964234
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But I was talking about the fans, anon. I'm amazed it took you that long to get to that realization. Maybe next time acknowledge your double standards aren't wanted here nor in your own fanbase. So stop pretending one side is better than the other, that's all, bud!

>> No.76964242

>japanese waifu simulator game creators
>mainstream normie
try again weeb. You will never be japanese

>> No.76964252

2hu and getting excited about seeing Zun should still be an otaku thing even for nips... right?

>> No.76964260
File: 315 KB, 2206x1322, wakanai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based off of what? ??

>> No.76964286

No one unironically watches that fat horrid bitch

>> No.76964317

rmyt kwab :^)

>> No.76964318

what about Marine has gotten you so riled up you're samefagging on cooldown?

>> No.76964363

>But I was talking about the fans, anon.
If you were talking about fans then your "double standards" claim is complete bullshit. What are my "double standards"? Why can't you point them out?

>> No.76964371

im pretty sure even japanese normies dont know what the fuck touhou is

>> No.76964385

That she's a whore. It's simple as that.

>> No.76964397

Stop pretending to know Japanese ENturd. EN side of vtubing is literally dying, rotting and boring as shit compared to JP

>> No.76964402

Meds, your post makes no sense considering what you're replying to

>> No.76964405

It's literally no different from streaming with Connor, brony.

She's shit and boring like all jap vtubers. We already talked about this.

>> No.76964410

its the marineschizo anon. Marine is a whore I can never hate a whore

>> No.76964419

>male fleshies are OK when Japan!!!
rmyt kwab :^)

>> No.76964447

nijisanji EN is the rest is thriv

>> No.76964459

She's fucking boring and the biggest whore in the entire industry

>> No.76964462

Now this is a schizo thread, very nice

>> No.76964487

you’re seething coz they are male? AHAHAHAHAHAHAAH oh god holofags are fucking morons and clueless posers

>> No.76964490
File: 1 KB, 242x278, 1690865648133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just can't help themselves rmyt kwab :^)

>> No.76964528 [DELETED] 

I'm talking about you nigger, get some help.

>> No.76964533
File: 136 KB, 271x371, 1716557836005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holofags are fucking morons and clueless posers
Tell us what we don't know!

>> No.76964573

Why are you randomly making this about streaming with males?

>> No.76964611

Because they all deserve death

>> No.76964627

Because it is? Marine is not only boring but she also does all the same things you hypocrites hate about twitch vtubers.

>> No.76964659

>>You will never be Japanese.
This is fine. I don't want to be Japanese.

>>You have no ancestry
I don't get this one. Neither do people who learn French or German. I wasn't aware you needed ancestry to be interested in other countries outside your own.

>>you have no citizenship
Yeah and??? You don't need citizenship to visit Japan. Japan is great but I'd never want to actually live there. For one owning a car in Japan is just too much of a PITA and too expensive.

>>you have no skills that would make Japan ever want you.
actually I do, but I have no interest in being a wage slave.

>> No.76964660

Because Marine streamed with a male fleshie and you newfags pretend that's OK when it's not

>> No.76964662

rmyt kwab? Sorry, I only got into vtubing recently after seeing Ironmouse Dub in one of Max0r's videos so I don't know all the lingo yet.

>> No.76964697

can you blame them? they dont even understand the language or watch streams

>> No.76964718

Why are you responding seriously to rewritten YWNBAW shitpost kek

>> No.76964728

I never made a single complaint about that lmao, actual schizos thinking every poster is the same seamonkey from the shitty bait threads

>> No.76964750

Since 2020 with the release of Holo Myth, yes.

>> No.76964759

>actually biting to the wall of text copy pasta bait
absolutely hopeless

>> No.76964798

TLDR anon is a homeless jobless faggot living off foodstamps and dick cheese

>> No.76964824

Just end it, no point living if you're this retarded

>> No.76964836

Why is that projector so low quality?

>> No.76964854

Mori, Mumei and Nerissa got in so....

>> No.76964928

Anon, we are the western normies. We all only watch English vtubers. Everyone is a clipwatcher. Most of this board came from fucking drama tubers and containment breakers at this point.

>> No.76965054

The sad truth

>> No.76965177
File: 131 KB, 360x360, 1693455302227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please learn a dying language no sane person fucking cares about!

>> No.76965212


>> No.76965216

But enough about anyone in Hololive in general

>> No.76965299
File: 169 KB, 1920x1080, 1716975918901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, your favorite kind of content is just dying out and the meta is changing

>> No.76965327

In Japan vtubers are everywhere and seen as the norm. Why shouldnt the same be encouraged for the west?

>> No.76965372

>In Japan vtubers are everywhere and seen as the norm
No they aren't
>Why shouldnt the same be encouraged for the west?
But they're being more accepted into the mainstream?

>> No.76965397
File: 75 KB, 400x400, 1710647020388154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what happens when vtubing reaches the actual normiesphere, they absolutely hate it and will make fun of it.

>> No.76965416

Meanwhile in reality you would flip flop both of them

>> No.76965473

Mousey is coo

>> No.76965477

that shits funny ngl

>> No.76965526

I don't really think they're super mainstream in JP, but irregardless I'd hate to see them become mainstream in the west because that's how every hobby goes to shit.

>> No.76965577


>> No.76965590

How is this not funny lmao

>> No.76965642


>> No.76965647

It was always shit though?

>> No.76965691

Me at 0:43

>> No.76965722

It’s not, it’s just the react content that’s poor.

>> No.76965745

of course.

>> No.76965775

And what you like is boring

>> No.76965816

The gold standard in the industry, anything else to say Holoboomer?

>> No.76965894

Don’t insult my retro spider hag. She sings better than ironmouse anyway.

>> No.76965914

>Maybe you should open your mind but as you are a tribalist
retardedanonchama you need a mirror before saying that LMAO

>> No.76965963

who? seriously who i need more good singers on my playlist

>> No.76966004
File: 623 KB, 641x678, GOM64zYWUAAsh-V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he didn't say Henya, he said you faggots.
I only watch indies, sorry.

>> No.76966033

>god vshojofags are fucking morons and clueless posers
ftfy right there

>> No.76966052

>No they aren't
They're on ads in train stations and in lawson collabs

>> No.76966058

>sayufag is a catalog dramafaggot
of course

>> No.76966086
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>> No.76966108

Been that way since HoloEN debuted.

>> No.76966110

Amiya Aranha

>> No.76966112

>holofags are fucking morons and clueless posers
ftfy right there

>> No.76966149

it is absolutely hilarious. im just saying that the actual normalfags, the masses on tiktok don't give a single fuck about vtubing and literally only know it from this cardboard cutout swinging around violently.
holo/niji are small fries in comparison, i shudder to think about the company that actually manages to tap into the normalfag market, not twitch/reddit/4chan rejects.

>> No.76966151

tranny worshiping fleshtubers are not vtubers.

>> No.76966162

>watching a boring rust stream
Why? May as well watch paint dry.

>> No.76966164
File: 671 KB, 605x906, Save_your_excuses_4_hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh catalog
>says it in a catalog thread
retardchama, I...

>> No.76966192
File: 1015 KB, 1280x720, 1705051068215.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon, you just got phased out

>> No.76966226

your oshi will never be loved like doki or mint

>> No.76966240
File: 299 KB, 1080x1616, FVGq885UYAEenMx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So was VShojo, are they mainstream?

>> No.76966284

Not many people on this board seethe about JP vtubers, there is plenty of proof of seething toward Mouse though.

>Recent Mouse bait thread made by numberfags

bait thread >>76815672
/#/ source >>76815188

bait thread >>75700127
/#/ source >>75685380

bait thread >>76833216 (made by the IRyS schizo)
/#/ source >>76826382

bait thread >>76889771
/#/ source >>76889343 (made by the IRyS schizo again)

>Random recent Mouse bait threads

>>76826103 (OP forgot to follow when taking the screenshot, not to mention the obvious "Pogchamp")
>>76824501 (made by the IRyS schizo again)
>>76891705 (reached bump limit with over 400 posts, the thumbnail is from a 3 months old stream)

>>76895720 IRyS schizo again, this thread was more direct this time and didn't include Mouse in the OP

>> No.76966285


>> No.76966321
File: 601 KB, 2101x2239, SayuDoggo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's their loss.
>Verification not required.

>> No.76966375

Apparently that concert is free instead of $300

>> No.76966402

Please take your medication anon

>> No.76966421

Henya anti thread using a months old bait >>76962810

>> No.76966427

you can pay me $300 and I wouldnt watch that

>> No.76966472

>The gold standard in the industry
who? vshojo? LMAO nice joke

>> No.76966494
File: 506 KB, 1580x889, 1699141049979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Let the monkeys dance.
I'll keep dabbing on tribalists and winning dayo

>> No.76966519

>proving me right that vshojofag are clueless posers and moron
thank you

>> No.76966572

yet holoEN is the one that stay with the walled garden, unlike vshojo and ofc kurosanji

>> No.76966610
File: 1.10 MB, 1123x637, HENYA 3D REVEAL SHOWCASE DAYO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My kamioshi
>got 3D in one year
>songs, merch, voice packs
>streams almost 40 hours a week
>unlimited access to any of her friends, including hololive
Meanwhile it takes 1 year to get this in Hololive. We know who cares about their talents more. Not the self-proclaimed "worldwide leader," sad!

>> No.76966615

There was a brand awareness survey by The Nikkei in February that concluded hololive is now the 19th best known entertainment brand in Japan, placing above Disney. So yes, they are mainstream

>> No.76966641
File: 2.30 MB, 450x449, IMG_1928.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

success causes jelly

>> No.76966661

>Let the monkeys dance.
>I'll keep dabbing on tribalists and winning dayo
>while everyone laughing at vshojofag got baited
whos gonna tell this clueless retardedanonchama? LMAO

>> No.76966666

Source: My Ass

>> No.76966704

>proving me right that holofag are clueless posers and moron
thank you Man you ESL as hell LMAO

>> No.76966722
File: 2.20 MB, 240x240, 1701585031182.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't the one who got baited though. That was you, bud!

>> No.76966737

Please provide proof of this supposed "seethe towards JP vtubers" that aren't falseflag threads to attack ENs or indies, surely you can find a couple threads with people calling them whores, grifter, or posting dox.

>> No.76966742

show pics of your ass or didnt happen

>> No.76966747

Anyone can just pay for these spots.

>> No.76966752

It has been ever since Coco and especially since Myth

>> No.76966761

It got plenty of discussion here at the time

>> No.76966767

>>got 3D in one year
>>songs, merch, voice packs
>>streams almost 40 hours a week
>>unlimited access to any of her friends, including hololive
you are talking about hololive? i see
>cares about their talents more
who? holo? yeah yagoo are well known for his care about the talent,in fact their recent report explain it in detail , vshojo? idk stream on that garbage platform twitch? thats it?

>> No.76966794

That's a holofag.

>> No.76966814


>> No.76966831

yeah we knew ppl jealous of hololive,no need to say the obvious, they all literally copying them with full girls like phase, idol, v4mirai etc.

>> No.76966869

No one in this thread seethed at JP VTubers once, anon.
You need medication, and sunlight too

>> No.76966870

>We know who cares about their talents more.
definitely not vshojo, just ask Silvervale or Nazuna

>> No.76966884

is that why you keep making ironmouse bait threads on cooldown anon LMAO

>> No.76966887

No he's talking about vshojo. You can't get a lot of streams in hololive and you are not allowed to collab with your friends.

>> No.76966912

>wasn't the one who got baited though. That was you, bud!
holy anon beyond clueless NGMI this one is beyond save LMAO, keep going tho for our entertainment, these vshojo bait thread matching nijisanji one, i mean they are nijisanji 2.0 lol

>> No.76966913

Another Holobrony melty I see rmyt kwab :^)

>> No.76966925

You wanna talk about JP vtubers go to /jp/, 90% of anons here dont speak the language and will end up just taking anon translated rrats about them at face value.

>> No.76966937

oh dont worry Ive seen what happened to rushia and coco before they left lol

>> No.76966958


>> No.76966959
File: 575 KB, 589x635, 1716848684182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And PixelLink casually mogs them all

>> No.76967001

Tell me something I don't know.

>> No.76967023

>is that why you keep making ironmouse bait threads on cooldown anon LMAO
anon we knew you are tourist from reddit/twitter/twitch but when you stop being clueless retard? LMAO

>> No.76967035

But enough about Rushia's and Coco's legacies being erased after they left
Even /jp/ woke up and realized JP Vtubers are inferior compared to EN

>> No.76967066

>No one in this thread seethed at JP VTubers once, anon.
You will now say
>i'm just pointing out le duble stnadr and only talk about fan :)

>> No.76967079

>No he's talking about vshojo
he wish LMAO
> you are not allowed to collab with your friends
what is this? some retarded tourist shit that never watch stream? holy do your reps

>> No.76967089

keep seething holobrony KEK

>> No.76967118

Tell that to him >>76962323 not me.

>> No.76967129

>Another vshojofag melty I see rmyt kwab

>> No.76967144

thats all (You) anon stop falsefagging

>> No.76967186

who? if you gonna post random shit explain it, specially something that no one know

>> No.76967191

Yes, JP VTubers are just as bad as the EN ones you complained about. We've already established that. Now fuck off with your double standards, cunt

>> No.76967198

>Another holofag melty rmyt kwab

>> No.76967247

roru, rumao even

>> No.76967254
File: 2.79 MB, 1785x1002, 1717003994065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most SOVL VTuber to date

>> No.76967282

Guys since this is just another bait thread with kids having a temper tantrum im gonna shill my 2view highping monaca pls watch her

>> No.76967306

i told you to give some explanation, specially for literal who

>> No.76967337

>holobrony still seething
roru, rumao even

>> No.76967339

But they're not. I simply don't watch the shit ones and shun shit content while you do the exact opposite.
Where's the double standards?

>> No.76967372
File: 445 KB, 628x480, DystsS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every single corpo is evil, including yours.

>> No.76967375

Very cool anon, i'll check her out

>> No.76967385

Hey I saw her hanging out with Kson and other chuubas in VRChat earlier, her 3D model looks really cool.

>> No.76967399
File: 24 KB, 112x112, 1687926331527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one was "seething" at JP VTubers, anon.
People were pointing out the pathetic double standards (You) have.
Should I expect anything more from an uneducated SEAmonkey like (You) though?

>> No.76967418

Normies can keep embarassing themselves watching vwhores in public for all I care. The rest won't ever learn japanese and thus will never infest vtubers that actually matter.

>> No.76967443
File: 15 KB, 112x112, 1702106791609.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just your opinion, man

>> No.76967464

no wonder they like to creat vshojo bait just like niji, vshojofag are fuckng easy KEK

>> No.76967488

I too love it when Holobronies are spotted out in the wild :^)

>> No.76967523

Im gonna keep biting because its funny
the thread is about to reach bump limit anon time to bake another bait thread

>> No.76967530

It's a fact. What's an opinion is your claim of "double standards".

>> No.76967567

You have been seething at JP vtubers all thread long and you have not pointed out any of these double standards you keep talking about.

>> No.76967586

I apologize, I replied to the wrong post.
I meant another one but it's deleted now so whatever.

>> No.76967590

>His oshi's entire personality is having a meltdown about some black corpo firing her
>To the point where she cries about it almost every stream
Wow anon you sure showed him

>> No.76967626

but I still want your ass pics anon GIVE THEM TO ME

>> No.76967640
File: 1.55 MB, 454x338, 1710635570373.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll play your game too, faggot. Both JP and EN have good and bad VTubers. There, happy now?
Where though? Just because I called Marine "boring" which is in fact, my opinion, doesn't mean I'm seething at her.

>> No.76967670

>holo out of nowhere
Next you'll call me a nijisister I suppose since those are the two jp brands you even know of.

>> No.76967696

Silver never shit talked the company, just mouse for not paying enough attention to her and nazuna literally praised vshojo staff after becoming an indie because they had already set up everything on twitch for her before leaving

>> No.76967732

>all these Holodrone comments
And here I thought numberfaggotry was specific to this place.

>> No.76967746
File: 3.30 MB, 373x320, 1706310350353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even a tribalist. I just wish Holofags would stop it with their double standards. How hard is that for you to understand?

>> No.76967803

>Both JP and EN have good and bad VTubers.
You don't actually believe this beyond tribal lines.
>Just because I called Marine "boring" which is in fact, my opinion, doesn't mean I'm seething at her.
What is seething if not expressing moronic opinions that make you come across like a moronic raging ape?
Nice to see that you admitted to being the one that literally insulted Marine despite claiming that you only talk about the fans and never the vtubers. The mask is slipping hard.

>> No.76967828

I don't know about Zooner but Silver only got mad at Mouse and nothing else.

>> No.76967845

says the faggot who doesn't watch any streams. no, I don't just mean Sayu streams, I mean ANY streams.
yet your precious corpo didn't step in when Silver was attacked by rabid twatteratis, just was left to fend for herself. "precious family" my ass.

>> No.76967857

What double standards?

>> No.76967876

Henyatard I didn't even bring holo once. Is that your inferiority complex associating Hololive every time someone shit talks your vwhores? If you seek validation so much go to your containment thread and stop browsing the catalog you dipshit.

>> No.76967893

If only you knew how bad things really were

>> No.76967955

You say this to a Henyafag even though she is often talking japanese in her streams.

>> No.76967963
File: 21 KB, 256x256, 1709045342112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't actually believe this beyond tribal lines.
Yes I do. I watch VTubers that are entertaining. Be it both EN and JP. And my kamioshi is the best of both worlds. Why are you seething so much?
>What is seething if not expressing moronic opinions that make you come across like a moronic raging ape?
Both of us are entitled to our very own opinions, bud!
>Nice to see that you admitted to being the one that literally insulted Marine despite claiming that you only talk about the fans and never the vtubers. The mask is slipping hard.
I never insulted her, I just called her boring, which is my opinion. I'm sorry not everyone likes her!

>> No.76968000
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>> No.76968011
File: 203 KB, 463x453, 1688948295027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need to repeat myself again?

>> No.76968023

he just entered culo kingdom

>> No.76968051

You have not said what these double standards are even once so you wouldn't be repeating yourself.

>> No.76968056

There you go again, tribalist

>> No.76968061

Vshojo does not control what their talents do because they are an agency and thus are not responsible for their personal fuckups, silver was advised to wait until the hp shitstorm wore off but she didn't listen and still played it after the backlash which she was allowed to do
>precious family
That's what mouse calls her fanbase retard

>> No.76968110

Starting with>>76963873

>> No.76968112
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>> No.76968135
File: 1.18 MB, 1149x1080, 1705633358852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do watch my oshi, but clearly you dont.
Considering you're spending your free time shitting on other vtubers instead of talking about her.

>> No.76968159

Numberfags are absolute cancer.
Samefagging, falseflagging schizos should get banned like it happened with the one Kiara schizo anti who replied to himself 30 times.

>> No.76968212

Why are Holobronies having another melty again?

>> No.76968238

she isn't even American

>> No.76968252

Just because I called vshojo members "vwhores" which is in fact, my opinion, doesn't mean I'm a tribalist.

>> No.76968275
File: 851 KB, 877x584, 1650327938072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holobronies can't stop having melties when Mousey stays winning KWAB

>> No.76968290

They don't understand that japanese idol culture and vtubing are not one and the same thing.

>> No.76968308

>I watch VTubers that are entertaining. Be it both EN and JP
The only "JP" vtubers you watch all speak English and that's why you watch them. It has nothing to do with being entertaining. Your bar for someone being bad is that they're liked by someone you don't like and they're not collabing with whoever you like.
>I never insulted her, I just called her boring, which is my opinion.
What's with this weird pretense that insults are not opinions? It's almost like you learned these words yesterday.

>> No.76968324
File: 441 KB, 589x662, 1702228529109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one side GOOD
>other side BAD
You are by definition, a tribalist. Stop pretending otherwise.

>> No.76968328

wtf is that really 50 cents for 35gb

>> No.76968370

There's no double standards being pointed out there.
>YOU had to insist that only Japanese VTubers matter
This is not a double standard nor is it something that happened.

>> No.76968404
File: 801 KB, 809x699, 1696173846822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me where I "insulted" Marine. You can't.

>> No.76968437

They are jealous because if you turned on a stream in public in Japan you would be arrested by the police for violating a billion dollar company's rights

>> No.76968458
File: 673 KB, 1012x1012, I_saw_that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and thus are not responsible for their personal fuckups
what a convenient excuse.
I see what you did there, talking as if Sayu was your oshi but using a Mouse image instead... I'll wait for you to clarify.

>> No.76968468

kek seriously? Does Japan really? Grim

>> No.76968479

You die on that hill if you want. It doesn't change the fact that I'm not a holofag and you felt that way only because you have a tribalist mentality.

>> No.76968534
File: 306 KB, 498x498, 1706496478851.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say, Holofag tribalist

>> No.76968562

Yea they don't have fair use

>> No.76968568

You called her boring and a whore. You're the very same faggot who just started seething about holo because someone said "vwhores".

>> No.76968707
File: 591 KB, 1920x1080, 1690329954355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never called her a whore though. Keep imagining things

>> No.76968722
File: 1.13 MB, 1239x699, 435353456543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that /vt/ were the ''normies'' of /jp/ and they got booted out. rewriting history is their fav hobby.

>> No.76968745

Henya is fairly prude so anyone who calls her a whore is by extension calling Marine, Okayu, and many other Hololive members gigawhores. You should be getting mad at that guy instead.

>> No.76968790

Yes you did. This is your post >>76964459

>> No.76968815
File: 242 KB, 1440x1920, 1680273815153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, that's only a Holobrony problem. But you're right otherwise.

>> No.76968900
File: 583 KB, 520x390, 1693557535208560.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marine schizo is at it again

>> No.76968922

it has been since lockdowns, just look at 80% of the normalfags posting on this board calling people incels and chuds and posting reddit memes unironically

the hobby is dead, the only joy left to be found on the board is getting a rise out of people

>> No.76968969

Based and truthpilled

>> No.76968996

I thought Mouse's watchers were all slum dwellers, what happened bros?

>> No.76969023

>talking as if sayu was my oshi
What? I thought I made it pretty clear that mousy is my oshi, but unlike you I'm not trying to use my oshi as some self riteous way to shit on all corpos.

>> No.76969046
File: 168 KB, 1920x1080, 1706340099481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete Holobrony melty ITT rmyt kwab :^)

>> No.76969078

Projectiong from holobronies who are all poor as fuck and from SEA. Holo isn't even watched by japanese people.

>> No.76969207

Insane projection KEKAROO
Hololive isn't even watched by its home country

>> No.76969210
File: 79 KB, 726x1172, 1716421635827682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holobronies are constantly breaching containment, it's not unusual to see them making underhanded comments in the chat toward other vtubers during collabs.

>> No.76969346

Normalfag spotted

>> No.76969358

Based. Imagine learning three thousand characters to write what the rest of the world can do in 25.

>> No.76969371

Stop falseflagging FlaVRfag.

>> No.76969446

And you're not breaching contained, vtroonjo?

>> No.76969490

That was his self-censorship habit kicking in because he's used to breaking containment like >>76969210 >>76966761

>> No.76969499
File: 515 KB, 374x498, catJAM.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but unlike you I'm not trying to use my oshi as some self riteous way to shit on all corpos.
of course not, that'd make you a hypocrite, since vshojo is still a corpo coasting on venture capital funds.
Sayu, on the other hand, is a true indie, so I do nothing wrong by both loving her and shitting on corpos at the same time.

>> No.76969505

He brings up a good point.

>> No.76969572

normie is less letters and it makes schizos seethe. it's all-around the superior word to use.

>> No.76969610

>following dramanigger accounts
Why am I not surprised?

>> No.76969616

>it's ok when I agree with them

>> No.76969667


>> No.76969678

>it's OK when Hololive does it

>> No.76969684

i also call your girls livers.

>> No.76969728

This guy also had an extensive history replies to BVTM but deleted them when I pointed it out here

>> No.76969729

Based. They've been called livers since 2016 when AI invented the term for herself.

>> No.76969739

Go watch streams instead of making twitter screencap threads.

>> No.76969786

Rent free

>> No.76969790

It's not ok, never has been and never will be. You cannot call out your own or disagree with what they're doing. You can only ever call them "falseflagger" or some other shit.

>> No.76969807


>> No.76969838

There's nothing wrong with questioning a dramanig who mysteriously ignores drama from specific groups. It's simply about ethics.

>> No.76969928


>> No.76969997

Don't you have numberfags to fight, sister?

>> No.76970025

Why are your broskis BVTM and drama account followers?

>> No.76970028
File: 120 KB, 948x717, laugh_at_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76970091

imagine thinking that people watch nijisanji. monkey moment.

>> No.76970145

Why are vshojo fans following drama accounts and asking them to post about holo?

>> No.76970232

He was probably looking up his oshi and found that account. That also happened to me with that same guy and I blocked him like a year ago at least.

>> No.76970292

Because he's based

>> No.76970307
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x720, 1716196845147302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76970533

That's not what he was doing. He's simply a fan of drama and numbers despite you trying to claim that vshojo fans cannot be that way.

>> No.76970612

I never claimed that. Also he's falseflagging.

>> No.76970629

see >>76966402

>> No.76970641


>> No.76970677

He's a hardcore henya fan and posts on this board. There's a good chance he's even in this thread.

>> No.76970688


>> No.76970721

Sounds like a sister delusion.

>> No.76970808

>He's simply a fan of drama and numbers
Thanks for calling out /#/ and I guess yourself

>> No.76970835

If he was a falseflagger this chain of events wouldn't have happened.
There's no reason to try to hide a falseflag account.

So /#/ are vshojo fans now?

>> No.76970911

Hey look, I can single out twitter accounts too


>> No.76970918

>tweet deleted
LOL he's here
Kill yourself, simp.

>> No.76970974

Blow your brains out, Bimo.

>> No.76970988

If he's a numbermonkey as you claim he belongs to /#/ in spirit. So yeah, I appreciate you calling him out. You do condemn /#/ too and aren't just a hypocrite right?

>> No.76971023

>Screenshot of Japanese tweet
>(You) then call out completely unreleated English speaking account
>That means he's here
I literally do not follow your logic at all.

>> No.76971085
File: 12 KB, 583x155, OJJ6y72Ol2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a vshojo fan and he's in this very thread posting in agreement with you.
You're never getting rid of this one.

>> No.76971149

Are numbermonkeys bad?

>> No.76971173

Why can't you answer my simple question anon? Don't tell me you're one of them?

>> No.76971209

see >>76969838

>> No.76971280

Why are Mouse antis like this?

>> No.76971359

It's not an unrelated account. He literally said
>Tagged him over her return stream he pretends like she died.
I found the tweet and called him out which made him change his name and @.

Yeah numbermonkeys and /#/ are the fucking worst. Happy now? You must now accept this guy as one of your own.

You're not calling out anything. You're just obsessed with hololive.

>> No.76971411

I am a human, no monkeys belong to me.

>> No.76971444

Why do you keep ignoring >>76970911 ?

>> No.76971468

I accept him as one of /#/ then, if it is as you say. Absolute scum.

>> No.76971476

He's not a monkey. He's a based western white man who LOVES vshojo.

>> No.76971561

>You must now accept this guy as one of your own.
Try numberfagging on /vsj+/ and see what happens.

>> No.76971621

Why do I need to care about any of these people? It's like you just searched up "vshojo whores" and linked random tweets.
Your bro "keklord1256" is literally in this thread and most likely in your based echo chamber /vsj+/.

>> No.76971678

see >>76969667

>> No.76971688

How does that mean vshojo fans are not numberfags? You can post in any other threads. You're here right now and several of you go to /#/ regularly.

>> No.76971709
File: 162 KB, 297x398, 1637467513025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So /#/ are vshojo fans now?
Always have been. Lurk moar

>> No.76971753

>these don't count because... THEY JUST DON'T OKAY???
I accept your concession.
