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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76962031 No.76962031 [Reply] [Original]

Was this necessary?

>> No.76962130

What did she do?

>> No.76962175

She took her ball and went home like a bitch

>> No.76962224

>i will no longer do [sic] streams
We know

>> No.76962298

>Taking shit Pippa tweets seriously

>> No.76962335

Was her audience that mad that she has to tweet this lol

>> No.76962462

Kiwifags get uppity and threaten to dox her because she didnt show their shitty cat

>> No.76962479

Woman moment lol

>> No.76962498

good for her, react content is cringe

>> No.76962577

She got one guy'd and the whole fanbase has to deal with her meltdown

>> No.76962648

woman moment

>> No.76962734

Weird way for the spell capippis

>> No.76962739
File: 42 KB, 916x404, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was le heckin meme
>it's not real
>it jork
Sure, buddy. Because as we all know, Pippa has the mental fortitude of a saint and has never said stupid shit or broken down publicly before. Oh wait.

>> No.76962817

Thats what I said

>> No.76962829

whats the difference

>> No.76962935
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>> No.76963105

Cringest fanbase

>> No.76963159
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>to the dicksword!
Christ almighty.

>> No.76963194

3rd post is calling for a dox?

>> No.76963234

You can work out her menstruation cycle by her woman moments.

>> No.76963278

Ye. Though I dunno if it violates dicksword TOS, and I don't really care to find out.

>> No.76963314

Buddy shouldn't have dared to criticise the queen

>> No.76963396

It was built off leeching the likes of depressed nousagi, so no wonder

>> No.76963450

Never watched her. Sounds like she only skimmed through the newest ones and her hardcore fans that send it very early got upset.

>> No.76963457

>cultivate a fandom straight outta kiwifarms and /pol/
>have a breakdown when they suddenly spergout over the dumbest of shit

>> No.76963613

>two sentence xweet
>le epic breakdown

>> No.76963674

Well, that's what you get when you watch SchizoConnect

>> No.76963743

She nuked the VOD, you can't see it.

>> No.76963892

I imagine she picked the most interesting ones instead of reviewing 18 golden retrievers and plain black housecats.

>> No.76963934

Why do dramafags not do their job and save the drama?

>> No.76963956
File: 453 KB, 1081x1080, 1695041581118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk what changed in her, but her content has gotten exponentially worse since christmas. It's almost unwatchable now.

>> No.76963971

>she doesn't have an archiver anon
sure and somehow not even one of the older ones were interesting.

>> No.76964090

every single one of these guys in the pic are proud catalog posters

>> No.76964130

>She doesn't have an archiver anon
Oh she does, but get this
she made him a chat mod, so he purposely deletes or reguses to archive certain streams the pippa requests are ignored.

>> No.76964145

She was always a reaction tuber which is about lowest you can get as a streamer

>> No.76964148
File: 57 KB, 1564x685, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She privated the stream. Want to try again?

>> No.76964237

Nice photoshop

>> No.76964247

Yeah but you could always streams hehehe

>> No.76964250

Miss kiwifarms btfo'd by fucking reddit of all places you love to see it

>> No.76964283

redditors are alright sometimes

>> No.76964315

yea who cares about asmon or charlie no one would ever watch a streamer giving their opinion on things.

>> No.76964322

TL;dr her audience hates reddit to a autistic level so they were complaining all night about it, pippa looked at their pet submissions from newest first so she didn't react to the now lifers who submitted firsts mangy cat and they got mad, Pippa being a low self esteem menhera privated the video and now refuses to do fan submission streams

>> No.76964377

no, shes a cunt making people feel bad for a problem she made herself
all the people on twitter pretending she was being harassed when there was like a single respectable youtube comment that was slightly negative is fucking pathetic

>> No.76964403

Not enough time for alll submissions? Just split it in 2 parts stream lol

>> No.76964426

What a pussy ass bitch. Do it again and only react to submissions with highest likes/updoots this time to fuck them up again.

>> No.76964432

Pippa's problem is that she can't just not argue on the thread at 4am over dumb shit nobody even over there care about

>> No.76964436 [DELETED] 

>These are the dudes calling your oshi a whore.

>> No.76964440

Weird way to say the perma-antis she has but ok
here's your (you) from me to

>> No.76964473

Pippa is 100% one of those people who can goes on about people being too soft on the Internet nowadays but cannot take any actual criticism herself, so this tracks.

>> No.76964495

Couldn't have happened to someone more deserving.

>> No.76964499

Her fanbase wasn't the one sperging out. It was all her.

>> No.76964525

>CK3 vs HoI4
I didn't think Pippa fans would be into gss

>> No.76964539

it wasn't even that, it's just that one guy shat himself in the comments, people on the thread argued wether he was too pussy or if she was retarded, she came in at 4am, decided to argue with them like a woman, gets assblasted over it
then she goes on twitter to shit on the two guys she was arguing with but she can't admit she's shouting in the thread in the middle of the night so she blames "reddit" and decides she'll never do that content ever again

>> No.76964552

sounds like a nothingburger at the end of the day

>> No.76964565

this bitch was gaped and raped by a pedophile at age 14, she's fucked in the head through and through

>> No.76964597

They're the same thing.

>> No.76964607

oh it was absolutely nothing, she's just stressed and doomscrolling the thread prepping for offkai and being a woman

>> No.76964619

underrated post

>> No.76964696


This is more of a Pippa problem than a PC problem, Pippa gets so consistently one guy'd it's almost impressive.

>> No.76964706
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Kek, Pippa really needs to grow a spine and learn from her friends.

>> No.76964741

What a woman moment lol

>> No.76964744

Who would have thought such stupid shit would make her behave like this though? This whole thing is so stupid that like one anon said before, she's probably menstruating or something.

>> No.76964887

You wouldn't be asking this if you watched her. Her fanbase changed. Is not the kiwis or /pol/ anymore but Twitch and Reddit. Ever since she hit 4views she became more normie tier trash. And now she collabs with a bunch of people she wasn't able to collab before in her based days too.

>> No.76964906

Kek look at this guy groveling like a little bitch. The absolute state of Vtuber fans

>> No.76964962

Pippas personality is just asmongold

>> No.76964969

Did anyone expect any consistency or emotional stability from the reactionary "based 4chan" bait streamer in the first place?

>> No.76964987

Baffling post

>> No.76965026

Well maybe don't gather a vt and kiwi fanbase then

>> No.76965637

They've been trhing to dox her for years now. If it didnt happen then it wont happen now.

>> No.76965668

except somehow worse

>> No.76966176

How many people were actually mad about it?

>> No.76966278

At least he apologized. Some ruffians could learn a thing or two.

>> No.76966288

this is the worst thing i have EVER seen.

>> No.76966385

I understand the discussion in /pcg/, but why the fuck does everything come out of /#/ first? Every single time, are they that obsessed?

>> No.76966469

I am from /pcg/

>> No.76966753

>if you dont like reddit your pet has diseases from neglect
what an incredible leap of logic

>> No.76966865

Forcing your fans to use reddit to participate is retarded

>> No.76967064

pcgfags are infamous #fags

>> No.76967071
File: 146 KB, 320x240, 1213478006457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude really thinks he's in any position to be pointing fingers at redditors.

>> No.76967112

/#/ has been infested by phase monkeys for months

>> No.76967231


>> No.76967314

Nice self own idiots. Whenever a number fag tries to do their shit in /pcg/ they get told to fuck off. He's one of your own.

>> No.76967363


>> No.76967371

...and these are non-GFE vtuber fans.

>> No.76967485

The "based 4chan" audience isn't very smart.

>> No.76967562


>> No.76967653

>forget that pippa is a corpo chuuba

>> No.76967658

I thought she had been doxed, but it was like when they doxed Metokur. They have a name and address, but don't actually have any pictures (despite claiming to initially and being proven wrong).

>> No.76967708

What I imagine happened
>Pippa does this stream looking at people's cats
>scrolls through the twitter tag
>her most loyal viewers submit theirs right away, while some casual people submit theirs later on
>she only gets through the casual submissions and doesn't get to the OG
>the OG fans riot because she didn't see their kitty cat

>> No.76967750
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Anyone else think this is just depressing for the fan? The comment he made wasn't even that serious but because he dared to say something it caused her thin skin to have a melt down and made him look like a total bad guy. He probably feels like shit about it.

>> No.76967761
File: 246 KB, 404x258, 1717083647653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vtuber fans are some of the most autismal motherfuckers around man.

>> No.76967801

/#/ IS for monkeys.

>> No.76967826

Good, hopefully it rips off the bandaid for him and he stops supporting Pickme Plapkin.

>> No.76967836
File: 118 KB, 594x665, 1706184893310026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuko influenced her to dumpster her core fans who are controlling. and nasty to her. Pippa W.

>> No.76967862

I think anyone who submits a picture for "streamer looks at your pictures" content should have the backbone to accept that their picture may not show up on stream.

>> No.76967894

Live by the kiwifarm 4channers, die with the kiwifarm 4channers.

>> No.76967897

>trashy, menhera, liar, Twitch-like content
I don't get why people watch her

>> No.76967920

If you were really sorry you'd film yourself jumping off a roof.

>> No.76967924

Obviously, he was just upset he got in early but didn't get picked. He obviously wasn't so angry but it seems to be taken that way.

>> No.76967934

I really doubt any of those doxes are even real. If they were Pippa would have gone into actual hiding by now with all the schizos willing to find her IRL.

>> No.76967961

Because the janny will delete the posts if its in # so they dump it on the catalog.

>> No.76967965

It's more like they felt they "earned the right" to have their picture shown because they submitted it before everyone else, and they were probably greatly anticipating it. As she's going through the list from top-to-bottom the frustration builds as they realize she won't get to theirs, and it feels like they're being punished for being a loyal fan

>> No.76968002

use the name in the op so you don't evade my filters
thanks bye

>> No.76968232
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>privated the stream
Wow, le epic Meltdowner

>> No.76968378

why do people even watch her. She lacks any redeeming qualities

>> No.76968410

I don't seem to recall it being mentioned anywhere that they'd 'be' reviewed in any sort of order? Since when the fuck has any streamer done that? Scrolling and looking for anything eyecatching is the expected norm, so I don't know what everyone's getting asshurt over.

>> No.76968419

I am her audience and I didn't say shit about reddit or how it is just as gay as 4chan.

>> No.76968593

Honestly it's pretty fucked up to ignore your most loyal fans and then complain about it
But then again Ame exists

>> No.76968603

I've got hundreds of hours into Stellaris and own all the dlc

>> No.76968605

>ignores poll results and chose to use Reddit for viewer submission streams instead of Google Forms
>chastises people for doing the "reddit bad" meme in chat during last night's stream
>privates stream and says no more viewer submission streams because a few people were mildly annoyed that she didn't sort by oldest posts first and that she chose to use Reddit in the first place
>the entire flock of Pippa loving twitter dramafags start screeching about how redditors brutally harassed her and forced her to take down the stream and how they ruined it for everyone despite that not happening in the slightest
Pippa has an innate talent to create drama out of thin air.
This whole thing is so fucking stupid and I hope she realizes how retarded she is now that all her "diehard fans" on twitter that don't even watch streams are fighting a made up battle on her behalf.

>> No.76968695

>he believe the rape post

>> No.76968696

What redeeming qualities should she have?

>> No.76968826

being entertaining, being genuine? shit like that

>> No.76968931

Crazy to think phase is one pippa woman moment away from collapsing

>> No.76968966

I only feel bad that he's still breathing

>> No.76969017
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She has many clipable moments and is entertaining sometimes
Still don't know why Tenma puts her on a pedestal all the time though.

>> No.76969052

maybe just make a part 2 stream?

>> No.76969064

Crazy this board's perception of phase is eternally stuck in 2022.

>> No.76969247

U gotta agree she did her old fans dirty

>> No.76969396

You be suprise phasefag don't like pippa.

>> No.76969484
File: 132 KB, 312x379, 1698063458351049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her whole gimmick was being the 4chan epic meme vtuber from kiwi farms who quotes terry davis ranting about CIA glowniggers. They were the ones who spammed her clips everywhere and then when she tries to become reddit friendly they backstab her.

Without the 4chan meme spouting she didn't have much else going on. its like when Vox tried to get away from ASMR and gets burned by sisters.

>> No.76969503

>Make fan submission content
>Fans act like the pathetic inbred subhumans they are when it doesn't go precisely the way they wanted
>"Okay, fuck it then. I don't need this kind of trouble. I'll just not do it anymore."
I don't see how this is controversial. If you act like toddlers who throw a fit because they can't share a toy, then you'll be treated accordingly.

>> No.76969590

>Without the 4chan meme spouting she didn't have much else going on. its like when Vox tried to get away from ASMR and gets burned by sisters.
But isnt her numbers now better than the hardcore 4chin pandering days? Isnt that the opposite of Vox?

>> No.76969712

The similarity is how they both want to distance themselves from the fans that made them popular to begin with. No real loyalty at all.

>> No.76969748

is that why she looks up to mori?

>> No.76969780

>Okay, fuck it then. I don't need this kind of trouble. I'll just not do it anymore
If you dont have autism, you can clearly see the massive levels of passive aggressiveness in it. She can ban/time out people if she doesn't like how they act, guilting the majority of her fanbase who didnt do anything wrong with this pity party is such a huge woman move.

>> No.76969874

Good to know I can one guy any vtuber I want into not doing content and I'll not only be justified in doing so since "i'm a toddler" but I can also do it again with any other content I might not like about that vtuber

>> No.76970100

>pippa dox threat #4756745543
Why are you talking in third person birdnigger?

>> No.76970148


>> No.76970192

I hate you so much

>> No.76970241

Didn't she change direction a month ago, and then she's graduating in like a day? So much for that.

>> No.76970261

>since christmas
Christmas of 22 maybe

>> No.76970283
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>> No.76970355

What the fuck is this

>> No.76970453

Is that her mod? Jesus.

>> No.76970520

Yes, he's simultaneously whipped and insanely controlling, he tried to get her to drop her friend once

>> No.76970538

Since when has Pippa gotten riled by asshats being retarded online? That's supposed to be Kiara's thing. Is she alright?

>> No.76970573

kwaboty? kwaboty.

>> No.76970579

>implying its # going to pcg and not pcg going to #

>> No.76970604

>Since when has Pippa gotten riled by asshats being retarded online?
Have you ever watched her?

>> No.76970680

What's their motivation to doxx her?

>> No.76970797

Kiwifags don't need a reason.

>> No.76970914

bet he must feel like shit now for ruining something nice lol

>> No.76970986

he was right

>> No.76971095

Pippa should, at least he could apologize despite not doing anything wrong.

>> No.76971153

That was his plan

>> No.76971164

is this BrownVTM posting on main or she owns a leddit groomer group?

>> No.76971212

>she unironically thought twitter likes would translate to money

>> No.76971214

Its a flounce - always lame. You don't have to announce you aren't gonna do it, just don't do it.

>> No.76971245

Nothing in this image is wrong.
People will complain no matter what site is used, whether it's Discord, Reddit or Google forms.

>> No.76971261

they made it out of the 2view indie ghetto together. that’s a stronger bond than blood.

>> No.76971368

But she is entertaining

>> No.76971414

that dude might be an asshole but I agree with him

>> No.76971520

If she was entertaining she wouldn't need to be a react andy

>> No.76971554

>leech from KF
>leech from Metokur
>surprised that the fanbase she built is full of shitters

>> No.76971967

If react content wasn't entertaining nobody would do it.
Her specific reactions and the way her mind produces weird ass comments make content

>> No.76972143

Holy shit, why are phasefags like this?

>> No.76972255

People keep badgering vtubers for a year and more about things they did a long time ago.
>Hey are you going to pick this game back up you did a year ago?
This is up front.

>> No.76972296

I have no idea why discordniggers think they're better than redditers

>> No.76972308

She has to pretend not be disgusted by this. Imagine.

>> No.76972376

Tweets like these remind me how no matter how pickme a girl is, they are still women behind the charade

>> No.76972452

>Holy shit, why would someone make a funny submission to a submission stream
You seem like a lot of fun.
Wemi lives in mold and fights monkeys regularly. She's not grossed out by stuff very often.

>> No.76972483

She had default Reddit so it didn’t even give the the option to short by oldest.

>> No.76972544

>Still don't know why Tenma puts her on a pedestal all the time though.
They basically made it together and Tenma's a loyal lady, which is a good quality.

>> No.76972588

>3rd message
Man, not beating the allegations, doxxconnect

>> No.76972703

not all capipis
but always a capipi

>> No.76972806
File: 71 KB, 535x698, 1526794456282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it about the "based" audience that makes them always so explosive and incapable of taking things easy? I'm feeling sorry for the cats.

>> No.76972898

It has been deteriorating more and more since the Hogwarts Legacy stream

>> No.76972972

Its probably not for you anymore. Just drop her, dont fall into sunk cost fallacy.

>> No.76973081

turns out culture war retards are super sensitive no matter what side they're on

>> No.76973564

Her fanbase has people from kiwifarms trannies, dramafags, right wingers. It's a combination of extremely volatile people.

>> No.76973766

>Vtuber who thrived in a very specific niche gets discovered by normalfags and change their content completely to pander to said people
Like pottery

>> No.76973783

Anyone have a screenshot of that comment which caused this?

>> No.76973963

Horseshoe theory

>> No.76975042

woman moment

>> No.76975647

Viewers of streamers have long-since convinced themselves that they are deserving of immediate attention at all times. TTS donos ruined a generation of people

>> No.76975876

To be honest not really. The will immediately keel over and apologize if the streamer shows and discomfort to mild criticism

>> No.76976645


>> No.76976731

Isn't it just common sense to start from the oldest submissions? To never do review streams again after people complained seems like a massive overreaction, considering she's in the wrong.

>> No.76976870
File: 179 KB, 493x500, og loyal capippi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa LOVES fake fans and HATES og loyal fans!

>> No.76977037


>> No.76977073

They've pushed at least 3 completely different women as being Pippa. The most embarrassing thing they actually have on her is like 3 nothingburger clips from before she joined phase

>> No.76977095

Everyone point at CPPC TEK and laugh.
I bet your pet is a faggot just like you.

>> No.76977110

Jesus, Pippa.

>> No.76977233

Unlikely. A single screenshot rarely captures the entirety of a situation. I wouldn't be surprised if she was flooded with similar whiny complaints from sperglord retards elsewhere, and at other times.

>> No.76977268

No wonder she is friends with yuko the grifter

>> No.76977317

>Phasefags idea of fun is smearing shit on the wall and writing his Oshi's name with it
Fucking grim

>> No.76977488

>Kiwifags get uppity
the vtuber thread on the farms only has like 4 posts about this happening, all after the fact, and it's all sympathetic to pippa having to deal with you people. the kf thread is consistently less interested in the drama you faggots here obsess over, especially in /pcg/. blaming kf for everything is literal tranny behavior.

>> No.76977536

I mean it is anon, have you tried smearing shit on the walls?

>> No.76977601

This was the only one I screenshotted. There were multiple chatters and super chats sent. You could tell Pippa was getting annoyed by it but they would just not let off.
The vod is on archivebro's channel.

>> No.76977892
File: 67 KB, 492x489, 1706161723392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these real "OG fans" we're talking about here, or some tourists who found pippa during the feet stream in december 2022 and think they can gatekeep?
Cause Pippa didnt have nearly enough fans early on to warrant this kind of meltdown, smells like the usual suspects.

>> No.76978200

You don't need to be entertaining to do it, thats why people do it, stupid

>> No.76978219

all these shitposts and no one posted the moment ffs

>> No.76978342
File: 2.23 MB, 2108x1398, Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 12.03.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually he has a very cool dog

>> No.76978348

I always skip viewer related pippa content because capipis are such fags about everything. Uppity, shit taste, and childish.

>> No.76978409

damn whats this react andy gonna stream then?

>> No.76978424

Turning off replies is always a cunty move.

>> No.76978447

>one asshole means everyone needs to be punished
this is the kind of cringe stupid shit teachers used to do in school

>> No.76978480

"The moment" is when Pippa sulked out of her bed and made a crybaby tweet, disallowing replies, and then nuking her VOD. Absolutely nothing she actually did on stream mattered until she did that.

>> No.76978509

>casual doxx threat intermixed upon non-self aware redditism
total cappipalist death when

>> No.76978553

Shes kinda sitting on a fence as to whether to stick with the kiwi audience where she can relax and be a casual memer, or clean up to be a more presentable 4view and make her prostrations to twitter and discord and reddit in return for access to collabs.

>> No.76978566

at least it gives context, 4 minutes in she says she'll do another pet review mid june.

>> No.76978596
File: 65 KB, 192x230, 20240420_153452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vtuber simps make me embarrassed for men. Like this dude is literally on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness from some internet hoe that don't know or give a shit about him in the first place, shit is pathetic.

>> No.76978633

That doesn't supersede her tweet that came 10 hours after she said that whining she will never do one again.

>> No.76978830

I never watch Pippa and even I thought it was fucking retarded of her to do reddit streams with the audience she has.

>> No.76978872

I started watching Pippa a few months before she reached regular 4view status and Gen 2 was being teased. And when she still streamed as notPippa on Twitch.

>> No.76978920

>not receiving something that you wanted but were never actually entitled to in any way is equivalent to being punished
This is the kind of cringe stupid shit that Marxists use to turn the Earth into a living hell

>> No.76978973

She even tries to copy the way Gura types lol
Gotta be one of the biggest phonies in vtubing and that's an accomplishment.

>> No.76978988

Laugh at what? Pippa is the one having a meltdown.

>> No.76979059

Assumption is a hell of a drug. He assumed she would go in order and would show all rooms. Why? Typical self centered redditfag.

>> No.76979141

>Marxism out of nowhere
Holy shit kill yourself retard we're talking about a fake anime bunny rabbit

>> No.76979207

nigger please. kiwifarms is literally run by an 'anime = pedo' retard. they dont want you there and you sound kind of annoying so we dont want you here either

>> No.76979240

And people used to compare this thin skinned larper with Beatani?

>> No.76979346

You guys bitch about her abandoning her kiwifags like it's supposed to be a bad thing that these retards have one less gateway to vtubing
She shouldn't have catered to grifters in the first place but at least now she's not giving them the time of day

>> No.76979366

>not showing my pets first is actually marxism and my favourite bunny rabbit vtuber isn't like that!!!

>> No.76979442

The only issue now is putting a leash on her current fans, starting with telling Archivefag to kill himself

>> No.76979509

they sound like a big bitch

>> No.76979565

Pippa went down hill ever since she refused my jar of cum

Fuggin commie

>> No.76979714

kiwiniggers are triggered so easily

>> No.76979717

Ok, so you fall in the latter category. Thanks for letting me know

>> No.76979789

pippa menhera outbursts are expected so I'll laugh at the "OG fan" acting like a gigantic pussy

>> No.76979821

The fundamental attitude of "positive rights" is the same, whether the topic is medical care or vtubers looking at stupid pictures - it's to say that your needs (or "needs") represent a right and thus a person who denies you their service has committed and unjust act against you.
To claim that Pippa is punishing you by doing what she wants instead of what you want is to say that she has wronged you because she is denying you her service.

>> No.76979835

I hope Pippa is doing well, clearly it wasn't that bad... Maybe management bothered her? Or maybe her mental just went boom...

>> No.76979876

Really? That is all it took? Lmao
Certified woman moment.

>> No.76979917

Offkai stress probably made this worse. And then she made the stupid mistake of checking vt when she was already upset

>> No.76979981

Kronii tier

>> No.76980189
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Reminds me of one time a relatively innocent coment set Ina off on a half an hour rant because she misinterpreted it as being about her ass/4th wah (something that had probably been building up over a while and this just happened to be the final straw).

If I was that tako I would not have survived that. I wouldn't even need to kill myself I'd simply have dropped dead.

>> No.76980315

You think those two insipid mouthpieces are watchable?

>> No.76980383

That's why I instantly blacklist any vtuber who's blatantly /here/, especially a catalog dramanigger

>> No.76980489

She was a doxbaiting reaction streamer/drama tuber. The fuck is lower than that? It's already reddit tier

>> No.76980504

they are always bitching about nothing

>> No.76980568

I'm already cringing just from the description, because I can totally imagine it.

>> No.76980810

It's his own fault for feeling like shit. If he wasn't being deliberately inflammatory he doesn't have anything to be guilty about. She doesn't know him. She's not gonna remember whatever comment he made, she's not gonna notice his apology, and she's not gonna remember him either way. Assuming I gave enough of a shit to comment, the absolute farthest I'd go is to clarify that there was no ill intent and ask her to reconsider submission future streams.

>> No.76982133

Who is your oshi?

>> No.76982141
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You know, I always got the impression that she was a "no shits given" kinda streamer just based on what I've heard of her. Like the Filthy Frank of vtubers. Boy, was I wrong. She really is just a regular, emotional girl.

>> No.76982329

I'm glad he feels like shit then. hopefully he joins his mangy pet when it dies soon

>> No.76982371
File: 636 KB, 644x562, 5EC97F93-19B9-4632-9EC2-124B950A5E22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone involved in this sounds like a retard

>> No.76982434

NO don’t you understand the streamer is MINE I DESERVE IT

>> No.76982484

Couldn't she just have her manager sort through user-submitted photos?

>> No.76982517

nothing is more quintessentially nigger than scapegoating others for your community instead of taking responsibility, which is exactly what you are doing.
none of this drama is originating from the farms. /vt/ is the place with dedicated threads obsessing over it and /pcg/ loves to gossip about this kind of shit.
>we dont want you here either
lol cool. nobody gives a fuck what a seething /pcg/ retard thinks. (except maybe pippa because she's having a meltdown.)

>> No.76982701


>> No.76982729

Catalogniggers simultaneously have watched and never watched streams.

>> No.76982754

What manager?

>> No.76982918

>abandoning her kiwifags

>> No.76983027

When the fuck did she do that? I get being /here/ is her thing but should have known there'd be anti posts about her in one way or another regardless of what she's done.

>> No.76983178

I'd assume Phase would have some management, at least.

>> No.76983327

Most retarded post in this entire thread. Taking away submission streams because a couple autists get pissy is fucking stupid. It’s the typical vtuber MO of letting 0.1% of the fans ruin something for the 99.9% who either enjoyed it or didn’t give a fuck. Ye

>> No.76983494

Menhera woman moment.

It'd be smart of her to not check especially after something stupid happened.

But mental illness means she can't help herself

>> No.76983537

Why did /vt/ start pretending that Pippa wasn't the biggest "out girl" chuuba?

>> No.76983557

plenty of people do. around 20k daily

>> No.76983585

Pippa and her fanbase single handedly destroying the public opinion on Phase while not even involving themselves with other talents will never get old, they claim that Pippa made Phase but her community does not give a single fuck about Phase as a whole and they would probably have the same growth without her

>> No.76983596

You've never seen a Wemi stream have you?

>> No.76983610

What happened to her voice

>> No.76983750

Hi Airi.

>> No.76983833

>subhuman discordfags acting like they're any better than subhuman redditfags

>> No.76983861

I submitted a pic of my pets last minute and pippa commented on them. How does that make you faggots who posted a week ago feel?

>> No.76983873

See, criticize Pippa and their natural reflex is attacking their own talents KEK

>> No.76983934

always has been, faggot

>> No.76984087

So I did research and the comments she received were overblown by everyone, is she stupid? Like real stupid or retarded? Her reaction is really petty and wants to shift the blame to her fans, all they did is comment about feeling let down about the situation, there really was no hate. This truly is a woman moment. Also, retards on twitter are obviously missreading the situation and thing this is a "based woman" vs Reddit and are obviously defending her and insulting the idiots that didn't get their dogs on stream while ignoring how things really happened. I don't even watch Pippa, but her tweet was so retarded I had to come and see what all this was about.

>> No.76984107

>her audience hates reddit to a autistic level
People who lack the self awareness to realize they are the pot calling the kettle black will never not be fucking hilarious.

>> No.76984129

How long before Pippa (or Fish god willing) tells these people to fuck off forever?

>> No.76984198

If my only options were farms and twitter I'd probably just self-terminate desudesu

>> No.76984351

He would have to just straight up boot Pippa, this shit is like all of her community
it would probably open more doors for the company as a whole but he would have to see past her numbers

>> No.76984355

Everyone is stupid. More news at 11.

>> No.76984402

Anon, anyone who views their loyalty as a transactional currency that's supposed to earn them something isn't fucking loyal in the first place.

>> No.76984423

throwing such a shitfit over something like that is stupid

>> No.76984506

Years ago, I knew "Pippa's fans are schizo retards" before I even knew what Pippa looked like

>> No.76984525

>made them popular to begin with.
It sounds like the farther she gets from them the more popular she is getting, so isn't that more like they made her unpopular?

>> No.76984605

I think a lot of women could be fixed if they got raped. In a wholesome way

>> No.76984862

>I made a mistake in my stream.
>Instead of learning from my mistake, I will just not do a stream like that anymore.
It reads like she's punishing her viewers for her own mistake.

>> No.76984917


>> No.76985058

She and her fans are the only reason I anti Phase. I would probably watch them otherwise.

>> No.76985132

The hugbox she's getting in her quote tweets is embarrassing.

>> No.76985153

If she started with the oldest ones, then the newer posters would be like "Hey, what about me?" There's no way to please everyone in this sort of situation, and the costs outweigh any potential benefits. That's the real lesson to be learned, and she learned it.

>> No.76985205

She said on stream:
>It's just so frustrating when it feels that I can't make the right decision.

It's something that has been happening often. Like when she made new emotes and people complained they couldn't use the old ones. So she felt like she failed and changed her mind.

The thing is that Pippa is not a le based rightwinger but an edgy kid that likes contrarianism (pretty much like 4chan "anything popular is wrong"). While this is a good mechanic to prevent falling for corporate shilling that sells the newest garbage, it also means there is really no rigid moral backbone at the bottom.

>Hates reddit, then her fanbase hates reddit, so she tries to use reddit.
>Hates the Harry Potter backlash, so she teases playing HP, but gets overwhelming support and then backtracks on that.
>The pro BLM tweets. Since everyone was agreeing that BLM was retarded, she had to do the opposite and find some mental gymnastic to see the good side of BLM.
>Deliberately nerfing her content for the sake of Phase, while also trying to protect them even if she mention that some of them outright hate them.

Etc etc. This explains all of her cryptic decisions. No decision she makes will ever be good enough because contrarianism is what gave her a unique voice and niche. But also such contrarianism will forever be at odds with anything she wants to do.
Any times she gets a win, she feels like she has to see things from the other side. "Things never go right, so she gotta take the opposite side to prove things are wrong".
The solution to this is to simply assume you're 100% all the time, or have a strong moral code, but she doesn't have enough ego for that.

No wonder why she has been more active on PL. Must be extremely exhausting to live like this.

>> No.76985282

She has like 10, you can get an archive of any stream she's ever done if you ask in the right places

>> No.76985307

Yeah, Tenma being the face of Phase would be 100x better overall, but she just does vtubing as a hobby and still has a job
even with a job she still is the one that puts the most effort, that says a lot

>> No.76985390

Because Fuwamoco WOULD have gone from earliest submissions to newest. This never would have happened to a non-retard.

>> No.76985549

By the way, this is a trap that a lot of Anons fall into. I've been in this godforsaken place since Code Geass aired, and I keep seeing it.

>Normalfags are retarded
>Therefore I will just do the opposite the normalfags do
>Wait contrarianism is working, I didn't get tricked like they did
>Time goes by
>Anons end up lost and depressed because for every decision they make, they eventually have to become a contrarian to, so they can keep the higher moral ground
>Nothing ever gets accomplished

>> No.76985576

How many member months is that? Guy must feel like shit now.

>> No.76985620

She said she would do a part 2 stream. Then decided to instead completely drop it despite the reaction being overwhelmingly positive.

>> No.76985669

6 month

>> No.76985735

>She said she would do a part 2 stream. Then decided to instead completely drop it despite the reaction being overwhelmingly positive.

That's exactly what I mean. Pippa is a contrarian at heart, so when things go right that only makes her question things more and do the opposite.

Being a contrarian is what pushed her to be "based" in a hyperleftist world, but it also means she will always look for the other side of the fence when things are good and working for her.

>> No.76985783

The edgy fans are good to grift and get the initial boost needed to get on the algorithm’s radar and make your content your full time job. But after that you have to slowly get rid of them and change your content in order to get sponsors and not negatively influence your corpo and gen mates.

>> No.76985890

>Her whole gimmick was
>t. every retard who has never watched a stream in their life

>> No.76985927

But her numbers are the highest in the company. How can she cope when that means generally her fanbase enjoys the streams? Or is it sunk cost?

>> No.76986009

seem to hate every vtuber that spawns from here and nods, Kiki has her dedicated antis, Koopa had hers too.

>> No.76986022
File: 1.08 MB, 615x1322, 1702926852005554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my oshi not my problem

>> No.76986038

having to prompt it is so pathetic

>> No.76986063

That was not her whole gimmick but that specifically is what made her get noticed and popular. I don't think she is fond of that either, which is why she has been moving away from it.

>But her numbers are the highest in the company. How can she cope when that means generally her fanbase enjoys the streams? Or is it sunk cost?

She let it slip sometimes, she thinks that people are watching to make fun of her.
Just like when she mentioned that she doesn't dress cute IRL because when people look at her on the street, they are planning to abduct and kill her.

I really have no solution for that kinda mindset... It's like some kind of Oppositional Defiant Disorder but towards her own ego.

>> No.76986115

/vt/ never beating the autism allegations

>> No.76986135

>the vtuber thread on the farms only has like 4 posts about this happening
yeah because you're dumping all your shit /here/ go back

>> No.76986153

Yeah there's different kinds of mentally ill behavior and while Pippa has been working on the other ones she's completely neglected her unhealthy need to be the guy on the outside. I don't even know if she knows this is a thing she does

>> No.76986272

I hope she can realize this and stick to one side even when it gets uncomfortable.

>> No.76986352

huh? by how dramatic she worded the tweet (even limited the replies which we all know would do the absolute opposite of silencing people) i would've thought someone sent her a gory picture of a dead cat or something

>> No.76986365

How does someone even go about fixing a persecution complex? Especially as a content creator seeing lolcows in action I don't know how you would fix it

>> No.76986519

Cool dude, don't forget to rinse after sucking Josh's cock.

>> No.76986602

Persecution complex? Sounds kind of naïve to just assume a lack of hostility and threat, given the observable realities of the internet/world. It'd be like claiming "around blacks, never relax" is somehow unrealistic advice.

>> No.76986629

how do I become doxproof?

>> No.76986788

To the severity she does it stops becoming logical precautions and just becomes anxious paranoia that causes psychological harm

>> No.76986829

>How does someone even go about fixing a persecution complex? Especially as a content creator seeing lolcows in action I don't know how you would fix it

I don't know sadly... this is something that seldom gets addressed anywhere on the internet. My idea would be to take the L and accept that some things are imperfect but it's way worse to try to fix them.
But I feel this also makes you into a poor content creator...

Also >>76986602 is kind of right sadly. Paranoia about danger makes you survivor. Doesn't means it will make you happy and fulfilled either though. The problem is for Pippa is not "around blacks, never relax" , but "around myself, never relax".

>> No.76986873

>I-I'm sorry for being a man
Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.76987233

Whenever you post anything on the internet, be sure to include at least one piece of fake info or made up story for every true one. This goes for everything, no matter how trivial, since anything could potentially be used to identify you. If you say you like Nintendo over XBox, you should also at some point say that Halo is your favorite game franchise ever.
Also, regularly use multiple burner accounts to flood the internet with false and contradictory doxx information about yourself over a period of years, that way if the real thing comes out, nobody will ever be able to find it (or believe it) since it's buried under false information.
Added bonus, you might consider becoming a licensed private investigator and counterdox/sabotage anyone who pulls something on you. But that's just more for personal satisfaction.

>> No.76987499

why not just do a part 2?

>> No.76987667

society is over. done. kaput. who the fuck is going to maintain our infrastructure when our best and brightest are jerking off to chromu talking about pissing and lovebombing pippa pipkin

>> No.76987829
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Thanks, Shiori.

>> No.76987856

Because she cannot trust on her own decisions.

Anything bad that happens is deserved, and anything good that happens is the universe raising her expectations to crush them later, like a cop in a TV show saying "My wife is pregnant and I'll finally retire tomorrow!" and then he dies.

It's why she sticks by Phase Connect despite already have outgrown them, because that way she has to follow the decisions of others instead of being at war with herself.

>> No.76987975

The absolute state of female watchers

>> No.76988003

redpill me on chromu
is she another leecher too?

>> No.76988210

I think Pippa is overreacting. It was a fun stream and most people enjoyed it. She could just get to more of the pets in a second stream instead of tossing out the stream entirely.

>> No.76988219

Phase beyond Pippa is pretty nice, and at this point I treat Tenma as the real face of the group.

>> No.76988552

the literal only thing about her I know is that her model is cute and she likes to hold her pee in

>> No.76988612
File: 216 KB, 400x401, 1688631568583885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add a fucking deadline, include at least 2 old and new ones it's not rocket science. Add a line like "If yours isn't in it it doesn't mean it's bad there just isn't enough time to cover all of it"
Streamers do this all the time.

>> No.76988696

first pippa fans threaten suicide live on stream now this
you guys need to talk to a therapist before it’s too late

>> No.76988907

This was when Ina died for me

>> No.76989109

quick rundown? whats this 4th wah thing about?
is it like that few times when she accidentally read comments about 'wow ur so talented' and she malded silently because it meant her art gains are pure incident instead of her hard work?

>> No.76989235

Committing suicide is against Pippa's fan requirements

>> No.76989364

I don’t know why anyone would be surprised at this. Pippa acts like an edgelord but time and time again she wilts in the face of adversity. She only panders to Kiwifags because they’ll protect her any time she fucks up. She doesn’t have half the spine of someone like Mori, Coco, Selen, or Zaion. Hell, the majority of Hololive is braver than she is and they’re the least offensive group in Vtubing.

>> No.76989454

4th wah is "we are horny"

>> No.76990713

Source I want to watch this and violently jack off

>> No.76991028

/pcg/ literally has homegrown numberfags who post charts not found anywhere else

>> No.76991300


>> No.76991354

That's it? The dude isn't even wrong.

>> No.76991387

Oh no Pippa will be less schizo about race and not get triggered by some one guy'd activist on twitter every five minutes. What the fuck am I suppose to watch, Pippa herself?

>> No.76991435

>40 (You)s
>not a single kys numbermonkey

>> No.76991442

i'd rather see everything else he said before this
