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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76935502 No.76935502 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck You Beepers Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Geega is still LIVE! With Rust. It's Rust. You love it or you hate it. She's been live for 7 and a half hours and normally this is around when Mouse would show up so they could play together, but today's different. She's not around yet but soon Mouse will be LIVE! And has a collab planned with Mori. I twas supposed to be in Suika, but the thumbnail was suddenly and mysteriously changed without warning so they'll be playing surgeon Simulator 2 instead. Unless Mori's just playing a fucking prank on everyone and made a new thumbnail for no reason. Either way we'll find out soon so keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Update: Slow catalog day. Mouse is LIVE!

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and ex-member discussion

Previous Thread: >>76917024

>> No.76935561
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When a holobro posts, I agree.
When a holobro speaks, I listen.
When a holobro thinks, I stay quiet.
When a holobro tells a joke, I laugh
When a holobro gives orders, I follow them.
When a holobro insults me, I accept it.
When a holobro stands, I kneel.
When Myth offcollabs, God rejoices
If hololive has a million allies , then I am one of them.
If hololive has ten allies, then I am one of them.
If hololive has only one ally, then that one ally is me.
If hololive has no allies, then that means I am no longer on /vt/.
If the board is against hololive, then I am against the board.

>> No.76935650
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>> No.76935657
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>> No.76935672

Hololive and Vshojo Unity

>> No.76935710

>holo collab
>thread instantly becomes insufferable dogshit

>> No.76935725

Doesn’t mouse have months to buy a switch?

>> No.76935746
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I said not to cum inside dayo!

>> No.76935771
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>> No.76935779


>> No.76935799 [SPOILER] 
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Important Kson update

>> No.76935803

>insufferable dogshit
That sounds like the normal state of the thread.

>> No.76935828 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.49 MB, 625x604, 1716611581604445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76935882

pink women

>> No.76935888
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>> No.76935950

jerking off to the jump king mentor

>> No.76935952

This thing makes me fucking jump every time, fuck you.

>> No.76935953

fucking WHORE

>> No.76935962

Oh no. I'm imagining both Mouse and Mori in sexy nurse outfits and now I'm aroused. What ever shall I do?

>> No.76936004

Based those mentors tits are huge

>> No.76936028

I'm so fucking happy that on 2 weeks we won't have to see his abusive ass ever again.

>> No.76936043

Buy a gift on the way out

>> No.76936066
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>> No.76936081

is there something happening in 2 weeks or is this another nazuna situation?

>> No.76936084

Normally Holos are on Mouse's stream. Is this the first time she has actually been on one of their streams also?

>> No.76936119

c'mon now

>> No.76936129

I love Mouse and Monke collab

>> No.76936135

No. She was in some other collab with Mori too, idk if it was that card game

>> No.76936179

Why does Calli always sound like she's patronizing Mouse?

>> No.76936187

You're fairly obvious anon.

>> No.76936213

fuck you geega

>> No.76936222

Yes, but in this case the welshman is mike and mouse is mafumafu's cat with the rumors being 100% true.

>> No.76936227

She's playing top because wants to fuck her

>> No.76936236

Mouse could be playing Rust right now.

>> No.76936280

>16k ccv vs 4k ccv
Lee Meow

>> No.76936313

You clearly haven't been here long enough to even be able to tell apart regulars and tourists.

>> No.76936353

Mori always puts on a bit of a voice I've noticed. There is a certain other collab with Mouse where she didn't do that much at all.

>> No.76936361

make sure to thank mori for making this stream good for a little while

>> No.76936378

>and fucking mori of all people
kys retard

>> No.76936388

Cope. There's definite times when the thread is actually usable.

>> No.76936412

pink love

>> No.76936423

absolute zero chemistry snoozefest.

>> No.76936435

when she's not calli she doesn't talk with that cadence at least from what I hear, some of the other holos hold a similar tone sometimes. it feels like a performance voice which makes sense, if you only watch indie and vsj they don't use it

>> No.76936444

we're a couple hours off when that normally happens. though recently there have been a couple anons going out of their way to make this thread unusable.

>> No.76936457

bubi doctor doing a colon check

>> No.76936471


>> No.76936482

She's ruining it.

>> No.76936542

Post the other one too

On a side note is 4chan weirdly shitting itself for anyone else right now?

>> No.76936543
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it's botted, probably by (You)

>> No.76936574

Hololive commentates their streams? That is the weirdest fucking thing I've ever seen.

>> No.76936577

I hope they have so much fun that she completely forgets about what she planned to do after the collab.

>> No.76936582

>it's the euro timezone shitposter
Oh that explains everything

>> No.76936608

mouse would be extremely happy if you would kys please do it for her.

>> No.76936704

wish the monke/mouse spergs would be doxed they need a beating

>> No.76936727

Holo streams are botted all the time, that's why all the monkeys think Mouse does it too

>> No.76936735

Cant wait for another collab with Monke

>> No.76936770

>a genuine numbermonkey among us
It's over. This thread is fucking done for.

>> No.76936779

rip that one particularly stupid chatter kek

>> No.76936825
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>> No.76936847

Please shut the fuck up about number

>> No.76936867

>connorfags instantly attack mori
Holy fucking hell. She needs to cut ties with him ASAP.

>> No.76936878

im busy today but i guess ill bit mouse just to level the playing field

>> No.76936897

It's feels awkward when Mori tells a joke and Mouse has no reaction.

>> No.76936924

This is a really good thread.

>> No.76937009

dear god, she's turned into a 1930s chicago gangster

>> No.76937017

Huh, used to be a big deal to collab with holo. I guess twitch actually has its own distinct audience.

>> No.76937055

Mori's moans are doing things to me.

>> No.76937071

Anon, Mouse have inspire be to take up singing more seriously, but IDK where to start. Any advice?

>> No.76937092
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ironmouse is sexy

>> No.76937165


>> No.76937227

i miss her

>> No.76937264
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>> No.76937324
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>> No.76937334
File: 1.16 MB, 809x1250, SexNurseMouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Succumb. Submit. Acceptance. Give in. Surrender. Capitulate. Buckle.

>> No.76937341
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>> No.76937450

Post that webm on Nourse Mouse's titties jiggling and maybe I will. You know the one.

>> No.76937486

Post giant women.

>> No.76937530
File: 3 KB, 788x125, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stole it

>> No.76937550

The out of context audio of this will be gold.

>> No.76937579
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This guy Geega is talking to only has 40 viewers but a 152k followers somehow?

>> No.76937578

Why does Mori keep talking about her huge ass?

>> No.76937584

How do I find the vshojo thread on 2ch? I remember seeing it a couple of months ago.

>> No.76937658

Mori is moaning too much...

>> No.76937661

He's a former SC streamer

>> No.76937672


>> No.76937711
File: 1.19 MB, 2894x4093, so cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rat love

>> No.76937729

More like Mouse is not moaning enough

>> No.76937755

It's on /egg/

>> No.76937756

sonch live

>> No.76937769

not enough...

>> No.76937781

So DND thing is completely forgotten?

>> No.76937816

What in the hell are they even talking about in that thread

>> No.76937880

She's been surprisingly lewd this whole time. Not that I'm complaining.

>> No.76937887

That's with a different person, silly.

>> No.76937906

Mainly Sonch. I have checked them before, Mike/Naz was their Silvervale and Sonch is their Mouse to put an analogy, they sometimes mention Henya and the other members

>> No.76937907


>> No.76937924

Godawful thread

>> No.76937939

Cooperate mandated promotion

>> No.76938009

They are constantly asking Loutlot for more JPs.
I wonder what they talk about the rest of the members.

>> No.76938065
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Sonch is playing shitty games while the website dies

>> No.76938130

Oh fuck yeah, is that monthly stream where I can actually watch sonch and understand

>> No.76938136

real pink love

>> No.76938283

>Ironmouse is currently in 20k while playing Rust, K-Chan (sonch) when are you playing Sonch too

>> No.76938320
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, 1696022014572574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the horrible version of This is Halloween Mouse watched yesterday and added the vocals from the VShojo version. https://files.catbox.moe/nsi3iz.mp3
The video for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeihEzz9Tpw

>> No.76938345

>pink women are so problematic
Was that a /here/ reference? I remember a bunch of bait threads involving Nyan, Pippa, and Mori that used to be pretty common that were usually about pink vtubers causing problems.

>> No.76938375

So you don't know?

>> No.76938386

numberfagging and complaining about kson

>> No.76938391

Everyone knows pink women are evil, dated a bitch who loved pink too much, never again

>> No.76938432
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>> No.76938472
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I don't like it

>> No.76938498

There has never been a good one.

>> No.76938499

Iron Calliope

>> No.76938511
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>tfw I'm getting this too and can't post how much I love Michi's mochis

>> No.76938531
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1080, ksonsouchou_2024-05-30_03-13-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does she find these games...
>a game about a shit factory

>> No.76938560

Mori has been coming to this site since like 2010. She used to be a /a/ drawfag.

>> No.76938563

complain that kson talks about her cats all the time

>> No.76938586

i have 3 streams running atm fuck me lol
kson, mouse collab and doki collab with bonbon

>> No.76938597

The tits need to be bigger.

>> No.76938639

Geega just uploaded titled "Addressing the Leaks". What happened?

>> No.76938662

Oh yeah BonBon is back already
I wonder if Michi, Kuro or Mata will drag him into something please don't be a fps

>> No.76938668

Moose is loose.

>> No.76938684

she squirted like a firehose

>> No.76938704

Has she played poop killer lol

>> No.76938722
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>> No.76938737

kek did she create henya?

>> No.76938758

Never mind

>> No.76938782

>In April 2023, two sets of leaked classified foreign intelligence documents of the United States began circulating on Twitter, Telegram, and 4chan.

>> No.76938793
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Shit game didn't work (literally)
Sushi game time

>> No.76938853

love my moose wife

>> No.76938957

Someone got a merch link?

>> No.76939004
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>Collab hasn't even happened yet

>> No.76939258 [DELETED] 

Watch her, shes about to do something stupid

>> No.76939336 [DELETED] 

I'm watching two streams and they could easily fit each other

>> No.76939406
File: 1.20 MB, 731x661, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch her, shes about to do something stupid

>> No.76939440

Ok, now I get it

>> No.76939446

Haruka is going to marathon heavensward, stormblood, and shadowbringers. Use this to complete the subathon.

>> No.76939563
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>> No.76939599


>> No.76939625

Haruka is cute and all but..
I don't know if I can do that...

>> No.76939707

I really enjoy these silly collabs. Mouse please collabs with mori more and try to get one with ina as well

>> No.76939755

Mouse should join Hololive.

>> No.76939814

>Mouse should join Hololive.
She will implode and die

>> No.76939836

Kson should join Hololive.

>> No.76939882

So be it. She loves soulless corporate cocksleeves so much.

>> No.76939895

only if bubi joins the holostarz to improve them

>> No.76939917


>> No.76939922

show tits

>> No.76939928

What's next, Kuro in Niji?

>> No.76939992

Sending positive vibes toward Kuro's way.

>> No.76939995

Get the businessman penis out of your mouth

>> No.76940011

HoloCHADS are just that dedicated.

>> No.76940044

Sushi should join VShojo

>> No.76940045
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>Haruka live until she beats it
I don't see the downside

>> No.76940128

Japan has a dedicated subculture for kusoge
People actively seek out bad games, and others intentionally make their game bad
There isn't really anything like it in the West

>> No.76940160

She'd rather kill herself

>> No.76940219

Who'd have thought the male would be the most woman in our org.

>> No.76940222

I love Mouse just chatting segment, greatest yapper of all time

>> No.76940288

and Dog should join holo

>> No.76940303


>> No.76940312

Haru is gonna marry Ari

>> No.76940410

she has fans on her friends list and they gift her all the stupid games they find

>> No.76940423


>> No.76940570

Kuro in Hololive

>> No.76940636

I'm telling Henya.

>> No.76940647

Classic Myst- I mean Kuro.

>> No.76940673
File: 185 KB, 1920x1080, R (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is water so delicous man
>I love water
>water so good
did he have the tism like haruka?

>> No.76940692

Hololive would not be a good fit for Mouse.
She does what she wants and likes random spontaneous collabs. permissions for games and collab partners would kill her enthusiasm for streaming

>> No.76940711

why do you think they thought he'd fit in with an all-girl group?

>> No.76940713

That's different. First, he uses the games as more of a platform for skit comedy. Second, he doesn't enjoy the game.
Kusoge enjoyers are exactly that, they enjoy playing games that are just complete shit

>> No.76940775
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True true. Its why he works.

>> No.76940847

I miss puddin mouse

>> No.76940930

Anon what is your favorite Mouse model

>> No.76940942

I still can't believe haruka took everyone's money for her subathon and never did any of the goals

>> No.76941054

I still can't believe it's not butter..

>> No.76941083

Same. did Mouse ever mention if she bringing back or getting it fixed?

>> No.76941096

https://www.tiktok.com/@machinegunlily/video/7099165025583189294?lang=en same energy Couldn't find it off the clock shit

>> No.76941099
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>> No.76941102

Top 3 for me are Wonderland, angel and pink rock/copper cat

>> No.76941122

Tanned Race Queen

>> No.76941180

Michi, what are you doing here?

>> No.76941187

Go back.

>> No.76941188
File: 242 KB, 642x718, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*opens the gacha*
This one

>> No.76941209

what game is that actually in

>> No.76941236

Mouse is giving backshots to Mori and giving us the cuck cam

>> No.76941240

Wonderland Reject or Bloom Angel

>> No.76941249
File: 3.00 MB, 1920x1080, ironmouse_2024-05-30_03-54-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76941277

Pudding, Cotton Candy, and Demon Queen are my top 3.

>> No.76941280

Mouse looking like she going to do something devious kek

>> No.76941308
File: 314 KB, 800x1200, BLTIronmilfMouse4 [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftdqaz8.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demon Goddess peak

>> No.76941337

This collab is basically pure pink love

>> No.76941377
File: 595 KB, 815x665, 1692223343561321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the princess aesthetic and drill hair.

>> No.76941383
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>> No.76941412

marinechads we are SO back

>> No.76941417

next collab will be marine LETS GOOOOOOO

>> No.76941419

demon queen 3d

>> No.76941425

Mouse bout to hit

>> No.76941482

Brat Princess

>> No.76941481

What is Marine?

>> No.76941493
File: 435 KB, 800x800, GOoMcDLbgAAdMov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76941536

Came here to say something negative but I think I'll just go to bed instead. Wish you all a good night.

>> No.76941537
File: 1.67 MB, 435x458, dance2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.ironmousemodelindex.com/model0023 Bloom with the Braid

>> No.76941558

>>76941493 (me)
I'm stupid and forgot Rodent's Kingdom
I literally heard that shit walking back home

>> No.76941565

A predator on the prowl

>> No.76941586

A branch of the military focused on amphibious operations.

>> No.76941587

Mouse gets to hear cali's music early

>> No.76941607

Has she invited Mouse to sing wit her yet?
She fucking better

>> No.76941623

Whore of Holo-lon

>> No.76941628

Pudding with tan skin and dark hair. By far.

>> No.76941629
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>> No.76941654
File: 242 KB, 1121x1358, demon princess.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is objectively peak

>> No.76941695
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>> No.76941716

hag sex hag sex hag sex hag sex hag sex

>> No.76941740

OG season 1 mouse. There is a lot of soul in shittier models. feel the same way for olivia.

>> No.76941751

those 2 should fuck already

>> No.76941791

Spaghetti spilling session

>> No.76941795
File: 3.89 MB, 390x389, Jerking3DQueenMouse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76941837

Her Demon Queen model makes her look like a Persian girl, especially the eyes (not a bad thing).

>> No.76941842

Mouse confirmed secret guest in Holo concert

>> No.76941853

Jesus kiss already

>> No.76941851

AAaiieeee Mouse dont say that youll trigger silver

>> No.76941879


>> No.76941901


>> No.76941928

Does Mouse normally gush this much with guests?
I know she's always sweet and does like Mori a lot, but I can't tell if it's just two compliment queens in an endless loop at this point.

>> No.76941994

Mouse loves pink women

>> No.76942012

They both admire each other, a lot.

>> No.76942035

Loving this SOTD episode, encore.

>> No.76942083

literally a meet your Idol stream

>> No.76942086

Imagine if Gura joins the delusional collab kek

>> No.76942088

Ok, good lord, I don't mind another LC collab but not with like a fuckton of mods

>> No.76942106

Why does hololive hate silver? Where’s her collab?

>> No.76942114

She did with Pomu and Ollie.

>> No.76942142

i'll be honest it's more fun watching them glaze each other up than play that dogshit game

>> No.76942309

Fuck, I love it when they just fucking vibe, The best background noise ever.

>> No.76942359

it sad how they really want to vibe together but mori time is really really limited

>> No.76942375


>> No.76942427

>the good part of the stream was only 2 hours
god damnit

>> No.76942448

Hololive streaming rules.

>> No.76942484

Will the new Mori album be serviceable?

>> No.76942488

welcome to the corporate life anon... That's why i love our +

>> No.76942496

Holo collabs only being 2 hours is great, so easy to skip

>> No.76942505

looks like she's edging you

>> No.76942512

Honestly that was snoozefest, this is a way better

>> No.76942535

It's actually because Mori has another stream at 9:30pm pst.

>> No.76942566

Basically a mini sotd which is funny because the lat time Mori and mouse did that it was a prelude to sotd

>> No.76942572

That's 90% of Mori 1-on-1 collabs.
>start off a bit awkward and tryhard
>ends in casual chatting and all girls loving the shit out of one another or just being fucking chill
Somehow, she gets away with it every time.
t. Deadbeat

>> No.76942596

i want some of mouse and calli's gas..

>> No.76942603
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>> No.76942614


>> No.76942613

lolno, she streams a ton even with all the music shit she does. you can speculate why they never stream together but its not "mori time".

>> No.76942617

Even without that, this is standard corpo procedure for both Niji and Holo. 2 hours is what you get.

>> No.76942625

I wish these collabs would just be a mini podcast instead of video games.

>> No.76942631

Oh silly the good part is going to get even bettsr

>> No.76942660

Which of the two do you think has the nastiest farts?

>> No.76942712

>2 hours passed

>> No.76942741

The only sad thing about this collab is the fact that Mouse models is only like 480p on Mori stream

>> No.76942743

time for a pink quickie

>> No.76942766
File: 217 KB, 1531x1103, 8110bfc04b4586a15468de3bd4f10872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, see you guys tomorrow

>> No.76942774

This happens every time they collab

>> No.76942781

not even connor can save how dogshit 11 hours of rust is

>> No.76942797

You could fit 8 corpo collabs into an avg mouse stream lol

>> No.76942810

Anymore Vshojos will join that one? or just Henyer?

>> No.76942857


>> No.76942868

pink love changes but it never dies

>> No.76942872


>> No.76942884

US isp, please understand

>> No.76942887

The previous rust stream was kino af wdym

>> No.76942901

I don't want any race riots goin on

>> No.76942920

just Henya

>> No.76942939

it was good for rust which is still garbage tier gaming

>> No.76942942

purple love

>> No.76942986

Seethe kek. Rust has been great

>> No.76942989

mouse is on fiber

>> No.76943012

wtf? mouse never promotes her fellow vshojos (unlike her fellow vshojos) stuff but now she's out here doing free advertisement for calli's new album? what's goin on

>> No.76943031

no dummy she's on oxygen

>> No.76943050

Vei said on discord she’s joining

>> No.76943098

I mean, Mori, obviously. Mouse isn't capable of producing disgusting farts. She eats like one food. Her farts probably smell like pita chips.

>> No.76943146

Man imagine if mouse tried being a good streamer for another couple of hours and did something else while waiting for connor

>> No.76943248

i see our sperg is still around. Go to bed retard

>> No.76943280

>not even connor
he has actively made rust worst both times

>> No.76943288

And the sub count iust keeps tumbling down tumbling down tumbling dooooowwn
Lets go mouse keep up these awful streams so you hit qsmp levels of subs

>> No.76943302

Well back to meat I guess

>> No.76943374

Hey thread shitter you might want to change your writing style because it's super obvious

>> No.76943392

i'd eat a bag of mouse's pita chips, if you catch my drift

>> No.76943405


>> No.76943433

connor is all that made rust interesting

>> No.76943438

bro you are so lame lmao

>> No.76943473

i'm almost convinced this retard is a janny.

>> No.76943493

Now this is just pathetic level of bait. Giving "Heh, ackually" vibes

>> No.76943503


>> No.76943532
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>> No.76943556

she has no plans tomorrow but rust only it's fucking dreadful

>> No.76943622

>resorts to (wrong) numberfagging
You dedicate your life to doompost and sperg in here, while she makes in one stream what you will never see in your life. Grow up.

>> No.76943629

expecting mouse to play any of the games she said she would this week is just asking for disappointment

>> No.76943668

I thought she wanted to play indigo park

>> No.76943687

anon it's only a 1 week limited event, chill out.

>> No.76943691
File: 79 KB, 1221x392, 1712290652168953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double update. Mouse and Mata support Michi and Michi doesn't remember what she was trying to type here.

>> No.76943702

no one asked for stardew or jurard collab

>> No.76943713

she said like 4 different games

>> No.76943724

Expecting you to stop being a whiny pathetic loser is just asking for disappointment

>> No.76943757

nta but she did not need to do nothing but it most streams its too much

>> No.76943776

if she plays rust after Friday you owe me an apology anon

>> No.76943778

>hes still believing her lies

>> No.76943795

I did :)

>> No.76943844

Connor likes conflict he doesn't care about these big ass streamers he will shoot them down no mercy, the problem is mouse doesn't like it and end up holding him back. He also hold himself back for her sake, i wish he would play without her with another group of people to see the chaos, but we now very well mouse will be glued with him all the time

>> No.76943850

why does this sushi game have such intense voice acting lol

>> No.76943856
File: 352 KB, 639x530, 1695856457482049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um ackshually, it's a vawid cwiticism
pwease don't wespond

>> No.76943882

> Variety for months
> One week limited time event
> Spergs and whiner lose their minds
This is actually pathetic. Grow up

>> No.76943912

I enjoy mouse variety of 1hr or two then 10 plus hours of ghe same thing everyday like she has no time for other stuff

>> No.76943915


>> No.76943958

Then watch something else when it's too much for you.

>> No.76943974

I don't get it.

>> No.76944000


>> No.76944042

this what happened with LC 1 week became months mouse gave them ptsd and I'm worried she's going to ruin her variety again

>> No.76944046

stop being such a hate watcher. Go watch someone else, go watch some hentai... Leave us alone tranny sperg

>> No.76944078

Honestly I give zero shit about gunpla, vcr and rtx. Always missed these twitch kusoge dives tho

>> No.76944084

I thought the big final war was yesterday and mouse missed it?

>> No.76944126

Back when Doki was Selen the event was called Wrestlesanji. She almost had another Mr. Kuro moment but caught herself before it happened.

>> No.76944128

mouse has hinted as have others multiple times that if the event goes well it will continue past the original end date

>> No.76944176

I don't really get the hate of people who like variety. at least yesterday and today she did a bit of other stuff

>> No.76944177

>how did you even understand
she's fluent in zoot michi

>> No.76944186

Twitch Sonch>YT Sonch, and I wont hear otherwise

>> No.76944192


>> No.76944206

jurard is her favorite male vtuber and new tsun target, might as well get used to him being around

>> No.76944242

it's one dude samefag in cooldwon.

>> No.76944273

I miss the evenly split where nothing was too much and everyone got what they liked

>> No.76944295

But if close your eyes. Does it almost feel like nothing has changed at all?

>> No.76944309

never allowed to happen again

>> No.76944334

that's not holo collabs work

>> No.76944387

its not. I complained on the second day but have not since then

>> No.76944432

only one......

>> No.76944438

So whine when it happens. Pre whining is just retarded
Ya that clearly the issue kek. Not the sperg melty we get constantly about every thing mouse does.

>> No.76944448

you think they care about holostar collabs?

>> No.76944477

the threads favorite game is everything is posted by one person

>> No.76944491


>> No.76944526

Oh, oh next do the "chasing ghosts" line! That's my favorite!

>> No.76944545

Spergs are too fucking scared to post their whining in mouses chat kek

>> No.76944561

No sperging when Moose is live. Thats the rule.

>> No.76944586
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>> No.76944618

Mouse doing impromptu karaoke while the same /here/ conversation occurs for the thousandth time

>> No.76944631

Sonch bros I'm confused I don't think this game sucks enough

>> No.76944634

just put mouse on 3rd monitor, she's singing so first monitor atm

>> No.76944641

Spergs shit up the thread. Impromptu Karaoke Kino.

>> No.76944643

Mouse at least wait for the view boost to sing

>> No.76944659

Mouse should have waited 10 minutes to sing.
till the rust viewers came in

>> No.76944664

the neet doesn't sleep. Ignore him

>> No.76944676

These are clearly the same person >>76943288 , >>76943146 , >>76943012

>> No.76944729
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I am blessed

>> No.76944730

Her voice sounds so strong now too. Please sing more than just one Mouse.

>> No.76944742

Mouse has blessed us

>> No.76944745

quit sperging mouse singing

>> No.76944769

Yeah its hittin different today.

>> No.76944790

I fell like she'll be at this for a while. When she's in the karaoke mood, she's doesn't stop after after one or two songs.

>> No.76944806

I know Mouse is too pussy for it but I would love her to sing like that on open comms

>> No.76944825
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he/she doesn't know or he/she just doesn't care about fake it. Man/tranny is mindbroken beyond salvation. Probably think it's the funniest shit ever.

>> No.76944842

Now watch me be proven immediately wrong.

>> No.76944898

You motherfuckers need to learn to recognize bait posts and just ignore them.

>> No.76944984

If Mouse broke into saying like this in the middle of a battle, she could literally stop a war... Then murder everyone.

>> No.76944981

anon we ignore, he samefags for hours and sometimes another threadshitters help him to derail everything.

>> No.76945016

The fucking contrast of that holy fuck Mouse

>> No.76945039

Maybe thats her secret weapon this whole time, like an angel descending upon the battlefield, they wont even notice the machine gun in her hand

>> No.76945045

Kek that was good

>> No.76945079

>Broke into song
Goddamn, I have to remember to glance over what I wrote when I use swipe text.

>> No.76945080

That whole song better get clipped

>> No.76945118

https://x.com/theGunrun/status/1796042312277016671 He awakens

>> No.76945149


>> No.76945162

Her singing skills are fucking insane. Those switch ups were effortless

>> No.76945190

"everything I don't like is posted by one person" is a mindset. a schizo mindset, but mindset nonetheless.

>> No.76945273
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>> No.76945303

Kek of course Geega is still on

>> No.76945350

I see mouse is in a good mood today, collab with her kamioshi and bf coming back today raised her spirits

>> No.76945362

I appreciate what we got

>> No.76945426

Also she has said that rust has helped distract her from some of the issues going right now

>> No.76945424

good stuff the king returns today

>> No.76945507

2 songs a month. they were amazing

>> No.76945572

Mouses Kingdom is quite the collection of oddballs.

>> No.76945621

It's really great. Rust arc has been kino so far

>> No.76945680

Nice horny lewd mouse is back

>> No.76945705

Why mouse likes to tell random people she shaves her pussy? why she is so obsessed with it?

>> No.76945707

Mouse, I'm pretty sure no one other than maybe Beetle has any clue what you mean about being on medicine.

>> No.76945719

Mouse's diplomatic nature has attracted a bunch of people to her who don't want to deal with the sweats and toxic degens

>> No.76945770
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Still working on Froggy. Still nowhere near done. Ignore the massive hole in her right arm.

>> No.76945789

Kek mouse you can't be saying that with strangers

>> No.76945797

why not? its funny when they realises what she's actually talking about

>> No.76945869

Its time to let go Bush anon. I bet the whole org is shaved. Even Haruka.

>> No.76945871

of course she can. everyone on this sever has been making innuendos or lewd jokes

>> No.76946004

The Halloween merch I ordered ages ago is finally being shipped from China

>> No.76946037

I do like how their mood change when mouse is around compared to the rest of the big streamers
Mouse actually acknowledges them and the rest treats them like pawns

>> No.76946099

It'll be interesting to see how a lot of them deal with the Mouse Monke dynamic since Monke will literally treat them like pawns.

>> No.76946158

She is so zooted already damn, last night she was really zooted for the last 2 hours of stream. The others rust days it wasn't this bad maybe she is taking some kinda of stress/anxiety meds because of her parents?

>> No.76946160

last time it was like good cop and bad cop kek

>> No.76946161

Did any of Mouse's clippers clip Mouse talking to the other players on the loud speaker? Seems like it would actually be a decent clip

>> No.76946227

does beetle contribute anything to the stream? he follows her and isn't fun to watch

>> No.76946244

you are the only good anon in this board

>> No.76946274

he's like a generally more boring candii who fights with her occasionally

>> No.76946333

monke and mouse are the ones who got the super sweats to join

>> No.76946359

Mouse sounded like a ten year old boy playing on Xbox

>> No.76946400

he's just chillin with people and goes to mouse as her defender he really hasn't contributed anything

>> No.76946457
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what you say about me

>> No.76946492


>> No.76946495

Froot and Geega should use a double dildo

>> No.76946503

Honestly last time his interactions with saiiren was hilarious, he also got along well with chip and jennifer but they hadn't joined the kingdom yet. I'm more curious with beetle he only follows mouse around and mouse will follow connor, i'm intrigued to see if he will take a hint or will follow the two around being awkward

>> No.76946513

They added more streamers for the xqc drop but seems they messed it up and now it's applied to every streamer. Getting a drop message for xqc's chest piece in mouse's stream. Saw people saying they couldn't get progress towards mouse's drop as a result

>> No.76946593

new thread

>> No.76946665

That's too funny. Would love to see some of the other streamers reactions to it

>> No.76946718

lookin good bro keep it up

>> No.76946780

Mouse clippers are too shit to look for anything other than shipbait

>> No.76947709

I'll make you straight candi none of this bull shit non binary crap
