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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 601 KB, 1687x646, Fuck Stars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76927432 No.76927432 [Reply] [Original]

>Constantly ignoring the girls for their outfits/subscriber celebration/birthday/etc
>Complete silence
>Get a Homostar EN oshi mark wrong
>UWU we made a mistake

Omega troon is 100% behind the account, and still has a grudge against EN gen 1/2 who publicly had nothing good to say about him

>> No.76927597

Cope and seethe

>> No.76927679

Your homos will never be relevant compared to the girls, no matter how much shilling is done for them they will always just be low view shitters

>> No.76927715

>>Complete silence
Somebody missed the fucking Kronie beat down on the account

>> No.76927836
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>Even normal Vtuber fans noticed how bad the official EN account was at announcing stuff for Promise

>> No.76927878
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Homos are relevant enough for you to piss your pants about daily kek

>> No.76927921

He meant complete silence from the EN account you retard

>> No.76927961

Stop pissing your pants Ernoul. It's just a fucking tweet

>> No.76928031

Im pretty sure they also announced Bettel's birthday one day after. So its not really only the girls are getting screwed. Im not even sure who ran that twitter account.

>> No.76928102

They posted the reminder on the day of the reveal and got shit for it. Did you miss that one retard?

>> No.76928153
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is the only place where they can find validation, although even if the queen says something they obey

>> No.76928183

I don't understand why other people struggle to get what is going on.

Yagoo saw the success NijiEn had with Luxium and wants to replicate it. And even though he hasn't succeeded so far, he's gonna keep trying to reach that pot o' fujo gold until the day he retires. It's not that he's a dogshit person like Riku Tazumi is. He is just self-interested in the way Ceos are expected to be in a free market.

The only way he is going to stop is if he learns that there is something fundamentally unique that Nijisanji did that Hololive is intrinsically incapable of replicating.

>> No.76928188

They're "relevant" in that they constantly get shilled by management. They've had 5+ years to prove themselves as a branch, and even today their biggest accomplishment was selling out a 3000 seat concert recently lmao

>> No.76928270

oh my god numerals

>> No.76928287

Reading comprehension? The point is that the Hololive EN Twitter account didn't say anything about promoting Kronii's outfit late, but immediately made a response for something as mundane as getting an oshi mark wrong

>> No.76928314
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>Their biggest accomplishment was selling out a 3000 seat concert
Compared to the still available seats in the Nijiconcert goddamn. Props to them.

>> No.76928344
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>Kronii crying about the twitter account being biased and not marketing her outfit reveal
You can tell the drop in superchat income after homocollabs is getting to her. Hilarious how she only mentioned how the account is supposedly biased for Bae and Mumei. Not mentioning homos at all.

>> No.76928401

Free Rent

>> No.76928415

Since both managements share the account. It's obvious it's one of theirs and not the girls. HoloEN management isn't that playful.

>> No.76928444

Stars has been a thing before Luxium tho, Yagoo is just a savior fag and doesn't want to face facts that his boy branch is a dead fish in the water. They are a leech to the overall company,

>> No.76928493
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It's not omega, just a run of the mill twitter fujo who hates Kronii for whatever reason. Probably because she doesn't collab with the dudes now.

>> No.76928495

And? All that yapping about some faggots you never watched still made you mad as hell bro. Let it go.

>> No.76928512
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>why do you hate the homos and their fans?
Exhibit #8382

>> No.76928539

How else are you going to gauge success in this medium then? Numbers are literally all that matter from sub count, members, ccv, concert sales, everything

>> No.76928578

>Favouritism for Niji? WE HATE THAT! LOW CCVs matter too
>Favouritism for Holo? WE LOVE THAT GET RID OF THE LOW CCVs
Fuck you and your double standards.

>> No.76928625

>Brings up Niji shit in a Holo thread

>> No.76928656

So why does Mori get the pass? She doesn't Collab with dudes either these days. Why does everyone else get a pass too while you're at it?

>> No.76928747

Funny thing is that Kronii implying she needed the promotion from the EN Twitter account, just shows that she knows most of her remaining audience at this point is just tourist fags who only watch clips and use Twitter

>> No.76928774

>The only way he is going to stop is if he learns that there is something fundamentally unique that Nijisanji did that Hololive is intrinsically incapable of replicating.
He already knows Hololive is incapable of replicating what Nijisanji did: not have separate branches based on gender. He said he regrets it and if he could go back and put Hololive and Holostars under the same branding, he would. The only things he can do at this point to incline the boys would involve hurting the girls in some way or other outside of a mixed branch with no Holo association at all (which would fuck over the current Stars more than they had been).

>> No.76928788

CCV is a factor that Cover excludes because it fluctuates. Sales, subs and VOD views are more concrete. But retards here like to parade CCV like Cover follows Anycolor rules.

>> No.76928818

Damn. Didnt know niji ceo and shareholder are big hololive fan. Good thing Yagoo isnt some souless business nigger that only cares about number.

>> No.76928823

That's kind of one of the points then, there's gonna be bias if the person who runs the account is just a Homo shill

>> No.76928838

You're asking me to understand the mind of a twitter fujo? Mori also retweeted the advent 3d announcement from a fan account before official did it. All the girls have been laying out subtle acknowledgements but Kronii is the most explicit so far.

>> No.76928862

Oh so the boys are Holo now?

>> No.76928875

Super wild rrat here:

What if Yagoo is basically paying Dokibird off to babysit them? While the tomato-brained bird is not particularly known for her maternal instinct, she is not a psychopath, generally tries to do right with people she is in a mutually beneficial relationship with, and is deceptively good at keeping secrets.

Also, half of her Dragoons are semi-ideologically motivated to support whoever they perceive as the little guy.

>> No.76928914

It used to be good
Then they "merged" it with holopro EN twitter
For some reason the merger fully ceased their old tweets that were translations of main JP twitter and focused more on homos while skipping all the good JP info tho, not sure why

>> No.76928922

>we women with women manager
>do nothing but be catty, bitch and moan amongst themselves
>don't go through the proper channels to get notifications passed by upper management (it's literally A->B->C)
>go on stream to cry and bitch more
>other manager informs the proper links of oshi mark being wrong
>get's resolved
I fucking hate being an intern.

>> No.76928932

Nah its Omega, Cover has a proven track record of not wanting to fire people (typical JP thing) so they just moved him from being a EN Holo manager or whatever his role was to running the social media account

>> No.76928965

Maybe the management on the girls side needs to be more upbeat and playful like theirs then? Instead of being robotic and script-written.

>> No.76928969

>Omega troon is 100% behind the account
I believe this rrat, if for no other reason than it would be a hilarious demotion.

>> No.76928972

>seething over whoros not getting attention
What's the matter unikek? Whatever happened to wanting males to stay away from your oshi?

>> No.76928997

Their stats in those areas are shit too. But that's irrelevant to the topic of the thread.

>> No.76929032

I'd let it go if they stopped getting shilled all the fucking time, of course people are gonna express discontent with this type of shit favoritism

>> No.76929091

Nah just post the news on time and stop trying to be funny. Keep it on your personal account.

>> No.76929112

I don't think inviting them to a super big event with everyone in the indiesphere is "babysitting". She just invited them because they're more chill compared to the girls.

>> No.76929126

Kronii is a little lacking in that department

>> No.76929133

>Making imaginary scenarios in your head because you have no counter argument

>> No.76929197

Managers don't get fired or retire in public unless they have debuted.

>> No.76929260

ccv is still relevant dude, its helps with sponsors and shit to say "hey I average x amount of viewers" and it makes them more appealing

>> No.76929291

On whose words? Yours? A biased point of view with a hate boner for everything Homostars?

>> No.76929353

Uh their branch name is literally Holostars you fucking moron, but nice trying to get a "gotcha" moment

>> No.76929369

>Stop trying to be funny
Sounds fucking boring.

>> No.76929449

I don't believe the merch stats that 4chan provides, ngl.

>> No.76929478

vtubing is srs business guyz

>> No.76929489

Why do hololive fans and their oshi like to bitch and cry so much? Is it true that they are all woman on eternal cycle of period?

>> No.76929496

This is retarded because she has tried to get Hololive in events several times, but was only able to get Stars because either none of the girls cared enough or EN management wouldn't let them

>> No.76929537

>>>He lacks self-awareness

>> No.76929576

I don't care if this is true or not; I just want artwork of Omegaa begrudgingly manning the Twitter accounts.

>> No.76929586

Uh no, we don't need another "le funni relatable" corporate zoomer speak social media account

>> No.76929600

sister the tickets ain't selling

>> No.76929680
File: 77 KB, 1024x561, 1715130221742375m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't get shilled all the time. That's just you nitpicking about every single announcement involving a homo like you want your blood pressure to skyrocket until you collapse and die.
>Tweet about Holo
>Omg yes yes yes
>Tweet about Homos
Are you a fucking manchild? If you don't like it then block or mute it. You're a grown ass man not a teenager with raging hormones.

>> No.76929684

Im gonna request that on /Drawthread/ lol. Pretty funny to imagine a sweaty twink with oversize sweater angrily typing at twitter with fujo poster as background

>> No.76929724

Trannies learn to act like women by creeping on them for so long. Unfortunately for them they'll never learn how to grow a uterus

>> No.76929758

You can get sponsors without that much CCV. If you're affiliated with someone who's already popular they'll just hand it and it's common with AAA companies. Indie devs are more lenient and just sponsor their game to people who show genuine interest.

>> No.76929768

you sound like you enjoy marvel shows

>> No.76929780

I mean it makes sense
>Is one of the main managers/heads of the EN branch early on during gen 1/2
>None of the girls have anything positive to say about him like they do with their other managers, its all just vague stuff
>Kiara talks about Omega not being an issue anymore or something, but being vague again
>Hololive/Stars EN Twitter gets merged
>Omega gets regulated to running the account
>Focuses more on Homo shill shit rather than giving the girls, who are way more popular, the proper promotion

>> No.76929787

Isn't the most obvious conclusion that there's just multiple people in charge of making the twitter posts?
The homo manager remembers to do them properly and is only in charge of homo posts.
The manager who is supposed to make them for the holoENs forgets to do to it or maybe no one is in charge of it so everyone thought the other manager already did it.

>> No.76929853

Where the fuck is this coming from

>> No.76929942

>Funny is when Twitter humor
Its time to go back, fucking tourist

>> No.76929971

they desperately need to believe that people on here are incredibly angry about homostars 24/7 otherwise they have no appeal

>> No.76930034

>The Jap man doesn't give a shit about the people he manages
>The fucking Gorilla woman gives a bigger shit about the people she manages
I kinda wish the gorilla manager was the head director of the girls since she seems to care about the talents.

>> No.76930043

Its data literally provided by the distributor lmao, not to mention it lines up with Kronii having the worst sales and being the only one to have her merch be shilled again instead of the rest of Council

>> No.76930130

Well yeah when said business is literally a worldwide phenomenon that is able to fill football stadiums of people

>> No.76930162

It's true though. /here/fags are angry about Homostars 24/7 and they refuse to see their appeal

>> No.76930176

>Putting a homostar fag on the magnificence that was Zyzz
Kill yourself. Immediately.

>> No.76930217

Your homos will never amount to anything, they will never be as successful as the girls and they will never have a sense of unity with them either

>> No.76930228

>in a literal holostars seethe thread

>> No.76930245

Can I see that data? From the distributor I mean not whatever chart you made on paint.

>> No.76930292

>Male manager are only there to groom the female talent
>Female manager are there because they actually care about the male talent and their future.
Wow really?

>> No.76930293

But to say that Cover completely disregards ccv, is just retarded

>> No.76930321
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>> No.76930343

pretty sure it's a thread about shitty management but sure, whatever helps you cope

>> No.76930424

What appeal besides just being homos. They've had several years at this point to show their "appeal" yet they might as well be indies with their size

>> No.76930432

Zyzz doesnt care about your woman opinion.

>> No.76930524

I wouldn't say completely. Maybe for achievements they can boast about it sure but they're not fixed statistics for investors and shareholders. Talents do see it from time to time but at the end of the day the corpo cares about the VOD views after the stream.

>> No.76930575

You think I just keep data like that on hand? lol search it yourself, fucking lazy ass

>> No.76930604

So true sister. Surely this thread would've still been if they apologized to a non-EN holo instead.

>> No.76930645
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So what? I don't give two shits bro. You can stay mad and let your blood pressure continue to rise or you can let it go and you'll find peace. They're clearly not for you.

>> No.76930661

At the end of the day, you're just speaking out your ass of what you think they don't care about. Unless your a shareholder that attends their meetings, you cannot say what they don't care about

>> No.76930750

They're clearly not for anyone, and we will not shut up until they stop getting shilled and sisters/beggars stop trying to force culture war shit using them as a shield against unicorns

>> No.76930786

Lorefaggotry, improv bits, openness to work with people outside the corp to name some

>> No.76930861
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I stand by my statement then. I don't go around digging through charts to prove a point.

>> No.76930925

I could say the same about you and everyone here who thinks they know what goes on behind the IPO meetings.

>> No.76930936

All of that just reinforces why they aren't popular lol. Only tourist fags care about lore, wtf does imrpov bits even mean, and an openness to work with outside the company is the exact opposite reason why Hololive is popular since they largely interact in-house. Its only a vocal minority of people that care about unity or cross-company collabs or doing stuff with indies

>> No.76930953

Now type this slowly. Without crying.

>> No.76930966

>until they stop getting shilled and sisters/beggars stop trying to force culture war shit using them as a shield against unicorns
>when it started as pushback against troonicorns for shitting on holostars
Just stop being a shitty fanbase and you won't make enemies.

>> No.76931008

I stand by my statement that the data showing Kronii's low merch sales, backs up her merch being re-shilled

>> No.76931012

Unicorns started the culture war since HomoEN's conception. The number of seethe threads in this board is clearly against your revision of history.

>> No.76931062

I claim that Cover does care about CCV, which is a much more reasonable thing to claim compared to you saying that its something they don't even consider

>> No.76931135

You asked for an appeal and they appeal to an audience that cares about all those things.

>> No.76931142

Only if you fucks stop shilling them, and instead actually spend time watching them

>> No.76931215

It's possible to do both retard. Those actions aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.76931248

>Actually watch streams
>Buys merch
>Is supported by most of the top Holos

>Clip faggots
>Don't donate
>Only claim to be "fans" when there is drama
>Only cares about culture war shit when drama happens
>Thinks the girls are being held back by their fans
>Muh idol culture buzzword

>> No.76931311

I am watching them but that not gonna stop me from watching you bitch and cry like a pathetic woman.

>> No.76931355

That's not culture war for not caring about the Homos lol

>> No.76931363

Lol lmao

>> No.76931414

>nothing to do with what was said
Concession accepted. Still won't stop fighting back until unitroons learn their place btw

>> No.76931420

Ok, but the original point was that the "appeal" they give is why they are still at low numbers

>> No.76931451

>Not caring about the homos
>The seethe threads /here/ and on Twitter prove otherwise
You must be on some good shit to change your perception of reality

>> No.76931470

Guess that explains why Gura keeps taking long breaks.

>> No.76931496

So you admit to shilling them, thanks. Better go back to the Holo subreddit then, make sure the bots are doing their job of upvotting your homo fags

>> No.76931498

this is probably the real answer, but no point saying it in a homo seethe thread

>> No.76931586

Your point was they have no appeal. >>76929971 now you're just goal posting with the "uhhhh yeah but the point was they have low numbers with that appeal"

>> No.76931659

Unicorns outnumber you people 100:1 lmao, but go on and keep thinking that the industry would survive without them. Maybe you should have saved the ghost bitch from Idol then, instead of virtue signaling about how bad the evil unicorns are

>> No.76931754

I don't shill them there nor do I use bots but hey keep throwing accusations I'm sure something will stick.

>> No.76931787

I mean sisters are certainly not watching Gura cause she filters them, plus hardly does collabs or engages on Twitter. Only having a unicorn/paypig audience could she still be at the top position she's in

>> No.76931795

>merging holo en accounts
Holostars are not Hololive. What you should have said is merging the holostars en account into the hololive en account and renaming it hololive productions en.

>> No.76931850

>still nothing to with what was said
This is just embarrassing at this point kek

>> No.76931861

That's a completely unrelated chain, get your facts straight bud

>> No.76931890

>Unicorns outnumber you people
Lol lmao. I'm well aware the majority of idolfags don't care for you nor want to associate with you because they don't want to be seen as assholes that hate men.

>> No.76931942

Imagine being so desperate that you need to bot engagement for your oshis lmao, fucking pathetic

>> No.76931971

>An actual deflection

>> No.76931982

Why do you fucker always types like woman????? Look at this shit

>> No.76932008

Hololive, Holostars; they are both Holo

>> No.76932039


>> No.76932042

You misunderstand.
This has nothing to do with the sisters.

>> No.76932061

What bots?

>> No.76932077

So no counter argument again? You sisters are really good at trying to derail the conversation when you are losing

>> No.76932102

>Maybe you should have saved the ghost bitch from Idol then
The one whose failure is directly tied to her appealing to unicorns early on?

>> No.76932113

>Imagine being so desperate that you need to bot engagement for your oshis
Don't check vrabi, anon

>> No.76932134

>Only having a unicorn/paypig audience could she still be at the top position she's in
Doesn't help with her mental well-being though or are you telling me that her job is to stream for you and only you?

>> No.76932155

Get that opinion from your local echo chamber on Twitter I guess?

>> No.76932212

>Why won't you bite my deflections?!
Idk anon. Why do you keep trying to change the subject?

>> No.76932221

Could the same about the imaginary scenarios you concocted in your head.

>> No.76932270

Then why didn't all those people who blamed unicorns for "harassing her", apparently not watching someone anymore is harassment, go watch and support her then? Oh that's right, because its easier to just virtue signal about it to shit on unicorns cause its easy engagement farm from tourists

>> No.76932320

>Unicorns outnumber you 100:1

>> No.76932370

>Making assumptions about a streamer's mental health when you only see a curated experience from her for a few hours a month
Her job is whatever the company wants her to do lol

>> No.76932381
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>its an infighting thread

>> No.76932498

zyzz would tell you to kill yourself for getting that upset AND for watching anime girl streamers instead of doing manly shit.

>> No.76932533

Ok so where are all these "normal" viewers then, watching Holostars? You'd be lying to yourself thinking that if any of the unicorn friendly Holo girls wouldn't get massive backlash for collabing with men

>> No.76932564

So like a stripper...? I see. You treat your oshi like a prostitute. Figures.

>> No.76932645

>Most popular holos with the largest revenue that cater to unicorns
>Compared to holos that don't cater to unicorns and have shit numbers across the board

>> No.76932646

Niji is dead. Holostar vs Hololive are back on the menu

>> No.76932730

Nobody cares about faggot Vesper

>> No.76932765

In the streams since they're high 3view. The girls may have thousands of viewers but a majority of them are not buttfucked retards that get angry every time there's a male on stream.

>> No.76932774

Buddy you don't know what being a streamer is like. You say those things but don't have the experience to back that up. Appealing to any fanbase is taxing, you have to be careful of the things you say otherwise your career goes downhill. You have to be entertaining and put an effort into what your content should look like and do.
Streaming games for hours on end is a hobby but what happens if it turns into a job? It becomes mentally taxing. I don't expect an ingrate like you to know the struggles of a streamer. If you tried it yourself then you'll know how bad it is the sooner you get used to it.

>> No.76932811

That's a pretty big exaggeration from what was said, but whatever helps you cope that your homos are still shitters are I guess

>> No.76932905

Nah you're just coping, you wanna say that someone like Gura who gets 20-30k ccv wouldn't start a shitstorm if she collab'd with a male?

>> No.76932914
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It was a rigged Niji thread from the start

>> No.76932942

You do know that a majority of viewers do not equal retarded assholes right? Otherwise you wouldn't be shit on everywhere else for hating men that never catered to you retards in the first place.

>> No.76932993

>Defending streaming this much as a "job"
Get back to me when you have to work a retail job for minimum wage where you actually have to interact face to face with people and put up with heinous shit

>> No.76933032
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I do.

>> No.76933072

Explain why homos arent in the "Can you do the Hololive?".

>> No.76933074

for real, I guess the Discord sister raid sounded their alarm

>> No.76933114

See you in 3 hours. :)

>> No.76933139

I'd guarantee a portion of them (1000 minimum) would start a shit storm anyway since they like to tape a megaphone in their mouths. It'll also cause mass infighting in the fan base.

>> No.76933145

Jeez if the girls read this thread, they would instantly kill themselves knowing well their fan treat them like a circus monkey and doesnt give a fuck about their well-being. But hey thats exactly what the fans want. A puppet on screen.

>> No.76933179

>Be shit on everywhere else
>Its literally always just engage baiting virtue signaling faggots on Twitter
Maybe actually watch those men, instead of shitting on people who refuse to watch them and just wanna enjoy cgdct

>> No.76933205
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make love not war

>> No.76933257

Again, Holostars and Hololive. They are both HOLO, you just reinforced my point

>> No.76933276

Speaking from experience? That rent is probably catching up

>> No.76933331

please post the picture of them kissing

>> No.76933363

>Minimum 1k
Ok, now I know you're just being a gaslighting faggot because that is such a lowball estimate for how many of Gura's fans would have a negative reaction lmao

>> No.76933368

How? Homos arent Hololive, otherwise they would've been part of "can you do the Hololive" https://youtu.be/QNW7yHDYldY?si=5oSFNrPuIv43BAjf

>> No.76933369

I honestly think it's this. It makes far more sense for there being one person handling the HoloEN posts and another handling StarsEN than this "THERE'S A FUJO WHO HATES THE GIRLS RUNNING THE ACCOUNT" rrat. And the person in charge of the girls posts fucks up more often than not.

Actually...that would explain that weird "cropping the Stars out of the collab picture for the Stars NY concert that was normal on every other account" tweet thing. Because if a fujo was running the account, why would they crop out the Stars?

>> No.76933387

Hey buddy ill make sure to tell you "you did a great job" the next time we met okay?

>> No.76933405

CGDCT is gay
Homo on homo is also gay

>> No.76933448

They are both part of hololive productions, but hololive (girls) are shortened to holo and holostars (boys) are shortened to stars. They always have been and always will be. I refuse to follow your nyfco psyop.

>> No.76933469

Let me just spread lies as well anon. It's well known that both Hololive and HoloSTARS have problems with management. I will agree that it's a disgrace they don't have someone neutral on the English CM side like they do on the JP side. Then again, the need to lie and not do research is stronger with you.

>> No.76933476

God can you people just pick a side already? The girls should be setting boundaries with their fans with Kronii and Fauna did, or their fans should continue to be parasocial and constantly care/worry about every aspect of their life?

>> No.76933479
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I shit on the people who shit on the dudes regardless if they're stars rejects, unicorns, or nijisisters.

It's not that you refuse to watch them. It's that you talk shit like you know about them when your only knowledge about male vtubers are Nijimen. If you're such a CGDCTfag then maybe stop having a hate boner for men and watch girls being cute instead.

>> No.76933495

This feels like barbie club house but this time the fans are all grown man lol

>> No.76933541

Nobody cares that ID fans are ok with being cucked, SEA faggot

>> No.76933563

OP is a nitpicking faggot who has a hate boner for males.

>> No.76933619
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>cukcucukcuckucuckuccukcuckcuckcukcukcucked cukcedukcukceuckceukcuekucekcukucuckedu shut the fuck up lmaooo

>> No.76933672

You'd be retarded to think all those 20k-30k of Chumbuds would be pro-unicorn. Most of them want to see shark, they don't want stinkers that ruin the mood.

Most of them are the same type of people that let Gura do whatever she wants including not streaming.

>> No.76933766

Yes, I did actually have to work a shitty job like that when I was in high school; its called entering into the workforce. I know that's a hard thing to comprehend for you people who have never worked a day in his life and still lives with his parents as a neet, but streaming is literally one of the most privileged jobs out there you fucking retard

>> No.76933834

OK wait, the only time I can think that Kronii had an issue with merch was her 2023 birthday merch. And the main problem was that, with how DHL jacked up shipping prices by volume, her birthday set cost more to ship than to buy (it was something like...~$85-90USD and shipping was ~$125USD) on the Holo store.

I only remember this because I had to buy it through GeekJack because even if their set cost slightly more, the shipping was like $40USD down.

>> No.76933839

Just gonna keep acting retarded then?

>> No.76933923

This entire hobby was built and popularized as an alternative to watching anime for CGDCT

>> No.76933992

You don't understand the unitroon logic anon. Openly insulting them, wanting them dead, or spreading lies is "just wanting to watch cute girls." However, calling attention to this makes you an anti to Hololive and idol* culture
*digital girlfriends and not actual idols

>> No.76934003

Bro I work at my university's IT department. Good luck with your life I guess but don't assume I'm a fucking NEET

>> No.76934025

They still have Holo in their name, so you're just being selectively biased. And no, the girls have always been refereed with the whole of Hololive while the boys as just Stars to differentiate them

>> No.76934116

So what? It's still gay like CBDCT. If it doesn't make me laugh it's gay as well.

>> No.76934115

>Stars has problems with management
Now that's a good joke, the boys are given so much more leniency compared to the girls cause they have nowhere near as much of an audience lmao

>> No.76934137
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No, it is the LITERAL definer, as shown on stream by A-chan

>> No.76934154

Nobody calls them holos, it's always stars

>> No.76934202

I do enjoy watching them, but the homos get constantly shilled and pushed into shit all the time either by management or their "fans." Nobody wants to see or hear about them, that's why we pushback against that shit

>> No.76934253

NTA but you're right. Maybe because their managers actually care as opposed to the girls' own managers.

>> No.76934262

Is Tempus vanguard called HoloEN gen 4? No. It's called stars EN2. Stars arent Holos and will never be Holos

>> No.76934275

So you're just openly admitting to being a tourist then? Great

>> No.76934337

The only time they ever fucking do that is on Twitter because they share an account. You don't see this kind of shilling on stream retard.

>> No.76934339

And you people are homofaggots who have nothing better to do than raid discussions about the homos, instead of actually watching them

>> No.76934352
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They could post actual real things like GB being a retard falling for a dumb as fuck troon SC and talking about safe spaces because, y'know, he's actually a fag himself, and how he's streamed the least but it's retarded shit like this. The problem when you just randomly throw shit at the wall is that you don't appropriately diagnose the problem and follow retarded shit like BAPoidism or Tateoidism while throwing random arguments at the wall and don't check in to reality now and then. I am on 4chan so no, that part isn't lost on me. Ruze has some dumb as fuck politics but he makes sure to catch himself because he's very aware and definitely had a mane-san talk to him after his anime talk, albeit that was tame and had a libertine air about it, it could still cause problems like having that faggot Rev make a video about him over some retarded take the internet will eviscerate you for.

>> No.76934408

I can do both retard. Your "discussion" is one-sided propaganda

>> No.76934411

Nobody gives a fuck about Fubuki/Matsuri, or even gen 1 lmao, they all showed their true colors early on and gen 2 was able to correct the course thankfully

>> No.76934419

>homotrannies argue stars get mistreated by management despite constantly getting preferential treatment
this reeks of trannies crying about not having rights despite getting preferential treatment in society, which is ironic, because most of their audience is woman hating trannies

>> No.76934460


>> No.76934489

They're ok with her not streaming much because she doesn't do shit with men and is loyal to her fans, if she had this type of frequency but came back to collab with homos then there would be a shitstorm and you're just coping if you think it would only be a vocal minority or otherwise

>> No.76934512

I'm watching Bettel right now and mocking your existence. God I love having three monitors on my screen. The classical music helps me generate things to piss you off.

>> No.76934546

Maybe petition.for.more lenient managers on the girls' side then. I thought Holostars isn't Hololive?

>> No.76934548
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Bettel 3D debut

>> No.76934562

>I do enjoy watching them
>nobody wants to see or hear about them
Good larp. You guys also considered them being at Doki's event "shilling" too btw

>> No.76934564

Let me not remind you of 2019 to mid 2020 and beyond when management was fucked for both Hololive and HoloSTARS. Then again, it was the covid years and retards like you LARPed as "purebloods" so you don't actually know what reality is.

>> No.76934566

Op really crying in this thread LMAO

>> No.76934582

Get out

>> No.76934618

Only a neet who sits at his computer all day, would think that being entertaining for a few hours a month for autists would be a hard job while becoming a millionaire

>> No.76934663
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>> No.76934666

Yeah sure. Ill be a tourist. Go enjoy your girls talk doing girly thing. I wont get in your way. Kek

>> No.76934700

This still, once again, reinforces my point that both branches are Holo

>> No.76934721

Your schizophrenic delusions aren't discussions.

>> No.76934794
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>> No.76934802

Or maybe its because having to manage members who average 10k+ ccv and have a much more active fanbase, is way harder than tard wrangling homo faggots that barely average 1k ccv and only have to worry about appeasing fujos and tourists

>> No.76934826

Only the girls are referred to by holo, stars are referred to as stars. Hell, go to their general, the actual fans will show you that.

>> No.76934843

>whorotrannies argue live get mistreated by management despite constantly getting preferential treatment
You get the rest.

>> No.76934897

They're called Holostars EN2, you're just using a shortened version of their official title. Like is this some weird unicorn cope of not wanting to associate the girls with the boys at all, even though they are literally in the same company

>> No.76934907
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1077, YOU DIE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will the Court Jester appease us this time? His magic show last night was fun.

>> No.76934980

>You don't see this shilling on stream
cue the stream promoting holofes and the girls had to awkwardly promote the guys which led to the FuwaMoco not reacting to them drama

>> No.76935003

To specific people in the Hololive fanbase. I've seen a lot of people refer to Bettel as a "Holo" with the recent Wrestletuber. I suspect most of the non-insane portions of the Hololive fanbase and pretty much anyone outside the Hololive fanbase see the Holostars as "Holos" as well.

>> No.76935051

Sounds like a fucking skill issue if I've ever seen one. I guess what you're saying is that fujos and tourists are easier to please.

>> No.76935061

Nah, all you people can do is admit to shitting on threads/discussions about the homos. That's it, fucking fake ass fans who do nothing but shit on the girl's fans

>> No.76935066

>most of the non-insane
lol, irony

>> No.76935068

3d live ryona. Its just the right thing to do.

>> No.76935073

They are wrong, and you are wrong. I will not submit to the nyfco psyop.

>> No.76935109

>hololive PRODUCTION event
>hololive production present
>this is shilling

>> No.76935119

I'm sure he appreciates you shitting on fans of his coworkers while "watching him"

>> No.76935135

skill issue

>> No.76935165

10K ccv max

>> No.76935189

Oh now you wanna playing victim retard?

>> No.76935203

What do you think you are, then? I'm pretty sure most people seeing your histrionic antics at the mere mention of men would probably see you as insane. There's a reason people see you as a loser, anon.
And I guess you'll continue to not understand the values of society at large, purely to your own detriment.

>> No.76935239

>You guys also considered them being at Doki's event "shilling" too btw
Uh no, that's just you fucks creating a false reality in your head because you have a victim mentality. Maybe if one of the Holo girls actually attended, then your argument would have some merit. Nice try tho sister!

>> No.76935317

Blizzard and Bethesda are both owned by Microsoft but no one refers to Bethesda as Blizzard or vice versa, it doesnt matter that they're under the same company your logic is fucking stupid

>> No.76935337

Didn't you guys say Holostars aren't the girls' coworkers?
>shitting on fans of his coworkers
>"fans" in question directly shitting on the talents AND their fans

>> No.76935409
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As per the usual. I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.76935425

There is no value to conflating the clear distinction between stars and holos. Stop trying to push an agenda on other people and fanbases that aren't your own.

>> No.76935438

They aren't coworkers.

>> No.76935455

>Literally ignoring the other half of my comment about how the girls get 10-20x+ the amount of viewers that the boys get

>> No.76935571

>not caring
that's the exact opposite of not caring, that's caring A LOT, enough to flood the board with seething threads.

>> No.76935637

Sisters cannot take any form of criticism of, even if its not directly aimed at, the boys. Fucking of course shitting on unicorns and the usual shabang, like clockwork

>> No.76935713

>she thinks archives don't exist
You guys also considered the girls actively choosing to collab with them as "shilling" too btw
And being at Expo
And managers speaking to them

>> No.76935717

>Being a streamer immediately makes you a millionaire
How about you go back to getting mad at people in retail while I enjoy myself in an air-conditioned room and looking at my computer all day while still getting paid. Cool? Yeah?

>> No.76935722

Again, its not culture war though for hating male vtubers and their fans

>> No.76935756

What 'leniency' are you talking about? I always hear this but if you listen to the guys, they talk about management being fucking stupid and the same type of problems the girls do.

>> No.76935775

Learn English. Run back to your JP unicorn LARP xeeter account.

>> No.76935843

crying about le evil bogeyman every time when faced with criticism is the sisters specially

>> No.76935846

>S-stop treating us the way we treat you, StarGODS!!!!
You sowed it. You reap it.

>> No.76935859

Them collabing with the homos is shilling, so yeah. Being at Expo as well, 99% of people went there for the girls not the fucking fags

>> No.76935939

Cool, hope you enjoy loosing your job to AI. Maybe you'll be able to get a position as a homo manager

>> No.76935991
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>> No.76936015

The proof is literally OP, that kind of shit only happens with the homos

>> No.76936050

Yeah. Skill issue. What does the number of viewers have to do with just posting on the official twitter account. You're telling me management is also managing the fans retard?

>> No.76936065

But no one denies that Blizzard and Bethesda are owned by Microsoft, as what you are doing. Both are Microsoft properties, in the same way Holostars and Hololive are Cover properties. Besides, it's not quite an accurate analogy. The Holostars are generally admitted to be a spinoff of Hololive. Denying the Holostars are Holos would be like saying that Ubisoft Montreal isn't Ubisoft.

>> No.76936090

Unicorns chads simply watching the girls stream in peace, minding their own business. Meanwhile you fucks constantly bringing up drama and shitting on other fans lmao, get over yourself

>> No.76936096
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>the girl is stepping stone for the boi
you rike it?

>> No.76936116

>I hate homos because they exist!
Lol. You faggotcorns deserve to get shit on for it.

>> No.76936115

Stars tard wrangle the shit out of their manager. Thats how they gain that leniency. Why dont the Hologirl do the same?? Are they afraid of their troon manager?

>> No.76936150

Just gonna continue to act retarded I guess, anything to protect the boys

>> No.76936155

>collabs are shilling
Great that would mean Hololive gets shilled far more than Holostars ever has. And you guys tried claiming they get preferential treatment over the girls KEK
Your next cope is "doesn't count" btw

>> No.76936203

>>>>The lack of self awareness

>> No.76936226

Because managers should only be there for perms/sponsor shit, having to tard wrangle the person that's getting a cut of your salary to deal with the behind the scenes shit makes no sense

>> No.76936266

>Playing victim now.
Wew that was fast

>> No.76936300

>Unicorn chads simply watch the girls
Not when I found Unicornkyoukai that Elon decided to push in to my feed. I got to see all of that delicious JP LARP salt. I get to see how many lies that account spreads too. Hiding behind Eigo to JP translations while employing AI to fix up your syntax mistakes doesn't remove how retarded and malicious your kind are.

>> No.76936305

I do hate the homos because they exist, but we also hate them because they are constantly shilled and have people like you batting for them. Guess you can enjoy your hyper progressive faggots that preach about inclusivity and shit, thank fuck the girls are smart enough to not bring up political/social shit

>> No.76936344

Speak for yourself idiot. The number of fans a talent has is irrelevant to the managers doing their job.

>> No.76936366
File: 214 KB, 900x900, goldbulletchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck you say about my 41% people?
you want to fight ?

>> No.76936386

Collabing within your branch is not shilling because fans expect that to happen and they share an audience, cross gender collabs are inorganic and try to branch 2 different fanbases together lmao

>> No.76936414

>Guess you can enjoy your hyper progressive faggots that preach about inclusivity and shit, thank fuck the girls are smart enough to not bring up political/social shit
The unicorn is a clip watcher lmao.

>> No.76936451

What? Just tard wrangle them lmao how else you want leniency. You telling me its better for the manager to step on the girls head while doing absolute fuck all?

>> No.76936458

>Proving my point, yet again sisters

>> No.76936470

It's 3000 standing capacity. The amount of seats is closer to 1400.

>> No.76936557

Nah, that's a retarded thing to say. You're telling me that Pekora or Marine's manager doesn't have more work/pressure than one of the fag's managers? Get real

>> No.76936573
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>> No.76936585

>almost exactly equal to their ccv
seems fair

>> No.76936607

Fuck you GB. Start milking your tits on stream then ill consider forgiving you

>> No.76936634

That stream was promoting both HoloFes AND HoloExpo you faggot. Expo has always featured the Stars. Plus all of the talents have been on the promo image for Expo since the start. Go look at the one from 2022 (the first one) if you don't believe me.

>> No.76936638

So clipping what he said word for word invalidates his response? Not to mention the troon reaction praising him? Stop trying to gaslight you fuck

>> No.76936661


>> No.76936705

No it's more like saying that Ubisoft Montreal isn't Red Storm Entertainment. Because they aren't the fucking same you retard. Holostars may belong to hololive productions, but they aren't holos, they are stars, and they aren't hololive, they are hololive productions (holopro for short.)

>> No.76936710

>Being this easy.
Such as life of a cuck

>> No.76936722

Uh no, that's not what i'm saying at all but nice assumptions. If you have to fucking tard wrangle your damn manager, then they failed their job lmao

>> No.76936747

Yeah pretty much since they don't do that in every single stream

>> No.76936809

Sisters are gonna completely ignore this kek, and I saw some of them being like "now Cover knows how serious the boys and their fans are."

>> No.76936817

>The Holostars are generally admitted to be a spinoff of Hololive
A-chan disagrees with you, cover itself lists holostars as a different branch than hololive and they have different management and appeal.
Also ubisoft montreal is PART of ubisoft it is NOT ubisoft, just like Blizzard and Bethesda are part of Microsoft and no one calls either of them as Microsoft, they use their own respective names as branches so your analogy is the wrong one here.

>> No.76936843

ID and JP aren't branchs of EN so you just agreed with me LMAOOOOO
>cross gender collabs are inorganic
>Source: my ass
>the dyke pandering is totally organic btw
I really like your flip-flopping logic, anon who totally enjoys Holostars but hates remembering they exist.

>> No.76936882

Ok, but that still doesn't refute the fact that the twins got shit on by sisters and beggars for "ignoring" the boys

>> No.76936892

Indeed. Thats why you either tard wrangle your manager harder until they do their job properly or you fire them and get a new manager.

>> No.76936950

I'm sorry, but which fanbase is ok letting their oshi collab with men again? Oh right ID, lmao

>> No.76936965

Omega messed up the EN branch in more ways than one. The day the subsidy expires on the homo branch is going to be a good day.

>> No.76936984

You guys just blew a gasket because Fauna vaguely noticed Altare in a game.

>> No.76937022

They shouldn't fucking do it at all, that's the point. If even fuckin Kiara and god forbid Kronii can hold back bringing that kind of shit up, then the boys should as well. But no, gotta show your troon fans that you support the cause

>> No.76937037

I mean hey that's pretty good if they can manage to sell out that many seats that fast. I don't see the problem here.

>> No.76937166

You or I never mentioned ID, so idk how you think this is a gotcha lmao. Also never implied that yuri baiting wasn't inorganic, like fuck can you make an argument without assuming everything

>> No.76937213

Not my fucking problem if GB does it since I don't exactly watch a guy who barely streams. Doesn't mean everyone else in Stars share the same POV. That's like saying Mori and Kronii Collab with males and everyone else in EN Collabs with males.

>> No.76937236

The guys get shit on by uniggers when they don't even do anything wrong.

>> No.76937252

Yes, because even acknowledging them is bad since it opens the floodgates for beggars

>> No.76937386

Retard, they're the ones making noise about it because a lot of people couldn't get tickets. The ones "boasting" about them selling out are just doing it to shitpost about Niji.

>> No.76937402

You mean the enemy that you retards like to make up?

>> No.76937422

Well its several things: The fact that Cover had that little faith that hosting it at an event for 3k was enough, and how their fans now think its some major change that Stars is becoming more popular when no shit they were gonna sell a few thousand considering that's like the max numbers of their fans lol

>> No.76937448

That's not why it makes you mad.

>> No.76937458

I want you to literally look at the OP image, then at what you wrote, and tell me where the fuck you crossed your wires to get that conclusion.

>> No.76937484

Except not really, cause most of the other guys have expressed somewhat similar views and certainly behave like they are in fucking Nijisanji on Twitter

>> No.76937485

It's StarsJP from what I've seen and they're not exactly the most popular in Japan.

>> No.76937552

Good, until they are quelled from the company they'll continue to wish they never applied. Like fuck the trex dude was a literal sexpest originally lmao, nice branch you guys got there

>> No.76937607

Flayon and Regis. That's like 3/10.
That's not "most" especially since Axel doesn't want that shit in his streams.

>> No.76937643

Nah, its just coping because they think the Stars are now relevant compared to the girls now or whatever. Get back to me when they are able to reach 100k ccv on debut, or 3D reveal

>> No.76937678

Projecting a Nijiman's sexpest behaviour onto someone else only proves your retardation

>> No.76937685

Literally no one thinks that.

>> No.76937709

Not exactly made up when they are literally everywhere on Twitter/Youtube comments/etc

>> No.76937759

Your claim was that it doesn't count as shilling if it's a branchmate. ID and JP aren't branchmates to EN therefore by your own logic any collabs EN has with them would also be shilling. That's the gotcha. In fact "inorganic collabs" and "try to branch 2 different fanbases together" would also apply to these collabs. Your next mental gymnastic?

>> No.76937764

I've yet to see any of what you're talking about when it's just their fans being sad they couldn't get tickets as opposed to "woah they're serious now! They sold out!!!"

>> No.76937788

Why don't you tell me the supposed real reason then

>> No.76937857

Doesn't help that Axel's "fans" do shit like mention him whenever Nodoka shows up anywhere

>> No.76937922

Do your fucking reps newfag, its not hard to find out information

>> No.76937995

Nah, I saw plenty of comments saying someone along those lines. People unironically thinking that this was a major shift in Stars' popularity

>> No.76938006

You realize anyone can just do that maliciously or otherwise right? They're not an organized group like you think they are lmao

>> No.76938053

Who are they "for" then kek, there's literal indies that beat them in terms of viewership

>> No.76938102

>Yagoo saw the success NijiEn had with Luxium and wants to replicate it.
Not even retards believe this rrat, sister. Everyone is aware that luxiem was botted.

>> No.76938131

>Happens all the time whenever there is drama
>Always the same script of "yeah I don't watch them much" etc
Oh so not like the organized group that raided this thread because you sisters gotta protect the men whenever they are mentioned?

>> No.76938161

Good thread.

>> No.76938184

No fucking shit. Every fan in Holo does this shit with old memes and beats them like a dead horse. What else are you gonna tell me? Kronii subway? JDON my soul? WINNING SON? Mad Maggie Astel?

>> No.76938199

Which means it's good that the bitch twins got shit and will continue to until they are quelled from the company and wish they never applied. Glad we agreed that the Starschads who rightfully gave the prostitutes what they deserved were justified.
Your whoros have sex with men as minors for streaming equipment and try to blackmail them afterwards. "Idols" byw

>> No.76938259

I did. That's not sexpest behaviour retard. You're the one with a lack of reps. Stick to watching girls instead of spewing lies like the outrage mob.

>> No.76938360

Ok so here's the difference you fuck, all of those memes are centered around the person in question. The shit with Axel and Nodoka is around people shipping him with her, a manager mind you, because he said he liked her design or whatever. Its fucking weird to have people constantly be like "oh yeah I bet Axel is drooling over that" or whatever when Nodoka posts some cute shit on Twitter

>> No.76938370

Links or get out.

>> No.76938429

>Most sane, unhinged sister

>> No.76938464

Believe it or not. Yeah. It's not organized, that's schizophrenic. Normally they wouldn't care, any drama about the homos are usually lies and slander and it's always lies and slander anyway.

>> No.76938527

Plenty of those faggots have vultured around Nick Rikieta right now. 90% of those fags aren't fans of any "lawtuber" and won't stick around after the fact.

>> No.76938592

Sorry but im not gonna get baited to get banned to write it out for you why he was a sexpest, but let me guess "oh it was just harmless jokes."

>> No.76938602

>T-rex man is going to rape one of the girl.
He is a literally made for ryona. I dont think you should even worry about him. Hell he even got raped live of stream during the wrestling match

>> No.76938612

The fact that the whorofags think liking the whoros makes someone a sex pest should be telling

>> No.76938672

You really think I have a bunch of screenshots saved of sisters making comments like that? lol, literally just search Twitter/Reddit threads of the event being sold out and they're in the comments

>> No.76938695


>> No.76938735

Nah, the drama is almost always from the homos. Don't try to gaslight this shit, some of the biggest EN dramas were around Kronii/Cali/etc with Vesper and shit

>> No.76938772

Any Axelotl worth their fucking salt doesn't mention Nodoka anymore, and anyone who does is either a fucking tourist or needs their head kicked in to let that meme die. Axel himself hasn't even mentioned her in nearly a year and a half (and I'm not including Flayon being a fucking weirdo and drawing a Nodoka plush during the Secret Santa stream where you can hear Axel internally cringing about it). God I fucking hate Vesper, why'd he bring up that bullshit.

>> No.76938806

His past behavior speaks for itself, and the fact that he namedropped Pekora too on debut was just disgusting

>> No.76938900

>inviting them to one event, where they were constantly asked to jump in and cover for her indie friends who didn't show up when they were supposed to
Anon, come on

>> No.76938931

Doesn't matter whether its his fans or tourists, its still shit that gets mentioned all the time whenever she appears in something

>> No.76938952


>> No.76939059

Its more-so because she was one of the Holos that he did weird shit with to clickbait, then comes out and is like "OMG PEKORA IS MY OSHI," Yeah but no, no true nousagi would treat Pekora that way publicly

>> No.76939110

>troonicorns cause drama
>"the drama is almost always from the homos"
You're not wrong on that one KEK

>> No.76939118

>No true [X]

>> No.76939150

>They're "relevant" in that they constantly get shilled by management
this, it's literally just a pet project of Cover's to pretend that they are capable of expanding to be like Anycolor and command huge audiences over both genders. guaranteed they get fucking hammered by people assuming they are only hitting 50% of the market and can make double the income if they just do what they did with Hololive but make it dudes.

the thing is these assumptions are made by bean counters and business """"""experts""""""" who don't actually watch vtubers much or hang out in the crowds of actual vtuber fans to realize that the audiences are basically incompatible, you can't force a crowd of people that was nearly 100% summoned to watch cute girls and get them to all go watch guys now too and expect them to give a shit. it's trying to sell beef steaks to vegans, it doesn't matter how high quality it is, they don't want it and you can't make them want it and if you try to shove it in their mouths they are just going to get really, really mad at you which is fucking precisely what happened when the starsENs were having semi-regular collabs/interactions with the girls during their first year. I feel like they have mostly learned by now with Advent that it's best to just focus on giving cute girl content to people who want cute girls (and coed content literally is not and can never be cute girls content), and give guy content to people who want that instead.

>> No.76939180

Oh hes just a big fan of pekora. Dont worry about it. Unless hes being a live sexpest and pester the girl during stream in the chat, then i can understand being his anti

>> No.76939197

What's not true? He did do that with Pekora, and an actual fan of her would treat her with respect just as she respects her fans

>> No.76939208

Shit like that still applies to fans beating the meme like a dead horse because Vesper started it and he was apparently the only three Holostars that people know

>> No.76939287

>Make claim
>Ask for proof
>Lol look for it yourself
Every time with unicunts and their lies.

>> No.76939316

There's other ways to mention fans/enjoyers other than MUH TROO NOUFAGSEE WOULDNT DO DIS

>> No.76939319

Nah, what he did with Homomem originally was disgusting and the fact that he's now in the same company is ridiculous. Fuckin also publicly interacted with that griefer Depressed Nousagi, and tried to weasel his way into Holotori as well. Fuck him, and even more annoying version of Ollie is right

>> No.76939347


>> No.76939409

Drama is always started by the one who complains the loudest it's obviously you as this anon rightfully said >>76939110
>I watch CGDCT
>Mixed Collab

>> No.76939416

If a fan of her would treat her with respect, and lewding her is disrespectful, wouldn't that make the fanartists who drew that stuff also be disrespectful...?

>> No.76939445

Once again, this is more than just "beating a dead meme" like with Subway Kronii or Ina's back because it involves a taboo subject of shipping a male member with a female coworker

>> No.76939458

Now why would i even go there. Also why are you there???

>> No.76939519

I'm not going to keep a bunch of screenshots to prove my argument right lol, i'm not a fuckin schizo who needs to keep the receipts to every argument I make. I know what I saw commented

>> No.76939585

What are you even saying

>> No.76939620

The amount of damage Vesper and Magni did to the boys reputations and the StarsEN branch at large is appalling in hindsight.

>> No.76939628

A meme that's been recognized by the staff mind you. If they were gonna be uncomfortable with it they'd say it and so far nobody made it weird because they know it's all in good fun

>> No.76939657

See I can make the exact same argument as you sister
>I watch homo faggots
>Girls won't collab with them

>> No.76939672


>> No.76939760

Anyone can make any claim doesn't mean they're real buddy..I'm in one of those circles and starmin are more sad at the fact that they couldn't get tickets because they were sold out overpower the whole rhetoric that "Stars are getting recognized!!!" They've been doing these 3D Concerts yearly

>> No.76939828

Ok here's the difference. That dude was a youtuber who used her likeness in a lewd way as clickbait and not to "show his respectfulness as a fan," Like seriously, imagine comparing that to an actual creator such as an artist who decides to make a lewd art piece of her but is respectful about it

>> No.76939868

I wouldn't call it damage. They did more damage to their growth by leaving since they're the only two homos that people know

>> No.76939909

>Recognized by staff
Uh no, try again

>> No.76939918

Okay but your fantasy doesn't represent reality. It's a fact that the girls started collabing with Tempus before anybody rejected collabs with them. Therefore troonicorns would have to be the culprits.

>> No.76939973

Thanks for the explanation, because you couldn't even make a point originally

>> No.76939980

Nobody spams this anywhere. Doesn't help that you retards adopted the bad parts of it and showcase it more than the good which is about the meaning of their song and dance.

>> No.76940033

Thanks for just openly admitting that you're a homofaggot, not beating the raid thread allegations here

>> No.76940063

Do your reps tard. A-Chan often didnthis given the opportunity until it died down.

>> No.76940133

No fucking shit. Why do you think I'm here in a thread about yet another baseless slander against Holostars? Retard. Go watch your girls instead of thinking about men

>> No.76940136

>The girls in question being the usual suspects of Kronii/Cali/etc
Yeah and now they hardly do shit with the boys anymore cause they realized that Vesper and the like are bad news all around lol, its called learning from your mistakes which they did. They got fuckin suspended from Cover, like what more proof do you people need that they wern't these 100 wholesome dudes but shitters behind the scenes

>> No.76940181

Keep complaining about le troo fans who would never DARE do such lascivious acts or engage within the community in a certain way. Grifters out themselves immediately, you wouldn't understand that though.

>> No.76940233

Only Vesper got suspended. They quit on their own and the only reason they don't Collab with the other dudes was because those two were the only ones who were willing and had synergy.

Oh but let's continue to make up schizophrenic scenarios to stroke your ego.

>> No.76940243

The girls being held back from collabing with boys, either because of fans or management, has literally been one of the oldest rrats from beggars that is still perpetuated today despite many members like Noel/Kanata and others outright saying that they simply don't care to

>> No.76940332

Nah, that's just your headcannon. Imagine being so deep in this shit that you have to imagine the staff themselves accepting that "meme" in order to validate it due to how disgusting it really it

>> No.76940369

>Its raid i tell you!!
What kind of self defence is this

>> No.76940418

>Baseless slander
>OP literally shows the difference in preferential treatment that Stars gets compared to the girls
Nice try sister, maybe you should go watch the homos instead of batting for them like usual. I'm sure they need every viewer they can get

>> No.76940558

>They quit on their own
Imagine being this gullible, probably never worked in upper management and shit for a company in your life. They don't collab with men anymore because they realized that's not what their fans want, and its not worth taking a hit to numbers and revenue just to do shit with men on stream

>> No.76940596

This is a prime example and even ended with A-Chan asserting dominance. if that's not staff playing along I don't know what is resulting in a meme that people still regurgitate

>> No.76940601

No one fucking believes that. Like, at all. The majority of the guys fans are also fans of the girls, so they know the same shit you do dumbass.

>> No.76940623

well when literally all the sisters started popping up at the same time replying earlier in the thread, that was kind of obvious

>> No.76940631

First, what does that have to do with troonicorns causing the drama? Second, Kronii and Mori didn't acknowledge ANY other member of StarsEN outside of the first 4, two of which stopped collabing with them like 2 months after the collab ban was lifted. You might just be retarded.

>> No.76940725

>Retard thinks both boys and girls share the same management despite them reiterating Holostars isn't Hololive
Maybe petition for better management for the women instead of complaining that the boys got better ones. Yet another lie concocted by retards on this board who claim to watch the girls in peace and then pull stupid shit like your post

>> No.76940735

thats it?

>> No.76940739

>EN manager tells Achan and Nodoka to call Axel for the stream because he knows it'll be a popular clip
Prime example of people trying to force the meme, thanks

>> No.76940742

I guess that would mean the girls are far more fuck up than Magni and Vesper if all that got was a "stealth termination" while the girls get actual terminations kek

>> No.76940820

>They don't Collab with men anymore because they realize that's not what their fans want
Imagine substituting reality with a fabrication created in your head. You're not beating the mentally ill allegations

>> No.76940838

Nah, people still bring up them being held back from collabing with boys as an excuse. Don't try to pretend it still doesn't happen.
>The majority of guys fans are also fans of the girls
Nah, that's some major headcannon right there like when people try to insinuate that there is a major overlap in their audiences

>> No.76940859
File: 83 KB, 1268x713, 1000164297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep crying faggot, they'd do the same if it happened to the girls.

>> No.76940870

Cant fight back?

>> No.76940888

Yeah like every other dead meme in Holo. Thanks for admitting it

>> No.76940897

>Le evil unicorns are the ones causing all the drama
Here we go again sister

>> No.76940967

Where did I ever claim that the men had better management? You people just keep making up shit to back up your "arguments" cause you have nothing lmao. Go back to discord

>> No.76941019

It's true though.

>> No.76941041

What EN girl has had an actual termination? Sana is the only one that left and that's because she was lazy

>> No.76941120

What you're implying that fans WANT them to collab with men? lmao, keep telling yourself and your fellow sisters that I guess. Maybe someday you'll be able to see that Gura male collab that you people masturbate at the thought of to own the unicorns

>> No.76941156

You claimed that the boys have preferential treatment from management. You insinuated that they have the same management. I just told you they are under different managers who share the same account. Sounds pretty clear to me that the boys' managers give a fuck as opposed to the girls.

Reading comprehension, surgically remove the horn embedded in your brain and stab your heart with it instead you waste of space.

>> No.76941170

>They share the same manager
>They dont share the same manager
Well which one is it?

>> No.76941211

Nope, that's just cope cause they'll never playfully respond to the girls thankfully since the girls arn't massive faggots that tweet like that

>> No.76941256

>Here we go again
Yeah? Because you moved goalposts. A goalposts that doesn't even hold any water considering Kronii and Mori were still only collabing with Magni and Vesper and not even acknowledging the, at the time, new gen. That literally makes no sense if they "learned their lesson" as they would also stop collabing with Magni and Vesper. Anyway, I'm ready for your next goalpost.

>> No.76941270

Just gonna purposefully ignore the fact that this thread is over 400 replies I guess lmao

>> No.76941305

>The unicorn lacks reading comprehension
I'm not implying anything. I'm just telling you that your fanfiction isn't reality and I'm just telling you how it is. Mori and Kronii don't care for those that remain because those boys aren't interested either. Nothing in my post says fans want to even though some want to recreate what SALT had even though that's impossible since the current roster couldn't fill the shoes of the two that left.

>> No.76941368

Once again, its not just a meme because of the way people frame it as Axel being thirsty for a staff member. Not doing yaoi shit with another homo or whatever, but a female member of staff and its fucking inappropriate on a way different level than the other "dead memes" that are actually harmless

>> No.76941392

No one said EN but given how common it is for them to be full blown terminated, they must all be pretty bad people.
>Sana left because she was lazy
Imagine being this gullible

>> No.76941403

Thats it? Is there anything else you wanna say?

>> No.76941434

>Its true in my head because I hang out in an echo chamber with sisters who's only personality is hating on unicorns

>> No.76941461

And like I said if it's inappropriate they'd tell them to stop. A majority of people have stopped doing it. It's just tourists looking to join the bandwagon that don't make an impact. Don't you fucking get it already? A meme is a meme. It has no fucking boundaries or categories. Get over it.

>> No.76941495

>Reddit tier trash talking
Not making it any less obvious sister

>> No.76941557

Too bad those fucks got suspended, so no more male collabs!

>> No.76941591

>What do you mean saying "nuh uh" isn't an argument?

>> No.76941627

God its so retarded how you people think that it was some gold mine that Vesper and the other fag had with the girls, literally just reddtior humor

>> No.76941667

>actually moved goalposts again
I accept the concession, anon.

>> No.76941683

Don't project your mental problem onto me and yes you faggots deserve the hate. You claim to watch CGDCT in peace then you faggots pull this shit /here/ all the time.

Safe to say any shit thrown at you retards is deserved.

>> No.76941697

>Imagine being gullible enough to think that Sana left for any other reason other than being a lazy ass
Let me guess muh back pain or some other shit like usual?

>> No.76941760

>No counter argument
Maybe stop talking like a retard and bring up actual facts instead of your imagination

>> No.76941772

Anything else YOU wanna say? Or you just gonna continue the same scripted responses that the rest of you sister npc fucks have for these threads

>> No.76941822

You fucker really knows alot about reddit. Why?

>> No.76941824

A lot of people seem to think so, opinion be damned.

>> No.76941861

Nah, you're not a real fan if you don't call that shit out. Nice to see that the homo fans don't care about sexual harassment of female workers in the company, guess it was a given with how you people defend rex

>> No.76941935

If people start flinging shit in our direction, no shit we're gonna smack back. We arn't pussies like you fucks who are contempt with how piss poor your male faggots are

>> No.76941965

Nah I was only mocking you for your "t-they totally were fired!" tinfoil hat fanfiction. We know what it looks like when someone doesn't leave on their own. You guys had another one earlier this year.

>> No.76942015

Dont need to say anything. Its getting funnier each day knowing a reddit warrior is here calling everything a discord raid because of his retardation. Its fine. Live your life. I hope the girl find good success and enjoy a good life they deserve.

>> No.76942038

What facts have you people brought up? Cause all ive seen are delusions and headcannons that are completely madeup bullshit in order to suit whatever narrative the sisters have this time. Maybe spend some of that energy supporting the precious boys, then they might be able to get 4000 people for the next concert!

>> No.76942109

Alot of people being tourists/normies who never even watched those streams and just waited for the clips, got it

>> No.76942122

NTA but she only left because she doesn't know what content to stream

>> No.76942127

>Check OP post
I see who started it first

>> No.76942203

Oh yeah they definitely left on their own, not like they had just gotten new models/rigs/etc and were talking about all the fun stuff they were planning. It just so happened to be after the shitshow that they got into with management behind the scenes because Vesper especially was a rotten egg

>> No.76942265

>If people start flinging shit in our direction, no shit we're gonna smack back.
Which is why we shit on you guys and your AIDS ridden prostitutes. If you don't like it, don't fling shit first. Simple as.

>> No.76942282

Obviously you do need to say anything if you're continuing to respond to me, so no need to act like a smug cunt when you're tripping over your own argument lmao

>> No.76942319

I think I just shrank from cringe

>> No.76942356

>Boys and girls have different management
>Holostars aren't the sexpests you retards think they are
>Magni and Vesper quit on their own and Vesper is the only one who was suspended.
>3/10 StarsEN preach about diversity but don't tug it like Niji milking it every stream
You might be better asking yourself that question with every claim you retards mention and then give no proof further proving that you faggots are the ones causing drama because "le.male vtuber exist". It's so fucking pathetic.

>> No.76942382

She left because she thought she could just cruse this as a side gig, but then realized that she would have to put in a ton of work behind the scenes with singing/dancing and shit which obviously she wasn't a fan of. Like god are people really memory holing her still, she barely streamed and didn't even feel like apart of Council/Hololive with how little she collab'd too. Hell I had more feelings for Aloe than Sana

>> No.76942443

Heh yeah...its ok bud. Reddit is fine too ya know.

>> No.76942472

>W-we ain't pussies
You pussied out pretty fucking quickly when you get dogpiled everywhere else. The irony in your post claiming you faggotcorns never start shit and then this entire OP is one of the many proofs that you idiots do indeed start shit because "males"

Everyone should normalized bullying you retards till you stop it and go your own way or till you kill yourselves

>> No.76942480

>Mask off sister moment
Sorry that our "prostitutes" won't whore themselves out publicly to help your dead branch. Maybe if the boys were actually entertaining, then they'd be more than just a laughing stock of the industry

>> No.76942536

>Having a joke crush is sexual harassment
>Cheering for your oshi is sexual harassment
You retards are delusional. By that logic you retards are sexpests too

>> No.76942554

No, no, anon. They were clearly fired! Even though management has had no problem announcing terminations in the past. And that terminated talents get scrubbed, which Magni and Vesper haven't been. It was probably just a translation error! The voices in your head are right, not your eyes!

>> No.76942579

Nobody makes drama because "le male vtuber exists", you people are purposefully making shit up to excuse your own side from starting literally 90%+ of the drama that Holo EN has had to face

>> No.76942702

>Nobody makes drama
You do apparently. Ever since the male collabs began you retards always start it. Nobody is making shit up, it's always you faggots. Even the dramatubers know it's always the unicorns who start it.

>> No.76942705

>Getting dog pilled everywhere else
Oh no! What are we gonna do that the tourists on Twitter virtue signal about how bad the unicorns are! Those are the people you align yourselves with, not even fans but just virtue signalers who see blood in the water for engagement. No wonder your homos can't grow

>> No.76942731
File: 29 KB, 877x260, nijisisters migration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why nijisisters pretending to love stars now?

>> No.76942732

Ame please stop defending the boys...

>> No.76942783

See here's the difference, fans are not their coworkers. If you cannot understand the difference in that, then you are the true retard
