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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 176 KB, 1200x675, 17729199931813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76896468 No.76896468 [Reply] [Original]

Another new Nijisanji collab - and guess who is in it?

>> No.76896752


>> No.76896797

why did you need to make a thread on this i cannot tell who's a niji anti or a niji shill anymore

>> No.76896806

> Elira again
Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.76896850

>click link
>all hanzi
They should go all in on china.

>> No.76896864

Millie or whoever, second from the left, looks pretty uohhhhh in this picture.

>> No.76896885

There's NijiEN written on the image

>> No.76896910

Is le joke about their events

>> No.76896923


>> No.76897055


>> No.76897110

> A Taiwan Cafe collab
Sorry Niji. Taiwan is Holo territory now, go to Beijing or HongKong or something instead

>> No.76897558

What do you want, their NA events are a failure

>> No.76897944

I think you mean Taipei.

>> No.76898098 [DELETED] 

Elira gets everything, god damn.

>> No.76898524

>another collab without Rosemi
She's really graduating, isn't it?

>> No.76898566

2 more weeks

>> No.76898732

With every new collab with Elira on it, my hate only grows stronger. It pretty much confirms all the rrats are true.

>> No.76898854
File: 433 KB, 1140x570, no war in ba sing se.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And not just her; the others in this event are all part of the Golden Twenty (currently at 15, will be down to 14 once Rosemi graduates)
>There is no favoritism in Nijisanji EN

>> No.76899653

you know taipei...?
that taiwan capital city...
you must have big score in geograp...

>> No.76899694

Taiwan isn't a country, Taipei is a city in China.

>> No.76900730

>begging chink fujos for money
EN branch btw

>> No.76900842

You misspelled a word, you mean West Taiwan.

>> No.76900847

Why is Elira in fucking everything?

>> No.76900956

Elira again, lmao

>> No.76901273

Elira is part of NijiEN management that is why the black stream is on her channel, she didn't get blackmailed or anything like that the black stream was her idea and she tried to throw Selen under the bus by her own volition.

>> No.76903448

Oh would you look at that, Elira gets another collab

>> No.76904441

Yes, it’s the capital of the Free Area of the Republic of China.

>> No.76904978


>> No.76905053

>vox in the middle
oh no chinksisters not like this

>> No.76905473

Is this what they're doing now? Spamming promo collabs to try and look better?

>> No.76905715

So we have
Did I get that right?

>> No.76906327

Pretty sure the 2nd from the left is Millie.

>> No.76906558

It's pretty funny that they're so blatantly /here/, aware of the accusations of favoritism, and STILL won't go for the easy dunk by having a collab without the obvious suspects while snubbing the few talents that people keep saying get routinely skipped

>> No.76906727

If she were willing to give up money to even appear unbiased, she woulda done it a long ass time ago anon.

>> No.76907543

The fuck are you getting at, she's the most popular female, she was part of the first ever wave, she's arguable the face of the branch. It's like complaining that everything Phase has Pippa, or that everything Holo as Marine. Yeah dude put Kunai in RIGHT? so that the 4 they/thems who watch her can buy the merch, collabs are meant to generate money for both parties, why gamble it and include people who are on their own already struggling instead of those who are already guaranteed successes

>> No.76907772
File: 6 KB, 600x81, Minto_nova_is_a_manipulative_bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's the most popular female
>she's arguable the face of the branch
She will never be half the talent that either of them were.

>> No.76907889

Elira, Millie, Enna, fuck if I know, the umbrella's in the way, Shu, Ver and Wilson?

>> No.76907965

>Elira is the Lebron of vtubers

>> No.76908097

I'm 99% sure that the girls are Elira, Petra and Millie.

>> No.76908183

I can see that after looking closer.
Was Petra always that short?

>> No.76908214

Selen is gone, don't know if you're aware of that. And Pomu is also gone and she never was the face of anyhting to being with, she was always less popular than Elira, and never amounted to anything relevant in the History of NijiEN, she had a couple of really die hard fans and nothing more, hell throughout most of her time in Niji she was less popular than Finana

>> No.76908349

Yes, considering they've probably based this outfit on her first model by the looks of the tip of her hair.

>> No.76908417

It somehow looks as if the girls on the far left are Elira, Millie and Enna.
Pomu was the most profitable girl bar none. Pomu was far more popular than Elira. Pomu put Niji EN on the map. Pomu always outshone Elira and surely Elira hated this and her and that's why Pomu had such a shit time.

>> No.76908438

>>76908349 (me)
Also, it sems like they took one member for each generation (at least for the girls), and she looks nothing like Rosemi.

>> No.76908469

Pomu was always less popular than Elira, that is not open to interpretation, that is simply a fact. Elira was the Lazulight center since the start and it never changed.

>> No.76908536

you can't change history.

>> No.76909200

>t. coping elirafag

>> No.76910530


Your claims aren't true at all

>> No.76912412

Some interesting numbers

>Total Revenue $684,651

>Total Revenue $496,549

>Total Revenue $422,518

>Total Revenue $360,268

>Total Revenue $279,764

>Total Revenue $258,983

>Total Revenue $237,852

>Total Revenue $218,138

>Total Revenue $168,654

>Total Revenue $163,491

>Total Revenue $115,392

>Total Revenue $8,267

>Total Revenue $7,054

>> No.76912575

Stop noticing things

>> No.76912600

Christ almighty, Kunai and Vivi need to liberated from Niji. No wonder Vivi broke down when she spilled food.

>> No.76912690

>Vivi and Kunai's numbers
Hilarious and sad at the same time

>> No.76912748

How the fuck is Nina of all people still above so many girls?

>> No.76912860

Of course, as the current most popular streamer, Scarle receives no brand deals.

>> No.76912870
File: 157 KB, 390x381, 1693472686276695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Total Revenue $26,991

>Claude got in the fucking NBA collab
>Scarle didn't

>> No.76912954

Scarle is known she doesn't move merch. She has a loyal audience ready to drop big bucks, but they don't have the volume to justify putting her on merch.
Elira...did. It'd take a few months for corporate to catch up with the current situation.

>> No.76912991
File: 351 KB, 900x900, 1686783405734343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finana and Elira combined can't even touch Pomu

>> No.76913003

Unfortunately Scarle has a fatal flaw called not being a former Hanamori member.

>> No.76913029

It's not merch, it's some café collab.

>> No.76913119

lmao imagine if they terminated Scarle too

>> No.76913294

What's stopping them? It's not like superchats or subcounts ever mattered to them.

>> No.76913317

Nah 2nd is petra.

3rd one is millie
5th one is kunai.
7th might be wilson.

The rest sounds good.

>> No.76913395

Everyone is safe until the Q4 report is out

>> No.76913408
File: 45 KB, 691x624, bane confused cia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7th might be wilson.
>Bill Wilson

>> No.76913412
File: 705 KB, 1021x574, 1708883971991250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since when did Nijisanji collab with FGO?

>> No.76914424

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.76914487

>5th one is kunai.
If Kunai gets a merch / collab opportunity this board will melt like cheese in an oven.

>> No.76914613

probably uki

>> No.76914972
File: 82 KB, 574x352, kunai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About fucking time.

It's literally just her.

>> No.76915307 [DELETED] 
File: 195 KB, 1000x1000, 1707333930580263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kunai gets merch

>> No.76915355

It'll be Uki

>> No.76915417

Kunai has no ponytail, it's 100% Uki

>> No.76915469

Rosemi's side meetings with Matara likely didn't go off well.

>> No.76915475

100% Uki.
I'll beleve it's Kunai when I'll see it.

>> No.76915476


>> No.76915552

NTA, Uki doesn't have that type of ponytail in his alt. Also you can see the animal ears.

>> No.76915677

I'm legit surprised Kunai got in over "you can just fucking ask"

>> No.76915710

>Women on the left
>Men on the right
It's Uki

>> No.76915764

what does this do?

>> No.76915816

Those are not animal ears, they are hair ornaments. Also, the ponytail is pretty long if you look close. It's 100% Uki.

>> No.76915846

>Also you can see the animal ears.
Headpiece or festival mask on the side of the head, like the two guys on his right. It's Uki.

>> No.76915897

Gets the wumaos visiting the page flagged to the CCP authorities. Worst case scenario, assuming they're behind seven proxies and using secure, foss stuff (illegal in the people's republic), you're at least insulting their convictions like 100 times.

>> No.76916187
File: 78 KB, 1024x755, yuylu93qn3i91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fools.
>new jap festival attire for all people
>elira has new hair style on top of clothes
>petra and millie have new hair accessories
>male on the far right has hair tie not seen in any niji en model before
>kunai signature ear tips and pelt visible
You're all not cool enough to enter fort schizo.

>> No.76916255

nina did have a large amount of oilers back when she was there, even when she was deemed "unpopular" by their chinese fanbase, she still had a dedicated community that largely spawned from her obsession with autism games

>> No.76916323

Let me put this in another way
Why THE FUCK would they put Kunai there?

>> No.76916395

>new attire for all people
>but Kunai has her signature pelt from the standard outfit
Anon, it's the white boy.

>> No.76916510

Vivi... Kunai...
And they probably only get 1/4 of the value...

>> No.76916774

When is the new wave going to open superchats? I'm curious to see how they'll do.

>> No.76917000


>> No.76917033

People are lasering in on Vivi and Kunai which is of course funny but Finana's revenue is spread out over now more than 3 years of streaming. She leveraged daisenpai status in -arguably at the time - the biggest vtuber company in the world to end up with about 53,000 a year BEFORE company cuts or taxes. When you factor in that fulltime employees at actual jobs get benefits and shit she is worse off than a McDonalds assistant manager.

>> No.76917099

Face it cucks - you lost, Kunai won.

>> No.76917104
File: 113 KB, 842x1199, 1679697680096353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point, I don't care about Nijisanji, except Toko. If there's no Toko, I'm not interested.

>> No.76917210

Well, it still is 50k/year
Kunai and Vivi will probably be around 10k/year by the looks of it...

>> No.76917240

There's also memberships and merch (50%>2%>0%), I'm sure it all adds up to a comfy amount.

>> No.76917339

>Kunai and Vivi will probably be around 10k/year by the looks of it...
That's pretty optimistic, anon...

>> No.76917362

I refuse to even watch JP members and I was one of those fags who could name more than 5 niji members back in 2020

>> No.76917438

>And Pomu is also gone and she never was the face of anyhting to being with, she was always less popular than Elira, and never amounted to anything relevant in the History of NijiEN, she had a couple of really die hard fans and nothing more, hell throughout most of her time in Niji she was less popular than Finana
Are you mentally stuck in 2021? None of what you said applies to 2022 and later.

>> No.76917443

She unironically blew everything on gacha and covers. She couldn't afford the trip to the Antarctica.

>> No.76917615

Membership is probably under 50% because of the cuts
I don't remember how much YouTube takes (20%? 30%?)
At best they get 45%, and at worst 35%

>> No.76917684

I'd hazard to say she earned most of that in her first 2 years + Merch (apparently voicepacks are their best way to earn extra and has a better cut. For all her faults she does have a nice voice, so you'd imagine those would be her best selling items on top of 2% merch cut). Let's be generous and give her another 10-15K on top annually for merch and sponsorships. It's still not good but not awful. She'd probably paying more taxes though because she's in a higher tax bracket. If she was smart she'd have renegotiated her merch cut when she signed a new contract but who the fuck knows.

>> No.76917768
File: 356 KB, 619x592, 1705707061138729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If she was smart

>> No.76917922

Hence the

>> No.76917985

>If she was smart
If she was smart she wouldn't have imploded her career several times. I can only imagine the fucking money a Finana which went full griftmode would make. The fucking Federal Reserve doesn't print as much money as she could had.

>> No.76918152

She must have some advisers though right? Doesn't she come from a fairly wealthy family? You'd think her parents would at least have some competent legal representation go over the contract. But then again it is Finana we're talking about

>> No.76918158

>so popular she gets beaten by aia in ccv

>> No.76918260
File: 260 KB, 456x530, actual mental issues.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you are fucking idiots who can't see the forest for the trees.
Occam's razor time: how tall is Kunai? If she's not around the same height as Sonny (or whoever that is second from the right), then it's physically impossible for that silhouette to be her.

>> No.76918320

Please, stop bullying Kunai. It's not her.

>> No.76918412

>Kunai: 162 cm
>Uki: 169 cm
>Sonny: 180 cm
Kunai and Uki are too close height-wise

>> No.76918601

>The 2 at the bottom

>> No.76918852

She's unironically ENs daisenpai and one of the most popular streamers in the branch.

It would be weird if she wasnt in it.

>> No.76919022
File: 137 KB, 1000x1000, 1692031811266755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76919667

Pomu was EN's actual daisenpai and she wasn't included in everything, despite her having higher viewers, subs, donos, and merch sales than Elira.

>> No.76919737 [DELETED] 

But was her fellatio as good? That's what I thought. Skill issues.

>> No.76920260

>one of the most popular
rumao even

>> No.76920421
File: 1.30 MB, 1200x675, schizo_roster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is niji, who fucking knows, that's what makes speculation fun.

>elira still has signature shoulder monster
>petra still has saggy socks
>uki only got a ponytail with his 2.0 model
But adding a ponytail to Kunai is unthinkable?

>white boy

This, but do consider "Sonny" may actually *be* Uki (or Claude but that's too schizo even for me).

>> No.76920849

Ears are too on point, it's Kunai.

>> No.76922356

Watch it be Uki, man.

>> No.76922439

Pretty sure they're in Niji because they want to be in Niji, Vivi and SPECIALLY Kunai, would rather kill themselves that en in Phase/Holo, those two go against everything they like and stand for

>> No.76922587

Vivi is already reactivating her PL
Her days in niji are counted

>> No.76922674

Please share

>> No.76922682

>Anon doesn't know what a quote/reference is

>> No.76922937

>shitty boring JRPG girl 3view
>popular anything
only JP can pull off interesting JRPG girl

>> No.76922959

a locked profile gets unprivated and start to post about "coming back home"
It being a quote from one of her favorite animes doesn't change the meaning of it

>> No.76923010

>male footwear
it's uki
can't wait for the meltdown

>> No.76923080

>of all the things to quote she quotes that specific phrase

>> No.76923561

"im whispering our lullaby for you to come back home"
And a video with "The Journey to Fries continues"
"Fries" is an internal joke because she likes fries. But it's a clear comeback hint

>> No.76924787

Scarle continues her streak of being blackballed by NijiEN management for refusing to retweet Elira's black box stream

>> No.76925412

You're looking at it wrong. The 5th person's head is tilted forward, not backward.
So those aren't animal ears. It's just hair.

>> No.76925825

clique boss Elira!

>> No.76927235
File: 387 KB, 480x608, 1716689407047848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things can change after experiencing trauma anon. Remember when we thought Selen and Pomu would NEVER leave Niji?

>> No.76927502

I love how NDF still trying to deny the existence of Hanamori clique.
It's fucking Uki, I guarantee it. No way they would give non-clique member like Kunai anything

>> No.76927835

Scarle would quite literally be fine, her audience is extremely loyal to her and will follow her wherever she goes.

>> No.76928062

where the fuck is it's neck. Either it has no neck or its doing a wojak head lean.

>> No.76929669

Now you know why the lazufags won't let go of Mint. Their general will legit die if they stop leeching from her.

>> No.76929881

kek always elira

>> No.76930094
File: 52 KB, 314x333, 1691435594778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. It's almost definitely Uki.

>> No.76933965


>> No.76936293

>one of the most popular streamers in the branch

>> No.76942017


>> No.76942026


>> No.76942080

Just a question, would it be better for Niji to give these kinds of collab to the newer talents? You know, since that could give them a much needed boost, and stopped adding fuel to the favortism slam dunk?

>> No.76942406

Vivi could always play the long-game, go the indie route and suck up to Zentreya to network herself into the circle of big-name twitch indies and try to score herself a Mint/Doki collab which would be impossible as long as she's still in Niji

>> No.76944670

>probably Vox

>> No.76944736

Why is always the same people?

>> No.76945386

They get REALLY lucky with the very real lotteries Niji holds to determine who gets included. Don't ask questions.

>> No.76945815

Taiwan has been doing niji collab cafes for years now, anonchama

>> No.76947579

Don't you know, they're the real merch movers, the most popular nijien members anon.
There's nothing at all suspicious about this and you should not look into it further.

>> No.76947783

>they're the real merch movers
That doesn't affect who they pick. See: Elira vs. Pomu

>> No.76948090

who the fuck else would be? there's nobody left that's actually popular you idiot. that's like bitching that Gura is in every holoEN thing, no fucking shit sherlock

>> No.76948213

Why wouldn't she be? She's the top dog now that she got rid of everybody else

>> No.76948293

sure it isn't, grandpa. Let's get you to bed before you start ranting about orange dragons...

>> No.76948414

>she's the most popular female
By what metric? She had like 3-4x the amount of merch as selen and pomu, but her shit almost never sold, and any time there was lazulight merch, Pomu's sold out immediately, while Elira's was lucky if it'd MAYBE sell out several months later.
CCV? Completely obliterated by pomu and selen. Views? Same deal. Superchats? Not even close.
She's not even the most valuable girl left. That's Enna by views and Scarle, followed by Aia by actual money being brought in.

>> No.76948879

>she's the most popular female
>selen won that normie filian awards
>selen terminated and back to doki become the one of the most popular indie
who the most popular female again? outside of your little echo chamber elira is nobody sister, shes not gura who everyone and their mother who watch vtuber know.

>> No.76950212

This is Uki.

>> No.76950463
File: 97 KB, 700x694, 7krds7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save her, yagoo-san

>> No.76950769

Holy shit how tf do they survive with 2% of $8,267 and $7,054

>> No.76951098


>> No.76951240
File: 361 KB, 786x588, 1670244503598041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off

>> No.76951698
File: 11 KB, 1280x720, 1698855150723121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, Elira IS the most popular female. It's a fact. Everyone knows about her.

>> No.76951733
File: 80 KB, 289x247, 1715215221487364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have to introduce NijiCN properly.

>> No.76952112

That's the super chat revenue, the cut is something like 30%

>Voicepacks (>50%)
>Streamlabs (50%?)
>Memberships (30%?)
>Superchats (30%)
>Merch (2%)

It's still fucking grim tho.

>> No.76953073

Sis, I'm an elirafag and even I know she isn't marketable as pomu is, put pomu in any event she can outsell that shit, elira's only advantage is kowtowing to chinese shit

>> No.76953680

SC and Memberships are 50% too, that's why the livers prefer streamlabs, since they don't get a big cut like youtube

>> No.76953734

I'm including the Youtube cut too, so it's something like
>33% Youtube
>33% Anycolor
>33% Organ

>> No.76955976


>> No.76957961

Elira again

>> No.76959797

of course

>> No.76962040

You don't. They are really their own ecosystem.

>> No.76962377
File: 1.12 MB, 1110x690, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira Reigns and CliqueSanjiEN

>> No.76964617

not everything phase has pippa, not everything holo has marine and they're much more popular, you're only proving the point even harder that it's extremely suspicious how the same clique are chosen for everything

>> No.76965122

$40k of that is from her graduation stream(s) alone, another $19k in July 2023 leading up to her graduation, and most of the $20k in June 2023 was after her graduation announcement. Her 2022 SC total was almost identical to Enna's

>> No.76968245

Maybe NDF will, I'll just be very confused schizo.

Kunai's ears are on the back of her head, but:
This is honestly the strongest argument for Uki so far.
Stealing Kunai's signature pelt for a festival attire is absolutely something niji would do.

...Speaking of though, if this is Uki, why the hell did they give him a magical wand? Does him or niji really push the gay flamboyant stereotype that hard?

>> No.76971590

>Does him or niji really push the gay flamboyant stereotype that hard?
Have you seen Aster's new outfit?

>> No.76972420

Not flamboyant, just twinkbait.
Flamboyant is stereotypical transvestite.

>> No.76973396

Why is Elira in every collab?

>> No.76973530

Yeah, what I meant was that if they're already going for a twink (and even a cunnysseur loli) there are absolutely no limits they're not willing to push anymore

>> No.76977605

Whatever it is, it definitely has nothing to do with the favoritism in Nijisanji that definitely doesn't exist
Stop asking questions

>> No.76977913

I understand trying to pretend that Elira and Vox didn't kill NijiEN, but geez, chill out a little and give some other talents a chance to share the spotlight.

>> No.76978009

Nina was far and away the biggest girl at the time she left. Her and Mysta leaving back to back lost Niji both their top girl and their top boy.

>> No.76978476

that's how you higher up always do shit, give themselves bonuses and rewards while leaving those below them with the occasional scraps

>> No.76978621

Except that the daisenpai was still Pomu.
Elira's nowhere near the top on any metric.

>> No.76978695

counterpoint: massive fucking feet and being on the boys' side since they split fucking everything across the sexes.
Look how small the feet are on the girls, then compare to that "kunai" silhouette

>> No.76979067

and pomu still begged for money months after graduating, pretty cringe

>> No.76979278

>Nijisisters have to resort to making up shit because they have nothing on her
Must be a day that ends with y
