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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76878029 No.76878029 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive is already making their first move by debuting 3D for Tempus 2 and possibly Advent in June. Not to mention the secret video that they are planning and maybe more news will appear

How will Nijisanji respond to this, especially when their Q4 report is coming ? Will Luxiem 3D be able to save them (if exist) ?

>> No.76878183

Nijisanji fucking lost. Even if there is a Luxiem 3D. They won't even catch up to the fucking 2nd gen of EN homos and they're the low bar. What makes you think they'll live up to Advent?

>> No.76878378

Advent won't be in June. It will be July at earliest but most likely August because that's when Summer Holiday started.

Secret video is either a HoloSummer confirmation, or its a Gen1 thing.

Niji still got their NBA collab though. Probably no Koshien this year, but NBA may plug the gap?

>> No.76878381


The question is not what will Nijisanji fo next. The REAL question is who will replace Nijisanji. And the money is either on Brave or Phase

>> No.76878454

Sister will you stop the delusion about your pathetic indie company having a competition againsr the supreme blue dorito. There's no fucking competition coz Holo mogs niji out of the water quiet easily.

>> No.76879891

Anycolor won't be surviving past the June 11 stock crash.

>> No.76880009

It's over for Nijisanji
All they can hope for is to bleed out slowly

>> No.76880503

Looking forward to seeing what Yagoo has up his sleeve, like prematurely announcing Cover USA just before Anycolor's last meeting.

Will they secure a Prime Market listing by then? So many possible W's, many unforseeable from the public to announce.

>> No.76880518

I'm going to give Niji the benefit of the doubt here and say they might just hang on through the power of sheer faggotry since it's fucking Pride Month again.

>> No.76880537

War implies two comparable armies. A better term for this is genocide.

>> No.76880976

nijisanji isnt even beating phasekeks

>> No.76881081

Aren't you late for school Timmy? You can continue your console wars when you get back.

>> No.76881279

>June is going to be an all out war
the war is over LMAO

>> No.76881327

>Nijisanji fucking lost. Even if there is a Luxiem 3D. They won't even catch up to the fucking 2nd gen of EN homos and they're the low bar. What makes you think they'll live up to Advent?
Holy fucking shit PLEASE let Luxiem attempt to mog stars or advent. Either one would be just fucking hilarious, like when the sisters were freaking out about how Petra was neck and neck with HoloFes before being told it was just the fucking waiting room

>> No.76881593


>> No.76881638
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>Holy fucking shit PLEASE let Luxiem attempt

>> No.76881750

that was Top kek, I remember sisters spamming they were mogging holofes

>> No.76881808

August is Regloss

>> No.76881964
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/biz/ here. I legit don't know how Anycolor can get out of this one. If they hit the forecast, people will shit on them for cooking the numbers. If they don't, people will shit on them for calling Selen's graduation "neglegible" when it clearly wasn't. I guess that cooking the numbers would be preferable.

tl;dr Buy Cover after Anycolor releases the Q4+2023 annual report and both stock prices crash (some more).

>> No.76881978

Kek that was how desperate they are for just a shred of a W

>> No.76882505
File: 998 KB, 802x724, pomu sweat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's finally unironically only 2 more weeks until NijiEN's judgment day
Even if the quarterly report somehow ISN'T a fucking catastrophe, it's still guaranteed to make the board implode one way or the other.
We're gonna need a bigger bag of popcorn.

>> No.76882696

If Riku somehow meets the 2024 targets he said they were somehow on track for after the Q3 reports, despite requiring a double revenue Q4 compared to last year in order to meet it...
I will fucking kneel. Even if he only pulls it off due to some intense short-sighted bullshit like selling assets so he could put the asset sales on the Q4 earnings.

>> No.76882960

No one is going to buy their crap. What are they going to do to even sell it? Last I checked NijiEN fucking sucks at setting uo events and JP interns are a brand risk.

>> No.76883066
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Hololive has no competition
Niji meanwhile...

>> No.76883092

Was it the waiting room? I thought it was the "everything else" going on at the event since they were streaming tours and Talent events like showcasing Sora, Kanata and Lui talking about HoloIndie and the upcoming Suicide Squad isekai anime with Mori doing the ED song I believe?

>> No.76883094
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ryona barren warts

>> No.76883157

If he even fucking survives the month. June is the report, but July is judgement day where he has to fucking explain himself.

>> No.76883172

It was the waiting room with the adverts and stuff and then later on with the tour of the place, but by then the numbers were already fuck ton higher.

Basically in a sense it's true. Petra was mogging the Holofes stream, but she was basically mogging the ads.


>> No.76883178

It was quite literally the waiting room with absolutely nothing happening but a slideshow promo for the fes playing with random hololive songs on loop with 20,000 viewers.
And it still beat Petra as soon as anything happened by several scales.

>> No.76883261

Funny thing, I’ve been in japan for 2 weeks now and have not seen a single thing hololive. On the other hand, Niji is fucking everywhere, even some random ass pharmacy has niji ads next to shit like toilet bowl cleaner and condoms. Also many ads in stations

>> No.76883315

you really dont want luxiem and tempus 3d on the same day, i mean your failure of a clown went from 12k usd birthday in 2023 to 1.9k usd birthday in 2024 kek.

>> No.76883317

I have a friend that lives there and says the same thing although Holos have ads in music shops and Akihabara easily. But Niji still has more ads.
So why is NijiJP even lower in views now compared to Holo. This year is actually their lowest when it comes to trying for parity.

>> No.76883412

There is no war. There is only the incoming demise of a black corpo and their rival dancing on their grave on the horizon.
The real question is when will the sisters fuck off from the board, so god damned sick and tired of seeing their retardation shitting up the place.

>> No.76883436
File: 804 KB, 937x1164, 1BV2oTYRTX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vox can't even break out of 3view on fucking events now without a raid. All he has left is a few fujos going insane on boosting his vod views, which are STILL pathetic compared to what he should be at as the top dog of EN.

>> No.76883652

if voxxy's vod views are shooo pawthethic, why beeettel only haaaaavee 1.544m veeohhhdee vieww from jan to april while voxxy isss aatttte 2.614m :3 meow

>> No.76883760
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>homofaggots vs sisters the thread

>> No.76883996

>So why is NijiJP even lower in views now compared to Holo.
Because the NijiJP fanbase is essentially non existent outside Japan, and they don’t help themselves when they still have their concerts and other big pay walled events on region locked NND. Most casuals won’t give a fuck to VPN to get around if, so they get filtered by that. It doesn’t help that even when one of the more popular Nijis in Hoshikawa tried EOP pandering no one really cared so she gave it up, Ako tried to farm an English fanbase off of Reddit back in the day but that also failed. Hayama has tried to at least interact with EOPs after she got exposure randomly from fucking xqc of all people but that never stuck. Niji just doesn’t have the same connection between its JP and EN branches like Holo does with EN and ID… Which is honestly good because the ENs just need to be cut loose.

>> No.76884029

>But Niji still has more ads.
I mean, you don't need high CCV to put out a shitton of ads? Just pay and be willing to pay.

>> No.76884116

Hololive has entered a temporary alliance with Vshojo in order to finish off Niji for good.

For proof

>> No.76884315

NijiJP has more regular Japanese fans than Hololive does. They would've pushed away the normal Japanese if they tried to bring in gaijin. Makes me wonder why these Japanese companies even bother making overseas branches, their people are very uncomfortable around foreigners and it shows.

>> No.76884343
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154k is pretty damn high.

>> No.76884349

>Hoshikawa tried EOP pandering
Did she? I remember hearing she knew english and got interested, but then after realizing she never fucking used it, I got told that she was too embarrassed to even try and gave up.

>> No.76884395

Hololive showed there is a significant market for EN content, Niji would’ve been stupid not to try they’re just too incompetent to make it work… Which has been a recurring issue in all their foreign branch attempts. Plenty of other NijiJPs have tried pandering, Rin still regularly has auto translated subs on stream so they are aware of the benefit of bringing in an English audience. Like I said though the EN = JP funnel just isn’t there like Hololive.

>> No.76884436

She did a few Duolingo streams back in the day, her British accent is really fucking cute so I’d recommend going to check them out. They never took off though so she gave up.

>> No.76884445

Why ads has to do anything with views. That just means they pump more money to gain customers. The fact their views are lower than last year imply that the retention is bad.

>> No.76884491

Except the top nijiJPs have lower numbers than the top holoJPs. Last I checked even total viewership is now in holo’s favor i.e. assuming every viewer of all 200 organs are unique. They were forced to remove their “#1 vtuber company” brag for a reason.

>> No.76884495

ReGloss and ARMIS coming soon.

>> No.76884526

>an all out war
Pomu is dead, nijisanji is practically dead. when is this meme going to die?

>> No.76884530
File: 56 KB, 299x347, Law LOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How will Nijisanji respond to this
They are done OP, let them sink in to irrelevance in peace

>> No.76884568

>Nijifags have to fight tooth and nail against fucking homos and are still losing

>> No.76884659

I just wanna see how Bettel moves in 3D.

>> No.76884692

Regarding the numbers, Niji was not #1 for years now. But if we want to talk about reputation in Japan, Niji is still #1. It's like Google being the most recognizable tech company, but the actual top is really Amazon.
>But who cares about reputation, it's all about the money
True, but reputation is important for public image.

>> No.76884698

I’m going to need some fucking ice magic for my thread so it doesn’t die a dozen times during that shitposting hurricane.

>> No.76884708
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>The man who endorsed to buy followers

>> No.76884789

Silly anon, genocide only applies to humans

>> No.76885392

they think comparing top nijiEN dog to literally who bettel is a win.....

>> No.76885639

>Thread got deleted right as I clicked it.
Huh. That was strange

>Captcha: RATN

>> No.76885657

I really hope Pixel keeps inclining.

>> No.76885771

Why do people act like Niji JP's care about EN drama? Niji has always been strong in Japan.

>> No.76885877

The situation was so fucking bad it completely blew back on even the japanese branch.

>> No.76886597

Collateral damage Tony

>> No.76887814

>Luxiem 3D

>> No.76888022

Damn, are ads and yachts the only things Niji are investing in?

>> No.76888095

JP as livers? Yeah, they don't care.
Anycolor? They care a lot.

>> No.76888204

She’s a hafu Brit who grew up in England, her English is cute as fuck.

>> No.76889567

>is going to be an all out war
When it is NOT an all out war?

>> No.76890477
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They paid for the NBA license. Literally anyone can do that if they have 25-50k.

>> No.76890540

Wait there a riifu thats not riifu?

>> No.76890945

Save.. Rosemi.. Now! Anyone.

>> No.76891509

Virtual to Live being tainted by EN trash is a travesty.

>> No.76891572

I miss the doxx site, this isn't fun anymore. They keep shitting the board and I can't tell what's real and what's a falseflag anymore

>> No.76891968

Would sister piss off if their virgin eyes see this before luxiem 3d debut?

>> No.76892151

They are all the same type of cancer. Even if their oshis like Enna survive they will get filtered by JP. Keep in mind any of their yabs since they are JP can't be covered up.

>> No.76893074

Meeting the projections will only kick the can three months down the road. They would need to have made a certain amount of revenue in Q4 to meet the projection, and the investors' response would be to demand that they make more revenue than that in every fiscal quarter in perpetuity - the numbers for May-July would have to be better than the numbers for Feb- April were, the Aug-Oct numbers would have to be better than the May-July numbers, and so on.

Of course this discussion is entirely academic, since they lost almost the entire first half of Q4 and would need to have met the projections with the events and special streams between (and including) Petra's 3D and Virtual Rhapsody.

Also they announced that there would be four special events to celebrate the EN branch's third anniversary, but still haven't yet announced what the fourth event is yet. It's just as well, though, since two of the events were things which had originally been scheduled for months before they announced the anniversary celebration; and the actual branch anniversary date has come and gone without any fanfare above and beyond the Lazulight wave anniversary streams.

If he cooks the numbers, or even tries to, he'd better do it legally.
Because if his company causes rich stock market assholes to lose money through illegal means and they get caught, the consequences for the company will make the honest numbers look like a slightly wet fart in comparison.

>> No.76893225

Why does Alban moves like he's an 80 yo with arthritis?

>> No.76893263

I hope Fraudsemi stays in niji forever (derogatory)

>> No.76893352

Funny how all homos meet-and-greet tickets sold out within days of announcement while miload didn't.
And that's with the caveat that niji tickets are almost half the price of the homos'

>> No.76893794

>Meeting the projections will only kick the can three months down the road.
I'm of the opinion that they're at the breaking point. The can cannot be kicked any further. They were visibly falling apart Q3 and their only way of postponing the end times to Q4 was to promise they'd make up the difference in Q4. No matter how you slice it that just can't be done as Q4 is blatantly going to underperform even harder than Q3 did.
I would be utterly shocked if Riku were capable of moving heaven and earth in order to postpone the Nijipocalypse 3 more months. Even delaying the inevitable just 3 months would be such a herculean feat of business genius it'd make me kneel.

>> No.76893929

>The can cannot be kicked any further
Not really, Riku was able to convince investors that Anycolor is still aiming for global market.
The moment they voluntarily drop out from the race by either merging nijien to jp or straight up do the Yumenographia will be the moment they truly lost.

>> No.76894134

Luxiem and Noctxy already have 3d, they had a 3d concert thing

>> No.76894207
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>> No.76894414

Total niji death

>> No.76894442

>VRchat level 3D
If that's true why don't they do a showcase like what Holo did with EN and ID then?
Keep in mind the "concert" was supposed to be aired last year.

>> No.76894733

Homo fans know the money is in the merch. gotta make crazy itabags and showcase merch for your favourite talents.

>> No.76894785

The issue is they already wagered their reputation as a business on Q4 being exceptional. They were directly asked by investors if any of the current events or the below expectation performance Q3 would impact their yearly total, as investors were confused at the yearly projections being completely unchanged from when they were made. Anycolor doubled down on the projections being correct, and Q4 being so good as to make up the difference (requires a +100% YoY Q4 btw).
Should Q4 be even worse than the already underperforming Q3 instead then they'd be a laughingstock. Which as we know is a pretty likely outcome.
What sane investor would ever trust these scammers again when they straight up lie in investor reports? Going from +100% predictions to -ve%? That's insane. Especially with the stigma of Anycolor being a tech company, all the JP stockbros will suddenly panic thinking they'd actually bought into a classic tech scam startup like scamcoin. Their imaginations will run wild conjecturing the entire fucking investor reports for the past 2 years had been fake and the vtubers aren't real income, and it's all some ponzi/money laundering scheme.
And as we know, Q4 being worse than Q3 is the expected outcome here. It'd take a miracle to fix this.

>> No.76895176

How's NijiJP doing? Are they doing well enough that they can cover what happened to NijiEN in the books?

>> No.76895632

Then why do they keep screaming about Palestinians?

>> No.76896083

"Rats are the lowliest and the most despised of all creatures, my love. If they have purpose, so do we all". - suicide squad. This is ultimately the sisters final cope.

>> No.76897901

>And as we know, Q4 being worse than Q3 is the expected outcome here.
Everyone is expecting this. People have been expecting it ever since someone in Anycolor decided it would be a good idea to publish the "negligible" paper on Feb 7. The only thing nobody knows yet is just how bad the drop from Q3 to Q4 will be.
It was always going to be a big problem for Anycolor, but nobody knew just how big of a problem it would be until they published the Q3 report, which was bad enough that the stock lost nearly 22% in a single day. That baseline was significantly worse than expected, and is the sole reason for most of the event spam in April (except Virtual Rhapsody, which had been announced before the Q3 report was published) and the aptly-named "Life Support" inventory clearance sale.

The Q4 report will be published on June 12 at 1500 JST. Anycolor stock is gonna take a beating on June 13, likely all the way down to the circuit breaker.

>> No.76898174

Don't forget that it would have lost more if not for the JP market circuit breaker. Now that they don't have the funny 2434 number anymore, they might even hit the next circuit breaker.

>> No.76898415

I wonder if they'll hit it as fast as they did on the last quarter.
I'd say as fast as Square Enix did but they hit that circuit breaker within minutes of the stock market opening.

>> No.76899745

"Show no quarter to the Njijisanjis we come across. Make no mistake about why we are here. This is an extermination."

>> No.76901339

It will be a slaughter

>> No.76903313

holostars tickets were $85 for 3 minutes, while niji tickets were $50 for 1 minute

>> No.76903374

Ah I love the smell of nijiseethe in the morning

>> No.76903445

>3D for Tempus 2
what an opening salvo to this hotly contested batt-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

>> No.76903578

At least the majority of them self report by spamming Sayu threads. I pray they don't get creative
