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76873953 No.76873953 [Reply] [Original]


Elira...not like this...

>> No.76874132
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I asked

>> No.76874153

This feels like the NTR scene where the wife cant take it anymore and decide to call her husband's bully to fuck her. Elira....its over...

>> No.76874216
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>> No.76874624

it was either that or keep her pride and fall into irrelevance. Good girl

>> No.76875218

The thing really that surprised me was not that she would do it eventually, the girl is prone to doing very unpredictable things because she feels like it's right to do or to show things off because she feels like it, but the fact that she decided to do that during this time. I wonder if there was some pressure or etc. from Elira and co. that caused this directly given she and Doki didn't contact each other until Wrestlemania. But yeah, this was definitely a sea change of association and one of the rare times Mint isn't "neutral" on something. But she's probably not going to talk about things past what she said so that's all we'll ever get on that front.

>> No.76875505

of course she did, mint saw doki's numbers and couldn't resist.
and just before doki's biggest event
makes you wonder

>> No.76875542

Mint is a good girl.
I wish more women were like her.

>> No.76875626

Doki also said today that this wouldn't have happened if Mint didn't reach out first because she's too scared and doesn't want to hurt anyone
Thank god Doki's manager is an S class wingman and emailed Mint asking her to join or it wouldn't have happened
Now Sayufags are gonna Dokibeg even harder and make her reach out to Doki

>> No.76875636
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Nice cope, sister
This wrestling tournament is always their thing

>> No.76875703

You're honestly wasting your time doing these threads. Today's Collab including the main roster + newly debuted wave averaged like 3 finanas. The writing is on the wall, this entire board could stop shiting on niji -even shill them- but the EN branch will still get closed by the end of the year, best case scenario. Just enjoy any of the talents they have still and hope they reincarnate afterwards

>> No.76875853

The funniest shit is that even then, she didn't REALLY reach out, but she made enough of a move for one of Doki's managers to say fuck it and toss her an e-mail.
Then they spent the next night or so staying up to 4 AM catching up.

>> No.76876224

just glad doki has people legitimately looking out for her and her best interests. good on the manager team.

>> No.76876352

Women are fake


>> No.76876454

There's a high chance Elira was the one who cockblocked her from the MGS collab so this counts as payback.

>> No.76876543

>Mint and Doki thread
>Sayu out of nowhere
Talk about rent fucking free

>> No.76876636

It the last cope sisters have

>> No.76876681

I miss her already. Hope she has fun at the con.

God, I really want to hope somehow everyone ends up happy out of this... somehow...

>> No.76878222

Post 3 examples.

>> No.76878259


>> No.76878386

>mint saw doki's numbers and couldn't resist.
She would have done it sooner in that case, not waited 2 months for Doki's numbers to cool off.

>> No.76878719

Doki's manager is a good fucking dude

>> No.76879100

The fact she followed Doki for whatever reason before her big event. Not saying that it was a high IQ play but her timing sense is sometimes impeccable in that regard. Same thing with her graduation before the whole mess with Doki surfaced.

>> No.76879734

I'm also glad these spergs have people who make them talk to each other

>> No.76879847

Retard. Mint's CCV is consistently slightly higher than Doki's

>> No.76880277

Eh, they're around the same to the point of being either within margin of error, or dependant on whatever their stream topic is that day and timezone.

>> No.76882203

nice yuri plot

>> No.76885314


>> No.76885722

imagine if they didn't intervene

>> No.76885951
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Why does pomu still exist in here?

>> No.76885991

If you take her out that thread dies.

>> No.76886268


>> No.76887702


>> No.76887811

But enough about sayu

>> No.76887857

who gives a fuck

>> No.76887884

Seethe nijicuck

>> No.76887908

It would be extremely painful. For Elira.

>> No.76887917


>> No.76888094

She probably thought that Selen was blaming her because she was close friends with the people that harassed her, so she didn't have the guts to try talking with her.

And I don't really blame her, the situation was extremely fucked up. I'm just glad that they could become friends again.

>> No.76888223
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Eliratomos...she could not resist the tomato cock

>> No.76888672

>Feel like I wasted a good part of my life
Oof, don't I know it

>> No.76888723

I looked up what "armytwt" is and of fuckin' course it's kpop dreck.

>> No.76888734


>> No.76890852


>> No.76891174

Because she was the heart of the wave. Removing her means you're left with a groomed retard and a lying backstabber, and the memory of what Pomu was helps to take the mind away from the grim reality of today.

>> No.76891483

Mint saw that NijiEN was a lost cause and decided her best business decision was to join Doki's side.
If these two were actually friends it shouldn't have took this long for them to communicate. Especially if Mint didn't have anything to do with Doki getting fucked in the ass by Elira and co.

>> No.76891579

The same reason why Selen still exists in Rosemi’s intro

>> No.76891594


>> No.76891733

The real rrat is why Doki was prefectly fine with never speaking to Mint again. Because according to her, that was the plan until Mint took the initative.

>> No.76891912

Finana is the one making the threads, so you should ask her.

>> No.76892355

She wasn't "prefectly fine with never speaking to Mint again", she reached out to her immediately when she saw a chance.

Even if Pomu didn't take part in the harassment, she was still pretty close to Elira and Millie, so I can easily imagine Doki feeling terrified about being rejected or even blamed for what happened to NijiEN after her termination. Don't forget that she tried to kill herself two times not even half a year ago, those kind of scars never disappear.

>> No.76892589

>Mint saw that NijiEN is a lost cause
Yeah, back in July of last fucking year, you moron. That's why she graduated.

>> No.76892920

Never obsess over one thing guys. If you are going to consume media consume a lot of it so your life doesn't depend on just one thing.
