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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.05 MB, 1001x1200, 🎨_MabuP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76860189 No.76860189 [Reply] [Original]

A Healing Smile edition

Live Concert:

Song Covers Playlist:


▼ Talents ==========================
>Generation EONIA
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Generation novamore
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Generation Hanamizuki
【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】

【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】

【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】

>Generation Ephemira
【Hiyori Mokami 桃神日和】

【Kohaku Yumekui 夢喰己白】

【Lethe Bonapuchi レッテボナプチ】

【Meimi Majokko 魔女っ子めいみ】

【Navina Nova ナビナ・ノバ】

【Tomoe Carmine トモエ・カーマイン】

▼kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Pixelink >>>/vt//pxl/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami

Previous Thread: >>76835677

>> No.76860263
File: 369 KB, 653x540, islaheartbeats[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fq2l6pv.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76860377


>> No.76860411

Charzu is my girlfriend

>> No.76860468

kawaii art archive MEGA

>> No.76860515
File: 680 KB, 602x794, KayaMistake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaya is a mistake

>> No.76860560

She got a smile that seems to me. Reminds me of childhood memories. Now and then when I see her face. She takes me away to that special place, and if I stared too long. I’d probably break down and cry. WOOOOOAHHH, OH , OH SWEET CHILD O’ MINE!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.76860617

Meimi, for the love of christ switch to mouse and keyboard

>> No.76860646

Meimi's will I refund in 2 hours series is a good idea but an actual gamer should do it. Would make a fun mini review thing.

>> No.76860657

calm down old boyfriend, she is happier with her new one

>> No.76860743

I declare this thread shitpost free in the name of Namiji Freesia

>> No.76860837
File: 80 KB, 900x900, 1713880144730465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't like ran-through (not the fan name) whores

>> No.76860898
File: 321 KB, 998x1352, strangerofparadise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will Nami play final fantasy origin: stranger of paradise
I think the dynamic would be hilarious

>> No.76860989

Shee needs to collab with Auwi again, I miss those 2 dorks together.

>> No.76861052

we like cup the troon too

>> No.76861088

Butterscotch and Dr.pepper….

>> No.76861144
File: 337 KB, 1920x1080, 1716402262446155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her

>> No.76861149

cup and riri can be in the collab too. That's the dream team my nigga.

>> No.76861281

KEKEDroji heh

>> No.76861353

Nano Nikke
Meimi Little Witch Nobeta
Yuno karaoke
Shee Killer Klowns game
Hiyori Slither.io

>> No.76861422

if umi/ophelia is going to offkai you can bet she will have her FIVE GUYS moment

>> No.76861474

Damn it why no one post nano, she was streaming????? I want to wash Nano... but I want to watch Hiyorin too...

>> No.76861632

You want to wash Nano? Describe to me the process on how you would wash Nano.

>> No.76861657

OffKai is for FIVE GUYS, if yuno yuno

>> No.76861840

Well alright then, you know how cats clean themselves? Like that, with my tongue all over Nanos body.

>> No.76861978

Shit, that’s hot.

>> No.76862049

licking the fat nanobelly until modman2 comes back...

>> No.76862128
File: 1.35 MB, 1434x686, mega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I added a thread webm and image folder, for anyone who cares

>> No.76862153
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, 1713340546316292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love agency vtuber (virtual YouTuber) Ms. Lua Asuka of Production kawaii Generation 2 (novamore)


Latest covers:


>> No.76862214

lmao Nano be talking mad nonsense. She's so funny lol

>> No.76862261
File: 984 KB, 827x1436, 1715635253898389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76862324

Hiyori got a smooch from Yuno. THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME!!!!!!

>> No.76862377
File: 109 KB, 1080x1358, ho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yuno whore friends

>> No.76862466


>> No.76862550

Cute wolf bard is here

>> No.76862551

that's a cute man

>> No.76862590

Kiss on the mouth. hot.

>> No.76862845

Umi's mouth has more STDs than all Shee friends combined, yes Auri is included

>> No.76862897

Yuno will make a man out of me. See you later losers.

>> No.76862927

im not paying for your dog's dental care wat the

>> No.76863078

Nano just wants to sing but management won't let her

>> No.76863109
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>> No.76863134

they want more male collabs

>> No.76863528

Nano has the boobs to be in Nikke but does she have the ass for it?

>> No.76863591

Where's this from? Don't see it in her art tag or media tab

>> No.76863673


>> No.76863693

I'm going to say Maybe, can't really see her ass.

>> No.76863829

the sister is trying to save /pkg/

>> No.76863837
File: 2.24 MB, 1452x835, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76863977


>> No.76863980
File: 36 KB, 599x463, 1715621367357707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are so lucky...

>> No.76863985
File: 3.10 MB, 720x480, hiyoshark[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzk6t9m.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76864008

my wife isla-sama is awake

>> No.76864132

play the phone ads game Isla, who cares if its repeating someone else's content
shit is powerful

>> No.76864143


>> No.76864255

>yuno blacked
damakeks can't stop losing

>> No.76864623

>aster stream
wtf nijihomos fell off, kohaku might be able to groom him at this point

>> No.76864814

bro why are you watching that sissy faggot to know that? pretty sus.

>> No.76864832

koha woke up for aster stream

>> No.76864984

I dream of Charzu giving me a massage by stepping on my back

>> No.76865188

While she looks down on you with a disgusting look but inside she actually enjoys doing it. Hot.

>> No.76865409

she is the groomer

>> No.76865483


>> No.76865613

overlap my beloved

>> No.76865973

she's so damn cute

>> No.76866049


>> No.76866166

cute troon

>> No.76866179

Nanl is comparing herself to a Nikki character

>> No.76866986

Is it bad that this doesnt sting as much as it used to? I thought her homo interactions stopped at simply follow them and the occasional raid since "supporting the art" would be very Yuno coded.
Makes her last stream about keeping her fans nice messages and stuff about wanting to give damacucks positive affirmations even more disgusting, in my eyes this is worse than Ran and on the level of the whorse and gen 3
I fucking burned money on this whore

>> No.76867019
File: 50 KB, 1097x785, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just procrastinating

>> No.76867071

hiyori has a sister too huh

>> No.76867099

so many vods to watch so little time.

>> No.76867133
File: 430 KB, 585x559, the entire circus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76867203

thats girl on girl action though

>> No.76867239

Assuming this is not a bad larp, this happens when you don't do your reps.
You got grifted.

>> No.76867244

You're making these?? Absolutely based if so

>> No.76867386

I don't think the business yuri is the issue here, if yuno yuno

>> No.76867433

Umi has a large base of sexpests, if they interact this much you can bet yuno is the same way, birds of a feather

>> No.76867596

Sexpests are the thing you don't like about Umi??? Weak.

>> No.76868210

That’s Klazyyyy

>> No.76868520

Why does Shee Icho look like the protagonist of Fire Emblem with the red and blue hair one.

>> No.76868623

I miss hiyori saying coded

>> No.76868660 [SPOILER] 
File: 298 KB, 1280x2275, __alear_and_alear_fire_emblem_and_1_more_drawn_by_edamameoka__08de033a52f901082e63460bb49c4937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean colgate-chan?

>> No.76869114

Shee looks like a fuckin clown

>> No.76869228


>> No.76869282

hiyori is trooning out

>> No.76869532

It's what most people know about her, this company is making me angry and burnt out, all this whole corpo was supposed to be about was being able to escape real life women for a few hours and watch cute girls
What went wrong?

>> No.76869619

Nano's small female brain....

>> No.76869635

That is a lot of your own time wasted on subpar entertainment. I dont even watch my oshis every stream or vod. I just watch when she streams something interesting to me.

>> No.76869848
File: 24 KB, 461x138, 458544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Hiyos chat.

>> No.76870269

bad larp, umi is so much worse than just having sexpests around lol

>> No.76871019

Post umi tits and it'll make you feel better
When will yuno start posting tits, she is a tumblr girl so nudes have to be out there already

>> No.76871254

Did Shee get raided by some some latina mommy vtuber???

>> No.76871256
File: 634 KB, 1288x530, vmom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chuuba just raided Shee, no idea who she is but that model is sex

>> No.76871302

your mom

>> No.76871374

I think you let the last few days of doomposting get to you.

>> No.76871582

does she have a husband or is she a single mom?

>> No.76871672

>that model

>> No.76871701
File: 248 KB, 345x411, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only good chrome extension for slitherio to select server doesnt work

>> No.76871785


>> No.76871873

>puerto rico
this whore has more STDs than Umi

>> No.76871906

Hiyo de puta

>> No.76871908

Oh nvm, she's a flip. Flip mommy vtuber

>> No.76871959

Damn Meimi only like pretty boys

>> No.76871983

What is this dogshit astroturfing?
A design that is a cross between anime and nickelodeon slop and people love it? That looks cheap as fuck.

>> No.76872027

Oh wait, that is indeed a Puerto rico flag, or Filippine

>> No.76872107

>the walking animation
Lord forgive me

>> No.76872115

Huh? That's a very anime design though

>> No.76872173

You sir, are stupid. I understand someone mixing up flags of Chad and Romania, Indonesia and Poland, but this is just shocking.

>> No.76872246

Are you high? Gay? Maybe both?

>> No.76872248

and peen

>> No.76872392

Are you surprised? The whores these niggas shill from other corpos should tell you how shit their tastes are
>shit model
>basic bitch streams
>mommy larp
>discord in bio
>homos replies in her posts
She is right up their alley kek

>> No.76872457
File: 121 KB, 623x647, 2247679854623421894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These little hands are the cutest asset ever.

Btw Meimi doing 50 jumping jacks and then having to rest before doing anoter 25 and resting again, is the CUTEST thing ever. I wanna squish Meimi, but also protect her. I love this girl. She is precious.
>Inb4 Peen this that
Kill yourself already.

>> No.76872531

she gives PL fans special treatment

>> No.76872544
File: 3.51 MB, 3840x2160, Isla laughing at YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76872638

Take your meds. It was someone who raided Shee and got live posted about.

>> No.76872691

all is forgiven

>> No.76872696

Thread police don't watch streams

>> No.76872771

Bro is not wrong, it's a cheap as fuck anime-adjacent model, not too different from the design you would find in Puerto Rico to advertise something like a hair salon for weebs, but good models right now are crazy expensive, let alone good designers.

She is probably doing the rounds trying to shill herself in bigger vtubers' chat,I also see the notorious indietroon Noriboshi Arielle in her clique. Grim.

>> No.76872881

I don’t need to watch streams to call out your shit taste

>> No.76872936
File: 673 KB, 968x559, clowning around.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite possibly the silliest game ever made

>> No.76872984

I thought browser games were a thing of the past but I guess not

>> No.76873007

Are you possibly women, jealous that guys are excited by a more attractive woman?

>> No.76873020
File: 2.56 MB, 1875x1065, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is officially a Killer Clown

>> No.76873100

yeah she is promoting herself but not too obnoxious

>> No.76873131

Cut your losses and cancel your membership if you haven’t already. I did that a couple of days ago. She only has like 20 members who actively engage with her content max, she’ll get the message quickly. The hope is that she will be mindbroken into no longer interacting with homos and whores on Twitter and maybe even lean into GFE to atone for her sins. That, or she doubles down and burns out so hard that she graduates.

>> No.76873145
File: 254 KB, 364x218, Albert.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-haha...yes, who in this day and age would play a browser game...

>> No.76873227

I assume he meant these simple click-and-play multiplayer browser games, like Agar.io. Browser games in general are from from dead

>> No.76873389

that model is indie westoid trash design, sorry bucko

>> No.76873529

stupid brat

>> No.76873691

she will play with pl fags after this

>> No.76873769

Meimi is asking for the moon and stars

>> No.76873792

meimi hates older guys it's meiover

>> No.76873835

aster got walked in on by kohaku

>> No.76873873

Being a shorts chatter in supas is based

>> No.76873933

>meimi hates older guys
based based based

>> No.76873968


>> No.76874001

Yuno is a tumblrina sister, she will double down and cuck the last damaKEK to prove a point

>> No.76874036

Perfect. It wouldn't be rape if she likes me

>> No.76874130

meimi graduated in 2015, older guys to her are like 50 and 60 years old

>> No.76874137
File: 303 KB, 2000x2000, GNM_jaHbsAApdRZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isla-sama desu

>> No.76874146

>i think
meimi's about to go off the rails

>> No.76874195

you will never be shirgler

>> No.76874269


>> No.76874351

yeah, for NasuMatsuri

>> No.76874494

did peen make the original CharzuCat?

>> No.76874587

he made all the cat variants

>> No.76874601
File: 567 KB, 600x600, GM72L4OW0AA_jL8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyahahaha! I have opinions!

>> No.76874716

I will be the one to save Meimi's eggs

>> No.76874731

This. It's a (You) problem primarily. Get some fresh air and maybe come back with a clearer head and less twitter post reading.

>> No.76874863

this shorts chatter is actually dropping fat donos lmao

>> No.76874983

I know it was his thing but maybe charzucat was made by someone else

>> No.76875060

it's over, watch vallure you will be happier

>> No.76875322

With the amount of semen umi has in her at any given time, she qualifies as a man
Those who hang around those types of whores are whores themselves, without exception
Ignore everything past gen 2 anon, it was making me burnt out as well, enjoy the girls who are in it to be kawaii and take a break from the board, it will do you some good

>> No.76875545

Isla-sama my beloved

>> No.76875581

hiyori is a man without semen

>> No.76875632

a wedding dress is Meimi's next outfit

>> No.76875645

Umi? Is that Ophelia?

>> No.76875718


>> No.76875744

heh, it's always funny to see the stark contrast with streams and threads.

>> No.76875814
File: 450 KB, 1205x237, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From no stream earlier today to now

>> No.76875894

Ah okay, go seeth about her on vrex thread then. Idk why you do it here lol. She also knows and interacts with at least one vtuber from every corpo out there because she has been in the scene for a long time

>> No.76876226


>> No.76876522

I don't want to sound like an anti or anything, but am I the only one who finds Sena to be very impersonable? Poor Auri is carrying the collab trying to make conversation and all Sena does is occasionally give a nervous giggle. This is like watching her try to collab with a dead fish. even Auri's super awkward collab with Icelyn Winter went better than this. Jesus christ Sena Bonbon fucking try talking for the love of god

>> No.76876549


>> No.76877070

I love Shee man, the company is burning around her and things are changing but she still only cares about her pawtners and ignores all the drama
Only good vibes and hardcore parasocialism tonight

>> No.76877148

>the company is burning around her

>> No.76877174

kawaii is going to collapse and the girls will be poached in 2 weeks

>> No.76877205

Oh, it's the schizo. Not sure what I expected lmao

>> No.76877385

i love my wife lethe

>> No.76877461

Isla ate scented erasers in school...

>> No.76878058

Hiyo is watching a Lua vod

>> No.76878197

Nah. I just took anons advice and ended all my memberships but Shee's, the new gens can burn for all I care they aren't kawaii-coded

>> No.76878262

The tomo strat
I hope your fears dont become true and you can come out some day

>> No.76878609

All of that meltdown ovee Umi and forgot that shee had a collab with Ophie
Heh, I guess threadshitter only browse twitter after all

>> No.76878672

Just seems like another doom faggot to me. Saying that kawaii is burning because of 1 or 2 bad apples is overly dramatic

>> No.76878986

>Why is this guy so zesty???
Isla chama lmao

>> No.76879022

Our evening chuubas are good 3views

>> No.76879153

Isla is making a dating profile...

>> No.76879294

Auwi in Shee's chat

>> No.76879747
File: 184 KB, 400x400, Hiyo thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiyo is going to hit 6K tonight

>> No.76879827

name of my dick

>> No.76880516

shee balloobers

>> No.76880714


>> No.76880896

You manchildren are so obsessed with cute and "pure" women but none of them are "pure" and rarely cute.
Not a single one of them are virgins, most are college party girls that explored every bit of their sexuality as they could, Nene even is pro abortion because she let a bunch of black dudes seed her and get her knocked up and Shee is an exhibitionist that let the entire football team smash. So why should males even matter at this point?

>> No.76881791

That's why you become a colekngiht

>> No.76882122

I love my wife Nene and her big beautiful boobies

>> No.76882330
File: 317 KB, 618x618, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76882591

The only single mom in the company

>> No.76882637

Balloon doggo on shee's stream

>> No.76882810

was that supposed to be a cowboy accent lmao

>> No.76883041

is it weird to like Isla's bo

>> No.76883918

Shee struggling with the boat

>> No.76884005

I will mary Shee

>> No.76884060

her little boyfriend?

>> No.76884709

sheewife (shwife)

>> No.76884760

so this is what it feels like to be a pawtner

>> No.76885268

Isla is the cutest

>> No.76886140

Early Lua short clips are hilarious.
>Let's coombait as much as possible


>> No.76886153

I am in love with Isla-sama

>> No.76886204

Kinda reminds me of when Isla was upset about the weird comments she got on her "That's quite big" short, fully aware of what the title is implying

>> No.76886381

Grown men btw.

>> No.76886573
File: 45 KB, 400x400, 234234779864241347934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomochi LOVE!


>> No.76886695

Post tits

>> No.76886947

Yumi the Witch has 140ccv now
Shee has 200ccv now
Isla had 200 ccv today
Whoever tells you v4mirai is 'mogging' us is an idiot. We always have been and always will be the superior small agency.

>> No.76887312

or maybe everyone should stop cherry picking by comparing their top performers vs the competitor worst performers
Isn't there like a chart that gets posted in the catalog regularly with averages

>> No.76887458

I haven't seen it in a while and our 4th and 5th gens aren't even being tracked by the guy who makes it

>> No.76887478

You can't trust that rubbish, when companies like Idol and V4mirari bot ccv and subs regularly.

>> No.76887551

Shee ended, but...
Yuno Viewfinder
Lethe Wuthering Waves

>> No.76887843

/Small Corpo #/ should be a thing

>> No.76887945

I want to dive headfirst into Namis rolls and never reemerge

>> No.76887952

no it should not be

>> No.76888240
File: 222 KB, 414x349, okey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76888403

Would be funny to chat as a grey in Lua's patreon stream
I stopped membering because I couldn't do her timeslot anymore but I did the annual patreon sub

>> No.76888407

I think we should just stay here. Isla sama love.

>> No.76888445

massive cope

>> No.76888530
File: 23 KB, 379x166, whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76888558
File: 684 KB, 760x1000, 20240506_230927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isla-sama is ready for bed! Good coleknights should ensure they've had a cup of calming tea and cleaned their teeth before a mimir time.

>> No.76888580

Good flossing is needed to get her jungle hair out of my teeth

>> No.76888612

Is Wuthering Waves the FOTM game?

>> No.76888867

>We won't pander to 4channel because they aren't the pulse of the fanbase

>> No.76888952

4chan or not, guys are guys and wont watch girly slop while being told to fuck off because someone is not their friend or a virtual gf.
That is fine only if your content is so good that the rest literally doesnt matter. But theres a very few EN chuubas like that.

>> No.76889134

Sadly, yes so be prepared to watch it everywhere

>> No.76889185

I've only seen Lethe and Koha play it so far

>> No.76889192

Lethe sounds extra ESL when she is sick
I love it

>> No.76889198

Why do you want to see a man's tits? You sum kinda faggot?

>> No.76889226

Nene and Charzu have it scheduled this week

>> No.76889252

Charzu is my girlfriend

>> No.76889310

Yuno might've shlicked to Ophelia's fat tits

>> No.76889355

Leth's nose is about to penetrated deep on stream

>> No.76889376

I want to be inside Lethe

>> No.76889527

funny that you’re using “coded” which Hiyori started

>> No.76889557

you expect antis to know that? they just read threads and regurgitate what they see everyone else saying

>> No.76889558

Before Hiyori I never heard anyone use the word like that.

>> No.76889594

using "coded" is sarcasm-coded because only trans-coded people unironically use it

>> No.76889643

Nene is still the heart and soul of kawaii. Bow to your fucking queen.

>> No.76889665

Only a woman would constantly post that

>> No.76889668
File: 34 KB, 512x512, 🎨koume_0515_GKB9WNja4AAdDxX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76889701

I would but she's too busy repeatedly bowing down to suck her boyfriend's cock and delaying streams because he keeps her up all night

>> No.76889703

It's call irony, anon...

>> No.76889772

It's Shee and it always had been Shee Icho, she is the true pride and soul of kawaii. I'm still holding my breath for Yuno redemption arc though.

>> No.76889774

sisters are retard-coded

>> No.76889811

Coded originated from the tranny community? Remind me not to say coded out loud irl then lol

>> No.76889831

What a weird way to write Isla's name the one and true heart and soul of kawaii

>> No.76889838
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Hiroshimoot paid for the whole image limit, use it

>> No.76889882

We need more Kaya desu

>> No.76889892

Coded was originally born out of the conversation about things being "race coded," which started on Tumblr during discussions about Steven Universe and the gem characters who are meant to be asexual and nonracial since they come from space.
So from the tumblr community which is basically the same thing
Also apparently it was was a thing back in 2015 but didn't become popular until 2023

>> No.76889899

that's about as accurate as saying "y'all" originated from the troon community. which is retarded

>> No.76889923

Grown men btw.

>> No.76889982
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look at this cat

>> No.76889997
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>> No.76890003
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>> No.76890082

yuno love

>> No.76890086

Nano is so underrated and I fucking hate it. She's basically the same as kohaku minus the esl. Nano is funny, has a cute girly voice, cute laugh, has a darker side, does asmr, PLUS she sings a lot.
What can kohaku do that Nano can't? The only difference is their race so you guys must be racist.

>> No.76890113

She streams at ungodly hours for EU

>> No.76890124

I think Nano is great, don't look at me

>> No.76890146
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>> No.76890153
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>> No.76890155

>What can kohaku do that Nano can't?
Stream consistently

>> No.76890159
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>> No.76890194

I don't know its origin but it got popularized by tumblrfags saying characters are "queer coded" so they can ship them

>> No.76890198

you don't know what you've just wrought upon this thread

>> No.76890226

Woah woah woah why do you have to pull out the race card

>> No.76890232

Sexo con la Yuno

>> No.76890238

catbox is dead...

>> No.76890271

drinking nene's milk rn

>> No.76890276
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>> No.76890282

If anything we have more latina lovers than yellow fever fags here

>> No.76890291

Where have you been Sex Con La anon you haven’t done the Reina one in awhile

>> No.76890312
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forgot the image because im intelligent

>> No.76890322
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oh well

>> No.76890348
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>> No.76890404

I cheat on them with the v4m girls because they put out

>> No.76890464

It might be the schizo and distrust of women, but it is very odd how she has been keeping herself free for the afternoons, you had the tomos for a few threads lament how unfair it was for them since they couldnt catch any streams
Knowing what state she's in and how she phones it in half the time makes me think she unironically is

>> No.76890467

i cheated on v4m girls with your mother because she puts out for me

>> No.76890496

Isla, Shee and Charzu

>> No.76890523
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>> No.76890524
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>> No.76890554

>Nene delays a stream
>clearly this means she's busy riding this imaginary boyfriend's cock
stop watching cuck porn, for the good of everyone doomed to interact with you

>> No.76890577

Yuno, you're trying to hard, we will need at least sloppy kisses if you want to redeem yourself
Shouldnt be hard if you allow that with your male friends that have physical love languages

>> No.76890674

does kawaii get lewds

>> No.76890709


>> No.76890710
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What would Isla think about people jacking off to her

>> No.76890859

cool, some good paizuri stuff in there

>> No.76890900

Not just one stream, it has been happening for a few months
For a neet she sure has a lot of "errands" to run that require leaving the house

>> No.76890936
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>> No.76890973

and the natural conclusion that your cuck-filled brain draws is ntr

>> No.76890987

try asking her

>> No.76891030

its not cuck or NTR
tomo love is made up and in the clouds
stop being parasocial and let her live her life

>> No.76891061

Mindbroken by Nene for 2+ years heh

>> No.76891090


>> No.76891245

Yuno ended :(
I have nothing to watch now

>> No.76891305

Lethe is still live

>> No.76891308

ogey femanon

>> No.76891357

>more chinese gachaslop
excuse me while i go throw up

>> No.76891396

Did Meimi end up refunding the pedo slop game?

>> No.76891437

She told me its okay to jack off while staring at her bouncy boobs

>> No.76891454

It's a good game

>> No.76891463

shee icho love btw

>> No.76891475

shee icho pride and soul of kawaii btw

>> No.76891497

shee is my girlfriend btw

>> No.76891511

Vtubers are not your girlfriends btw

>> No.76891528

Charzu is my real girlfriend in real life

>> No.76891534
File: 1.76 MB, 1080x1920, you got games on your phone_ #shorts #vtuber 2-22-15 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76891585
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>> No.76891673

what did i miss

>> No.76891680

I read that in her voice.

>> No.76891760

Just part of a content series where she tries games and decides if she likes them within steam's refund window

>> No.76891774

i hope shee plays zelda tonight

>> No.76891799

That's kinda mean but the dev is a pedo so it's cool

>> No.76891914
File: 135 KB, 480x540, __nobeta_little_witch_nobeta_drawn_by_oopartz_yang__2fd0a979ca15f036e2cee477ecf07be6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't see it

>> No.76891944

I hope shee plays unreal gold tonight

>> No.76891981

she will play it for pl fags in the discord

>> No.76892012
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I hope Shee plays Duke Nukem 3D

>> No.76892049

I hope Shee plays UT2004, believe it or not there is still a community out there.

>> No.76892135


>> No.76892213

im THAT chatter. you know the guy

>> No.76892250

Stop trying to groom Kaya

>> No.76892262
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princess SEX btw

>> No.76892270

We have too many nowadays and they've started talking to each other

>> No.76892356

>he doesn't know

>> No.76892527
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>> No.76892561

her nose is about to gain sentience

>> No.76892706

I hope Shee plays KOTOR

>> No.76892898

Ran OP next?

>> No.76892986
File: 2.19 MB, 1721x1142, feelsbad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76893017


>> No.76893056

Subtlest kawaii anti

>> No.76893060

she doesn't need fake corpo unity now, if yuno yuno

>> No.76893194
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I forgot one for Nene, my bad

>> No.76893257

Why doesnt Nene have any vtuber friends?

>> No.76893293

she is a queen bee bitch and deleted hana's vods

>> No.76893359

I don't allow my wives to have friends.

>> No.76893365

Please, don't let him bake again

>> No.76893436

she cut herself off from everyone after the betrayal
I do feel for her unironically, being backstabbed by those who you thought were friends is not a great feeling.

>> No.76893441

Me on the bottom right

>> No.76893450


>> No.76893482

that's why she cucks you

>> No.76893559

>after the betrayal
She was always like that

>> No.76893588

Nene anti having a melty again

>> No.76893656

What's Tomoe Carmine's end game?

>> No.76894695

not even close, she was collabing more than anyone else in 1, even having outside collabs
