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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 258 KB, 1370x2048, 634538645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76856931 No.76856931 [Reply] [Original]

Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

Previous: >>76714707

Reminder to report and hide shitposting, off-topic raids.

>> No.76857207

I am so confused why is this person using the old yuii model that was sold to someone else
did yuii seel her stuff multiple times to diffrent people without telling them? is that why both of these chuuba have started using new models again despite buying yuii's old stuff? Why are girls that already have good models and assets buying yuii's used goods anyway

>> No.76857410

yes yuii sold the same stuff to multiple people without telling them you missed everything blowing up when this was found out multiple days ago?

>> No.76857500

No fucking way there are retards only now finding out that Yuii is a dog shit person.

>> No.76857733

that is not true one bit yuii sold the model to pubby who then sold it too mumi. and then mumi and pubby did a trade. yuii did not do that to them.

pubby always buys yuiis old models and has multiple ones mumi just re sold it back too pubby for a better model.

>> No.76857840

stop shitting on yuii already. its not her fault at all you just want too blame her.

>> No.76857941

where is she grifting now?

>> No.76858106

Last I saw her she was trying to get closer to denpa by giving her dirt on people to try and get in big collabs like the vivi one

>> No.76858121

no where she just finished finals and is taking a break. you guys are such fags being this butthurt about a girl you don't even like.

>> No.76858129

Lily is live if you guys would rather talk about streams.

>> No.76858248

Is Ruru streaming today?

>> No.76858320

this isn't true and you know that as well. you guys love to lie about her this much its pathetic.

>> No.76858495

Great thread you have here. I wanted to get options on my new model since I was told uoh likes lolis but I guess I should ask somewhere else if you are all this schizophrenic

>> No.76858532

Yes, according to her schedule

>> No.76858711

Please post and save this thread.

>> No.76858724

I don't see it on twitter post the schedule

>> No.76859283


>> No.76859625

If you want to avoid schizos stay away from 4chan altogether

>> No.76859831
File: 332 KB, 1920x1080, 1692754955354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot ate my image, apparently

>> No.76861078

Kiki's playing Final Fantasy IV today

>> No.76861436

Thread wasnt suppose to be made until tommorow and the first posts are just causing shit. This thread was made by some no life faggot that just wants to cause drama.

>> No.76861886

>retard in chat asking her to play loli eroge
This is why I don't post her here

>> No.76862019

What's wrong with a loli eroge?

>> No.76862176

She's not that kind of streamer, know the time and place for things retard

>> No.76862204
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that's crazy

>> No.76862317

Any place and time is good for a loli eroge

>> No.76862495

Bonnie stream

>> No.76862625
File: 179 KB, 1204x1080, GOeBgiSW8AAQXZ7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think i'm cool snoop dogg

>> No.76863464

Rewatching her first stream

>> No.76863585

If it wasnt obvious this thread is made by a schizo that desperately wants attention. Maybe im not cultured enough in vtubers, but who is the girl in op? Op is ususally someone that gets talked about in these threads. The first few posts are shit talking a vtuber that we all know, aknowledged, and moved on from or just accept.>>76857207 also lily used to get posted here no problem and no one did wierd stuff like this.>>76861886 this thread can be retarded sometimes, but were never this retarded.>>76862019 if you tell someone to stop they either call you retarded, apologize, or scream anti. And wtf is this?>>76862625 no one has ever mentioned touhou and the only time you see this retarded irl with anime cropped inside is when its some faggot that just wants to shit post. Please dont bumo this thread its problably just here to have somewhere to fallback and pin the blame when they shitpost like they did last time mei streamed

TLDR; this is a schizo thread please dont bump and have a goodnight

>> No.76863678

I was right. This was just made to have somewhere to fall back when they spam meis links>>76863464

>> No.76863968

>also lily used to get posted here no problem and no one did wierd stuff like this
That's a lie, she hasn't been posted regularly in years and every time it's talked about everyone says the reason they stopped posting her is because retards go shit up her chat when she was

>> No.76864436

Nobody can tell apart konnyaku's artstyle from kanabun's. If you say you can then you're just a liar.

>> No.76864497

someone asked if she played saya no uta

>> No.76864570

Oh, sorry i dorgit about that please dont bump friend <3

>> No.76864603

Stop raiding us. For fuck sake.

>> No.76864683

No Ruru tonight.

>> No.76864740

Do you know what sage is?

>> No.76864781
File: 20 KB, 128x127, fuweid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the love of God please control your people. It's killing our thread again and this time we're only on 80 posts.

>> No.76864797
File: 346 KB, 453x583, 86754321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's carol new vtuber stream?
someone tell mer her alias/channel.

>> No.76865148

We don't want them either.

>> No.76865330

Well /ehe/ doesn't want them either. They have standards for pedophilia apparently. So it's your guys' problems.

>> No.76865616

Yes, but i dont know or care how to do it.

Everyone please read >>76863585 >>76863678 this thread is NOT an /uoh/ thread we do nit want tonraid or promote raiding. The people doing it are from a discord of a vtuber we disowned. Im very sorry, but im not sure there anything we can do. Please report the person spamming.

>> No.76866368

>Yes, but i dont know or care how to do it.
>says not to bump the thread
>bumps the thread
>yells at others not bumping the thread for bumping the thread
Stop being lazy and follow your own advice

>> No.76867523

Ruru give me some good news please.

>> No.76868322

Fuck you for killing our thread, from /asmr/ with love.

>> No.76868330

what the fuck does this have to do with vtubers??? take your meds and fuck off

>> No.76868603

Fuck you for implying we're meifaggots

>> No.76868771

It's your problem now. /uoh/ is completely clear.

>> No.76869255


By the way, I can't get enough of Ruru sounds. I love it when she cute panics

>> No.76869629

why didn't you just post this ad a webm

>> No.76869687

I want to draw something for Ruru but i think i have drawn all the Arurusaurios i could think of.

>> No.76869875


>> No.76870400

Did you already draw ruru as a bat

>> No.76870639

Don't blame us, it was obviously an anti trying to start shit from the start. Shame the mod who banned that Kiara anti for replying to himself 60 times isn't around these days to clean your thread up.
Also thanks for your service, I take a look at your thread every so often and I also hope that faggot gets banned one day.

>> No.76870880

Meimei says the n word, the f word and the d word. Is she the most based and perfect woman here?

>> No.76871086
File: 81 KB, 265x283, arurusaurio9_105757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, have it somewhere.
I could, or maybe i could draw her in Morrigan's outfit. Vampires and succubi are famous for sucking so it's kinda the same.

>> No.76871209

That's what you claim. I don't believe you.

>> No.76871475

This shit started after she did an ASMR stream, for all we know it's one of your fags shitting up the entire board.

>> No.76871557

Are you blaming /asmr/ for spamming meimei? What the fuck dude...

>> No.76871634

My only cope is it's at least we're being bumped even if we like it or not, also I'm sure he's going to other threads not just /asmr/ since we have too few people to even do any hate or impact on streamers. Vallure threads would probably be more for him if he actually wanted to shill meimei.

>> No.76871656

And you're blaming /uoh/, what's the difference?

>> No.76871712

Pretty sure he's >76871209 because of cooldowns and trying to start more shit

>> No.76871744

She's literally from here. You fucking retard. It's one of YOURS coming to OUR thread.

>> No.76871816

Ah I think you or some other anon told me the same thing last time. These boards don't support webm with audio so you have to use some wierdo script/add-on/program and I'm too lazy to research it. Maybe one day we won't have to resort to external stuff for it to work, but for now catbox mp4s seem to be working fine.

>> No.76871831

She's not one of ours, like you've been told repeatedly.

>> No.76871969

You're most probably talking to the shitposter. Usually people who complain here from another thread just leaves one or two posts then leaves.

>> No.76872030

He was still spamming when I posted you fucking retard...

>> No.76872136

You're probably right.

>> No.76872141

Don't forget the fact that this is the mental asylum of 4chan. You can believe whatever makes you more comfortable, but I won't bother trying to convince you of anything.
Try adding pomf to your filters and enable recursive hiding, whenever that retard shows up and starts samefagging you won't even notice him.

>> No.76872149

I'm also from /asmr/ but what you're doing is literally just mirroring his behavior. Calm down.

>> No.76872286

You mean the guy that decided to anti her randomly a few days ago despite her being posted just fine for months
He even admitted a couple threads ago he only did it because he saw one of her mods """"""streaming"""""" /vt/ on her discord

>> No.76872317

honestly i think /asmr/ is likely the ones who anti meimei and falseflag as her mods

>> No.76872325


>> No.76872326

Who the hell is meimei

>> No.76872460

That's what you claim. I don't believe you.

>> No.76872487

a whore that is too small to care about

>> No.76872542
File: 16 KB, 120x116, akachan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's probably just one very angry fag because of it and is using /vt/ as a weapon to anti her. He went to other threads but wasn't given a fuck until /asmr/ gave negative responses to meimei because of being actual pedobait and her model being too much of an uooh for them and he saw that as a chance to stay there.
It is a small thread with very few users so I can see why he would choose to stay there instead of other threads where people just brushed him off.

>> No.76872593

You're retconning shit again. I called them out for breaching containment constantly and acting like assholes constantly.

>> No.76872616

Claim that's you what. Believe I you don't

>> No.76872734

Don't larp as me.

>> No.76872741

I feel bad for them but it is what it is. Meidos are useless and we can't control what he does.

>> No.76873022

I am you and he is me

>> No.76873047

One of the mei antis is the person that makes threads
Isnt that interesting?

>> No.76873128

Again can none of you fags tell Mr what the fuck a Mei is

>> No.76873274

a sex worker with a fan/anti dedicated to shitting up the entire board

>> No.76873355

You guys defend Meimei a lot for someone who does not belong here...

>> No.76873370

Look, I don't really care where he came from and who/what he really is. We can't do anything to him. We don't hold any power on this site.
Besides, you forcing things when no one really gives a fuck anymore just speaks volumes. Not even other people from other threads are in here right now.

>> No.76873821

>every post talking about her is shitting on her and her fans
Yup, that anon was right, he's the faggot that spams her just trying to stir up more shit.

>> No.76873832

it's /asmr/'s fault

>> No.76874044
File: 49 KB, 527x485, carol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evangeline merry
but that one has been radio silent for about half a year now too

>> No.76874343
File: 1.04 MB, 2910x2200, get_happy_meimei_colored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtuber model
how exactly does she not belong

>> No.76874515

Because she's a pedo and her fans are too.

>> No.76874620
File: 948 KB, 2901x4096, 0a2cfb0a2db5ac89ff48159b1cebd2c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does he know?

>> No.76874645

I don't think I've ever seen a stronger case for the getting diddled makes you a pedo as an adult argument than her

>> No.76874771

You should really change the way you defend yourself, yuii.

>> No.76874783

Is this real lore or are you assuming shit?

>> No.76875312

I only have issues with koinu, miwu and fuura yuri the others seem fine for her to be around

>> No.76875326

neither her nor that anon but how about this then

[citation needed]

>> No.76875479

Can't we all just be nice?

>> No.76875639

When women like Koinu and Miwu exist? No.

>> No.76875727

>but that one has been radio silent for about half a year now too

>> No.76876488

only one is necessary rot the entire group, ruru has been less and less proactive with chat lately, sometimes she just ignores most of the messages, her chat is not even active enough to justify that, i am pretty sure hexa and koiretard have something to do with it, they are both famous for only paying attention to pay pigs.

>> No.76877447

I'm not going to make it to debut, I'm going insane.

>> No.76877566

I just have hard time putting my finger on what has changed in Aruru's content after she started interacting with that group.
Maybe nothing changed, but my disdain for those people is so great that it completely sours my opinion on anyone who interacts with them.

>> No.76877627

I remember when Mei wasn't an issue until 1 fucker showed up and started posting her outside of here. I guess it's an effective way to get people to hate her and /uoh/. Celeste didn't even get this type of shit.
>Too small for the loli thread

>> No.76877681

She has over 200 viewers...

>> No.76877760

Stop ban evading fag.

>> No.76877829

that group is corruption incarnate

>> No.76877876

I'm not banned and I'm not ban evading.

>> No.76877892

Miwa cunny LOVE

>> No.76877939

>I'm not banned
To the dismay of everyone in /vt/

>> No.76878013

I'm sad to see aruru with that group. I believe they will only dampen her shine. Their communities are grimey but aruru has real potential I don't know why she did this.

>> No.76878022

I literally said nothing other than pointing out she has 200 viewers...

>> No.76878097
File: 317 KB, 850x1029, 1694330559548304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an effective way to get people to hate her and /uoh/
I left /uoh/ way before Mei became a thing I just came to check after I saw the retard spamming, sad to see things still the same. I wonder why cunny vtubers attract so many schizos and antis

>> No.76878191

Her group includes Mond and Koinu.

>> No.76878273

Hikimoshi have each other now, why would they need viewers? It’s over for us.

>> No.76878320

I know who it includes that's why I'm hating. It's a bunch of known grifters

>> No.76878345

I think it really is just a fag who saw the opportunity in that certain thread because they didn't like her content and he's free to do what he want because of how few the users are in there

>> No.76878360

Mond is a grifter?

>> No.76878447

Ever seen people shit talk anime and the shit they say about loli (even in non lolicon anime)? Most anime fans don't just see it as weird, they think its a blight, even if its a part of the culture. Now take the average vtuber fan who doesn't even really watch anime and lives on shitter or Kiwifarms.

>> No.76878538

>spams /asmr/ for 170 posts replying to himself
>ban evades and instantly goes back here to continue shitting on vtubers
What a sad pathetic existence.

>> No.76878693

Meimeifags are built different. That's not a compliment.

>> No.76878747

You've been shitting on Aruru and her friends for longer than Mei has existed.

>> No.76878889

I would never shit on Aruru. I love her.

>> No.76878921

Except it's not. Its 1 guy trying to start shit. That's why he's spamming asmr and lig.

>> No.76879007

Weird how you guys were still shitting up the thread while he was on cooldown for spamming /asmr/...

>> No.76879021

Stop ban evading

>> No.76879109

I'm literally not ban evading. Stop accusing everyone of ban evading.

>> No.76879146 [DELETED] 

>you guys were still shitting up
Nigger I've been getting my ball busted for the past hour by giant robots. Why the fuck would I shit up the only other thread I use?

>> No.76879287

I think this anon is just trying to start a feud between 2 generals

>> No.76879307


>> No.76879354

Wish he would go back to his shithole in /jidf/

>> No.76879519

He tried on /lig/ too but it was too fast for him to be noticed. He's aimed for the smaller ones because attention gives him pleasure

>> No.76881211

Has neppie done her ahegao batsu for being late to a stream yet?

>> No.76882232

yuii your esl is showing, stop replying to yourself and go to bed

>> No.76882916

yuii is american you dumbass

>> No.76885705
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>> No.76887432
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>> No.76887632

does a uohtuber cuter and more daughterwife than neppienep exist?

>> No.76887770
File: 301 KB, 1000x1464, 195123858745681115849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miki is live rn

>> No.76888887

only in VC

>> No.76889658

Mond is not a grifter but she is a schizo.

>> No.76890165

I have the recording of it as my ringtone. Still sad that the supplier of her birthday merch has been ghosting her and putting all her orders on hold

>> No.76890551


>> No.76891082

I remember the first few streams were she mentioned moving on to another account if she happened to "grow too big", true to her words she moved on without a warning. I just didnt expect that "growing too big" meant having a schizo attack on stream and dumping viewers later

>> No.76891184

Do the world a service and end your life already you ban evading retard

>> No.76892338
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>> No.76893470
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>> No.76893964

Read the thread neuro poster. This was made by the thread spammer. Let it die

>> No.76893978

Miu-kyun is playing Doom

>> No.76894020

Just like all the threads made the last 5 months

>> No.76894045

Not the Nuero poster, but it's a new day and the spammer probably went to bed. We might as well use this one.

>> No.76894343

Turns out the hikki neet who grew up in a religious cult is severely mentally ill. This is a surprise, somehow.

>> No.76894397

You were saying?

>> No.76894580

Not either of those anons but this is getting ridiculous, if you hate mond so much seeing anyone talk about her makes you have a meltdown every time just add her to your filter

>> No.76894654

Not that anon but you are spewing bullshit with every post you make

>> No.76894707

What bullshit?
He literally has a meltdown every time mond is mentioned in any capacity

>> No.76894930

I know making a new thread wont stop him but at least we'll have a fresh start.

>> No.76895232

This is a very nice /trash/ thread

>> No.76895506

>/trash/ thread
Ironically /uoh/ couldn't exist in trash since the furfags in charge over there hate loli and would nuke this thread on sight

>> No.76895575

Reminder to tell your little sister chuuba you love her today

>> No.76895594

Meimei is not a chud

>> No.76895819

Why the fuck is everyone talking about Meimei?
What did my favourite little cun-cun do wrong?

>> No.76896091

A faggot has been shitting up the board spamming her
Tell her to reign in her retards if you don't want her to keep being hated by everyone

>> No.76896205

Wish my oshi loved her fans like this.

>> No.76896450

americans can be esl and she has used not knowing english as an excuse in the past. you're right though she's probably just retarded

>> No.76896513

Calm down, it's just a single schizo, this board has plenty of them and our own threads get attacked by schizos too
Plus I doubt Meimei really knows or cares what goes on /here/ even if most of her viewers come from /vt/

>> No.76896710

Why ask if you don't want to hear the answer?

>> No.76897166
File: 2.91 MB, 2560x7920, 1696489959454305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also I brought back the tierlist with some removals https://tiermaker.com/create/cute-and-funny-vtubers-15732221-2

>> No.76897200

Kill yourself

>> No.76897296

Graduate irl

>> No.76897383

White Power Wednesday with neppie

>> No.76897635
File: 500 KB, 770x674, 1712587381800983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute wiener head rabbit

>> No.76897674 [DELETED] 

Reminder to report all of his posts for trolling outside /b/, if he isnt banned within 3 hours go to the 4chan IRC to report him to the mods. He is already ban evading multiple times
Get a IRC client: mIRC for short term, hexchat for long term
Connect to the irc server "irc.rizon.net"
You will have to register a nickname using a email, follow the instructions and log in with the commands
Join the channel #4chan to see a list of mods
Users with @ before their name are mods, or green names on hexchat
Private message any of them and report him for ban evasion and shitposting in multiple threads

>> No.76898106

Both of you are dumb as bricks. The thread is so shitty it encourages dickheads like him to come back. >>76894045 you're actively encouraging the other schizos and shitposting you dont like to come back by keeping up this thread. The op isnt even a vtuber or anyone we talked about before just sone random picture that the faggot grabbed. The thread started out shitty and is going to countinue to be shitty just deal with it since you keep talking in it.

>> No.76898438
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>> No.76898467
File: 779 KB, 702x1032, GN2zWPfb0AAd0TV.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76899414
File: 352 KB, 2489x2662, 1704555947880151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76900382

When does it get too pedo for you? When do you turn off the stream?

>> No.76900497 [DELETED] 

Only if it's an actual child flirting, anything else I don't care

>> No.76900856

>When does it get too pedo for you?
I love hearing Meimei calling me a filthy lolicon while she moans

>> No.76900885
File: 1.51 MB, 1125x1560, 1716174052433883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76901810

Irina finishing Corpse Party! And I'm gonna finish to Irina's voice!

>> No.76902935
File: 231 KB, 960x540, IrinaViewers[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhdudxb.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76903118
File: 821 KB, 1167x647, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wha tthe fuck Irina??

>> No.76903146

I told you, she has lost her mind.

>> No.76903596

What the fuck is the context?

>> No.76903813

Is she laying an egg?

>> No.76903927


>> No.76904003

Isn't this why you guys watch Irina?
I don't watch her but based on what gets posted here I always thought her appeal was being completely unhinged

>> No.76904051

Why does the egg have fur growing on it, the baby inside should have fur, not the egg!

>> No.76904088

That's not fur.

>> No.76904619

Yes, I love it. It's just fun to play the straight man and pretend to be horrified

>> No.76904705


>> No.76904732

Mimi made a game for her birthday

>> No.76904839
File: 616 KB, 1001x1080, Peruru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76904901

couldn't find

>> No.76905378

she is not, she is not even degen enough to show the most vanilla part of KK on discord, my guess is that most of her audience are actual kids playing to be perverts and degens like any kid usually do with the classic pepe, popo and fart jokes.

>> No.76905396


>> No.76905501

Who is this nigglet?

>> No.76905576

Really? I never got the impression that her audience are edgy kids.

>> No.76905754

>most of her audience are actual kids
Maybe in her wettest dreams

>> No.76905840

>my guess is that most of her audience are actual kids
AFAIK from her discord, she only has one person under 18. The rest were mid-20's to mid 30-'s.

>> No.76905962

Irina's core viewers are mostly late twenties early thirties.
She's only super comfortable and degen inside her narrow fantasies.
She gets uncomfortable with many topics because she's inexperienced so you have to be careful.
She is both degen and pure at the same time.

>> No.76906032
File: 104 KB, 772x1136, 1717007184736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sylvie Ruru

>> No.76906181

>speaks russian
>russian uniform
Fucking gross, it's a zigger

>> No.76906372

>americans can be esl
I doubt she would be part of the 1.8% of native US citizens for whom English is a second language.

>> No.76906474
File: 280 KB, 1387x1595, 170461639278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is bea coming back or just a random shitpost?

>> No.76906496

Obviously random shitpost, anon.

>> No.76906725

why does neppies regulars not notice they are making her uncomfortable? this is fucking painful to watch. shes trying her best to avoid the topics but the autists keeps on going

>> No.76906764

she's a little misandrist. if man say it, bad. if woman say it, good. she's comfortable with sex talk but only if she leads or she's talking to a woman.

>> No.76906848

What are they trying to talk about?

>> No.76906905

What is the discussion? I'm watching Irina atm.

>> No.76907024

I never caught her streams, but i heard shes a daughter rp kind of streamer.

>> No.76907135

Do they really let you put that kind of thing on ads?

>> No.76907322

Not really. She called her fans dads, but that's about the extent of the rp. She was just a Japanese shitposter from 2ch who picked up on 4chan and /vt/ slang and became popular. But it was clear by the end she was getting bored of vtubing and dramafags from here, so I really don't think she'll be back. She also wasn't really a loli, honestly. Just flat.

>> No.76907379

I cant beleive a chumbud is one the most sane lurkers of /uoh/. I dont think nep had these problems >>76906725
before she got popular in this thread. I hate some of you cunts. Be retarded here not in another thread not in a streamers chat but on here on 4chan at worst youll get called a faggot and to kill yourself.

>> No.76907490


I wouldnt be surprised if this was actually the case, she even would schizo out snd even tweeted about how her friends are more successful than her on her private

>> No.76907501

I always contain my hornyposts to this thread, I'd never want my uohshi to know what I'm thinking of.

>> No.76907659
File: 1.31 MB, 3000x2400, 1716884495521982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my theory is that vtubers attract autists who can't understand social cues or sarcasm especially over the internet
it's why people use tags like /gen on twitter i think but you can't do that vocally

>> No.76907742

>neppies regulars
You mean Nooxis and the Fillian stop overs

>> No.76907795

Hi Yuii.

>> No.76907804

What are people saying?

>> No.76907904

All I saw was serious but vague relationship talk about her getting upset that they don't understand her, and them saying they can't understand her if she doesn't talk about "it" what ever "it" is.

>> No.76907906

>Why doesn't Neppie tell her viewers they're making her uncomfortable
>*several replies asking what they're saying*
>No reply :)

Okay, thanks for the post faggot.

>> No.76907952

sounds like usual women expecting men to be telepathic

>> No.76908025

Irina just threatened to rape her viewers.

>> No.76908081

God, please

>> No.76908102

So just regular woman stuff?
Don't know why people are mad about it then.

>> No.76908379

Sorry im fucking retarded for just going off of what a dumbass on 4chan says.>>76907904 thats literally just a woman thing. they have problems with something, but vaguely start saying or doing things differently expecting you to notice

>> No.76908461

just wanted to let you guys know I miss fallen

>> No.76908526

kinda weird to call her that and not shondo or shonshon or shadow

>> No.76908762
File: 782 KB, 1051x591, 1688930156019041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

berry today

>> No.76909111

I wish that miwa goes a lil more lewd during her streams but it is what it is

>> No.76909727

we all have pet names for her retard

>> No.76909913

Didn't know antis have "pet names" for the people they attack

>> No.76910416

This isnt twitter you can whatever you want. People call jannies useless faggots all the time.

>> No.76911218

>before she got popular in this thread.
So before she became a vtuber?

>> No.76911387

Is it my turn to get called an anti yet?
Today I drew fanart for my oshi and she said she loved it, that's gotta be anti behavior somehow right?

>> No.76912979


>> No.76913787

Sending your oshi unsolicited pictures? Yes you're an anti. A disgusting one too. Imagine going into your "oshis" dm and also having the audacity to attach an image file. You're a sick perverted old man.

>> No.76913913

i may be a sick perverted old man

>> No.76914162

because you are not a regular, i know it doesnt seems like it but she is actually an incredible degen, maybe even more than shondo, the only difference is that she is very good at hiding it, maybe because of her normie education, plus most of the time she is the one starting those topics but she dont rub it on your face like most of ctubers do.

>> No.76915048

And he admits it? Im screenshotting this and sending it to your oshi. Don't bother telling me who she is, im an important memeber of the lolituber community so i already know who she is. And once i find out who you are i'll dm you.

>> No.76915727

>sending it to your oshi
>important memeber of the lolituber community
LMAO, ok kid gtfo the board and do your homework.

>> No.76915858

Anon that's clearly satire mocking the tierlistfag
Maybe you should start getting ready for bed, it's a school night after all

>> No.76916042
File: 151 KB, 946x2048, GLbGSkyWYAACXkT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latina mesugaki hit puberty

>> No.76916234
File: 493 KB, 677x715, 1713397785441116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

birthday girl!

>> No.76916469

anon what the fuck are you talking about? topics at hand had nothing to do with degen and she said multiple times that talking about it made her uncomfortable. but instead of picking up the very not subtle hints she gave that she didnt want to talk about it anymore regulars kept pushing and asking the same stuff over and over. she fucking tried her absolute hardest to focus on the game and ignore you and the only reason she answered the few times she did was because she felt obliged to since that was her entire chat. is it fucking hard to understand that she has yandere menhera tendencies mr regular? no fucking way youve been a regular of hers for a year without already knowing this? why do you want to force it out of her mouth? absolute cringe fest and awful to watch, i feel sorry for your oshi having to deal with absolute manbaby fans

>> No.76916485 [DELETED] 
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>> No.76917010

>but instead of picking up the very not subtle hints
You're expecting way too much from the average vtuber fan.

>> No.76917304

Those guys were cringe but don't be such a white knight that you can't also call out Neppie for being a pushover and caving in thus encouraging them to keep pushing her boundaries. Cut out the benevolent misogyny.

>> No.76917421

Will there be a vod?

>> No.76917543

don't see why not

>> No.76917763

true neppie is a fucking pussy and a pushover and she should have put her foot down but she wasnt spamming chat fishing for the same info everyone already knows for over 20 minutes like a faggot

>> No.76917835

those guys indeed sound like they need to be taken out back and shot

>> No.76918910

You can hide your typing style but you can't hide your behavior.

>> No.76920345

what is happening in this thread

>> No.76920515

We lust over cunny

>> No.76920578

then why are you antying them?

>> No.76920604

Some anon thinks he knows me and wants to groom me. Typical online stuff but mostly this>>76920515

>> No.76920666


>> No.76920806

many such cases

>> No.76921289
File: 150 KB, 1054x1647, GLpcufVXcAAcahy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do neetdroid/noriko cucks know she's jumping ship soon to come back as Yuii?

>> No.76922874

Any spot where guys like to think with their dicks will always have fags that think with their ass instead, just ignore them.

>> No.76924070

I genuinely don't care about yuii, but I wish she would pick a name/design and stick with it. It's really annoying to get recommended a new chuuba on twitter or twitch and find out it's her.

>> No.76924559


>> No.76925432

I don't get you guys, you hate her but track everything she does? if you find her annoying with the constant changing why post her? whats the point of that

>> No.76925860

I don't post her. It's just annoying to be like "hey, this is a nice design. Wonder what this person is like" and it's the same person who I was already not interested with yet another design that'll be ditched within a month or two. I've literally not gone out of my way to find her, I get recommended her channels on twitter and twitch.

>> No.76925897

Honestly this. If you're neutral on her and her actions don't reply to obvious antis/bait posts. He even said "noriko cuck". Thats a basic bait thread/shit post insult. This thread has to be filled with vtubers with how dumb and ignorant you are sometimes. Lurk more fag(s)

>> No.76926128

also this just seems like its only art or games? wasn't she literally a parasite vtuber in freak? whats the big deal she does art again?
same here I get her on my feed a lot and just keep scrolling not a big deal to just ignore her.

>> No.76926158

Noriko is a retard, if you hate vtubing so much just stop doing it your simps will still give you money and groom you all the same.

>> No.76926306
File: 1.80 MB, 1062x1500, 1702094536031092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's schizo hours. Let's not bake until 11 hours from now. The Meifags are coming.

>> No.76926426
File: 432 KB, 2400x3000, a259df6cdbd143cfd43e0d8e7a4a38ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck off meifags, your chuuba is trans. Who the fuck puts a 'Sex Doll for MEN Male Masturbator' on their throne?

>> No.76926526

So it is true

>> No.76926613
File: 119 KB, 850x603, sample_3c0179fe2f6fdb5d9a02a6bd07e7143a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that one mei anti schizo, I just genuinely dislike her for her antics, but sure give me a You later and I'll disprove it.

>> No.76926769

She has a loli onahole that she frequently kisses and puts a vibrator inside to trib with.
Just wanted to clear that up because I find it hot. This whole obsessed anti shit is too retarded so I'm never going to talk about her again, feel free to have whatever opinions you want about her.

>> No.76926789
File: 1.42 MB, 1500x1500, 1686869333706494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't like that bearie mod, I don't like that someone was spamming her here and in /asmr/, and I don't like that her viewers put Pomf at risk by talking about actual children to the point where Pomf's mod had to step in. It's not Mei, it's everyone around her.

>> No.76926788

We already know its you no need to "disprove" anything. Keep skinwalking and replying to yourself the entire day like the subhuman that you are

>> No.76926791

>same here I get her on my feed a lot and just keep scrolling not a big deal to just ignore her.

I do too. This is the first and only time I've posted about her. Mainly because I know she posts here and she's (apparently?) talking about going back to being yuii and because I noticed the other day when I saw https://x.com/NEETbrat in my feed that the first thing I thought was "is this yuii again?"

>> No.76926846
File: 146 KB, 886x473, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh don't worry, I'll come back here later when it's all over and laugh at your retardation. Proof is here too

>> No.76926906
File: 124 KB, 658x159, iikimochi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76926941

>your chuuba is trans
Are you retarded?

>> No.76927053

But why?

You must be if you're defending her, who's mod is a genuine retard.

>> No.76927086

>random image of random posts
Subhuman behavior

>> No.76927152
File: 3.20 MB, 3000x4000, 5976cf6f4e5acc3b9634c88ed949a7fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The post was about meimei, so as you subhumans would call an 'anti'. Try harder on the bait next time sweetheart.

>> No.76927353

I asked noriko herself and she said no and a lot of people thought that it was her.

>> No.76927652

Reminder that the meimei anti spam is done by a single basement loser. Everyone on the board loves her.

>> No.76927745

Yeah, I realized after I heard neetbrat's voice that it wasn't her.

>> No.76927913

You dont like a vtubers mod so your solution to that is to shit up the whole board and spend 3 hours replying to yourself to kill another thread? And you mean to tell us you are not a subhuman

>> No.76928113
File: 64 KB, 800x680, 1648571948689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That person isn't me, you can tell by the (You). I would love to see how you deny this, newfag

>> No.76928647

So in order to combat 1 (one) schizo you're going to shit up our thread for hours on end? The exact same thing the schizo is doing?

>> No.76928709

>calls someone a newfag
>replying to obvious bait and/or the guy thats shitting up threads himself
Chumbud i dont hate you, but leave. you aren't helping the situation.

>> No.76928727

Nice try nigger, you can easily fake (You)s with either mspaint or 4chanx

>> No.76929425

Stop arguing and take the Mei poll https://strawpoll.com/Qrgewa7vjyp

>> No.76929923

Meimei is amazing, her mod is an annoying shill, and her viewers are pedos (see dorontabi's evaluation of that)

>> No.76930268
File: 1.39 MB, 2048x2048, 1708377843659304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calling others pedos while posting in /uoh/

>> No.76930451

where can i find this evaluation? also agree. meimei please if you're here, just get better mods. i dont care if he's been with you from the start, please. you need someone professional. i dont know what this guys like, maybe he's grooming her i dont know.

>> No.76931924

The what evaluation?

>> No.76932856
File: 3.09 MB, 1488x2105, sexber2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her mod
It's the same guy who got banned from Irina's server around a year ago for being an annoying retard who never watched streams and only wanted to talk about pol stuff, he would interrupt Irina chatting with viewers to talk about tranny dick and he was constantly spamming off-topic bullshit, his exact ban reason was posting his cum bucket being eaten by ants.
A genuinely insufferable person who lacks any self-awareness.
He made this thread about me after I got fed up with him >>/vt/thread/S49179899

>> No.76933724

Kiki is playing an eu country guessing game today!

>> No.76934205
File: 1001 KB, 2910x2200, 1716956360579880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meimei reviewing messages sent by fans on stream and mascots!

>> No.76934268

here is the thing anon, a few months before meimei appeared on pomf there was a weird stream where a hag told us about her plans to become a ctuber on pomf, she was clearly a gooner, her bf/husband appeared shortly after, although he supported her he did seem a little upset because she was no longer going to give him much attention, the way they behaved is quite similar to the way mei and bear behave, i wonder if both couples are the same, and no i dont have the archive, it was on one of my lurking sessions on my phone going around several apps and websites looking for something new to watch, was anyone else there and remember which account was?

>> No.76935194
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1016, kiki_petrol[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbsuqp9.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76937563
File: 3.91 MB, 540x540, 1662144630073315.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76937677


>> No.76938656


>> No.76939881

honestly if she didn't switch designs every other week people wouldn't think every basic design with eyebags is her

>> No.76940022

That's Mond's reincarnation.

>> No.76940207

Wait, is it actually Mond? I didn't watch her so I can't recognize her voice. I saw people saying it was her, but I just assumed they were memeing.

>> No.76940296

No shit sherlock. It's the same design with black hair.

>> No.76940578

Click around the website and you can problably find the person you're talking about

>> No.76940874
File: 383 KB, 680x1064, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the joke lol, so yeah it was a compliment

>> No.76941317

Ruru time

>> No.76941360
File: 46 KB, 112x112, nyoom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76941735

Taffy should do asmr

>> No.76942471

>Ruru working on merch

>> No.76942893

I wish aruru didn't join that toxic group of girls. I want her to be surrounded by nice girls

>> No.76942962

Dont do it anons. I believe in you

>> No.76943212

I'm going to sleep anyway.

>> No.76943250

I wish aruru anal.

>> No.76943347
File: 167 KB, 600x600, mikn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy for Aruru, surrounded by such nice girls

>> No.76943547


>> No.76943705
File: 222 KB, 1423x2048, IMG_8276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maddie art

>> No.76943920

Very cute and I'm already following her from when she was posted last time. Hope to see more from you soon!

>> No.76944392

I anaruru

>> No.76944793

>everyone who I know from here and other threads who used to like Meimei are done with her
>some even hates her now
>archive anons told me they already deleted their archives
>can't expect archives from the discord users
It's really over for me, huh? I can't believe that fag actually managed to singlehandedly make everyone I know hate her.

>> No.76944976
File: 959 KB, 245x250, Shocked-Troy-Walks-Into-Fire-With-Pizza-Community.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on?

>> No.76945316

I really hope people like you aren't just whining on 4chan about him. Go tell HER about the impact it's having.

>> No.76945455

care about the opinions of other are you fucking gay or something?
just watch her or not it not that hard

>> No.76945471

Threads have been bad at night time in US hours. Were slowly getting better tho. I think

>> No.76945875

Most people don't hate her because of a single schizo but because you fucking retards attack the victims of your schizo and try to downplay his actions. You also keep saying edgy pedo shit to "trigger" people when you get told to calm the fuck down and stop spamming. There is honestly no difference between a genuine fan and an anti pretending to be one at this point, you both act the exact same. Why should anyone pretend that one is better than the other?

>> No.76946267

i too love making shit up
