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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76838789 No.76838789 [Reply] [Original]

>has a complete mental breakdown on stream over his declining numbers, says he "stays awake at night wondering if he'll ever be popular again", went to the DOCTOR because of pain who told him he's experiencing "physical manifestations of anxiety and stress"
>tries to do a huge content shift as a last-ditch effort to salvage his numbers
>proceeds to decline even FUTHER, literally below Ike "Literally fucking WHO?" Eveland now
What's his endgame?

>> No.76839015

tbf i don't know what his problem is. he seems like he wants the money from SEA fujos whilst also having the somewhat sane chat of a brotuber but that's just never going to work. He split himself into both and could never commit to either, does he want to keep on doing lewd ASMR? Well yes cause money from fujos but no cause it'll ruin the brotuber perception he actually wants in the first place and thus you have a streamer that brotuber 'fans' don't want to watch cause it's fucking weird and chinese fujos don't want to watch him either cause he isn't doing the content they want and they are also extremely fickle

>> No.76839085

>>has a complete mental breakdown on stream over his declining numbers, says he "stays awake at night wondering if he'll ever be popular again",
What? Recently?

>> No.76839114

Retard. Never ever reveal your weaknesses in public especially if you are public enemy no 1. Even more so if you are a male vtuber. Now he'll get even more anxiety and stress.

>> No.76839274

>yet another holosis seething at based Niji
Success breeds jealousy
Y'all lost hard holobronies enjoy you're concer lmao oh wait y'all don't have one KEK KEK LOL!!!

>> No.76839297

In my opinion I don't care stop posting about this nigga

>> No.76839400

>What's his endgame?
Suicide. There's two kinds, the actual kind where he realizes he's actually a terrible person and was implicit in pushing someone down that emotional staircase, or the fake kind for pity sisters will magically claim is "totally different" from doki. Screenshot this post and make fun of me in the catalog 6 months from now if this isn't the case, I can take it.

>> No.76839429

Looks like one of those south park characters from when they pretended to be ninjas and samurais. Looks low quality.

>> No.76839432

Nah it's pre-final yab

>> No.76839611

unlike you he sought help when he needed and he's doing better now, you should follow his example

>> No.76839646


>> No.76839689


>> No.76839716

While nothing he says is necessarily wrong, its impact was kind of ruined by the whole black screen stream in my eyes.
I remember actually having a lot of respect for him for doing this and trying to focus his content on a new audience for his own mental health.
If you wanna be really, really cynical about it though, you could call him a male Yuko, I guess.

>> No.76839718

>no capitalisation
SEAshit detected.

>> No.76839802

anti-shift chads are american.

>> No.76839852

They're both equally retarded

>> No.76839859

my rrat is that this guy, luka, and the rest of the ex "successful" guys were the ones who drove doki and pomu away and now he's not getting the special treatment from JP staff so he's losing his fucking mind. from the penthouse to the outhouse I'm also giving the girls a huge benefit of the doubt

>> No.76839896

Get a fucking grip sister, he was a shameless manwhore until his numbers started dying, then he could suddenly afford to have an "epiphany" about muh self-respect and authenticity.

>> No.76839965

Fucking saviourfags I swear. They are not gonna fuck you bro go lift some weights and fuck some birches. Be like that fauna chad who posted his body /here/.

>> No.76839984

hes such a woman he should transition and open an instagram account

>> No.76840069

>They are not gonna fuck you bro
Unless her name is sayu lol

>> No.76840080

>it can't be muh clique, they are innocent
lol cope
enna is a clinical sociopath, elira is a snake and millie would sell her own mother for a profit

>> No.76840157

So is there any proof of this outside of /vt/ schizoid posting? some PLs still follow and talk to each other? There's never been concrete proof or evidence about it just fags making headcanon and this place is always wrong

>> No.76840173

when has vox said he wants to be a brotuber

>> No.76840248
File: 376 KB, 850x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This quote should be mandatory viewing for any male content creator online

>> No.76840350

Enna shittalks her family a lot. Elira one is headcanon ( other than black stream, of course). And millie is a philipino. No need to further elaborate.

>> No.76840381

It was pretty obvious from his early streams.

The problem is the sisters took the male dicksucking shock jokes as fujobait rather than dudes being dudes, and he based his whole content style around that instead of witty british humor.

>> No.76840440

bro you're not helping your case here lol, it's literally just OMG BECKY SHE HATES HER MOM where the guys have actual leaked documents detailing how shitty they are.

>> No.76840506

I'd suck a dick for a million dollars. And I'd do it again for a million more. But when the million dollars offer goes away I'm not going to keep sucking the dick.

>> No.76840517
File: 388 KB, 619x631, 1695765923318396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With him and Yuko following the same pattern. I don't get why they didn't just tone down the G/BFE rather than throwing all of their existing fans under the bus. You think new fans are that stupid? You disrespect and hate your old fans then you will do the same to any new fans you get.

At least chinese sisters will always love him despite not knowing anything he says.

>> No.76840528

He started as somewhat of a vtuber for the first couple of weeks or so but couldn't resist the sister's chinabux and pivoted his content into being a white monkey manwhore

>> No.76840647

If you are going to get technical with me then let me tell you, only luca has a document. Also I don't fully trust that bitch Raziel. It seems that she took the whole 'groomer' allegations and tried to make it seem that it was the other way around. Not very subtle I'd say. Who else has a document?

>> No.76840649

This is probably one of the ugliest models in corporate vtubing and that's saying something
It is hard to believe this guy and Kureije Ollie are drawn by the same people this is so hideous

>> No.76840732

didn't vox also have a leak that ended up with the chinkoids leaving his fanbase

>> No.76840739
File: 603 KB, 996x821, zNJ5DLkwop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about that...

>> No.76840855

In my opinion that's not a form of stress

>> No.76840892

Is he having a woman moment?

>> No.76840921

>experiencing physical manifestations of anxiety and stress
Gee I wonder why...

>> No.76841039

Whats with the extremely slanted eyes? Im not a xitter weirdo but isnt it kinda racist when hes the most obvious white English man on earth

>> No.76841038

Tree fucker

>> No.76841043

Dunno what you are talking about.

>> No.76841066
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>> No.76841078

If Vox wants his old numbers back he should go back to his debut model. He would make an billion subscribers

>> No.76841107
File: 43 KB, 686x386, 15337412412417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vox stressing out
>Elira having intense period pains and stressing out
We just need Ike and the circle of guilt completes itself.

>> No.76841161

If elira attempted tomorrow people will give her sympathy. If this guy did most people will mock him and even the sympathy will be passive aggressive. He needs to grit his teeth, realise the series of actions that has brought him to this point and them go forward.

>> No.76841288
File: 2.10 MB, 1917x2048, voxrealsize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fucking get it. He's been slowly increasing his height and "manliness" but his debut model already looked like a tall dude with his life together. It was fantastic for both male and female fans if he decided to brotuber or fujobait, and he just... kept leaning into this bizarre power fantasy thing instead and now there's nothing left from what made that model so popular in the first place.

>> No.76841379

Remember when this nigg made a manga movie of himself and nobody watched it

>> No.76841497

It's incredible that he cared more about the height number on a sheet rather than what the model looked like. He could just ask management to change his official height instead of changing his whole look.

>> No.76841909

Le retard de Vox

>> No.76842096

His endgame was the black screen stream on Elira's channel, he is in the aftermath now.

>> No.76842817

Manlet insecurity is the fucking strong.
I see what you did there, kek

>> No.76842938

Oh it wasn't even my intention KEK

>> No.76843008

Honestly, the fact that Ike seems completely unbothered by his actions makes him the most reprehensible of the three stooges in my eyes. He doesn't even have a clear reason for showing up to the black screen stream; at least Elira and Vox both cited tangible grievances (even if those grievances were fucking nothingburgers that didn't justify the attempted character assassination).
Ike, meanwhile, was just kinda... there, for seemingly no other reason than to join the anti-Selen dogpile. He had literally nothing meaningful to say and just echoed the others' sentiment of "guys Selen was TOTALLY an evil troublemaker who deserves this and not a victim, actually WE'RE the real victims, just trust us bro".
I sincerely doubt he didn't want to take part in it, either. If management was outright strongarming Selen's friends into slandering her against their will, it would've made much more sense to force one of her wavemates to do it. Y'know, like they did with Zaion?

>> No.76843918

Ollie is ugly too so it is on brand

>> No.76844106

Does he really use that awful """"ronin"""" model? The design is hideous

>> No.76844140


>> No.76844209

>this place is always wrong
lmao, kek even, complete nijicope

>> No.76844324

I mostly watch small chuubas and its always rich to see him complain about his views, it’s hard to like a massive numberfag that can’t appreciate what he has.

>> No.76844429

ollie and raden have the best designs in the whole company.

>> No.76844440

Because for an insane narcissist as himself he can't bare the reality once upon a time he swam in free chink money and could rival viewership of the top japanese and english streamers in vtubing, now hes is a poor beggar who sits in the lower tier of the upper echelon and it eats him alive

>> No.76844600

>Elira one is headcanon
who do elirafags think they are fooling?
it's all just a coincidence that her clique friend group keeps joining niji?

>> No.76844714


>> No.76845143


>> No.76845500

Gura deflection thread

>> No.76845913

Vox really needs to learn to like his numbers like he likes his women

>> No.76845936


>> No.76846016

Well played, anon. Well played.

>> No.76846099

It really hasn't been with respect to the big stuff at Niji. If anything, this place wasn't cynical enough about them.

>> No.76846225

I'll respect Vox is he participates in the Gielinor Games or collabs with Settled

>> No.76846485
File: 377 KB, 1200x600, voxnotcryingyouare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

85% percent of niji jp livers would take this vod numbers, and you think vox's numbers is so bad ? he also mogs hskw's latest outfit reveal btw, can ike do that ?

>> No.76846534

I need to find whatever copium Nijisisters are on. It's the most potent I've seen outside of politics

>> No.76846592

Even with lower numbers, he still gets some high SC numbers. Like, sisters there's no way there isn't something better to spend your money with.. such a waste

>> No.76846723


>> No.76846788

In my personal opinion, this isn't a form of declining
He could just fucking ask for more viewers, that's all.

>> No.76846934

didnt he do a collab with some runescape youtuber?

>> No.76846990

ack-yu is busy finding ways to monetize her suicide

>> No.76847040

I'll place a hex on him just for you, honey.

>> No.76847104

So true sister!

>> No.76847218

Ollie design is amazing, it's just that you're turned off by zombie skin and that's okay

>> No.76847225


>> No.76847281


>> No.76847325

i don't get it

>> No.76847350

His next move is obviously to double down and get ANOTHER new model even more naked and hideously muscular than the current one.

>> No.76847499

His content shortly after debut can be categorized as brotuber content, but it all changed when chink fujos started following him.

>> No.76847517

more like hideously manured

>> No.76847574

it's okay anon if she botches her suicide i'll be sure to get some services from her ;)

>> No.76847582

Based Kiki.

>> No.76847709

He's a nonce

>> No.76847924

its cool to know you dont watch his streams, and thinks vox and yuko treats their fanbases the same. when is yuko going to apologize to boobros ? vox already did an apology stream to kindreds last december. shes graduating in two more days, time is running out.

>> No.76847951

roru no you won't
First you'd try to negotiate the price, from a million bucks to 950k, and then to 900k and so on until you find yourself fellating a hobo in some dark alley for 5 bucks.

>> No.76848154
File: 3.89 MB, 1920x1080, ollielicksyourballs[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fxdbtvt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76848223

>Theres no favoritism in niji
do you think he’ll no longer be nijis favorite after his decline in numbers?

>> No.76848261

Based sis

>> No.76848293

practically, content made for everyone is content made for nobody

>> No.76848397

I've never heard of this yuko. But this is the second time I've seen them brought up comparing them to others. Qrd?

>> No.76848546

Never, brotuber fags are delusional and imagined things he never said. Dude said in his second stream right after debut that he wanted to do asmr.

>> No.76848575

Imagine Finana, but worse.
She's graduating and people STILL hate her and will likely seethe at her for months.

>> No.76848741

>Let's be honest, no one would... There wouldn't 5.5k people here, there might be 3k. A big part of content creation is sacrificing your common sense to reach a higher level of success.
Funny to think 3k = no one for him less than a year ago

>> No.76848753

>Feesh but worse
Discord groomed in to career suicide. Weird that this has happen twice now

>> No.76848760

Kinda don't get why he didn't just ride it out and have fun. I get being in these companies gives you brain rot about numbers, but the way around that is to try out new content that matches with whatever you want to do creatively. There's plenty who start doing shorts or big collab ideas to liven their content up. Which if it fails doesn't exactly matter cause 1k+ is already top 1% of streamers.

>> No.76848797

A suicide botcher killed your entire company so I'm not sure why would you ask for another one.

>> No.76848876

>proceeds to decline even FUTHER, literally below Ike "Water Bottle" Eveland now

>> No.76849902
File: 424 KB, 1200x600, voxvsike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last time i checked, 178k is higher numbers than 145k. but go you i suppose, no wonder you aced your maths test.

>> No.76850063

>niji vs niji

>> No.76851441
File: 467 KB, 974x787, PomuVox worm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If part of the reason why he stopped doing his coombaiting ASMRs is because they kept getting demonetized, I believe I'm the main culprit on that~ I got like 6 conformations from Jewtube that his VODs got demonetized.

>> No.76851521

wow, not even 100k views on a single vod, Vox in shambles

>> No.76851735

He doesn’t, he thought he could keep his audience being seiso-leaning. Then retards turned a psycho bitch throwing a tantrum for clear profit into chuuba Joan of Arc and he completely fumbled his damage control.

>> No.76851744

Its not. He stopped doing them because a normie youtuber shat on him and vtubing culture, and he was ashamed of it, so he stopped doing it

>> No.76851910

Lovebombing with ASMR/GFE and then just quitting, claiming you never liked it and fans are bad people for liking it.

>> No.76852229
File: 451 KB, 626x1035, hskwvods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true vox anti. and niji jp livers with 1m subs are so amazing and do better than vox on their solo streams right ?

>> No.76852317

People wonder why Gura stopped talking about her problems, even in membership. Took a while, but Gura learned that no news is best news. Don't feed the antis.

But Vox has dropped to the point where sympathy begging looks like a viable option. From an organization that constantly reminds their livers about their numbers, the pressure causes desperation. Just like the company itself, always looking for quick answers instead slowly rebuilding.

>> No.76852772

damn, ollie is sexxo

>> No.76853088

Which is stupid IMO because people like that don't watch vtubers. Its like you stop watching anime because normies shit on it(and that happened alot back in the day and still do) and anime is still going strong.

>> No.76853306

>niji vs niji
vox is so in the shitter sisters have to attack their own livers KEK

>> No.76853393
File: 395 KB, 1200x600, loveyoutoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he stopped because some weirdo made him do it.
so true anon, im sure your words are more trustworthy than the content creator himself.

>> No.76853559

You'd think he'd learn from the Gucci belt incident. Maybe he's got Bojack Horseman syndrome, in which he deliberately does actions that spikes his anxiety and stress so he can feel something.

>> No.76853840

>nijiENnigs are so desperate they shit on JP branch just for some semblance of victory
damn /jp/ nijinigs are faggots but at least they did the right thing via gatekeeping you sisters

>> No.76854113

think you still forgot something important
>black screen stream

>> No.76854178

>>let me hit you guys with a really scary fact: I don't watch vtubers. For me as a normie, sometimes I don't really get the appeal of Vtubing. It's a niche interest but the issue is that the niche is shrinking.
holy kek, with a retard like this as your top dog no wonder nijiEN is doomed
fuck chinkoid fujos for ever giving him the time of day

>> No.76854266

It is scientifically proven that copium(in small amount) can help a person with a mental health problem. But inhaling this much copium. Anon, it will kill you.

>> No.76854376

selen has more self respect not to sell her body, unlike that slut Sayu. I'll be sure not to go too hard on her

>> No.76855235

You need to find buyers who are interested in your body before being able to sell your body

>> No.76855326

Selen won't sell her body but she will make money off her suicide attempts

>> No.76855361

Seethe nijichinktranny

>> No.76856353

esl bros learn to read. Maybe that's why you're okay with sayu selling her body you're too stupid to comprehend what it means.

>> No.76856838

Did everyone seriously memoryhole his recent menhera arc? I’ve never watched the guy and even I remember that.
He switched to doing RP like 100% of the time or something and it made what little of his audience was left really pissed to the point it was all over his comments section, because the dude wouldn’t put up any sign that he was doing it. As in, he would start talking about fictional events as if they happened, and it was bothersome to listeners who just wanted to relax and watch his streams but didn’t know whether to be prepared for him to suddenly start talking about his schizo shit, like he was blending it into usual streams. Basically the dude was trying to (is he still?) pull off a Haachama arc but even she didn’t sustain that forever, he also doesn’t know how to pull off cues like she did because he’s shit at it
He then added insult to injury by treating the words of fans who were politely telling him about this as if they were crazy gachikoi, even though it seemed to me like normal criticism

>> No.76856873

Ike was actually blackmailed for reals, not just the shitty "oh nyo financial insecurity" plebbitors pretend is a good enough reason to do that shit. As part of his contract terms he was forced to hand over all details re; his ongoing lawsuit against his ex. I don't know whether it's the managers or the clique who were threatening to air that dirty laundry and have him ejected out of the company as a sexpest if he didn't comply. Doesn't really matter which.

>> No.76857009

You mean Vox and Luca with their R18 ASMRs, right?

>> No.76857208


>> No.76857954

My rrat is that it was designed ugly on purpose to spite Nijisanji, a Springtime for Hitler for moment except that it failed as intended.

>> No.76858222

>took the male dicksucking shock jokes as fujobait
nah, he and mysta intended the fujobait, and they got exactly what they wanted. thing is, the underestimated how deranged those types of fans could be. mysta back-pedaled as quickly as he could, even to the extent to explicitly discouraging fan works depicting him that way, but vox leaned in. so he only has himself to blame.

>> No.76858284

Since he's a male, he's much more likely to succeed in any real attempt. But since he's already been pity-farming on muh mental struggles, a pity-bait fake suicide isn't out of the question

>> No.76858351

Selen won't sell her body.
But she will kill it for free.

>> No.76858497

fucking kek
The thing is, I can't tell whether this viewer approves of the design or not.

>> No.76859512

LOL this nijinigger lost her mind
bullshitting doesn't make it real
cope more nijinigger.

>> No.76859759

Why is he freaking out so much? The guy should have made bank by this point. He should relax and go read some actual feedback instead of reeing on the Internet. I swear, 2 view chuubas who are near broke don't whine a much as him.

>> No.76859944

This. If Mysta could afford to buy his mom a house in the UK, what the fuck was Vox doing with his money? He definitely made more than Mysta considering how hard he pandered to the fujos

>> No.76860342

>no wavemate slander for selen, unlike zaion
so petra and rosemi actually have backbones and chose to do shit they didn't actually agree with. doppio didn't do one against zaion either, which is probably why they got finana to do one, in his place. what I wanna know is how they convinced those who participated in the post-termination slander. what benefit was dangled before them?

>> No.76860448

Honestly part of me is starting to think that's the case cause god everything surrounding him just makes me so confused. Like weren't he and Selen often collabed Sure Vox also collabed with her often, and he's absolutely a fucking snake but he at least had that recording that gave him a motive to join. He isn't Hanamori to my knowledge. If the rrat about Luca also being a manager there is real and taking the Raziel doc in account, that makes it even more confusing since he apparently hates the fucker (granted Luca seems to have no affiliation with anyone atm). So what the fuck gives Ike?

>> No.76860461

>he's doing better now

>> No.76860534

I would have said more merch drop inclusions, but I don't think Ver and Meloco have been involved that much?

>> No.76860816

there's a stream early on where he alluded to it, said something like, the direction he found himself in (asmr) wasn't the original plan, but he's sticking to it because he likes it. cant be bothered to look it up though, it's buried under a lot of kissy sounds and gfe pandering iirc

>> No.76861089
File: 852 KB, 716x1012, deronohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niji jp livers are doing sooo much better than king voxxy right ? oh deary me, 10k vod views, and this is an old guard btw.

>> No.76863481

he's probably already pissed it all off, with his current lifestyle

>> No.76863598

kek afaik doppio has had more merch than those two, which is really ironic.

>> No.76863736

So he got to live like a real-life host. In 20 years it'll be an entertaining story for the passengers in his tuk-tuk.

>> No.76863779

>If Mysta could afford
That's the thing, he couldn't

>> No.76864024

>the rrat about Luca also being a manager there is real and taking the Raziel doc in account
you can't have both, he's not a manager he's an inept flip retard fresh out of high school.GURRAT proposed elira as a manager because she spoke japanese and he can't do that either

>> No.76864571

The only thing Luca has going for him in terms of secret manager stuff is there is one staff-san who was promoted to a board exec "thanks to Luca". (Actually all the work he was getting thanked for was secretly done by Raziel)
This exec seems to think he owes Luca his entire career, as he thought he was going to lose his job until he tripled down on bullshitting that luxiem was going to go fucking huge, and he believes it was Luca that bailed him out by actually pulling it off.

>> No.76867921

the "talent-is-manager" rrat only makes sense if you look at it from an idol group perspective, and yes, this applies even to luca's situation. in idol groups, at least one person is dubbed as "the leader", and that person's in charge of being the go-between with management. they dont necessarily have to be the highest earner / most popular member / actually competent at managing people, but they do have to have management's trust and confidence. considering elira's nepohires in this set-up, you probably have the following "group leaders":

lazulight - elira
obsydia - petra, or it could also be elira managing both lazulight+obsydia
ethyria - millie
luxiem - according to luca, it's him, but it could also be shu. vox most likely was given more authority after his channel growth surpassed his genmates
noctyx - im inclined to think it's fulgur desu, but it could also be alban
iluna - ren
xsoleil - kotoka
krisis - wilson
ttt - claude

and yes, we know they have managers, but with how understaffed niji is, it's not impossible that certain tasks are delegated to these group leaders. it would also explain why certain members like elira+millie+vox felt like they had the authority / right to chastise selen for her twitter posts allegedly maligning the company, when in a regular corpo in a non-idol setting, that would've been none of their business.

>> No.76868173

That's because he's a whoretuber but can't accept that he whores himself out to SEA for money so he tries to pretend he has content other than being a manwhore but everything he tries outside of sex work fails

>> No.76869203

He's a walking, talking analogy of MLPFIM S1E14

>> No.76869374

No one deserves to become a shitter more than him

>> No.76869468

Wait a minute. Didn't that debacle with his ex happen in his PL ?.

[Spoiler]Or are you implying he was the one who had the "Messy Breakup" Raziel claimed on her docs ? The only reason Niji maneagers should have accsess to a private case like this is if it involves the company directly[/Spoiler]

Or maybe you're talking abou that reddit post where someone claimed he was banging girls who wanted to get into nijisanji ?

>> No.76869951

The messy breakup was between the livers.

>> No.76870264

That's what i'm trying to understand, i thought OP was implying he dated some Nijigirl, broke up with this girl, one of the parties sued each other, and because both of them were coworkers NijiEN got permission to access the documents pertaining to the case.

>> No.76870709

>Or maybe you're talking abou that reddit post where someone claimed he was banging girls who wanted to get into nijisanji ?
That one. Initially she was planning on going public out of desperation when she made that post, as lawyers had advised her a case wouldn't be winnable and she couldn't accept him getting away with it. She ended up taking my advice and getting a second opinion on the specific point that Ike had shared her nudes with the other sex pests at nijiEN, since if she somehow knows that, it should be provable. She responded back that she was going ahead with a revenge porn case and basically said she's dropping the whole going public with allegations and would rather it remain quiet to not damage the case, and deleted all the posts/account.
>The only reason Niji maneagers should have accsess to a private case like this is if it involves the company directly
The reddit post person claims to have contacted Niji management about Ike's behaviour as one of the first things she did. So it does involve the company directly.

>> No.76871400

the problem with being a whore is that no one is there for your personality. He made the mistake that people liked him as a person and not that fujos got off to rape asmr.

>> No.76872126

Man it is a talent to make shit up as you go and be so natural at it as if calling a memory the past. Unreal

>> No.76872260

Rape ASMR wasn't his only content even during the period when he was making it, you daft puritan chud.

Had he not been one of the pieces of shit who did the black screen stream (and likely been one behind the scenes) he could have easily pivoted back to being a brotuber.

>> No.76872280

No dude the niji relationships in the leak have nothing to do with ike. Raziel said they were two couples. One split up amicably and the other had a somewhat messy breakup. That's all. Ike situation is completely different. The guy was blackmailed or some shit.

>> No.76872294

I thought that Reddit post being deleted meant that was someone larping. I did not know that it was deleted because the person accusing Ike was gonna make a case.

If that's real then holy fuck he is 100% stuck with Nijisanji now. Serves him right for being a sexpest.

>> No.76872480


>> No.76872504

Yeah i got some stuff mixed up. For a while i thought OP was leaking some shit in the middle of a random Vox thread but he was just rrating based on stuff that happened on the Niji reddit while the Sren shokku was in full effect.

>> No.76872763

When people were dogpiling on sayu, they called her a pedophile and rape supporter extrapolating from irl stuff and taking it way too far simply because they wanted to have a reason to hate her. People are doing the same thing with the black stream folks. Like, hate them for what they did, but don't go around making shit up and act all worldly and wise about it.

>> No.76872808

What were they THINKING? Especially that beard, it makes it look so much worse.

>> No.76872830

Faggots like you are why the rotten cancer of EN just needs to be cut out and disposed of.

>> No.76872996

> Elira having intense period pains

I can help her with that, 9 months no period ez.

>> No.76873021

The dude who told multiple lies point blank in that black screen video? Yeah.

>> No.76873200

Vox is a little kid that unironically thinks that makes him look cool and manly and not like a little kid scribbling all over his chin with a magic marker

>> No.76873299

riku knows whats best for business, and that is by getting rid of the underperformers like vivi, aster, scarle, aia, rosemi, reimu and kunai. all to supplement noctyx and luxiem getting merged into the main branch.

>> No.76873583

Good thing the black stream folks have Nijisanji staff to support them right? Aren't they part of the favored class? So they probably get that perk unlike Sayu

>> No.76873588

Thank you. My cited sources are obviously what had been revealed to me in a dream. You're welcome to believe/dismiss as you see fit. It'd be a real dick move to her to make this any more believable than "some schizo claims with no proof they spoke with someone who is probably also a larper"
Mostly just putting this here so if the case ever comes out 2+ years later we can have everyone screaming "all rrats are real"

>> No.76876186


>> No.76876582
File: 132 KB, 646x483, 1712964754657082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called #fag anxiety

>> No.76877436
File: 1.01 MB, 3247x4598, lownumbersjustdoasmrlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its fine if a girl runs off to do coomer asmrs, if her numbers drops soo bad :3

>> No.76877557

This but unironically

>> No.76877667


>> No.76879180
File: 68 KB, 718x347, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76879263
File: 51 KB, 836x350, 3289576924756892569248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interestingly, a moderator of the Nijisanji subreddit (who are all actual Niji staff members btw) specifically went out of their way to delete her follow-up post confirming her plans to seek legal action. Note that during this time, the Nijisanji subreddit was practically abandoned and Kurosanji memes and shitposts had been plastered all over their front page for weeks without any mod intervention.

So it was curious that despite outright ignoring all the other shit flooding their reddit up until this point, Nijisanji staff specifically wanted this post taken down.

>> No.76879906

Haachama was doing coomer shit well before any kind of number drop retard.

>> No.76879927

fuck off! don't use my wife as a bait! she never mentioned her #

>> No.76879993

Is that real? What the fuck did they do to his model

>> No.76880894

Hmmm. Are you mentioning Haachama because you got triggered by >>76856838 ? I wonder why.

>> No.76881161
File: 150 KB, 1500x1000, 20240528_220153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even manlets who never bring up their insecurity do things like this
I completely forgot about his artsy phase because his height and number complex are funnier to me

>> No.76881536

>you could call him a male Yuko,
pretty sure he kept doing ASMR after that tweet but not porno shit

>> No.76882474
File: 541 KB, 2880x2880, pqqi689oh8wc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76885908

Then why a lot of people traumadump to the whores that they buy?

>> No.76886016

I've said it once and I will say it again. SEAniggers are a blight on everything they touch.

>> No.76886830

Such is the life of a white monkey, not even LeBron THE brown monkey can resist the bugcoins.

>> No.76886969

What's even more hilarious is his failing attempt at content shifting, deleting his rape ASMRs under the pretense of fear of getting banned. Of course, the remaining chink sisters didn't buy it.

>> No.76887191

The nijinigger fears the indochad

>> No.76887339

He made himself really obvious in this article lmao.

>> No.76887480

This guy is a britbong.

>> No.76887486
File: 1.25 MB, 1080x1080, 1700217329486905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's never been concrete proof or evidence
Aside from the fact that Elira made Niji a Hanamori 2.0? You even have this retard that indirectly shittalked his NijiJP senpais.

>> No.76887554

That new model looked like LAM just gave up and shit that out in a day.

>> No.76888808

he's unironically that insecure

>> No.76890046

Still remember that bit were he won that valorant match. How much things have changed in whats really a very little time.

>> No.76890411

I'm just realizing that he even fucked up the yokai/oni thing he had going on for a more traditional western demon with that 3rd model. Motherfucker is stupid stupid.

>> No.76890478

I still can't believe he smeared cow shit on his face and called it a beard

>> No.76891031

So I guess you also believe that wasn't form of harassment?

>> No.76892045

Instant explosive popularity can fuck people up. Losing it can make it even worse. Some people can handle it, others can't. As much as I dislike Vox, I can at least somewhat sympathise with him on a very small level, as one person to another. He's still a piece of shit, though.

>> No.76894248


>> No.76894316

the funny thing is, this model came out almost at the same time as fungus' new one, which LAM also designed, and it has a similar-looking pube-beard. idk if LAM just ctrlcv or was high, but it really didn't look like something he'd be proud of

>> No.76897030

I get the feeling that lam has never seen a proper beard before and is only giving them one because they insist on it

>> No.76897678

Stress can make you lose the baby tho

>> No.76899801

manly men have beards after all and they are totally manly men

>> No.76900519

>Success breeds jealousy
what success
