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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76816176 No.76816176 [Reply] [Original]

>flopping below literallywho

>> No.76816196

its not a literal who it is the best EU vtuber

>> No.76816250

Nijishitstains need to be fucking slaughtered
fucking 3view during debut/honeymoon buff, christ
these losers are gonna make Aia and Aster look good soon

>> No.76816286

Don't use my wife for your catalog bait.

>> No.76816334

so many people are doxaluding with this pixellink girl but I have no idea who she is.

>> No.76816385

Is pixel any good? I'm genuinely curious because I'm very wary of small corpo chuubas right now because of all their baggage and yabs.

>> No.76816437

>new nijiEN is getting bodied in ccv by a NEW PIXELLINK
man nijiEN management ought to just resign out of shame. imagine having the backing of a billion dollar company, the original one to make corporate livestreaming vtubers as we know them a thing - and still fucking up this bad. it's scandalous. turns out that in an industry that relies on people liking the talents and liking the company for business, when people don't like the talents and don't like the company, they will collapse no matter who they are.

>> No.76816522

pixel is holostars territory like phase

>> No.76816622

the only one that had any baggage and yabs got ejected from the company

>> No.76816648


>> No.76816856

The only one that had an Holostar collabs already left, Lottie was in a collab with Ollie once though

>> No.76816987
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just gave a view to ryoma, vod gang has his back.

>> No.76817002

>Nijifaggot getting mogged by a literal who
Holy grim KEK

>> No.76817043

Was going to give pixellink a watch but this numberfaggotry turned me off.

>> No.76817075

>small corpos inclining
>PixelLink thriving
you love to see it

>> No.76817262

I know there are a lot of candidates for NijiEN's worst name, but for me its Barrenwort. It sounds lame and disgusting, as if he's got diseased balls. It's a name you'd give an ugly bastard or monster character who goes on a raping spree.

>> No.76817320

Kanna definitely is.
She's just a hag that loves anime and games and wants to make her fans happy.

>> No.76817352

Is Kanna the first pixel 4view chuuba? She's likely smashing all expectations now.

>> No.76817395

Before the new debuts the only pixel girl I had ever watched was Lottie and she's very, very cute.

>> No.76817426

Kanna's PL was pretty strong on the rise.

>> No.76817475

>Letting actual subhumans on /vt/ dictate what he does

>> No.76817502

I feel like pixel and v4mirai are heavily benefitting from Idol dropping the ball since the start of the year

>> No.76817511

>Numberfags attempt to prop up random
>Already failed
Glad to see numberfags be consistently BTFO'D

>> No.76817523

This model suits her much better honestly.

>> No.76817524

Not in Hololive so no one gives a fuck and she's a literally who by definition.

>> No.76817530

Their Gen 1 was extremely cute and Gen 2 seems even better.

>> No.76817539

Based Kanna

>> No.76817572

Kanna won.

>> No.76817628

>Not in Hololive
Why would a japanese and america focused company be relevant in discussions about the best EU vtuber? Hololive doesnt have an european audience, just ask the numbermonkeys in /#/
>what about kiara
starts her streams when literally everyone in europe is at work so she is not for europeans

>> No.76817659

>orange woman seeth out of nowhere
ah, it's one of those threads.

>> No.76817743

underated small corpo.

>> No.76818192

Pixel is the corpo of cute, comfy girls with a general full of Goslings who suffer all day long knowing they'll never be good enough for someone like their oshi.
This differs, for example, from the v4mirai Goslings who just spam their general crying about how much they love and coom for their girls.

>> No.76818354

>Hololive mama
>Hololive fan
>more successful than Niji
it's that easy ?

>> No.76818368
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It's ok to have bad taste

>> No.76818402

God such a perfect model, I dislike her new face, it kinda stares at you like she is annoyed or angry

>> No.76818435

They said it suits her better not that the model is better

>> No.76818525

Like that other anon said I never said I didn't like her old model just that this one fits her personality and mannerisms better.

>> No.76818567

I understood you perfectly and I stand by it, Erika suited her better than kanna ever will

>> No.76818603

>pixel is holostars territory
I feel like this is an insult rather than a praise

>> No.76818613

I don't like PixelLink drawing more attention to themselves, larger chats means less comfy streams

>> No.76818621

>5 hour stream
>1000 ccv in op
>not even 10k views
Oh so she was raided the time of the pic

>> No.76818653

While I will miss the literal Incarnation of sex. Duck a cute.

>> No.76818748

Yep, she was. I think she was hanging around 800 for most of that stream otherwise

>> No.76818762

Still better than Niji lol

>> No.76818823

Her vod view would be much higher
9k for a 5 hour stream indicates sub 500 for most

>> No.76818910

I'm only supporting because my EU Indie Oshi supports her.
Otherwise, I could give less of a shit stained fuck about her.

>> No.76818919

No they're right I was watching it at the time it was a little below 800 though

>> No.76818996

Vod views following a stream don’t lie. Sorry pixellbro.

>> No.76819046

I was literally watching her at the time but whatever

>> No.76819108

Same, it was pretty consistent. That said I do think some shenanigans are occurring.

>> No.76819117

800 for a 5 hour stream should have vod views pushing 15-20k
She is not even close.

>> No.76819120

you have no proof while hololyzer shows Ryoma with 1K

>> No.76819222

Not from /#/ so no idea how to do those graphs.

>> No.76819268
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>NDF picking fight with PixelLink of all corpos now

>> No.76819303

Wortboy just has a bigger turnover rate for viewers while hers stay for the entire stream. Either that or he streams at a bad slot where a bigger chunk of his viewers can't catch him live compared to her.
Could also be bots on either of their parts but unless we get graphs that's just arguing in bad faith so I won't even go there

>> No.76819323

Vod views just shows how much churn there was and guess what a newly redebuted and beloved talent doesnt have that much churn
And yes the streams was in the 800s for the most of the stream, it hovered around 1k after the raid for a while and the lowest it got was the post game zatsu which was around 700

>> No.76819351

No point in trying they'll just say you're lying

>> No.76819411

I watch girls who get 800-1200 but sometimes only stream 90 minutes and their views on the stream the next day are about 9k-10k That is only 90 minutes.

>> No.76819483
File: 1.67 MB, 227x352, monokrill[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fb1tz0x.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who just spam their general crying about how much they love and coom for their girls

>> No.76819611

>stream for less time
>more ppl have to see the vod because they missed it
How hard is it to comprehend this?

Yes the niji has a bigger fanbase than her, that much should be obvious and desu expected, but hers turns up to and stays for her streams while a bigger chunk of his, for one reason or other, catches the vod

>> No.76819745

She got raided half a dozen times during the 5 hours

>> No.76819766

Qua about it bitch.

>> No.76819898

Conglatulations to niji for making 5$

>> No.76819902
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You'll never get what we did

>> No.76820287

Panko is better

>> No.76820344

Panko is not even a top 3 eu tuber in her own company.

>> No.76820482

Wait, Kanna is Erika?
Might have to give her a look then.

>> No.76820521

Panko has a cute manko

>> No.76820653

Is she any good? saw an ad here b4, but haven't checked her out yet.

>> No.76820728

Congratulations on waking up from your coma, anon
If you want a taste, her PL is Erika Byakko

>> No.76820750

No. She's boring as shit.

>> No.76820769

You like her only because of her name (or rather words it rhymes with)

>> No.76820790

She's live in a few hours, just check her out yourself:

>> No.76820809

Lmao, she's not even dutch.

>> No.76820863

What the hell, seen a lot of post about Erika being on EN4, guess not huh.

>> No.76820891

EN4 is two years away.

>> No.76820985

will do.

>> No.76821511

Pxl was always the most obvious because the auditions were open when the VRe shit went down and because Chiaki is a fucking stealing whore, but EN4 was the chizo(my) dream because out of all the small corpos she probably deserves a spot the most
Alas, the 3rd member of grindstone got stolen by a lesbian

>> No.76822093

if it is 2 years away, why would being in the shanty town of pixellink prevent her from being in EN4?
anybody in phase connect would quit tomorrow on the spot if it meant being in hololive.

>> No.76822523

At the time we assumed EN4 was late summer/early autumn this year. Do note that we found out about her grad in like december

>> No.76822551


>> No.76823047

>oh that's quite a difference, i wonder wha-
>oh not news, gotcha

>> No.76823052

Anyone else find it kind of suspicous how she hasnt once ever used her native tongue on streams, not even a word?
also as if she isnt really italian and trying to hide her nationality

>> No.76823099

you gotta love how Muyu came in and made Panko obsolete and irrelevant.

>> No.76823150

being male is a literal buff in manjisanji

>> No.76823257

Why do you still give any of these whores a chance they are all the same or will end up the same

>> No.76823383

I'm sorry for your loss boobro.

>> No.76823475

Ohh. I've watched a stream or two from this girl before. No wonder she doesn't show on my feed anymore.

>> No.76823560

Nova join Pixel Link and bring Vivi

>> No.76823601

>making bait threads with Kanna
She's the sweetest yuro (almost) hag gamer you can find, don't use her for this shit

>> No.76823808

this is their competition now.

>> No.76824214

You haven't once watched a second of her stream, schizo

>> No.76824376

Nova is like one of the few small corpos I watch because I love Yugioh and she's not a brainlet like Rosemi.

>> No.76825241

Pixel is great they deserve success.

>> No.76825506

So new wave with debut buff are already sub 1k shitters HAHAHAHA "negligible impact" btw

>> No.76825893

That doesn't contradict his statement.

>> No.76826160

Thought that was Ollie's voice for a second.

>> No.76826411

Again, you haven't watched a single second or you'd not be deadnaming her like that

>> No.76826812

What the fuck are you talking about
Nova hasn't graduated yet, and I'm actually all for her graduating.

>> No.76827301

Why are pixellink fans letting numberfags speak for them?
Why are numberthreads allowed outside of /#/?

>> No.76827323

>Shylily has entered the chat
Womp womp mf!

>> No.76827348

You mean Panko?

>> No.76827382


>> No.76827398

>Ryona Barrenwomb

>> No.76827416

damn she looks cute as hell

>> No.76827799

Jesus christ you are dense.
Nobody that at all watches her calls her nova, always was, is and always will be Bestie.

>> No.76827860
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She was

>> No.76827975

>starts her streams when literally everyone in europe is at work so she is not for europeans
yurops do work during work hours?
you should be come enlightened and watch vtubers during work hours, like everyone else in the world. why work hard? just to make your boss more money?

>> No.76828383

why are you absolute retards posting in a bait thread. go back to your fucking generals and let this shit go to page 11 where it belongs
are you fucking dumb? niji bait? really?
jesus christ

>> No.76828561

What if Rinmouto says Lia has a brown hole

>> No.76828732

Ah the sweet taste of nijiseethe

>> No.76828853

But this is the thread I want to post in and the topic I want to post about, all to show my smol corpo chuuba's superiority over NijiEN's, the alleged #2 EN corpo, new recruits

>> No.76829277

>whiter than the model
