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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76790008 No.76790008 [Reply] [Original]

errybody in the club gettin twisty

>> No.76795586


>> No.76798877


>> No.76799178

This girl straight up doesn't know how to stream

Watching her live right now, she's struggling with every last part of it

>> No.76799267

already a 3view

>> No.76799293
File: 11 KB, 373x130, twst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>willingly becoming a nijislave for 2 years

>> No.76799342

I'm starting to think she's a brand new streamer, so this might actually be an upgrade for her

>> No.76800075
File: 309 KB, 885x405, Screenshot 2024-05-27 233617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this one is Aster's huh?

Guess Klara is Luca's

>> No.76801385

Yeah, he was saying similar stuff in her debut chat too.

>> No.76801676

Since the new outfit buff didn't work out, he has to leech off his kouhais' debut buff?
Also poor Klara having to deal with the sexpest.

>> No.76801713

what did she do? not giving a niji a view

>> No.76801782

cuck's brain

>> No.76801817

She doesn't know how to use OBS or save her bitrate. Stream looks like a collage due to all the artifacting

>> No.76802034

not surprised, niji probably can't even tap into the pool of people who know how to stream properly at this point and have to pick up anyone they can get

>> No.76802144

Might be the only type of people they can get at this point

>> No.76802226


>> No.76804512

le sigh

>> No.76804730

Grifter whore

>> No.76804775

*sigh* Don't disappoint me this time

>> No.76804785

Why do indies overdesign their models like this

>> No.76805779


>> No.76806201
File: 478 KB, 476x461, JoxcDGCsw0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was curious enough to check out her Mortuary stream.

Woof, you weren't kidding, this kid is green as fuck. Just mumbling to herself, barely projecting her voice or personality. Reminds me of the 1views on twitch getting their feet wet with streaming reps.

In a way, it's cute, but definitely isn't a strong showing, many people will drop her quickly.

>> No.76806364

Wasn't this supposed to be the acting wave or something like that?

>> No.76806718

Sounds like dodging the vta wasn't such a good idea after all...

>> No.76810174

Nah there was an application call before that one, I assume they’re that wave.

But she isn’t Japanese and can’t speak Japanese???

>> No.76810281

She would've been better off as an indie and shilling herself here as a Yuko replacement. Her loli gfe content is doomed under nijiEN.

>> No.76810443

But how does something like that even happen?
There's no way that they're literally taking anyone who's willing to sign up, no questions asked, right?

That's exactly what they're doing, isn't it?

>> No.76810635

Whoever they picked is definitely not prepared for the shit that they got into.

>> No.76810675

It's no surprise that NijiEN's hiring pool dried up.

>> No.76811092

It's a purely disposable generation to test the waters. Super generic male, an inexperienced offbrand gura/rushia and then Klara who is probably the pseudo-manager of the group given her higher qualifications than the rest. If this group folds then Niji probably won't invest much more into newer EN generations but if they hold on by the skin of their teeth, they might think there's hope for the next generation.

>> No.76811250

twisty is 11 years old, quit using a child for your bait threads

>> No.76812494
File: 164 KB, 1051x1051, pomuwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't that mean she's the perfect bait then?

>> No.76812870

I feel kinda bad for her. It's the most extreme end of how predatory talent agencies get, sucking in young inexperienced people and using them up as disposable trash before casting them aside broken and depleted.
It's what they've done to everyone who's left them but this girl being so green and young makes it especially grotty.

>> No.76813306

>But how does something like that even happen?
Nobody wants to apply to Niji and everyone is pulling out, knowing that Niji has no power to stop them even if they signed contracts. Alternatively like >>76811092 said it's a group intentionally made to kill off the EN brand entirely, since I don't agree with the second half of his post that there's even the most remote amount of hope of them scraping by.

>> No.76813589

Didnt Korone straight up botch her debut stream so badly she had to call her genmates on stream to fix it, should have tried joining holo instead might actually get saved in that case.

>> No.76813645
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>twisty is 11 years old
I now have my attention, go on.

>> No.76813676

I'll grab the copypasta

>Hoo boy, I keep hearing absolute horror stories about Korone's debut. It's actually insane how far she's come from that horrible, horrible stream. Talk about an idol journey.

>had no idea how to stream
>weird music was playing superloud
>stream overlay was broken
>no prep she had nothing to talk about
>showed her manager’s discord message having a meltdown on stream
>was pissing off the listeners
>korone was acting like its fine and didnt care
>couldnt even use her avatar right
>called okayu before okayu even debutted on stream
>okayu started panicing almost crying asking fubuki for help
>fubuki and mio barged on stream legit telling off korone she cant show discord messages on stream
>korone laughed it off thinking it was banter and didnt take em seriously
>stream kept breaking coz korone didnt know how to setup obs and shit
>impromtu collab during her debut with fubuki and mio to just skip the debut and play splatoon to save the stream

>> No.76813811

Friend(and Mio in this case) saving the day as always. That stream where Friend had to cover for Shion and Marine is still legendary.

>> No.76814025
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It's crazy how despite the constant melting down and imploding of loli streamers under the weight of their obese pedophile fanbases corpos still hire them
I guess they still make some money for the company from the slimy sobbing subhumans before they perish.

>> No.76814441

With how people talk of her(haven't watched her myself), do anons think she would have had better numbers/success if she debuted in any other corpo? As she is now.

>> No.76815935


>> No.76816044

She's boring. And she works for Kurosanji. No reason to support her, even if you're a hard-core sister.

>> No.76816552

Her ASMR was decent so I assume she has experience with that but not game streams. I think they look at sub count a lot when hiring (unless you work your way into Hanamori in which case you're pretty much guaranteed regardless) which is how Aster got in (he had a lot of deadsubs from posting clips from his VR chat strip club that he nuked to pivot into being a mediocre face cam game streamer, Anycolor just saw the sub count and thought he was good)

>> No.76819025

>in NijiEN

>> No.76823549


>> No.76823875

I remember Korone talking about her debut and how Hololive changed to have a proper training program to prepare the girls.
If she just nervous and is anyone trying to help her out?

>> No.76825532
File: 171 KB, 463x453, 1701137391083837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talked about how Salo was just kind of weird and not actually scary or anything
>Hasn't seen A Serbian Film but wants to do watchalongs
>pretty much only watches gore slop and Saw X is her favorite movie
